Milverton Sun, 12 May 1910, p. 5

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Thursday, May 12, 1910 THEZMILVERTON SUN Our Brands of Flour are: 5 Jewel, 3 Jewel or Banner and Jewel 5 JEWEL is a high-grade Manitoba Flour, equal in baking qualties to the high grades of Flour. 3 JEWEL or BANNER is an all Manitoba Flour and it also produces a very white and nice loaf of Bread, JEWEL FLOUR is a Blended Flouf of Manitoba and Fall Wheat and has always given the very best of satisfaction. We use nothing but the very best of Manitoba and Ontario Wheat. PFEFFER BROS., MILVERTON Do you feel worn out? Feel as though you ane hardly go? These are symptoms of sluggish ae eas Fes od that is not cir it. ” They are the result ot the blood failing waste material from tl Nyal’s P Blood Purifier (We know what it will do. We have seen the results.) you suffer from eczema, tetter, scrofula or any other skin disease take Course treatment cae t less than six bottles) and we will be great- ly surpi prised if y ‘oul are not cured. is nota Piel at it is the nearest specific we know of, for skin oe blood diseases, A dollar buys a large bottle. The PUBLIC DRUG STORE, Milverton THE DINING CAR CLEW Followed by a Detective, It Led to a Capture. HEADON HILL. ee you, In- messenger 0 went sb onc: - the chief neg wenden office was recelyed by superior nice wih 6 friendly E Gian sews 208 you, Grantham,” he said. “Some one has fairly given Bra- dy away. Read that letter and look at that photo.” ‘The letter was undated and unsign- in these words: , the banknote forger, intends lice, may possibly travel in propria per- oni oh photograph was that of a bold, ung woman with a pro- yed y« fiaioa of light hair ane very showily attired in evening dress. A mark on the neck attracted me attention. jhotographer to retouch the mark out of vs strat I said. “What do you it all, sir—a split in the pe - “The chances are that jealousy of ist person Gllbart prompted the in- formation.’ I could not aured = aes view. In nine ¢ ut he anony- mous letters that ina 3 the capture of important Sa wie Se ‘O one inine spite. And was chance that the nlendly. spree silgh be a “plant! ‘The warrant a ee Bod ae been in my hands for only SEED CORN! Come now and buy your Seed Corn before the best varieties are sold out. Flint Corn. 70 | bushel, Dent Corn 1.40 OIL CAKé MEAL ie Fealap e a0 rei on n t 80 per cwt. in : ays lots BUCKWHEAT, good chicken feed... .80c per bushel Also a quantity of Seed Grain for sale at any sine credit 1 soos a a utes Serena pursuit abo Kies that bo hae not Aare io cone at into the open and make a boli ced at the ance. It was near- original. my assumed fate in the meahapte event of Bra Call in and inspect my stock before p' CEMENT Always on Hand, 1. D. ATKIN, acrcta Milverton TUNNEL OR BRIDGE? Sir Robert Perks Thinks the Former Would Be Better at Quebec. The question as to whether the ill- fated Quebec bridge should be replac- ed by of by another ve jae an diseu: Sir Robert Perks, Bart., in an inter- DRAIN TILE! ues buying Drain Tile, the best is resect Write for prices w. Ww. SMITH Brie av by The Scie tion is one of great public impoi CANADIAN PACIFIC Great Lakes Navigation ‘Now Open Regular sailings as follow: 36S. 8. Manitoba’? .S,“Assiniboia’” or Most Pleasant and peas Route to Winnipeg and We excunsion... May 3 Throw is si to Ai oe West from e date W. H. Snadasana, Local, Agent length. One of the grea Yared; however, in. Tepe: vel, and the grades would have changed for tremendous dis- question of cost, the a. bridge, ‘The Severn ‘Tunnel ow Able the cost of maintenance en bridge shows continual deteri i mel, these conditions tpl Lawn Mowers not ore ourselves t So- each and Y and gardens in tip-top condition? Sir Robert replied that ereos eet We want to attract a greater would bea ample. number of people who believ: to t propriate Verdict. “Well, that’s what I call an app r valne. priate verdict,” ed Jilson the Biker: evening as he threw down aper. ss ey, is it?” asked his wife. he replied, “you know cashier at the ie when “the ehittees ‘es, I remember,” said Mrs. Jil- son, “but what of | the verdict?” “This morning,” answered “the coroner’ % jury. brought ipa ver: dict of death: from n eXposur re.” a customer me ie watch = meat he firs the booking ant class ticket re syreine ay which I Shenae out on to the platform just rain of vestibule cars was terking ite position, Early as fie was, my two ch aera had by my direction prec me to the station, though they Ca not to trived to Nenad in my ear ai at the bool is “The sing is here, apparently alone. Came ten minutes ago. ‘Took two first to Idverpool, Now in the ladies’ wait- room.’ s Parker and his colleague had of course had a sight of the photograph. His information was welco! rov- ing that at any rate the letter received at the e foundation and was not, as I had half feared, a prac- teal joke designed to lead us on a wild I sat down on a bench opposite the