js 7“ EMRE aR TSs ERE ¢ TAL WESTERN WHEAT CROP ~~ About One Hundred Million Bushels is the Estimated Yield. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A careful canvass of the leading | bushels is conservative, and a p) grain men and others peculiarly in- terested in western provinces shows that as a result of investigation by dozens of | | experts, ave covered whole country, leading operators now look for a crop totalling on hurdred million bg of wheat. Reports show that the crop is patchy, some districts being almost it t million acres under crop it will be seen that the estimate of one hundred rests, lain admission that great damage anae en done in many districts. the present condition m} be public generally realizes that of the crops throughout the three| ihe demnage in Manitoba has b heavy, and’ ht re- mbrance that some <5 the best been off cry shorts light straw. e The wheat is well everywhere, and at present in sok g gery well but mere rain will soon be needed. The intense hot spell seems to have . |Passed, and there is every prospect of normal ig oteag for the mediate futur STRIKE. 18 SPREADING: Canadian Northern Carmen Quit Work at Winnipeg. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Auother detachment of Canadian Nerthern employees quit spread to include all trades helpers in the shops, about 450 men. carmen wanted more meney, which was not granted by the Arbitration Board, although ly for eventualities. DOCK AT PRINCE RUPERT. — m Plans Filed for ureet Work on the Pa ‘A despatch from Ottaw The Grand Trunk Pacific has fled application for a The company propose! put in an immense floating dock at Prince Rupert. It will cost a million and a half, and capacity of 20,000 ea commercial dock tens. It will cf the second-class, and be ieee gent ted up, owing to a to a subsidy of 34 per cent. years. Bepaamiat lars for ship repairs and depot for Night and buoy service. 70,000 UIE: WORK. Rig Strike of New York Garment Workers is 0 A despatch from New York says: Obeying the strike order issued by aders, thousands of women ally observed. made that 70,000 operators would bave quit wor STAGE RACES WITH FIRE. Rae a A ‘8’ Narrow Escape. A am from Sault Ste, a Ae Forest fires continue in Northern Michigan and in the vicinity of the Soo. Passengers ot the Soo-Pickford stage on Wedne ‘he burning district for ever a mile. oo NDER BLEW UP. SODA CYL Man Killed by Explosion at St. John, New Brunswick. A dapat from St. John, N.B., says le D. A. Vail of Sussex ing a gas siindes for joded, caus- ing @ fracture of the met and in- Ne, to the body which proved fa- -lthe Street Railway C -| morning He alive Ablaze—Pas- STREET CARS RUN DOWN. Train Crashes Into Pair at Winni- peg Crossing. A despatch from Winni says One of "he most serious cadeut train Lawrence, wife of an employee of ting on the front seat of the trai- ler, was thrown from the car under the pilot of the engine and instant- ort of miraculous, as the trailer was well loaded with merry-makers bound for the park pes ENGINE SLID INTO LAKE. A Washout on the C. P. R. West of K enora, poe from Kenora A says: The C. . main line is at pre- dump be- t at a point eight Pa he ee hee here. This spot has freight train, carrying down the east and.west bound tracks to a wn with little injury. freint are being ie-up is Saaaplste and will prob- te ‘ast twelve hours. RACED Witlt A “A WH ALE. Tunisian bao a Novel Experience ff Belle Isle. A despat “ from Montreal says : Tho Tunisian of the All which | eae ed port on y n unusual experience oft the Straits of Belle Isle on her incoming voyage. large whale for a Jo ner. was a sight shock felt all over the ship. When the seers and passengers ‘owded the bridge and ing the unusual sight Whales are seldom st north in the Belle Isle track. TRIED TO KILL FOREMAN. Discharged. Mine Workmen Re- turned and Made Attack. A despatch from Cobalt says: Yt is reported that seven Finland- cis, who were discharged from the Quinlan property South rae, returned on Thursday an attacked the foreman nan intent to kill, Constable McKay and de- pvties rushed the scene in a special speed, Jaynch. THE CENTURY OF PRACE A Great Celebraiiog: Is Froposed for the Year A despatch from New York says: The movement for a werld-wide ce- ebration in 1914 of the one hun- tredth anniversary of peace am English-speaking veoples. 