The Rirton Sun BYERY THURSDAY. MORNING® ilverton, Ont. er ras RATES One epee ood 50 Peatey three monte 28 een in arrears w' ean To pay 81.S0 per yest, CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES 2 1 line for first insertion and four cents per line for each ‘subsequent inser. tion will be charged for all tré ad ‘Advertisements without Goi directions ‘il belaserted until forbid and charged ac- anges for contract advertisements must bein the omice by noon Monday qdinlloxtelephone ‘orders will receive prompt MALCOLM MacBi Eonisher and Proprietor BusinessCards Dentistry. ersil ity. a. ties Bank of anwiltens veer Medical. F. PARKER, M. P, L, TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE: PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON 10 to 12,o'clock a: m., and 2 to 4 o'clock dm. and 7 108 o'clock p, J, R, FORST: Eng. opposite Winacor Hotel Stratford. Phose 207, Legal » MORPHY & CARTHEW, , Barristers, ARTHEW, W, J. HANLEY MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, - - - Ontario Veterinary. wm lst WN’ Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin- Tor Coll of domesticated animals. tele- phone or otherwisepromptly niienatie: ER, Eye, Bar, |? Solicitors for the Bank | A: ‘2 | some BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, |) ‘onto, Teentaal coer sat AMENDS SHIPPING ACT James Conmee’s Mirinesota Power Bill Gets Past the H@use With Pre- mier’s Aid—Mr. Borden Raises the Question of the Proposed Naval De- monstration on the Lakes—Forget’s New, Bank Changes Its Name. Ottawa, March 28—Good progress was made with routine business in the House of Commons yesterday, and if the same pace is maintained all week the decks will be clear by Mon- day next for a resumption of the reci- procity debate or such other business as the Government may want to de- 6 n important bill to amend the cana 8 Shipping Act was introduced ¢ Minister of Marine and Fisher- one ex] ing of “ the new ‘te ected Peano over the giv- “Kia Banque du Canada’ to en the House sory. The Minister explained at some length that the proposed legislation was Be Babed 1 the recommendations of of over ten feet that ould make provisions tor all possible means being taken to ted in the matter of insurance against the St. Lawrence and in favor Societies. o! a veviioyal ea 1 e) y MIGVERTON LopGE, No: 478, | ence @ to th Ge igalee 7 AF, Milverton, uiry into a wreck may be inaugurat- meets covery Moy evening on ot) ed. Under the law as it stands to- before full moon’ ev nen pibeit|day an enquiry must be commenc hallix Ranney’s Bloc! breth-| with a month. The limit has no’ ren always weleome. 3, Siogner, W.M. | been extended to one year, at the in- ‘ oeger, stance of the imperial au ties. €. 0. F., No, ie filverton, meets| Another departure from the present t Tuesday of every | practice is that vessels with the cer- every second and las’ month, at8 o'clock, in their hall over Rothacrmel ie Ronis hand wate . Visiting brethren always welcome. N. McGuire, C.R., N. Zimmerman, Rec-Sec. He o1 foreign bodies may, with the consent of the governor-in-council, be relieved ). F., Silver Star 30 ti tore. iY come, Mile ¥. Seoy., W. Burgman, KR. Seey. Notary Publi WEIR, Notary jhe County ie ‘Perth a Sa ie Bio of anilvan, Insurance ARTMIER, District Manager the Sianiard Life A 0., also fan fshiselbag Biro Se eat rinarasioe ancing done at reasonable rates. Office Cook’s Block, Milverton. M Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. John yea, Proprietor. Best liquors and ci; First-class ac- pniiodunion'dnd leege atabling: GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil verton. scommodation for sommercial rage and ober eae large somple. ros iB Host brands brands sot Liquors Abaeaans, Chas. Ritter, Propr avi ir Office in the Weir block mi vessel carrying one 1£er gun abana piewed on tale will be made to e remembered rightl United States had mada. application to be allowed to pass a cruiser through the canals, but he thought that the beer Geclined. An- ation had been made to e one training ship down and sub. stitute another. the bill to incorporate La Banque Du Canada was reac QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. 