Milverton Sun, 9 Jun 1910, p. 2

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: FORGING YOURSELF TO TAKE FOOD Ths Tortures of Indigestion Ban- ished by tke Tonic Powers of Dr. Williams’ : Pink Pills, Victims of bere toa have small okies between two evils—on the hand a é : ; 3 ; ; : lent and weakening, and so-called “‘pre-digested foods” merely evsde the cause of the trouble and the stomach steadily grows weaker. The common sense way of curing indigestion is the Williams’ way—the paneing of new, rich blood by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills that © weakened elea the distressed di organs. Dr. Williams? Pink ae have cured thousands of e rst eases of indigestion prasietiote sts simple tonic treat- mank nds one peanenlleci example of ei ad flered a re of ‘indigestion. T had no sponte! at others there was. a craving for food, but what- ever I took caused me the greatest angs. As the result of the trouble suffered from violent headaches, almost continuously the At times icines; some gave me any permanent benefit un- til I sin, rt. Willi Pink Pills. I had only taken t! a few weeks when I found such telp as I had not found befor The etiis after eating qeaatsuy disap- peared, my appetite grew better, and after using ‘the Pills for a cou- ple of months I found myself com- ‘ Gayeton diet, which} d CAUSE OF KING'S DEATH AN OFFICIAL RECORD OF HIS LAST ILLNESS. Medical Journal Declares That Edward VU. Died a Martyr to pee with perfect truth, to have died a martyr to his sense of duty as a sovereign. ‘Throughout his reign common medicines upset the .sto- gard to his mach and render the food more dif- ee convenience "tt was only ficult to di; Laxatives are vio-| within a da; 0 of his death that he could be prevailed upon to keep within doors, and even in the last throes of the distressing ip langerous complaint which wa: quickly to cut Ain his valuable Iie he refused t t eed until his hecehe ag s eould n longer be spurred tare activity ig his. srevolte wi medical ri case was perfectly simple, the stopping of the machinery fife was due to causes about which there is nothing doubtful or myster- ious. We think it necessary to point of view and of M.| point out this since the appearance leading| the end came with rs larynpologist gaye rise to a revival | on the bulletins of a fessor St. Clair Thomson had, how- ever, attended him on several oc- casions during the last 18 months. Before that time Sir Felix Semon ago he had b Six Morell Mackenzie. us HEART. “For years the King has ate red fom emphysema Seed le more or less acute branch with the usual symptoms of d in| anc ineffective cough and “ditfculty ot breathing. There was crepita- tion at the base of both lungs, indi- cating a cari impediment to the free yy the late iy wens of indigestion.’ action on the ioe Dr. William’ “Pink | Pills cure ah troubles a forms of nervous troubles such a: Oren St. Vitus dance, naa pari lysis. These Pills are| especis aly valuable to growing girls n and cure the headac! nee neloaciies and other pains know only to them--Sotd by all abate dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box er six boxes for va 50 from The Dr. * Williams’ Medici Co., Brock- ville, Ont. —_—__*_— —__ THIRTY THOUSAND PATE: Flying Machines, 1 vathle tors, and Sour M de British Patent sas receiv- 20, w ventors. responsible for 731, Germany 431, Canada 42, Patents in the field of locomotion are more numerous than | in any other class, While railroads | and horse Yablelse show a falling| off in the ntio but just as thea devices improvement and segues ding of motor vehicles are being work " out. These have largely increased | ae Tine. speed indicating and signal- in, were applied for last year as in the year! before. is for ‘the culture of the sithhe milk ba- cilli, and many patents have been applied for on appliances to et te the points of ladies’ hat- AN renin POR ALL BABIES, Baby’s Own Tablets are an ex- cellent remedy for babies of all ages. They cure all stomach and bowel troubles; teething easy ; dispel worms; and make baby far, good-natured and health; They are sold under the guarantee of a Government analyst to con- Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brat, Ont. ee TOO MUCH TO EXPECT. Against an old Georgia negro, charged with stealing a pig, the evi- was abso ohiitaly conclusive, and the judge, who knew the old darky well, said reproachfully : “Now, uncle, why did you steal this pig? “Because mah poor family wuz earns yo’ honor,’’ whispered the old ma “Family starving!’ cried the judge. “‘But they told me you cep five dogs. How is that, uncle ?”” ‘ “Why, yo’ honor,” said uncle, Teprovingly, “yo wouldn’t ’spect mah Pay fs eat dem dogs!” +~——— ‘AGRICULTURAL ADVANCES Now is the o happy seed pummes Behold SRS eee But soon it will be weed: time, And ‘ “whack: will go the hoe. Protec« chi bi peer es tubes. was subject | to attacks of laryngitis, producing la es spasm of the vocal munca: sept for some inflammatory cae eee ihére was, we are in a posi- |tion to state, no trace of disease in the upper air “The ing, in eee had what is known as a s throat,’ and (this and the co: gestion “and thick- | ening due to this cau w the loss of Ante made it sogreesnaly him to clear tas thrown nie the. ee by | obstruction to the passage of Bleed through the lungs caused by £TeCCH of secretions in the pee ad its natural sequ in Paitaiien of the right rent 0 the pepetes ing dificulty in the pulmonary cir- culation “Tt was, in short, a case ¢ e scen every day in contaaitd ay ae derly persons, The cause of death in such persons is purely mechani- eal, the action of the overladen iventars,| heart being gradually stopped by) the little folks. | increasing resistance in the lungs. of | Coutd the King have been induced ed} \ spare himself more he would probably have longer. His M ajesty had, in aeronautics there | suffered from glycosuria of ee three times as many patents | degree for 2 Jong time, but. this did} not, so far its be judged, tend) must have Meauyed considerable discomfort ab times was a certain weakness in | the abdominal wall at the site of the operation for Lae which was performed in OFTEN OPPOSED DOCTORS. “We only mention these SHaaeE ties as the knowledge of what h hi endure must increase The state of his health would have been a reasonable ex- use for some degree of valetudin- feature in him was the pluck with which he bore himself not only in the illnesses which have luring the ie was recoy- im to stand in the way) The stomach is the workshop of the of the SEIN of his duty. t} vital functions and n it gets out should be a comfort to his subjects! of ler the whole system clogs in that he passed anh peacefully be- e he had reach oe stage of he frequent fi bronchial Pe 2 e fate of sufferers asthma. of w nded rumo; were! to. those about him that the end BIRO erat isles er dconsed was imminent before any whisper monarch came to the . Pro-| of alarm ee found its way outside sage of air in the smaller the | Stings, You: rine Hy [Strengthens Weak tyes. Doesn't. smart, BAD HEALTH FOR A YEAR. “Except for the auesons ae year ago the strain began to a his robust constitution. He was when he went to Berlin in the ae part of the year; he was ill e opening of Parliament that he looked very weary and un- well. On his way through France he caught a fresh chill, and during the early days of his stay at Biar- ritz his condition caused some anx- iety. The skill of his pieces and the care of his nurse, combined with the favorable influence os oa climate, enabled him to shak the enemy for a time. “Had he been a private citizen he might have extended tay. at Biarritz, which was proving bene- ficial. He felt obliged, however, e: return ae ah post to be ready in a great oasntie 2 ree sued from without stopping. This hurried journey would have taxed his strength even had he been in perfect health. Suffering as he was from the effects of recent illness, the King might fairly have been ex- cused from facing the risk of re- told. Though shasta sud- denness to his people, it was clear the _palac: “The firs st bulletin issued reveal- ed the real nature of the situation to those who could read between tke lines. During the last night {the state of the heart made the au- gust patient very restless, but the next day he was able to transact business for a short time. Gradu- ally he became senate reviv ing pace pe twice su: ntly re. he quae ear aas craks rs Tacut him, but the uncon- @ a iy seemed ‘ cease upon the midnight with no pain.’ Leas aes OUTDOOR SPORT AND ZAM-BU Every man or woman who loves pa qt which, as soon as applied to cuts. bine se ‘ic properties render the wound frec from all danger from blood | peigoning. Next, its soothing pro- | trate the set up the | wonderful of healing. | arbed wire seratches, insect heat rashes, ringworm, ba- | bies’ heat sores, stated places, sore M come within -Buk’s pow All druggi ¥ and stores, | k avoid imitation | be a lie; | ve much ee sts! | think it?s cowardly for two persons | 2 | to attack one Pics of music. Do not delay in getting relief for other Graves? | Werm Exterminator isa pleasant and sure cur u love your obi why Ween aeiemucer when remedy is so near at hand? The Milkman—‘‘l am _ going to uy a horseless milk wagon.’’ The Housekeeper—‘Yes ; it will be so | appropriate—goes so well with the} “Mr. Dustin Stax said he was | cowless milk you sell.’ going to retire with a fortune igure’ “He a cpt his word. When- {10 HOME should be without it. Pain-}ever he goes to sleep he pute his {made ed ae: o/tiviment, fon bratscs nod wallet and his checkbook under his awellings Internally for cramp pillo iarrhoes. Arold substitutes,, tl SO eee VE eee There are a number of vance An Irishman, upbraided with of corns. Holloway’s Corn Cu oiuaeicee ekuk hacia aes ‘a| will remove any of them. Call on utosretycnings ithe’ crag One his cowardly legs always ran away with it F Droapist Will. Felt Yo ves, athes Hye Fain, and: Salis, for Bao. Murine in. Your” kiyes in Babs Byes for Scaly Eyelids and Granuiation, INCONSIDERATE, ia ae oes to music,’ said the 9) i “or you would not dare treat it as you do.” Clean Stomach, Clean Mind. stomach and the best preparation years has won them a leading place in medicine. A trial will attest their value. Zam-Buk is a purely herbal pre-| t> your druggist and get a bottle at once. sea as have ever been |i Keop Minard's Linin adage, ‘‘What goes ge must come own.” DON'T makers are attempting to steal y ton evidently ae ae Te-/fand ‘out reputation ‘by putting out an r ie estra, | imitation lenthol pea Piobie orsheattes | Maxtor: Be sare: 10 ei thie genuine made by Davis & Lawrence © Men let the faults of others worry you. Minard’s Linime mind droops and omes im-| ‘‘M: , if you had a child to possible. first care should weep oyer,”” ieee! the lawyer, to restore healthful action of the} ‘‘the bigger.” We'll have to take the rubber plant purow Away ALL YOUR FEARS BACKACHE, GRAVEL RHEUMATISM VANISH BEFORE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Proved Once Again in the Case of Mrs. Fred. Krieger, Who Suffer- ed From the Worst Forms of Kidney Disease. Palmer Rapids, Ont., e 6 (Special)—The thousands oe ORE: dians who live in daily terror of thuse ene eons of Kidney Dis- ease know! che, Gravel and Rhewiatian: Mill be deeply interested in the story of Mrs. Fred Ki i Rheumatism and Backache,” Mrs. ger sta “Tt all started but I got so my s 88 was totally unfit to do Soy eiDg hy Dodd's Kidney some. After Ree: a few I ind they were doing me good “}and this encouraged on- tinue their use. Eight boxes made me we: “[ have been able to do my own work ever since and to-day [ am eqmuletely aired” Dottls Kidney Pills gave me health and I feel like a new woman If you keep your Kidneys strong and healthy you can never Beakeahis: Blenmstisa or G Dodd’s Bae Pills never fail make the “strong and well. 100 MUCH FOR . JOURNALIST. sing Newspaper Man Lock- ed Up for Lunatic. Enterp Growing suspicious of the admin- a ion of insane n Tomaso Giloni, sesalist ob to corditions in Rome. thcds failed to wanted, so he dae ined to get he Songer less en m in as @ patient. Now be wishes he had been ing. "Banging the knovke~ of the door de: ence ss the King of Italy. The porter merely told him he was dru: nd turned him Si led dow anc: performed such antics that the 1 police locked him up. terview with the police surgeon he found himself inside. Soon after he was admitted the onary ae was over-ex ediate treatnen ae etic, gave lessee hath ap enterprise fiz He confessed, and the e | him along with a rush. He asylum authorities sent the magistrate. Stifling his laughter over the evi- dence the magistrate said the nalist had been sufficiently punish- sd already, so he would be relea: Whereupon the doctors an: noueod that they had seen the lay of Tomaso’s little game all along} aa had acted accordingly. 