Milverton Sun, 8 Dec 1910, p. 6

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7,| found, and graat title, cooiinal | WHO KNOCKED CANADA? | spe’! pope 2 le tes to make the race SRS interested parties, by granting com- pensation by way of a royalty. F, D. Monk Says Some One —_——_— | Stampeded Incoming Capital. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. ameege China has decided t to reorganize her | Member for Jacques Cartier Says Th — a GR 7st Signs Point to Hon. Charles Fitz- | of King Louis Philippe of France ‘ick as Man Who Advised Com- | has d. f a ‘| pany That Land Values In West vee sear the See — Are Insecure—Sir Wilfrid and Fitz- | Commi: patrick Deny It. ‘William. nas , aged 39, of Wi indsor, | dead while shaking hands ropped with a friend. lon. George P. Graham and Justice Riddell will speak at the arte dinner at Kingston iealay night. ‘The United Irish League of America par aay a seventh Teen ene of $10,- moni Ottawa, Dec. 6.—TIwo incidents of ent Mr. John E. ay undesirables from many parts c: e just been deported m the Maine border. s sent jour years in pentcitesy for Geo. Handsot. w. R. sane and tegorica a. water is not to be a wo Li << = cr ‘ther action is to pe detente Ald. ield egard to the word “4 j2 rs i ages,” Sir Wilfri dexplained that this, | , Fred. Judson, employed by a St. ete ahs lara). aca 1 Thomas butcher, went to col spects” in Engli: bill im the Italian quarter of the city, The second incident occurred when’| When oe par a ¥. D. Monk moved for copies of cer- | ians am very severely beaten tain correspondence relatin; aniel Pomeroy, Bell Ros as Netherlands -L y struck by a train’while driving over do: business in western C the crossing at Verona. His horse and later withdrew. W. as killed and Pomeroy eae! ed commissioner, g: feat, but did not have a bone broken. : eral Gove = ae an pete. COMMENDS WES | ried tho. conbtactt with: the Ta perial stified the project, and the he 2 A ee ene faaplit a Can- See ees, 28, Dang. the’ derogaiory | Tian buildings. at Ottawa: A) direct be Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick. | contract has been made with muni- Mr. Monk will examine the corre- | *ipal light department. oe ek A ae Not Seen Near eet Preston ‘will Tikely be-oalled upon to] | Cambridge, fet explain. prosecution’s cesetarcattar| Sir Wilfrid Laurier said that, but | tie Leblanc, on trial for the murder Yor’ a certain thing that recently had | of Clarence F. Glover. will. probably twanspired, he would have felt diffi- | be before the jury to-day. dent ~ abo! plying with M No. witness has yet testified to see- Monk’s request, Enquiry had already | ing Hattie Leblane enter or leave the mia Mr. Preston with the | laundry, where the shooting is said yen that some | to have nd three efforts In the reply received it was sho’ that a private citizen | ed the girl with th @ have been had caused the trouble. ruled out by the court. e other. Sir Wilfrid then read re- | hand, the defence has turned the at- ‘cently received. from Sir Charles’ Fite tention of the jury fr the little patrick, Chief Justice of the Supreme | Cape Breton girl to Mrs. Lillian M. Court, stating that hi both in- | Glover, the widow. Half nm wit- fe d that he had mentioned | nesses testified yesterday to seein, by Mr. Preston as 1] rson who | her in her own home about the time had given the adverse advice. He | the shooting = said to have occurred in the laundr; Mra. Glover's personal counsel, 8. D 4 | Crowds Are In City to Attend What ELIOT ON DEMOCRACY. He Says It Will Be the Death Blow of Wars. WINTER FAIR BEGINS Gueiph Is Invaded by a Host of Agricuituralists. registered. He spokes on cratic Te eaietisice Bel i Unsafe,” Promises to Be the Biggest Winter | and afterwards, in reply to auestions, Show In the Twenty-Seven Years | © on advan S 6 r vernment Dis i of Its History — Standing Field pees! the Hite. of demo- | Competition Is Proving an Attrac- | cracy, he said: hive Racine’ | “It'is characteristic of democracies | that popular opinion, and bi uelph, —The Royal City is |ed thereon, moves for = fl ge THE MARKERS? Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Meee cite Stock— Lat ise os aerelete, Evening, iverpool Saar inlares teas a to-day ea ben than on Saturday; corn to ty Sogo ‘losed to- Saaike 2 higher than on Saturday; Decem- orm Yohisnsr, end Deoeeiber’ ats Winnines Option: _ At Winnipeg, December wileat closed ie wer than on Saturday; December oats. ie lower. ‘Wheat—December 91%c, May %5%e, July Oais—December S840, May Ste. ‘cronto Grain Market. oi the 27th ual invial this | de 10 90 3T son Pai = point of sarge respect just site: a stumbling, way- | a and in the quality | ward, inconsis oer of ot‘exhdbite or great the Dominion |. “Democracies tend to increase the'| 4 ere seen. umber of elective-offices and to elect 2 $s eres department is crowded to ex- thei officials for short terms. This oon a ete. cess, and the management, after mak-| is one of the most undesirable ten- | Fei larke'. ing ‘what was considered ample pro- dencies that democracies have ar sion, even now casting about | fested. The theory of this subject is, | Butter, i lo for means to relieve the situation, - | Bute Fa Practically the exhibits are all here, | Butter, = and ai nificent display. Eggs, = The city is rapidly filling up an cone 2 yesterday aftern the exhibit and | | Honeycombs, o judging of horses is Pisce gee Honey, extracted, 1 010 balconies were comfortably Market. What it will be when the several in- Peis “ork, Day Market stitutes get He irly under way, the of- | receipts, 4750; creamery, specials, 9c; ex- ae are already beginning to won- | ler. A feat which attracts alrea great interest, is the exhibit ee der the Standing Field Competi- ion of the Agricultural Societies Branch, with J. Lockje nin Bers cl Four years‘ ago, s be the Department of Agri ¥ it out in to certain : districts and the product again, re- PRESIDENT ELIOT. turne to the department this way fiesesee Hit psoas that the oe really part with their Hon. James Duff, Minister of Agri- | POWer to a few professional poe culture, will preside as chairman at Raynor of Ottaw: Prot. Zavits or Gasp a = “Alfa ita,” cee Geo n poult iy, ever exhibited in 0 fix i einigla, authority but of of the past prevents progress in stic, his- acy has al- ready made dynastic Wwar iniposmihl, and bids fair soon to prevent bind oe ie eet been Christian nations for the ag far have ‘conteibuted to swell the poultry nk would doubtless anyone else yesterday, and was forc- quest of 8 that the denial ought to be accepted, | ed to admit he was paid $4513 by | Sb0 3 the ears hes eeiecunriad eaid Sir’ Wilfrid, and Mr. Monk re- | Mrs. Glover iately following Cottam SUE Bi ab cin sthaiec bisod shod tmarked that he had no idea that Sir | the murder to d her against orient oe renc) Wi 4 ete tales Gr tees aS ae Sey Charles Fitzpatrick’s e ha n | situation which had arisen. Peterboro, Dec. 6.—Chancelor Sir | 15 cost of war is likely nf ecctuice So mentioned. He thought. it w John Boyd, who at the recent Assizes in times pu doubly important to have the com: Gives Premier the Lie. | tried Jamey Gorham, who was found |i, ‘excitement: It is only the birden mittee proceed in order to exonerate | Ottawa, Dec. 6—Col. righes, | Sully. of the amarder’ of tis anojlier,-| Gr ast ward maid oP prepacahond tor the Chicf Justice, and, if Mr. Pres- | yt_P. for’ Haliburton, commenting | #FFived in the city at noon yesterday | Cf Past ars, £0 z neat ton’s statement was not well founded, | jast night on the answers given y | pass sentence deferred “at | jihora) expenditure of public money to bring that fact out he Premier in the ee of Com-| the, time of the trial. The ‘formal 1150 the direct promotion. of Sir Wilirid Laurier reiterated that | mons yesterday regardin, rs in | Sentence of death was pronounced, olfaié an 6 yen acdsee coutad the denial should be accepted, snd | connection with the Eucharistic Con- | be executed Janu: that it would be jinadvisable to in- | gross, said that in every case the re-| | The condemn 1“ mned nn took the sen: tigate he sible action some oneerned and smiling. Wise chia vee a Be ausiet) 40.208 te oulbughine secite ai Bee Sota ee at The New Welland Canal. Gould asi Mo repudiates the asser-| he had hoped that the t of | St, Catharines, Dec. 