Merchandise will be * lcrificed at W. K. Loth’s, Milverton On Friday, May 13th, we will Inaugurate our First Great Lease Expiring Sale, and continue it for 8 days 3,000.00 at this first sale, : ee want to reduce our stock Bring us your produce, the We have decided to put on a number of sacrifice sales. Come with the crowds, ur lease expires in about six months and we intend going out of business. i Our loss will be your gain. Everything has got to We are bound to retire from business as soon as our lease expires. ee ek 0 No holding back. highest price will be paid. mer Underwear, ete. May 13th, 14th, reg. 7c. 85, and 06. Dress Goods rot 50c, for RII Drag. Goode reer’ and 400" at 206 heaper Dress Goods same proportion Remnants in Dress Goods—Half Price. Fiunneletta 1be prumnosiatte for: 2 F Remnants at Halt Price. Wrapperette It will pay you to a. your Wrapper- ettes er for wad Reg. 12 Onn ten: Pisanels. zag. 1) Oe and its for: Shirtings and Optton: ades HA “and 160, Latte for ss Doatane des fi 12 1- oi cen: Agia tor. pieces Duck reg. tie, fot Ginghams and Cham- oe brays Rise 120, Canadian Ginghams-. ald hambrays tor Ibe. Al ma taste : Me. cheek Ginghams for: Ribbon - 2000 yds. Ribbons suitable for child- ren’s hair, reg. Se, 2 yds. for ---5e. Ribbons for: - Se. _ Muslin and Lawn 10c, White Muslin for Reicins this Oe panic Ass on “Friday, May 1 ‘3rd, al continue until Saas evening, May 21st, ing down except the marriage licenses, which still remain at $2. People all over this district have hearh of our sales and the aa not Be hy tone $0, be. Seat ae a fo been one ae ‘ fee ie eons ou want, | : to stay until our lease expires. we advertise. Watch oe the red flag. a of the — ‘sold ou wil ; $2.00 Skirts for Everythi A cut that means selling, Great buy’ va chances. Remember, this i is no old stock, but EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. Note the difference in the regular and the sale price, A LIST OF THESE PRICES——| -Gurtainette and Lace Curtains 14 untied pre ec) for: Madres Curtains for. Che: 25 ay Embroideries & Gar set Cover Em- broideries shay Mek Embrodieries, porenees “ ch. . for All Misfusasings at Cost ees Bela. Bed Speads 25, 8 fo! .00 Corsets fo: 500, Corsets Hosiery All 25c. Hose will go ai at! 35c. Hose will Bs: . * All 50c, Hose will g pee: oe all kinds ail ses al Men's Wool Sox Ment 's Cotton Sox fen eeeene: 6 doz. oF ea Vesis reg. 250, for 196, 6 ay Lustre Waists in cream, navy and green. reg. $2.50. sale~-----$1.50 Sateen Underskirts 1.45, 00 850. 15 21-30 ateens: all Se tes ee and reen: ilk short ends at ies ork Shirts $1.00 Sith for a 50 amd 600! aval for 50 and 60c. 5 Carpet & Linoleum Tay es 7 arae . Stair Oi Gti for - Oil Cloth - w Matting for- Straw Matting fo Smacks and Overalls 50 Smocks $1.00 Be. Teg. 5 0. Roadecinede Clothing New Suits. We ment down to e time for 8 Sui Youths "5. "00 and 8 re $3.51 and $4. ‘$0 Suits ‘iS $3. 25 50e Boy's Tweed Vests Men’s Pants 12. pate Men’s Pants were ux 50 and $1.75 for-- 980. 