Milverton Sun, 30 Jun 1910, p. 5

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THE MILVERTON SUN - Rockers As Wedding Presents June is the month of wed- dings, and what would make a nicer gift than one of our We in- vite you to call and inspect handsome rockers. our new and’ up-to-date stock whether you buyor not. PRICES - VERY * MODERATE Torrance @ McMane Furniture Dealers and Undertakers -. DUST Is a General Nuisance, but it can be Avoided by Using ... DUSTBANE ‘‘Dustbane” moreover, disinfects the room and The women swear by ther dusty seh d ae but get a 35 cent tin of a pee ev the Distribut ed by the Srondacicers of ‘“‘Dustbane”’ to tea you. a vs reat can of i hed yd fin ae They want you to brake this on trial for one weel nd of this délaters if not satisfactory, din will take it back aaa there will be no charge os Raney ‘used. If it Does Away With Dust on Sweeping Day, You Want It, Sold in bbls., half bbls. and quarter)! pe for stores, schools, hospitals, churches and public buildings. John Rothaermel & Son DISTRIBUTORS FOR MILVERTON Canadian Factories :—St, John, N.B., Winnipeg, Man. 44-10 Curtain Muslins s: The new things in Laces, Nets and Muslins for Curtains are shown here first and abundance of designs and colorings. . . « » If you want nice, stylish Curtain}Nets and Curtains put it down on Muslins — 18, 25, your list todo some shop: 30,40, 50,54,60 ping on our main floor... , 75e up to $1 yd. GE We Deliver Goods Anywhere in Ontario mmm R. WHITE & CO. Fureiture Dea STRATFORD 0 Ontario Stré ind Undertakers ; ¢ 3 GENERAL z : 2 The first locomotive whistle was in- 833 vented by Geo, Stephenson in 1833. hortly after one of his .engincs had struck a farmers wagon and — des- troyed a load of eggs. only signal had been a horn blown by the engine driver, posteard addressed to John Brod if 2 years apart, Inspector Chisholm Bruce Public S 191 over vacameies im Bruce, that the teachers and it will be nee c) show the greatest foaroity. at any st peculiar Asian, involving a fewildered bird and a broken wine ired in Taskpo of goa ire in the room,—Lucknow Bentine For ee Hieaeuy in its posses- ion aver and 1.960 been fined $6447.56 in- ‘ines were imposed ty FS olice Magistrate W., W. O'Brien. Po! ‘and thé: coiifiseated at Port Arthur furs were sent to-the provincial de- artment at Toronto, The capture of the Indians ta whose care the trans- pol of t! '§ was entrusted. selves off as prospectors, _ SELF-] "d matey toed ICE CERAM Artioles mecded. “for the purpose; A large wooden bucket—the kind candy is Ped dh in will do—a wooden ‘paddle ci as yourself and alge as t! SCRANTON COAL ST. MARYS LIME eap Coal Starts May Ist Have you the coal questionzon your{mind ? It is just like picking up money to buy your coal here this year ; for quality counts in satisfaction deriv- ed and the great amount, of heat secured. — , The price is at the bottom now. Buy before it goes higher. Theres everything to: gain and nothing to lose this year by buying early, acre you prepared a King Winter last year ? Why not Be prepaiae this year. Don't let him fool you. iy your bins withthe D. L. & W. Scranton tay Anthracite) Coal. ‘ Sold only by : Office’ and Sheds at the C.P.R. Station agency Wisre y the gu the law. The brutalizing office o angman Spould be abolished: and it ought to be, MORE HEAT IN Sort WOODS ‘ar New that hard woods give more h ‘orning ‘nh soft varieties the Sie tists at on are aiite that tha greatest heating p tree. which ig very soft. act sta next to linden and almgst e ea pine, hardly interior, to ik posses- heating eapa- nds it. Mever-at ered on June 28th. to - + and Mrs. Ed. Meyer. a daugh- ets BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES! Greedy dealers endeavor to palm ott | ob ac wapan tints for Putnam’s Corn Ex- ‘ena ist on ‘“(Putnam’s”, on-¥ it she res dorns and warts thoroughly. 