6—Last night tion ‘calling for a committee to drop. | tion of the Premier that Speaker Mar. | Justice would have interfered in miti- | the City Couneil ited Mayor Me- ter some discusison, durir glide ust eat e oucharistie | ation of the punishment the verdict | Bride six to join with course of which R. L. Bord said | procession in an official capacity, be- called for, but it was the policy |the deputation which on Tuesday that the statement of the Chie use the mace was not there. ‘The | of the Government to take any action |rext will bombard the Government tice should be accepted, Mr. Monk colonel stated with some warmth,that | Precedi pronunciation of |in favor ofim: provision in the agreed to the Premier’ reaést, stipu | the: Spe ap] offi ] | Sentence: jestimates for the early -starting of lating, however, that it could be re acity, wearing his new robes of of- work on the new Welland Canal. nee mepetitne sauces ecewhich Had boot pad for ees Get Sei - ab ene Boy. old Town will sen men. In thi ie Howse yesterday, answering | people of Canada, | The remains of J. | local Board of Trade yesterday ap- W. D. es CM aba) Sir Wilfrid |“ “More will be heard of this affair,” | 0” Prisca, ee oe Oahawe boy, «who | point members, Bresident bs Peer tad that he had given utter said Col. Hughe: The, matter i by | for many years was identified with | noll e ieut.-Col Siico 16 the following, or similar words means ended. I am not asking | the mechanical inte this town, | Carlisle, and Lincoln County Cound | at Winnineg, July 12 } You | ice questions ore “nothing.” were brought here yesterday from To- | has appointed the present warden and have b hat I emy | MER EES ENE ronto, ial. About twelve ‘years | three former wardens to join in the of Manit You have been told | Settled After Charge Was Laid. ago Mr. O'Driscoll left Oshawa ¥ .. | appeal. at I t to give justice to | gt, me 6.—Magistrate | sume a position in the Department of oF hiaek ge SE you. written to Mr. Roblin, | Campbell opt all afternoon hearing | Agriculture, but several weeks agu he te perry Fires. and I eat here, let him come to | a charge of theft of [oe by eee | found it neces; to ask relief from | Ont., “Two fires in Ottawa, where he’ can discuss with | Meadows, from Vivian &| his duties. ‘iberculosis developed, | nota Sables, "both “belived ashe OF me what is fair and just, and see if | Shoveller, grocers ai St Desints by: and Friday last he tied uddenly, af- ADO fides we can agree upon what is proper, mploy’ |ter @ hemorrhage. Father Jescoffet | yesterday evenme, ‘The first in the hat the accused had collected | sid : mass. The Department | Windsor Hotel stables, resulte appropriating it | of erp eine en ie ae, floss of $1,000, and inteatened ‘the t e information mas | Tunoral b - Clark and Col. A. G. | whole block of buildin; in this: pet Pe tage | Henders Hire ‘Fireman wank Gloss pn Was se- ances, z ve injured b; ing timber : , | tate held’ him guilty, but did not A Brutal Murder. popiel (bac aonta) ee a emier read correspondenee | send the case for trial. To-da; Dee. iplix,: it [corns geoomde fink «ot shies atarrieon which had passed between himself ese will answer to, nother charge | small town eight miles east of Ar | Fouse. less than’ 1 away, 16: an the Premier of Manitoba regard- jot theft of § | ro sul Redan pases ainsaeeved ing the extension of the Ponilaries, of that province dust Ignored the Prohibition. “Ther id Sir Wilfrid, “an eg, Dec, 6—The street rai interv the Premier of | way employes closed their ease yee: Manitoba and myself on Nov. 25. At|terday morning -with a stat that int ee I fees to the Eee. ee e ig mploy mier of Manitoba, hai y/ snaividually: had” (eno tion to be deities “a0 the rule forbidding drinking in resolution of Jul n; tl y understood prohil financial terms to be gran tion referred a! to excessive drink- province, it would ing, and that they did not feel that to discuss the sai they, eiceseiee! tears either-chas- on accoun’ e tisement or dismi seeiea Sae abe Peek Girl Poisoned Her Sister. Canton, Ohio, Be Manz, Fu tion iS were — by | the leree old Massillon en facing Sie Stankee ast who w o blame trial for murder in first. degree, for’ the. present condition of affain Ve Sir Wilfrid replied: “If the Province | fimeech ai ‘of Manitoba ‘stil! continues to be a | cane by a jury. She will be commit stam; iL ap, the blame | to the state asylum. The girl killed is not with the present Federal Gov-| her sister through envy of ent. The Prime Minister is ‘pre- | clothes to discuss with the Government EIA Ie aI f Manitoba the terms of the boun- Brantford 2 Priest Resigns. extension upon the lines adopt- Brantford, 6.