Milverton Sun, 27 Apr 1911, p. 3

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buita-| er of Hemiton sage i gis days here im ‘Speqial. bi Mr and Meee Behaub, a days at | New mburg. spent aay reyes fi weel 1. Was penis 1B Oliva "Glebe ‘eft this ictea Thom: intends a cours in the. ladies’ colleze. |. Hoftm: of Ba- iends, Vere interesting -even ‘last Nyaa the le ery: ably assisted the Mrs of Bi visitor ie a reas aad vantiea: knap. who room earing Ch the last aes months, rnia. was the village Tact, week wore after the; painting and Seooree Boy h the! Ea, home Suuenag!conatige tavernas ee ets when their eld: | accent his tender. in ~ John L. Hammond has rented w a re north from the Moride. Only. the immediate ‘relatives Tillage to phere with Lin were presen ed at the home of Mr. day: ‘sturdy son of the cow can ‘take his ‘place, as be has done in seeped right for is a aman eae, s ee ie as the ‘will keep on scrosing aa HBechelors stands in the nat Pere eee h his greatest needs all the ages. é CAL CONFERENCE Ss vening’s cession of the Ev- eat held at Be Tc 7 a M. Bipot. Tur. Sel "Brown, pupae: He 1 come Cred nae Mr. am| ea, ‘Tescue. and 1 rman girl ind | Wellesie et in |seecit they mh sendy to moderate in Soe tit A: ; fy [ett rik i a rome pen at, Linwood. on Sunday, April 6th. t and Mrs, Albert Rau. a iz? x ‘Diet mesday. ‘So ae uae A very nleasant event Py At ‘at- ‘s. John their sich ong Sunday last. Tarmers are aire seeding ‘these Bunck ia at present saw- mg for M Mr. Geo. Diehl. ‘yville. has vicinity with =e bat a number ¢ last Wed- ie Hae hay A number of thd msteltbors of poe hom A. Baumbach gathere peas ed with and, her 5. D, Smith of Kuh hry- eee ville vised i the lgtter’s parental fhome last yw is | Reet th ewe ‘funeral of the latter's mother at bank on Friday. CHRMaN | GIRLS POR FOR ‘CANADA nto Mail and Empire Cates brides for Cana: ind mi ‘Y are coming gallantly toll possibly 5,000 attra tive ‘irls will be on ha: snows: Sst | But why. mot § give the Gahadinn Henry attended | e Whitney's third Mr: ere! the Wo in’ noon, will MacBeth and Dr. Lederman will ad- dress the meeting. ae ped that the attendance will tet rs, W. Simpson. ey fap Carthage. pans Sunday ‘Ma ster Les- with week with friends in Stratford. x BRUNNER. on Saturday after fale a chap ee uties | in Coboconk on “Monday last. ‘s, Taylor. Wm. Hunt visited friends in un fargaret “Eleming. of Poole. with her cousin of Poole. spent Sy cence ee furnish labor an dangers wisited friends tn Harmony Suey ith ae jing Tey fra hs oe res on Sunday. Miss Annie Tipping. of Listowel. aa the guest of Miso Beatrice Clark last week, ters. Mrs: Loi md son Freddie visited Bites at and. Mrs. 01 rs, T, Whitney Bee a few days with pees in Stratfor randparents Mr, }Mamser, agin ergs Clark _ fee spent a week at home of Mrs as . Bowers and baby. of Lon- don. are at pecs visiting: ae var- parents Mr. ana, daughters Elsie and GI Spent adew hit a3 days. ‘ining ber arrothee Mrs, his of River. spent several days of Pee the guest . |" Mis ‘Della se pent a ae nds with 4° Bie w. Collins En a = Bs Tact tt at Toronto, Geo, Schenk and Miss Louise Schon ofBerlin. Spent Sia day at Mr. L. A. Heit ess) Le day at St. Ja Mr. and Mrs. N. returned from Toronto on tes eras ‘latter had been spending some tim leimler pare Sun- . Dierlamm and chitiren. et ‘spent a few day: cheng at the residence of Mees pan Mr, Norman Ament left on Satur- akg a oaat ‘ion as ie S- tore of Messrs. Gre: Mellie | Salinuee Leh a Ss Ao 4 caer retui ‘hursd: after a bee inesagaeg visit with friends W. §. Anderson returned home| Shag tree ha i a Mrs, Wat: of| Gor anche Walker returned to], tas Mrs, Schaefer and Mrs. Forbeck.| of Poole visited Sunday with Mr. P: at mak Mr, Richard Milner accompanied by his shingle erston. motor- 13th Mr. Wilcox. of Palka ed uo fo Mr. Milner ay the where’ be pen st Mr. W. C. Quickfall, of Glenallan. was_a business visitor in the village fa r. Wm. Carnochan and son Ear] ida in i Heory. Wilke accompanied by his ‘mother. of Tavistosk 1 spending a teve ca eae a Sigd vs Beak ct. en tenting cine eer Lutheran Syn at Bi: On ‘Thereday ‘of last Week as Mrs. guinea a teithea ‘ist church and ‘ays took angya eso art in Ce connected, with- that bod: re CRAG aes ee she: w: a of pecing ‘ation being a. great. i , HAWKESVILLE. 13 Ity in finding t Re cthelbte edge ‘operations are now full swing. ev. “Mr, Art! thurs, -B. x Ce A sane eaten meeting of ‘the 2 “earns. 