10 pair Pants reg. $3.00 1.95 Do not miss this Aa ant We have — the knife in deep and go they Hats and Caps Do mot miss getting “a slice out When you Automobile Veiis 21-2 yds. long. im black, navy. brown ream and white reg. 75c, for S8o, Lace Our ee ene ey Laces will have to 5e. Laces for - Shawls 1 dozen Wool Somers, suitable for ly reg. Bo. Night Gowns 6 Women's Flannelette Night Gowns in pin only. hig! when si trimmed. reg. price $1.00 s Bo, Table Linen 4 pieces of pate Linen. All good regular pric- 35c. Unbleached for Kimona Cloth 2 pieces Kimona cloth nice patterns 25e. for * 8ca Net Veilings We must clean out the balance of our Veilings. We ve in stock abou 100 mnie reg. up to 30c, out they oat - Se. Men & Boys Sweaters $1.50 Sweaters 15 for Boss Sreat ee for Ladies’ and Men’s Raincoats $8. ae and cue 00 ae Coats for Me o Men’s © a 00 Men's Goats Towelling 5c. Towellings for--. 121-20, \Towellings for Je. Towellings for --- Umbrellas 650. Umbrellas for - $1.50 Umbrellas for $1.50 Parasols for z Negligee Shirts $1.50 Shirts for Men’s Summer Under- wear $1.00 per suit for 85c. Men's Fine Wool Under- $1.50 for Men’s Furnishings 12 doz. Celluloid Collars--. 200 100 Linen Collars 2 f 20 This is just the right time of the year for your summer wants such as Prints, Dress Goods, Shirtings, Cottonade, Pinaslete) Embroideries, Ready-made Clothing, Sum- Don't forget the dates : Remember the opening day Friday, May 13th at 8'a, m. Wool Flannel A Fees saving for you if you wear ‘35e. 280, as ree _Elannel for-- n in rey ang bine first quality at per 1b, a 09) mforters reg. $2. 30° “ana $3.50 $1.50 8 82: 30 Smaliware 3 package pins for 3 boxes Hairpins ie pair unlined Gloves reg. $1.50 for 350. for Men’s White Bhists tee: Men’s Braces This stock is all new Hs oye -to-date but all will have to this fri ate Ca ceee 's Braces reg. 50 for---39c. . Men's heavy working Ensen: r z. Men's Braces, reg. 35c. for 250 . Boys’ Braces, reg. 260, for 18c. , Boys’ Braces, reg. 15¢. for 10c. Men’s Ties Our importations for Baie are all in and sacrifice we must. Four-in-hand EF 4in-h reg. 35¢ Pour-in- = reg. Bae for - 35: Hook-om reg. 25 a: Hook-on_bo orc for String Ti 2. reg, 150 and 25e, sale 2 tor: é nd 56, Crockery Dept. Come along and help us to clean out this PRA You yout, share urs, $124 00 for: 8 1 a ig Leaf Dinner Set $8.00 for 8% a Sets green and blue, reg, § ap > Plates, reg. $1.01 inh Brediitast Biates for~ --200, of Milv erfon at’ cost! ‘lates, reg. je. $1.25 for ae as Jardineres reg. atteRai $1.00 Bhirts for - 85c, Shirts for _ Boys’ Shirts--. © $8.00 Coats for -- Grav. bagbich x STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING DURING THIS SALE Ee] et Let nothing keep you ‘hina’ read Plates 1 ren dt Ges, 500, for 350, re: lass Cheese Dishes reg. $125 at 150. Do not let anything keep you away hun this great Don't forget the date, Friday, always tremendous. | rds Hooks rh Byes for ~ 2 Foundation Collars 2 Bunch iene: Wea per o: Lamp Dept. 2 Lantern Glasses fo. Large Sewing. Tinware, Etc. Look over this ante ae see what we offer in this d ment ‘he ar- ticles were all Tbe. during this sale Pails. Bak- Pans. ae Pots. Tea Kettles. Wash Bas! Curtain Poles | jak and Mahogany at hite Curtain Poles- Groceries 2 tins Tiger Salmon: z ae, fxe Pickle: rn Flak 00 oms-: Thistle Baking Powder nehor Baking Powder- Shamnaanies 4 A mane lot ot Short ends of all des-) goods. Bénfethings fot ae body Toune and old. caale: “We hive = 6 “months | ay 13 ee that we do as. - ‘Bring the boys cae ty on the suits. fc