4 The Milverton Sun = EVERY micunsos TiORNENe The Sun ‘Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont. SUBSCRIPTION RATES cents: Subvsribers per year, $13 50 am onthe'as ‘ceatn in advance, Peon ars will bellableto pays: CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES line for first Insertion and ie for each subsequent Inser- harged for all transient adv« t cents fouteents per i ton will be tse rtisements without specific ai wit el inserted until forbid and cb cordin Changes for contract a2¢ be in the office by nos, Se o Mailor telep? attention, Or feprompt <BETH. oe S 4¥ aud Proprietor a PEDO LOL OTOL OTOL — i ‘EDITORIAL ¢ A good deal of “hogwash” appears one would think that this munificient corporation pro- vided out of its funds for the men who had grown old ‘in the service, The fact is that what the Grand oo i etio state of mata fe and of pension is in reality a Sons against strikes ie other contingen~ eies of a like mature. Every cent that goeq into the fund-is taken from the peepee af the men. Each employee has tolled monthly and this me goes into the fund. Comparative- few, however, participate in the teat as man, who under any cir- cumstances, severs his connection with the company forfeits all right to the benefit of it, Although it is ‘maintained by the men, it is adminis- tered entirely by the company and man leaves ‘the employ. of the company. he is permitted no longer to ontribute to it or draw, from it. The toll of his wages for the past twenty og twenty-five years as the oase may be is lost to him fon’ good. Old men wha have spent their life in the ser- vice and are approaching the sympath- decrepitude and’ are m their é lest they find themselves on the car- pet and off the fund, Look around if you will and see if you can discoy- en many of the old men on the line. No, but an odd one remains, They been removed from the roll — ‘turned adrift at an age when that has no finer conception of that @reatest of attributes—merey. thav @ Spanish buccaneer, In the hum-drum of ordinary every day. life most of us are passive, and even unobservant. of what is going on in this great country of ours. Few of us have any conception that h tory is being ‘made every moment. Down in the East here we fail to com- vrehend the magnitude of the trans- oe that is hourly being made the great West. where steel rails are sneaking out over the prairies and through British Columbia valley the rate of miles per day. where im- migrants are pouring in by the thous- ands every week. where hamlets: are springing up along the lines of rail-| celles way. where villayes are growing into | § Beenie Gah tivine latdeivest cities ts “by magic. Occasionally our at tention is arrested iby the rapid pro- Se ade doe re realize in @ way. hat » here in Canada a multi- Bate of satiival: regattas: Wiktval- led in the world, coupled with a brac- ing and invigorating climate, cement- | the whole and suited for the growth | of a thousand «pecies of shrub and tree, fruit and cereal, with prairies to teed a continent. One of these occa- wiong was tho artival the othug day vt the “Vancouver Reports Progress” or third anniversary number of the Wancouven Saturday Sunset edited by our old friend J. P, McConnell, com- prising sixty four pages, describing by illustration and letter press the concerns of that city, which we believe is destined to become one of the greatest. if not the greatest city this Dominion, A few years ago Wancouver was but a nathe and Brit- ck eeEg ‘i geographical expres- city boasts a popula a of 100, ae souls, quadrupling her numbers in @ space ten years, while the resources of the province are being developed at arate ‘unkown in Frota all over the W same tale of the bar Ba ProBress | oo, made in the way of se our vast solitudes and peck our illimit- able resources, seeee A press despatch the other day stated that at Waterlawn, N.Y. 4 sumn watering place among the ‘Thousand Yslands. a twelve-year-old fox terrier was buried with all — the ara and ceremony of a state funer- band of twelve pieces from slab was ereatad | e of the dog. Of} ag the oe toe bat. .