1 lcrm here on Wedn¢sday with che announcement of a commi lected to organize the work of pre- national confe The commitiee is head-| for rade ie eas John a x MeUIVE Comnittes a \ One Thuidred, “The treaty of Gh wa signed on Deesm for mw as the a gece Wt in a le cele- | a part The 1914. that has ronald: Katie rece: 70d of me Ba nah which sha all | the the holding during 1st of te rences and congresses ne fame era of important stibj elatin e world’s “ti siffable -exhibite by 1e various nations. _ Nothing in ‘ way of a workl’s fair is contem- lated, however, the committee’s | Heprosentaives state. st the movement $ been discussed with President essed a sympa- thie Hie: mniavant’ ib the: pdipinittee'& has been snggested that of the ba ata DIOL gramme be the er of a sui atle monitraent. such a§ 0 inemiorial border. i bridge on the Niagara “s eee the promotion of an CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA, Winnipeg crew won the Ste- Challenge Cut at Henley. Mahon, a Port Stanley fetaleag: was fined #500 for sel- ling liquor on Sunday Raothes advance. 6f 40 dents per barrel has been made ia the price of Manitoba flou The w ae asor HB. *Telegman of Kingston died suddenly at Koshee Lake, where he went on a fishing tri Ontar’o Government has prohibit- ed exhibition of prige-fight pictures | in the Mr. Frederick Villiers has decid- ed to come to Canada and:live, and will probably . settle in Victoria, The first conviction under mn new bread by-law was made at St. Tho- ns, four Dee bela inet guilty f violating t Feur waderees ot the Govern- ment Printing Bureau at Ottawa d for carrying a or wealthy Pittsburg man, | saved from drowning in Scotland some years ago. Mr. © Hays, President of the ponsible for the dis- tater: and Si eaaewiaite regular inspection of water tanks. The official investigation of com- plaints against immigration in- | Spcctors at the border shows that only two complaints have been re- ceived, and one of them was un- founded. The residence of the Fiske fam- ily at Nicolville was destroyed by fire on Friday, and a young son was burned to death. Another boy was very seriously burned in at- tempting to save his brother. GREAT BRITAIN. The Canadian rifle team at Bis- ley won the Mackinnon ‘Challenge Trephy. Sir A. Spicer suggests that dis charged Postoffice boys be sent to tne colonies. Lady Abdy has offered $250, 60 ria! London and patie Home Secretary will ohibit the exhibition be a ates ar of the Jeffries-Johnson fight pic-]; ture’ UNITED STATES. A private detective was lynched by a mob at Newark, Ohio, on Fri- day Forest fires are raging in North Michigan. ‘wo women were killed in New York by falling | from high windows in tenement hov Walter Wellman will attempt to cross the Atlantic in his motor bal- 3 FI doctors say he did not commit sui- cide. Dr. David Starr Jordan, Presi- dent of Leland Stanford Univer- sity, has denounced~ football as a combination of pure brutality and pugilism. aS ev. H. H. Bingham of London, Ort., was elected Vice-President of the Baptist Young People’s Union f America at the convention at cates, NUY. GENERAL. Professor Schiaparelli, the fam- aK eieelian astronomer, is dead menage are_starving because f the rice seine in the Chinese Drovine of S| sia and Lat have signed a eonvarition pledging observe the status quo in Man- churia. —k- - REVENUE INCREASED. Statement ad the 1 First Quarter of urrent Year. A cia from Ottawa says: The finaneial statement of the Do- minion for the first quarter of the n in- compa shape thanthe of iaet year. last month the increase was $1,633, - i uarter’ led $26,334,853, and the revenue for une $9,612,677. Expenditure on ccnsolidated fund account for the three months was $8,883,107, an in- erease Of only $16,500. xpendi- t ¢ Dominion de- 8 the debt at theend ot the aes being $322,- U5, 328, eS 2S ER oat KILLED BY A BULL, St. Remi Farmer Dies at Montreal! | From Injuries Inflicted. * A despatch from Montrea} ate Cleophas Thouin, a farmeT of St. miy died ‘at the Hotel Dieu on % The farmer, who was years ‘of age, kept a ferocious bull on his pre- mises, and one evening about threo weeks ago went to°bring it to the stable, when it gored’ him. several ribs broken, some of bones of which pierced the lungs § revenue total- + : 2 ¢ Fashion : + Hints. SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Ribbon embroidered is revived. Plain colored parasols are most liked. insistently holds for the Ic pongees are more THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFES. Toronto, July 12.