7 Hen: Zett "MARRIAGES. Doe i — At Guelph. on April a eae N. Hawke. eye. sley. on Wed- ina. eldest. Giue—ae- Linwood. on Thursday Ap-| f a er ‘Se s) Li ‘h, ae Glue~ Shep 87 year: 191) aK, Living- 4 relict of, the inte faaclnie sh, J. i} tat pelict of the J. oes ‘aged 76 years, @ monthsand Jobtistor h Sb fad K cowki Lake.| Kerr fon. in bi ist year. a £) aga. lay. wey 19th. 1911. wzabeth Mof- late Andrew Don- m Atwood. on Tuesday. April oe ahs on es Longmir zee lea hy 1. om “Friday. April eae Pi Waiter Johnston: aged 65 10 e¥. on. Sy Apri 1 18. “ib ‘Matitaa x ph late James ne ere ged tee and 2 months last vot- | ore -0. <in, Wellesley on Thursday. Ap-| Fire Insurai nd Mh nry pe of check Back" 6 sh, samiiton caiiahine of April, season is ae TS are now dete for seeding. Fall leat ae looki aster visitors have come and gone f it, Mr. E. Diefenbacher has returned to Saskatoon wack. ‘We hope they ma di fhele life in’ Hawkesville, very’ vlea- Dil RECTORS’ MEETING. ‘mers’ Mutual the members of the Board being pre- hinge eS $97,650.00 were a The the i6th day of May. usual time and place. é J. Hammond, Secy. We. are. for the Appleford ‘Anyone peauirina.,9 ik books will do well to see Detroit Everybody is enjoying the: bright | ee >a eats Thompson's family arrived be ae te Pursuant to adjournment the dir- in ie) ti wood. on Tues-| M the isth day of April, 1011, ail plications tor Fae amount-|q a Mr. a Ar -Fish-and Mrs. Boyd, mo afew, days in the vi casion of thei visit being ¢ the funeral of & of their Srandy mother the lat The clasts rec opened | a Monday. | her nephew. weeks from illness, he unity i Monat J jest epi it "Tearned of the . Seip place.- vail Waterlog where she with her daught smeoting wa journed Till Puesday | ug to meet at the her parents met husband who they moved onto. Fair- w which fing-farm is now. the Wray rent Saturday lone last Sith friends| a day or Step cam week with. thes iy jan Lutheran church pastor of Flo: Men! Call in and see our new arrivals in Etc., for spring and summer wear. nnn “WATCH US GROW” We are now safely settled in the Pfaff block. Our stock is ‘now complete having just added $3,000.00 worth of new goods. Our prices are moderate--compare them with.other stores, :-: : 800 yds. of new Dress Goods Dress Goods 50033, of ne Dress Goods jack. All the leading poo in black, navy, car- dinal, brown and mauv. Shirt Waists {iste rr steck 4 Prices that cannot be duplicated.” At $1 t0°4.75, reduce this stoc! Ic, 0 our cee ye ={a Ne See Sie a double crder in 4 “Raincoats 3: plat avatar 26 for one week ONLY will be $10 coats 9 39, $9 coats 7.90, $8 coats 6.90, Just afew words. in regard Wall Paper to the American Wall Paper we iandle, Our prices are rij We can afford We have been appointed agents Glothing for Lailey, Trimble & Co., Li ed, Toronto. for their celebra Clothing, made t your measureand guar- 100 camples to choose from. Prices Sra up to $ ar spring order sold overa,200. rolls so far this spring. Moulding to match all pap ‘Try us for your next Coffee order. We Coffee grind all our coffee fr 2 cakes Sweetheart Soap for... +15 cents 2 pieces New WM. K. LOTH PHONE 19 Linoleum $2.25 Lace . Curtains All MILVERTON, ONT. Prices SRT LE ELON | a Milverton Millinery -Parlor- lag Bupa STYLES of early spring always have an especial fascination. Never were colors more adorable; from the soft mauve hues in the new silks and chiffons to the bright rose pink. It is a year, too, when flowers bedeck the spring hats, and that al- ways makes a gayer season than the years when only ribbon, net and velvet are used. In afternoon and’street hats, ni one style which seems to have claimed all of the attention of arbiters of fashion. Toques of various styles, trimmed with quills and bows and ornaments of straw are a part of the trimming on some smart hats for morn- ing wear. The hat need not actually match the gown this season — but in its trimming there must be some ig, Seas of the de with which it is worn. ~ property of Mr, N. Roo where Rey. Mr. Eifort. the 4 co ea NEWTON. House cleaning is the order’ of the ry. Mr. John Donley returned home on oer Poesia after spending a aie J. Alexander. of betwet visited Mrs, D. Beyd over 7 Ella Tanner returned home on dnesday night -after visiting with ae and son on Thursday ieee Peartoccanen hey will resi oe I has gone to Detroit to attend nthe wedding of rs. Chas. Donley attend- A the funeral of bah former’s aunt Mrs. Kerr on Mr, and Mrs. J. poe are mov- ing into T. Whaley’s house this de . Ross and daughter vis- ited teiouas in Stratford last week. iss J, Squire spent