Milverton Sun, 20 Apr 1911, p. 2

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The Milverton Sun The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont. pes ane RATES y One year, $11 six m ou cents; ‘three faguthe: a8 ‘cents, in edie ibers in arrears will De tlableto 5 pay $1. 30 peryear, CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES. ptr li fer wilt ry ‘Sharmed for all tran lent adver- ‘Kavertisements without specific directions - Seratnaty inserted until forbid and charged ac- li Ae yntract advertisements must bein the omceby noon Monday. al or x telephone orders will receive prompt ei MALCOLM MAcBETH. Publisher and Proprietor nig BusinessCards Ge safe Dentistry. DH, Rey LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- | him, id Member ialcy, Hours | to5 .bove the "Bank ist Hamilton, Milverton, Medical. F. PARKER, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE; PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON ‘Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m., and 2 to 4 o'clock p. m., ‘and 7 to 8 o'clock p. m. J. R, FORSTER, Eye, Bar, 3 Albert Breet opposite Windsor Hotel, Stratford. Phone 267. Legat MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, ay Stlisitors for the Ban pera in Mverion every Thursday. keg B, M( |, M, CARTHEW, J, C, MAKINS MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Gtrattord, = 0), 47 Ontario e a char, around wi iled. W. J, HANLEY ti BOUND AND GAGGED Colborne Young Man Tells a Remarkable Story. TIED AND LEFT TO BURN A Youth Named Burk Employed In a Printing Office Declares That a ‘Strange Man Tampered With the Safe In the Office, Tied Him and Set Fire to the Block—Several een Were Destroy: Cobourg, April 18—A sensati sare comes a Colborne » piled newspapers aro mm on fire and left him to burn, 'through the fiames and aed Burk, who was taken to the Brunswick ee pespeed from severe burns. set them i|Two citi pres: P. L. TYE, M.D. that a inmates sa clot only thing that they wore. any wild rumors ere afloat. ich, ‘the newepapers members the man years old, with a mous- Desperate Around Fez. Paris, ae 18. ‘The decision of the espatch French 1 Veterinary. is due to RR, Vete by, tel phone or otherwisepromptly pattended A a Societies. —— bch Pera ae 478, R.C., ain ity anes evening 0 ‘before full moon every month in th hallix Ranney’s Block. Visiting breth- reo always wel come, i, Siegner, W. M. __W. J. Zoeger, Si 99, Milverton, meets very second andiTet Tuesday of month, ai sitel Be Son's hardware. store. - Visiting brethren always welcome, N. McGuire, C.R., N. Zimmerman, Rec-Sec. 7.30 p. m. Store, come, _ F, Seey., Visiting poet ane 2, Miller, N, G., W “W. Burgman, R. Seey. Notary Public. W. D. WEIR, Notary Public ‘Auc- _Hloneer for, the Gounty of Perth and Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and Mortgages drawn and Affidavits made. Village Clerk. Office in the Weir block e Bank of Hamilton, Hotels. seve ey ciel 3 ae ceived here ay, war of Span indicates o’élock, in their hall over|* - | Cabot biden the Ree that the internal situation ” | of Morocco ay tong steadily worse. Several Sultan Mi fa Hafid have thrown in the rebels. ans seditio: i in Fez. it self, with ey growing scarce eg trees with the coast becom- ing daily Condition fs U. S. Steel Workers. me ise Ge a leecincel arian Cieatien ae of Boston introduced a tion providing for a committee of a to i to the fin- ira that heal de of the corpor- ation were overwor! - Old Liberal Worker Dead. Bi is “Minnie M.” case. EXCHANGE Fe aa Brunner, Ont. yprietor. Bes hd be: jaors 8 ir ion in lebee stabling. GRAND ee, HOTEL, Mil he verton. class accommod: zommercial iravelers and Fee wpe large somple tabling. Best brands iene of Hagnora a cigars. _ Obas. Ritter, Proprie ee Fast. Sidon rae veda at his six feet fall and ‘tainly well built. Jamming nee QUEEN’S HOTEL, Matinee Ont. | Ottar 1 ‘The best accommodation travellers ae renee anor aid Can Gutablen. | Georke THE ONTARIO HOUSE, Stratford, \d capably con ake Shoicort of s at the F, Paw oes, past se pines pa nines sled eh ~ Rates $1.50 per day. Wa. Wir, Prop due to happen any day now. BASEBALL YESTERDAY. ional ee testis ae Division Court ‘0. 