Milverton Sun, 30 Jun 1910, p. 1

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H.M.SCHAEFER IssuER oF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIA MILVERTON, ~- ° ONTARIO cn Shines For All.” Sun. WILLIAM:K. LOTH MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO. eS Vol. XVIIL—No. 51 Milverton, Ontario,@Perth Co., Thursday, June 30, 1910 ‘ Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher pages Paid up i Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits AT EVERY BRANCH Joint Account and wife. One Dollar or more opens an account, Milverton Branch: The Metropolitan Bank $1,000,000,00 1, 1307; 809.25 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed from date of deposit, at highest current rates. s_may be opened, if desired, so that D> persons may withdraw funds. A great convenience for husband ] Baris Green. 1 1b. 300, 2 Ib. Bie. 3) Mr, Geo, Schmidt, of Preston spent tb, ‘Be. as The Publi Drug Store, X \z {| Thursday last os the guest of Mr. L Tavistoo! punt feo och: |¢ LOCALNEWS ¢ mes B, Orr Ieft on Safurday sees ot bir. ohn Pfetter z $| lest. to spend five days a & Paiterson, of Toronto. spent convention at Grimbsy. f few days last week visiting with cq Charles Trim leaves next sv and M obnston. _|to join Mr, Rol erity’s, Sons-ol Mei thos, Banderson on Tuesday last | Dermot Gt halé price at Miss I. Me-/ england excunsion to the British Isles. attended the funeral of his uncle the sags BELLE Johnston spent Sunday v. &. J. Oaten and family left on late John Nelson, of Palmerst bee Tuesday for Brussels’ after having ‘The best milk is always dipped out | ‘Me! Conrad ‘Schmidt, of Goderich, | Pade good-bye ito their numerous of the top o} "a on will visited his parents in town last week, ae always obtain es dairy. t.f.|” yr. Hamilton eft (nis week |, Messrs, Henry Rose and Geo. Pauli yo gee alee ee ata trader ba eh of an anche 8 ele Jeave “to-day, (Thunsday) for o:ton days from the Public Drug Store last sum- | 2tt." ido, Greed “Bond Zorteb either of two mer would greatly oblige the owners |=ate | ecceaial saumia fon wi wer ie O ints. < by, xeturning © |dem party eld at Atwood om Wednes-| Miss ‘Ailes’ Cabling, of Moorefield Agee Tack qi wot Morning! ton. is |day evening formerly milliner a rs, Sproule’s visiting her sisters at Grand Rani Mr. ‘and Mrs. W. J. Peppe: wieuk at cranthe da wiry bie week snd intends before. returning to visit renewing old- acquaintances ot Prairieville Linwood Branch: G. L. ZEIGLER, Manager, Manager. 5 C.G.WALKER, 2 oa a guarantee t Pata ee t satisfied after tad two-thirds ‘ot le of according to Cees your money will ‘be refunded, up to you to try. Sold by all denlere Remember Our Special Offer bat of a Hat Shirt or Pair of Pants with every a $5 Suit for Boys and every $10 Suit or Over for Men. ~~. Underskirts Our Underskirts are made up Very special $1.00 each, Another lot at $1.50 each, Centrepieces We have a lot of Centrepieces dresser and wash stand scarfs, ete. you a complete range. Ask to see you buy or not Cambric, nicely trimmed with lace and insertion. nicest we have ever shown at these prices. ens of all kinds, such as end pieces, table covers, ee Straw Hats The largest and most satisfying exhibit of Straw Hats we have ever displayed Embracing all the newest styles and most popular brands. PRICES FROM 25c TO $2.50. Ladies’ Whitewear We have a complete and beautiful range of Ladies’ Whitewear, such as Underskirts, Corset Covers, Corset Cover Embroidery, Etc belive agfbent See, ith Mr » OF: eee pen Mrs. A. ce Cundick left for their home in Picton on. Monday after a ss ieee 's vacation. . Simpson. of Brooklyn, N. pon moet Eniday of (asi 2 averk at the been oodiatod a official scorer the 32 W.A. meet ae ay: at loo on July 1st for in Water- ity. Immigration. Employment and Steamishio agent of Toronto spent a day or two last week visi board Mrs, Wm. Rosamond was — ap- home of Mr. B. Johnst Dointed librarian and caretaker of the Mri ONariear fpenber “répsceentoa| De y at asalary of $100 per Silver Star Lodge 202, at the meeting year. : held in Stratford last w: \ Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Miss Lillie Kalbfleisol lett on Sat- ‘Tablets will | brace the nerves. urday for, Wroxeter