oN THE MILVERTON SUN EOPLE use ML Floorglaze for the hulls of sailboats and motor-boats, and are satisfied with the way it looks and lasts. ‘That proves ML Floorglaze is water-proof. ‘A. good all-purpose finish, therefore. ‘ EOPLE use ML Floorglaze on vehicles, too, and find it looks better and lasts longer than any kind of varnish or paint. That_proves M L Floorglaze is fade-proof and weather-proof. ‘The perfect pro- tector for all woodwork, therefore. EOPLE find that ML Floorglaze helps housewives keep floors dust-free because the surface stays glass-hard and glossy. ML Floorglaze doesn’t mind wet, sun, scuff of feet nor dragging of furniture across it, L FLOORGLAZE is the best thing you can get to help renovate the whole house. Fine for all woodwork, indoors and out. Makes old furniture look new again. Goes farthest, too—gallon covers 500 square feet. colors in solid enamel }woods—and Trans- Cc in little and tins. Easy to put it on right. Ask at dealer's or wri of the hundred * uses you cold make of ML, Floorglaze. The & Color Co., Limited, ‘Toronto Imperial Varnis! Recommended and for ele by : cs Mr. Hi J. Rothaermel & Son) ooo 6 lose a Our Brands of Flour are: 5 Jewel, 3 Jewel or Banner and Jewel SJEWED is a high-grade Liles Flour, equal in baking qualties to ¢ high grades of Flo ” 3 JEWEL ist DANNER is oan or Flour and _it also produces very white and nice - JEWEL FLOUR is a Blended Fi has always,given the very We use nothing but the very best of Manitoba and Ontario Wheat. PFEFFER BROS., our of Manitoba and Fall Wheat and best of satisfaction. MILVERTON SCRANTON: COAL ST. MARYS, LIME RE ABW AE AHN eap Coal Starts May Ist Have you the coal question7on your mind ? It is just like picking up money to buy your coal here this year ; for quality counts in satisfaction deriv- ed and the great amount’of heatisecured. The price is at the bottom now. Buy before it goes higher. There is everything;to-gain-and sothing to lose this year by buying early. Wes you preparedfor King Winter last year ? Why Be EES this year. Don't let him fool you. Fill up your bins with the D. L. & W. Scranton (Standard Anthracite) Coal, Sold only by : J. G. Hamilton Office and Sheds at the C.P.R. Station NEWTON. . GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES MILLBANK. s, Win. Atti x a daughter Mary| There was a respectable furn out op W. Aldi epost benitessine rirattoed tuesday night of last week to hear his Toe oth ee ‘Mrs, Wm. Mitehell went to Detroit| Mr. meron of Lucknow? ex- Mr. Alex. Diemert, of ‘Toronto. {s on Monday to attend the Pigs ow plete the Government scheme f old spending a few nere under the paren- her ‘/brother-inlaw. Mr. Newman, annuities. Mr. is a 1 roof. (Mrs. Obes: 3 MoNichol. of Do 5 finent. lucid and pleasant speaker, and nd Mrs, Will. Strachan, of visiting her sister Mrs, J. enderson | kep hhearere intere Hisar meh mths, spent a few) days with friends 2 iss Attie Murray. of ee out. palled on hex sister Mrs D. Ross| The speaker said that the Annui- Tank lett Monday for this w ties Act was conceived and carefully iGroit Mob. = tp: attend the tineral ar Mr. and Mrs, Win. White, of Strat: thought out by Sir (Richard | Cart- Pl neLS his Srother-inclaw Mt Bist fo ens Atiing with Mrs. Mitohell | wright in the Senate. While it ws S URIC ACID . M. Bricker, of Devlin. was ler. Mr. White’s many friends will be|a Government measure. as all bills in- FROM THE SYSTEM ‘a business visitor in the village on pleased to see him around again, volving money expenditure must be A RELIABLE SPECIFIC Tuesday. Millbank played a friendly game of| yet it hag the endorsation of both par FOR Mi oss. of Toledo. pis, is vis- football here hight last|ties and is non-partisan from every iting her nephew Mr. 8. W. Coulter. the score being standpoint. Mr. R. R. Milne D.O.. ha: sel Mrs. Waller has returned to At the outset the speaken gave a in Mi 3. Ritter’s window a soled MAKE A NoTP oF 1118 upon the ome in Toronto after an extended| brief sketch of the various fold age of souvenirs which he gathered on] tablets of your mej ee visit with het