| than the Premier of Canada. Wages ¢o se |the old Gee Tee ¢ les’ than} the urdity. But let us mot be too panes ene this Pee ‘pur *eoon all the family was ap 01 the tribute to the Ary of this intrepid sailor whose Yeats ago came date, he apparently is no sisten colony. seer ormon missionaries from the Em- pire on the ground that their teach- ings are subersive of morality. aa card are placed on them in eae with the exception that they the 1 liberty and freedom accorded them they evade the law their household alleged servants who im the eyes of their ch es tountryman wi his hearthstone; it showed its ta response to overtures made to Mackenzie King. Minis- La’ to an arbitration between the me: amd, the company. Manager of the Grand Trunk, stated that they were rapidly getting mer and Conia the blockade to be lift- edi soon s the men have agreed te AEH ihe public will know where to place the mesponsibility if tne strike continues, Judging by the prayer-meering ai temdance. one of the speakers at the missionary conference in Edinburgh hit the nail on the head iv this par- ody; “In the sien broad field of battle. In the bivouae of life You ane a the Christian represented by his wife.” soldier General-Manager Hays. lesque surely reaches the ae o: |THE KING A MERE FIGUREHEAD “at eae eee, lon. Tt fri neg ha yillage of ee Newfound- feller ¢ te a sity ot feed Jaud a King sit Germany has recently oe the | da, the United States or Great | g, arch are really | & How like the snake that the] ¢q, bor. requesting him to bac ‘ Mr. Hays. Buia ay H, Race. Canadian Commissioner, xposition. Lond Eng.. in Mitchell paper td Canada, a3 well as here, w imply because te ing, while shat corklike qual- ce and aly n with every rip- he half-witted urchen on the street will shout for ¥ + forgotten by the people of our pene? of veneration tha: ly. by y virtu Ry _constitutionally a King in by keeping — in| Bri tude by attacking his wife and child- | %* Kings and her generous deeds worthy of a queen, Grand Trunk who refuses to standard- ize the wages of the employees of the road draws a four times greater salary not seem to be equally distribued on The Roblin Government of Manitoba now stands exactly as it did before going to the country. The judical re- ‘0 the Conservative by a majority of nine although the Liberal had been declared by thirteen. see0e tain the sympathy of the public it wil! be absolutely mecessary for them to restrain the hotheads and sympathi- zers from violence. The public can- not tolerate mobbing or the wanton destruction of property. CATALOGUE FOR BUSINESS COLLEGE Mr, Edwin tthews, the en- rising princoal Sof the Beechwet | Patios Coll making t S re 3 roe fine | points and beauties of the town The regular Business course includ- es bookkeeping, business ey spel- fing, business penmanship, commercial Biltbinatlar tapla’ caloaieiiel- business practice and office wo: Papers, and lation. f interested write Mr. Matthews ep he will be glad to send you a ue, IONS OF SCOTLAND The Toronto Camps of the Sons of : service ed address bound in red morocco. The Ipresentation was made the Rev. D. * risty. rt. Mearns briefl: and suitably responded, Addresses also delivered ve Bro. M. John- . R. Gibbaré 6 vount in Bonnicastle gives the seat The: BE, 8. MEARNS HONORED BY THE ‘ony ao! ellesley ARE YOUR JOINTS 1 LAME? Haven't you a weak spot 4 place alw: If the striking trainmen wish to re-| Nerv! National ean ARAL on the Best Performan the Why -can the Canadian National a finer e reason is tha! iy \s people as th en. women and eke in “Galt and Getiph combin: THURSDAY, JULY 28th. 1910. You know MEN’S SUITS All $10.00 Suits for Thursday, Friday and Saturday $7.99 our $10.00 Suits. $2. Be 4,00%Suit Reduced to s NA 6, the quality, style and workmanship of BOY’S SUITS 50 Suit Reduced to i 50 Suit Reduced to 00 Suit Reduced to 00 Suit) Reduced to ‘ LADIES’ WHITE WAISTS ‘ < : $1.99 ‘ * “ 2.69 . 5 2.09) 5 5 x 3.79 : ‘ Peete (°) $1.00 White Waists Reduced to s 1,25 White Waists Reduced to $ - ; 1.50 White Waists Reduced to é 5 2.00 White Waists Reduced to . . ; 2.50 White Waists Reduced to : 2 3.00 White Waists Reduced to S : J $ .79 . . 