Milverton Sun, 28 Jul 1910, p. 5

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THE MILVERTON SUN If every woman hair and removes dandru! Nyal’s Hair Restorer who has been benefited by Nyal’s Hair Restorer would tell her friends bh it it has done for r her, it t would be even in greater demand than an a parts fectly rine not to! tell alt her little antes However, if you will accept our recommend: you will not be disappointed. Nyal’s Hatt Restoret makes hair soft and glossy, stimulates growt new hair and makes old hair Healthy stops falling There isn’t a toilet requisite you want that you can’t find in our strictly up-to-date stock. THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE WRECK OF “COLBORNE” >. RESSURE OF LIGHT. ia ao Tail of Comet Points FAMOUS DISASTER OF 1838 COST FORTY-THREE LIVES. in- ap- we it follows that ee solor powerful than from the fiean to form the tai. Only Twelve of Vessel’s Company Ever Touched Land Again—Two Hundred Thousand _ Dollars Specie Went Down and mensely Valuable Cargo of General Merchandise. ‘Throughout the two old provinces of Canada there was in the year 1838 no name better known or more fre- quently mentioned than that of Sir hi In Im- one eaee bas been found for this maly. An undreamed of force tint eo Alscovéted to, which Wo: tay tl telbtite some of the vagaries ofa ne . t force is nothing tess than the pressure of light. It is rather startling to learn at this late day that the sunbeams which play upon green grass and blue water are actually pressing the earth, Yet that pressure has been so accurately meas- the Govern- 3; and Sir of the fanaa in Canada, was the man | yreq that we know now that the earth LACK OF TEACHERS ‘The THE Globe says some 600 vacant mositions to be filled By teachers in that there ario. The call are made a drain of the hour. sustains a light load of no less than eet hie Battie Lonerasion fe 150,000 tons. Why is it that we do not fame Of aithough it has been charged | See objects pushed into space by the n some oceasions he was un- Si eh severe, that is not: under con- side: ration ‘here, solar effulgence? Simply because light essure acts not so much on masses ag on surfaces. ‘The less the mass and the greater the surface the more pro- nounced will be the effect of light pressure, of position, and sty! if . Divide a ball of lead welghing one C.P.R. Time Table not more Oa Tageultas ind ae eS erie Por tas pound into 1,000 little balls. ‘Che total GUELPH AND GODERICH a i Fags ek gt Seay pag inoeta a rather remarkable coin- | weight remains the same, but the sur- i Best,” 2 onal pollen af the O. ae Cayo tn, | cidence the plate was. shipped! Son, 8”) facé_has: heen; incrensetl,. Divide. cach West Monkton 1 3.28 m. | Dea ario Govern~| Vessel that bore Sir John’s name, the | tittle ball again into adler Milverton 14 am, 3.38 Dan. Fh t may have tended to bring about | Colborne, of Hull, I Ae eae ae eontana aeett PE ns present dearth to teachers. The S < . 000, alls st Millbank + $49 Pam.! i pottion of.the county model schols| , 2° Colbome was & bras of 3) | weigh one pound, but the surface has Linwood Jot ro ea” [and the Ee aiiiotinitor them of fans cones by Captain Kents teen enormously augmented. Carry bs ~: experient seaman, art) ag- L. Linwood Jot= = 1045 a.m 6.92 D. iba {gesen-pormal:pohools. may Have wn XRs8 the took on her cargo at | this subdiviston go far that leaden par- a.m, 6.42 p.m. | fad some effee se is directina. It|Tondon, ‘and considering the small- |tictes are obtained measuring one 11,03 a.m. 6.50 p.m. | ea fulleonttended: se, es ant are nor | ness of vessel, it was one of the | twenty-thousandth of an inch in diam- 1117 am, 04 Pm) achat the high schools show a fall| Most area DI eee ee shuaved ter. Each one of these particles, if Z idates | Out ames., consisting of gen- | 5) tato- interstell LINWOOD AND nieTOw Et: ing off in ‘the number of candidates | °™' ; placed into interstellar space, will re- @ South {for entrance into the norma? schools. | °™4! ieee ees wines, SPITHS. | main sta because its wel 8.00" on 8.10 p.m.