1 KEEPING HIS WORD. There ate etill as gov fish in nie in the house. _ People who do: theig own mark ing are beginning to doubt the ad BE DECEIVED. Tngerapujania ir money our own fault its and don’t “Lumberman’ ‘3. Friend. MAKING at 7 IMPRESSION, “But I “At Teast you es dog?” “Alas no.” “Then there’s nothing else to-do. into court.” TO BE USEFUL COLONISTS. Lady Ernestine Hunt, the noted girls to ful colonists. The gir! from eighteen years ee are taught housewifery, work, home nursing, first ning, riding and driving.-No servants are kept, all the house and stable-work ne done of the Kidneys INTER E ? ro" atigm, tea, Gravel Diabetes, Gall _Ston the deadly Bright's Disease tome of the results of neglected 3. c and Tales "the ikidneys. go that they. do fhelr work thoroughly aud well. Dr. Morse’s ISSUE NO. 24—10, Ask for Minard’s and take no other. Indian Root Pills Q AND | @ ROYAL BABY’S SHOES. Little Julianna of Holland Has Wonderful Footgear. ween Wilhelmina’s baby, At American fimm has several pairs cloth o arother of cloth of silver and still another of the very finest patent calf with saloth of silver copping. Beant iful silks and brocaded s: ins that cost $100 a used. One pair in particular is noteworthy. It is a tiny pair earriage boots in exact miniature of a woman’s Roos. Fag made of sa- tr brocade in manve with a border of fate white aed white satin bows. style of shoe for this sprig ea Sb ty is made in three colors, white, pink fang pon gece ees YOUR SUMMER OUTING. If you are fond of fishing, canoe- ing ping or the study of wild animals look up the Algonquin Na- tional Park of Ontario for your summer outing. A fish and game preserve 2,000,000 acres inter- spersed with 1,200 lakes and rivers ing you, offering all the at- can bestow. . Altitude 2,000 feet above sea devel; Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. Just the place to put in your summer holidays. Good hotel accommoda- tion. An interesting and profuse- ly illustrated descriptive publica- tion telling you all about it gent free on application to Mr. McDonald, — District Pen Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. BOU' a THE “SIZE OF It, ‘Half the world doesn’t know how the other half lives,’’ said the ut in the grouch, what’s more, ios “sel busy to car DEAF, LISTEN! You have used Horns, Trumpets and other Mechanical Devices in te hope of being able to hear, but always found the expected satis- faction was spelled ‘‘Disappoint: it to-day—better still—do it now! FORC A HANDICAP. Diogenes returned aoe his search for an fowent 4 en up the chase?” “they in- became a matter of neces- replied the philosipher, sity,” “Someone stole my lantern,’ ‘The Pill ‘That L Sep Them All.— Pills are the most portable and compact of all medicines, and when easy to take are the most table of preparations. But they ad | USE attest their power to be po- pular, As Parmelee’s Vegetable s are the most popular of all they must fully meet all r ents. Accurat nnd ogee proven to ‘he aitholina tien guines ing the digestive organs, there is no surer medicine to be had any- where. “We've been having a home, regular ”” explained clearance at ie ominae asked a alee ue What was ee? “A copper kettle!” replied Jones, the Yarmouth Y.31.¢., A. Bors’ Camp. Builds Strong, Healthy, Sturdy Youngsters. To serve—heat in oven, pour hot milk over it and salt to taste. Soid by all grocers, 13c. a carton; two for 25c, A favoring a fee Sobetae iy ane a. Mapleine MAPLEINE 25232 MeKenzie Mine at Elk Lake 2 Has Started Bagging Ore Successful Operations at the Mine Which Make the Property a Coming Shipper. ELK CITY, 4.