Milverton Sun, 12 May 1910, p. 7

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e trocks. ECZEMA IS GAUSED STOCK BONU eh aba el ale COMPAKY © Lake of th trneote pot Oeil er nies. 50% Milling. Compan! zavaré CRONYN 4&2: cuiding 90 Bay Street, Toronto OF 25% Canada BY IMPURE BLOOD e Tt is Banished by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Because They Make Good Blood, \ OBALT SILVER AND PORCUPIN E| Ask any doctor and he will tell ld Stocks bor h so! ens ; Reet Meets ok Perrine, "elin Tay (MG -ehay wcxetio an cntised by ink | Elo aia oa Pr 9. 2% Manning uw nh Arcade, Toronto, Out. ACENTS WANTED. ere N MAN TO SELL HIGH le teas. Alfred Tyler, London, always He ovesae so EASY, A DAY No needed. Sells. on sigh’ CG. R. Adams Co., EX. +. | the essity to farmers. Does work P ys for itself in one hour Sarnia, act on the blood, and in acting on blood they banish those erup- jons and pimples, ve the irri- tation and itching and give perfect health. They have cured thousands 7 GENTS WANTED 0 Cs sigedoliar es seller; commission rcoure Hid.” “Toronto, esuer; sat Hills, 856 Do: SVERY Town | of cases uum Carpet where poor blood has re- i Among those “ aes have cured is Mrs. James W EDUCATIONAL, + few weeks complet practice; careful ema and did not get anything to help me until T took Dr. Williams’ rink preausines tae Pills. These freed my blood of a Dera five Fapieitics and gave me speedy re- yrs lie am, therefore, naturally in praise of these MACHINERY : eo AY AGHINERY, -/ READGUARTRRG. — —~ can make rich, W.. eee Lilien ronne FARMS FOR SALE. ESTERN PARM LANDS—CITY LOT f you, are gol 8. M. Mathews. 75 Yo jorking machis ery. mp PETRIE, Vancouver. ved blood will cure anaemia, rheu- gitlhood and of womanhood and host of other trouble mply be- cause these troubles are the result ng |Of bad blood—that is why they al- ways cure the above troubles and g the slow of ern Real Estate Bad eget Limited, Wet RS hea old by all me: xe at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, 3 OUTHERN ALBERTA — 640 Boe cholee land, will sell cheap for cas Powtress, 4 Donmills Rd., Toronto, 4. f pie rests tic Co, of Canada, ‘Yonge Street, Toronto. ACRE! sb. 9 | Ont. BEELER BUILDING GREAT CITIE German Archit Plan for the of Future Generations. LAKE HURON AND LAKE SUPERIO. A magnificent summer trip is en- this ‘Fresh Water joyed by taking a Voyage’ feat Sarnia, Ontario, to Phare William, Ontario, z Ze: 's. flee and the finest and taste vessels on the Great Lakes will fly the particulars, descriptive Tteratare, an be had for the asking by Mr. J. D. MeDonald, Ditteiet Passenger Agent, Station, Toronto, Ont. jet RES Besides Great Britain, the coun- tries which have ie age pensions aie Denmark, France, Belgium, Germany, New Zealand and Au. lia. ver a thousand of jes etna qreincere in the world are sent m: a profound THe of iie-dpeobistas of ‘fight A Liniment ae the Logger Loggers lead a life ‘which exposes pres alto no gether avoided in preparing auibar for the drive and in river work, of daily experience colds and gnuscular pains can as ensue, Dr. Thomas’ Di, when applied to the injured or sonst to the ailing, works wonder: In Florida a line is in course of construction which in 156 miles will link up 41 islands by means of yia- ets, just often act as ee foal Ch ie ‘ne “ase and Soe in but °. The Stranger Murphys’ ancesto — "Ancestors! r w ‘And who are the ss “the Meta spring From no hey spring at thim!’ is a Liver of the ailments that man has to. contend with haye sheds or igin in ordered organ, pecullia eo susce plible to the dieturbances that come from irre gular habits or lack of care in eat ing and drinking. This accounts ‘for the great many liver regulators the tttenticry of aaiioiea’ 8 Ai Me Theis geet though ¢ i and the most dele Boarder — ‘What's for prenbraat! 