Milverton Sun, 9 Jun 1910, p. 3

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‘TYR CENTURY OF PEACE Preparations for Cel Celebrating al at the Niagara } Fron par act A despatch from Buffalo says: “Peace hath her victories no less representing the Niagara frontier, which is arranging for the border Committee | x5 >th tier facturens’ Club, the Niagara Fron- tier Landmarks Association, falo. Historical Socicty, Bui- Boands of ra Falls, N. Y., and rade at Niaga Tonawanda, Tonawanda, Lewiston; the civil authorities. of celebration of the one ‘hundred! and Queenston, Ont., also dele years of peace enjoyed since 1812., gates from Hamilton, Toronto, Tt lis proposed to make this an oc- | Chippawa, Niagere: on-the-Lake, casion of international rejoicing. | Ont., and La Salle, N. A general mentite et be held at Niagara, Sis 6, to dis- cuss plans. At ‘this, eet dele- ates will attend representing the Chamber of Commerce and Manu- The original intention was to have the celebration take place in 1912, but the consensus of opinion now is that it will not be held be- fore 1914 or 1915. STATUE OF KING EDWARD. Montreal Citizons Will Erect One to His Late Majesty. A despatch from Montreal says t a mass meeting of citizens, both Erglish- and iene ch, ae ‘on Wed- nesday, it was decided, on the mo- of Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, to erect on a suitable site ¢ a statue ) King Edward. Sir ‘Thomas Shaugh- .nessy, who was elected President of committee comprising Mountstephen with Sir Edward Clouston Tieasurer. nesday’s penta s its cosmopo- ittan characte} Caw rabbis rub- ‘bed shoulders: ‘with Anglican cleray apd Methodist ministers, while the French-Canadian element was srtongly represented. EIGHT MEN KILLED. A Premature Blast in a Pennsyl- vania Quarry. ‘A-despatch from Allentown, Pa.,| © says: The premature explosion of a biast in the quarry of a nee Portland anene Com, nena | muted leaves a family of The others ‘were foreigners. The men were preparing three holes sixty feet deep, and had put in six hundred sticks of dynamite, when the explosion occurred. No one k the cause, but it is believed something fell into one - the holes causing the san to . Gannon and two ere hy nig 200. feet away, and nour others were thrown into a wheat field. ——- #- - WORK FOR PRISONERS. Will Build Se apa Roads iin W Ontario, A A Bey tbe Toronto says: A startewas made this week by the * Provincial olley of utilizing northern prison breavhs in the building of coloniza- n roads. Mr. R. P, Fairburn Dennee Miniwter of Public Works, left for Matheson to personally su- perintend the inauguration of the project, Twenty prisoners, accom- rap which: will include sy build- of three small bridges. The Prison Department will SS respon- sible for, the men sent up, while ¢ Department of Public Works | f vel handle the commissariat, the present time the northern jails ¢ ‘situation can be re ed by utilizing the men on public panio rks. —___4__—_ WINNIPEG DOES WELL. Gives Half a ale to Selkirk Ex- : A despatch nary Winnieg says: Winnipeg ratepayers en e w to aid the Selkirk ‘Bontet: and 1,436 against. © It peed three-fifths vote to carry. HEALTH TUBBING AND RUBBING. A great many people seem to pride themselves being well- athed individuals on the ground that every morning of their lives they jump for a short moment in- a o t is suited, that i is, for the young and the vigorous, who reach per- fectly. For these it is invigorating stimulating. As a merely letting water pass over the surface of the body clean, one must make sure that the millions of tiny pores, by means of which the skin does its work for the physical economy, are kept elcared of waste products and in m portant of the scavengers of the Sebi but one cannot expect it to do its work properly if its my- eas ties jae Hace esteouess which it matter are e matter is largely giv- ;|en off in the perspiration, which is coming through e time, whether sensibly or iiseneiblys If this perspiration is checked, the waste products are driven bac! he in- to the system, with the result that the other organs of elimination, ee kidneys or the bowels, are asked t do double duty; and double ee is not demanded of any organ long without a bill somehow, some time. To keep te skin in perfect. work- ing conditi occasional bath that pulie wishes it is called for. This bath yhoule take the form of plenty of warm above all a good rough towel, for the final rub