Milverton Sun, 14 Jul 1910, p. 5

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THURSDAY. JULY 14th. 1910. THE MILVERTON SUN Hair Restorer THESE LOGS HAD THEIR DAY pk bi Montreal Witness The passing of the dogs of Ronsiat {| tinople may See. st be regarded as nt. SO GENERAL woman who has been benefited by Nyal’s ree ped would tell Bet ene what it has r her, it would be in greater demand a woman is perfec fly right not te tell all Wee little beauty secrets. However, if you will accept our recommendation you will not be cea jointed. 8 fea Hair Restorer makes hair soft and glossy, s' wth of wee hair and makes old bale healtby stops falling hair and removes dandru! There isn’t a toilet requisite you want that you can’t find in our’ strictly up-to-date stock. mE PUBLIC DRUG STORE DUST Is a General Nuisance, but it can be Avoided by Using DUSTBANE “Dustbane” moreover, disinfects the room and ener The women swear by on sweeping day. restores rugs to ae ee “Dust! thane” when once they ised it. Don’t have ea dusty peta day, but get a 35 cent tin of “Dusthane™ from the Distributor. are authorized by the manufacturers of “Dustbane” to send you a 35 cent can . They want you - use this on trial for one wi period if n ind satisfactory, we will take it Daok and there willl be no tere If it Does Rak With Dust on Sweeping Day, You Want It. Sold in bbls., half bbls. and quarter,bbls., for stores, schools, hospitals, churches and public buildings. John Rothaermel & Son DISTRIBUTORS FOR MILVERTON Canadian Factories :—St. John, N.B., Winnipeg, Man. 44-10 BEAUTIFUL SHOWING OF jassoes foc at of the wire worm,—Clinton nee dust, cn been removed their ae es told in nearly languages. been the a Call in at The Sun office and Se |< -avengers of Constantinople and oth- There wee coms in ordinary uatter Shere was a who went fo, le Constantinople se work is said ‘to ke as destructive Aer eae ee he ee a eens officials are ee ‘urks love animals and nett cae anima) life. and josition of the dogs ost of promising dog stori ries, [DID KING DIE A CATHOLIC ? 2 Yuk-| ‘Che latest sensational story from y the | Bogland following the death of King rash ut ward comes from A eeecuent of the Weekly Sun, o the New York = ovince there effect that the late Les an Catholic faii ¢ that the vicing died with the ‘Edmonton route in 1896. t) g died in the at time, later, an equalizing of vi values as they exist.-the. farming class’ his s. the breast se | oP sits there aw aroun this be true what would farmers be being Protestants, they 4 valu tie inst ssooanitae it, but sent in for jt ta y learned me if Curtain Muslins : The new things in Laces, Nets and Muslins for Curtains are shown here first and in abundance of designs and colorings. . . . Curtain Nets and Muslins — 18, 30, 40, 50, 54, 60 75ce up to $1 yd. If you want nice, stylish Curtains put it down on your list to do some shop- ping on our main floor. GEE We Deliver Goods Anywhere in Ontario ME R. WHITE & CO. STRATFORD Farnit Deal ved area peter wet Vnotaee SCRANTON COAL ST. MARYS LIME eap Coal Starts May Ist Have you the coal question on your mind ? It is just like picking up money to buy your coal here this year ; for quality counts in satisfaction deriv- ed and the great amount of heat secured. The price is at the bottom now. Buy before it goes higher. There is everything to gain.and nothing to lose this year by buying early, Were you prepared for King Winter last year ? Why not? Be prepared this year, Don’t let him fool you. Fill up your bins with the D. L. & W. Scranton (Standard Anthracite) Coal, Sold only by : J. G. Hamilton Office; and Sheds at the C. P. R. Station ith the acces to ave, @ Special « cee wort t Bae position ;-= The m9! Ae on aout ‘eth 9 the King 2 Catholes to have 2 leading ees ‘onation oath. cot-' ghange i S 4 THE DEMON CAR : Witn The demon ear i in full career me TALE OF THE BOER WAR. How the Aube ote ae of “Yes, inde ot od chap” reat Captain Chalimondiee peauig St Ae esty’s and Highth eav- alry, ae lise are certainly rt that it is not at all eine thet they tae ee circulated the story. fou see, the Four Hundred and were called out 1901 during the horse famine in South Africa, so many of ’em having been sas off in battle, d’ye see. ened to reach the seat of war simul- laacaaty with a consignment of cav- Eighth didn’t put us on thoso brutes trained In the London streets! “Well, sir, in the thick of Spoofers- fontate ay regiment was given the order to charge a Boer battery sa} held. the pivotal position. down on them, ten to on id not eataprehepd fre. the fraction of a second the ighth was rolling over it- ve tant speneeaeats of: the. qwan!