2 ad it’s not ham aad eggs a N Union A about your corn JUDGE'S STRONG WORDS DEATH SENTENCE WAS A RE- MARKABLE ONE, Judge Benedict Pronounced Them on a Cruel Murderer in New Mexico, Probably the best anecdote of Kenedict of h pronounced “spon one Jose ie Martin, who was convicted Me murder in the District Conrt of Taos éounty unde: ae f facts showing great br n absolutely no uaitigating stane Judge Benedict s ‘Jose Maria Martin, fetes up! Jose Maria Martin, you have been guencted 26 -] heed sentence of t finual: thing, Jose Maria: Martin, it is a painful duty for the Judge of a e a human being the sentence death. There is somethin: about it and the mind of the naturally revolts from the perform- ance of such a atuky: Happily, how- ever, your case is relieved of all such unpleasant steaiees and the Court takes positive delight in sen- tencing you to death. “YOU ARE A YOUNG MA Jose Maria aan apparently of good physical constitution and ro- bust health. Ordinarily you might have looked forward to years of life, and the Court has no doubt you have, and have eee to die INCONVENIENT FOR LIZZIE. A boy whose chief fault was that he would interrupt his elders had been repeatedly corrected by being tcld that he should s ‘At your convenience, mother, Pinte ae thing to tell you.’ One day his i plenk doing duty ite as a nae fell into rather deep water. The boy, who saw the ac a his mother his e lit- 2 fellow stood: al italy esis her re some time, waiting till she had finished a rather long story she was just tellin ame ae ae “Mother, at your have something to Ww) hat is it?’ asked the. parent convenience, pants r s fallen into the water. ‘What?’ exclaimed his mother. Has anyone pulled her out?’ “T don’t knew!’ said the lad. ge Le NOT EVEN SCRATCHED. ate—‘‘I heard your paced, pled, Does he Parishioner— ae sworn "t a letter, sir, it wor aE mean; has a kept his pledge inviolate aN 0, sir, he ain’t kept let at all. in a drawe: “Pm afra: you don’t under- stand me. Wha I mean is, has he broken the pledge sivce he took it in vio- I’ve kept it in layender “Hs ain’t touched it, 7 ve kept it wrapped up in Sineri are it’s as good ass Wien, the site gave hopeless it up as at a green old-age; about to be cut off on ur Sees re Jose Marie “tare spring time; ina l be sing tp reen in Hehe STN valley No the modern world compare with those which have n in Germany during ‘the past Dc ahey years. The paramountey SS » property does not exist in m the foundations of the ae o rs morrow as an architect lays foundations of a | he city would Bintinie tee grow a a. CRIED z RON TINUALEY, + > Mrs, Eugene G Segoe, Lialet Station, Que. lieve Baby's Own’ Tablets the best medicine in the world for constipation and sometimes for heel up a fever, and have tl four years old child who suf- ae seeveuieur inception a may ae arr, Watery Eyer, invariably give relief, aa eu aturine Bye itemeys fix overeoming the trouble, gua Ye By T bles. You ‘° % +f ave f° Soothes. "G0c At m from any serious conse-| Or. Morse’s se ¢ nite vor: pre eee oks. | cuences. Price 25 cents, at all Spe emt sail UNH (6.7) Indian Root Pills a Poor young man?” an te Pel want is ity, _econoniical w ‘Not, T want is a rieh liber- and whining a 2% ai go limping z m4 bettle of Hollow remove ae iB ae were to peu you must keep the rein oft hi is tai! “Right,” meets