is really more import- ant than the soap and water wash. The skin is had itself all the time, with the result that it is al- ways giving off minute scales, and it is these which largely serve to block the pores. Any one can stand in a good light with a clean, dry nail-brush and prove this. brush vigorously anywhere on the in and observe the minute dry parti es that, will fly off. It stands to reason that a swift plunge into auld. wetey anche gingerly dab witl 4 smooth towel are not enough pro- perly to remove these scales, n SE gary. fact, if one were so placed that it Six smugg) dl ngglers and three guards) éraidswho becomes wa temporarily impossible to, get] were klled in a fight on the Siber | ov acc set oe che dedent at a bai skin could be kept} iar frontier. id a coat or a j aved te lin condition ty vigorously ti rub- |’ bing, so far as all the purposes of health eemandieds-Youth's: cia anion. DRINK PLENTY OF see dangerous advice, as three pints of liquid, at least, may cut out coffee and tea, but do not cut down your supply of water; rather increase it. The fatter one is the mere a thorough flushing of the} N a = o ith meals and do not gulp it down i the cupful at any time, but drink two quarts of water a day, with- IMMIGRATION About 50,000 Settlers, From the United POR APRIL: Nearly One-Half States, Came In. ‘A despatch from Ottawa says: rectilene™ in respect to physical ae immigrants poured record rate of ‘During April Anto Canada at ness, worldly tability for lite in Canad: possessions and ai ais by ae |the best in the histo: ry of the Do- 1,600 per day. Of the daily influx AasibnesHor Mle first quarter ‘of the average number from the Unit-| yoy¢ the total immigration has bee: ed States was nearly 700. The to- | 92,132, compared with 49,568 for tal immigration for the oe ee Arete” quarter of 1909. Arrivals a 42,267, an increase of 24,03 Last aten, although || will time: ‘month Apri Pe high | Ap ril totalled 20,443, an increase not bel of Tast year. Since the] ports, of whom ‘over 75 per cent. the United uring { 8,884, or 62 per cent. over April| F, Arrivals via ocean first of the year, the total immigra-| were English-speaking, totalled 27,- pie has ‘been nearly it acet and the character of the'e- equal to the | $24, ial immigration for the whole of} per an sored e of 16,196, or 139 compared with the respond fe month of last year. To be really |} having to be paid| the js} sions from p- at once on both contracts. °f) Also Makes Himself Admiral of the TO THE FARTHEST NORTH. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of “Recent Events. CANADA. Captain Scott’s ~ Expedition Sails From the Thames. patch from London says: The Baie Antarctic expedition has announced December, lgl1, as the date for his arrival at the "South Pole. _ After receiving er Roosevelt, the T Guelph will have a Y. M. es A-Jon Wednesday afternoon from t building campaign next yea ‘Thames for Cardiff. After coaling disappointed _ ho snesteader there she will proceed to New Zea-| hanged himself near Irma, Sask. |Jand, wher veers Scott will | ‘The Manitoba Government has recommended the appointment of a technical education commission. Miss Alligy Dallyn fell off the Wa- Peek Railway bridge at St. Thomas come aboard. The 10,000 mile voy- age into the Antaretie will then be} cortinued. scott command, claim that they have the est equipped expedition that has ‘started on a polar search. The of-| 1 his|ficers and scientists to the number | of twenty-eight, and the crew of) twenty-seven, are all picked men, selected from the many hundreds who have volunteered. | pr ap. It is reported that women detec- tives have been employed in Ham- ilton stores to secure evidence of have found that about one sample in four of the Pepper sold in Toronto is adul- tera “Permosio to export power from ‘ort Frances to the United States Nae will be granted under certain conditions. What are believed to be the re-|(.. mains of Chief Tecumseth were found a bee, Anne’s Island, near pee, WINNIPEG’S TAXES. Tnerease of Fifty Millions in the) the Apeeesments a reduction in the rate to some- thing like tet ies | ~_Vievaria Moiacenrs jot aged wo- ue p- | Lule esc Pek lean skull in jum |face of the fact that the estimated | ing and Eeetorty Bike, amount required from civie taxes! ity Basis. K.6., Presi-|#8 fifty per cent. greater than last’ d {2 “gtoei Year. This year the land is es-| dent “of the Nova Scotia Stee! sessed