; : | rbitrators, swore that he had | The Milverton Sun PROBER |S PILLORIED « te ™ SUNDAY Y SCHOOL THE MARKETS. 18 PUBLISHED uchanan knew nothing of the | ge BYBRY SHUESDAY, MORNING ar 2 at icra and, eae Wheat Futures | Mad Wrikeeaaonis 4 Canfield, one of tho directors ot | ive Stock— The Sa Printing Off : Rete RUNES ea erate a8 Fo tet Nala ations ee e Sun Prin’ ing di td : on the Gril of something bing sala e mest Lesson tn eae Quarter, For) cucaco, san. 0-1 ity wheat ain > lverton, Ont. ‘> «pee ae it’ was Dowler who had said nothing | Feb. 5, A. 6, TNT. ae ee te igh ge ee] SUBSCRIPTION RATES Reeve Fleet of Ingersoll 1» Charged | Should be said of it, as it might upset fons One year, $1; six months, 60 cents; months, 26 cents, in advance, Subscribers in arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year, > CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Bight cent Ber « four cents per line for each sub: Fon weit be charged for all transi: Hsements. Advertisements without specific directions |” -will be inserted until forbid and charged ac- cordingly, ‘Changes for contract advertisements must tale teeingies Sy anon ‘Monday. itae ferearsk Insertion and ent inser mess stand in the Mail yhone orders will receive prompt pemetinen MALCOLM Ma: Publisher pe. Proneictpe 5 BusinessCards Dentistry. DR: R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, piss entiate of Dental Surgery and Mem of Royal College of Dental Surgeons mntario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity. sa fees es seKes Ls ialty. 9a,m_ to 0} above the? ‘Bank of uations mitventan Medical. F. PARKER, M.D. o'clock p. m,, and 7 to 8 o'clock’ p. m. P. L. TYE, M.D, DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours*-10 to 12 o’clock a, m., and 2 to + ot taking sate DR. &. J. BR. han aaa Read ee. ie Surgeon * street hotel. Stratford. male phane it Legal IRPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors for the Bank wil MO: Solicitors, Ete. on. ierauged for, be in Milverton every Thureday. B. 2M. . Maxins Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, - - - W. J, HANLEY “MAKINS & HANLEY Ontario Veterinary. of domesticated animals. Calls phone or otherwise promptly attended ta, Veterinary Surgeo Ss aratiiats of Ontario peers ary College, To onto, Treatsall oe Societies. MILVERTON LODGE, No. 478, Milverton, fey Nite ane on or c ALF. & , G.R.C., before fall moon every mo hallix Ranney’s Block. rea ale wel ae W. J. Zoeger, Secy. Ritter wat With Having Handled Nearly $10,000 Without Proper Accounting —£. F. B. Johnston Scores Him For Spreading Rumors—Judge Fin- kle to Testify. Woodstock, Jan. 8L—The Oxford County graft enquiry has given hu- man interest a feast. ‘M. Fleet, reeve of Ingersoll, who was-one of the foremost in the agitation for a Government inspection into graft rumors that have been, rife in the county, was himself dragged in- to the mire on money for which, it is declared, he Bave no detailed accounting. Judge Finkle will be put on the wit- morning to clear his skirts of allegations of irregulari- | ties yihile an arbitrator on the sale of a toll road to the county. not poe enough to go on the stand ¥ ay. &. F. B. Johnston, K.C., chief crown Lek ad was also vindicate himself , He was with several charges Mr, Johnston was white wit phen, the court i "It is gaid in Woodstock, my lord, he announced, “that some agree as: $3,023 in 1908, $3,255.18 in 1909, $3,100 in 1910, a total of $9.3 ris patiently crown counsel broke in on his ngs: “You have talked-a good deal about we taken Visiting brethren always weleome, Zimmerman, Ree-Sec. McGuire, C.R., N. the libert; chanan cr myself had. cai yn te “Er . F., “Silver Star . concerning an: eons that the. crown hasn’t gone