5 me |thoughts but { i : The PUBLIC DRUG STORE | Bret that I part w! Crd Fro mi Contrary to he widexpread elict mo ; Ome by the wood of Uoe findasc a }|up the system so that Catarrh can- not exist. BIRTHS. bether- ed by Catar: any part of the sys- AB RGM Poole. on June 23rd ‘to aie It highly reeomende: for Mr. and Mrs. Will. Chalmers. ronchitis, cya and Lung Trouble Peat io on 5 ae god ped Tor oy ughs and Colds in the —In Mornington. on June 25th. t mo equal. i nS Mr. amd Mrs. Geo. Roe. a daugh-| | Remember that Catarrhozone is If bok eee Somer this th a local and constitutional treat~ summer, try a pair of our Ve WV GREETING AND FAREWELL EAT WH ATEVER _ To the pupila of 8.8. No. 5. Morn- ington. My Dear Pupils.— YOU RELISH fied cay wosttian Sour teacher but although I will 110 —_— ger be with you to help with your co ligestive | @hildhood’s instruction in: person yet Srethmers dele Mice-att: Ne Beart Twill not forget you. # : o A will remember. ¢! any fleeting pea hae Sralls: Dye hours I spent im your presence as & eat . “ only as 3 tet fine Popsia is friend I tried tebe to you all. Isin- teraly hope’ yo will onezand: oll ‘be es trustworthy and obedient as you were NBs te te out of tive thes lways to me and make life of Si dige: Eves. Your. mext teacher w e rs ea vu a keet Hee is witht you as free from unpleasant: on stareby Toods you have mine, May | Potattes. Coke PEuddings-te true knowledge of the ae burs | fact most of the eatablea that im life come to along witht e cause the trouble. {| school kmowledge and I trust that 1 fiastase is ie thin; eet at Vs D: pela Tablets are also. contain ob in Diewts me Pepsin an other diges- tives that cover the whole range. os oan i i hen ic et 2 e-prou Sa’ at | EAT WHAT YOU LIKE. ean Ee ekaroul: to! inf T al’s Drshenss Tablets Ps was you claim that title mow. do the al atx K. aa 0 en | Wis wit sincere re with you now storing esteeming as not 0! y | | pupils but as little “friends from 0 along the path of knowledge, i hier eed e fore! ive me i SUCCESSFUL The :results of the Entrance exam~- inations recently held at Listowel and | verton, have been o tained. and| F while trying | d to pass out o aes a total of 650, Candidates who have | Give loving respect to your teacher failed will receive a statement of the| whoever © OF. rs ree ive f yibid you all farewell and remain, if Sending eee ea not your teacher. your sincere friend. MILVERTON | ARY EF. McNEISH.| 524, | Palmerston, June 1910. ie Ne A. Alex: .Armstrone 474 ‘ B. Albrecht M. CONTRACT eee POR. oe ons 46. a Diet- The Laffin News Service, controllad) 417, 0. Ellacott | by the New Teak Sun, is svledd | 421| ged to = el om the | orting and |o . cable ews fea es] M aseon ete Mail tad remote has been a “client gratified to lea aI Gillam 600. B. Nisbergall 484. B.Oaten | and ‘nigh service of the Laffan Bu Bev. Oaten 468. -M- Partridge 489 ean. in Ontario, bout alee in A T.| Quebec. “stent. Albert ateb: ‘et Columbia. overs several ¥ : .