‘of the ‘Early Canadian}: af of d it was, int! ronsequence of this rin that 6 ste? Atal r Ca cat Pad adding A Gute be sat ‘Gamp- [32 lamp- a and) had Sc him for nate see aut, rriiph | etter is from Duk uke of ‘a Pha Goo tte crs aan the ‘olonel_ Cam: to see him. at: Windsor.» 4. roating Jeter. fs at from diited War Office, nel. mampbell’s is pina! for ’s ser-| that, Hi Highness bis -graciously plead to grant el: £100' a year in. sadition {1 ieee tis a ‘Hater lone] ‘ork |Comi Gol. Cat jan | oe and were only, ator "special ser- her ‘two medals | were | ‘Picton isk peat menieer aay tat I tcteat rd ,elled. with ze jose 6 ht; active siege Sebastian, the whol arranged. ‘Relics, Fighters Still Exist—Col. » sb ae pel nf Forlorn be, ’a pen. A of hie having . is Mate jest: 4 ed. “Fredey anders Chet i IRL, |The — hourglass. Be thsi nemy attacked our pickets, hear bay. relics are sash | st; by! Golonel ale jneyer Hard Nuts For hieand and Old Folks to. ithin Words. Moca ne TSE to}. ied rece. witb) sto neh id sLetter Puzzl with m Tt had strange collapse, they say. ®/My second the hi istory of wars will y ‘ilete for tmusginent Serves you a fst as a ‘te0d thou be. rich and "Ts claimed by pommel ta) ber'good as thsect ‘smi 11 may Bee Cran 1, first an. en rtainment gives ee on ibe ‘ge Bate out my first. re se third reversals olen i beings, Ac little w. 5 show ‘vain 4 is oft, his quest. rder 456 is a common n name and one ‘applied toa president oy the United States; 78'9 is to obtain; 910isa ees, erage; 6789 Hf sis the a noted ‘battle in 1| the" eae hich the Ameri-| eid b: cdns were di ENo. I'm ‘a word ‘of letters’ three. me.’ But td ee ie, for I have long Heid in the dere ce, be censeless noise brie ths a lam, a sid My whole eM Gocaneublese: to our of Youth's! Coan di a 126. Changed Heads. Hey, Obst cover: within, bead ebil-| cop] dren: siete de in wintei This sto comes was Pacer tat ts" host’s ‘sal ma of How to Be Satdgnatiied Against son and course, with, ‘the: beds, “Do ea go to. Cie now? kad: writing,’ biked \h, “ae and Tledtn 'réligion too.”* eae ane another eres after ‘its own | § Natural Cancluaien The following conversation eld by ‘three little girls: Nellie—T'm glad take any nasty m Dorothy—T’im’ glad my. father mother ate not Christian Scientists. dG you leatn—reading, Siig ‘istian neamelied Bison tee “ROMAN EPITAPHS Some Curtous inser nentone “Nets on T Fane “are tisbente Set ae “pat ats ‘the tection” tag ater te opens soil Tor a ae that all his Tabe Pia ees that can fal pftkelterrinye gre igeedini (stave: Can you unearth’ me? ally: to matters eduestional, becat LN i: every parent is pa anxiou, _ No, 1822--Charades: that his sons ‘shall pass the standard Lune Troubles You oats in my first! ina bygone day. ses wie hem These Contagious Diseases. |the' most and and kecpe'you strong like BRICK’S One Way to Keep Accounts. coachman, big an, ao map, whe, bse r was {the woman that was marr I the woman that told me.of the ma: —London Tit-Bits. Me Plats" eon int ance sods; ‘who ate look- ‘cae S| 2 roe ia) Famage it excellent soil. good. locality, ‘from it it ‘vith vit ie, aay. not and coret. fall‘all the maladies Cie & it bes This month and next are pent throat and lungs. Nothing builds you a TASTELESS preparation of Cod Liver green coat, blue baeches big britches, orchard, near han Ragas , Smith, 333 to H. <a t POULTRY. ay ANDOTE COt out of 242 egg hen ee on e a4 ®sitting. Luther