=06 cess Magaz! ss Purposes. An asylw ch "for the deaf and dumb, eee ahs S need of funds, gave a dan e many outsiders neeent ee ae good looking men. As the; talking together one of them diaenly exclaimed: “By Jove, there's a pretty girl! I euaia "hike to dance “Why don’t you ask her?” responded his companion. “How? signs, of course.” himself and then whirled the finger and ie indicate dancing. e rt er gentleman approached the Pel and. asked for the next dance. am sorry,” she the sweetest tones, nodding toward her silent partner, “but 1 have this dance with the dummy.”—Cosmopolitan Mag- lay the front doorbell at our rT: ost vigilance Beat out of any case those who ia ue the spacious neeeeioiay onditions give » who think they have a rig) t a mile a minute Though pena he Wild delight of iy But there i not Know the hart it: does ‘and the mis-| chief it may 4 Battle Between Airship and Dread- not use nought at the Canadian National bere} e anticipating history at the Canadian National Exhibition — thi will produce 98 one the fireworks ip T ea, and Me tivanoing fom the arena will meet in Ny territie tignt in whiel{ the dread- noug! and the airship final- sally blows up. It's something entirely new in fireworks and) as spectacular as it is YOu ‘PEEL 8 LUB J AS AS INDIGO ergy— bad ie quired. “Aw, jus’ some sy Bae sie | fer the wrong nui she | Woman's Home uattaclone oR ofa wlan aa "the Bosto- | Hill monument, swell aie for a moving picture | be in in that wo cons to the happiness of your i siera like to know what he has 's a manufacturer RE look- 's Statesm: ing eames Yonkers FARMERS AND THRESHERS {| The Aberdeen ‘Free Press’ advcvat les the possession of a threshing mach y every farmer, in the following paragraph ;— is a movement amongst far- mers against the ing jee eee Thi 500 for idling plant Ales dig : tips on te eeetushes,. and soft-bod ee ee i ti rf THE B KING | JAMES BIBLE It's a food tonic—supplies nutriment yt fully disclose oy tt aloe that ar: a a 7 English of t ing James, i) stores 50 awienly and permanently as aa wales ota Bunya You'll try it to-day. 50c. at a dealers. ONTARIO LAW—A TRAGEDY 0 Tele pk favs ej “prighttully, eurater: expensive when a $1,000 v (het a divided abont aa fellows To the plaintiff-- aS wat i ite onriosi ity. The ible in all its anotentt Berkso: | i t epente aa the t literary treasure of the The. ing Sames Bi Bible has rou the Lt ar been a lamp to t! ay be lawyers $600 ‘ight a the feet vat belie’ ba lonioas see re fete dof, coeigetag! ion of branch Mr. Victor Thomas Medea ta to this ie T. & N.O, Rail- mn. office the other day a 0 wilt practically have From Matheson to the northern ter- ee &N.O, ig built on wien rin ‘e oot measuring 4 feet. 9 inches long,—E]- mira Advertiser, ime he loses in the gee MAKES A AINE SWEAR prove | thi z t have em ish of the King James Bible as’ with Putnam’s Corn 5 Sant Take Sid committee of Yankee scholars i Rear ae in—costs a quarter. y. “Putnam weak or-| th the end to: have a aehine of his own, Tae AILMENTS OF WOMEN oie pe eile: and women who satis ‘think mile organ: the vitality of ike kidneys is nlerer= use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. STREET NAMES LISTED. A Help to th Postatce In Delivering tee ted Li Al aa pevane whic weite name ae gee address on a letter and put ft in the mail without hint of the town, city or state to which it is intended to go cost the postoffice de- partment a lot of trouble and money Many of the partially ad- with little delay, the deficiency being supplied by a mail clerk. It looks like the cleverest kind of work when an envelope addressed ti uel Stratton, 405 ne street,” poet stright to Mr, is site department has jus ‘hich ey isted | thi stat names in all of the 1,200 or cities and oan in which a ae service is maintained. A glance in this volume stows