6 modation for comercial travellers and others, ‘Two large saxny . to La Banque In- Foun, Oniy the choicest of Wines, La-|ternationale Du Canada, He moved rs and Cigars at the bar. warm| that the clause be amended accord. ables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. ingly, which was done, and the bill THE ONTARIO HOUSE, Stratford, |", Beni Rens Ont,—A well appointed’ an con: assault- best. pees stabling in connection. Rates er day. EICKMEIER & SON Propriet ees THE AMERICAN; HOUSE, Berlin, pays’ special attention to Commercial trade, 2 lendid sam, rooms, wines liquors served at the bar Fates 61. 50°per day. Wa. Witt, Prop Ae jon Court ite ‘$3 to 72 erase ee ped let of lot cession 2 to ‘Ellice, Horii of the 13th conces- neession and North Easthope, north of coxsion iays—April Gu Jane ae At Bla October 26th December 28th. mann, clerk. F. W. Gnenther. bai No, Weta hia oat t days, Jan. 11, 7 10th, par ats Rep af Noe 8th, Jan. » 191: Bright, clerk. res jae ball, neral Sessions and Goust itt Sittings with ji je at the louse, Stratford, Juin an Count; Court ith, 12th at 2 o'clock, County Court Sittings | Th without jury—April 4th, Oct, 3rd, 2 p.m, Morsington, Elma, the es, when his bil ee 24 are te, Anfieht of two years committee. The bill ip is F onteusibly, fo ring the works of the Ontario eapolis Power Co. under the jur- of the Minister of Public ae 0 (West Algoma) opposed bill area it was an invasion the municipality had been safe- guard yy an agreement with the rovince, acting as Sas oo for Fort eral in ment oe the varisdietion rat the in Parliament. Sir rid. eee then took a hand ie. os ne ae the legislation was necéssa: cedent to “the construction of wo ae ot ages wea ee Tights of Sealers assed u: aa ae Minister ot: ‘Public orks. He : *| will be Fi ey a “divisi eaimy of provincial nights, bat rallior had Teaplt to maton th =e The bill passed the Hi TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS, Italy is raps the jubilee of national unity. The situation in the Far East re- mains un do! collected from Cobalt blind pig opera- tore yesterday. eputation, ot | residents of Geor- oe Bay tow: t to Ottawa to ask Garemment aia: for a new rail- way. Relatives of the late J. G. Howard, who donated High Park to the city of Toronto, shave appealed for help from the Late Peitant afternoon the grand jury brought in a true bill against fohn Ponuee in connection with the Oxford graft cases. Two ake Be tons of ammunition ped Kingston caused much among residents in the vicinity of the railway yards. was received in this city of the Gaal in New York of Miss Winni- frid sya -d.. Mis: ’3 -writ- ings were known all over the United States ‘ander the pen’ name of Beatrice ty Ee e counterfeit bills of the Bank of Montreal of the denomination of ‘five dollars somewhere in, clreala- tion to tl unt of about $5,000. oie ter tier etech case: sentinns on e bank. will of Wm. Schwensen, who Was a manufacturing milliner in New Ferrer Case Debated. The debate on unusual at- tention. proposal to discuss this trial was made by the Republicans and accepte: ‘errer case means the end politically of Senor Maura, who was charged against Ferrer constituted the crime of rebellion, acéording to the ment and party “He pointed out that the courtmar- tial betore which P: ied had onl Cc. P. Re aoe Toronto. March 28.— onto of- fics of the O. ae Be Guages athe fol- ing chang: transfers among chet division reiperinien ents: eillie, Pageant pe oe a, Toronte “term inals who has been supe! erintend dent of ¢ at sion @ for the last tw 0 years, g am, district 1 of the coe divi: Riou including all lines from Me; tic. and Newport to Montreal, lines. branch dge, superintendent ot aiset 3, east di n, lines from es SS On a imith, an old Toronto boy, inary AT dtatsiet 8, Ontario divi. ion, now in charge of district 1, east division, to which egan: ‘and 4 (7 A & o aa of giv: employes the widest possible experi- ence in railway ma‘ No Criminal mea n Sir Mae he Gismniased the The Chief Ji ere were no criminal cases calendar ‘and that the public puldines spected anuary, a3 well Dial lat (fall, so that it was hard- sary to make another ees of ene his intr oductory aenrein os ise congratulated the County a pices: on the conaition of hairs wi ere are ee jury cases to pa died ue greet weal importance. Want Bank Museen as ased. the fageton: Pahilentiary. ‘opular Candidate. Cobourg, ‘ch 28.