Milverton Sun, 8 Dec 1910, p. 4

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-ighborhood The merry ines ot the sounding ani would make eccllen sleighing. faster Willie Ha ey treated bisi| Pee catia ak cheese | was sl sipped ul ‘iends to a+ sie ope t Thursday from the O.P-R. station | ing the Winter, Provin- vi of the fois rar at Gash: : BE Ghlaeot Oot and Noy. make ‘ond | Mestre. ou. Hor and. Wes) Oithesrt” soi -8 cents a Ib. The |*vent Sunday_with friends at St. Jac- meeting il take. ‘alae ext vue : Batu a Mr. and Mrs. Leo Boppre spent Scottie oil ae pai out te Sunday at the Jatter's home. near’ pee ae a j encecar ‘Ajeet 0d Nie SRE Ee RouE: Hexes's oni motions) 2 ? LE ow is the time to be thinking about presents for Christmas. apd Mrs, “Yom. Heitry, of the jeve i h this issu q fy ‘Khe whole store is in full swing for your Christmas shop- assie City and Mr. tsaniey ith Peat tae Us nee ECAC ands menber “of the fac s wa CA : ping. Do not leave it off until the last day. Pick out your 4 aia oe ee oni spent in t bile ect restate Ney 5 < presents aaa we will put them away for you. Without going into Z Gee Banach. of Deke. Tote, BessedS 9 EAP he eatasday Sn at 3.30| § ok : Gl ea description, we will outline a list of practical gift suggestions he trig seat. 0 Senet ealled om Caer ae eS potrert ieee ZS. € \ = for grandma, grandpa, husband, wife, son or daughter. We are now i ‘Mr. and Mrs. Berlet. of Linwood [as a young man was sent to Rome to p near enough Christmas to hear the chimes in the distance, which chee miat\sundayea rane: sn thos villees om vat 2 ae ics will become more and more distinct each day until you hear the e ie Bone a re a eae tuneful bells ringing in that joyful Christmas morning. Is it not j | timely, the suggestion to begin your preparations now. : ‘Mr. and EC nike jatter’s ‘parental hom “in 8 ; Eieanor estiere ‘of Hanove : fem 0 hasbeen. ing with Miss Ge iss Olive Grieve agent Sunday with eg Oe Se, BR ‘ nunbach toe ied come week® | ner friend Mics B. Harron, ébout “aire months from h i : . : summed hom: en He was’ 61 wears at ee an Bae 5 ? a Pa a Steceeled the late Dr. Fincken : i ane ‘ pastor of St, Mary's ehureh. and also - Handkerchiefs — New Fruits as provincial of the oder Z 3 held in the town ‘ | es pee alae We have the niall © ‘one: for the wee Raisins, Currants, Dates, Shelled Nats, Peels and I | tot to the laxger one for grandpa i é ‘ok Pasicy Spices and Mince Mdat. acco! ed by ie “sister Mio ba Sohn: e lore”. 48 for 350 ‘apd. 2 for 2c: BEES Exeedas in all the isthe colors or 960 aya. 2 for 25c A Few Specials in Overcoats bank Sunday Sc! TS. + Initial Handkerchiefs—We have a large variety... lic or 2 for time f z nitial Handke: a ‘ge variety is ote oe ears cores uae Tou aap poe ete : eigen iS Men’s Black Beaver Overcaste, ail velvet collar/regular : - to go at f Miss it recently. 9n¢ | “yar ‘Teacher. —We. the seholars of tes spending three weeks at her home feed : ool in Heidelber Ladies’ Fancy Linen Handkerchief Mr, ‘Milton Seifert: has scoured 2 Ladies’ Fancy Handkerchiefs... io8 in Mr. FH. Schummer's general Men's Overcoats, sama as above, quality not regular $12, to go at Teor 4 ee 25e, Bde. Ht Peiihtal earnest services among 6 Boy’s Beayer Overcoats, velvet collar, age 10 t which you haye put forth for our wel | Str Victor errie, fownshin ireas- an $1. to go at. aie r enda} wer was in mlleas on Monday on . H d Bags fe asi The friends ot ‘Mr Robert White Wehavea very large assortment of these.