THE MILVERTON SUN WESTERN FAIR crossing in safet% the bridge over the 3 —— Fes 5 B jj creck without gétting between the} 4 t. 9th to 17th. London, Ont. oF sleepers where they finally left the so ADIAN Bites . DRAIN TILE! any and varied uses to which nee Mr. J. G. Seip. Mrs. Seip and Miss When buying Drain Tile, the best is always théchcapest. Write for prices ont Wha winger: weceeot your stath Great Lakes Sortie fetid! “|S W.-W. SMITH ita ce in Linw ran ae Pi Navigation Machel sateetioie atthe oWomiente Tile, - - SHALLOW LAKE, ONT, reer eat Sa toaci [Ls A T wistin You fe Now Open ||: sss ite ane te cist each soceecnenaceceeam erefore this ir Pp report of it mext week. G 1C t 6 Sele Regular cally as follows: pee Uae Ree St osk nena ee pavel Contract THE ‘RIGHT 3. HOUSE is a roomy struct as i , ' tnd ventilated, oe 5 en Yo SS. i Mr. rs. J. Klockman, of Burns! The undersigned w call be present at Se Tie bait former's father Mr. ©. the 5th line corn Mornington. one i Milverton on. 6: day 1 ease the congestion there ha: h S n aturd BE ceccseoeceees > Rein The fi W. di ‘ been in the Machinery Hall in pti gece Jalonct i i renee| p.m. sharp to Te D pe : “el une (ad Weddings oa and Exhibitors may be assur : fe Moe ne EWiaaine i aweee d “Rev. Ms eee 2 yards of grav on. the: eoun- 15 pair Men’s Pants, regular 25255 yea: i and 2.50, while they last............ ‘}1.79 ft ns . y Se ee ee ee f é e should communicate with the || HOMESEEKERS Mout ait of Wedding Teen ' croup ee eae Mee exeunsion ...May 8 | aoa an me “ale ilding will | G7 PSG I Ee i Rig A a ii rs H. B. K di M * i at this year and aaert Through Train to eg and West ric] Sat} if the si 3 dozen Men's Felt Hats, regular )) = ‘| —Diamond Rings ile te Paoee ALE ce from Toronto 2 ae se Lon abepe tate fine. wilt be: of deliabe tot Millbank, June 3rd. 1910, 2.25 and 2.59, while they last. Hi 1.45 —Wedding Rings i pli c! the children for whom it has. he Silverware ery sett heen W. H. Sanderson, Local Agent |/percioutariy. arranged. Tenders for Drain Ae information will be given by A. M ‘Try Bundy’s ice cream parlor. Ev- —Cut Glass Hunt, Secretary, London, Ontario. exgthing up-to-date. === —Hand Painted China aan g Doherty. of Hespeler, is Sealed Tenders (marked tender for 6 dozen White Plates, 7 inch, re- in . A. Ge Cae Hon. W. He LINwooD. g afew days at hee drain) ibe ed by the under- ular 85c, while they 1: t —Jewelery of every . King were banquetted by r " & 5c y las description. i at Bertin on phursdas anon thirty spectators from Lin I. Jackson, of Glenallan, called evening of last week. igiet eae Alenia: bye’ on Moedny The best Writing Paper kept in stock the contract is t oR ov i i ar.| Mr, Ralph Koebel spent Sunday near y { , ‘lite nthe mn. ; 20 pair Penman’s Drawers, sizes 34 North Perth F 3 poe sett J. L. MeKay and Miss Dolly and b § 3 P armer’s Institute) mateh at tha iat “arate oad n cy are visiting with]a marked chea 00. s. to 4o, regular 1.50 for a ‘for 8 = | P. H. BASTENDORFF thea yak Biker, Hy) iends in Loudon this: wee. sevrure mores | | EXCURSION sate i ace: "al al om iM js cee: eek: ending several] ‘The lowes any tender not neces: @ Eyes Tested FREE of Charge To. -GUELPH sarily ascepted > FAR ie : Bundy left on Saturday for GEO. LOCHHEAD. 1000 yards Embroidery and Inser- ) Mess t and H. N. Modeland| Barrie where she will spend a few i Clerk of Elma. tion, regular 10 to 1§¢, for. Soent made! in, the vill weeks, vood. May, 30th. 1910, rs. Geo. Badly and al Mrs, Levi Henry and family left on 0. Kerr Steal Bene with Tiigvas i Laat) for their home in Sebring- . ee Ainetable ‘and Fares Spectal RB ine r Oscar Lutz, of Wallenstein. Seg too Ibs Sulphur, regular 5c Ib., - ie e absence mag! pastor who is! spi y pene POCe Ts eae inti A 3 IDS Horseshoe re Ou i ae me tAduit. Child) int conference ren alpi aes M. Goe eo in every unrepresented county 9 # “ 56| the J odist. ¢ Sund s . 