dining car to ied developments, object aeannye people had taken their nents in the din- ing car, but not one of them, allow- ing for the most claorate disguise, acy a identify as Joe They Geeta ble Americans serotatiy to their dan land Jn par- ties of threes and ft Suddenly an ineldent occurred which at the time caused me some uneasi- ness, Sergeant Parker’s voice reached ae a full dose already,” he was say- tle way aves Se platform m: en paints had be sted by a oe tipsy bluejacket, FES was ti pull him into the buffet. The se cap proclaimed that he belonged to the same ship as that which Parker's dis- off, is patie: onee or twice, to the front of the tra the ities had hardly ‘isappeared wh original of the photograph came be plac tie wantin room and crossed the platform to the dining car. tume and had made no attempt ai guise, even the mark on her neck be Sy ey visible above the collar f her dres: ut gue was the redoubtable Bra- je same question was plainly ning 0 agitate the lady. She quitted the seat which she had secured and toga on the platform of the car gaz- The warning bell ahs I decided on no account to lose sight of the fair Daisy. assistants would shadow her wher- ad she went. ontriving a word with Parker, I hastily sketched my intentions and bade him go forward to the third class carriages, into one of which he jump at the last ones if he saw me board the dining c A moment later T she taken my seat in a ear, for Gilbart, after one last eted gaze at the station entrance, sad ‘decided He pursue her journey, As the train gatbet led down e task of watching for signs of her fraternizing with one of the other passengers, but nothing of the sort oc- She sat yf the le down her cheek—only one, but a genu- ine tear. by a sudden impulse, I changed my seat and took the place opposite to her at the white draped ta- ble. a astonishment wertures were received eWhat'a the use of talking like that? You're the ’tec that’s after Joe Brady, ae t you?” A denial would certainly not have od ing, I'm afraid. got wind of that letter and Beane ae ot the way.” fiche letter!” I exclaimed in bewilder- aot bts it myself,” Fahl the a “I wanted him caught, you Don’ ask wi It’s a woman's cae But he’s too cunning for me, and now I suppose he'll kill me some time.” erie me eo eed of his hiding place in Battet “We don't a va Crewe, but you'd better wire to y was still not quite satisfied. Why had she gone on in the train after finding that her Sted ra to the police had been abort Her home was in New York, she said, and, having her passage ee taken, she wished to use it and e amused by the friendship struck up between the elderly bishop and the solitary traveler. the train ran into Crewe sta- tion, and as I r he well gloved ete tham. hope you'll catch him,” she said. “My life won't be safo till he’s under lock and key.” “But this is not goodby. I am only going to send off the wire,” I sald. see you safe on board the steam Eile = sot, but it went hom ashy pale, and I ee tat al bad. been working with the object of getting rid e pee at Crewe. But where was Bra yn was eady oe Daisy ie Majestic with linked arms, One of hem was handcuffed. sir,” “ve got him, sald ae tional traps for him. Hi to sufficiently post himself in detail about our fine old craft, I teal s rat bees we'd gone Behe * Daisy cigars was iteet Brady's on the dining car while her father trav- eled in another part of the train, but she hardly allowed for the caution of an experienced officer. ; The Manufacture of Pins. In 1775 a prize was given to the colonist of parolise ie sotuest the first native pins and needles. Duriag the war of 1812, w ae owing to strictions upon commerce, the price ‘of pins rose to the enormous sum of $1 per paper, the manufacture was actu- ally started in the United States, but does not seem to have met with suc- ccea.'as the enteriien wai abon Sen: doned. The was not fairly started in this country until the year 1836, ‘The early pins in he: Sarkraaly: and secured to the shank n from a falling block mis- D common use today, took the place of the old form about 1840. Same Results. They were Satan the transitory nature of baby bea’ “Yes,” said the eee lonely man, “baby beauty is about as evanescent a thing as can be imagined. Why, when I was a baby, whenever my mes hy me in a carriage and wheel- ed about the — everybody tibset and stopped to lool “Well,” es uals other oats “if she’d do it now it have a similar ef- i ‘Do you know, Tee your hair reminds me of Syracuse?” as, why?” ause it’s so near ‘Auburn,” Cornell Widow. A Dockwailoper. Romaatic Miss—That young man you w me with last night is an aristo- He was brought up among the jeers, Greeneye—Hoboken or Brooklyn? From 10 Woe. ‘He thought ae Se the biggest thing ‘That ever he Fatal eatin ieee Soin ‘To evidence his glee. But later on a And Ris shit it ates anee e poor BUlkins found en 5 bigger 9 NEW C.P.R. SCHEME. Improved a = ese Prove-a Big The sities ave oe