—Local quota- tions are as follow: Ontario Wheat—No. 2 winter, 97 to 98c outside. oe Wheat—No. 1 north- Underwear of. cotton crepe is a|* new fad that will ie popular. le ll white gloves are worn less | than they have been for some time. Scarfs with Persian pentels have | ‘deep borders in solid c ‘allowed “shirts bay hes Ot6 sedi an athe tavorive:for the talloved shirt; | eae Pings endl elippers ows woul of their effect to their bows, buckles, | or rosettes. Cotton yoiles are among the most usefol materials for simple after. ocesirea hariibat peouleieveltta techwear tl-¢ summer will be a high boot of canvas or kid. he Paisley tie is a pretty touch, which will add ee to the mid summer shirtw: For evening wear the favorite slipper adornment 18 a large shine- stone or cut steel buck! There is a surging seiiel choke vogue for coin and wafer spotted |, foulard. There is a general inclination to- ward paterned fabrics as against sel{-colored materials. Facings of hats may be of velvet or of silk and, while black is most used, colors may be used also. Bangles are numerous in all|l styles from plain gold to gem star- sedi cand dozens are worn on each lek ddttok vet ie sews then the square, flat weaves for the yoke and sleeves of the all black gown. Striped chiffon, looking quite like tucks, will make an effective yoking for the more elaborate gowns. aud flat, wit! in place pompon. Embroidered dots on cotton or nen floss will bring the dress col- or up ae ais yo aioe of plain white or ecru Suede sloves are more worn th ably because the ne the hand ‘ith a novel thistledown looks smaller in the at| upper side. @ | sedulously he knows nothing of the He had i A scarlet patent jesthes pelt and a tie of scarlet worn with a plain white tailored waist and a rue r linen skirt will be one of the sea- ; son’s fads. 21/0; backs 5 Persian silk covered cord put on|22¢: shoulder hams, 140 to £ in brain patterns is one of the nses| Rolls, smoked, 15¢ to 15/4c; me- of the many colored silks that are dium ats aan 18c to 18%; here ais season in such brilliant 16/ ; bacon, 19¢ to When half shoes are worn be pi ticular about laces. Heavy ribb aa such as is used for the silk bow, looks well on broad silk laces. One of the smartest fixings for the shirtwaist is He Persian trimmed oe Ascot © There is no end ices Said 5 “which it lends it- se a longer waist; ie belt should erwoen arith eae “waist unless ove is long waisted. Some of the colored silk stock- ings from over the sea are elabor- out to within one-half of instead of applying a aed several inches in length, as was done las year. ‘A novelty in the binding of hats a ribbon about three and draw up edge as wide on the lower as on the pamtiedtor eterno SENTENCE SERMONS. Love enlarges the limits of life. You can know true faith by its foresight. The secret of right living is right living in secre ye ‘miss most of our blessings by refusing burden! You never | lead ae into truth by Using ane as a W "Nothing ative its owner better tla pious col The lights of the world never tell you to watch their smoke. Life soon denies all pleasure to those who deny themselves non The man Tikes people can Galerielikes ee really good tl Some churches seem to mistake the, dinner bell for the meal, takes a lot of love to hold our auitaren frém the snare of luxury. Many a preacher fails because while he guards the seed of truth soil in-which he plants it. ERE THE KING’S CLVIL 1 A aeaeay Stecobnnle Provision 170,000 nace h from . London the maintenance of the ily. This, is an increase of $65,000 over nee allowance made during the last reign. ag Madame Del was. serions- Aninred when her’ aeroplane fell h her on the aviation field at ck, | 88¢; No. 8. C, W., 37¢ at lake ee x belt with a oe buckle gives | *2 ry} L.14. ; No. 2 northern, $1.08 ; ae 3 See $1.04, Big lake ports | o| for immediate shipme: ‘orn—American ellow, se; No. 2 yellow, 87%4c; Canadian ces 62¢ to 63¢, Toronto Borage Oats—Canada Western, No. ior immediate shipment; Ontario Yo. 2 white, 33c to 34¢ outside; No. | The Only Cloud on “T have never seen the crops of the Province in better’ shape at this by the cool weather, but now every- splendidly and great crops are promised.” Boys the en of Mr. Donald Suther! tor of Colonization for who has just returned to Toronto from a tour of the western-coun- ties of the Province. “So confident are the ae that the land, Diree- Ontario, eee to 83c outside, 36/4¢ on inelp in the fall,” said Mr. ‘Suther- ne eae 0. Stale lend. “The demand for farm hands 0. 