5 . bE RRR EE ES AES Listowel -. : ¥ ie 50; 4 ing? ot Ms Lea. ee ae oe 1910. Over 65 per cent 5 of Mr, the ye: y e é 95 iss Emma ake place at| ‘ “ Bt 45|8t. Mary’s church. Macton, o es-|: Bleetricity will_aecomplish atmos SU Se ie ae eco 200 Ibs. ase good ‘ae e regular )} Peffers . 5 5| day. June 14th. T i de cent illustration of pralielee evtline acdc, Treeline lbs. for Newton - 4 i 45 placi he residence of the this shown inthe oase of an engi-| GE eaes Co 5c; 7 tbs. tere eee eee auton eee rere ee ‘ ih A San ete ‘ ae ee eet annery. Wh ee es : ; ' ‘or_years. Fr bride at Living Spring Farm aes ACRES UNDER CULTI- VATION S 5 Miss Verna Persil is at present vi | sees! ‘ I can cure the worst case of - . 85 iting her sister Mrs. David Pollic! “4 md a few weeks lai rane |; Our acreage, is mentioned as it is cases Pineapples, large size, ): i Rupture without operation 8 40| at Drayt ran covered with 1 thick : oe oO oF loss of time, from infan- |) ing will leave Guelph a Opie ae Wation Williams, of Toro vth of hair. A doctor in’ a firm of good sts size, W while they ASL seeeeseeeseseyvesenseseenaees * try t age. 8 days at hi tt. od | 8 5 mi an ©. P. Re Timetable and Fares yeek, We understand ue | tha 2 working are-| guarantee delivery in goss . is hair had Seen ‘We want the best and mi Time a.m. 8th he mies joining the ranks e His hair had | a a Act at Once Wart Maikiome eR ne ae ther bauadtet ‘ oroatad by cit 1 agent in every district. on « Mr. Ziegler and Miss Brubacher. of] Every town bas its advantages and/over 95 years, For further particu- 3 ‘ 3 ibank - EI ‘ ts at the Li J} abould e most of them. Every|lars write and remove the daily dan-_ | |ilban BUY chee. Sh Met ceil as edi someon eer, “of strangulation. il in [Iti Jeet ee wnd Geo. Ruler at | enterprise cee inab another. and as|E BLHAM NURSERY COMPANY Be Fs a os | Sgr! tb edlact eer ps I g 12 80 tended ths’ Linge fair ou Frias) soot as it ia ascertained whs would onto, — 028-15 i Jast and report it as a very tame af-| be most conducive to the oe Bis 5 2 rasperi ee lace fhe: ol : H i asl eH J. S. SMITH i air a ee ne es resp ae ees saat Tenders for Drain Marriage Licenses Issued, - Milverton. _ 30. » | pus a i 88 Caledonia St. riage, -|aan make a town. The evspay, etl edled, tender (Hepked Tider tak J. HAMILTON, President Pathmaster, Poomer is crit nor drain) will be Feocived by the under. Stratford, - Ont, J. M. MeCALLUM. Viee-Prosident the constraction Of the ai a) > hel core ike up till 2 o'clock of the 18th J. SPENCER, Sec-Treasure in; ad fi no Hing, tos : aay e for the ety Name. - the C.P.R, tracks lag) i s ie 4 ct | tion ee rain in the Township en inion is| very man whe At : iter “CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY he drain will serv i to it. (Whe n be | dra Hee e he am S SD in| ‘makes 7 spends e bette x, Tenders will be reeeived for Time Rup sete : ee 0 the ios ty. large Yr 4 Sunset Going! Moonlight Returning! Te eesenaa ups theanore he edvertlacs, acre. Ore ndera mae we ee Ants or Double... 3 i ttn: bh noe: is called to the}; rie An exciting chas lace on the! town, A man car et c the v 1 Moonlight PR. r 2 usiness own ¥ on ried o% : R I be car- Satisfaction Guaranteed. nos at Soe to plans and spec- ication: ir ¥ ki baie Me ihe: riva . Mr. R. Y¥. Fish and other to Mey-| one is the interes 1. ; ete ‘profiles and ercoibloations Excursion *: 22 fPagnejee ety, Decne ee a elem t kept the ca yns in te isame county is shor To fnladte of the atte fae eae o oia. | alent poll Wate Tovnshin Clerk . Burns. As Wedding a a Coderich and Return) ———— = Friday Evening "YL. B. KERR JUNE 17th,’10 Linwood’s Popular Store Bee: eae — 3 dings, and what. wouldimake a nicer gift than one-off our June is the month of wed- tm connection with white Star Tenders for Drain hase i We i es fa ie red + ¥ andsome rockers, e& in- Steamer Greyhound FRIDAY aud SATURDAY rain i e rece ved by he under. ( te vite you to call and inspect t: ow. Moonlight Special will leave the day & fo Sin eZ jy ournew and up-to-date stock