in- meni tioneer for gages drawn vit e Clerk, over the Bank of Hamilton, EI Public, Au Ind CULL oh Penile 8a w a Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and Affidavits made, fies i in the Woir block Hotels. GRASMERE EB Ral EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. Best liquors ‘irst-class ac? John Gropp, ppopriater: mae 2 ars at Borat! derpe eeantite: GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, commodation for verton, camels! travellers and lye darge si Ritter, Proprie Badl Wearddibiani of ignore and cigars, Chas. QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. n for commercial rooms, Only the choicest of V ines, | quors and Ci, ars at the bai asnles, | Gserget. Pauls Proprictar: EI IN. THE AMERICAN; HOUSE, Berhn, pays ‘special attention to Commer. trade, Spl sample rooms wines and liqnors served at Rates $1.50 per day. Wat, Wirt, Prop Division Court ILVERTON 2h A Meany 2. bs ‘THE M1 Meets at 11 o'clock a.m. ea 7, June 9, Aug. ke 'HOMAS TROW. Clerk } F. W. GUENTHER, Bailiff bi performed in July, and Woice Culture MR. RICHARD LESLIE Late Solo Bass, Li England Mate Choruses a Speniist, Profesor of volo pea: duction ion, singing, sight-reading, ete. Male nly. Studio: 182 Cobourg St., birehwict Advertise in The Sun. ou iy of saying that Enap Fe: “Have 9 ei any evidence to bear it out, “Bea little more careful how you cqaple my, name and Mr. Buchanan's “Now, sir, tne you any evidence of these ees graft “No.” Recurring to the tne expendi. wate for which no accounting was giv- en, ee pets, Mr. Sohaston at tement to show when he had n or tw the a jeney was received, but 1 could learn that by ecatining ie cout checks. “We pald other bits: “Be ‘the receipts?” Ach ved Gaetved “Chae money in Your pocket?” Yes. with no bank account, no check- Buchanan ask you for an accounting, which you refused to ive?” “T wouldn't aecount to anyone but the county council.” “Is your account audited by the county?” “No, because it cost the county $00 nd. to audit the six oacee towns, they lo “it.”” Peidtea C. Bai Ingersoll ©. Bartlo of swore that he got $65 from Fleet for letting Ness later out of his pond so that a ride <0 uld be built. te feat was he did not get.the ratant ‘until late in November, oe the check w: e had asked the money several times. What gave rise to the continuance’ the im mn was an allegation that °a Sito r $600 handed remained, hi Willi tethers Merch d mill, T ronto of cable rates, which were undoubt- sy JIT ‘trea police dest, se passed tl ee bea bill ast might ib = vote 2 68 to 93. The + board of Nova Beotia, se" ‘himself up to the River. Sund: 5s; ie sBunday. "night two men and | frac ever produced. mis-| Strong, 6s 6d. ter a thrilling experience. The part eases Breaks Record. une 31.—J. A. D. McCur aye the: Sanaa aviator, set a new ope a into his toons, until a lifeboat boat the air covering an estimated dis- tance of about 96 miles. breaking the oversea reco the first instance tirely out of sight of la Cremated In Caboose. nly ant to work with, had a | have told us Cana- jaded themselves with, the iff agreem: | ae Pebtiauuion Sion ee ae THE INTERNATION. 1 | found ‘no ‘buyers except at a sachifS TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. TIONAL SERIES. | Glosing, prices, showed 2 net lous of le to { up to %e down. Oats off a] Phillips lost me arm in his Kings xvii, 1-16,| Provisions at 5e decline fo Mee pA gy - Memory Verves, 14-18—Golden Text, Hye ce Be aaa Tndependent Conserve ae hanson was organi | Ps. xxxiv, 10—Commentary Prepared Winnipeg Options. oe Canadian hy a said to; by Rev. D. M, Stearns, | . High. Low. Close. ying -a right o' $ Hamilton . Sie rere” | ate iret wentuace abieie tease tells | we sae oA _ The British will be | us all we know of the parentage of 2% opened inforoaly oe tay for the yey He comes before us as sud-| ie | swearing in Tho Council ef Brorinont, Dundas | {RY 88 s meteor and disappears | eisd lentearre ies Seidel fo bud | WD ewok i done ina way that Lyk healt area Peat House of edhe “BO one else ever did before o1 since. os 866% a temperance workers have | Enoch also was translated without | ee O48 wees in rue ees en, a eee | ying, but we read of no whirlwind or, 0 Ed pdb unicipalities im | jorses and chariots of fire. Elijah was | Taree See oe yond thas: coasted int waliden'| honored to atand withthe Lora’ Temdw| Seed (fant beers that a man named Thomas Pollock | and with Moses on the Mount of Trans-| Buti ieee Se 1 was frozen to death on the road in| figuration, and Jesus said of him,| AER Blake Township, about 20 mile Sian sel FA | ‘ownship, about 20 miles from | “pijjah truly shall first come and re-| cee tore all things,” ad he had 4 08 British - Postziaster-Gener | 5 uel, speaking last night, said h oe ay, come in: the, ‘person:of; John| & $m" giving early atigntion to the question | the Baptist, but they knew him not ® on treated him (Matt. xvii, 3; xi,| Produce. FERPOOLs Jan. 90.—Closing—Wheat-! m; No. 2 red western winter, Ta 4d. pie was Gull; Mareh ts Od, May € Tid. palonein ng ty ti Bene coming of Christ what the real Elijah will be to His coming in glory to set. up His kingdom. When some who) Tore wicked wi than Ahab and Guin bertanid J cals ose: 40 be showing the power of | steady. Gis; short ib, 96 to qual re | the devil, then Elijah and a compan-| Sis 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 Ibs, easy, whom shall be of the | fon shall be the Lord’s two witnesses | 3; clear mi it, 28. party. The term of | in Jerns His. ess, western, quiet, 30 «zane Short cut, 14 to 16 Ibs., steady, Chee: the St. Mary's est and most romantic character that! strong, shed shore safely af — sion was to bring apostate Israel back i. a CATTLE MARKETS. was spending the evening fishing in | to Jehovah the tru a shanty out on the ae when a | Rurtured in lonely communion with | 50umile ‘gale arose, threatening the | God, away from the polluting court | Cables Report Stow Business for Cat-| shanty. amidst his native (Fausset). | Serciloago, Rirmer, alls in request, 10% ta Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, Jan. 30.—Reeeipta of and he it was who said that the son| jive stock at the Union Stock Yards should go in the spirit) were 65 carloads, consisting of 1430 and power of Elijah. Israel had been | cattle, 19 hogs, 215 sheep and lambs, | a t ze 3 e & bepee “aoating by vie of the torpedo 5 Rood 5 Be tz on BEET RAR the engine, a ees nk escape of | He said and make good His word and $18: 15 bulls, Ma od all the lubricating oil, sales artsy show Himself as the living and true Butchers. | ‘eCards immediate descent. . God, for if He failed to fulfill His| Prime woes lots of aetace and there intrepid aviator, when the | threat the people would think it an “Ef So een ee ee ery : 7 good ngt at © *wikers and sean | on Thee, and in Thy name I ee (isa. | sinfinalpctars ny ish ‘as a gull with A Iimited ni to $6 and ‘The pontoons prov. | £7 24; TK Chron, wie, 10. Therefore / ome st SM | etre § Suoyant, McCurdy not | he was not afraid to meet Ahab or to | even wetting his feet Iver his message, This being done, | oq@™t "eul:calves sold et $2.50 to $8 per) McCurdy was Sxectiy two hours in| he receives two distinct Hae Lambs | from tho Lord felling bim where to so- D tall offered as fok| Journ for the next three years, and| $3" Eo Jn $8.6 $650 anid ono’ lot first he is told to hide himself by the | st Ss logs. } brook Cherith and 1s assured that the CURSELL aes him there. He, dld | jows: Geitcts fed and watered, $1.49 and just as he was told, and the Lord fed | $7.0 te $110, to drovers for hogs, £o.b | rd; this 5 of an aeroplane en- md. Thamesford, Jan.