| All this is a matter £ immediate and | $Por oe eRe john Golborne gravitattons will exactly counterbal- AAP at. $26 Bm. |rrions coneferation. ‘he eras | saiuahie’ plate, » large collection of | nce the light preeruro of the sun. me le ests pans! there appears to be some danger tbat| costly ornaments for Turohes. in | subdivision be carried beyond that 4 7 ‘ s Se kastae Lower in. spec an Aa m. pes the inposstillity I antnias ina erese ba lates ie ae ip of seesee seen 11,01 asm. 648 p.m.!ing qualified teachers.” sand | solar gravitation and burl it into Berka 1,15 am. 842 p.m. —$—$$_—_—_—_ tion of this money ‘beloneed ‘to the space.—Circle Magazine. Listowel tint, 7.05 p.m.) One result of the opening of the | Government, and much of it was in- Tabl prairie section of the Grand Trank| tended t¢ be i in Bete banged mee ben z jin Canada. Some of the gold was for eet as Food. G. T. R Time Table ee [the Canadian banks, soa | ; The beet beats al. It ts one of the GOING og 3 | The crew of the Colborne ponsiny dj most valuable of cultivated plants. vim p.m. ta $s 40 due to tha ehorter line of | of 6 men, and besides the |The sugar beet is a main source of | ra ‘038 137 all Grand Trunk Pacific. Cina oy one! Blea bo passen, | sugar and alcohol. ‘The large forage 926 451\ ‘The Ontario Government proposes | 8¢rS: beets suppl. lent food for cat- ~ olin 120 448| leasing large. pulpwood. concessions mumber ot Ea officers going out | 6 nagyelters oan a setae ae i to join th i * ea that the pane Of iste | thelr wives. and ckildren—Oapt. Jas. | Vide savory table ‘vegetables. | ‘The arias ae pMOnterio. Ne | Elliott Hudson, his wife, five dangh- | usefulness of this valnable food has «| paly from the concession, or pulpwood | ters and four gons; Mr. Wa. Walker, been increased by the Brodction iat the Royal Navy, brother-in- -law t0 |an edible flour from sugar he wilh probably be an item of news | Capt. Hudson; icket_an wuts desiccation of sliced sugar er: is 4 readers that our Ken ee and suneee ot jske rea A aunmber of of | practiced in Germany on an extensive Petters [ial postmaster Bro. Robb, is not com- | Cana AROS welled to make, change for you W 3 lyou make es at the post i Je that mot one ina ied beets. BusinessCards) 55 «== hotsand ‘persons kuow. ers ptamps or any purchases at a pos Dentistry. office must furnish their ve change Sie, master could insist (DR: LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic-|the buyer furnishing his own chan th of Dental Sur; and Member | if he sees fit to do it; but usually the | Sonne wHine larger of Royal College of Dental Surgeons ot Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni Dostmasten is glad enough to get his “chil ken. feed.” and he is al-| ‘ocesst not only desi cost ie ut pre- versity. m and Bridge work a8 peo- | ways xeady and willing to wicoricdatebicrae’ quickly lown falty. aah ae the public by mal all the change) Thames, and i sea butfet- Be the extraction of sugar, above the Bank of ‘Tlasiltol Milverton. | for, If a wishes to buy|ing with the waves of the Atlantic | serve all the sugar of the beet, part of fitty cents' worth of stamps and has/with her bows turned towards the Medical. F. PARKER, M.D. L. TYE, P. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE ; PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o' m.,and 2 to 4 jock’ p. m. RPHY & C. v, wana: Bolicliore for the Bank Milver have been er of the firm will starrer |B Perm: raemb . a Milverton every Thureda M 5,0, MX MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, Ontario Veterinary. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, ton, Graduate of Ontaria Veterin: eatsall diseases Calle by tele- Societies. IN Honor No. 478, f., G.R,C., Milverton, vening on or I mogn every month in. their ney’s Bl isiting breth- ba ren always wel pay TCHISON wat; W, J. ZORGER, 6. 0. F., No, 99, on, 7 every noaod ‘last pet ege every § olelock,, in, thelr ‘iitpet Rotne Son’s hardware store. Visiting ‘ethan en ela welcome. Geo. fi e 1.0.0. | F., “Silver Star Lodge,” saLireston, meets e ay Friday night at 7.30 p. m. in their hall aver Publis Drug Store, ‘Visiting brethre! finay ys wel- come. N.G., W. K, Loth, F, Secy., W. Burgn Notary Public. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Ane: donsees fats the Gouney ot Porth Waterloo, Conveyaneer, Deeds, Wills aud Mortgages drawn and Affidavits made. Village Clerk, Office in the Woir block over the Bank of Hamiltoi Hotels. EXOHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, et, Ont. John Gropp, Proprieto condita tle set eae viabling. ccommodation ave t large somp! tabling. Hott breatapeande of liquors and cigars, Chas, Ritter, Broprie QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Unt arg tiny jon travellers and other quors and Cigars a ar. bles, Gearge F. Poull, Proprietor. ‘MIE AMERICAN HOUSE, aon pays: speelal attention to Commercial tr foe sample rooms, Best Wines and-liquors served. at Rates $1.50 per day. jon Court sand dae Division Court it 11 o'clock a.m. on Feb, asi t June 9 Aug. 25. Oct. 0, 29. THOMAS TROW. Cl ree led M.D. tant shores of Can: prek is rejected in the form - mo- Colborne soar Seat entered | ing. in the process of sugar m: reenwag Tribune. t only to be Bho sexshed Reatrueseeae French Artisane ax Soldiers -oek-bound coast of Ee ae peninguls, | Avoldance of military duty, need not Ot the fifty-five souls wh » |mecessartiy be a symptom of physical @ Colborne out requentt ssen- only twelve ever se! f industrial self preser- ae = the m Jones, ember of argo of gold. and y of Brienda who was in valu one merchandise went witl ith tl ms of the wreck to the botto: Bay 0! aleur. On the vaight of October 15th, forty- ed Thvitations: |five days after sailing from London, | the Loire district. “Look at my bands, ither before or x_the service ré | the Colbo: as well in the Bay | monsieur” exclaimed the man. “Well,” eatenents ‘were served to all present, |of Chaleur and close to the Gaspe | rem: Jones theycnre< tant tone lee was Sty geen: and black enough, if that is what yo a | Her destination was Quebec, and, ot “Precisely,” was bis reply. the ractice in parts 0} teers instead of being in the Bay C the country. Hear ere unknown, | of she Chauld’ have, been | a watchmaker and was a highly and to have carried the coffin to the passing up. sulf Hedi es | Paid workman. “But now, after han- in any kind of a vehicle would | That she wes 80 of hi dling those big guns and heavy shells, ive been consider a mark of dis | course shows that 2 a fatal "and inex- |I have lost my delicacy of Sron | 4 to the memory of the depart- | cusable erro: made in the | can never go back to my proper bust- | ed,. The sh: cot was, th | reekonings. ess. In , 1 am a ru See ene ee ee ee re ee ee | Theme ave mites tuna tDO0) men te the who every mii were reli ed a light which fe said was on Anti- | army of the west alone, ded, By. abojhet four, and so on until the | costi Island in the Gulf. aban sists tie Tete ad ot te : graye was reached. It is related that | “I strongly maintained His, poten eee Ae Rae E eae OF on the death of Hugh Ross, a Hud-' | sai cH Pee in relating | Whose case tue ame as Bay. factor, his ly was led: | the tragic stot f that awful night, | mine.’—London Chronicle. this manner for more thi |“that at that Ste no such light was | ——————— i aa ge Little Ses) to i. [kept up. | t Em ’s. The journey took a ethe light seen was probably on | Tae Ay noon the party alles het | sous Anne, at Perec, eee center <3 S| Therein lay our, trouble. | about the mound makin; of the ts survivor. was Josdph mat | ales if ace nee cteson, who for ma ‘the wreck resided at | x-Gas- more than thirty feet in oe il ‘y yireck | of construction only a few Inches tn 1 eteson was vis ames | height. ‘They are found in groups, one settlement, re blish_ Ww iE “et Tailorpe, ac wellznown | of which, a ollidaysburg, "Pa, Selkirk gave the est years of his Iie |ytterateur he gave an account of the | ontains 1,700 mounds within a space ; 1 enn It came through many vicissitudes “there was some attempt to collect | of fifty acres, ‘Their ee eee and. it survived many dangers; ai | 1s. enormous, of | lay West measure due to the fact ‘hat the banks of the Red River had the Selkirk set- ie were captured. | mussels are annually consumed in Ee Mu eonky ASanellsof Lancéohiees said has found it necess’i the board of agriculture and to. prohibit GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil Seto, which a a sels were 0 Wild Animals. ry to 0 pro ad been npbeld, that id there § No property in them until they One hundred million Lan paistaredeey although rarely more tha: three feet in height. But around thes as