Snider, $8 cach: ope 4 TEACHERS WANTED. ‘FOUR HUNDRED PROFESSIONAL DRED, PROFE HOPE BUNDE OFESSIONAL ed. (PDE Tisting Yeachers! rrketiner Nurses ‘The Mount Royal Sanatorium offers an 5 ieee Te. gp je INSURANCE ‘COMPANY ‘ Head Office be ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1910 arate increased to $i8h! the results of the year's operation, sarees ces Careful and conservative. management 1 jolders. | Careful and cons' surplus, notwithstanding the exceptionally large volume gr ney business £. B. RYCKMAN, K.C., J. B.. TUDHOPE, M.P.P., JOHN GALT, Esq., F, J. PROCTOR, Esqu INCREASE uh SURPLUS. ny’s Surplus On DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS: G. T. SOMERS, Esq., President. J: GOWANS KENT, Esq., First Vice-President. H. M. MOWAT, K.C., H. 8. STRATHY, Esq:. Chairman Executive: Committ: 'H., MARKLAND MOLSON, Esq. R. L. McCORMACK, Esq., Second Vice-President. Srnsers WALLACE, 'General Manager: |. SELWYN MARKS, Secretary. outstanding ested fund: 6 entire loss in death no? were a OR..H. T, NROHELS, L.R.C.P., .Edin., Medical Director. and in inereasing ae ‘fey were resting yea ‘an increase of 1908. ‘This in- the Company. premiums face iniadred eat caine is} lass of Canadian municipal deben is was 6 ot; poliey-holders now amounts to theanounts to seonovoa0, making Penin Boe: who ides pees. Hits tom as year 1910 Splendid results have beea acaleved during the past year in securing a large mga ‘Dodds Another Early Hero. penne eon ne fear’ the “wrath of the gods.” yolume of new busines In addlng tthe Goal sohaize ok iepeapentn, berks oe = ihe S eutinen, at | One epitaph informe us ‘thet the “ pep rere pa iheéale the’ war, be~|:maz and “oot and the Bie ‘died “poor street. § c cen, pow mt sfeptiticn ents are worried to hear them, ee gause during his whole life he had Noztawsst ¥anw taxps— NEW BUSINESS—OV ER TWO MILLIONS, nd Grea ie aichesh, jusurancg against, $erlwh Tate a tt" perfect Prertiia aineatar iion | Ra a rap Paver tne aout of anpcataus Se pasate ie ee been’a great. revival of in-|a | results is the use of Dr. Chase’s Syrup |,,OA ‘a woman's tom! a perfect | most fertile, districts tion | an tneres Reaves ea aia niente ied rel caer ‘of, Hale i inl. ‘fosk, disorder into to shine, | o¢ Lins ‘urpentine: Woman ‘ever’ existed I that one, | excursion tn dhe epringi aie wow Stave ai ec aenes ications 4 : ele se pein ae y Petons el a feptile into to pant. | well-known, is this medicine and fae net eat Viritious, Dat Abeuwwameta<o > nities ne INSURANCE IN FORCE —OVER SIX MILLIONS, jany of such, Fe- es so- universally Lf need Bete Sa ae perro seasi iE citi: if —Word ‘opations. a i am uhhappy because I rest far from total amount of insurance in force on 31st December, 1910, was ie tio, mi ettaweiie. suriene otf gee ene: aeaanpen eazeeini 400) arn i raeriest irate |my. mother and my husband. They | urna 10h seraat rae ied = S1.otb as coupared with Se ttl aint, of, sutance ip rae pied se cade aenain ener ee examinaticn by. remove one word from another and | ¢ ations and peeks did not love me, but my children did, fait adford vo sell this. very che iy Ne owners and frien leave complete wo: Pie eat ommnbeipe de cate at [and they also think much of me." th Pang ink or ot PREMIUM AND INTEREST. INCOME. On the Slst_of August, 1813. Lieut. Take ‘myself from ‘plain, in 100k3} peast tae “imitations of: Dro a ra lady, killed by robbers who Valley. For Fall paspralsreapply to e total cash ineome of the Company. from, ail sources for, the year was $261, Aa Robert Campbell, of H.M..52nd and leave ssucredl Syrup of Linseed.and Turpentine on.