may to{anish sick headache, ‘prevent des- visit relatives for several week pondeney and invigorate the whole A mumber of Oddfellows of Silver |S¥stem. Sold bs all dealer: Btar lodge, Peat alte ilyer | YA iarge musiber from, here attendad service at Millbank on S _' |the garden party held under the au Mr. Louis Sohmidtihas already tak-| Pies of Trinity church Elma. at Mr. en over twenty confracts so f. A. Mi 'S on y evening. The seaneageice Wick wet csoni affair was a genuine success. Mr, W. H. Sharp left on Mon Ps 7 St. Marys, where he will proside this| Milverton Publio Library! will he of- week deptbnehtel em | fered for sale by publio auction on ations. the Square on Thursday evening at .m. W. D. Weir, Auctioneer. ae Lockie. of Newton. has| “The firm of J. G. Schmidt a few dollars in the Bank to fall back upon? Deposit one dollan in the Bank a Hamilton to-day—a‘ small large enough to bear interest; will speedily accumulate Bumre, onse You have comtiienced to save. & MILVERTON BRA R. J. RANNEY, - NCH Head Office Manager HAMILTON Head Office : Savings Deperimes at highest current rates. | The Farmers Bank of Canada int accounts ma} TORONTO = t Deposits of $1.00 and upward re- ceived and interest paid or added y be opened, the money ast weeks by our many customers. Butt fr of seouring £0 f it i partment stores is a question that a eived Corset Covers in order to be brought in firm during |pancerns the town and village store | fhe ito ot cuang a grant from Mr, emporary advises e hen cleote moisture, well worked ont of sum en sie qagption of the cash atom. #0) ARITA es paiton beta th nol | that the customer wi run an ac- Jala “in; unapoe ec ciy real vad. ihe veeecine We have a lot of Corset Covers, all ready- era bes Acca ay uri. pean: with the Teal “meant while socal a Wiis made, These are traveller’s samples and are Pasta ek the top of basket covered | Be Rends his money to the sity store. | e000 was made Whi " marked away below regular price. Call in and with rhubarb leaves will take up. the |O8 the cash, Bria wit lower erable | Been used in ereating the building an see them before buying oa and note what batter ich would otherwise effect the /fy"mgst oases to-undersell the city Stralor ‘, it, ME sNanitect in charge great bargains we are offeri 5 second annual Camp- |St0res Reis the general contract- iiessial beg aad mecting wilt be held DeV. in the | The, Attdrmoy-General’s ta Me steam fittings Sy. whist the 3 08 ins heat e : Corset, Cover Embroidery ssuibuoiag an donday: st Megrtild nuthorities throughout the provinee age er gh was ai row up vagrant suspic Mi C. . : coverings three Sundays” uth (hus |ious chatacters who may be travelling at SY ee ee ame con Big bargains in Corset Cover Embroideries. weeks of evangelistic services which a LR SEA a Draetie of ates) tract, The present t Boat tomas Prices from 25 to T5c per yard. ws full of interest and in o%se Such offendera short terms. or} > follows a rs han A eucerisk, 0, prominent Chicago ministers will be Hime to get out. of the munietoality Hasennfing, W. Hl, Grosoh. HM. and other lin- A Few Specials Dresent throughout and other speak- | m™,Whiol they have been, « chacter. W. HH, Sharp and, . ers will take part. ‘The services | HOt worked well. In future tovere Spencer. Librarian, J. BE, Wei ; ill et, the leaderahip. of the {sentences are advise "There are in the jibvary, about 3000 ‘We can show 2 pair Black Cotton Hose... ev, of Maywood. Th. volui them whether * Remember, we are sole agents for the Famous MELEGAMA TEAS and COFFEES --- Money in every package. abe 2 pair Tan Cotton Hose. 2 Ladies’ Vests... SCHAEFER’S CASH AND ONE PRICE eee by other soloi: ee Day.” July 1st; “Children’s Day” for any further Daphichlara appl; 4A. Maleol 4 retary. Norwith. standing the the fie on. rth camp ground v. #. J. Oaten late pastor of the niivetton ‘Methodist church cirenit preached his eee ions re on succeeded in of the circuit on a splendid basis, His eed our las that he tton was char- Milv iota or determination and sue- Fes. pores Es MILVERTON SCHOOL he 3 The following is a ee rob pupils. onney in order of meri Division IT From, IV—Ruby Sch- discour reviewed the| nigt Lena eyuntaewitirid Gowing. work of te four