—With the new 7 inch yein crosses. Mr. the open- ; where Ma; ing of navigu 808; which ip now in full hi ctivity | been erected, including. bunk” house, The district is aks. to become an- fhe? mp, manager's dwelling, other Cobalt and gc blacksmith shop, ‘powder house, end the necessary machinery is being in- | statled. ood wagon road hulle trom the musts road which allels Ba from Elk Lake. depth with: gaten eAcaoty pers and propertios Bagging ore the ¥ Godfrey, the Borla Tipu the Devlin and: the mi are Moose oe Moose Horn mine put plant ¢ this spring and are ho ow sinking 1] 15,000 ounces Patty tena nd he. property shat. it the shippers. engineer in charge, Mr. Harry | that the vein | ievieg bene 600 pounds of g. "bagged by May 1 and the compal group: | work ia ¢his Togard, being pishe ‘a depth of 50 fect continued stead: | pidly from day to. day, distance and showed free | Application is velo made to list this silver all the way with the exception | Stock on the, Ne Oui ral hundred if o Transfer Agents, are he Trusts of ‘Toronto ity and Trane nat gaat sh Company and the Guarantee Security this per share, subject to sale. Write or wire me your Fotnsemtgs at once. Manning Arcade Toronto, Ont. foely SUom. apitt do-it Momcedsle, seta) P. S. HAIRSTON, browent ato the shipping. stege in’ a By stocks. s'CRONYN £& & Co. We have moved to our naw building, 90 Bay St., Toronto 10% INVESTMENT 10% 5, New. Hunatin, Cota Oh fon cha, Nei a, Rheumatin ills) Ague Chitls, qi Preferred stock, non-speculative, safe, V pereee eon te for Veh Meas en or ee peers etter still, if convenient, ine vestigate for Rye hadway's Ready rate QS WUDs BROS., 202 Jarvis Street, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED, KINGSTON ONTARIO, ollege BN d Tyler, Tondore ARTS SLEANING — =aS THEOLOGY, CLEANING ‘i. MEDICINE LADIES’. arleti by oar Fromsh Proces, 1H AMERICAN DYSiNO CO, MONTREAI, TORONTO, OTTAWA & QuUrREO SCIENCE (Including Engineering) pe e Arts stasdieees but yj sewed to grad- uate must atten Is Your Hearing Good § For Calendars, write the Remi EO. Y, CHOWN, 4 Kingston, Oulu 334 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, STYLES nd A Ns ‘in ust. I found MiNahn’s LINIMENT most dhenehtal for sun burn, an immediate ALPRED STOK: General etary, af a lawsuit over a patent Palit about. the ae thing you r saw?’ “Not alw. nded a trial of that aie once that aa too funny for anything. all lawyer named Short was poke ing a 6, 000 word document he called a DridDe veh 's Dysentery Ccrdial is compounded specially to combat dysentery, cholera morbus apa all inflammatory disorders that These complaints are more common io summer shail in winter, but they aie not con iaoaibs, as ae pore ‘els may seize a time. Such a will find speedy relief in this Cordial. SDATIONMASTER’S LUCK. A romantic ter’s good fo. f wu staionmas- Wensleydate, He now eines rth, and will retire colic « Be IN HATR servant) —“T Braids, 30 i art we aré all T suppose M Lady — (engaging zeht. to tell you that strict tectotallers he re, you won't mind shat no, mum Pier 9 e been in & Stik be- re ‘ormed fore.’ Wigs, from ae s, fares, 3 It is Good for Man and Beast.— ue Pads, +) 35 to Not bnly is Dr. ‘Thomas Bolectric} | past tnennty, erm, Orders avon $1.0), Oil of incomparable value in’ the! | eash with order but } DAY & MOH! heusehold, but the farmer and} = : x Hi 15K stockman will find ervice: | (tL King St west, Toronto.) able in the farm Seat aaa on the range, often seying the ‘ser- FARM FOR SALE. a veterinary jaa aiate in cases ee be used. juries to stock and cone and pains it ean Siu enod-eftedh at $25 an aere, $5,000. nought prion to July Ist. This peice, ine shes : 150 acres wheat, If ses pisonous the un- cee cone hake to work over- ming: ar "e8 on co ate cultivated, ag acres ean faivafea” Good buil wing sprit close to. buildin go Tana iipon Spekieiay tightly sloping oy Norths quarantead free front weeds, of the nicest_halfsections. in the BEST WHEAT DISTRICT in Bank Minard’s Liniment uséd by Physicians. 5 atchewan: crop this year shou! A clever but very ecentric man, | Jeast $3,000.00. Apply who sings comic songs with a grea Fed. KAUFMANN, ) y| deal pe anti on, was singing one day | Box 101, Grenfati, Sask. Positively pro- sigh : tects + with. ie in and he’s woman exclaime. “And to. think Gut PY" COOPER'S FLY KNOCKER lice, all these insects which worry then Slirost (ocdenth ik <bechotweathee Nour sows will give Y miore milly your horses will ry your sheep will be healthiee,if you use FLY KNOCKER. Quickly, ale aad economically lied with a sprayer. One glow wil prateliecows for feo weeks, ata co of less then one cont a SL75 A Bacon: 50c. A QUART ° WM. COOPER & NEPHEWS TORONTO. ie to Dept. W. L., N: jal Drug & Chemical Co. Toronta. \™ Queen sUniversity and Zo rts course may be taken without ere were 1517 eaten Fete session 1909-10.

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