| Our prices are jo” fas: bee ees pil ike Bia, vat he has recover- right. Prices range as follows 75e, 85¢, $1 , 1.50, $2 and 2.25, ; Ladies Coats a ‘Sytetock sored te Boer will germina' rs to his shop. He 5 ee i 3 ast ; cots to Glenalian on Friday. | spores it may. spread Tene siees Saya teas § 4 Undies’ Long Coats (traveller's samples) in green, navy x time to res : 35 China Hall black, regulae price $10. to go at nearly half p Pees | ing Ree A iD , Tegular $4.90 Bo fe Seon: sane 2 : faithlful to the charge commit The J pera ta hemes White while stenting Eto ‘i Spe Tt would not do to miss secing our Chinaware. | We certainly Post Card: Albums a a Hany might ae revor’ oF rat rw in re Kicked by another horse and re-| " have a nice assortment to choose from, What about a nice Tea is Ce you i ip on the hip extending ov- - Set, 40 or 44 pieces at 3.50 to $5. Just afew “t the prices: mony aE Oh .e Lord ahs - wee a eighteen inches in +t! ® Just the kind you want. Prices to suit everybod, " have Becafaithful unto the end & A number of the youth and beauty. | ‘SueGlae Bowls and... aia 3 hose committed to your charge 5 to $5- Be e ask A good imitation t Glass Bowls. J these gifts. mot as a re : a elph this wreck. in Pal vest ut as a ig oar negage ina and e Sets We have 12 differnt kinds to choose from. ranging Guessing Contest sae Jol ni awas i ; you a Merry Christmas and | but all unite a ear ca that they in ooo reeks “$1 to $2.00 Just a Little Fun'for the Boys and Girls srston the last of the week Ena New ¥ had aoe ——__— on bebalf of the Clasi.| Mr. Albert Wagatha who has been Teachers and Officers of Knox church : Sunday Scl nur Miss McDermott is selling Millin- i Jery at half orice. Alsova full line of | Baney Goods for Christ Phe boy or girl guessing the nearest to the number of nuts candies in the bow will be entitled to the following prize value $2.00 value $1.00 a FOR re et Gun Metal Watch and Chain feet in And’ host of other China which we have not ihe. to mention 2nd, Gold Plated Watch Chair seach coins s ‘Mr: Thos. Rafferty. of W: ef poe Senbs Sittin tke a Ty fi the Li ttl Folk FOR GIRTS—Ist, Cand Receive ge. # ae or the Littie roiks Sud. Pictorial Post Card Albim:..- Mr. Norman Ament who has bse ; ‘ing on the singe spring : c OF CONTES) re 3 ; Our spnce ie foo limited to go into details, but you, will tnd CONDITION OF CONTEST—With every purchase of 25 cents Been aid otf upil trae ie ams, Whips, Watches, Tool Boxes, Tea Sets, Ink Stands. cash, you will be entitled to one giiéss, Contest to close Saturdas picks up over the lines. ere turday December Lith. one ‘Etc., Ete. December 24th, at 8 o’clo¢k ‘pi 1m We are worry t fo earn Ci eee owhich fuppesed to John ‘Me: alu eae ary Dolls of All Kinds : Poultry Wanted uaa a parents, at J oe y Miss chan left for her home ; oe ae bine Siahue bo igo apa wo Saou rons antec 2000 ibs. Dry Plucked Poultry for our Cobalt. ms aa will take them any time up arsday, Dec. 16th, at thes ; We take ales Saturdays. & me x plock “and a pearl hand- Eskimo Dolls * ES lbutter knife. accompanied with the Bag Doll aiirieys : ae tis Btn une . Geese. fo. Miss Eva ‘Ths Town P : Duek: end B = this, the #8 Ducks J ee | Candies and Nuts Ohickens ph us, we could mot Tet the opportunity Wednesday visiting his brother | : we, i ; |Jobn who is in St. Joseph’s hospital: Lobk Térpricesin next week’s Sun. 3c Ib. less if‘not dry plucked fe appreciated your perviees as a faith: |) 10 yr5 Leander Hartman. on Wed- |’ : ; ie, y Jast. eat : Soa ‘as one of Hic a 1 : = . = M FH cans oferine 5 : ane Sa the post office Honan ay oeearataric abe lek te W Ni K LO ae = Mi i ive to n thomch are emainine a | department : 7 td fale aS fad commence: our Ie: ee Giniabie disposition and will- |mcur | cei demise a husband and : Ye t | . 