at full selling value, whic be el F is a more or less debatable quanti- of business and that the outlook is|'* very bright A decline of 20 cents per barrel] in the price of Manitoba flour is an-| nounced. This sline tices just now are hi than ever before. From | sesement notices issued on Wednes- |day the ratepayers learn that ad- of 40 cents in the Manitoba flour) | eae market since May 1 3 be ae eae Alfred Bellerose, a man of ps value, are practically un- hebly fatally wounded. The police | oe locked him up-all night on the|1W0, BANKERS SENT TO JAIL. charge of drunkenness. A twenty-five million dollar steel They Were Concerned in Bribery of Pittsburg Councilmen. as de spatch from Pittsburg, Pa., : After having pleaded no de- fence to charges of conspiracy and pany. bite ae sures, two bankers were sentenc GREAT BRITAIN. 4 d fined in the Crim- is feared that Colonel Roose-|inal Court on Wednesday. E. velt’s Guild Hall speech will give! Jenni ; rise to Nationalist demonstr i in Egypt. UNITED STATES. The strike of tugmen at Cleve- ; t ye of $500 and Jennings and persons Griffen confessed to the Court some time ago that they had con- tributed their share of a pool with which to influence legislation in City Council looking towards bank: a2 one William Greene, a well- known aviator, is making arrange-| the ments to across Lake Ontario ae selection 0} from Rochester to Toro the city deposit ories A Chicago surgeon has discover- eet ed a way of binding up severed ar-| ANYONE MAY PFLAG TRAIN. ri means of magnesium couplers instead of sewing them. Practically every railroad in the United States has filed a schedule cf inereased freight rates with the |q Interstate Commerce Commission. A prize of $30,000 is being offer Standard System of Rules Comes Into Operation. A despatch from Montreal New says: AS Nea Pacific system on June 1 York to St. Louis, and one of $2.. 7 2 e new me is almost entirely on fora Hight, from New Lork-;; the same the standard train PORES. rules for fe United States, and is GENERAL. ¥i An anti-dynastic revolution is Tooke ze in Chi 4 murdered | Ina. eTson: Sapa in}.,. i however, is that relatin, during the election ea ae the pee asa of trains. In fu- ture any person will be empower- The Cretan Government ha: sent yi, a note to the powers asking fo up ion with Greece. The pioneer of aviation in Russia was pebably fatally injured by the faJl of his machine. Bone thirty thousan id Jews are suffering as a result of the expul- ligatory on the engineer to pull up the train A CHURCH Gace ce, Host Stolen From Michael’s, Montreal. A despatch from Montreal says: An extraordinary theft was perpe- trated on Wednesday en Michael’s Roman Catholic Church was entered, the tabernacle of the The St. The Government of United South Africa is considering the naSeNeE of compulsory ka nalat service. I C. N. R. LETS CONTRACTS. New Freight Sheds at Port Arthur| main altar broken open, and the —Rainy Lake Filling. “Sacred Host” carried away. ‘The ; theft was discovered by Father A despatch from Port Arthur | Kiéman, pastor of the church. The says: The summer will see the erec- | honediction ring was sostaken tion of another mammoth freight | Churches have been broken into SI ry CoN. in Po r- : tit, The tontract in let forebulld|pacre. nts mores, vennele, ae 4g 250 feet long and standard i Montreal that the Sacred Host width on the end of the new steel|}ne been stolen. The outrage has Sooke ere extend caused excitement g the resi- dents of the parish, and eee to give special per- ietion to be ednesday night on account of the desecration. Stewart for Rainy Lake with rolid rock ae to carry two tracks and room to spare. ‘This does away with the old weoden trestle, which, while con- ridered éafe, is not regarded by the . R. as in keeping with the rest of their equipment. Work is to start WENT OVER THE FALLS. Unknown Man Committed Suicide it Niagara. A despatch from Niagara Falls, ., Says: Another unknown, @ ian Lapel about 45 years old, plunged to from Prospect Point early on Wednesday. Posing a moment balanced on the guard forward, KING GEORGE FIELD MARSHAL A demas from London — ing George, who at the ti his ae 8 death eee es in the says: jew fae’ 3 her chauffeur to help in and y, - man’s execution of | A THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese aud Otter Dairy. Produco at “Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, June 7.