1.19 : fa 1.59 : . 1.89 : 2.19 BES Ghe People’s Store - ENGELAND @ SONS ¢ MILVERTON, ONT SCIATICA al REE E EXPECTED DEATH ANY DAY Another ae nee: ue Bit oted ‘And Hea “Ner 0 ‘be cured after years of bé cbause ihe feels it his solemn ell is faith ica that affected my left si Gometimes an atinak feepuic that made me powerless t Wad so mearly a complet cripple that Thad to give up my job, I was in *| despair, completely cat. down because c I was speaking to my e day and he recomen- ded “Nerviline”, etd this liniment aeered en several times a day. and relief. In odes to build h and CURED 8! YEARS all ki fully. say that Nerviline is far strong- musical pro nm and heartily ed by the large audience. The con- bributing artists he sons hes the Pind Trank we) ago, neuralgia, Re rig Sion, to use Nerviline, I know it will N ways can Fo six years since being cure hasn't of liniments, and ean truth- | come Fs ne “irs be vetlel upon. | g WESTERN FAIR September 9-17. 7. London, Psi Western Fair. of Lone ario. is becomi! at as is Live Stock = il under consideration in Poel vag adde: as ‘@ ein ae D ing more epular each c Se |Are You Deaf? Ontario. Owe Hundreds of Portcok: Recover: Impaired Hearing and Deafness ported 45) va eRsult of«the use of ©} Catarrhezon don. | The result of aati experionies provs | that juny: eases hundred can be cured. ‘and ed, of im- | We Bon {paired hearing ty ‘tho regular use of possi ‘ble iar the sehen tae of F. be opportunity een to be ish Col umn | stan hibit of Bruit. mud i Hortieultaral dis in. competition fo xit ‘ee other depgrtments' All in the mecethty: a Ont. ¥ be obi cH Hunt, Is one from siffocation an ie ie bad attack of The shea a me d remedies: n g are breath are ov ma is does cure. ay rrbozone | * Gon Kingsto Call at The Sun office and will be made and every Exhibitor wil joo! oe aie tained from A PRGATEED DEATH driven from the system. dealers in aparently Maid prosperous. Catarrhozone | in al new lines in wedding stationery. tbls the many orominent busi+ to com- by Air @entioned M. jones, contractor of Halifax, Both. these rrentlemen have’ teat d to the merits of Oatarrhozone as play. but, . erie he Ex- rT is Beautiful | ot ie ch epiort is suitable to carey in the vest Epo 2 EO London. nd ‘some-| and ki ‘Trial size 50 Asthma. may re- Pols son & Cov. . Ont. tuabestox John Semmens 088 peeved’ | Galke on "Faly 2, after a 1200mile. canoe nearly two wee behin ‘Trouble in rood state of health. d the birth e during tl nat see our nage dane ‘by. a nsconaldstuble mar- & are pete that she is W, Warner. of| are ne Ree aie oo Wellesley Street, Toronto, and Mr. | oon one of the | Winia, e Dominion, and they. are Ns, to shouse, s the uardeaticely: The. sons | L believ | more DANGERS OF ones Nothing kills love more quickly thin A man’s: frig rier a girl will die insta! cate as a member of lub, are some magging women for They. ar the naj worth. oat. chee until every Remperetion: peless a hard-worked man 32 es ing right. The ly grow to seek pools. § popeemens any: where away trot @ that wagging bas. made unhappy bomen xian any one r cause,—Tit-Bits. NEVER ORY QUITS may be ‘weak. sleepless. ner. You =} of di, vous digestion may be poor, but don "t eae Nee ay die till you Lass “ uses ost wonde: eo day you grow: in loss of sleep. :apprehensi benefit. All dealers in € ry. | nity and honor y| to. the | eterna i of the family is driven to 0} y | Simple to A NON-PARTIZAN WELCOME, Regina Spectator forever stand out to statesmanship; and latter Western Canada is as long iio resigned hist meaee “ot life for, it is noe ‘sir Wilfrid Laurier—Lib- lotic, the servant of 8 Prime Minister, of Canada, the 3 to Canada and to hes 1 aga: hia-statastannaaln to doe the Theis on but mental ‘roam, Canadian, rst Thought was the welfare vot his oouns trys ARE, YOU A A_DYSPEPTIC? Nine aad out a ea suffer from ree and don’ iow it, ee pale cheeks, ent appatite biceps wights are the direct roaate tet try Dr. Hamilton's Pills. On Friday last Mr. Ben Westman Rote the frame of his mew