* + |? Victor brand Oatmeal $2.50 per Be fete : ¢ [ace se oe 4 . P, ‘wo Millinery Apprentices want: ‘The: sear ie A.Y.P.A. met on a Es etropolitan Bank 4|: YOCAT NEWS. 3 /taersebgmas ous wet! | aie oe cS rm jon Wan’ Glauber ‘salty for Borses aud cattle + Pp + \* +/ will per. Tend tb, We th. Tr 250. + - sears 2 e ond oF fag Sarranes ae os We Goons ell cig a eke attend 5 ap axDp per gal al the funeral of her uncle at Detroit. + me | Me Wm. Sippel’s sale om Friday] ae Mobr's S lated Sugar be: + Head Office : TORONTO bes pocoomatal alia. 3 Wan 1Couk at Poms fa Min. analty oy S85 er hhundre at obs | » rerton. Tivate 101 sul le for vel car! steel - CAPITAL PAID. OPS 2} Gone ee. 4$1,000,000.00 oe | egal ee Hs Bat fendortt. the ese doctor. Anply Box 14. Milverton. | wire tegt: $2.40 ver Dae ab Gy Coco RESERVE F. ee be 1,250,000.00, *+| Corn Starch (Challenge brand) four | tertai Gah tagt ee brig er far dy ae | tertained the Burns ehu d Te Muendey «pelt, ob bucket 4 nnrreD. PROFITS a hp hare ie 104,698.38 “Stare otw ae Mobr's. a quarter till| , few other friends on Tuesday even- Aso Finder ee please leave | Gilbert, of Monkton. |"% Sua Offioe. DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS \s . Hay cfiad Apasiord pprem ted—Gpod: strong. + DRAFTS ORDERS +i Faulen @ Be ie Dae Dna eneek eu br Hamilton, boy to learn blageanlthing: Apply at + ee Z : ms requiring ee Mtuoks will do well | cree to F. Zimmerman ISSUED. Payable ibe desired. The SAFEST and\CHEAPEST “® hs - bs sss Mr. 8S. h attended the an- + of remitting money. se Stary ‘unas with their friend tenor Sale—Horse. Cutter.| nual ‘stock sales at Guelplt last week & miwerton Branch: ©.G, WALKER, Manager sale of Mr. G. F. Grosch's Sey Rabel) Bi Milt be fold te |and® purchased 8 purebred shorthorn - . Ld re 4 ether or by + | bull wt } Millbank Branch: |. A. JO! . Pr = oy Rousehold effects rill ANF, place on Kerajaefski, Mi exten. Robt. Schrenk and Mi: + Linwood Branch: G. L. ZEIGLER, Manager 9 ean March 11th. at 2 o'clock) “The municipal ‘council ‘ct of Bima will) fe cc mc je ppaevettar spendin micet_ on ¥ o|a couple of weeks | in London and St. EREEEEEEEEE PEEP EEE ETE E EES earouthout Waster, “Gx sneraly| Sain patna, ‘oundkeevers | fomas eee Mepteies 5 Oieen ame | aad fenceviewers a general Mir, aod Mi rs, Geo. Gropp an Friday oe se sections, bus dvewming are: a jonor | 0: frate zon Colin who. eft for the west a H.M.SCHAEFER issuer oF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL a MILVERTON, - ONTARIO =9¢ Shines For All.” Vol. XVIII—No. 35 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, March 9, 1911 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher “TEMPERANOE OR 2 ORGANIZATION all aigersble progress im the county as *Btratiord Bey bam 4 aes 38 J. Mas Tem perance Convention at and mow the! is reported con- t eis Slug “Otticers not ee ported. McLaren. Shake- peare. organ di hy Social and ‘Moral Reform Society of 1 ‘Wallace. Mr. B ” Channing, President, | home in Landis Gask. Listowel. R. J. B rope ice-Pres-{liams has a splendid esta ident. Balmersion ‘ Adolph. | ness. illiam! ‘Treas. Wallace P.O., Mr x Griffith. | miss er many Sas, Wallace. B.0 congregation of Trinity churel Bice Township Temperance Alli- has always taker ‘President. Mr. T, R. Moore.