|ewan ant Rothaermel 410 E./ contract. ae Rutherford 462, ME Rutherford 313, E,| amd w ed at an enormous eX- mderson 413, M. Schaefer 42 pens ‘ar ia associated Stewart 455. Stewart 433. / “wait Poth Whe Mail and Empir ney 435, Mi Wilhelm 468, V. Zimmer-| For peveral y come ‘he read in 204 rs of the Mail and Empire will have LISTOWEL oh morning a simultaneous, rep the ample anc ©. Alexander, 133. B. Alexander 392 watt ate ee aad be or cera gable and evorting news of the e-Ne Mail and Brown 534. M. “ne 480, L. Corry 492. L. Curtis 422. sottis Sun. received {York ver The ver vat M F y tented with a beautiful pists ae and Our Brands of Flour are: 5 Jewel, 3 Jewel or Banner and Jewel > sated isa high-grade sven Flour, equal in baking qualties to é high grades of Flow 3 JEWEL or BANNER is an‘all ae Flour and it also produces a very white and nice loaf of Bi JEWEL FLOUR is a Blended Flour of Manitoba and Fall Wheat and has always given the very best of satisfaction. We use nothing but the very best of Manitoba and Ontatio Wheat. PFEFFER BROS., MILVERTON 4 Sinar League pic- ee 's ee ove Ss pre~ fren, a a tollewine:| address sin Pastor wee the members of the junior euworkl League of Mill- bank wish t @ expressiot pel 0 eace, to our weakne: Everything in Hardware in oe. ois mess. Christ to reign igconta canines: ur plactas }mam. you have d your cheerfulness, amd ready sympa ‘We want Rott ha rece hearts and the ponifidence snd esteem iP that baging GRiep Now that the term of years allotted P| Eee aye the conreay “ot this for your stay with us is drawing to pigket ee avalaae | elose, and you are about to leave us epetdless” of whether Bee aie: de Neen realize that we are losing a fait ful and efficient pastor and a sincere rien ae The kind of goods we insist on selling look better, are better and cost you no more than the ask you to accept this small fe pra. s kind that are made merely to sell. ety! you and yours in fullest Your satisfaction is the particu- Jar thing We aim at and we aim Signed iorense Unulter, President to make this the safest store for Nicklin, Vie 3. y at, On Friday aftern of 1 week the members of the Milverton Meth- 6 presented Mr, and Mrs. the beautifully engrossed address giv- en below. rT. Oaten was also made iv ead- freezer, but the Mien ee Pe bicuetia: L. Doadt 453, J. Ersk Ragen sg, leased vreee ae fe the Telpient of henasome elt hen tro eee ers fe us Basal Mb. Bleming E18 eet Pree the Canadian Ascoclat-|boautiful silver cake dish. Speeches Vee trigoneghient to hele. ey A a hie ara Bet 2: G:N.W. spect opreciative of the work done — by Se eee cae shaking ty M. G Guenther 1. | vi were made by Messrs. A. Large. ee ea he voce ot Hardie i er , Hargreaves 416, 0. TH i Dob. By MaKood aad th e e g 434. Howe aS +| chairman of the exercises . P Las paragiphe este etree par eS Nee Be Jo lly 472. C. peas Mr. Onten made an aporc: e the ordinary 300. D. ae 49. E. Klemmer 898. ©. ich mo other pape! priate and feeling reply press- ee ising Hie of creat: sugar and Leech : Sic Linseman 423 SS ope to offer its readers. 1 his gratitude for this euea onthe Fly Screens - ne | 307, F. McDonale : esteem, soling bi ever! age low Ie to | A. ‘Patterson ke Patterson 4 ‘| AS UNEXPECTED AS S BURGLARS | Dear’ Brother Daten cIt is pits i see e LP) oot es 393. L. Polloe! a 5 | 33 lings of sorrgw and loss that we Te aia tan the tin, [Ev Rae 400, M. iienne 396 B. Bander) ee ee the teat ot Tt you want tb kesp eta of Ales When mized and ut the mix-|son 432. V. 410 | warning: avben the best of friends must part|] all summer, get your screen win- When mixed and cooled. put th gai without warning ture in place im the wooden Stow: | instantly at anc tbat.goul musk fees Pour Fels 1 vows aad-doans Mp NOW, before bucket, after first packing a layer 0! os few drops in Siete terial Telationship with Milverton cir- it gets crushed ice and salt in bottom of bue- Bees ue ance | tht’ required t cuit .and the undersigned, quarterly ket. ‘Then! pack hard'.a Ta of sali hort ; Torsanes | vil ‘official board. ye is a and one of crushed ice. saleeeae tel S aoe every family. for ilver lining im this nie of trouble A little care and fosehohens til near the top of the « Williams 421, A. Windsor 3%; | qerangementa it ol when we consider the standing of this if save your temper Jater, a Until near teeing on the lid-stir the | Winslow 898. A. Wynn 472. Mt. ate) ements itv tothave at least five| cireuit upon the eve of your depart-|| the more'careful you are pene nstantly for five minutes. |§V. Yule 419. TE MoLachlan 467, 3 ee. eens strength ot Ate y other pain} ure for another field of Iabour, Take|'| fies, the better ghar Wes bee Then place the lid on and cover with | Stewart # 3 L. Chanjney | relievin ing medi ahi ee fe thought swith ou. Unie your! | your health i Bs t and useful astorate. Milverton cireuil 8 ¢ be yg vaeeit rite aoteesl LIFE WILL BE SHORTENED Reco a and veliable household medi-|Pteadily on apeerde,/OUr. iertie folds of blanket or carpet. Leave fo [ne ease Nerviline supnties all that's seat fas dnoreased. our.» Young We. have: the ight kind 6k an hour, then carefully remove lid | Those "Ps $0 phestve the the ‘fun | necessary. Large 26e. Pott sold} people are fully organized and at} | window and door screens, si that no salt will drop in and dislodge | Gamental rules of hea cially yer eyinee: cabealomaeys tint ad || tre. sein ap cA eeny ie with the paddle all ot the frozen | those et Lf elect qatar ‘will pp enn woe ¥amecd about 100 per cent. our ther ne opt es carers Sai about th om sides of | have sh ives. Costivene: finances have been fully looked after onr buying, § MOdLs nai Sti: * m1 the cream until | health. sss hie it By all Spat amend the Waterloo) cng paid up; we en able to} J ¥' ying. (Ps thick like lather, ‘The longer you | blood. causes dys S| County Couneil do not intend to settle| ooo: your aalary abe, pm Dave eat G jumeture the et isomnia, WHY "aot use D coin Mrs, Battles, of pay their wor. |mect Your Matt Ma ave wish to aay See Sat the cee Now re-|ilton’s Pills and be one| ton of the $3000.00 olaim caused bs 1fnat the past term has been the best Rotherme Son noother Wiue oud salt, and cover all {or two pills before retiring and \e eolll town line bridge] Bat ie ees Bo xe, ead pack with ice and dalt. ive cor four }are well next morning, No gripe or, and the ee erat chelate, aa ae atts ot a pe Oe AR tpnes Fore Suncatoals nat Sct | Guin’ no headache and. nausea when ler. ‘The Oxford County “ ounel | tbe for the past an ‘rat hin Tor ae Unedware: Merohnnts cM ee e ‘on’ = Hy made a settlement some w We also recognize that ited ya petrasi: —— ore “dientiticaliy. -Peotively the, and handed over a check for $1500.00 tee fever siot Been alone in your Iab- ELIMINATE THE HANGMAN % laxative known, 25c, at all dent|and it was thought that Wa 100 | oars Y ieerce ctatant estas San (alae cin ts |g ae Bgl os a his quarterly board in its officia j Phat : o grad ele: at whi Baa Ot bapaci ishes to t to Mrs Ath eof pak nate cra peruetne ‘An exchangé says;—The man who) Ville, was’ present. “The couneil ap: Sater spe Bi silver dish and to you this atedby. A system of ca ital area Late the fewest letters complains the | parently ae Shei daily but, ha rd foaey ad a ight token of ich © ioe’ the man who} to part wf ese a ch the. peonle r nes nick Oa Scher pays him|tle for about half the amount. le the: hie, Ferard i Naat at res Sal i the man who complains the | le ‘but not before informing |! the Milverton oir ew raga ree or is tho mennest|the council that = writ. wo Id at once} ORF SEERA! SRPCUS RISE TRERE TDRSS should have 5 nee | with you to your mew field o} Button-to send even a_condemned cri he man who has the) be. sued tan larger amount.