5—Milverton, Morsington, Elma, ey ‘58 to 72 inclusive in 1 Lae concee- _ sion ma east of lot 26 in ae | 18 inclusive. Ellice, north of the isth concession and oe Easthgpe, nort! the 10th conce: 6th, June ee a December FW. Guetie Tas Otowel Cour days, Jan. o, May 10th, July 22, ink are 3th, Jan.’ 10th, clerk. Jacob Ltt gee bai sittings with ju ‘12th at 2 o'clock, County. Sittings | oes | e Ne Wi 0 Monday's Gago 1, Bittspa New: fork & Brooklyn t: exons & st. Louis 1 Philadelphia io, Brooklyn at oet t Cincinnati. “American ‘esau Standing. n. Lost. a ‘Boston se Bow Tork _ id Romuwnwunes fu : a i without ara Oot. 3rd, 2 pan, April 18—Anthony # parents’ who practiced as ote for iwentseven years, has asked Chicago's n Some Raffles ngeles, is living after falling five siones from. isco hotel ae head on the stone pavement. countered, the judgment bath by dofault, and; e subsequent marriage gaits lawyer who had interested ake goer to person: ofer the trail on itch. he death. inspe fo’that ot ‘major aw ths army. Condemn Co-operate Bills. Montreal, ari 18-—Resolutions ot BATTLE ON BORDER & |NON-COMBATANTS © |Field.)The most important battle of ee known there as | j iately en- however, in the fact thas |? therefore there, is no elient available | arms, ernmeni it | This Ps Hon was taken for a Risiolaien af 1 ee a bullet struck his instep. a8) The fifth non-combat a ant equivalent Mexican Troops Are Repulsed at Agua Prieta by Rebels. KILLED Seven Citizens of Douglas, Arizona, Are Shot While Going About Their Business on the Streets — 1,500 Sarid Are Driven Off by Thousand Insurrectos jak’ Great Loss of Life. Agua Prieta, Mex., April 18— (From The Associated Press in the the Mexican revolution thus far was iedei eels and 1,000 rebels under cia. aim ated od the sigtaess ae are at least 200 killed and wi trenches. | Twenty insurgents dead, have been |s brought, into Agua ta, fog it is | said Cees federals’ losses are heavier. | ts fell in a cays hail in sections of Douglas ‘om the beginning of the as basse regardless of the warning without ee the fire of the Gov- Gees that the rebels had 5s! the ise late ee three stragglers from the am garrison who had crossed e rounded yesterday in Alcantar: line. His leg was pierced by a maus- er ballet % 7 ¢ four o'clock the firing, except that x a desultory nature, had goa ing a squad in the geo: ene. ie American, while | user bulle. struck the “front of the city water ,commisioner’s ofits as Bleventh street, twelve blocks f ing bills ne acini? nore adopted By We fared meeting of the Retail Mer ants’ Associ sel es, hat a ghia |e ese Ort ns in where they were looked upon as aa cies, was doors, and ky ona uk ater ley duped. Call for Tenders for Mails. Ottawa, April 18-—The Department erce has called cold storage facilities. Comes Back to Montreal. at the prison gate migration Inspecto for deportation Kew Boat a Ar ail, was ai ee ee Byam Im- ye ; ine. wee ras added late yesterday to the list. of Am e to the citizer Garcia, commander ies , and not as com- mander of the rebels Boat Capsized by Heal New York, April boa‘, filled the tide e through the narrow iand Sound, peonaine) "Ports Totten ua Schuyler, noon, and of its Ga averse three bodies have been recoverei and four were rescu sh. Fasting Hoesital; “where. it me Are Drowned. Portugal. April | 18—The Fernando, ipanis! from Huelva for F iecspool: sank ol oe wee ark the western-most h: ote ty. an & ied. enty-one persons were drowned. Four survivors were landed here by the steamer Portimao. ki | dpen country end aseaniting the Kabel | | ee and with a party of eight Teal: the LADIES a ‘ Montreal Women Are Stopped at the” U. S. Line. , April 18.