lee “we: . will hear it h Sue the inn- inquired how they had gone i to the limits ae when asked what he ing, said in a grown aE tone; a Oh, We on these broad mesas and moun- tainsides flowers will be blooming; | birds will be singing their sweet carols and nature will be putting oa her most gorgeous and the most attractive robes, none of this Martin ; the flowers w gene for you, Jose Maria Martin; | s will not carol for you, Jcse Maria Martin; when these things come us acted the sense of men be y space stots six Lae = beneath hs i sod and the eautiful flowers wll. be aboye your se but M s and th grow: ink the Court i to the county jail; that be kept it had in the past. Consequently! there safely and securely confined, | Senn aa GER Ss Ta ei in each individual ient|in the custody of the sheriff, until | tatal weed Lavi < land has been included within the |the day appointed for your execu li but Lect i : t rl city limits to allow for the build-| tion ful, Mr. Shen [ot medicmes but Tgot po relia ti <i : d |I tried Dodd’s Kidney Pills. ‘They ings that the continued growth of iff. tat ses tere no opportunity ere He Gand aad ca mistake. + eekl the city; will necessitate.—Scrib- | esca at you have him * Steen foes a hae mined: nex’s. the beratiea place at the soa. | My wife also hee aan Dodd's Tapes DEER HOEY 196 ac ney. Pills and received great: be- Maria Baste re c = ae Rest sthars FHF Ft +++ ++ 44444 t+osy : t nth does p |S Sea Ba ney Cu 8 Kidney Pills cure the Kid- time come?’ pu 22, YOUR HONOR.”’ | o well, until Friday, the second day of M BE the, canes hat you there be hanged Jose of Peskins an all wise Providence to | 8" ds that which i jury of your peers eo 5 be cured even of inherited ill-health body toned up pie using Dodd’s Kidney Pills is the expe mienee of Jchn Baillargeon, of this p! a aDeou ba wenn: fiom «this place parents,’” Mr. Xt ‘when | Dropsy and Heart Disease. Fconitied! child?” Bobby""Yes, but h | didn’t soy that iindll Ke wandeasved yy the! up’ neck until you are dead, and—the Court was about to oot aH ve, lor is pleasant | effectual | ee Formulae Have Been’ Well Tried Out 5 Though the NA-DRU-CO line of Medicis and Toilet Preparations have been on sale ‘or a few months only, don’t think for minute that in buying NA-DRU-CO goods you are experimenting with new or untried preparations = oe There are therefore no experiments ng e twenty-one wholesale drng firms now unitea NA-DRU-CO Preparations. We Sieg inve ted “te in the Nae ee them lengthy careers, ether too much time, work pone in Some for filty to one Bde years, prior dee union, Hach firm had acquired, 0 valual dicin: satan m the NA-DRU-CO line to take ¢ any chances Sfeleceritty use with peepee that might uot Prove tor xe mae absolutely certain that each Peeparaton | is ry before we endorse it with the NA-DRI all of seins became the prope rty of the ‘National’, Since the union onr expert chemists have carefully Trade Stark. gone over these formula and selecte t fo: NA-DRU-CO line. Ev. ila has been cai lly, studied by these experts ved if possible, then thoroughly tested aoe tual use, before them, on request, in Re consider it good enough to'bear She NA BRO eS in any 7 NADRU-CS article, * Tra “Money B I It by any chance you showld 1 Sree ith mee y |A-DRU- the san we bought itand he wi vil Sa st it should not ee the particular ad icle you ask for in stock he can get i for zou within two days from our aed wholesale An Example good example of what we mean is NA-DRU-CO zone for Brain Fag or awyers, Book- at we ne adopted of the best of