sister Zoeger pension schemes in operation in his trip south. sth he nN : sun at ours rs. J. 8. Lockie ai ein-|other countries. In Great Britain. an¢ Mz. 1, B. Hamilton conducted | the st tailor shop in Milver- wald attended the football match at|New Zealand the scheme is wholly ervices in the Linwood Sawkeade eon jet r clothes made, egal on Saturday night between] supported from the public revenue. In ville Methodist churches last Sabbath. where your every dollar will Newton juniors and the juniors q and Germany the Government. The anniversary services in connec- work over-time. and what you that place. The seore, wae 1-4 mployer. and the pensioner joint Ce are eee church will be held on| Want vou Ger. We're expert buy- ‘and Mrs. Albert, Sens and ly contribute. nadian proposi-|. When the kidneys are diseased Wack ‘Sunday hie ase ste Re’ ers in clothes, and every bargain. ene daughter Lorraine. of Strat-|tion differs from all these “What the| cease to do their important work. and | Perrie. of A gar ‘par | -at-wholesale is whispered ti i ‘ ee apent Sunday with ‘Wir. and Mra | Government, proposes to do is to. re- ents 7 slanted t jood of im- ty will be he eye rrn Tt Tonge batons une piety cote meet P. Pe eposits from any person at any ies ie waste prt emain in 7 \ Mr aa 4 Mrs, Sam Miller. of Wel between Sand 80 years, and|the blood until the whole saber e in-evening.sayéa: Enold vetuapemel “Acer tny eee Gent Ook lesley. amd Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Miller Sonvert them into annuities payable at eote of football here on Friday eventing Tame lown to the vanishing point for of Millbank aoe a pe last week 55 or later in life, as the applicant de-| | In the long list of serious diseases eoulting ia an c y for | the hae customers, Make a note of ith Mrs. R. J. Tann \sires. The cost of promoting and man| that follow the impairment of the 1, Mill-| this fact iss Ella Manner spent Saturday in aging the snnnttied js borne entirely Hidneye are. Bright's ee Diabetes |tenke rushed the ball into the Bern- saree oavernn nflamation o idneys, Gravel or ‘ ay J M FLEI Mr. Hutchison spent Saturday in| rhe. Gorernment x3 4 per cont.|Stones in the Bladder and the terri- Sa es right ‘on the inates, |e We Goderich. compound: interest om all premiums|ble Addison's Dise: caged 24 t th : Mr, Alex. Davidson looks havpy as a. or investments, fixing the annuies| Stone Root is a well-known kidney nts Pos Ue Mas ies J. Kelterborn’s old stand little girl has come to ater at his on gu tbat In case of death before|remedy—its use being followed more |in the second half. Mr: “Hawke opp Post Offic home, Con ngratulations Apuity becomes due a return is Uniformly with good results iter ais tn he teeoMefereed very sat'sfactor Agent Crown Brand Clothing Newton played Lees ra “Millbank made of all moneys gas with 3 per| ot medicinal ingredient in pre-|$) to bo ae ti The line-up Was as on Tuesday night ant: interest te the heirs. The lowest /ser!ptions for kidney troubl Tes eams, ue r. ‘Tom and Miss Magi Kir! ‘ity is per. Sita and yal’s aoe Root Compound acts on land spent Sunday under the paren (ete $000, ‘There “are no forfeit-| the Kidneys, ter, Hep ase y tal roof. lapses. ‘The applicant gets| ar atin Es a come with the crowd. ie for ail that i¢ paid in, id restoring: ( healthfal action the B C ll to Goderich on Saturday. June 1 However. there are, no withdrawals] organs that filte a usiness 0 ege A good program rep: ie . tha mount paid is not pooes she: at re it = . nae Stratford, Ont. to Newton on tiestay “night suibient to get tl west annuity} [fw mew a better remedy for the Llaieg ke al eel witness the last game of — the $50, when all ‘yayments with 8 per| kidneys than Nyal's Stone, Root Comm 4 nf Be nines 3 Eat Nr of RET ARR ieee ee to be ee between Newton pe ound interest are xoreret pound we would not hesitate to re- uleahy. 