2, Sle to a No. 3/ is just as keen as ever and if extra, 190 to 50c; No. 3, 46c to 47¢/| vertised that we had 500 men we ow tside ; Manitoba, No. * die on track, lake. eS 70¢ to Tle. 25 me to 68¢. BP eleaiaee NS: 2, dle. Manitoba Flour—Quotations Toronto 90 per frieights 25s. Ontario Flour — Winter wheat Bola for east $3. a to $3.60, n buyers’ bags, outside. Mt Nfeed—Manitoba bran, $18 per ton ; shorts, , track, To- ronto. Ontario bisa; #19 per ton; shorts, $21 per ton on track, To- ronte cent., Glasgow COUNTRY PRODUCE. Pete per dozen in case SHuhler Orediner? prints, 23¢ to 24e; separator prints, 20c to 2l¢; dairy prints, choice, 200; do., tubs, 17e to 18¢; inferior tubs, 6e Cheese—Large, 1; ine twins cheese 1a%e to 12%c per ae Beans—$2 to $2.10 for primes and $2.15 to $2.25 per bushel for hand- picked. would have that number of appli- cations from farmers in less than tinued, that Indians on the Brant- icrd reserve were being engaged at $45 a month ai rd. The chief difficulty with the im- migrants who have been placed on m acter report ONTARIO'S SPLENDID CROPS bad an th ha Hagleod is the Shortage of Farm Laborers. farms is still their inefficiency. Re- cently, Sutherland, acting up- Sonia oP complaints on this whole far from complimentary. In one, the farmer, after stating that the immigrant h ima at was not a competent man, made th ‘ollowing reply to a question ps whether the man-could milk: “No,” he wrote, “he can’t milk, iat but that was the cow’s fault. to in England estion, ral re- comes this illuminating ut him at hoeing the garden bie or said that the handle of the hee was too ait It was just # new one I bow ae nm sa ‘receiving $20 a month and his board. HEALTH two distinct physical faults, Taye jifferent causes behind them, which give different results. Correctly speaking, stammering means an inability to render sounds veperly. while stuttering means an inability to join sounds proper- y. Stammering due to Potatoes—Ontario, 55c to 60¢ per| some imperfection in the speech or- az out of store. American, $2.50|gan*, or to a wrong use or position to $2.75 and $3 por barrel. ot tho iaolos while bun Go bepocel while stuttering is really a spasm PROVISIONS of these ane Rest} Ses ¢ follows from ‘this ‘that the holesale quota siacunceoe will constantly make the or eed cut; ‘$01 | to $31.50) came mistake, A certain letter or eee as Bae to. FER combination of letters will- over as rd— ee tierces, 15)4¢; tubs, |throw him each time they occur- 1b%e; pails, 15%; stocks steady.| Wien the trouble is due to some eavy, 20e Green meats out of pickle, 1c less than smoked MONTREAL MARKETS. 3a eee - Mo: treal, July Ontario ae. tario aera tobi 818; Manitoba shorts, grain mouillie, $32 to #59; mixed mouillie, 925.0 $28. i 200 per base aaah” iodey ankene vane Back heres sa the last ten days. Butter Best. creamery, 22%; of soeeehy organic imperfection in the organs au as cleft palate, harelip, und tongue, the nL treatment rust be surgical. Af- at, if the patient Ke an adult, there will have to be lessons and practise to teach him to pronounce properly the dere or letters he has never before been 0 say. When there is no organic defect the trouble is often simply a bi habit persisted in from childhood. Almost all small children stammer, “cunning,” with disastrous results in many cases in after y speech defect that is the conse- quence of abit and laziness calls for educational © treatment, ard the younger the pees is a easier the cure wi When ¢l baa habit has been one of eee sancine it is often hard, just as it creamery, term, a Ae to lie; $ toe Eh Bian -Selccted ee Qe dozen; to 18¢ dozen |’ Country Produce—Beans, three- pound pickers, $1.95 to $2 bushel. Datatos: eee bag, in car lots, to 50c. eerie syrup, in ety pound: 6c. Sugar, 10c to ae "afouey "dull; clover, white, lc to dark grades, 11Ke to 12¢ white aged 10% to lle, Buek- wheat, 7c to 74 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, July 12.—Calves, $3 to ane live hogs, $.50 per 100 pounds ; heop, 4c to be per pound ; lambs, & 50 to $5 each; steers, choice, 64c 0 6%e; good, 6e to 64c; middle, ve to Bes fait, be to 514¢; com- ron, 44¢ to. 4c. "to ronto, cm 12.