| part. In the coe her pla ri ° A very pretty 8 and ‘goal ale? event took Haat eg shortly before the New Year| place bei Thursday. March 2nd, 1911. three circular letters have Deen ad- | wh ns Margaret Caroline, daueh- 0 all municipal organizers .H, and Elizal areed ty officers besides other com: of the 12th ltbe of Bee teak ‘erguson, ‘Tre: pon the arm o} St, Marys Moral and Social Reform. Mr. ©. D. Lowrie Chairman; R, W- ray Seoretary. Chi Listowel Temperance and Moral Re-|The bride looked very charming in a form Association, Mr. J.C. Hay. Pres-|dresa of mull trimmed with ident; Rev. i Sec. allover Jace and silk ribbon to match. North Temperance Alli-| After the signing of the register the ace organized. yet te-| happy company of friends and rel tiy- -|their home near Regs ah issed Eva and Katie Hammer. o} wal esley, spent a few days last week isiting their cousins the Misses Ham r, of Mornington. Mr. Robt. Roe and family left last uestay iting with their sisters Mrs. bps Wilhelm. of Poole, and Mrs. See that it g ths at for Toronto where they re eetaraing to r supply ee nh een ie: Pete os. Daly. ‘ aly_acei S| by the Gideons. aly inecompanied Heron her rap | the. Christian ‘Travellers’ Association nda ra style themselves, , ‘The 0 said to col siness. Be true to your watch and a ios ‘ou. and ove! icing 14th, Far- $3.00 25 quart tickets for $1 cash at Geo. on Tuesday. “If you have a brooch it need of D a Nee nis leave it with P. miberlain’s: Liver and - ider, ve Milverton. ve a ds T. 3 imston hurehill ann pe q 2) ‘i Weaton | Churehill announced | yrommen ‘Honey’ serrated xed a printing plant at Bayfield, ir pad. bereavement. i health through thei gentle aid and| ond has had the same moved to Cred- "hniss Carrie Bird, of Detroit. Mich.. eerste properties Sold by all deal-| iton, where he-expects to start a new acquaintances in the iweeisly ‘paper, Newspapers. i. Hur- r. James Johnson who ell an "Students plagsd ia spoitians net on ee soon be aa mumerous as site- ‘uleahy was a business vis- epjoyin; wn sta wee y Listo usimess line ite epjoying, his stay in the South left S77, a. Oliver es! bookKéabes foe 3 0 Se at cid aatare are) alc Maur. Washington Btate. on Wednes. | Weigand Co f Berlin, Ont. One of! waya most successful. Chamberlain's ea Monday trom n tele boner mee ‘trip day. March 1st where he will remaiu | OU" ladies graduated in May 1910 is) Cough Remedv a this Tt| to Hamilton heey $16.00 per in] joosens the cough, relieves the lungs “ot settlers effects |S , Matthews, Principal. i tur th : lespat cee local agent. that the Gpelph agnor Ry. an irect connection with f {su z ine a ticle mother Mrs. 8. E. Weir who 9 skilful attention of a jeweler} is vires relief 40) st for the C an- road etna M ILLBANK. Mr. Joba A. McKee left Tuesday for ‘annsville, Sask. Mr. ©. P. Muleahy and M pent Sunday with pirate Clara Me- Mo will be served eon 6 to 8 o'clock af. ae btn a good proj rokramine busi and addresses, be given. 