| 2.M.SCHAEFER ‘MARRIAGE LICENSES { STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO ake “Ht Shines Hor All.” Sun. WILLIAM K. LOTH ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher 01 Where they will earn for you the highest current rate of interest. bors—Wellesley Maple, I $1.00 Opens a Savings Account tg (No delay in Withdrawal) ys dipned out ae “Dhis you will wags obtain at Geo. Roe’s dairy. n “Lord Kitchener has been appointed addctin raat ats ‘a bart place? All Lamp oe Lantern Chimneys 5e. ae hee ae nt 2 stylish photo call at Holickrount 's Fei a3 on June i ought and sold. Drafts, Money Orders and Sterling Exchange boug! Nediauartee it Milverton Branch : It contains 0 enti or o1 C. G. WALKER, Manager. Linwood Branch: . L. ZEIGLER, Manager. pacer arian As a quick cure y. all dealers, chief of the pea arenrest forces with cotics and can be er with imple joughs and colds i ‘which Bhikieen. ae susceptible. it is unsurpassed. Sold n Weanecty. He Sat- Engeland & Son, tore open dee evenings. he Federal Parliament was -pi is Never pee abot giving Cham- 1 on Wedn esd it last, Week, Branches also at Elmira and Guelph. havic tne Cob, eae children, Fogbes Gee nls af sgeeaeess The funeral of the ward will take place on Friday. May 20th. Lee Bxolhe Sale starts this ‘h’s and continues for : : : rrr rir rirtt ? FRIDAY and SATURDAY ¢: We sold more clothing than we have sold for a long time. w SPST STS STS T Test ss { -—— WHAT IS THE REASON ? —— ee ae aoa It was the low prices that sold them. _ a We Have Decided to Give the @ Bargains Again aturday in Clothing ext Pritt: Ss) pe ee Extra Specials for This Week Only Ribbons Toadies! and Children’s Underwear Biggest bargain ever offered in Milverton, 300 yards of Taffeta Ribbon all colors. Regular 15 and 18c, special toc Per Yard + Our stock of ladies’ and children’s Summer Underwear is now complete. Prices which will suit any woman's purse. . cadena Sa aN Lawn Waists orsets SE EEEEEIEEEEEEEe ' We still have a few of those pretty Lawn Waists, which are being sold at such a reduction. Call in and take your choice as it will be impossible to replace them at prices now offered, Owing to the fact that we are en- tirely sold out of the line of . corsets put out last week at 25¢ per pair, and the demand being so great, we have put out another Jot this week to clear at 35c Per Pair. Mats Ends of Carpets, which will make first class matts to clear at 60c Each Do not miss this chance, as they will not last long. Muslins Towels < i ha aka ae 250 yards of Muslins, very prett patterns in polka dots and flowers, Will make very dainty summer dresses, Re- gular 15 cents, special 123c Per Yard Good, aa sized Turkish Towels, extra good value 1§5c¢ Each Friday and Saturday we will sell You Sweet ranges at 15¢ a Dozen And with every 12 wrappers, you can obtain a Silver Orange Spoon, We have only a limited quantity of ‘them, so come early on Friday and get a dozen or two of Oranges and get the spoons. . . . . . maWerieprl | sstel TET IOoT TTTTEE nay ES ce 8 a ea} 20%, S g sssetsssestssensnscnd ssnntsseannsssnenseed $22 27522 Ee aH d BL BEELS = ane Joan Davidson, of Burns, _ is at present visiting her friend Mrs, John Mewhinney: Rev. of Brooksdale. of Burns Hotferd, of Berlin. spent or two last ng M ob: peut a couple vis’ iting her siste . Gravelrid dge. mse, proprietor mn Whig and well denly of apoplexy at his e on Saturday last. fr seller who recently purchased $700 worth of Church of England prayer books nov find ee a usel i the mi a bj Bite states ae ne All parties de 0 receive mai at the new post office Lambert should hav ail can Ts deliv. ered cat at the office to which it is addres The @ gare room for the keeping of the arms and equi out equipments to members of compan and. Lit itor the late Charles Mal- “Billverton’ footualt team played thi return game at Fernbank on Friday evening last and defeated that eleven by of them and they. Ae be glad ‘s olay there again The Posi cided to open ‘a post Begee Ns a team opened the t Hrcectl ia on Monday ie ics su a relate a Cates ore LS how- ever. are not Srsine aha and hope on Friday evening to: reverse matters. The team In pe renee 8 forwards mal one be! fe n the si cakes Sills. ie Seaforth, handled t and hi His di Al . Brown, Jackson, Scott ‘Centre ie Leod; cone Wii Henderson. Rit iiveton Got PI enther Bi eye: jo has a feontation for keeping a = e- * * = 9 Ee st = TSAR ot Ee OO ane ey EE RE RE ERE SES SP ARS ee OE at ae +t game Lear — will referee. ery. Mice Eiscover races ill be held this i was & visitoy inthe village on Mon: |. day D late King Eda- of | at known on | to 5, ny. w ‘The splendid work of Chamberlain's n | Sweeney Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, May 12, 19 Vol. XVIII—No. 44 y 5 ’ > . i 201 Engeland & Son. ei 00. Eng Read Loth’s adv. csnathe ge | ¢ Seo Engel ands Re, 3 See Engeland’s 39c, Lace Curtains. * rs s. Mi Are Your Dollars Working? || #32: Shivertar Monts ere.