H.M.SCHAEFER S MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO “Bt Shines For A.” MARRIAGE. LICENSES: _ MILVERTON, STRICTLY ConrIPENTIAL Vol. XVIII—No. 22 Milverton, Ontario; Perth Co., Thursday, December 8, 1910 Malcolm ua Editor and — : = The Metropolitan Bank Pays Special Attention to the Requirements of Farmers Graziers and Stock Breeders And Solicits Their Accounts. ALE NOTES Supplied Free of Charge, and Collected or Dis- counted at Reasonable Rates. ADVANCES Made to Responsible Farmers. Linwood Branch: Milverton Branch G. L. ZIEGLER, Manager LOCAL NEWS Butter 23¢ pe Fresh eggs 3: Baaes _ Turkeys 0c. per- ib. Engelan jon. Heavy Rubbers at cost at Gustin’s. Newton will pay cash for 50 PREK AES: Grosch Felt Shoe Co.. Milvert Choicest assortment of Chri iad | Sia diged shown in Milverton at Kel- t {| MoCully . Grocers. Strat- | ford. want ‘tied a apples and will pay the highést 1 buy a Christmas ; t rare on tages prices t Finkbeiner's hardw: Miss McDermott ny soalieg millin- a full line of | | their annual meet ‘iday afternoon at 2 o’olock. |The Farmers Bank of Canada TORONTO Head Office : Savings Department accounts mz Deposits of $1,00 and upward re- ceived and interest pai? or added Lact highest current rates.’ Joint be opened, the money jlo to either or the survivor of either par discounted and advances made to armers’ Sale IN ofes tarmers sud: osttlemon’ at lowest current rate. Mong Orders * ued payable at par at ada of a chartered bank oxen excoped at the Brineipal banking points in the United States: ‘Th an ona ethod of remitting smallsums of money t small rey Millbank Branch; D. E. MILNE,: Manager th safety fae fo realize the importance of fru- ality is to acquire the habit of sav- ing—and of depositing your savings in a Bank. You meed not feel embarrassment in positing as small a sum as one dol- Jar in the Bank of Hamilton. Such a step will mean for you the commencement of a new era of case and content. MILVERTON BRANCH R. J. RANNEY, lead Office - Manager HAMILTON | MILVERTON MILLINERY PARLOR | La Sed Great Variety of Tailored Hats in New Materials ‘These smart little hats are to be had in all colors. Some extremely good models are shown, built upon lines that are decidedly new. ga ies HATS - cog ‘hose from. We are salads pleased been many new styles added to our variety of stock how goods whether + | the intention ronto, to k con- |taben something. ay special bot to both youn old. Don [read i Mr. and Mrs, John Davidson and | friends for the next six S ‘Anyone desiring to hav. sent to friends for the Pastime club’s 3 assembly are Seauetiod te o the Secretary N. iott. son of Mr. “aes Eliott of Milveroton has recently been sppointea to the genera! relling passen- so: fine. oes or Se properties of ee Remedy have sbeen | ested during epidemic: | meumonia. Ue Deus Store. he aneiusl panes of Milbank pubs! maha roe athe will ico! silane HADI: h. First-class | ae practical value than ever before. ‘Al [interested in farming should read The mniversary services were held thil the Services assisted by the Milverton quartette. rene a letter the Wrieg day from S. pects of winning. ere Beems to be, an impression abroad among the ratepayers of the village that ‘the tae rate lage treasury to be used for municipa: purposes. Agriculture is progressive. Ht_is ma The Weekly ane bee ot the the facts reste king it should be in every farm Guid mornin’ | Sandy : to |mow unti ve invitations |emia. |Store. Mayoralty of Calgary with good pros- 7; eC) ofa buy your’ "Olrietions = bara sebagai the most es x Fresh eggs 35. doz. Engeland & Son renee bora is headquarters for San- a I 25 aera tickets for $1 cash at Geo. see dair; Eggs. strictly mew laid 35c. at Gus- tin’s Newton. Read the ae Business College £05 to E. Knech- “Biahest” Shs pair Men’s and Boys’ Heady made Suits At Cost at Gustin’s. Newton. Oil Cake and Linseed Meal for feed- ing stock at McCully & Haugh. Gro- bers. eine, t fail to hear the debate at the Women’s Institute “At Home” on the ally Hangh