—A pape of Montreal, : Montrealers who took rok of excursions being dela: at wis Fou would make i plain,” he Ont aft every asseng Si eeieeeen delay, spring. at the United ice in Montreal, fing’ certificats of sdenti Had No oes In aise i 18.—Refe ers might easily avoid any by tes immi- ae get e been received by the Ottawa Government indicating condi- rnment is aware, be- ween the rauENS 1 Bay posts and the ious reeds.” On reports state that the Had. alfb: ing at the line captured d Hudson Bay.” ic Aifiecicarta Hold Key. April 18—“The 8 a judgemen somie welbiaeet aul; beige: Hehe Bazon co-operation is ary to preserve antries of Amer- Kea trom the invasion-of Asia Clergy Support Arbitration Treaty. hee Yor April 18 The clergy- m of Greater New York, represen- | Spring Goods Have arrived and they are the correct thing comprising the latest patterns in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds Trouserings Etc. Come in and see them. The prices are Right. There’s no use telling you about our good work as nearly everyone knows our goods are made up en the premises by the best of workmen. Milverton’s Old Reliable Tailor E. KNECHTE Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices you will find us righ itencan Y Geo. J. Coxon THE NEW SPRING... RUGS and CURTAINS The interest in our Carpet and Drapery fe is at its height during these first few weeks of spring. Give yourself the pleasure seeing’ the béAutiful anne Wilton, Astminister Brussels, Velvet and Tapes- try Rugs at prices from $5.25 to $60 accord- ing to size and quality. New effects in Lace Curtains, Curtain Nets and Madras. R. WHITE & CO. STRATFORD Furniture Dealers and Undertakers 80 Ontario Street t here | Baptist Ministers reso to President ‘Taft, King George, and Sir Edward Grey, tho. British -For- eign Secretary. ay Lauds Borden. uglas, Ariz. April 18—Balasario | class A resolution endorsing reciprocity ting. Hf was adopted by the mee! Not Expected to Strike. ly. It is stated that 12, esent to-beliew re that a rupture will sumbed at Last. ner quest msy be held. sls under the apices « ge the | nfer an “ Try “The Sun’ for Good Job Work. looked upon very serious- | NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MIDDLE-AGED MEN, ths Vibes oF eaty indiscretions at ato ost who are failures in life—you are the ones we or restore to manhood and revive lectric belts re nostrums. jew Method Treatment has snatched mrandnads Frans ths fo ‘of aor: Te homes ints Are yous victim? Have you lost hope? Are you intending to marry? ‘been diseased? ‘Have’ Spas rade ait at eee pee Beda e aoe Seat eRe Confidential. Question List and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. OTIC fil letters from Canada must be addressed ors See us personally call at our Medical Insti wo patients in our Windsor offices which are for ag ee ‘Tongue, Corn, Tomatoes, votives and igs Fee! Oranges; pad and Spanish Onions Hi a new line of Cigars and Tobacco Also carry a line of Choice Confectionery We handle Hoffman’s Bread and Pastry Agents for Guelph Steam Laundry Ice Cream ner or sold in bulk 9S? RSP E> A> HE? EP HS> BS HP M> HEP Mp> E> ASO HEO-AES HD A> Fo Nm NO HFS HO Nee Hye NP Ay tho ako whe we who ve whe ako ule uo ole Dishes, Toys aad Notions : Below Cost whe silo wo who abo who allo ako abo ako uke sil obo ho oko uo ube alo ako abo whe who ale oko who obo lo ke ebbeebe betes Specially Inviting Suit Values At Whatever Price Suits Your Pocketbook Best We can surely. suit your fancy and your form from our range You'll find in this showing qualities of seasonable goods. that you can depend om and you'll find colorings and de- signs that in the segular way are never seen at such prices. Leave your order early trade is large J. Fleischhauer CANADIAN = PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS Manitoba, — laagatyeh APRIL 4, 18 errr 2, sie 30 JULY 11, 5 AUG. Second Alberta TOME * Hs SEPT. 6, se rade in LOW ROUND- TRIP RATES ‘Winnipeg and return $33.00; | Edmonton and return $41.00, and to other points in a Sper Bier pee fictedsbe lh SLEEPING CARS beh ng aoa fen pl Early application must be made and full information. Arse neust GPR, ‘Acs Tosca ONLY DIRECT LINE rh CHANGE OF CARS W. H. SANDERSON. Local Agent. | WHY OWN DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? NEW OREA- Because 7,55." ana “Geld 0 of the world’s thought_ action and cult mare. The only new eicgee eS poe! in many years. Because it se over, 400/000 e ett Justratioxs. it is the only dictionary Because ‘! angen page. A Gecoke of Genius” 5] Because it is an cs re aad in SECANS’ # single volume. it is accepted By the Because {ousts, Scnoole and serene #0 the one supreme aa- Because ‘he who knows Wins pA ipod Let us tell new work. Advocates bad idipi sons are making aking the facts, Since the reeiprocity nego! Si 3 also helped in N ment has been greater in Ontario ADVERTISEMENT Will Reciprocity Increase Farm Values ? From The Canadian Century mee inthe adjoining state of pic ga In the face of sucH facts how foo ish it is to indulge of a su aaaen increase in farm values asa result of reciprocity THE PRICE OF BARLEY ym October ist. 1890, td August . the United States customs Garden "| FIGHT THE WILD CARROT. ‘This Weed Is a Great Spreader, but Not Very Hard to Eradicate. The wild carrot, familiarly known as “bird’s nest” or “Queen Anne’s lace,” is found on wild land and along the from Easiengs It produces stalks from to three feet high and has tall, slender, Sah stems and a September. The lai sects which visit it make polenta tion afmost sure, which partly counts for the as aaa with P which it it Fireside. spreads, ie who would like formation will be mailed free of charge. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson IV.—Second Quarter, For April 23, 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, II Kings xii, 4-15. Memory Verse, 11--Golden- Text, 1 Chron. xxix, 9—Commentary Pre- pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. ‘ody we combine the story of Joash, in his seventh year and reigned forty years, doing right in the sight of the Lord, while Jehoiada, the priest, in- death, as the prophet Elijah sent word that be would. It is written of him that he de Bs without being desired (11 scan a0 Jehoahaz (or Ahaziah), bis youngest pis succeeded him, all his older broth- ers having been sl: the §: rd six years while Atha relgned over "the land GL Kings x, 3-3; Il Chron. xxil, 10-12). eek’s lesson how, in his seventh year, Jehoiada, the priest, the city was quiet: (xi, not confuse « ar- | woman, had pa up the house o: | Levites to go We cannot think of Israel as a nation all nations ney- er to be pulled up or scattered any more. ; ‘When Israel was numbered it was the law that every one, rich and ocr, should give a half shekel as atonement meee a ransom Br his soul, and |. this © to cartes Oe "ene Lord dis. Xxx, 11-16). T referred to in yerse we pa for the sons of Atbaliah, that wicked wed the dedicated Joash rtrartes the Judah-and gather to repair the house of the Lord but this collecting busi- state and Hage ar it (verses iss II Chron. Vv, have pacinely. “tried the box has worked splendidly. long year I ever solicited money from any one personally or eae “any one a wo. aay collec find there | Jehoiada at te age of 130 years, and his murder of the son of Be = bis Tests are written in xxiv, 1 jo Forgetting. ‘But, ana.” pleaded the son, fee! @ nice girl. What's your objection my marrying? You were young aan eee se tattle overcome with emotion. “It was then that I met your mother.”