|Sought her jewels: “If you Joye your wpe gel Seasiaa ee y Canine net deterred’ and stan vice inf 2. Maks a mineral ‘som friendly and] the market, you aro not Likely to let| Wite.do not make her many presents, HELP WANTED. spam ar a profit on Seow lies amounted to Sea t0nss eave 5 especially in gol ive her be ; party, | 3. ake b vase from relating to day- anythin feaithe cenuineson scoppting |oniy, and always ref e her | A GENTS ED—FOR TWO PAYMENT | eel pOLioy: HOLDERS. ‘offer was |time and leave a ctoc! t hi eat portrait pt sis- splendid and precious jewels, whic! POR cad Upesi gs ateae ne .e mortality experience was again favorable, the death losses for the year amounting to Hie| 4. ‘Pake an animal's ne EY, pene of he | araw Ban etouaneee of brigands eo Schery, $28 albert ey to particulars sun Fhe sot f pai pepnae © policy-holders, including death claims, annuities and surrenders, ractical using teak and attract too many fli rh OR s a ng a ier, Sign and, leave the P famous Receipt Book a Sauce clea ies peor) jimentary tributes to| AGENTS WANTED, 7 INCREASE i ASSETS. 3 ery | 8, Take dvery ont from & dence andl ion" of this great medicine, and ‘nt |4oRST A spout; {One a7 as | Ej bane ot al Bin x fit sate se Comper ime evenaee ra eee me bie 285 on their own merits, or why: should |4°4t) | Teelebrated a sacrifice of thanks | Ladder Company, Cargill, Ont. firm nad catetully selected city ae with, large margin ballets ia ie body heat 6. Tal eva tres’ from’ blazing bea- sila aes Rohe cuaeeiguree UR ky gods. celia Metrodora. | XA RM RS AND PROIT S Somes “early 0 po ie tants he Wks aes are now salaly and: proftanly i bitte ‘him till his ge at ee een and eave, Babtyot, tie human With the genuine Dr. Caase's Syrup The Fuatbana: oni happy when ~ehy not sel ing | eee eae in the highest hen | Fee of ‘Linseed ‘and Turpentine you ean rr, eit ryan guaratteed INTEREST EARNING RATE INCREASED. _|readily overcome croup, bronchitis,| 3 rictly first grade and true to ». Out- “Nee t ae tty, hold a| Whooping cough, throat irritation, and . free; liberal terms, ‘Thos, W. Bowma <a substantial i ierease overt Sliaratenrfog ret the preseding year, he Company's I am the centre 0 nae the serious coughs and colds. & Son Co., Limited, Ridgeville, Ont. hi reat income for the year Snore than sufliclent wo mect Jeapital situation in’ Veni oS. j. | 25.cents a bottle; family size, 60 cents; WASTED-LADIES TO DO" PLAIN isis. arene fis Be victory em bet all dealersior Edmanson, Bates & Co Col, ee ed pa or RESERVE FUNDS FOR POLICY-HOLDERS. ual Ma f me; gi is e security Spreg cimasmions ie ive eae . feral eee, Carafe tho security to paliey-no solders ovet and above the fr Bate aee Little and Ble Religion, hi alle 0 Torte ewer ‘otal security to pollcy-holders $1,525,129, ustria, iey-holders? account was pis prowston ior Ai Hiabilties' vo policy holders a Pig ams, ren ins ‘substeauel tacreaso ta Secured during the year. wt Ba b exceptional Course of ‘Training to youn; ty te is a-winged ereature smaji|ligioa, “and that teaches that we all |Qil, ‘Take it with~yonr meals and | ladies of refinement and education. Andi sis in fame ont an ugly eys.”" Manchester | note your increase ‘in weight. nies ri cada with a thorough grounding in sk your dri Mastage, therapy. Electrotherapy, Medicine, Si chy Gee res with letters, to. ths superintendent, 45 Met inlte'vtrect, Wan BOOKS. 