the NA, DRU-CO inn Dyspepsia Tablets Headach Me ag Fook Paste Noten Teeth Petiiee Pile Oints National ore a Chemical Comenes of Canada, Limited Branches at: HALIFAX, is Bae MONTRI TTAWA, " = bgyueetnca TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON, ee ONLY OUR PROP > re © Tt INNIPEG. cova CALGARY, IN, a: VANCOUVER, Tene seem SS HE INHERITED HIS | ILL-HEALTH BUT DODD'S pees cee CURED J. BAILLARG benefits of good e Them Without Booklet Free, Lid, T ee some Is Your | Hearing aod C. The HEARO-PHONE The Lenox Hotel BUFFALO, N, Y. RHEUMATI ae booklet, giving particulars and of satished users. rade, Fir Special Offer f Home Trial. | Mon THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, The. iss po et tourists and vi Spadina Avenue, Toronte. DEAF, { Hislog Niagara Falls, and p point ni APPENDICITIS Cc flicted with this oe Yon hare used Horne, ‘Tru ‘ared without operations, All why are 5 Er alee vrther Proof That no Case of nated fermanentiy,” safely and Gath expected satisfaction was oy See: with this~ great ‘Homeopathic remed: Kidney Disease can Stand Before Pich will be sent postpaid anywhere | D-1-S-A-P-P-O-1-N-T-M-E-N-T eo eli. eK _ in e world with full it a action for the Old Reliabte Kidney Remedy. | 1%,,tB¢ world» instructions fo It you write to p en Price $2. Addve ©. ADMINEREM aman may f he keeps his,blood pure and his lace. health from aillargeon says, was bothered ah Rheumatism, “I inherit Dor & PRATT. 468 Yonge Street, Toronto, you will learn some et john T,, Walt, "Homeopathic Pharmacy, - Aroprior, Canads. CHENILLE CURTA and all Kinds of hovae LACE CURTAINS DYED AND CLEANED DO IT NOW ! “anrianamemanegaanats 2 ae. KACHE; ———<—<—<———————— are Roear Falter BOOST YOUR TOWN BY ORGANIZING A from ene to tren! miei, for ed BRASS BAND Glok or nery- Toothache, jemralgia, R 5 Information on this sel pel bala Printed instructions for ama: ay rh our bi ents stitution and By-Laws for , (ogether with our big catalogue, wil en een Hg gue, will be mailed FREB on WINNIPEG waniroa | WILLIAMS & SONS CO, es. TORONTO LIMITED ONTARIO tl all that disease feeds on, |“ a6 o the blood. That is why they ways cure Rheumatism, ube th w Mamma sister? wus afraid (sternly) —‘ ‘Don’t you| UP: Mother—‘‘Is it possible, Harr: fae erang hat you have eaten all that ane ithout giving a ShotEhE 0 your te Harry—‘‘Oh, I TY} Sushi orice Stuematnen ictus sie thaceats could come before I had eaten it p Mother Graves’ Worm Extermin- ie Ba sure and|} in roying worms. any fake tried, A with best re- Teacher — ‘What Minard’e:Lintmen medy all ordinary. ailmente. Ee never fails to relieve and cure prompt- Port Mulgrave. * MARLENE : f tl out aa bie eat MINARD'S LINIMENT for gore throat, colds and CHARLES WHOOTEN. wality is known and guaranteed, Anybody will tell you about Ramsay’ Ss. Let us ser you our beautiful. booklet selling S about house pa Booklet “W. ieee 4 is a barbari- as refused to Lord - $ fered! frequently from convul- $] OM airy have merey on your seal. | an! Pgpil—"A man who cuts + Wheat hove SPU ere IE va Bet Saye hair, ve! 3 Sin the + | ligious belief or are connec a Sa > 5 any eenplaae praecieetinn it might! ror RNEUMATISM—it is not, noconsary to Ro t0 | fay ; M4, £| be well enough for you to send for| Bergpanms, dust we, hep. 4 Lo Menho | 8 4 Sold Your ant ‘or your Yr and druggists, “Davis & Lawrence Company, manu | ()° 4 is or by $/ 8¢t from him “well, such eonsola-| #ore™ ia ; from fee ets pote reins the ‘nian who. can -keep saeine ; i ; jams! Medicine ¢ | ap ything of that kind,” Mr. Sheriff, | his face closed at