—The election of . F. Kerr, crown attorney, as nomination paper having been’ very largely signed. Four Inches of Snow. most severe snow storms of the season ed here last Fis After a bright afternoon ‘the m an to fall about fou 0 pelos and “ eleven four inches of snow the gro Alabama Tornado ie He Mot bekatang Ala., Marc! —Three persons were killed near ae Sunday ight by | Ayiig embers from buildings re blown from their founda- ts by 4 tornado. STORM IN PHILADELPHIA. Buildings Lp oe and Trains Held Up: by Tempest. SHELDON IS CAPTURED Long-Wanted Broker Is Arrested in Pittsburg. Philadelptna, ghar aga electrical storm accompanied by a high wind, which at times blew with eyelonic force, swept over the north- “Blind Pool” aie Who Is Charg- ed With Defrau justomers In Montreal and Other Canadian Bier, ie Into the pune of in Men — They e |B shee - to Pisses Montreal, March 28.—A Star special from Pittsburg says: ©. D. Sheldon, the long-sought brok- vi hich branch of ame not in the path of the high the Pennsylvania at eaink Tacony, the section where the great- e blown to the ground, and hours before the details of the catas- e central section of hortly. after absconding from Mont-| Dear a8 a was seen in Pittsburg. : at trons: Montteal shortly brats "Sheldon left there, en a portion of the Many ction were unroofed or completely _demolis Tn imtactoring rday their vigilance was rewarde: The arrest of Sheldon was made by detective or-| Kensineton in T. heldon’ ‘3. extradi- tion and return to Montreal will at once be begun. How Arbitration Works Out. mdon; March 28,—The Daily Gra- hie draws the attention of those loud-| in width, was torn away, wrecking acclaiming the T y_ scheme | much valuable machinery. Three hun- for the abolition of war to the state- | dred and fifty men who were employ- ment that China has no alternative | ed here, it is said, will be out of work t to accept Russia’s present ulti-| for at least two weeks. The factory matum. f the Enterprise Cooperage Co., near- Both China and Russia signed The | by, was struck by lightning, but the flames were extinguished before much damage had been done. In the fashionable section of Ger- mantown, the storm pretation of treati cuse even for contemplating the em- ployment of force. mantown avenue atest advices from Pekin are that ice has assured ditions put. forwar of 1881 will be complied with before the time limit expires on Tuesd jo completely was the Pennsylvania Peace Sunday In nis Railroad's line to New York tied up Philadelphia, March 28.—Dr. W. H. Roberts, state clerk of the | presbyte ian Church, and chairman of the exe- tive: commission of the federal council of the churches of Christ in tainable at the New York end of the Spring Goods Have arrived and they are the correct thing comprising the latest patterns in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds Trouserings Etc. Come in and see them. The prices are Right. There's no use telling you about our good work as nearly everyone knows our goods are made up on the premises by the best of workmen. Milverton's Old Reliable Tailor E. KNECHTE = Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices you will find us right.: init’ Geo. J. Coxon » THE NEW SPRINC... RUGS and CURTAINS America, yesterday sent out a seaiest be preached in churcheg in the federation next Sun Seyi ‘upon ee subject oH arbitration for SRoberain ve rogue says that the’ churehes. of, all land have Se $2,500 Damages. -year-old e chief witness in his father’s suit against the To- onto Railway yesterday, despite the fact that he said not a w fe ex- hibited » wooden leg, the result of in- juries received when the wheel of a street car passed over his foot on Nov. ‘The prosecution claimed that the car could have stopped in motorman. i 5 Se Sunday, from all pulpits on the sub- lect of “arbitration between England d the United States, now pending. Alberta Against Negroes. Edmonton, Alta., March 28.