19 Presbyterian choir ot Milverton | ¢, watt fy fee y next vin ee Grace church rs 11 a.m. and 7 a day last week vith his ae ates 8. E. Weir. ert Wi Strachan. of Ethel. rs, Alex. Strachan. N.Y.. are visit- aly il jen, of Guelpb. ‘spent Sunday: with Soke teas H. ever dine Bhar uid 2 the sad the death mes on im order ith an “x” ae ab- For! Iil— Opper. Mina thy” Ste Rothaermel. Sallie go bey | ance 24, Wm. apes Pleisebhaue hi mit fe Hazel MILVERTON SCHOOL REPORT. Following 3s the honor roil for Feb- ~ ruatys— : 2 aermel, Edy! Se 5 a Viola na goed emit Gertie device. a Schmidt aye ‘aggal Hel Lees wilted crak Jr. IV—Willot Kelterbonn. jundscho, Dumber. ay roll 82. Edna o oe | Cossey. Pe mes David Hopf. i eoaae Fred Hasenpflag, wilde Tastias: Milton” Roth Hem erey Goulier, gaaie Kin Wi li, Dore ual. Wilfrid Ge Groseh, Wile Ty ltt CeaneeeAe ‘oll 26, Bene atten H. Sharp. BAw Preaiyals aay ses Beth a i plese Willard Knechtel. Herb- mber on he a average. Anni E. Bright. sche uw bong IL Filseaemoet Ties PUNT Avia an. ae Sue ae "i at Bek ret, Meher nee Deon nd. a Fink ae ithel Ta 10. LE Wilker, tet Ralph Gi geetingville. Vice-President, _Mr.| hard to. fill a1 unday June 17th end returning will Soblotzhauer Rostock, Secl'reas . Rev) in general fmt faithtul services will [leave Detroit on Sune 19th. me as is. oft ove tune ot the G.P.R. at t Guelol Junction, —_ A, Aa eville, @ missed immensely. The a trl ple tree that apparel ‘The statement on appar- Be Rersnt M versa ation mnecting|. Whe bride was the recipient of mans 1 round tip fare wil by 8 1.50. | the Poo of. last :year ents gust authority. that ‘no mes called for u farch 15th, Rev, W. H. pectin meee Sacre cee Nr alee site nee sidetracked the Reciprocity startiog in fens up. this be? paper, proprietor. editor, publisher. gant ee on ile eta ane Co ae ra ion at es for| bill which means that i 1 a Priday 3 mainager or printer ow or evel 4 - ‘Mornington. ‘creanization mecting|a very happy. and long ate i detit with Gp the wosomaing con. | BEPReRE 02 Haun i blossoms On a] jos been a resident of Kingston pen- MoKee x. y Rein-|§ called for March 15th. Mr. D. Flem- Sy aremararnempey Le eal ereotel’ ot ite ia sums | Ei Wien, Besbees aie from | Slitentiark or in the Central Brisa ing, Mile orem ter alt ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION posed to be more favorable to the) °o%oq of the year. eS ie te Not bad sept or | | ua Sena ora rraier e earl plann s See a a set vs a e doul i tae a Fe eee of ‘the | Al very- happy event took place at TE. D. Galley. of Trauma. Minn. | Thomas jgeciOh-Bridgebure, ied is another trade or —profe Dominfon Allene. ion of a the nome of Be, Alin Barr, ot Sina.) renewing Dis subseriotion to The alee nora ee ee Carbo | ey oes Sa eer ay ofthat nue dt dons Mar jouth Easthope. intimation of ar d * 8 at the|Sun writes; “Remembi , id you ever stop td reflect cath mecting, ‘Mr. B, Ochm. orgen-|olose of the regular meeting of the} my old friends. 1 see ‘tat tncy au | recently to investigate: faa sar was one ‘thing to talk about people res r Trinity church branch of the A.Y.P.A.| passing away o time. very. few [ambit mene Se Ot cas other thing to have peor ope tA a : ne ven Hibbert, Mr. | ames Scott. Jr Mrs. Horace Williams was presented being left that I knew Ie. Oe when |Seasom, What is Dayle to the aoa ent eit us oe the ae ae Leal oe ita ey omar: 0, Higoenyals re | with the following address and show-|I left meron ed is to prevent hunters going oth our tongues a litt fe is See pe oe Diemert. Wesley jas a cal option debarred until 1913, ergot ered with linen: left Mornington” ceuiott, . of (bush With gums at thia season of the Jour meighbors would stot, and reflect | fer. Frank Tanner. ileda elim, pein ont 48, average, 85, lest sympathy vith general campaign.