— | With you to sour isn is thet God's b & 5 ie is the conceited. | Pla le iohost blessing may ever rest on sou Hest tal Mie ocies Plok out your ol : - slobent leasing Gey oa you | any tian be forced to id Te de figured by. railway officials | ARE You E PALE, i, ANAEMIC? ereicee Fs ay iy law's penalty could be satis: |that immigration into Canada since Bigned. on’ bebali 1g rega- || verapehta Be. ae January 1st from Europe. is, almost|, Ainaemid means colorless blood —|4iou5. Milverton, Millbank, Ele and be gate fa less degrading | 112.000° people. which is considerably | me cand langour. blanched. lips. faded eauit oS ta sa Ten Gucetbeearel beak ot death = mo pe capable of solut-| more tha the whole of _ last|cheeks. You grow dyspeptic, nervous. ts Whit: Rupture sithout Gperation death, penalty tt Gee abould be able to| (car. Im past: stasous the rush al-|auifer # tiohal irregularity. his) J. tan eae Rupiis rio eo ian mi. Modern golence shout Oe Gy in-|ways drovped off towards June. Dui [eddition can't oxis there is plen-| ey. D. Crook: try to, old’ a eliminate the hangman. There a" 1%; (this weason every boat keerz coming |tY of healthy blood. Werrozone mak | mies. &, W. Coulter, bie eae light will send them whirling. ‘The |Joaded to capacity with se th a ue tich eae CR A, Nesta wing, W: Peters! 44 ot Once - _ooCo- at's Ww! i ures. ra! 1 Cc sun itself might be the execut: ; orm Fervosone eontaing certamm rare| Wi’. Rutherford, Be Allingjam, w:il Act at Once joner, were ona of these attached to | ve. Miss Ee rane an electric battery which at, the first A Dangerous Disease uate Gr crine Speco ee eh Or EE Cod: streak of dawn, vould strike: down [oss at ayelght. Build ape feel tee ot emaggulstions Fl the murderer in bit ed: the abolition | Owe. its tondeney to spread to all| Young and vigorous, nothing Eoupon and send to Dept. I iment his aecomplisto ty sentiment| Parts of the: ¢ Catarrh should | Bhan Grermoaone, At all dealers in 26e, ame Bic of p Ba A rae yb 1e Just the Sort of ( Case ¢ that (Proves to OXFORDS}, J. S. SMITH the LE that the Best Lini- EV ee tints be 88 Caledonia St. NERVILINE Stratford, - Ont. When it comes to real merit of a medi icine, no alate we is Relief is instantaneous. throat and nose cleared in a few moments by the penetrating vapor from the Inhal- junction isons, a’ You \ ito reeeive tasting benefit from Catarrhozone if be and ae warranted under al cir ‘to give satisfaction. Mon- on rrefunied if it ae Is. Twe , eat ent. consisting Tan or Patent Leather Oxfords. All prices. W. ZIMMERMANN Zz 2 hd ae eu druggists and N & 01 . Ki ingston, sep ‘The imitation may fail. Buy more eonvineing than the dios woth Pate and “wettknown Person that +--Time Rup. oe this reason we|] Single or Double... print the verba sane (iatement ae Juan E. Powell. written from his h seat in ge Satisfaction Gunceapentl 2: CENTRAL :: 85 ot dh; keene “in woe eto ae Se “ue Business College whole Dottie a of Necriine eae : be The ae tacos y. ae at ean school nea horenand or Telegraph: t graduates & positions. he most revently placed ceiving $40. 308 100.00 Ser toneh rea prective classes now. DA. ect kota strains. ela eas sciatica. a |Iatbago. Nhe - Principal icine for curing pain peer better ty it yourse| ts a all delta é The jampany. (Wings

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