4 E S—SUBSCRIPTIONS ines at inet MAGETR ba rates} ete ‘tree. to ‘Winton, Alberta. “Brazil, Investments. ket strongly wae Long experience business through wadiaton, eae Alta. v= TERAN GRANTS WANTED— 01 io or Dominion, located or un- located; jhlahese cash price Pay base ate land & Company, Department V, n. and 2, Pen. Key No. roa tritates, i a ‘ade: Houg, glass, No... 1221. aes .—Prefi ate erate ; seat, leceit; treat es; ie ten, rl : No. a a No, pall ipo cn dete No.. 1226.—Diatnond : €, not,-cover,| J | "HALL SORCHERT DRESS “i tO, jada, 74 PEARL 8T., TORONTO, CAN. The Admirable Crichton. Mela Pe ose ng very time I ha’ rf “Aami ere I’m neath your feet,’ i ea a) 6 as an ““Admir- Next you weer mé in the stra Se gia leah ee able Crichton’Mis to credit him with eo ven bers cen mother were Christian Scientists. pene cea peace are ese pliaiiets mee gi amy Ar Every time I have to take a dose of peer caitiury: Elis initio -wadsJam oud Hebi chance ia bo yes MCSE Hi 8et PRON REAESRE, Crichton, and he lived in Scotlan St Klar prenery ie toe tarthals toe ae thom years he was the reputed. master @,|Change but my “head each time und apple aioe a of the machines eh of twelve Tanguages and had been giv- : in ney? en the degree of master of arts when dal | How. these queer’ turns can in me be. Wheelee—Only. the Taet one, and_ he’s do away with all di ut fourteen because of his great a eer enoneis Bape tbat Te didy Ppt parntments in Acting. and} |Jearning. In addition to his accom f No. 1296.—Beheadings. fe ma- 3 of Giistactore || Plishments as a scholar he was poet, Behead— musician, sculptor, artist, actor, ra- 1 Aside and ‘eave: to. separate. conteur, a good horseman’and an ex- Custom and. leave a oo 9 eR pert fencer. There area good many people who mistake mere noise for enterprise. |C.P, 8.8, 1911, Stirton Ave., THAMILTON, | ONT. APPLEFORD LIMITED. The best equipped factory for producing Counter Check Books in Canada, (Not In the Trust.) ” CAPACITY. “50,000 N00 cine: Checkbooks ‘We are once the seta users of Counter Check Books ~ in Canada with, our “si MPERIAL. BOOKS” APPLEFORD COUNTER _CHECK BOOK COMPANY, LIMITED. cieetuens v ©. PALMER, Vice-President Toronto Type Foundry Company, Limited of the wholesale | short time only on rece! 1 ice VEREIGN Purvones, oie ADONIS RAZOR.” ting razor in the world. red-used by the best barbers. mes sealed from the fac- Smit FoR 10DAys. if not satis factory Your siete Back. io mar bib i retails for ~ fatrodues itt we will send one by mall fora pe: Sew ny, ‘Dunn Ave., Toronto, Ont. 3. f “What are you Rises for?”-asl ma iit _, Gregor ) be a cattle ‘And there Were 16 whore ‘hufdlés in, —London M:A-P. Le Tapa he The Early Reelin A father had been youn aa ish’ to ee Ne ince solemnly, es F. DIVER ‘MGR. ouR RECORD ety Years Continuous | Business as Bates = “ADVERTISING: ‘CONTRACT! RS eae s UR DEPARTME! “ELECTROTYPING | ae “STEREOTYPING ENGRAVING ._—:*.. DESIGNING. | __READY- SET NEWSPAPER PLATES Canadian Agents Rebuilt Printing Machinery of ee ription 70 YORK STREET TORONTO Everything for the Printer Send for Iliustrated Booklet MONTREAL 7 Craig St., West BRANCHES: WINNIPEG CALGARY __ 175 McDermott Ave., East epave # lar; 4 op Pacinos. tae i ee r and moe Sneeese — ig DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound Canifton, Ont.