—The ar- | Ca t rival of the colored immigrants from | bring no evidence to controvert the jilahoma, together with their con- | Claim. The jury awarded Richard Ew- poet in the streets ine past | ing, the father, $500, and the young- fo. days, has stirred up bitter feel- $2, x. Ely Synge has Toe nee letter to the papers, protesting ce Montreal, March 28.—A against the admission of negroes into request for the provinces. me hundred square inches of human Premier Sifton stated that there | skin was made ev. Dr. Herbert was nothing in the foteineiat statutes | Symond: re his sermon at Christ keep the negroes out. joard | Church Cathedral Sunday evening ade is committed licy tigid- William Thomas weeks ago fell of tr Jy against immigration of the negro. | on a r The negroes leave to-day for Atha- basca Landing, in which Ment they | tors will take up their iuture hom London Old Boys’ Re-union. ‘a tied yeith a piece of their ai thise inches ‘ jong and one inel es citizens Ia “Inst Seger Pilea Sra re noon gested paste <ohinteck: luring the week of Aug. 7. ‘This is | © % cout the first one in three years, and it is confidently expected that former resi- jormon Treasurer Dead. dents from all parts of Canada and| Balt Lake, Utah, March 283—James the United States will attend. Officers | Jack, treasurer of Utah for twenty ere el follows: President, | years, and treasurer of the Mormon Gol. Harry Abbott; first vice-president, | Church for more than fifty years, died od; second vice-presi- | at his home here yesterday. He art, George Belton; third vice-presi- | 62 year dent, exMayor Stevely; secretary,| Jack crossed the plains with an J. 0. Weldon; treasurer, James Bell: | team in the early sixties. Shortly af- Bankers to Stay In Prison. appoin n, D.C., March 28.—From sources close to the President it was e under all Mr. Young’s suc- Honor for Grenfell. council edly wi the Moraey-General's Tecomm: tion in bot Struck With Sledge Hammer. k which e world’s geographical knowledge. Announcement of the award was made here yesterday. Private Banker’s Death. questions from the, banker table, seemingly bur- aoe Perished In the Flames. Aurora, Mo., March 23.—Dr. D. E. Morris, his four children were The interest in our Carpet and Drapery stock jis at its height during these first few weeks of spring. Give yourself the pleasure seeing the beautiful things, Wilton, Axminister, Brussels, Velvet and Tapes- try Rugs at prices from $5.25 to $60 accord- ing to size and quality. New effects in Lace Curtains, Curtain Nets and Madras. R. WHITE & CO. STRATFORD Furniture Dealers and Undertakers 80 Ontario Street = Try “The Sun’ for Good Job Work YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED GLANDS, BLOTCHES, METHOD nara {We desire to all the attention of all those aflicted with any Blood on sons ia 1d exy system, ast experience ment of tl the ‘complicat bles. us the pl aly es on the plan—Pa; for Decives! It you have doy bi ‘sult us. ‘of an of the New Method Treatmes cers, pimples “and tel aa heal up, enlarged glends ar 2 eyes been tees ‘ssililon and Secrey Settra, es he im'realizes a new life hiss opened ‘YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER x CURED CONSULTATION FREE ‘Send for Booklet on Diseases of Men “THE GOLDEN MONITOR” FREE. Smee ee. for &: Question List burn yesterday in a fire that destroyed the Morris home. orris threw & mattress out of the i wered his wife $1,000 missing from his 1 S R. Freight shies Derailed. window and_ lor hi and seven-year-old daughter to safety and ent to get the oth He er Es Woman and Three Tie: Burned. —— National Art Gallery Opening Nat Harrisbi Ky., ch 28.—In aasteactions ot icin name of es fath-| Ottawa, March 23.