—The range for the best butcher cattle was on an average of from $5.75 to 86.35, with tac mediw md common = gra bri ging from $4.90 ta $5.25 $5.40. Cows and ~bulls >| widely,. bringing from $3.75 a0, according to weight meta Milkers and springers were fully $10 per head lower. Sheep aia unis frp at $8.95 as the e for lam Hogs were qieled: 106 higher ab "at $8.75 to $9. UNTTED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, July 12. = Whest—Snring Vand begin afresh. is hard for eed adults to learn a taieign languay Stuttering, a: ‘the other hand, is eatirely a nervous disorder, and in bad cases amounts to an absolute | spasm of the speech muscles. A stutterer knows perfectly what he wishes to. ity: and ho# it should scund, © cannot get it out. | The eee basis of stuttering is ut not when they are res' they stutter with strangers ‘and not with friends; or when they are in pat pe but nor sales they are we hey are likely to be sensi- t ave Palencia people, keenly aware of the ludicrous side of their misfortun' aientment cannot be begun too early, and must be patiently carri- ed out. The much-advertised bril- lant and rapid cures one hears of are very likely to relapse, @ and the cure ns aie is not a matter of a Children Shon never be pun ed or ridiculed for panimeme'c should be taught io stop short, draw a long breath, *Bbstal atten- ish- aid almost all adults find the trick| ©’ n to deep, calm breathing is a eee important element in the cure of stuttering. —Youth’s Companion. MINT TEA FOR THE NERVOUS. Mint has many virtues and a few yices. Well shed, the leaves STAMMERING. pulled from the stems, slightly mushed and boiling water pour persons use the words|oyer there results a ‘‘mint tea’’ stummerin| as if/that is a sovereign remedy for they meant exactly the same thing. | nervous as wel as stomach trou- This is not so. They are in reality| bie-. Ser a thin glass with ved i eracked ice eek a "ttle sugar in it ik Nie and quiets the system gen- 5 preparing the mint tea the bowl is kept eh covered until the contents coo! then strained, poured aah a bottle that can be closely corked and set on ice; when ented ice should be pounded very fine and a little wis added if liked; some prefer the t unsweetened. RRLNaE SANE, SOBER, STRE! JOUS. Earl Grey Gives His Opinion of Canadian People, spatch from London says: Ean ces in this week’s Standard of Empire gives a statement of his regardii ae c a sane, sober, : people, patriotic, invincibly im pire. wonderful inspirations to any thinking man. No better fate vould befall may British boy, girl, man ot woman than e become a go his or her part ul procs Earl ay strongly favors creo tion of whites children to Cani BRITISH [ TRADE. “INCREASING. |More Raw Material Coming In; More Manufactures Going Out. A despatch from London says: The June statement of the Board of $14 624.000 in imports and $25,408, 090 in exports. The principal increase i was in material, and manufactured goods showed the largest, gah gain ina the exports. IPALIAN’S cence CURE. Says He Has “Conquered “Hopes less’? Cases With It. A. despatch from Rome says: , Prof. Fichora has Rancoaeel to the Institute of Experimental Hygien the discovery of a eure for cancer. The cure consists ot injections serum from a human embryo. PES says that he has cur or | sev. eral hopeless cases at cancer hospitals. has also experiment~ ed SE citaige with the same re- mcdy in cases of anaemia. of, MAW OF Tht GREAT WEST Newcomers ‘Are Swallowed Up and Leave wheat easier; No. : No Trace, Says Mr. Hays. lead , ve i x Winter steady. Corn—Firm. Oats—High- SISTERS re er’ No. 2 white Abo, i No 3 white,] A despatch from Montreal says?! we eculd not get mon at the money. 43%; No. 4 whites 42%c. Barley— 2 Hays, who is just back | T cents was the lowest they Malting, 63 to 68c. from the west, discussed the cou-| Wout coasider. Mivnea opel is, July: 12.—Wheat = cee of the Grand Trunk Pa-| ‘Mr. Chamberlain still thinks Tuly, $1.16; Beptember, $1.10%;| cific and the scarcity of labor. ‘‘It| that we will get the Grand Trunk December, $1.08%; cash, No. 1| js 9 matter of astonishment,” said| Pacific constructed — through to hard, $1.19!4; No. 1 Northern, $1 =| ys, ‘to see how quickly all) Prince Rupert by 1912, It is, of 17 to $1.19; No. 2,Northerm, $1.15) the newcomers disappear. ‘rain- | course, bv a matter of labor. lf to $1.17; No.3 Northern, after trainload of page te 0) Bran—$18.50 patents, $5.30 to $5.50; second pe ents, $5.10 to $5.80; first cleats, $s 15 to. $4.25; second clears, $2.80} y t is more, 0. $3.20. th oming does not seem to a poe EE Lata ny foot ake labor ma arket in the lea an of labor is as bad now big storm at Aberdeen, Sask.,} a: ever it was. When Twas plew the fronts out of several stores} Vancouver we sent sana’ to ‘all hs aud wrecked large number. of |labor bureaus for 100 laborers, of: barns. Hiei, on Friday. fering them 274 cents an hour, Yet Hout can We ge et que He naenied the company had reports that tho ought. property for te syminals aver, saying all heir aah was being concentzat- ba ‘on getting into Rupert. He stated, paneer b they wer building now at Seattle Ww and Victoria, go accommedare there [beat a.