| Dear Mrs, Williams You are about | Garsiel pent & vadt ot thele ones] ie" os ere ‘will shoot game birds|?pout this matter and know the great | Coghlin. a Martin x. - George Edith M. eaohers : ization at present deemed in-| to teat e our mi e we] moon last +9 a8 well, a8 rm) H Gee comes from too much p| Tanner. Wm. x, Hazel é, Pe cannot let you depart withoi on last week visiting \the formes | Fully nine autos evens tat 6 evil titling we are sure we would “nie Smith Patibel $l J, A, Turnbull. Atwood or-| Pressing our hearty congratulations| Mr. Elliot marrie: ailiott-| rheumatism) is. simply Taamatiam of sail Shalt and gossip no more for~ Ee Saat ‘report situation and| te ‘ our hush; 1so|the bride being Miss Alberta Hastie muscles due to cold or orl sr 1 TAuett wiles Annie plea confidence ot vis tory. in ie hy re Ld amt ed boa happy wedded oaly “ast f Mr. a1 chronic r Pe ied a Meer We ya att to bape {hat lade eaohet Nelson eat dene Shee ine ownie, under opt ion’ our/amier Hast ia fT be quire any imternal trea! ment. a an ve final-| tor = an. iter Go. a, Mr. J, Mountair. St, Marys organizer,| ¥eeD. appreciation of your faithful SE tive carloads of | that is meeded to aff fis the|ly decided to ion He zubstantial brick | Dunbar organization Tenor ver iced and true friendship. You Se bared left Milverton for the free application Cts rlain’s Lin- oh Hy the us i oe occupied by| IT ree ‘Austin iene Frank Bene seal on, Under Nbr ontion sae 1 i example of Christ-like] West viz r. Ernest Wilson emt. Give it a uu are cer- 1 store. | rie. clea Rut Alex, Mr. Albert Reach. organizer, Ne * f sacrifice in your earnest and ub-) J. A. Petrie. a car each to Coleridge; tain to be pleased Rath. ie antok re We knlemetand, ‘that the corner will be . Lo par phots cat Daclzetinn weporte tiring efforts in the work connected Ther’ G carload to Krovest.| lief which it affords, Sold by w fitted un aa 9 bank ised and the ga Hoth Charlotte ing th sons wl Gag gee yet eee faitht Cee el paver aMceen ao ote Bas a yn 3 omni the rae eye ae HED Sot apa ploy to nee ae Logan. % ach to Webb, Sask. id, ingle oa of over $5000for{ Mr. Loth as at present. e con- Te will thus be seem that the county a Fh ate bi fe bo} i apes ‘A. Petrie also left as a passi ae a ‘aity was made at thé Port Colbonne wratulate | Be Messrs, Ranney on McLennan, cnening. a of Any g Term. ara bie ore tee ripe organized with) tvs" this. er Poaug ee dhoderiie Grosch on Wednesday morn-| Customs «office ‘econ on a shipment | theif en ON Wagler. Nellie Hulbert = ‘Arthur effect- i ‘or a new mill. ‘This Tes al ght to Kick abou 6 8es- ive work. The o: ers have also csnbyho Lec Nid iia God- rgest payment ever m: 1 indem: of members of Par- Pe —Hughie Ja cls. Insurance z been brought in touch with the Dom-| Speed and que sets ise will at the customs office there. Alto- tiamect for Ouvario, but the Kickers | Bella MeLennan, George reacts “A i HAMTMIBR, Dstrst Maoasez eres mn Alliapoe 2 aH. prowerity ia S BUA gyn an t 26 cars chineey |are mot’on the jo and couldn't be if | MacLennan, Alex. Ja0k, inh ed pticrerarruaen Manager e “Toronto. ied ieee poten’ a ates sver arrived for the mill. om which | they wamted to. Members of Parlia- ‘MeCloy._ Teacher. | 7 4 Las itt