3 - are Fernba Sie A fast game expect-'to the applicant at the annuity age of sivered gee ae eis: sults are con: Bho Tigh a ne man, G. Smi+h commercial Sharthand or ars. The amount laid aside forj®idered Nyal’s stands ead and should- | Let! cael ¥ er, Hank Hawke had the mistor sont Se immune from attachment{#rs above any other Kidney Remedy ees played thei last game of Ne eae ie eee horse om Sunday ‘or debt, It ig payable only the before the public. Price 81 do. he Mornington league Tuesday even- a ist aS pert ee (for Noant, be receiving it every 0/ THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. i of ihe home! Sony remuting 1 Sr pee a eiprective RS HESSON. days. The applicant may. by paying 3 foe see aire negro oes guarantee his a! ‘Kehoe. of Hesson, refereed and D.A.McLACHLAN, - Principal Mr. Lamem of Guelph. is occupying puity for fiv or twenty years so Ie ‘the oye play. clean ball: The 1 her: that it would: ie paid to his heirs in 0} tne Hotel ere ‘Ament. of Listowel ‘the event of his death during ROSTOCK. (ping the Grieve cup two years in suc- mt last Sunday with his brother gusrentecd period, and should he sur- Rr se Rbert who is seriously ill the guaranteed period, it would | Jawa Ey Mauer fas Been making his| hhew Haines piano was placed in s¢} Sui be sontivued t as lon: ‘ofa few cedar trees, ‘These tr oe MONKTON home of Mr. oie rles Coote OD he lived without adaitional ete {easily grown and will make a fine : feared ay of last wi ‘To give the aboye advantages the hedge or wind-l : i unt bay tas crvived at the home evatem Involves: considerable Govern: | eales See ree en | oP eitine iaitoy Pad r. and Mrs. Joe Vollm: es Dare Hecate Vi nena ae benuey OF SHY plat |O'Sihiss "Minnie Schade spent Be Se Francis Donley has been engag- ment and ateritin and in an interest rtbur. ss Henry eiratitettiee cee bs ed for four months with Mr. Charles wares rather larger the *| weltzel had the initiate ne falliag|* Mr. and Mrs, Horn spent Sunday 0sse: ernment pays on its other Reramilaet Dean attic. tees tase redneaine with selene =o m has been improving the t i Govern lends brent Mr. een represent bin aking his leg between ts. J. in, sr., spent a few days RO. sneh by erecting new steps to at conment contribution towards a knee and ankle. last Week avith her tar in town the sa me for. the general benefit. If} A few of our citizens rent up. te JeSirimees ‘M; Chalmerd So Hata Mere Frank Kieffer paid 0 nana scheme ine were made general and op-| Goderich on Friday, June rd, and) ton tases ‘the. guests of the former's! trip to Listowel on Friday last = ne an capitalists to purchase annu-jspent < pleasant day at the lakeside. aunt ‘Mrs. Battin, of Logan. | week. the tater, end es of any amount, it would attract]. A number of people Latend taking in|) the Monkton ‘cheese factory shio- Mr. Joe BS ed spent the lal ocd nvestors and interfere. with in+! the sirens in Stratford on’ Saturday. 1 ped there last ebipai wy 2 Ba cheese areas eet ie erRES Tr anane aeorsoeac ae» éane! Junie 1th, Tuesday reali od price, Bleatlond: Movaey) oe OF terms giving them{” Ms. and Mrs, Hewry Tunét spent or Gtalubotf, of Stratford. was” the eoreanke Kielter Jett on Monday) hing for salaries and expenses: To Sunday in Ga {buyer of this week for Berlits dividends for stockholders, and 10) ‘Miss Nellie ‘dansuld. formerly as-|) Mr. A. Ane a Atwood, was in 7 amber intend taking of gain. But goverM-|sistant teacher here, sp eee Sunday tow on We ait a num see cz Goer as exéursion on Saturday at ‘ment of Canada is not goin, into com-| with friends in the villai iss Effie resnd ‘returned tot town eae e sale of ‘Sunday School sll scclebeae| on Thursday of last His Torashio Right | Children’s ae on Sunda’ 19th. | sumed ae wee oes tailor ate om. D.D.. will make y Too: ae Jast | s Florence Johnson ae sai} Mr. “laut. of Bebringville stuart were in vahilverton on Wetlnbe i wivatio, to Se es and do not providel spent Sunday with’ friends in : 1 too in the cantata, If you want comfort this ey Sacramen rea red e Barnharat ane ‘daughter try a pair of our — pens og whi ont more voant with the ireCecarics. of} Miss E, Smith. of Milverton. spent ts. Wim enberg. 16th, Elma. summer, try a pair OF 0} tmatio? 