—I had beena eres sufferer fot five told me it was_uleers f the and another told Pe: if was & itraid tl during the operation. sister, ponent it and she advised me e a ‘| id for taitale troubles, did not have ‘he e while pass- ae tye eS of I ray ‘e.””— Mrs. m, Canifton, Ontario. on aes 's Vegetable ag pound made eas roots e to try it, and the result has. Cotas millionsto: got ad Com HOCKEY SHOES - : 4 All Prices i Ba * Accounts for 1910 are now ready, please call and,set- tle, as we need the money : W. Zimmerman Milverton, Ont. C.P.R. Time, Table GUELPH AND phe tay ing West pneu cut an. 7.04 p.m. LINWOOD AND LISTOWEL .45 p. Gain North = arabe es “SrA rking rales = it (AB Listowel -- — 11.35 com 03 Dn. G.T.R: TimeTable GOING SOUTH a § CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLECE « b= Stratford, Ont. 4 BS ee fe atlOtice {6 ir” fe onal 5 phan Re Hea i i fay thgeie 4 the best. We have three Ee cipactneate Commercial, _ Shorthand and > Z tently m,| Spread with a vast verte 42. pie} Pe) BY LAWRENCE L. LYNCH, | Asthor of “A Woman's Crime,” “John Arthur's Ward,” “The Diamond Coteti¢;”" “Against Odds,” Etc. ders, as you diay be terested. to There was a look. of suppressed upon the face of Ferrars, |know."” And|here the ead A ‘seated himself opposite the | bro: oadly shrewd American la’ His fac “That,” commented Ferrars with his manner, ry silence and |no cessation of his own gravely in- er himself erect | different manner, “for a ‘plump’ wo- |upon his chair, a picture of nan, is a nistake. plump Bear long suppressed, but ral out toto" should never assume | light iy for 01 | ofJeash and read: \Saeee iS except inaction; only. that as very attitude’seemed to sa¥ Par ers had waited a moment, } after ree were lett. niin together, for Ferrars to speak ‘word, had what he felt | to be, bad news to impart, and he did not delay or play with gee in the doing i | But it ho bad expected disappoint: | ment or any change to cross t | keenly questioning face, he in | vain. Ferrars | looked it rah there any Madea’ ” broke in the VEE r y unexpected delays?” “An “No “Any new BE “No, Ferri work easy, there ‘need be in the casé are their expedition, e heir at once into his fortune, a matter ‘of £200,000. “A ican poate adyertised, according. to ret poi tt we ertised, ("A craitily wrorded. eae caleuiated e the dilatory claimants to Seckiisa THGAe thé’ etedmant + Tavs, but one — is not the per- mn, you hoped to Tpacrate’acttale site. the person,’" he \said. Wimnout sPeaking, the lawyer h ou cross the tab neater tel pording to the London, mo: and © bearing F errars ead/atoud. with no) sign of ‘atham. ” He look heir? ‘makii a her ‘of * succession Mr. ‘Myers, nodded: tive Token Hak aad e car e city, I seet children with her here?” “Only the Youngare: T am told. The at, the Are: the (ier cp and is at restnt in an “institu It seenis' 0 He cette, im fect this’ child Uperent a Bouy Sh iupelaess (oF ortune. nd layer alneady as “Tm Caaveltidde etuldbet it |P the | a afr the Wort Of cliimiahits you Maeve ex (t ested t0 sot, Ani there comms 43 | of the other sex;in ths | Eon threw him- | ck..in._the._big..off as-.| “rel me rh boat heryM, fi | he old, ‘oung? Handsome or | not?” was over- /2 He had face of the la’ ¢ a very handsome and figs dispenser of the Pais! ds."