ras Ye us. ‘ 3 relt instantly !’’ exclaimed 1, The Lady Brandolin OR, THE LOST PATRIMONY, OHAPTER X. n the other trouble had called the —(Cont’d) house. Well! [had no sooner fal- len into a deep sleep, nan awak- ened as by the a galvanic attery, just i diabolical looking old - 33 arted violently theught this might be a dream, e started out see again the same eyes niac hatred gazing into mine, make an ee instinctive and se now to sleep, or think of slee; hastily threw on my dres ard illusion of the old hag, after your you saw or fan- t chamber the telling me aS ae Be bh 2 that first nae you erent there—There ! point of death, or what from the n time ah see the most vith a grin of malignity that seemed to hee all the blood in for- and resolutely composed myself to sleep of twas ene I sing- phe slipped my feet into slippers, and here to await the gen- h of night- the first time 1 I feel truly humiliated at acs a Fe pects. which I cannot control and! there she is now !’” a tone of discovery and announce- in the full light of the candic h hag deve her head, the hag ae my ight-vision, most specimen of Batoanite t d thy i vathedine hau ever seen, as she some seconds, oxandnine sentence was spoken in us the same leer of insult, and faalig: there she stood, chuckling Nas Age the sega: a disgust with the anrane with a fiendish grin loathing she excited— ne of “What do you want?’’ I asked. answer- ‘Biles hik- ite hik!”? she el, ow, pa wicked laugh, gira. “Leave abe room!’’ said I, inter: cepting he She e did ‘ies heed me, but went on “Will seus uguin I asked. “Yes, whi ae niece,’ ding win leave the she replied, 0 volting presence of what I now snp: re length of thats tdouke eas &n expression of dj ‘eatat: ‘oun ing to pain, contracting her b assed to one i the tiful features. side, inorder to avoid meetin agi but she knew our rossed the om, and inte We ‘Out of our way! Off with yur “Yes! r Id ae and going toward Re- room {”” en “I have kissed my cod: her he. ot at me with a demon m the re- ene gibbering ait ¢o Reps osm eet an- t when I have piston my pretty niece ! ‘one !’? said I, eating off to the oer side. yes! I will, when I kiss my she. persisted. pretty niece | did hurt, and T Hr ee rug! seit te touch the filthy creature. I took up a parasol that lay upon the and, = EB Re Ss 2 ES 4 Agaivathet chest, bore her gently he “and, ret planted herself’ within came on with my weapon halt laughing at the Quixotic fig: ib Tcut, onesie spon a mad, 0 EOGH ef ax asi? ph. My alrew her arm from mine, and re- ‘treated ik-hik-hik ! By zprenys ri you are very fai ae ak pesth behne: a ‘tall, ea ity temper before destree- ourself of Hee Od. fai Th lostow patieng dare you to touch mo!’ sé | Pai i not 1 ig wv minute, but let me kiss my tars pretty niece first ve mad! That. Ii Mrs. Waltraven! “T kno gang i yi 1 My nephew: sti in Sant her crazy; never. theless an icy -pang shot throu mi eee ate gout? sa Nel 1 Old: Nell! Nello ee Slave Nelli ust W. ailvayex, 5 8 3 y ae she raised her talon e| fren “Tt shall certainly do so ityou do! de . | “} to t terin-law! Wolfgang Wallraven’s aunt—his mother’s sister! Regina W. allzaven’s 8 near relative Yes! roud. as fair! you are a my niece. { turned fo lok on Regina! to be rhold a bod i ‘ified, as it were, stor Se the Veht rat reason had. ‘fled instantly and for- et embrace my jaahie hideously, she adv, ate toward my sister Regina tured, stepped upon a footstool, thence upon a chair, fin aliy upon the. centre-table, and sented herself upon a pile of books with an air of mad majesty and do- minion. “Order out the guards! To pri- son pot the seers | To the rack! the beldame ! Our- ack w selt mill pietide av the question ! T hurled away the hag o my “esaa ~ Lord and went Chancellor, let the ss be immediately high treas my dear sister !’? here be no de the council! Our life and ¢: life | iain God! ae with the rack with will ourself preside |§ e the hag! ree out the guards! Som: saa the council! To pris. i on with the ee he exclain ing in ‘t of ma 1 her form ele d to her waist, rollivg in fallen glory hay toffchand folding her rich dee were the ermine purple, her righ hand extended in w gesture of nah | corhmisiiesamomeat-and € tien severed with the finger pointed to he door, as she said, “‘Lo! where the traitor Prince obtrudes himself nto our very presence !’’ I turned to see eet a lance Wolf- gang Wallraven entcr the room and the hag shake het clenched fist ¢ him, saying, NOW is my hatred glutted | Now. com nplete. Look t “lightning — glance} caught oR whole state of affairs in+ stantly Rage, evel, and despair, stormed in’ his fac With th bound of an ainshalned dem eel e her st, pei nearly strang- d prevent him. Afitined the beldan with his foot, and turned Die ues, is typhoon of anger had sub- sided; despair, sorrow, tenderness were all to be seen now, as he ap- proached Regina “Off, traitor!” ” “sho sho ruted, seiz- ing from the table an antique dag- ger, that lay there as an artjola of rare vertu. He drew near her. ff, ay.!”? shi imed, un- sheath nis and brandishing the dag- come to dea ”” said elena ou eee Nay, caffold |’” claimed “shaking the caeeer: nd stepped upon the’ enue thie upon the table, and threw his arms around her. With a savage cry she raised the weapon; the blade gleamed in the lamp-light an instant, and the next was buried deep in ee breast of the wretched man, who, without a groan, fell nage tas and rolled upon the floor. he catreins zy of mania, Sater bounded rom the Hoare GAS ee the Saaeoue daee { thre upon about her, bw * struggles were so violent, and ' maniac strength so great. that must have escaped me, had. not her sereams brought the whole} ¢, he sBhERE from their beds and into ho that ensued) thie The scene of amazement, thane and despair, ndlofics all cleseription, “In tho} , Usaw old Mr. Wall-| jf, ven. ane ‘on the floor, with the| rm vs fast-dying Wo! Hfgang! Geen ‘Lis, ch est. half d streaming, knee rmerag her wee w all this, white with the as- is joa of Constant Wallraven, I s disarming and securing the ma- his oe he put on oer ae be mad, Tather !| vas lowered down into the water. | Do not Jet her be molested ; do not alagorts Ker Tglank hoes tale er,” eee Sy fsintly murmured the dying. man arrested any our own charge of die ke Summon wn aly gown about her as though , x Gace m« eters: » his arms and pillowed| or pit “THE DEAD HAS COME TOLIFE” & “FRUIT. A-TIVES” MIRACLE chad FENWICK Enti , Ont., October Ist, 1908. oe patitey tortures for seven Jong Vater Tumor. Aas constantly to nd I wanted to When: appes mny friends xcained “The lif e to li Ss cur itive mira” 3 JAMES FENWICK, blah for $2.50—or tyial t dealers or from ‘Frit a vel Limited, Ottawa. ai Fie has FARMERS AND FOWLS. Until within the last few years the attitude of 19 out of ev 20 ne of wpen hostility poultry-keeping i shape or form, and had the bulk of their own inclina- been banished from thé land. this was a foolish attitude oat of them now readily a industry has strides dating a past few that it is now regarded as pe the most profitable of all ave ina minor branches of agriculture. In all parts of the country poultry- keeping is being taken up enth astically, sometimes, one is afraid, tu) enthusiastically, for while pouk ro- made to pay we hey réceiy , as is & frequently claimed, yield a fortune, You did not deceive her! You told where uld own ‘Oh, wretched Wolfgang ! T can not, reproach you now! This deve she wo never her reason, father! 5 nd! It is just! it is Oh! ne me near Let me see her agait t (ea are no longer safe ! Traitors ‘hr WS eee vou #0 ter : _booketed by ont in our yery bed-chamber, ins ‘3 : e farmer is Plamed hide in the very shadow oe our ms uae is i ish eg: bta throne! Already one of the ladies : sblecducing the winter seautiit of our bed-chamber—our beloved | that. for the brief posse is glutted during Regina Fairfield—ties dead before | lve, T endure death: summer; and ' . ane not die! She must recover. | the, i us! The shaft that pierced her {it is the taeitigr yb has to bear heart was aimed at our own sacred Nav. she will, when the knows hier the brunt of any complaints that| Sriliuennig har towel Chae, oho ‘ apie unto death, is ‘ Take me to her! Lay me at her Let me die ‘there, looking up- Constant, and between them Wolf- gang was lifted, sofa, and laid upon the carpet, with her, but she did “not ue her eyes He feebly raised At th tench she opened her das ey Helena hin ttl @ Stulease ery vet anguish and despair, she bounded to her feet, foaming at the mouth, and went into the most of madness. ane( fried to hold her ; and hile she gli plunging, and Rereaining in duet arian ewoltaang ed himself upon his elbow, gave | agonized look upon the ack and died! THE END. one long wreck, fell REM ABKABE, ea EVIDENCE Of Prosperity ment Statement. One of the most remarkable show- i penne is m of the Traders Bank by their Guveaunany Statement recently _ submitted, showing that the deposits’ of the iBank haye increased during the first three months of this year over One and a Half Millions of Dollars, bringing their total deposits up to e | 831,30 ay at ite end of tl perhaps no Bank j in Can- aus hich is a HOE such magni- fice s of peers and Saati oe eae tha the Traders Bank at the present time, Ge SERS Dane. ANIMALS, as Iniaaies of Santa Cruz digs its, The eet crab climbs cocoa- nut trees and cuts off the ripe nuts wir size, weigh very A twenty-foot syelion weighs cub twelve pounds, the gerce aut nptbede tiger AE of Austra- fia will y two pounds. pound is more than the average rat- tler’s weigl The climbing perch of India travels from pool to pool, and in 5 Cross: Sou ‘amps ascend: its trees to moisten its gills with the ater collected i in the Htelowr oF the bork. The tiger's voice has a tone so! reverberating tina Spence acre from all sides at once. The ti when sta ing the deer, utters mile Ittis then that the tiger, noiselessly, leaps on} » sound aporoucling ‘Certain spe and plant ‘on their of crabs picks eae IIs seaweed ‘hich, growing, This ing, it fe oa and. tries s a poor house painter brought near the joked up at} e| themselve own by Govern-| An equally pleasing increase is shown in the ie Bank. The Bank reports to the Gevernment an increase of its to- tal assets to the grand total sum ot $42,000,000, which is an increase | }y of over $2,000,000 over as report He’ who | fre happy boy ! tel! me ene thing. is unable t to put on a good front. Price, but refuse: all Taahatniatee nor will they take the place of the her your position! be arger and more important branch- ther, no! Thad not the eour-| 4} of farming. pemenE: no se o age! I thought to have got her to} 1° community bas ponl ny keepiney epi ae chine Sa eearnia |made such great and rapid strides pe both large and must look for the at we n gies developments in the near futu The t rmer’s neglect. of pouliry is the expert’s fi ment. ‘The made the s at money 1909 it amounted to oar that leave this country may be made concerning’ the fre-} quent staleness of the breakfast ogg, the substitution of ‘‘pickled S to the fect ! in y limb and on hee eggs for new-laids, and the infer- {nerve and sinew to c king as s now Iying on the s0- ior quality of many so-ealled Sus-) 7° |e ones eet My fool of hela exhausted mirantic strug:| inte neglects his birds, that he : : gles, Old Mr, Wallraven beckoned | p epee ood that the bulk hi: ock birds are monet =o shee Anas were true a few ago, but they are no by those who have taken the trou- ble to investi; the matter fo Brown in Lon- ail. te a don (E mB.) Dail, SH! ARK FL TRADE. Singapore Supplies’ Local 200,000) © Chinese with Delicacy. Singapore has an important shark {fin trade which supplies {£06,000 Chinese with this |delieacy. ‘The $ po Gaylon; ndel coast. Cver one-half cf this “amount wi re-exported to Chin gare called the iras, sleGher La in ie Straits of }* Rhio- faye Rowe mbes es of the aun Ly ngers | s th , sharks and dragged beneath the surface to be devoured by those fierce Malayan: fish, which are especially feared by /® the native fishe: earl drivers. venteen species inhabit the for eartern seas, SO! is “teported that a black fin shark was captured some time since whose liver weighed pounds. The ranges from uae Hope to Ceylon, and often exceeds fifty feet in length. This fish has small teeth and is not considered as dangerous as