the right tim ates ee Seay coe pamoner: Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. | D +> .. “Young man it was her father] fo. F ‘you've be calling | ment of the digestive organ RenetiA only “it ded of ‘Abriows pulse sohatyallistion yer poeulte, havent alstorjoration ib, the. qualigyof abs , y me ry Stm-| cod. In these ailments Parme ties ene cildren can't 30 tetet ee mole eke | ane the day, ight fortwe. ok ‘Yes,|ec’s Vegetable Pills been a y 8 i wouldn't do no good, lady, the | simptive Syrup, an old-time and Sei aie ina ee a beida re ale | kids ain't old enough to work yet.'’| wid ly recognized remedy, eee saan ever a a ‘ted OF COURSE. Harry. aged dire playing at: the sewing Paachine gue oy ha aking my baby a dress," bat are ~ you trimming it ith? “Oh, ihe “scisko Keep the Children Well are, just: fie rent: mipdiciue: for the e. consti: fo * euiae aes put fo: it. ag Steker ate ia, k weal or gripe, isan nargucrer: Guséd rest cinldrente health by always keep: ing a box of Dr. Moses. Taping . Root. Pills in the house, ‘They ee in’ il BILLS baths ‘sh. hi to ae enw Ae, nts his adventures By t fell over the bul- the — able seaman, long genie: 2 big shark an’ the 7 <a hens matey asked one of the jents. “T never Spies none — with arks,”” sais the sailor. “I let a man tri ape aa he, Tew’ $ any, NO ARGUMENT. tus morning, too.” liver always “intentions sernsioreniecnut feed a ecie nalee distressing distur- banees and to these there is no bet- proudly returned the “Sir, could you give me a little tistanco 0 said the weary way- aE dont i knew where ay aes ng from i- dae corepliod thet eine tnilividtialy «<"My. Cook lett We m A, RAMSAY & SON ‘C0., Ratablished 1842, The Paint Makers, - Montreal for Fever and Ague.— f the rie and precede attacks of ver and ague, showing derange- A Cure isturbance o! are many who are ‘eparation proeurable as a ef. pr eans of reli Montreal and Quebec to TRIPLE TURBIN: EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS Royal Edward «- Royal George Among the prisoners brought be- ve a police magistrate on Mon- public Triple Screws, Mivconi Wireless, Deep Sea ‘Telephones, ‘said his. Honor, sents Passenger Elevators, 6 Passenger Decks, 12,009 tons. your pock- over two dollars in silver and) The “Royal Elward” will inarsirate the fortnightly poppet i enor,’ | service of the Canadian. Northern Steamships, Limited— Zig The Royal Line —from Montreal and Qaebae to Bristol on end-} Thursday, May 26th, not ae as Sitel A patient in a Seaport hospital escribed with gruesome vividness ha: ff one of the islands he West andiee: m have pane leg. s to stand on bis fang ter, free sample te The twin sein. Royal Edward” and the * Royal George” are the fastest triple serew tur- bine boats in the Canadian service. British port is Bristol (two hours nearer than Liverpool.) Special trains alongside steamers witism 110 min- e steamers are driver oy oe Best Appointed| Steamers. The Most Pic- turesque Port. mum. of speed and minimum of vibration. Theie equipment is the finest ever seen in the St. Law- rence. Large staterooms, spacious social apart- \ ments, sheltered promenade decks, artistic furnish- ings, perfect service, and ventilation by thermo. tanle Esfate the fresh air being warmed or ade . as For full pa ciculars, rates, mht schedule of pallngs; any steamship agent, or writ + C, BOURLIER Canallisiy Northern Steawships, See Toronto, eaiae Only four days at sea. ne oe tong = AND S DRUG: } to Dept. W. L. Ni: Orug & Chemloal Co» Toronto. ie Ra!

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