* say || telligent se and winning little 1 = Prinorpat % esses in soft grays and tw was i t. still “and |-“'Not to. make ¢ The Hugo Paisley | t e. te him “Describe ce ch ("#8 1800: ice. chair, easy and imioge: carsiend) i into the have neat of this bof Be only sat leaning slight. [poe Siero ly toward him, waiter oment, | cane, of her. and repeated his last. words. | caine “Tn manner? How disap-| Path 7 pointed?" And thea, aa the lawyer | mally fren still hesitated he went on. ‘You ey | tel myer case eS bas OR tive frankly “The case! would troub! rrars,”’ exclaim- Fei es ay that you atham inystery pt m Latham, an ol wyer was silent a Then ios Toate ed the detec- ‘ied le, perhaps hinder, if not quite balk you.” “Honestly, Myers, I have wondered wot a littl t sort of claimant I should meet, an neither sur- prised nor disappointed. T’see’what si mind; you looked to “And I hoped it. Revie,’ “Tontirely.” you hav "to the extent edge.” Bs ee ‘Ss en Ido hope it. ly ie strike our final blow row can depend upon me, e fully enlightened of my own knowl- ag iy het iva Ww Shell: as ‘his bent: ne oy clans that later, When the English solicitor had joined them, ‘errars vitae is le evi ents surrounding con- e itl death iat Ghanien upon them, but cated ‘one, er to mi selves altogether, leave them a lo fe our quar I have pu commit thi I do not angie to ophole.of by ere is much each ‘even 1 do not eRe oe in Hoe ae be- dieve and fw where 0 you mean, Ween you » a8 00 nt to let ry arrest He’ ies tra does no pionage, oae i his «| pPpearanc Glen look to iim to Jena ay to an- othier—to the Uaed,”" “urged br Be le! des free to come i "The do tec pinta hin have hig fine ky ia) (ie Boh: Hie ps at to on as found?’” kept under close es- but so long vondon, he" and ere is much a alee aced vill, maivoe “do | you feel safe in A eopleae this? May “pisten. a ened the pledge. He does are here, and the iat I have reason to low. To play‘he must! of the senels mane ti8h the Hille “value, aah “have ses are ‘May I he not shun. these plac finances at e of} conniderabie a feaiubis et are in "Because they were wetélen, ‘in: the _for _plunder’s sake, “To that shé w eat ‘the party” “Who them!” And Pecrhey smil S00k bi ben no ee Iam sure, “She is \a woman ium | 12 Pas and ont of the eight, and rathor=wall—plump. |town. sar aig ikelyty wo and while her hair is snowy. wi ct =. a Pica e she ‘ an as She has the fine, fresh than a cat’s lue eyes, tl en & * LenS Mr. Haynes was the L ba rere turned toward the Solicit- or, who began at once. “phere is really very utile to tell. Of cor I quite unders ana that the claimant was to.be held off, and the next bd fa to a pee in your pri : presence, Ferrars shook his 5 “] fear Matias alas an plans somewhat. glanced. her house in Bloomsbury. might be a little awkward for me to coureie ae ave at 01 ke fo, call again? Wek © give tne word. ‘R ‘onee, thei row | elt herve doghe wlons! “Give at-two i oe You -can Zep for"ds to hear the id private ‘chamber meriy there Was a’ pi a two smaller rooms. a. [ | Flobson!”* 5 ove met have one of your | sendy CHAPTER x pages re ““As'‘the inspector and F proached the theatre jn ged to slacken their ‘pa further out of the crowd. ‘* it lost his man, or else—hold oR. Ferrara: i'll opens 4b bli An glided ‘i cer tenn Rewata w him pause by es ae ofa ae Pyidressedyqung fe He ed utterly absorbed % in tryilg to re- vive a smoldering cigar stump, gave i Dienecter seemed engrossed with his cigi his own thoughts, but ‘Taspec irsch was tor DAS in a moment with man ne ‘tired of the Vaude- Hobson got orning I will have my man move | planning to go on to the Savoy f that tall bookcase across the door short time., Harry's evidently do- at the right. door, behind it, | ing e respi with his ‘youn; can then stand open, and you can | duffer,” wigs calls: the fellow, hear very well. I will have my desk | and will probably pluck him, if noth- the chairs moved nearer .. that | ing intervenes.’ looked hard at corner, Will that do?” rrars.- ‘My n won't lose sight xcellently; only I must see the | of them. Want to go on to the S lady in some wi voy?" unarhee oe will come in some | ‘‘By all means,’ replied Ferrars, steht disguise, you can sit at and “they set out, notin oak your back to the-light.. I dismiss you, ‘ou can go ott to join Mr. Myers, “ures the left-hand oor.” into his room after an he found a,nole.trians sartsia | Bo- ice inspector, in whose charge he na left the hunt, “or rather, watch for ‘That evening when Ferrars strolled early di ‘The note contained a and peremptory, onde ees ‘\present himself ease Hirsch \ “We have found, your ‘nan,” oe ingpéctor's’ first ‘words, heh he rea was left aloné with him. trick, ee Om abet on-hor- give houses of mine uncle, around these places. “And wou fou him?” “He g the name of Quarrel- heat ae eR ere Levey is, the way he writes it, = ndered a’ ent. ML I’m not surprised,’ he said, fin- sure he was that kim i besides being odked bookmaking, ly business, nt on describ- F Quarrelsome Har- ° previous alents and hai room ina dingy house in Soho, in a very black moot Here, so the shadow had report 00 jew! “club rooms,” e. chies pevetbep seamen tfia a greater or pe tater sites two exchanged some whispered sen- ed to be looking for someone; sot ces, ant , as the mun with-' one, whom he did not find, it would | drew, our detective addressed him- seem, for he left the neighborhood, | self to his light eee, He had been as he alone and with a lo’ careful to keep bimself unsden, ing face. far as Harry Levi ah concerned; “Looking for a loan, 1'il wager,” | and he had chosen his seat bi declared Ferrars. i PAO EL pillar, which hid him from he'll be visiting my uncle. I'll have | view, while he still could, by.moy- to leave him to your men to-mght, I | ing slightly, look-around i suppose, Hirsch, but’ to-morrow as while taking one of his Wall go on guard, myself.”” frequent peeps around this eee te of the Soho strect | that Ferrars, saw ‘‘Quarrelsom H had | Harry’ tear a leaf from si he took out his ci- | pocketbook. and write a few wor. tivo men sat down | upon it, doing this in the most don, and | obtrusive manne sible, with the ‘or they were old | bit of paper upon his knee, a ould find much ey a those 0 the; other. whispered words together, Fer- en Ferrars arose) |i head waiter had not r looked’ at his’ Frank, you don't eet i ms) report. To ooking iter ee await till, Zobson must ety fonts rallere him, if’ He dah was ee himself nt Te ta Sort” skirted the crowd, that Hobson was no donger visible. Grossing the street, they hastened, of som cted fi “procure an opera glass and erat aid, be- gan to-sweep the house. es ‘Then,’ suddenly, pees and itera long too) certain point | in the dress circle, he cared “quick ly, toward the inspector. Piece now gnvone in anthority ed. oT edo! head usht over there; or)nather, he knows me.” “That. will do. Just call, him, won't you? Introduce me. ‘Tél him’ Tm chief