9.30. o'clock. St- Mary's COO” tite, ‘The largest iam nity that can|Sunday in Rostock. | ‘Among those who ook in the ex-\f Tan or Patent Leather fregation will, endeavor to give: His Le", cont ja @f00 a-yeare de = WhO} Mrs, Henry Zulauf, of Milverton. | dorsion to: Owent Sound from Atwood R Bregatiy a worthy weleome ibs bought 19 $00 Gora larger Sl) who has been. spending a few vecks| were, Mrs, John White fro Mr. Jul-|f! Oxfords. All prices, ares {wishes to. tp elsewhere and pas, foP|with her-mother, Mrs Baumba jus Berger, SCHOOL I REPORT. (tee accomodation: given, him. Thosepturned to hen home on Sunday. TE Rite @pent Sunday with) ) === | tne acre to. be eure of an income of] Football practises ore being. held friends at “sutton bell oS monthly re- 00 a year can make|every Saturday evening in our iss Gussie Irwin ar: A The following, ithe ® May. The from sc ents witht the GoverR|sige.’ Both young ail old are wer) from ‘Hamilton Satu arday, ‘evehing i port of 8.8. No. 9. Elma. fo5 their arsanker ooking for no orolit:{eome. Come boys tur yt. Horn was in Milverton on ; 22 { hich i . seri FeEay eber. Maggie a ‘hae Spo pay. for transacting | ooMtias Melinda Julnut, of Milverton Monday for a lond. of bulla ing sate? 0 t Sunday in Rostocl chade’s mew, residence. Ranney, m Whi asin a te caer ade baaels ia Se i John Atkin. ted in obtaining printed Augusta Yundt, “ot Milverto: iY Seta ley Bertha Par lami te + it upon applicas, spent Sunday was her parents Mr. \ Phe ‘band filled an engagement. at ‘he Milverton Bun will be sent to ka Millie eran ihaciats ar, Joseph vi an their lo: a post t office or Upo Mra: Geo, ‘a garden party held by the Methodist) any addrese in Canada for the balan- ieekely. Gord to ‘to the authorities at Offawai| Mrs. Kd. and Miss Sehlotzbauer. oe eee ee Millbank on Tuesday. night.' ce of the yeat for fifty cen ce Pea ot Post. Willie hata Persons at ae “seeping old ey Btratford. spent Sunday Mrs, Hi! f rth eed in the’ 28! Behlotzhauer. Dalileb Atkin, Joseph Zehr. Be ves out of m 7 th deeae i hould look into the annuity plan {. and Mrs. Beal, of Stratfor phat Sarnia Stee ay Gass aay | SS were in the village on Sundi ® baelder, Mike WELLESLEY. Archie White ant SGevahaelt LLES : BAECHLBRVILLE veviGward Lambert, Simon Zchr| Yiessrs. Louis Kochle nd son. 0: Ourrie, Noah burg. were visiting friends late for last week. Ue Space: ge Ree day last. itr, Bred. Birickert has inst, oom: Jr. Tepisteles Schmidt. Hebel Hus] , of Oklahoma. Mich) pleted his cement wall for a large eheran teckly. John jigat present spending a few days with) b; ‘he stri hs will be ts & x70, S ‘ son, Santa cehomait . Wram nts. Mi oy. as erected a nov- 4 Son ae mber enrolled $2, veraue 2. ‘Geo. ugel. jr.. of Detroit, made ity ba HIS Sash in the at sa Never overlook the fact that you are always 0} short calls here on "Gunday. movable pos pen which by means of view to other people, and that it depends xaNGwoop r, and ie cnet aie were| a mats nd able he can shift to any in agreat measure on your clothes w e Se m, Steele. alee ot Beri. go Platte i er Sun izle Doering called on her how you are sized up. dui ecial servied Wellestey Football club, are trying icteat Mrs. 8. Boyle. itt eae poaite church here on Thursday even to arranie for home and home games} : Mrs, George, and children preaching in th h the toa Intermedia’ | sp ent a few ease in Every man that wears one. ‘A little girl has con, to stay at the|” ‘The ladies of our Women’s “Tasti| Tavistock nd ‘traitord a0 So home of nd ML is Wicke- ‘tute are making vast preparations te) ek Mfrs, A. Postife and family} Suits knows that he Js well Nematic ts 8 uot Willie: of; fedues aia¥en attend . the spent the 24th in Trowbridge pro elahseatesd Ser Milverton. dpent a few days Lene ey anpual meeting of the Tnatibute fo Ye Spa _iniile man is is_ making his repaiting fences on the farm of Mrs) held in Linwon next Wednesday. We} rounds again. Be sur ave your sored ae ies 1 ae tT nave a good tur oaks cnn, ready. We have a very fine ane of aa and Mrs. Wm. Strachan. of) Messrs. Cree & Co, are installing hrist Prost spent the 24th being particularly ~ lominanty Ethel, spent a