—Ontario Wheat. —No. 2 mixed winter wheat, 90¢ 10 95¢ outside. Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 north- ern, 90c; No. 2 northern, 9lc at ‘ake ports for immediate shipment. Corn—American No. 2 kiln~ dried Canadian corn, 60c to 6 to freights. Bate Sena Western, No. 36e; No. 3, C.W., 34¢ at lake ied for erate shipment; Ontario No. 2 white, 33¢ to 34¢ outside ; No. 8 white, 3° ick 33¢ outside, 36¢ on track, Toron’ arle; ene Sle to 52¢; No. eats: 49c to 60c; No. 8,, 46c a ane outside; Manitoba, No. track, lake ports. No. 2, 70¢ to Tle } & 3 ed s Zo gS 8 ye—N , 6 Buckwheat No. 2, Manitoba Quotations at pagent are :—First patents. ond patents, $4.80 ; strong 90 ae cent., Glas- gow ea 25s. Ontario Tet Winter 5 wheat patents for export, $3.60 to $3.65) +, jn buyers’ bags, outside. Millfeed—Manitoba bran, $18 per ton; shorts, $20 per ton, track, \Teronto. Ontario bran, $19 per | ton; ee $21 per ton on track, Toro: COUNTRY PRODUCE. puter Crepmbry prints, 22¢ to ator prints, 20cto 21¢; Aho 18e to 19¢; Inferior tubs, Eggs-—-19¢ ny oe per dozen in case lots. hedge New cheese, laige and 1% for twin: cheese, 12%4¢ for large Soo ‘130 for S. z %o for ld $2 to $2.10 per bushel for beines ‘and $2.10 to $2.20 for hand- Pp ctatceeDelawares, Bbc to 60c x 35¢ to 40c per bag on track, Toron- to. PROVISIONS. Wholesale quotations :— ta to $31.50 Pork—Short cut, t pails, 16%; stocks very light. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats— Leng clear bacon, tons and cases, 1Ke to 1/40; backs (plain), 21¢ to green meats out of table le less than smoked. Rolls, smoked, 15¢ dium and light hams, 18¢ to avy, 164%4¢ to 17¢; bacon, to 15%4¢; me- 18%4e; 19¢ to MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, June 7.--Oats, No. 2 $19.50; Ontario middlings, $22; Mani itoba bran, $18; Manitoba sharia, a pure grain mouillie, $32.50 to $33; mixed mouillie, $25 patents, first, $5.40; d. #190; winter wheat patents, $5.25 Eggs—Selected, dozen, 22c; straight receipts, 19¢ to 20c. UNITED STATES: MARKETS. Minneapolis, June 7.—Wheat — July, $1.04%; September, 93/4 to 93%. Cash—No. 03} No. 1 Northern, $1.06%4 to $1.07% 3 No. 2 Northern, $1.03% to $1.05% No. 3 Northern, $1.00% to $1. 03%. Bran—$18 to $18.9. Flour—First patents, $5 to $5.20; second pat- ents, $4.80 to $5; first clears, $3.- 85 to $3.95; second clears, $2.60 to $2.90. Buffalo, June 7.—Wheat—High- en.|cr; No. 1 Northern, carloads, store, $1. 08 5 et stronger; No. 2 red, ee 2 white, $1.05. ‘orn- her} Bo. 8 yellow, 62%¢; No. 4 y Rye—No. 2, on ae 82e. LIVE STOCK MARKET. ; Montreal, June 7.—Calves, $3 to $10; sheep, 4e to Ge pound; la mbs,, to $7. Hogs—Live, selected ae $10.25. to $10.50. Choice, Bae: good 5%e; fair ‘o%e te Be; ag Hees ddie:: per Saunt 6K%e to ou per pound, 6c; common, 5c to choice fat cows were bought at $6.- 37% per cwt., and the remaining portion of the same load brought $5.75 per cwt. From oe to $6 was e/the frequent range of the prices for the best quality ot cows. Bulls also sold at from $5 to $6 per ewt. good market for milkers and springers has been made by the unusually large number of outside i shal an orders that had to be filled. Prices s (pea-meal), 2% to|s 14 ap: June 7.—A number of} 4,000 DOVER 10 CALAIS AND BACK An Englishman Crossed the Channel Twice in His Aeroplane. A despatch from London says: Charles Stewart Rolls, the young-| 2 est son of Lord Llangattock, on Thursday crossed the English n aeroplane. over that village, flew back to Do- ver without descending, circled ever Dover and finally descended, after a magnificent flight of ninety manatee ane which time he cov- ered over fifty miles. He is the first English aviator to cross the} when it Channel, and the first airman to make the double journey. Rolls some time waiting for a favorable ne) had been at Dover for 3| cPppertunity to make the Channel) fight. One evening, and w: en advantage of. of short Wright biplane, and, with a rousing cheer trom the iSeaaree among whom his parents, Lord and Lady Llangattock, and his brother-in-law and sister, Sir ai biplane made weep toward Dover Castle, Dee nage along the t fie and headed straight to sea a height of about 600 feet. Rolls increased his height to about 80¢ feet while within a mile of land. He was followed as fast as pos- sible by a ie which kept him in sight half-w: About at tos after his departure word reach over from Calais that Rolls e aoe and by with the aid of glasses, his biplane could be mea