years spent in Mil“! wittrid Gowing. Wilfrid Grosch, Ger- i r. ‘the congregation ‘ould continue to Delle Tangatte¥ sr Piste Spe fetird eee rt er it had fn the lence Hasenpflug. Russell Guenther. ee ccn sty aie Se a ne rom Sr, III to Jr. [V—Ruby Gros- ioe orm: in Tia fart that he was| obs Willot Kelterborn,. Alvina Gros- congregation aa friends in Mil-|o2-, Willard Knechte Roa aylor. fearing pee ag mae 1 Mi Avr Bunioco. Hamilton Hew. win, rt na Bie Bes ee ea sonhoteis ene Miss. BessieCollver. Teacher, ed placi we vision 1 From If to Sr. I1[—Charlie Barr {amd Sada Hopt equal. Henry ‘Schauber 8 Freda See ler. TT to Jr, Ut ask Grosch. poe Eibechtel, ‘Winnttrea Grosch.- Wel. Mr. J. Tcatuticiens cantante payable to either or the cae of sue pat city ating: Sota attended tbe i ea es dinoonnted and advances made to Eva Dos hat ert a Waskkica st Stiiiank |e Dearmers= oale Notes teenies and cattlemen at lowest adshi eee = ne | 2nd. yal ais to th = a f L. i Gulpit of Becay eneaeb Bete Boe | bos te Grace olureh ans Sunaay. July) & Vi oney Orders Wie tine Gay eoaken eesanon) pit of Bure church next Sunday, praca an Srolpok a ‘All members y ada of a chartered bank (Yukon excepited) ped pi Bal oe Ce na of the order a cordially invited to and at the principal indie points in the United Stat They form bidhciey ery favorable im-| pe ae an excellent method of remitting smallsums of money with safety and prensa e foundation work of Mr. R.Mil-| at small cost Rabe tae Toprine where ity wi ca les mew house has been completed by sped the seiakinded ut the- steers! A oe oa a Millbank Branch: J. R. ERNST, Manager ae Rustin has ei ening seeacesn ot pressed brick, Mr. Reis will do t rk, Miss man, of Sarnia. the gov- rant fie ilin A lot of customers érament librarian expert. ‘will at an wnat week we peas eae Se as s 5 Mr, J. G. Grosch an aay that 1 4 : ‘mgton Thompson, Edn; ho, SMe te les dpe S Sr ‘ ete maa the g ragress foarte LIBRARY OPENED Eve & Schaefer, on oan beet s : took advantage systom of cataloguing. els continually troubled with Vio- linn Boe = Balth Alexander. Ga itt. Duncan Valentine left at, this Tent pains nthe’ hea The eéremonial opening of the Mil- Pen Bloch Tena eet 3 office on Saturday evening a bun ¢ band boys have had an except-|Verton Carnegie Library took place repeat reat 2 CESK of barley grows on the farm of Mr.|gq iy bray tree the last few weeks| 0M Friday afternoon of last. week in Doris Ritter and Katie ie Schmidt. equal of it o: Jacab” Hotties that méninred’ te ions no sak Gs Mee ell soon <| thie assembly © library |Atnie Hoffman, Louie Lichti, Manrice Toot to tip 4 feet. 6 inches. byer, They are engaged to play at|Pbilding, The Was ocoupied hy |Scbaeter.. mae LOC Sa i Ha Seite Se i ct tecompanied | Preis pardon party in Millbank on| tbe chairman of the board Mr. James ayaa ac: Friday and Saturday the Atwood junior football team to sa Sistah nh ioe Miss ie SE Teacher, UCR ia vey - cone Congratulations are bs Mr. oe Be the ne Mbrary ; Foe 9 vg g + 3 00C| Sharp for the success attained by his irst Reader - tree. Why not you? by B keore of 1-0 thus giving them | entrance class. Out of twelve © that rs institute in 1005. Aboot |Zengmire, Alvin iebellan.Tevie : it a: ec tape ee Serle all fg wait a pean: i f aken over by | Becknet, Gertie "Pl Winnie Barker : ixty eight candidates that wrote at d made a free|Lea Lichti, Lottie Gowing. Hilda Sch- This offer Ge ee Milverton fifty six were successful, continued under those |meuker. Milton [Kelterbern. Goldie 9 mon in North Mornington)” Owing to the inclemency of e At this june- |Zims Olive Kelterborn. Ida : Batten ts garden pasty Which oo neh unique feature of the occasion Stewart, Willie Aikens, isle Hoftmun is only good have been held at the home of Mr.| was the i of the of ey. Hibbie Loth. . Coulter on the 27th under the|the building to the reeve Mr. Roth-| Sr. Primer to Fir: sid. Cossey. auspices of pworth League. bas|aermel who in a ell ch te-|Margaret Parker. ‘immer- until the end of been postponed until Monday. July 4.| marks on behalf of the village ac-|man, Otto Neumeister. Lloyd Schmidt im Jeffries and Jack Johnson will|cepted them. Mr. A. W. Cameron, B.| Clayton Kelterborn, Francis Kenny. ;| meet im a 45 battle at Reno.