the monsters of the Malayan Ses mone rere MINISTER Ww ee TESTED ZAM-B Re F. Laugill, The Manse,”” Ca ae “Oak ae “Some consid erable time ag: an using Zam Buk with a view to Pestle it thor- ughly. T am troubled with eczema, xl 1 : nthe house fom tinuously, and I carry a small satsple box in my pocket. One even: na ‘The Manse,’ Pago his: finger. and I notic Enquiring ed a about ie inju m somehow taken 2 piece of = wou! had started t es tr aac him about a third of a box of Zam-Buk and a few days later he said “That's great salve of curs, my fi is now doing Phy _BestZam- Buk! Don’t go by hear- ! You will findvit gives the best a d-o-b 3 fapous wind of 120 da, f| May MADE IN CANAD ROYA YEAST CAKES MOST PERFECT: MAD) ‘Winnipeg all Exposito Has been Canada’s favorite Yeast over a quarter of a century. Enough for 5 cts to produce 50 large loaves of fine, wholesome, nour- ishing, home-made bread. Do not experiment—there is nothing “just as good.” E. W. GILLETT CO. LTD, TORONTO, ONT. Montrea’ Awarded highest ee at WIND UF 120 DAYS. Ttow Men and Cattle are Protected A st Scourge. The “Bad is the one feature of the countiy vite at the junction of Persia, Af ghanistan and Baluchistan, says the Singapore Free Press. TI appalling wind dominates life from to September. preyails +|country is dominated by ad /except for one rfeeds them—mainly upon_maize—a netoriously bad oe tied longer Inade | for as | ceep ne alanine ramp {| miles a heavy storm’ and 80 to 150 over a stretch of country a hundred strength and duration, |ably comes from north- northoest | degrees west and 5. degre: either side of that is its gr atest | variation. D ae years the ce ja: ceed 65 miles an hour and Tess than 4 40. ches not Ble: have to be*built with a strong yal on the north-northwest s' blank W, a ay idee up into small holes, which exist w eeteant its wind wall. Tents have to be arranged as to trunks and furniture. A table placed close enough to be within Sener: of the canva riving ghide St hit an perfect sand bit ah sig en the strongest buildings. Loos Taked bricks take on an edge lik a saw W ve Hoeply cut teeth. Walls at right a completely Scared nd and pare Seistan wears away i dis whetrron ye fo as ap rectio) ose cn ie ed a’ he wind wears away steel. From the summits of the low teau eat abound i in the country, commencement of Pee nt grated the rock and soil, drifts hv dreds of yards long and twenty are forme: Cattle as well as men need shelter from the fierce ncith-northwester, the enemy to lite in the count hey are pen- ned in chambers dug out of ths: eal and roofed over for protecti affording means Dat 2 tion ture with protec wind, are Bente in pens surround- i by a Tend: “the speed of 120 miles an hour, it is interesting to note that 40 miles represents a gale, 60 miles a ues sweeping every- it thing before The wind of 120 EUs Hak S with “4 thos piste dignified by special a ie simoon, the sirocco, the solano, | a harmattan, the puna winds o of | Peru, the mistral of Marseilles, the os ro of Buenos Ayres, or the willy-willy of west Australis: The wi a of 120 day ly hot, the desert a Scarehing. Y= nace. Seistan is in the ie of Cairo and the temperature in the shade rises to 115 degrees. On the TEES t pile pidly ae : occee a arieee is aepomie eae SNAKES IN AFRICA, Natives Haye Many Superstitiens Connected With Them. regarded the African cobra is mewhat reverently ives of that country, who year kill a cobra apello hang its skin to the bran tree, tait downward. Them a children born during the last year ¢|long to the ‘warship e+ Court iat aman had been arrested ~| the RPS ante IN NERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND BIS PEOPLE. the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. Occurrences in Orders prohibiting trials of de stroyers z at Solent haye been ued by ing made at Dev: r for laying an sitions tele- pkone cable to Belgiw Mr. J. Dunster ie been ap- pointed superintendent of the Lon- Ron of the Great Western ae Dlaoanen supposed to be- was wrecked at Dove ring 1869, has Pyare ott PE the ead Diana. oman has asked that. ie, 12 chien and 42. grand- ebildren