—Rev. Father ed_by this House on July 13, nnan, after Teciivelett years as parish ‘Briest at St. Basil's “Chur eh, red his resignati ay is we rained Batons i mith he 2S ot fhe diocese, nthe eee pabiely le ana bo Suitable for oyster | resi » took some time to point out to the House that a leple- fence tion of this industry was toking place} New York, Dec. 6—For s' in Eastern Canada, largely due: to| two rings worth $69 from his sister, megiect. He si that the Gov- Burns was sentenced to Si it make an arrangement with | Sing for life yesterday in the Suselis the vinces to acquire urt. Burns nn just ° BEB. —The provisional ® | to ear, | lin, | count ot the “uy “of Berlin and its | subur the struggle to trace of defend assassin has bee ea ton be land Nee berg 332, Six Weeks for Male Suffragist. London, Dec. 6.—H: Fran | male suffragist, who atte: sault Hom = Po} [iation of 595, , & gain of 56,000 o ,053, over Leipsic ag ar6 residents, Sold Without a eae Ont. Tge “unig o liquor men’ were found in houses. fuel. JA Beate to | Killed by Fall From Tree. ning Welland ‘ nal was authorized by the council a een St to be accepted. | stantly ore Saturday. | mgelien, wife vat | Prati, of Quebee Superior Court. ser Wile der | at 2.15 aE yesterday an ing with her starboard “propeller “at 15 ur. At this rate she mil dock Wertnesiey atten instead Wednesday focenoan: elm” Crippled. “They're Coming. day afternoon the Conference of provincial premiers to be held in Ottawa on Dee. Poterbora, Dawe nthe ‘iteless body An Old Resident ee of & young Englishinan, whose. name Lis not wh, hd found soeod Maaging from, about eight and ‘@ tree: ve half miles from. ee cumstances point te seicide. pats special eo ‘taney, in local stor= Bie to Be; first,24e to Be; e001 to 20. \ theese—Steady; receipts, 128; state, i aaet, (Guay. “ape hae MC; | taney, weit : he. "to as iiie |istes; do ourent make, tath common, Itc to 130; skims, 2 to 18. CATTLE [= MARKETS. \ United heteed Excnangees Seay to * Strong—Hogs U, ORK, Dec. 5. Se quote American cattle haat) at Re ; refrigerator beef at sie to 0e Union Stoek Yards. 0) hoger 2288 sheep ana Tanabe an 2c Exportetal Maybee & Wilson bought 101 export cat- He on ‘order, 120 to 1900 Ibs. eachy at $5: 2 20; common, $4 to i pd two or three lots gold Under Hi, cows, $8 to $4.75; canners, $1.75 Stackers. and Fe Coughlin & Co. sold. one isa oe short- keep fe feeders, 1320 Ibs. each, at reece n iene te feeders sold from aa iMilkers ad Springets. The highest price pald. to-day was which was for a cow that would have rouRht $6 not lone ago, which’ shows that the keen edge is somewhat off, on the milker and springer: market to- Rowntree bought, all on sale at *0 to, $15. and only two brought the latter “ % Veal Calvi Deliveries were light gold at tinm ¥0 0) es. only 2, and these $3, and 50. Prices, from jog W.-J. Johnston, buyer j ea, bo cafs at country onal the Stock, ven larger than last week, notwitnatandingy fever Fecelpts f northwest ranchers. There was a demand trom local ayers On account Of favorable weather. few pleked ste: Sole ns Hist a 6 $0, but the Bull in chotes as done at $5.6 to $5.75, Z00d 5.5 fairly good at $4.75 to $5; fair at $4.25 to $1.50, a1 mon at $3.50 't Stppi: e fair, with good demand from, packers and fhe rung. price tor lots was $1.15 per cwt., weighed off cars, still a” feeling ‘tl he 01 stronger prices for former show an. advance of 2c and the later 10¢ to 25¢ per ewt., as compared with a week sheep at $4.25 t to $6.25. offer! ee at $6.25 calves! ‘was good and at to pach ferings were stro tote for thotea stocx Sate 6c pte Ib. for good live 1999; cher; western steady; veals, $7 to b 4.90 to $7; °8 2 to 3am culls, $4.50 to $5; Year, Bs 0 to ue Hogs—Receipts, 15,400; steady to s strong, at $7.6 to Chicago Live Stock. 