far out over the channel.. The aeroplane soon e shore, the chan- and ves- while the crowds chee: themselves jae Rolls didn’t descend at. Gradui NTS decreasing his height, he circled above the r towers of Dover Castle, then Sno a beau- |tifully judged encircling movement and finally after a series of other evo- lutions landed in the meadow from we Bad started, as lightly aa a bi While aver Sangatte, Rolls drop- ped three weighted envelopes con- taining messages of greeting to the Aero Club of France. He said his experience all the it was most exhilirating. to-day ranged from $44 to $80 per head. The sheep market is weak ane prices are quoted fully 25 cents lower for ewes and for bucks ant culls. $6.50 per head. 25 cents lower at a 15 to $9.50. R ABIES IN IN ONTARIO. Dr Amyot Says ‘the Situation is a Serious One. A despatch from Toronto ales That there is rabies in Ontari without a doubt, and that the site ation is a serious one, was the statement made by Dr. J. A. Am- yot, director of the laborer zn address on ‘‘Rabies’” delivered eines the seca ae pathology of the Canadian Medical A ‘ion the western part of ‘the Province. The district extends from Hamilton to Essex Centre, right ween. It is to be found from Lon- don to Goderich, and there is some of it at Owen Souni There has been one human death as. the re- post~ soe examination case, and there is not the slightest phobia. Cenada previous to this break.” Sg ARLY $1,500,000 INCREASE, x a Receipts stor May Show it Trade is Booming, lespatch from Ottawa says: The canons revenue continues w month of May were $5,779,326.51, against $4,296,660.01, an in- crease of $1,482,666.41. For the twe months of the fiscal year the receipts have been $10,834,097.27, an increase of $2,575,758.94. of i “!the Provincial Board of Health, in|? through ;| London, and the whole section be-| © SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. The hat with the ribbon bow is quite papules he two toned silks continue in wise grass linens ara well thought o! 0 ee frequently appear one summer gown. Cloth top shoes come ‘n colors to match tailored costumes. Some braid novelties show touch- seen. ¢ tal fringe and embroidery in ‘al beads are used on evening us # evide mesh figures are entirely replacing the heavy lace desins in veils. Bows on the hat this season may ke si N at the side, the back or the fro: Novelty ribbon braid is used for the sree on many of the hand- some paras ire rlet hee is used for extreme- ly short. sare s, belted in with pat- A leathe: A belt of, patent leather, prefer- ave a black one, should be wors with a separate waist and skirt. ‘he stockings this summer are nost of them two toned, matching g new trimmin, | being used at the ae of ane hae of the ehirred skirts ata of the Heating suits of the striped and checke: materials are trimmed with plain tin cloth, which finds excelle for contrast. A despatch says. Twenty-five workmen were day in a quarry of the Union Port-| \, land Cement works at De viP 8 he Slide, Utah, thirty _ miles east of eden. The ex plosion blew down the telegraph a and telephone ee ard communication with the seene of the aecident was limite es a brief message sent out by a ENS 1cm Morgan, Utah, soon after disaster. Most ‘of the killed ae %3|\ailed in an explosion on Wednes- |) More than 30 kegs of ee: were stured near where the men were working ~|GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S PLANS Aims to Cover Four Thousand Miles in Twenty Days on His ‘Trip. A deapatel from Ottawa says} chay From Norway House, at the head 6 of Lake Winnipeg, by way of Hayes ;|River to Port Nelson, and thence by Government steamer to St. John’s Nfld. a distance of nearly miles in twenty days, is the record which his Excellency Earl Grey aims to establish in his final sight-seeing Canadian journey next Earl Grey will goto, Port in- along the pro sbiected 1 Hudson’s Bay Railway, because the former route is. laptable and quicker for canoe trayel. The r of the country to be-tra- canna Will be way eupy about ten days, and it is exe pected that with average weather cenditions the voyage by steamer to, Fort Churchill and through Hud- sun’s Straits down the yanieae coast to St. John’s can be made twelve days, allowing for stops os in Labrador. adie the escort of Northwest Mounted re aa 3 number phone Hels. v ane Grentell’s ‘Mission Stationg — Earl Grey’s see

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