reckage on behal: ose in- ‘es and each grou terested either as ners or insurers, | mounds appears to constitute and some it was sold at auction munity—an insect kingdom or empire, on the spot, ina In regard to their numbers Dr. Forel tos oe being knocked down or a ee is quoted as saying that these ant Some | shilli kingdoms have in ail probability from Seatteted along’ tlie ‘shore: muéh’ of 200, inhabitants, min wreckage was abet es ase a “all forming a single community living together in active and friendly di eir with foolish ragie story of the Colborne | intercours ve ainebe. Wael a Gee. + ay be closed with the outlines of @ serving their unwelcome —importun- chapter of rom: e_Jong-boat ‘Tne mail train last Boies Boe ity, bids them desist. The pales ce thd et Ante en, thrée other ined wn into a flock of Bie side of | fore of Oniro has a smar BEAUT: cS ee ae ino alverton an Kitiet sto twenty |The men, natives all, 2 FU Ww. at ugho ine went and. well IFUL SHOWING OF ‘he brought to shore in the cme mace Ehren the tlook seithout any troub- MODERNIZING CAIRO WESTERN PEOPLES ARE REMOV- ‘NG ITS ORIENTAL AIR. Donkey: of Men Arete donkeys on every s dy om a beggars apparently, egos’: of a ma Ye ttracting mor ever did while he w long string of decors bridge compel “Man round the quarter Is this a kind of e | Publication of the guests. will by Beré-in the Shari whether you would fe mag curveting ‘along on 8 sae in cab: They are sm: way) on a aut tful tian cavalry to Brit ari to watch a squad yon ans riders denned “people ol es Ea: 8 | nse Sree w De hs itable look need for an intellig ploy ane guides at do their es ac by himself After th ears and Cairenes are des Champs-Elysees. there i “stoppal What is jhat wailing noi ragged- ream o} ‘orner they i an Nights cos e ong. Moslem faeab are half-hidden b curious tion that no visitor aa tn Egyptian Metro- Street Are ‘and Others sed Condi r Twenty-tive y 7 riental city. “eo A : . ture, an “amazing e | The {Great Live Stock Exhibition an Sit ox : —_ aie reat hotels SP EVER street for half an hour at any Stay Mo DOG SHOR, ATHLETIC DAY aa an u will see in passing PS te CAT SHOW Monday show the most extraordinary medley . = : hat the modern work known, Music thé Oist Highlanders and 7th Fusiliers 1 = d ATTRACTION. | DON'T | FIREWORKS Better Tham. Missrrt | Each Night iding There r. might be in Piccadilly oF the Avenue ‘Then ise? well-to-do" corpse “would-have'e silver the n of no accot with ih, and n' r a ter ation v ee Sanhats you intel a ages. Thi cov ered over by eqaival nt for. a Kai see a came re * nt Ca a jingling 0 rly all the Bowes in Cairo, even y to. bel and. ful to their mettlesome little y riss or Wo! oe ae he: ok folléw those whom they hope ‘ictim: It i n, fie autho by a party’ of natives of Anse-aux- jouthampton Beas m wearing the blu Gascons, who, gallantly put out z striped armlet of the the | their reser jon as daylight dawn- xe stable. But. they are a eed. Among the rescuers was a man displaying the calm ob- | named Chedor, of the Metropolitan Polic ‘CANADIAN PACIFIC BEST SERVICE TO fe had a daughter named Isabella, fier the wreck she be- man Anse-aux-Gasco! joining parish the descendants of this living to this day. ir are Sealed Tenders (marked Tender for be received by the under- struotion ofa : thy: far’ ena 2 Wa. Witt, ‘Prop wits a matked cheque 00, and 8p eeitieations TENDERS FOR DRAIN. +e creel will up Plans. os be seen at my essar ily ace till two o’clock p.m.. 8th, Aug. ice. At woo fe "The lowest or any tender not nec- ed, GEO, LOCHHEA! Cle FW. Sl ahaa Baie Atwood. July 18th. 1910, 1910, for. the oe drain in, the ‘ow! as “The train Fridays. Fn fail Bible nae wie hee. = Woman’ is never old as she ENJOY THE COOL BREEZES D. rk of Elma. MUSKOKA Four Trains from Toronto 9.40 the other neighbors believe. Saereena Me arp hat Bain Sleeper carrled'on 10.10 5: m. OF THE GREAT LAKES 01 hate hee atoning oinhied ‘woman is never old, anyway, il esate Ss Bae pans Friday and she is wiseng unday Jrom Owe woman is aiaxs wise. sunt soils pi repeats 1.00 p. ‘Therefore mm. sailing da: every never Mealiaad Berth: lnchided piboat ‘ wep aust PLEASANT AND CHEAPEST ree we an UTE TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Mat hae spout of whiel In