5 : > ; 5 rs. John Spahr and daughter Jen- eve a Goderich. ay at present visit- pg at Mrs A. Last year it was predicted im these | — : : 3 Stee £ owing to the negligence vee ee ea may boo it i heb =e seco crowning district a 5 3 coal rs. E, C. oablauch and C. Lah-| ‘The Family Herald and Weekly Sta i er printed. and any. ye fall ce iver i ouibs, an energetic | position in life you are about to takes | ing bofore athe itte ad | OTesent Tepresentatives, 1 pea: of Montreal may justly be called ajily mot now receivitiy it.shoi ete hed netic Agwat to take ewe ursery in saying goodbyeEva. we all will say pea ahs eat Bf gilt ile: tiguxe’ ane the: dalbesations Miss isi | Na: trial tor-mextvesr: The publ os | fmay your ‘happi be as broad 25 | hand. that eet. i ewheh maat- i in | ea here. 1 und ribet tindeiatabd: eantemplate a 4 ws as light fom a orate improvements ifs foam” ieee é a] ex 3 this “uilpaliy abo few Been, sabato er of a family. whether old or | will make it even more valuable Signed by all your Ni have icome ony “too’truc. At [have represent it unt beat Mr. te tad oe business trip |; ——_— —__—_—_— ————!____— « that time whee we brought the mat ‘strong aggressive men—men Wi to Brantford Jast Thufsday. ve be relied on to Fema on the job while ion of the ratepayers | sonnel is 4a 6 ote. : ma f 4 ones. im represciing 1 Wel ‘bei 2 al and apy be cident oc * this . Est: Hiished over ‘cniecy ‘ Mrs. Will Shamnon. of ‘Seaforth. is . iday afternoon, while Mr. - . veyed ed an aos ‘of her arents % “ sm UNIONVILLE. collect as calling upon Rev, Fr. FEE Wile owen) | alting at the, ome of Bet 0 sccounful bt having seal vor go ding on tee S| § USEFUL PRESENTS s : 353 S. /Mr. and Mrs. iE. pia du ade. but the expenses o} "Miss Florence the ree fg Ella Harrow has returned af nd wath selene a ee appeal more thea, offct The ellet ob ae ree caccks teet wikn teem Mr. Hug! h Dobson. of Glenallan. war of e : party To: ort -distanc Ve! wing acquaintances here last tical. mo re . Eatl Edwards spent Sunday |ing the buggy and braking the shafts Announcing the complete Christmas readiness of the yeaa with friends in HawKesville. ‘The bugey was detached and - the wef sleigh Joad of young people from rom | municip! Mesley's County Tate nia ster te Roe has returned from |horse ram into Mr. Chas. Kable ine Exclusive Dry Goods Store, which has always been ning 2 f bok ern. ; nti ake rs eck sioeninet Ly Note nae dee : sabert. at Stratford. is visit Peat ied on ee the one place where gifts | are practical and senemied this year by ne jumiries |# ee nt Edy “Miss Maggie Vall, of Boole. spent 3 c aw: fe sat has. Vall’s. 31 and Wool Stag , oe 5. Ws Geen Se nin heise ee seman nde eT CHOOSE FROM OUR GLOVES, TIES, COLLARS, in Cnt ursday Jast. : in Glenall: , FAI INEN, DRESS GOODS ~ John. Seret rd spent a few {nore aes y $292. whieh ey has be th and Mrs. one i hee as of eget Mr George Lanta. 3a stratford. BELTS, “HOSTERY, “FANCY SE aia See with nds neat Sea- verten ‘spel junday at the home of! nt Jast Monday a‘ me here. P eee ae Sanne ae Pigalle. ‘a number t from aroupd. bere BOXED FRILLINGS~A Christmas stggestion—6 Fancy Frills in-box oes ne ‘Florence Gallop is visitin® ook in the Listowel fair last week Assorted colors. ene frill is-wort® 10c. We put 6 foil ig ina — rien in Paris.. SINGLE FARE 70 TORONTO—OP-F. fancy box and sell tl cents Tate é BELTS_A splendid stock that includes novelties in belts is here to sel 1 =e BAT Stee TO 4 SON ee cb tras at moderate prices, in navy, black Brown, Paisley. wit AW. White. ze ive increased 15 per cent. 0 “Mr. and Mrs. D, Quipp and family - dainty bu cae ana 50 oo “ irs. Geo. Ree pratt aba 5 rae! Be on sale at ‘at eP. ped and lace trimmed in | fine Mee Fs “eum yemt last ue of lands in th one P: Pp with friends in Gadabii’ aa re Tiokets ¢ to oats and at | s SRECIAL, HANDKERCHIEFS Ee z ¢ home Rs wford. R. of ations for afternoon | val eer rae sy Gita y. Dec. 10th. and all) si ‘Monday and Tuesday. SPECIAL Git 's Tweed Coa iad A RTENE e ae very th. nitty coat. Sizes 8 to Special - os

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