ful e pedal Co. al- to the request that all needful cam- of your friends, ‘amounts to over $13,000|ment are not too well paid as it is. agen for first-class Fire, Guaran- tee and Ac I Cor SE ee ee ex cobalt A WONDERWUL SPECI hiss about Ralf tho machinery that | Even raral townships make an al-| BURNS PRIEGDYTERIAN gf CHUnOL | te, aid Apoldent Iomurauoe Companies yalities. NDERFUL SPECIFIC essary to complete the | low: 0 their ill-paid councillors ! rat The Alli: stands ready to give a very pabli es, Office; ; Cook's Block, Milverton. . ry +. sab publia servant is worthy of his further service within their power.) Victim; “If your your hair restorer is ea inte at tae pee be hire. the r the electorate Sunday y Services vi and with this strong co-operation a|eo good why is it that you are bald) Jose owry wi D min realize this the better if will be i eae} dah both ‘Court Se shot Te ee on| Gourse! cit on February 27th. wad a son of| va ‘public basing: oer i Lest interests of the whole people.| Sunday School and Bible Class 10.15 0s 6 Milves SRN: EL success of local option. Bie ‘Well sir. I once had; ae the lite Rev. Thomas Lowry. w as Adanti to the Pacific in honor of the ans B: of thé ish steam | @-M. yy lots 53 to 2 inclusive _ the Ist ist very big order for ladies’ plaits. and| pastor at one time of the Presbyter- | @miversary of St. David. the patron jer’ Tamia which arrived at Baltimore| Morning Worship 11 am. oncessi “lot 26 me , e ea ia to ecpaete it I o} det chure Milverton. He leaves t Wal Up to the present }a oe days ago had a thrilling exper- aoe “Spiritual Ee Atha se you frequently hoarse? Do you 'y hair and got half a dozen long|to moumn his Porton. He leavce| St. Patrick's Day. March 17th. has with a big snake. which attack- ening W Ee eaoca serie ne et i bik baits sir- But it drew all the ‘alr a daughter three sisters Mrs. J.| cen, the fi ~hiigea yeh epee ieftim inthe hold of the ship. ‘The ease ye" Sonah only 8 Bish yu my itution idars. of Tara. which, the f! een displayed.| Amelia had just sails ma. jew | St ak might and do you ase, muens in poi ansattnlin ra tL Mcatieet alle aaa vee am. Wi but mow in it renia piien ofl verve denniee load cargo New | Ete boa music at both Sabbath serv the momingt Do you rant relie Hon. Clifford Sifton,. W. cisoaet ok eueceeriia <2 Mi Hon. William Pugsley. St. David's Day | Baltimore. when 0 ere given|ea uter the leadership of Mr. c¢ ot z aoe wih eee Bere nian and, ind W. ley have come out| Whaley. of Milverton. who sated will in Sue enjoy this distinction. | to the crew to clear the © hold of retusa Walker. F. site ot te a wil ple jold by| in opposition to the government on| the ead aE Thursday was a Fae, of Texas experience renner. reyho was working apart Midweek meeting Thursay at 7.30 a the reciprocity agreement. tvitrlaw of the decensed terrible ordeal lately. Two weeks ago|tha others. Oe er tartled ery. as| Dstt, 1 ‘buried by the Fre , Morales. was] he do oes the strike of a large troy ‘Everybody Weleom : Word comes trom, thbridge, Alte. lose 2 ie oe ial x was just coil-| If ie do not need ua we ir a Mr. ley. formerly. ilder- 2 Stratlord. had died there from an Fat-|pess for ning Gaye aud aebts without | Wied, weseh, ehotele, Shi Goal Aiiaeesied oni lb urt—General Sessions and of a . Tilley a arving se County “court Sitt: in coal well ki owi Tin this 0 rad having | 2! 