—Cleve- Leader. "| eut down before seed pees "t remind me of it,” said the | ‘spt , Says It is a biennial, aia the first season it produces rather a low vegetative growth. The second season it sends up long flower stems. are very numerous, and if the flower stems are been form- ed new stems will come not very hard to eradicate. Good cul- Photograph by Iowa State College of Ag- riculture. WILD CARROT. tivation will keep it out of sense fields, especially where there ro- eae ast ae! one or more Guavae ed must be done repeat- edly to Keep the new flower stems that spring up from carrying their seeds to maturity, but persistent cutting will ter, sprayed on when the plants are vhariatee have repaired th he spend the winter days? Tobacco Stems For Fertilizer. of trace of phosphoric acid and 5 or 6 per Cyne of potash. They usually retail around $14 a ton and are tive Agric ~ Advice to Corn Growers. ae corn ee eae had bet- ke his own from bis own . elie ér: from ie. best fields of ‘eLetbOPEE farms. Try Peppers For Profit. ars ma: i wn in all rts of the country, and market prices tensively than a few years ago. Pruning Note. Currants and gooseberries may be Pp soon as the leaves fall, or | the work — may be left until early ring. Cut back one-third of last. year’s Broyth and thin out’ surprus, disea: unthrifty s! shoots. Dramatic Criticism. into the enor the st Paul Pioneer Pr tthe are Piducanie nrocliene lost every year by sowing poor not expect a _good crop when mae This weed is a demon to pains but | Then id work, but it is quickly done. they contain something over 2 per cent | no! er ‘the money.—American. jal 50 out ers | what tts id hat si ‘Umiting the orehard’s of the mer long, clear on up to the ist of Sep- tember, and last season I put a strip of e in or- sels ibe under, us! to r the tops veal the pee ae jak the grass. The field is then Gaia and disk harrowed, the harrow being set over so as to slightly loosen the upper or buckwheat is harro bushels per acre. It was found that the buckwheat will keep down all the witch grass surviv- ing, and the littie that is left will bea killed if the field is plowed Se left e furrow over a item 1s made to harvest the Tacewnaat but the improvement of the soil in the de- ould afford some direct return for the labor. ‘The greatest need of American thought and of the best, but who shall give it if not the owner? GROWING WATERMELONS. Directions For Cultivation of This Luscious, Big Bodied Fruit. ean it, like the cantaloupe, r be sown directly ini the hills About twenty seeds should be pus! down, pointed end first, in each hill. This sounds like lots oti A GOOD SPECIMEN. In the Pithe cheap Sie: 63 so easily grown that every home garden may ee meee a ‘rif fleshed variety ee melon whieh! fa ab eaatik ee presen Orchard and ‘Garden. Some OT, have soll fertility, ‘but viet ba need productivity. them up with a large ball of frozen earth about their roots. froz ball of pes is a perfect protection to small and tender roots. ‘When the thaw comes see that grapevine trellis is act into nice. ‘page, | Was ten ep iro ts, tighten and fas- ee ee ran vines, remove and as Lh chrysanthemums bushy and time to time * Dig out and burn ed diseased trees. Put the ashes in ‘the where tie od eer a few shovel- | Winter is one of the best times of the | f ye for transplanting trees. OPINIONS ARE MANY U.S. Congressmen Widely Di- vergent on Reciprocity. o PAPER MAKES AN INQUIRY New York American Makes a Poll of ly. is already secretly at work odasnery trea lak He aaa ington in a appear before the Senate Committee on finance in opposition to Canadian e “and that results were. very “etiion: ¢ it RES g ReRe2a x ©; e0c000 900;;; Eeusee esel ily ewoocece. scat Pe aeameaton eis and Produce. Ee Der higher, Iccal trade continues quiet Tne demand for bran and shorts 1s good CATTLE MARKETS, Union Stock Yards, and ‘sales of Were made at $85 per ewt, fals of » roe bana with the

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