|$ LOCAL NEWS ) scr woe ae Store open on Wednesday and Sat-| $ Sig ee di i . Eygeland Son, ngeland’s Famous IF NOT, PUT THEM TO WORK IN eine: Benketen’ enema retarued Boyptoaf: double ‘< from Toronto on Monday where he) tags 200, Bngeland & Son anted—Dinin, i graduated in dentistry. in| Have you seen the comet yet? Ghe Metropolitan Bank | Bare ani a Hare sou acen the comet yeti | Won * with her sister Blatowel. iate game at day evening ne. arnest Wil Tuesday in choose zie. of Mit aay aE the hone} ing. bers of his family Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. J: tion by- Whi be phot saeenhed at | The station agent jmen on the €,B.R, nj dergo ‘will be. the fist n| to have petent officials, _ John D, Rockfell mn ad-| pi keen given Toronto. whi Sheree of kee Fenn athe Dr, dehence in each case wi were made on the definition ixed place. uil ani i it Office Department has de-| gy, tas died recently. otter leg 8 five hw ly troubled which he hi jedged constable eae eomscnt to Miss Ruby Ke ives have been busy in Owen Sound of late and as a resu | es have been laid Eeeneese he Miofation: of the 1 nae ter time could you f ee that has used it. sen to several of her 10 eland & S Lace Curtains. verton Friday ev’s. See Loth’s full page adv. in inside 49c, Trousers. Apply to E. Grundenberger, Elma House, s rr spent sunt reductions af Loth’s during the on ¢ large adv. Ethel pla: ays. Milverton an Intermed- bes bition Park on Mon- ton, of Stratford. the village renew- as- big from at all prices. sets of envelopes. lockin; and daughter, itehell, spent Sun- f Mr. Frank Hock- Mr. ae Bete ie ae left on Wednes- da md afew days with mem- at Mildmay and ack Langford and Miss Eunice Langford, of Gravelridge n Dobson's, against five hotel- local op- ‘ind to Holletreund’s than ave at Sand mee ee F ae these da aor oie new railway commis. that the C.P.R. te railway in Sees a complete service o! ler would go broke Sold by all dea Scotty” who periodically visits Mi e best part of important betting decision has conviction of Geo “and nian Jol ries ones Oks. is that the iste street fence thus did not come wil g aie ed reasonable weinanon was given er: in Gu elph-Goderich that the evening la by her will. among neigh- indred dollars cack ack was in her sev. Listowel stood up ane began to rub its eyes s last week when ti Only on soon that a ful l= ge ets will the The Farmers Bank of Canada - Head Office: - - TORONTO Deupets of $1.00 and upward re- Savings Department 2: d and interest paid or added at highest current rates: Joint Rabun may be opened, the money payable to either or the survivor of he ss iasek nted and advances made to Farmers’ Sale Notes terme sand eattlomen at lowest Money Orders ' a chartered bank (Yukon anen and at the principal ba ae ene in the United States. They form nkin, an Sas method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small ’ Millbank Branch: J. R. ERNST, Manager eet avatle nee on nae any office i The Leading Millinery Parlors | EF xclusive Designs Created by MISS MacINTOSH the new trimmer ‘ROM the large number of models on. exposition 2 our parlors this Htbed it is easy to deduce Pate facts about the new, styles. et e three es for ce 1 he Champignon or $nahvond ‘habe and the Tavueds ap Brim, the @ las! h shape, T = Turned-up Brim is aillowed the ereat- est latitude. Sometimes, 2 turn. is difectiy Tn trope. Saeed the tie side, sometimes. it i ns wer as they a with a notable absence of stlinee and ungraci. a wonderful flower seaso: in the gi } Sometimes tell in the paper our showrooms, rig i 20c. Engeland fo robobedetenbed ober. second hand Crescent jeyele for sale by W. 1. MISS ADA FERS Seo Ry Miller's wivt, nother rai page. He quotes some low meat price CHER OF PIANO : ‘onservatory of Music, OC sure fn hear the Rooters’ club Prope Lai ioNs for Conserya- eee bts A u at the ball game on Friday eventng ‘nsination ey promise to pre rovide ena h noise to make the home tea meh noise |S Will be in nee tae Wednesday tr, Wm. Irwin, PSL. Stratford, Afternoon at R. J, Ranney's Residence was in the village on Monday and 3 P14 ° of the public ec! Chamber! rlain’s Sid Eggs 20c, Engeland & Son iss Mary Large, of Poole. spent the week-end with her friend, Pearl Coulter. and Liver anet ett. of Listowel. weet oe Sets with her friend Miss Coulter, aving your cl eu photo- graphed and_you will be sorry in af- 7y Hollefreund for the good digestion, Sold by all agate ams have ioe the =Newton gic tetaban Ma: ank at Fernbank. May 91— atin at New June $—Fermbank at Mlibonk, ween at Milbank. ats tone ik at Ni on. ea Giae deter: open for no doubt e interesting contests will take olide Hetore thee nhuh sie rheumatism, or a twi ie e and o} plaint quickly, First appieation cit es relief. Sold by n Retail Merchants’ SUMMER MILLINERY STYLES There is always alate trade which demands something new for a warm weather ha t, Our preparations in- clude many attractive novelties for this par- ticular trade. Our popular priced hats are leaders in style, workmanship and genuine selling merit. Perhaps the latest no- velty in summer hats is the Lace and Tulle Hats, they are trim- med with small flow- . ers and roses, the shape droops grace- fully over the hair and altogether makes a very stunning sum- mer hat. ithout any preference or pr! ity. of debts of one nature ov- We have also receiv- ed another lot of new goods, etc., and invite ‘ou to call and see the display. tio. nolnts. ste :|3 IDA McDERMOTT the most advant Ti aaa “Didsbury se berta. to Mr. and Mrs. Louis fleisch, on April 18th, ‘a