— er, J. T. Veach, by flames early yes-| Art Gallery will be opened on April Serdang) Mira Me ee ae 1 Grey will be to three children burned to death. Detroit, Mich, be ae pe e Aidican al etch oe aloes DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont, cis Soe om oats Order Your Easter Suit Now— | You will find our suit- ings the rarest and most exclusive. Our styles are the most expressive, Our Price the Lowest. A trial will convince you that we can give { | you the very best of } satisfaction, J. Fleischhauer From Coming R. LNE R. (Doctor 3 on j Representing the Empire Optical Co., of Tor onto, will be Millbank - March 24th to 31st Linwood, April 3rd, 4th and 5th } Milverton - April 7th to 12th Newton - April 14th and 15th April 17th to 22nd The pee lecce yee seo willbe used Listowel including the shadow t CONSULTATION FRE Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 9 Rot 3 HOMESEEKERS’) tet a leses Manitoba, special _Sastatchon, Alberta 005. Eon dt pel meant TOURIST SLEEPING CARS con all excursions. fortal fully with bedding, ca be vented at mode rte through Early hi Mek po Aorlt sees CE P.R. PbNaa elite L. Thoepsca, ONLY DIRECT Li LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS W. H. SANDERSON, “Local Agent. | A New TION WEBSTER’S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER e. An Encyclopedia in a single boo! The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly million dollars, half a Let us tell you abou’ ¢ this most remarkable single volume, mean When |that the Bealproctty Com ADVERTISEMENT CANADA'S GIFT TO THE TWELVE NATIONS No doukt now that Canadian Farmers are to be Exposed to the Competition of all the Great Food Exporting Cou The Canadian Century was first made @ny such hope. Mr. Robert b. and that get mtries of the World. of the twelve foreign nations or the with the British own United States the privilege of send- greater ¥ would food- thing _t unexpected Eee. in. the Cana- nothing whatever in return fromany dian home ma: Farm and Garden lects bas Tn all | ripen crease | | | on the grain: common northern grain aphis. numbers on the heat R. H. Pettit of the Michigan experi- NORTHERN | [From | thelr bite. | Cultivating the Corn Crop. essential thing in corn cull The tion is to Keep the ground free we “Did I ever the whetencaint: NORTHERN GRAIN APHIS. Michigan Auth: y Believes Its Bark Much Worse Than Its Bite. Probably the most misleading insecs on the farm = the |'son. ft col- during some seasons in great of wheat, rye, rley, oats, sorghum and other near relatives of the grass great nu usually oc- just e grain is in the milk. the instances seen by the writer, ment station, the threatened injury has ie northern grain Before the grain the parasites usually commence destroy the lice. These parasites the ball, causing it to wD GRAIN APHIS, WINGED FEMALE, Michigan Agricultural college ex- perimer tion.] are black for the most part and abont is rapid indeed, but that of the para- sites is still more rapid, so that before pa dein is killed the lice are for the st part destroyed. this me not always “cole! but so far the | writer’s them has | been that their ark is far worse than different periment stations nk an average ee per cent it resulting from as compared with | An Observation. “ver notice it?” queried the man | © who asks question: 8 on the installment nutice what?” queried it the man who shakes hands desea hardest is always the hardest to shake?” News. concluded the other. FOOLS THE BATTERS. The Celebrated Fadeaway Ball Pitched by Mathewson, Hugh 8 Fullerton, writing of the wonders of pitching in the American e, SAYS: ore Mathewson learned the trick of pitching his ‘fader’ there was one man who pitched the same ball in even wore sana style. He was Virgil arvin, now dead, and sessed. baseball intelligence enough to Texan with extremely long and the ball with the middie Japped over the index fn and almost upside down, jerked it sharply backward, The re- sult was that the ball appeared to be ving with curv. Pio ath a gi hbander’s slow curve ball was a freak. pee! did no’ 2 Se aan its and it remained fc ly. He achieved @ point where it suddenly lost batter and away from the left hand one. Not content with that achieve- ment, Mathewson trained the eek that by ae rking or turning his w the instant he let go vf i it he could make it ‘tade’ either way and, even more, could regulate its speed at will. “The fadeaway operates exactly on same principle a billiard ball struck low can be ‘drawn.’ Wher e the pitcher, and if the friction surface was solid instead of air it would do Vgc PAlelbvpa pene} Charge. magistrate looked sternly over his "gold rimmed B yi at the funny individual in the dock. See - ch he remarked, formal complaint, “with eed willy, feloniously and with malice aforethought appropriated to penter, on the 18th day of Septem! anno Domini, contrary to the statute such cases made and provided and Sesiie the sok dignity of this realm. igs have you to say? ace you mite ee ot guilty 7” oner’s face assumed a pea green hue, his knees trembled and he stammered forth: “Not beads guy’nor. yw!” —Tit- All I done was to steal a barro’ -Bits. Her First Vote the evening of ‘ection das, eee one vote today?” “Yes,” replied “Straight eee c seppbeor” smiled her hus! “Well, no,” said Mrs. Higgleby. “Aft- thinkin; platforms I felt that | one’ al as good as the other, so T a my ticket.” “Split it?” Higgleby. “Why, SL Wig ae | “Why, instead of putting an X over e | principally largely of G00D POINTS OF THE DUROC-JERSEY HOG ity to save them, while the fat hogs when ready for market outweigh € |originated in Ohio and constitute the torn belt type of hog. Long grown by breeders who selected for neatness pater elt yates rss Aig ean g consisted Srp: and onlin and low in content of protein and calcium salts, hogs of these two breeds are’ chunky, early maturing and producers. After Weak Cattle. Bran For D; Wheat bran is an gelonioig feed for Mixed. with cottonseed meal it is a’ splendid concentrate. Bal- ance’the ration with good hay. i DAIRY WISDOM. Get the best cows; they are none too Span es fe ey ee THE HOLSTEIN COW. She Stands Out Conspicuously as a Milk Producer. BP milk enjoys a distinction that so far has not been claimed by the enthusi- asts of the other breeds. Some believe that this milk is more yitalizing than, any other kind, but whether there is any such thing as a vitality peculiar to milk is, of course, a disputed ques, tion, An undisputed pci about Holstein milk is the small fat globule. Some prefer it this way, others dislike it. For buttermaking it is a drawback, but for shipping or for cheese it is a to the top of the can or other vessel in which it is scree dp With seer or Gi ik this place Mice quickly, reader with otstela very slowly. For} produces e 4 cheesemaking, Holstein pices is yr the reason that the fat, globules are readily aly fetainea in the curd, Now a word about the faite aad ‘| too, ane their good point easily managed ea not at ‘al peer or suspicions, and no breed ex- ceeds them in constitutional. vigor. The calves are large at birth and are usually strong and thrifty. They grow fast and fatten easily. They are also No difference what cross in breeding is made, the Holstein char- prepotent. both points of utility which many' fal dairymen are believ: pose cows for the special purpose of prducing milk or butter, they do feel! that if a good cow possesses a large carcass that will carry to baad a e ant- asa er finish ier time then are not averse to 50 her, way an additional ee that would not be possible were e extremely angular, with no tend- ra to flesh up and fatten. Parasites on Hogs. that these pests iy rofits. may not profits to an appreciable extent when they rambers. ‘The herd may go on for years without being seriously baci by them, but a time favorable to ites will they ‘el’ infest ah little that the loss the watch for these little “profit eat- ers” and do something to get rid of when saa are found. Preventive easures are always best to control worms or lice. Ration For Dairy Ci We Doliere ih that the fete com- bination o1 cal make as economi- TO MAKE AN ASPARAGUS BED Directions by a Sucoéssful Virginia Grower of the Vegetable. The first and most important feature ina permanent asparagus is having a piece of soil, naturally well drained and handy to the house. It should be the best spot in the gar- n. Make your soil as rich as you can with thoroughly rotted manure, and of spread out ante cover “igh ith ioe richest dirt you can find, or if you are in no hurry for aie aie can plant the seed either in a transplanted or main in the I prefer the latter term nf bed” implies—that is, a rich, deep soil, full of mae as as fresh organic ma' and sunny place and have the pes to run east and west. If you plant three-year-old roots you can cut some asparagus the next sea- are in a hurry, but it is bet- tween the rows to cultivate and walk in when cutting the roots in spring. But I would not stop at merely mak- r two. If y x g 5 gies g B H aragus beds, be well worth while to put on them a good thick coat of manure free from weed seed, It is better to do it in the fall or winter. Haye you looked at your science watch to find out what time it is? Let's wind it up and push the are up to date.