5.—C: Mec » Oct. quality, ‘Bie, Ste to fee thong! over ai a | West Monkton Would ‘see that it was only just his | Mi way of looking at life. When | Mill the, POniiencet ihe ty > larg: is. to necessitate some one living in Montosals te dnck atten ae shipping. Mr. Ironside moved there, Gotdon auitiel to Wennines te deal z with the ranching end. Dorking ---- E Mr, Duncan man of different | Einwood Jet ~ 345 pi , Poin so ared Going North» sir Hib rate, Linwood Jet -~----10,50 a.m. 6.35 p.m, ben Gift Buying has Really Begun!i ee 2 You would be surprised if you knew the satis- “factory amount of Christmas ‘buying that is ‘being done even this early — in a quiet, orderly, pleasant —pictures. tables of various sorts, fine ng chairs, rockers and dainty parlor chairs. Ivs pleasant to shop with the leisurely: few. Ask to be shown our “Caldaial Parlor Tables. They are beautiful gift pieces in " $8 to ay rich grained aa mahogany, R. WHITE & co. Furniture Restos Tere te tte STRATFORD 80 Ontario Stres . = TWO BUILDERS OF MANITOBA. eseee | Robert Aste and Thomas- Dun- hee Who Helped. Mr. Duncan entered Manitoba Legislature im. 1892 on the ie ie a swept the province wit nation school i Me Tiereiae a inaeat ain, ad enttle dealee Eons Mauston, _Danean, was blacksmith from Morden, both towns being in Southern Manitoba. Both | = Fancy Vests as Holiday Gifts. Don’t you think it would be ie to » give your husband a Fancy Winter - ~ Vest for Christmas? f essentially a man of business, w! 4 qed ie aerpewelris o it ane Aes es Come in'and we will show yout how Krein pesr pagan: sueryig ot hee youccan get it without him: finding it out. He was not fond of talking in out. A fine Selection atfrom 3.75 to 4-50 of who were. Parli: pa Poste ‘ye ee ee be buyers of ex- ary life w: % me to him. and sutshe: after one Parliamentary term he re- |: M. FLEISCHHAU R i best butchers’ cattle were firm to fired to afiend to his oun great 15-10 A terests. to the eal e day he writer: “I hate sitting in soihis stuffy chamber listen 6 E rather steers to some purpo: by-the fact that it was nat very Ae aiter that before the business turn- over of the firm with which . was ee mines considerably larger = r- 5 tian tis aahak He The C.P.R. Time Table menace ol tens ne yt Mariola: ns, ie: ough he was undoubtedly a great GUELPH AND GODERICH i and a. successful one, Z Going East. t he always seemed more ready to Ciena: aes Snee am ioe Dn o $42 om listen to what other people had to say : nto give his own views., He had Milverte 6.50 p.m. a curious of asking apparently West ‘Monkton SELu Pan eo p.m. whimsical questions, but when you tages ot Canada in various immigra- tion In ‘SS Pasathe a these Southern Manitobans, Cana es two good izens, who, in their: apes ways, did much to build up Can: The Two Charlies. + there are no t known pair than “Charlie” "Macpherson and “‘Charlie” Foster, of adian Pacific Rail- 5 ~ y. Both hail St. John, ‘wand B., where they did their first work ; for this great railway corporation. ! 4 : Each in turn went from’St. John to {+ ————— Toronto, where each made a “hit.” Mr. Macphersoh went to Winnipeg, where he has re Toronto peated his success. A few years later, Mr. Fos- ter went from Toronto ,to Vancouver, Rubbers Now comes the meement that 2 oe the passenger traffie of the Wost, 1 : cently in charge of Mr. Ussher, is ‘ock i to ed wholly under the ¢ Our stock in the ; “Charlies.” Macpherson will manage above lines is very 3 the lines between Fort (William and - velstoke, and Foster all trafic west complete. t of that ite - Z apa 3 Urbanity, courtesy: and ood fellow: Sm ship are e qual lities which ’ i Each siecveee epee Call and inspect i alie eiedh mete see Tee ne Uy ty to fe large business in a large way. The man with urbanity ing elsewhere. does not have tional ¥ ability, and the capacity for much bigher conditions. ‘The publi has al- Til eae cea eau which is mn 50 a lear! iy rit the C-P-R. executive in making latest promotions. W. Zimmerman

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