few days this week with new *oiler “in the saw laning fishing on Water t. dark shades. Make your selectio Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Paw mo (¥ieet lls and are also aa i othe ne —— new suit for spring went moi + en and Mrs. Joe Gascho and fam-! essary repairs, ‘They will be ready. f0 : BAe i ily. of Crosshill, disited at the home ollSan veain in the fear. futur ares | Bronchitis Cured é i bag amd, Mrs. Noah Lei jan-| ia pce services were held her KN . fia sti ie Sunday ast when E. CHTEL Mr, Christian Sichty was working, Bee Neck, of Rhineland, pre ached For Fifteen Years Mr. Joba Pear; ee kK with his) Ge ae an mn ju ea eatin = [eee tSsioe in the evening. from Bronchitis and Throat. Terita, Milverton’s Old Reliable Tailor afternoon, preparatory (Eitert. of Tavistock. diseoused im thy Doctors Failed to Relieve m will be conducted in Zion afternoo arge < attentive con e ° . Wm. Haig. of Will: |Sregati were prese! iat the three}. aie sonar {hk and the Sacrament of the Lord’s)services. Collections were taken “e eae nasi ksble re ‘am a Supper will be dispensed next Som jing oven $704 G0 tobe. spent im aiff: of‘favern Spuste eres ware i day afternoon. Invaluable to | Every Farmer The new things in Laces, Pete ard er for ‘Curtains are shown here first and i abugelentty of serigges of colorings. . - - Curtain} Nets and Muslins — 18, 25, 30, 40, 50, 54,60 75ce up to $1 yd. If you want nice, syle Curtains put it down on your list to do some shop- -ping on our main floor, . TEE We Deliver Goods mcnerere in Ontario m=” R. WHITE & co. STRATFORD Furniture Dealers and Undertakers 80 Ontario Street Its Wonderful Powe in Caring Sick! ™ Gattle hnd Colieky Horses ‘Makes Nerney Worth 1 Ita Weight in Gold. —— | The dtockman on tira elie cue 7 a eupply st ‘Nerviline! on ‘hand. Ia al-| ways Trom my droi rae it ‘To cure eolie. indi NERVILINE gestion and bad in “COLICKY there HORSES arth (mer I had e250, ‘dallar horse ould have th ‘at! t oh anet! a ttle. on tie for —but ‘ee So eS thing el $1.00, a a spares or The rho: ye inuaee Ont titles at a time) tol with’ pee hono: bran and daphtet ches of missionary | Notes ——— HAMPSTEAD. Mrs. Pearl. dhs e with no oe 2 ‘this Iocality last week. summer ramen Drs. Hunt sei tute A lar ce of male i the fore sielegat and saakructie address cable | mobhilnes. nits appendic a trip to ‘y to sages is at. rent en ith el Mr. rite Stewart left last week on tothe We We are vlinena ‘to notice -| Hugh fends: will regret oe learn’ thet foc arene Pe r mow write B.A. after bis ds of Mr. . Dow. esent seriously ill with sao ne rohid. McDonald. of Stratford mY visited un last. w The Sa Le a OW of, per will be dispesed here a col. INVENTED SAFE HEADACHE CURE tes tia hendached be done with Oata; their tS ped mo: crament of the Lord’s Sup- ‘on Sunday. stomach and sa Bede und—us' le system, e for children. gi So]q in 25c, mee by all nm Thursday at Le ‘UD: Soe J.P. Me! Tavish. 3 Mrs. who delivered Teieresting > a outer einer) Ue fh friends in’ this vioinity a am vineing evident oor fifteen fk ~ write son, . ‘dootored with a calles cia’ not benef: ns and W: ‘pozone. sure and ape cure for ‘throa aE: throat \d drives every symptout Dronehi right es ae the 8 ait pols in |{recommended. +f equalled atarrhozone is enddrees by angel jams and ane an of ets urate poeta possessed by Catarrh- suffered cobra Ae to ait up the vert Ferrozone Tab yh al every month’s rae Sold by f= *t have another ey of “Dustbane from the ed LF the cent can ol for quantity use ic- it DUST Is a General Nuisance, but it can be Avoided by Using eee fresh: The women swear tie ve used it, lle ae day, but get a 35 cent tin” manufacturers'of ‘‘Dustbane’! to send |. ‘They want you to end of this period if not the found eavistaciayy we will take it back and there will be no charge If it Does Away With Dust on Sweeping Day, You Want It. Sold in bbls., half bbls. and quartex;bbls., for stoi tositals, churches and’pablic huildings: stores, acho, John Rothaermel & Son DISTRIBUTORS FOR MILVERTON Canadian Factories :—St. John, N.B., Winnipeg, Man. 44-10 4