4a: pted to catch | oat BIRTHS. tr: Tune 13¢) been manager’ of the Stratford Cloth-| ® lamb and eat it Poth but he had be- | and seen with, all the Osborne—To Mrs. Osborne wife of Dee, tal ry at 2 o'clock, County Court IL TON ing oh crashed #0 completely a| come eo weak thatthe lambs outran ore. giientiy by the snake. “was ier"inte Charles Osborne. 2 daugh-| Sittings without jury—Apri th, Oot. i gears ago tha the shareholders ma ae When te he as TS found la i ee - ter at the home of bers sister. Mrs, 3rd at 2 o'elock. of whom had their all invested herd, TOU Oa meet too the Ba- ened cebei¥el a capbes tx eube wae [Oe "where be ate #0 ravenoualy af- ing ae a etiiee Outi G. Inglis. Elm: - HEAD OFFICE: HAMILTON im addition t] uarantors of _the| #F his long fast that he died. | eb, 30th to tale aver te question, of A ES. bonds were compelled to put up $50.- asking Canada to take under Biliott Hastie In urn re i 000 to liquidate the debts of the com- . H. Wilay. of Seattle. Phare her wing. on was one of Baron iat a the resi- — pany. Mr. Tilley. however. was re-| OWS on Feb. 27th. to concldde the| great (enthusi legisla! ture ies of the bride’ y Rev. garded as highly successful in} P f the Wm. Buchanan place suspended i spre workmen] Mr, Perrin cP acaienan mes Wm. Past Up 32) 25 $2,750,000 burch’ gir = alley. near Mad-| dropped their too pee street 'T, ‘Elliott | to Miss Alberta. only s ; The death of, Mrs. William Samuel eed Uoedicae poe teed poten (omen nei Agee hg Mr. and Mns, Alexan-| 2 ; years ago from A committee alfa doz* Reserve and Undivided Profits . $3,250,000 Buchanan. of Battleford. Sask.. ‘August Woid. The deal was _made|en are of the assembly were ap- vr seid t the Guelph General Hos | through H. C. of Seat-| pointed to further the project and t $6,000,000 bperntion. Abott yea" 0G the fat-| ste sCensensierable, amount of tive advisability of sending @ ea ZO e fam- och ine) i Domi aS ily moved west but Mrs. Buchanan re-| ed im_ the pate agen Series polars bo aoe dome ie fg irs. oe Boerster. to j tunned ks ses a visit | threshi achin‘ fon et fiscen' oe Total ‘Assets . . . « Over $40,000,000 when she became seriously ill and de-| gine. rk auteaten sired a Ct arate eee ome tie-Helm-At’the Paronage, Wel- ; cided ‘to. undergo an operation trom| reported to be S21 000, Mr. Pic volts: <Vobeee oe Peuvemument it te) SW aimeads Rave eer iar os ic] was unable to recover. She ‘prope! p 8: : had been an invalid for years. tn artes toa baw ithe (Ss te hoped ee ae they 2 Se aa E. ‘Helm to ee z ? maiden name was Margaret Burk.| employ of the Sea! ‘Com- Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Besides her husband she leaves a oF al have charge of the place. pale Canada a greater diversity J : : grown up family as follows; Andrew | The new. owner to gi cial - Mrs, Jord and Mrs. Ba. Slaughter attention, a the breeding of horses ‘ Z, 5 o! é 4 une? tool ttle. Wm. Buchanan. fort f L baie Blace on Monday lass the resi-| ly. of Atwood. now of Friday Harbor. | ae weirs See _ MILVERTON BRANCH ore ae brothers Ms #y-abest| We Very prosperous | Friday. Maroli 17¢h—Will sell Stock $ . ae ihe jfeDousanl =. coteete ny [ait te wane aes ee nts and old Effec ects in| remains were interred: |\ : ; f Poole for Mr. ©. ter LE