shou given parts in the Sears os London at the rystal Palace. won named Job Davies and Thomas Robinson were suffo- ¢ated by choke damp recently in a Dudley colliery, while = number of other men an Dando, went to the rescue, were badly fected It is ated at Southwark County and detained in prison for a debt f $3. sland, aged ex-councillor ey Nene ued ot denly after leading a meet ayer at the Northgate W. esi an oe 4 Henry Poe road sweeper, awarded $1250 GnMEZCS tn | the West. London County Court against the owners of a taxicab which ran him down in Whitehall. An east end Londo girl, named le, whose 2 Aran dive in inane ore just won the Pareles ee scheectis for singing, founded by the late Carl Rosa. <p a ents are to be made by il in sider to test the usefulness of taxicab: rying the guns and equipment uy the machine gun sections of Ter torial ey ctist battalions. Stuart, 1 2nd Royal Rifles, pa sed ntly for promotion, and was cea for the rank of second Peale used by the Vikings has een zea etae ha St. Hun- a pains, Tt was Aoahatla jet ne a creek aoe a Viking raid 2 009 years agi When the ‘Queen’ Hen- den road, Sunderland, etait fire during the early hours of a recent morning, Mr. aad rs. | Alfred ewster were saved by their a About 60 skilled lace-makers from Derby and Long Eaton have just left for America. American lace firms have lately beon placing large orders for ma- chinery jn this country. The Court ot Common Couneil 4 London, urged the Government i secure penny postage France. During 1209 the three tubes of the Underground — Electrie Railway mpany, London, carried 95,126, the’ District Net - solve the “‘hat problem vat theatres, Mr. Frank Cheat exhibited the other day a mumber of toques, specially created ior wear at theatres, concerts and churches, at a reception on the Stage at the Prince of Wales’ ae Haldane stated that the War Office had to purchase last’ year two mator-lorri rom a foreign firm, as no sh firm was able to execute ee by the requir 1 ate; amship aeons were Bed sums varying from $20 to $35 < Tower Bridge Police € ey Lon- and others i ers are allow duty for use THE SI Believers a manife: has, it i last thirty mer. with church, kiss the holy er holy ae of i wishes to be vide a gra One of the s us eyil’” cute Sing the beard. “This, Heretieal ae spre! years. a intoxicating to carry of the cre Ru sirestea Sst married he SAGES SSE OF SHAVING. erest sects of Old e Ne among Old Believers during the Shorn men and clipped beards come to andi the ‘aa yout are neavEA un- Sirane ee a nm. dop; for selling to Sees iquors, @ sinall quantity of which the steam, of tenons the ty it is now ordered that if a shard man and ceremonies eric he repents my replied the answered untess sh hole, too. in sate Aare lowed a button.” ¢| vod will that be te her’ the ie awhile, and si nou No goo se, s swallowed the batton- me “Nel a ood a tall, Never judge a woman’s intelle, i eee of rings she weas xelaimed little om has sw COLD SORES, WINDBURN, 12 Vaseline Remedies ih Tabes Capsicum, Borated, tholat Mated ‘sch eh white Onie ‘ott ‘ine Vase! Oe aad ig St. W, CGamphor Ice (aan SKIN AND LI ‘Purposes, Writ Free chesnenouan MFO. 20. ‘Gone'd) worn down as it ontored bomtdity’ am cof sun, wind, Evers So auall 100, Rene ry feist ara eee a non and we LA x to the Li ts left ont, m1 ial ov tin — Eve poet ne pa Soe ly you,notity ars brought out and made to touch the skin. This parents. thin! puts ‘hem under the serpent’s pr. ‘0-| tection. "The ‘cobri de capéllo ar] raids with she horned vines of Af} a the piseonats honor of “bi { ie a the orm of the Nile,” to! whose venomous ee ets st c the: 's use cousin, qusatty left they swallor eory that it dead serpent eli ene and give it a as funer-| pe She (indignantly)—“You te) no business to kiss me!” He — ‘But it was plea- it, asn't business; sure.”? f and wana a run tl O1 SIZES 2, 3, 4, 6 MP, FARM WORK. Frost Proof. The CANADIAN FAIRBANKS “COMPANY, Limited, MONTREAL Branches:—-Torcnto, St. John, N.B., Winnlpeg, Calgary, Vancouver Gasoline Engines hey are so simple that the average farm em, and are practically Fool P for uy > ae