ae the only cute street kno’ fe) Ange oter siete eats ue addre: ee shows it, and the letter goes on its way. In the same way a letter addressed to St. Paul when hat pedis meant St. Louis eventually fi way the right address oa the use of the not all so easy, howerer, ite also common, there being 400 or mor of each listed. ere are more than 500 Washington streets; Union and mes. about 350 communities. There are 300 Broadways. Thirty-seven cities have sea Bryan’: e less freq ound in only three town: two streets bear the name of Rockefel- fer-New York Sun; to Wreck the Tunnel. le in the tonne! Sate in rpaeinis mines and gale jhe already in place in order tun: nel at a moni of war. Near the ‘middle of the tunnel, a few yards fro! Italian engineers hi weet! miles an hour. This rked by electricity from Iselle, boisd Sitibn at the Italian end o! nel, and under o1 nel. a ae “the mine: riggue and Iselle by electricity also, and by simply pressing a button the Simplon tunnel would be destroyed in a second. Will on a Poste: The German courts pave ne had a curious case before di ‘a lady friend on her birthday deplor- rig tha bb ae oe and 50 Ee away from her. He satd, birthday phy Tan ieavingarot a 200,000 marks. In th about first Sout the decision went against - the decision were that by G w when a person draws up his own rl it is necessary for the document to state where it was written. The trader, although he had duly signed the card, omitted to place his. address upon it. rE Five Years of Blood In Russia. ‘The Prawo, a weekly publication de- voted to matters of law in Russia, in an article on “The Dealth Penalty In Russia In Five Years” says that in that period 6,288 death sentences were pronounced by 104 death sentences and forty-eight execu- ther tons for every mon! re were some months in which the number to 220. ry, 1008, w: Hehest in executions, there ising been as many as nineteen in one day. “The five years in question remind ene strongly of the most bloody period of: the middle ages, and ae history of Russia can show only a riods in which the pier Lite of human beings was great A Museum of Dia Ching Kang Hu, an oficial in. Pe- kin, bas originated ‘the: National Dis- sire to reform. It is inten a tower in which will be exhibited rel- ies or pictures of events and incidents, which have brought China to her pres- ent humiliating end critical posit ‘The Best He Could Say. Mrs. Starvem—How do you like the ae ue Mr. Newbord? . Newbord—Oh—er—is this chick- en sp 2 Mrs. Starvem—Certainly! ae like it? ir. Newbord—Well—er—it's certain- ie: very tender.—Catholic Standard and Times, How do Fruftless. _ Little Bie ara what d per mean by sa: searcl joes this pa- ying it ie a fruitless my son, Father—Tt SDE Hy applies, est of who was to' the looking ee onTn: les pale the estate, which was val- ' 2s Everything in DRAIN TILE! buying Drain Tile, the best is atte a the cheapest. ‘Write for prices: M'f'd of w. W. SMITH Brick a + > SHALLOW LAKE, Are You Ruptured? I can cure the worst case of pA he pent operation or loss of time, from in! try to old aj Act at Once and remove the daily fer of strangulation. ‘ea in oupon and send to Dept. J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia St. Stratford, Ont. Name... Address... Age.ssssssesssseeTime Rup. Single or Double.. ger Satisfaction Guaranteed, An Extra Pair of Trousers a very convenient thing to have your wife put in rs ur suit case if off on a little trip. J. Kelterborn’s opp Post OF Agent Crown Bran Hardware ‘We want Caching to know that buyin, cessary pastpert to hd courtesy of this e are always pleased oods — regardless of to new Se are ready to buy or not. ‘The kind of goods we is oid se selling look: ‘tte er, are and cost yo the kind that are Mae: faked kot sols Your Nea lar thing w ke fod we to make this bs safest store re You to buy at Fly Screens If you want to keep rid of flies all summer, get your screen win- dows and doors up NOW, before it gets warm. flies, the etter it will’ bo for your healt We have the jright kind of window and door Screens, and are selling them reasonably. e cost’ won’ terfere with your buying, a Rothermel Jor] inee poten on a pine tree. f ae ¢

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