|A. of Woodstock, ond Presideut of the |Aaron Gropp, uber. Karl ada. 01 next for the |Ontario Library Association, was th uker. Janet Pugh, Walter Mil- the month. eee ee pe appointed heavy Ww: TF ARUE cH plunabiy: OF -the'| called epee ueLtare tate ddress|lor. Clifford Weir, Milton Hoffman. Mey clone uyatacn the: fensibility. 0 ets world, Fight followers from all parts| pointed out the educational advantage’ Clatus Pleischauer. Lloyd Bastendorft, erating ipo pall Wil Be iso contac) OF,tbe Blobs: will be: nresent at the [of @ Iitrary in @ communits, He al-|Ruby Atkin. Dorothy Ranney, Mar- ‘a. ro rs A © Ghat crery | cnoounter. so gave many valuable hints: with|shall Peppler. {SR A math BO BOE ES he District L.0.. of Mornington) regard to condueting a library. and ‘ime . Primer— Ro: Gation be present at thia mectinge | Will attend divine service the] hho Achmidt. Clara Yundt. Hazel Aikens. “tt Sh och 5 Sratien ite| CB of England. Ried on 1 Finkbeiner, Mary Hamilto Sa ae Chin iss tha eae banes Sunday. July 10th. ot 1f o'clock a. m. jacohs, Forrest Wilker, Ethel Nene every dae alin Cietaterialon| ube brethren: are requested at Waylor, Ralph Guenther, Willie Oplis. Cholera end Div chbes Hemede: the hall at 10,30, Rev. A. L. Charles r Nora Barr, Margaret Schacter. This is t world over where| Will preach. me i : Tust arrived. a lot of hot weather a hi Miss Harriet Phillips, Teacher. Gaced, Ne ther eavaibine ta use for |ehoes that ‘will keep the feet cool and ‘ ‘shi eS 8 fake you feel comfortable, Bowling | tickied the crowd greatly, Vote dlerraoea or bowel complaints has r*-| and canvas shoes for fhe men. Canvas | hanks were then tendered the speak warden party. will be held under seoret of the success of Chamberlain's| Shoes for the Soys. | Bandaks oo ae ore afte the aes Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy| #i" . RD ahs feaseees see 00d 1b ures, Sold by all dealers. | the } vines ‘sb Eep, & Dick Wows The | fury aq ivominated sn provided. ‘The Milverton band will be FP. Meyer left on Tuesday for at aw fronbadte tox waa tui-| CMnY OF ee Villagers. who oe ‘attendance, A sille quilt will, be Golden Lake. Renfrew county, where Tecate aivkig onckbe feonk (ee ee baal i sposed of bx public auction. he he will spend a month attending the on residents living the afternoon owing to the crowd. marten warty Wil besbaldy on the Gunday 8 ouvention. a cnureh street. between Jahn and Queen tc) The tnilding is h struct- | Sarden, pa rae : b for sprinklin a * eons rite eee tore oy ot | the majority of Se ent of but's pr —= <== E, Rev. & R. number re tl aL LA siren ele The matter before the council now is) Soother pine, _ne upper part Of the : the (evangelical church -will be sup- | Will these taxes be collected. or ue 8 library has a rotunda, reading: spon. SUMMER plied aa follows: July 3rd. Rev, J. A.|tefund be made to those who bavel yoard room. . ook Se Schmitt; July i0th. Rev, Wm. Hen-|?** {fice |oom and toilet room a¢8 fe x | "Mr, George Kerr left at this office] Tht i2'tne bly Ne ee tere gate caaims| & eutile: Oeehe longest Barley we ating capacity of about 200 aud the MILLINERY Rev. Morgan Wilhelm. New Hamburg.| have ever Ste furnace room. building” stand fect in length. Mr. Samyel Ohm also] farnace room 700 er the atroct Cee ae ee riot {lett splendid sample that measured | 14°;,"cpproached by broad conerste STYLES must weigh 16 ounces. Crocks and | four and ek ce TQwalks om a lawn five feet above th Ils 26. less per pound, Butter can | these samples Att mt ics tues atrect retained Dy 9 wall of conerete oe e general grow! es surmounted yan iro i be ‘printed and brought, in in egae ‘ hen | Blacks su Hasennf vos There is always alate © trade which demands Our preparations in- clude many attractive novelties for this par- ticular trade, Our popular. priced hats are leaders in style, workmanshi and genuine selling merit. Perhaps the latest no- velty in summer hats is the Lace and Tulle ts, they are trim- med with small flow- ers and roses, the and altogether makes a very stunning sum- mer hat. : We have also receiv- ed another lot of new goods, etc., and invite you to call and see the display, IDA McDERMOTT

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