in the settle- ment of 's from Great Britain on the ieee as farms of the Cana- ment of farms and’ improve: sch the colonization of the West, it has been foun e American or Canadian etter " not. afraid of pio- i pared to ships resulting this condition, the new policy o company has and tl far met with indicate that farms which can be got ready for ‘Sn: no had seen the first party which arrived on the Empress tags hont eack br these improve married. men who have had prea: riende,-ond the fect that on ¢ cert Srna tn Alberta hoy can st ~ ith NOTICE! e Court of Revision on the As- for the Township — of the Municipality within specified by the Statutes in wm. Ly Clerk of Mornington, Burns, May 2nd_ 1910, that re- Municipality of Milverton COURT OF REVISION Take notice that the Court of Re- fe ¥ hi fice of the Cle: se on Monday, the 30th day of May 1910, at eleven o’clock it the All assessment during office es x inspection, D. WEIR, Clerk. ae pase Fe caverta this 2nd fay — May. it. Tenders for Drain Sealed nemo Ganked tender for Liha will be eceelved y the, under- signed up til "clock on of the h da . °1910, rt the con- ain in the Township e ang and poco eatoay a Wn the coun Newton on June 6th. oy isa meet at t 2 0! volocke pam. Fs eve of Mornington Millbank. May ath 1910. Notice Regarding move Oi term ith some. crop in the groun: sotafortable house Se Wiieh. te: ctlio ele belong. since the tide of immigration began. Toronto Boy for South Pole. One of the physicists who will it on his Britis of the South registel and height. Work on ocean currents, mospheric electricity, ‘radioactivity of water and analysis oi the atmosphere will also be under ‘Another point i whfoh Mr: ae al the Registration hereby a Biven that under ot ‘Btatist aan a pice and doctor’ must b Of resented"ta.the « ae berore @ burial permi: © issued. E HAVE a very fine as- sortment of Sily beautiful designs, sothatifyou | it to our store would interest you... 4 cai We do first-class re- pairing of all kinds. PH. BASTENDOREF JEWELER and OPTICIAN “@ Byes Tested FREE of Charge Are You Ruptured? | I can cure the worst case of ~ Sanus without operation ime, from infan- a ger of strangul coupon and sem Care should be taken” to answor ery question correctly. i Old cards and forms should not be irom W. hy per Weir. Dat the necessary registration ‘Esa, ler rs a said rs must~be for- the district registrar. NEE WADDELL, istrict Registrar 1910" ape ¥ arde Burns. May 2nd, Address ein Age... Single or Double pe Satisfaction Guaranteed. Notice! We are Fppointion Tae agents now in every unrepresented county for the season of 1910. 65 per aca o! year’s business is done during the Su ase ont! e pa: mon- ekly for services rendered, Give oxclusive rerritor ory and supply selling outfit fre OVER 600 ACRES UNDER CULTI- VATION lars write oe ¥ PELHAM NURSERY Toronto. _— Ont. a28-15 tory. any simple relation be found connecting the crystal structure and the age of ice light would at once be m upon the origin of the great ice barrier—that vast floating ice sheet, 200 feet high, 200 miles long and of unknown width, which has so long puzzled the mint of the geologist. Where Gi is Marry Quickly be prairies of Mai aire Sas- katchewan. and Alberta: are hundre of settlers. who are eager to secure wives from the Old “Country, but w us contres in search of Fae ores girl t this requiremen nt, the Sal- on Department EXECUTORS’ NOTICE TO CRI REDITORS / AND OTHERS In the Estate of Ronry Koth. Neveased ‘och, late in the Coun- The creditors “of of the Township of ilies ASB A Note OF 1H18 upon the tablets of yout memory that ours ie A bos! he ae op: in, Milver- to got aur your = ENS ee work over~ time . aud what u aT, We're ox perme ay es, and RK ureele u the vanishing point frie He customers, Make a note of this faci J. M. FLEISCHHAUER J. Kelterborn’s old stand opp. pp Post Office. Pacsien fore | Agent Grown Brand Clothing tr et ir Notice to Creditors In the oe r of tl the estate of John puta: ae of the Township, ee » the County of Per' If you want comfort this summer, try a pair of our Tan or Patent. Leather Oxfords. All prices. W. ZIMMERMANN ar’s Weekly. of the securities. if any. take notice that after tien pie (hereto, claims of which! “they s by ten at the time of such eT avi ec] wae ‘entruber. Solomon Kue’ er, You Exeeutors. |Putnam’s Corn and Wart [Date at ‘Milverton this 10th day of | Never known to ml23t. get “Putnam's” in 260. bottles, Fly ‘Screens If you want to keep rid of flies wis all summer, get your screen win- < dows and doors up NOW, before £5 It gets warm. A little care and pres ae oo mper later, and flies, the better it will be for your health i ‘We have the right kind of window and door screens, and are selling them reasonably. © cost won't interfere with your buying. Rothermel & Son Hardware Merchants HAVE YOU | WARTS? can cure them. painlessly~by Extractor. fail. Be sute you

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