-81.—Robtert Lane, | him with bread a: by means of | } a i Pacific brakem: ag | the ravens morning and evening, | Monti Ae Stock. burned to death in his caboose which | he drank of the brook. So well did the | .MONTREAL, Jan. 20— Feeney took fire yesterday afternoon aft that he comld not be | St ime stock forthe Wook Jan. ing ‘§ @ train on which | found by nation or kingdom (: |. 10). ee 1950 cattle, 9% sheep and sae runnii » stopped ai f we obey M: , 83, we may 10g8 and 17% calves, while the offerings the station here for orders, and while | on its fulfillment, but we must be in| speeiornink amounted to $0, cattle | the was inside, another | the place where God wants-us, Mark | A feature of the trade was the strong: train, bound west, crashed it the word! “there? in ia ‘The | undertone to pas for cattle pe pacecee th mM 16" of smajler run, and prices score vance Seen, ae Sere in the debris | Word here translated “raven” is used | of %c per pound. The quality of stock ‘and barked tocdeats ‘hetoré fire | tem times and in ench place refers to a| coming forward is better than it ha brigade of the village could rescue | bird so called. J in-| which drovers claim that they have to ae The Ned in front of the caboose sed the Elijah story (Luke iv,| pay iors money, Le in the cor a br ned. tion took | 25-26), and if any part of it had been | #8 the, supplies that are peme brigade, which had | not just as recorded He would surely | demand is somewhat ‘hese lonely days at | presen TORONTO DAILY STAR Because it has so many special features for women. The woman who wants to keep posted on the world’s happenings from day to day will find the news presented in a most readable way. en there are the most interesting of Home Pages—the daily chapters of an entertaining serial story—columns of pe social sonal news—Madge Merton’s page—and illustrat ts. very | Tine sparkling with interest and information—nothing relishable reading about most canvas that appeals to women, Send your subscription to-day $1.50 a Year This paper and the Toronto Daily Star Sor one year $2.2 Furniture By the Houseful is being sent into North Perth by this store. There’s a reason for the umber of homes we furnish. Maybe it’s the way we do it—or the big stock we show—or the attractive designs—but you couldn’t tell a hard headed North Perth farmer that. No sir, it’s the price advantage they get by buying in this market. When you're in Stratford don’t be shy about ask- ing to be shown through our store. Furniture delivered free in Ontario. R. WHITE & CO. STRATFORD iture Dealers and{Undertakers BO Ontario Strect | Call early and have first choice from a well selected Stotles: Fe Ser ere Spring Arrivals in Suitings and Trousering | Let us show you all the styles fer spate ey will interest you. . . J. M. Fleischhauep, 7° 73i°"... Lane leaves | Cherith make us think of Joseph in| “ii Dot £0 much, of buyers was fairly Egypt a prisoner, or Moses in| — ba pe s to Se ee or aed = | we the deman | pein en mane tne Pantist a tno urchases were principally in small lerness, or Paul in bi Noth- | lots to fil actual wants, consequently Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Jan. 31.