the crypt of dral, the Duke of ihe third | 8 te 74 ststially’ Fe at pate bea, ae ‘bud produzed”° I W. H. Sanderson, Local Agent is estim: £133,000. comes alon; 1e thirsty subjects into 4 a water- amall: eu In Memory of Seddon. . Paul’s Cat) Arg, act thie Atting momento is form Fire at Bombay. A most destructive fire occurred al £100,000 ‘he cat rake ‘the cain 0 which is unknown, imated rom. to at It com looking men, d Ma WesternFair LONDON, CANADA Sept. 9th to 17th, 710 $25, 000.00 in Prizes and Attractions OPEN TO;ALL Men on ions REDUCED RATES OVER:ALL ROADS VISIT LONDON EXHIBITION Prize Lists, ‘Entry Forms, and all Feo) . d. REID,{President.} } Ay M. HUNT, Seoretiiry on are THE HEIGHT OF TREES, A Hundred Feet Is All That Is Usual- ly Dr. Crippen. the all his wife. who, with bis put is Drosent afugitive from justic osed to be aboard the os fling Attained In Britain. ‘ose Now en route for Montre ale at is ca Mlgng: tires ie are i “they A tree 100 feet high, accurately wear white turbans a brow ul look: . oui acai capr” The ding robes of not many trees in the vane o white or blue reveal bare be- Saleh th. evar of reputedly FALL TERM FROM AUG. 29th Behind them comes a more respec . We hay able ‘procession, men, some in 7 i Be ss) § OE Ae European clothes with the red tar- a token: deans we ch some ihlend patments 103. feat and that ie usiness 0) ege oe wing at ae neck pots are ae minastal peat csnienideret (alae at. And saya SLA Bre epirgie Rees! pat Ss he following them again is Rae Sr ing school in Western Ontario, We covered by a colored cloth and Sane las and hebanon, cedars in these |} assist graduates. to positions, We enon nates shoe have departments 4 is a funeral, r man’s funer- Commercial Shorthand or Telegraphy Write at once for our Free Catalogue D. Principal o last aunt will, er “ Mr, 110 ne feot | high, the tallest. of its. kind in piss ~The. Same authority gives 105 feet as the height of the tallest chestnut he had seen, though are others estimated to enbam, was 98 feet high when measur ed by Henry in 1905. Oaks hay been measured feet, but are quite exceptional, £00 feet be - above the average for our tallest the ~ ILet Fleischnauer Make You a Suit Ce ‘alifornia giant. tre iarets height to. the that lose its color by being exposed the weather. ass y long and geting mixed up of Let us tailor you a suit jade ome b result. rab probably 105 f T least. 10. feet ares egy de Biratliheldeaye. Ted ext a0 im possible to ascertain the correct height of that ot careful hold i of uJ. Kelterborn’s old stand a that will hold its shape and not ‘|d. M. FLEISCHHAUER opp Post Office. Agent Crown Brand Clothing to he ow, inge’ fing it otherwise, not reliable. Of course the ps era may yh near enot t be a long way out Shoe Sale Friday and Saturday we will give 15% Vit on all Tans and 10% on all Patent Leather Shoes Questions 5 and Answers. be ae of the breakfast only son eats at It vanishes into the ated heir Where aut: het sae better than sant Ina igre What is thet which increases the more it is shared by others? Happi- taken from you before you Let as Tout portrait, e the men who have made who can write. e of furniture fn. the world? The aah ating table, Boston, Herald. ody n On the Upward Road. was very, philan. ho er for CASH ONLY. ne f be ® * row < d. One evening, after lecture on Other Shoes in proportion treet-sellers_ are uty Africa, she remarked) to a Bro Caeay friend: —_ rent person to em: “There’s one thing, my but these “nuis: | which is surely a step upwar sand * a he | that is that those horrible cannibals W Z ) stir out fee ‘ala dabont ‘are eating pig boiled . Immerman instead How much. that means!” rity sed). Curtain Mustins The new things in Laces, Nets‘and Muslins for Curtains are shown here first and in abundance of designs and colorings. If you want nice, stylish Curtains put it down on Curtain Nets and 0 Mr Bi . Seddon, the. Tata your list to do some shop- rime Minister of New. Zealand i i Dick” was rot, empire fone, ping on our main floor, . 75e up to $1 yd. it of the marble of GEEE.We Deliver Goods Anywhere in On rio Siete ee R. WHITE & CO. 7 done by the out- Furniture Dealers andiUndertakers 80 Ontario Street STRATFORD: 3

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