here, and ask him to help. After sal ited this was accom] ed; and soon after the inspector took Hie deaye, And now came the entre-act, passed them, and place midway between! that oogupicd by the two men and a certain table, further down, where a par were seated. T ie: walter, jrrho cams toJapere iby -Fetears said: “Send me your Sie vattce een stipe ‘a coin fine 0 his Peeling en ° ne id passe ‘scan, with pat ay ‘oceat ble as he passed it! ‘Never+) etd oh ‘saw a note slipped into df a vacant faced young ‘of instruc bers one ee eons wef of Pass | his | Hirseh, Se =: ¥ ie and aha. sant el: ot swine be- | $¥ while he pineal a a ote ‘| side Putting the bit of paper between the’ two leaves of menu Ferrars boldly read its Wal ‘mes- ge re a rae later ote was* meee by Kit beside the plate of for, whom: it, was ger z at’s the u: | Wha ar, pn at ‘questi a “ is vacant, but is el hour later.” ‘Left to himself, Ferrar = moved Ghuic ‘clous'to. the wall betwoet Mt self and number nine, It was dyne cure for Cou: He Colds and Bee chial Irritations, Good for. jet of gas, until, it was the est MEAG ena uy Afiaselt down 6 oR young and old. Is not con~ But-not for-long; soon he heard the ae fs next dodr: open, ‘a: ewoeping rustling wila ai ind, raping ie chair. tains — ne leThen a alee light flashed uj the - cl erry, woe Pine, Bloo door Pring and all was still for a short tim Linseed, Licorice Then, ire the dace opened,’ ey iene eee: dyne and other val was M Perrars Knew, that he might, if oH sedatives and Exped! re would, hand upon those. |,§. oon he med donate so, long, and, |) ‘So stop ‘that « t for a time, it had seemed so hope- le lessly. s.tO. serio hve re aut atone ‘here, do you. Stop’ it without - suppose?” It. wi 's voice, ingot Fone: Sia Catan etae alee cle, cane ing. Bia te Fang the bel ll... The man who had admitted: Ferrars, and who had 0 mind ie fall out with the police, sponded, and ai showed con- sluatyely, that the, adloming aoc) Nos. 8 and 10, were “qui Sie admit, Re had Jocked order ti 2 it fon ‘Barty iat ‘midnight ereupon | wihe red’ and he. ova at | once dlamiae We ell,”” e _peieg | voice again, ‘why inl in’ thi ‘of » good- haven't you Rated” things more? I told you, from the first, thet all waa 6 lo: you aes to el ts plied the dace ‘the eirs, I don’t. understa they tell ee bt ne ino} tter wi | perb. parlors; where ee 's ote nes, s Hh Mrs. peice millet Bra ra ice see aati ; divan, and it there should be any aestiond aay flaw—’’ ¢ ver ‘ 4 een Bs a is ¢ they, Pease ‘call for further | proof ue sanity, ron. kno ya Sppp: ose iat black hing with ee last moment, acquainted “Bosh! How foolish!” “Or who remembered me’ ¥ “I tell you this, is-folly! ‘Latham’s first wife dled 80 ong g BS ae and at feist ‘a/Swedish spa.!'/\And Yhe mever haidé|3 PORES, “lends sata crelativen ywell, | there are none ni reagolgotimen fear’ the cliche will are that A ni all oun e back fee tis’ is simply” ‘idiotic: and Sta is ie el ea yPapers, copy” only my brother-in- | law. By “ean rjght: How ie tna? r nie) ver came wan: ran cee to say | 5 ghee verhis. 1 -must: met. those!) patty to-morrow.’ ene ee I as nearest male a yur escort, and vsupport ae eee they trying; or 2 APY ‘ah ey < quested fo cen sy pial “The Fie with a ea Hie sent es Harty’, i it ) CHAPTER 3 eta ia Bay sede nippy ee aa ten the clock de may relsome y safe in' thi at) Hampton Court, ei went = es ; HS city oR meet a m ne Menage agro ong Ae