Grocers. . Roasted | Coffee D The best milk is steers dipped out of you will and Sulphur, for feeding st i= MoCully & Haugh. Grocers. Strat- ford. an yoee ae needs of hardware F, Finkbeiner is offering aorie Week Sh tlobale prices from ristmas. The greatest danger from influenza is in its resulting in pneumoni eas m he obviated using Cham ne not only y_of the disease toward pneo- y The Publie Drug ‘ight has been eee % eae ht eduteniatse ‘by parents ¢rustecs and Office pene na m. paid an official ace office on nesday eve’ He o the efficient manner in whch hamibeslain's \Gough’ Remedy. hi wed to run on until Sold by ‘The will an as ce wing | an ero aes ty ie 2. ma. mumber are already Gata the would be to nee many “Institute. of river ke fetes tensive | j B Mesers. Male Kines while ithe genntive al be uP: |e and ‘The mie iee ge will be de- wards a ee kad the rcischaie piano for ‘the Jib ore- fa Pe 1 suitable cong of di eae sare: is and all pair. bere Sorel tt Meitore phe oe e Fiaig., of Millben ‘Miss Hes’ enti ms to acl la “erione. ‘anes of Mr. ed Hymer last Sun- who h: td to their home in Cobalt sistant teasher here pent the week- the | the Sick Children's Hospital at ae ‘en 8 to ‘pupils for the. very liberal way y they and ‘welcomed ; tion of the ehurch. After two three weeks eb avill be at home t* their many f. Butter 2%¢ per 2s Bp sa & Son. | per for butcher Macally re Haugh’s. Gro- ‘Women’s Institute “At Home” | romises to be anex- | ‘oe who spent a few mon- | tha fa the Ses at Teturned Rome-on Bat | ar fending ‘atoel "ai, Uy &' Haugh, | The pulpit of Burns church ou Sun- day last. was cooupl WM. nGaadtees ‘triends will fering nit il Dhaai every: off fered at wholesale @ary on Tuesday few weeks at his parental home ilverts ils McCully & Haugh. Grocers. Strat. ot inds of poultry. nicely | as Loree ill oy it mow entitles you to one guess. ms the tow along. p of Morning! eee in the municipal elections weetion Ik wrill likely | beep e upto et as referé DONEGAL. The Sunday School of fe bas ope havi hristm: medley is being prepar The monthly meeting ita Wom-! en’s Missionary Socie' Mrs Win yung is suffering sont an rales of Mr. McCracken. ire lad h Vipond and 4: jaughter sige visiting ae ‘Yeturn- it} last Mon~ rs Bente Mr. Jackson Mor! ti 2 pibelr home in Speier s C. Gaul he Sicteied ea ie} a few days with with frie! Rostock. ‘The pupils of our section are mak- up a sum jomey to send to co a Temperance ty was held on j ‘Thursday be -at the home of Mrs. Adam Gra’ tS asges who = visiting Bu af “the home of her REV. T. d. ROBINSON, M. A. INDUCTED REV. T. J. ROBINSON. M. A The Stratford 4 Presbytery met on Three beautifa dls | Burns churel Ath. ‘afternoon, Revs. o. Meyer. A. L. Charles. cate Palate OR SEE: waste? village were invited t and correspond. ntosh. Moderator of open- to! Tesse ni while ithe opdnraynat received in- structions as Nieh ‘o its duties from Mr- ‘ae eee Beste then took when pacer mnteous yates eee rs ‘Milve: it ‘B.. Klenc! with a cheque in appreciation of Bens v a cheq fn still Seuss Under the date Rev. Peter PIRATE A Yes a poring fares in Knox College a ceiving a $60 hala a at Knox and university Heer hot atinlia Calle ws summer’ o} and he gr: ey, the latter b tea pleting efore com his M.A. thesis. He was : Heensed, by the be resbrtery y. the was 1 | Milve assume an pastorate’ of ae Sik rs. Geo. Densiedt. and family rise ited a at the home. of ‘ges Soha Zim- ilvert e Mrs. Amos P: at present visiting her sister Wm. Peters. Miss ‘Clark. He ae eproent nae yee sister Mrs Smith, of ringville. Rea: parents Mr. ee Mary Smit oe sister Mrs. MM. Whitney ‘on es Ne. J. Mork. hes Palmerston, spent a few days with his parents. which ril Our hunters have Cae opr jm gee uring another fox er A be wedding * ng took Sone ris ee “Dec. DL. & Ww. SCRANTON his Le ‘ Mi Siogner of Central B ; sc ion Sars ng Gatorday, and Bake ees e pet "STANDARD ANTHRACITE arate £ 0 COAL IND D NUT E uccum! ‘to an attack of bronchitis om Thurs- aftermoon. Mrs. Dats at's 3 day. ne 2 maiden