following stations ae. time a ; : ed ate yy AAU / A ota S Pp I A < PSA TO GY vessterv0 bor ota D Se Ss Ban ee Chia e no heat Mie ae et me PRICES let MODERATE Everything in Me git rare oS TT i lan Ge aottrdinig esvlaipenie eee “ : Walton ; : s 8 jortion of the drain from the 5 Torrance @ McMane Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Hardware ie ee aa, Read Over This List u 6 pieces Dress Goods, diagonal stripe, different always pleased ods — regardless o i St ee ee shades...... Benchsie fi aReieitees bean poeeper yard | are yu, 6 pieces Dress Goods, Panama cloth, 50 inches orelock p.m, oe Forget the $1.50 Excursion to — of M Detroit, June 18th. +f ri ornington, ro wide, popular shades...............-+4.-.95¢ per yard Millbank. June 5th, 1910, ADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to pieces Grey Cotton, 36 inches wide, special roc yard Notice Regarding MI I N E RY le metely Conall ahh oe Your satisfaction i eu {| HO! FOR THE LAKE BREEZES 300 yards Laces, clearing at.....:........0...2 yards for 5¢ Registration lar thing we aim at and w to make thle the Hrepaial SCHOOL CHILDREN’S “ 500 yards Laces and Insertions, special..... 5c yard Notice is hereby given. that under ny you to buy a : ‘d the Vital Statistics Act all births and ‘ Back and Side Combs, extra special...............10¢ each curring in the Township of | ue . , y in rs. In where a 4 Hose Supporters, regular 25¢ for ............ 19¢ pair : Cashmere Socks, regular 30c for............s0:e419¢ pair | docto Bont, 9 be Sica te | ANY TRIMMED HAT IN OUR SHOW _ To : : GODERICH Collar Buttons.(plated fat... scrowis.deiis1nt0c dosen Sitmred nee ee ae ROOM WILL BE SOLD AT 3% PRICE ald be tak : Saturday, June Tith Nutmegs, No. 1 qualityincisiecciecd seereee5¢ dozen ery question vcpriectiy . ai a é as ‘orms should not be 4 ; s Re sob SPeglal Tea nl leave the fol.|@ Mixed Cakes......... se toe Ib, eget aeenand fea eae nS | FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BARGA IS ty ‘ : for aria the ie Solipwita tarts ait WHBATING. silica Se ugat n oricres tac cuyes escapee odes TOR 2 gC yeaa ee erseaee oy ine app . Bsa. 4 on. Fi S$ Acie Ohiidl Time Odd Cups, wheat pattern..........6. sees0+s++e.60€ dozen resenting the uesestary cores LACES and INSERTIONS—850 Bites of tice ly creens oe $1.10 Ss 1 - ee eg f $ a wean byt dhe abtriot poms @ for- jal Laces and I: at per : Mi nives and Forks, regular $2.25 for..........$1.50 dozen .§ | warded to ER ke / atsou wat wo wep ite ae | [Heda ah cS ae : { WADDELL. 1% WASH GINGHAMS—goo yards 2 f best Ws Aww nd tha dots SONOW, botore | [Mal 3 - : : : PY | pits may na tio m5-8t Ginghams, ae per y lows al rs Ul 1 “Ib gets wi i 4 48° ; eS ’ : _ COMMERCIAL — | Phere sate isa rethought Retin We Gutta at ute oe ne Ice Cream and Choice Fruits ‘ j yard on c per later, and | /¢2™ing will leave Goderich at’ 6.30 ‘ oan ‘ athe a0 ai MEN'S ee pair Mths fancy Silk Segoe ear | recy ce ete on Saturday Pen Se BRIE and Wool Howe, reg. So, ale pr ogy pealth plendid educational ee vbrine f = eek . : i KERY : x ets and enjoy a day . . have the ne ight adcol comes shore, Young and old are naps ae : 2 i 1 Net gh and door screens, and : : = Bare DINNER SET—o7 Pieces, re ular price 12, E * . ard 8 ‘ gular price 1 50) ne Saat hae ak ete ng of i allows e4; sale price only. $9 r. 2 ™ * tatoes 10 your buying. Foot cat ias Reet te : Rape x ee: : : fer : 9 TEA SET—1 ee Tes mee — price se ea pectoneh rice on ges, for which suitable oa will : Rts = ae E 3 le p ie aivarded, : : ; Se by arash ee sa Rothermel & Son | “Faking “and boating may be indul- ee 20 we gs a ‘th i =| | $ STRATFORD MA cETS Hardware Merchants || Phe Guu Ma hs on seu Frank i. ‘Schummer wa at * ¥ ee ternoon. Baris f ——— s aa, % : Take a day off and bring out the) = 2 boys and bee THOS. HUTCHISON. rs expected that the last dividend en _ Chairman of Committve. ee the York Loan es es will be 5 GEO. A, SMI geies this year, = eeeretary of eounilies