— an take the place of being alone whole was only fair. Choi A 50-mil wit yw caused seri- eae steers sold at Ske to Se; Sood at So £9 7 y a i attra soy, pe She tpg oe wat patiently God’s time and find our | 5c to 54c, and the lower grades at 4Kc to Stisidey ma and joy in Himself. If His gifts | Me per pound. ‘There were a fair number flay night. f choice heavy bulls offered, ‘The. ferry ce to fail us, like the brook that | Snich brought sc to 5% per. Aagoma was half buried wept om Sih rapids. e crew | cannot fail; He abideth fait } 24 ngers spent the night on| He has promised never to try us be-| 10 ibs. This is attrib the fact the boat and walked ashore over the | yond our ability to bear it (I Cor. x,| that supplies were somewhat in excess of | the actual requirements, but at the above Recut Guan thant 13), and in due time He ordi is a) Serene ollgeee ccnded anal Mebiih echiteneye blown | faithful servant jother place of | ample to absorb all offerings, and sales of Den cf 4 sojourn, but what an unlikely place it ieites = genes ete at Seb hia sed chaste ay was as we see things—the home o! prices will not go much Bigh | ‘ poor widow who ha @ food in the | ef than they are at. present neta, a sq| tome oe maser et ender | as eS ay Sagcu ts tees Pacisat 64 ye! ent) te of. Elijah found her gathering small supplies, The demand was, tr for ciety. A big meeting was held last | Sticks with which to make, as she) S001 “o'gie: and lambs ai 60 to Oe per night. at Yokohama, 200 being | thought, her last cake, and then she ‘Calves were scarce in roll y expect t she and her would | at fair prices. = Choice stock pa At Secs The ican ambassador, Thomas | die (verse 12). But by giving her all | 2nd the com { J. O’Brien, said that there was no Lord’s servant, as the lad did | East Buffalo Cattle Market. evidence of unfriendliness to the Unit- | his loaves and fishes, several were fed st "ALO, 0.—Cattle—Re- « “Biates the Pole. This Tape: ys, and the meal wasted | ceipts, 21%; market active apd steady; ‘ yee ‘tient of | 20% Reither did the cruse of of! fail | prime steers 9. to St oe. Caen Sincere afd unanimous sentiment of | (eo 46) | Beag we ome Fe tows i yt pay would seem that | lower; ‘call to chotce, $5.15 t0 to $10.50. | But They Will. prophet was sent to the widow est fay active 8 eee pionee lobes | Carson, Nev., Jan. 31.—The State tae ae might ; culls to fair, $4.75 to $5.7; year- | Senate has passed a bill making it un- | While from the record in Luke iv, 25, | | lings. © to $35 Sheen. lice ang ee ee ea marae tes or | 26, it appears that Elijah was sent to so y man, woman | the widow that she might _ iss, BB ss se: nixed, a ae Stehtld th the Biaia of Neveda. ed. Well, it worked both ways, a TREN FQ the widow sustained < P. ©. Brooks Goes to Florida. | ing her all to the Lord. ancien is ee =| ‘Toronto, Jan. 31—P. C. Brooks, the | atso cared well Zak and batch bereaved fat! husband of the | no heavy, $150 to Indian fire, has recovered neh hh ‘est tent, | exfficiently to travel, and has| TV. God was eA oon left for Sarepta home by 5; cows end the widow’s son, 2 ‘and feeders, London Selfs City Hall. her faith in the 5 6%, catves, London, Jan. $1.—The City Council | cording to verse a as aveclontay ean esiae last night accepted the offer of $100,- | Know that thou HA, western, et forepaged aor ge eer Se eee et 6.5; western, ; truth.” | Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY CURE DISEASES OF ME PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT oe FOR 2 YEARS rr ses. Satter bow many 4 have failed t benefit” you; no matter how much money cam vain; no matter how dis- ion ‘within the clutches of any recret habit which i breakir if you are suffering as the result of os Ried pat life—Drs. Lay rome ‘case before them geadicnualy a aed i, ‘they will tell you honestly if you are curabl ‘Kexwepy, Mepica, Direcron ‘YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED ov Das. K. & K. Paar se tte ee We Treat and Cure page eteeon ST AE = = HOME TREA a Drs , KENNEDY & KENNEDY Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, pamela, sel oma ssed Pe ie *& BS = *& 4 4 * + = * F p = MEET ME AT GUSTIN’S, NEWTON LAY IN A SUPPLY AT WHOLESALE PRICES AND LESS STARTING banal ee 2nd, AT 8 A. M. RAT RP RE EP SRP NIN SER EP NE Re Oke of * Jk for. Olark’s Headache Ponder reg, 2be for Whitewear—firsts, not seconds or chipped Redpath 's ae Granulated Sugar STATIONERY, JEWELRY, ETC. PATENT MEDICINES Brown Tea Pots, reg. 30c fot 386 Stone Crocks, reg. 15¢ gallon for for 22c, 30 for 26c, 40 for yey! 50 for a2) Thomas’ Electric il, reg. 25c¢ for ASHER 2 for Valentines, ‘fancy, ; reg. 5 for Be, 8 for ah mes for 7c, 1h te. 10 hy, Block and Sherlock Holmes, reg. 5| 85 Ie. Silver Gloss Bhs ren ioe fo4 All soft Ay He: reg. ib oe eae 1.25 for 89c, 1.50 for Fie 19 reg. g. $1.50 Mire Ladies’ Gold Wate, Walther, 10 year J guarantee for, All tight ea henry Cape ee “25 for 190, 50 tor 35, 19¢ eg. is see 10e, 16 for 13c, 20 for 17¢ 14e BOOTS and SHOES 9c. Gold Plated Cuff Links reg. 35c for 24c, es for TERMS: CASH or PRODUCE Produce Taken at Cash Price Remember, Here are only a Few Prices ---- All Goods Marked Accordingly 2H. abel - Newton « Hs chs aks aks as aks aXe ae ahs ahs aks ahs ahs ah THANKS FOR. VOLUMES 2: British Government Helps Re- . maintenance y Child’s Fine a Boots, reg. 1.35 for. soc 3 May Schdol Shoes, coe 76 for. Met's Heavy Williams atl reg. $2 for READY-MADE SUITS ned 2 only green colored Blinds, mall Boy’s, ns 2.50 for $1 e reg. $4 for $2.50, ee $5.) on pay r $4. a 50c Seasite pabesltes: Teese) tae A ols 3 TIRES SRE TIRE RE SIRE SAP SE SE SEP SSE SE EE SRS SEP ERE EP OEP NER SEP ET AES OEP ES NL NEL EP He Ne Nhe ee ae the Mee Oke eke wee eke eke she els i ee: interpreted ee Palettes her father. it will provide that cider ies pay purpo! as > Commons Agrees That System lic utterances of President MeKinley Premier Whitney Moves a Vote of Thanks to the Imperial Lin an Enter Into a Good Scheme to Im- a? Transaction of Business — Bill to the commercial expansion re ae eott Help Deserted and Abused Wives. We have just received ne swellest line of Iron Beds ever shown in Milvert both plain and brass aieunenel at the fllowine prices : rd sore snd the agent ecneral from Hons. respon ‘SMekintey oe Brass Mounted $32.50 up We want you to call in and inspect these beds whether you want to buy or not. — No trouble to show goods need for Ppt in the Upper Cham- ment was made Yostery ‘that Basi ge find expression in our af vpeliey towards ighbor north, sted has come Shalt he Torrance @ McMane Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, MILVERTON, ONT. moment business ae for enterd: by be Provincial Legislature and iy Yesterday, but PRN Spee aa iat enc 0- jution ey ee hed the fathers of a pathic, eu ore 7 iar ‘moral and. social You Need a Good Heavy WINTER OVERCOAT as that Government orders be plac. y and each succeeding Monday of peat Cox uced. consolidation bill meapectine the eu men: fig a. hearin: the f of the eprom, reciprocity in peas, betwe Canada and Uni Sinica Every man does. You need it for protection from breaks in the insulators, one at St. the cold and for appearance sake. afternoon, and 4 bag budget speech ve to show you how well we are fixed to furnish your rot ings i Ottawa, Jan. 31—August Deschene, a a et ambe ‘acco! Plenty of good, heavy overcoatings in Geek Coda ions which have called pen ia stock, chosen for their beauty, their durability and their warmth. We expect you to choose them Cushing “ot Boston offered resolution: e re ment aha five months’ additional pe- something in the top netch style, something you will be proud to own at a very moderate cost, The: elder Kipling won considerable | the reduction of duty on foe & E. KNECHTE caster pro seat would be far worsé than no check at all on legislation: period ee tengo et _Peplnna |e “his_wi oa