—Bulletin, Ohio rersity HELP ALONG YOUR ALFALFA. Spring Tooth Harrow Improved by ‘Changing Shapo of Teeth. “I inclose a photograph of two teeth ries, pol I have ae it changed to cultivate al- falfa,” says an Ohio correspondent of fee teks Farmer. “{ have this’ season used a harrow with the teeth made over, as shown, in my alfalfa, I believe it is superior to all other implements so far put out for this purpose. will destroy the surface ted grasses, that is, blue ss and cral it are such HARROW TEETH, ORIGINAL AND ALTERED, [From the Kansas Farmer.] cutting, if so often is necessary, it can be kept clean, eae beg with- out noticeable ts. It i very seldom font a ae a Illinois stations with the teeth out from the bigitdee but so aah as wag al have not been With changing they will not cut so well in hi harrow in the alfalfa till it is ‘hes high without injury to it Tt ia certainly ou perior to any of the ere PE ca ay barrows used in your Some farmers oy bob use for the experiment stations, they care nothing for pruiealig’ formation, but the man’ who keeps Spohr 3 ots something better ‘to improve farm and. stock is: Ts ailin gets the price for what he has to sell. Getting After Hawks, A young farmer near Dover, has aes a@ unique ar for eateh- ing haw! He has erected a pole about TED: -five feet high pa set a steel trap on top. This being a new perch, the hawks invariably fly to it. st where they will re- method, declares a Virginia corre soonest of Farm Progress. And | o; when ¢ bed I mean what the ter not to. Enough space must be left | woman, SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson l.—Second Quarter, For. “ ‘April 2, 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. - it | Text of the Lesson, Il Kings v, 1-14 Memory Verses, 13, 14—Golden Text, tsa. xiv, 22—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. oh It is a most interesting and profitable bt ie pare end incidents of the In chapter iv, a raeaio e great’ it man and honorable, a deliverer and mighty man of valor, He was a wrath, dead in sins, without Christ. and without God pate i, 1, 8, 12), and’ those who die it condition al forever shut out ee Both 8, 27). In in Samaria, of ne a knew or ies heard many w« the slowness i pelaaiag to tell of the sn they have nothing re result of the little maid’s testi- that the king of Syria sent to the king of Israel with a oe and a lot of silver and gold king king health tor his pate “There was a double istake sending to the king in- aia of ie prophet and in supposing that money coi purchase heayen’s gifts. @ maid had spoken of the Ns) in Samaria, not the proj is a spokesman for with oor men even if are prophets. Such jaye must be laid eae before God can help such ‘The gates of pad eos that the a quarrel come now to me, and he shall senger, saying, “ and w: in Jor- dan seven times, and thy flesh oe come again: to thee, and thou shal be clean,’ aman ee so he turned and went a great thing, then why not do this si ple thing? He went and did as Dlis! had said, and his flesh became as the. flesh of a little child, and he was clean. or effica~ ey in the waters of tage but it was to Naaman a umility ai on tee and apnea to: the e matter of salvation tae the sigue there is only one way, one name, one sacrifice, one precious blood, r wi told by our Lord to give all ‘that he had 2) ant were , an ing the first commandment. I expect that Judas Iscariot was troubled by our Lord's words to the rich ruler, mo xil, seas “Take heed and beware covetousness, Re a man’s life cunsist- eth “not abundance of things w!