Saturday. ev- eming with her cousin Miss Ella ‘Tagmner. Mr. R, McAllister. of Fernwbank. - called on friends in town om Sunday { DORKING. Hanley. of Port Hur: is spending a few days with hae PE Kodaks and Supplies WE HAVE A-GOOD’ASSORTMENT IN STOCK. ALSO A FULL LINE OF SUPPLIES, estes GOLD. WATCHES and CHAINS AT GREATLY: REDUCED PRICES SOLID GOLD EAR RINGS THE VERY LATEST ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING RINGS ALL STYLES AND PRICES DUTCH COLLAR PINS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Bastendorff, 7hc,Eve Specialist y “The Sun” for Good Job b Work alm a a trin to berg with Bis begencties ie last Sund Palmerston. cms with his seppten n last Sunday Miss. May mahan is confined to her room with am attack of typhoid fever. Miss McK: ‘ay. of Glamis, has accept- position as teacher in our pub- ie ecto! arrived in town on Satur- Mr. Short. of Linwood, patted. aes. — ited friends in ends in Linwood on Saturday. TRALEE. The farmers are busy preparing for seed Rol is progressing tavorabiy "after beind’ contin ied with Mr, Clarence McLanghlin -and aster Monday in James mass sy: is busy re- flooring his kitch Mr. Martin Linaacds purchased a fine colt from Mr. C. Ewing. of See our new line of Ironing Boards, Bake Boards Curtain Stretchers, Clothes Dryers, Kitchen Sinks Rolling Pins, Ete. =a “—P Torrance & McMane Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Carthage. underskirts included. Mr. ‘Alex. Wood and mother spent pee in Dorking. and , Mrs. Small. ot El Jobn. mira. spent Bebe: at Mr. J. bape Se aes CARD. OF THANKS. and Miss Seip desire Mr. J. Gs Seip and | ta bokeh * nie “sincere oe ‘mai = dering their recent: af= Advertise: gl. SR it will Pay Yous _ in “Ghe Sun” WHITEWEAR| DISPLAY Never before has thi verton such a beautiful display of Whitewear as we are show- ing just at ‘the pres- ent’ time. White Waists UR STOCK of Ladies’ White Waists have arrived. As we bought all the traveller’s samples, there are no two alike, but a great pile to choose from in fancy and tailored —- long and short sleeves, Night Dresses We HAVE samples of White Night Dresses, neatly tucked ‘and trimmed with lace and inser- tion’and embroidery and insertion. Some are nicely embroideried with low-neck and short sleeves, or long sleeves. Corset Covers E ALSO have traveller’s sam- ples of Corset Covers, Etc., all’kinds shown, plenty to choose from. Call in and price them. Underskirts E Ree showing a big range of e Underskirts with dee embroidery and insertion. Sample WE WISH to particularly draw your atten- tion to the above mentioned samples as they are exceptionally good values. Had these been bought in the regular way, they could not be sold at the prices we are asking but as they are samples you can buy them at and below the actual wholesale price. We’ have 2 complete stock of Lace Carisias ©” 5c ty $5.50 .-by the yard Lace Curtains hand at per pair Also CURTAIN MUSLINS, Ete. ye eet We.aim to give satisfaction to each and : every customer.- 1M SCHAEFER [tone we sloping; every tim he |sult of that the hoof will stand the wear and tear a muc |than a horse with a short up and |down formation. We like a fairly slop- Ing shoulder for the same rea ought not to be carried away with the because a horse has a a long pastern and sloping shoulder es becoming-a fad. | I have seen horses that were too long and sloping in the pastern and [Bepine 6 Be fee in the shoulder, but | We wan away from that short,’ | upright Ped iy and we ought not ja | fairly sloping coon far from the | old fashions va not at all |too much for the ee draft |e se. acca cae | About Rickets. | _ Rickets—or “progressive rhacitis,” as | veterinarians call it—is a disease the | cause of which is not fully determined. | It is, however, most common in regions ieee the mp tf ae in lime salts | an many recover when fed iil oats. HOW THE SILO HELPS. By means of the silo more of servative feeders estimate that the silo doubles the value of the forage crop. alfalfa hay saved4hinety-six pounds of corn, and estimated that 1,520 pounds of pork were produced from the. alfalfa bay' from each acre. soe aeveloficg bone, muscle and the vital organs, makes more of grain digestible, se the appetite and keeps the bows ifa is pe the best hay for hogs, although the bay from any leg- ay best feeding condition and da hay cured in a way to preserve the leaves as green and fresh as possible. Fattening hogs need oe a moderate quantity of hay, ‘so that they will consume seven to Might pounds of Ly a ‘the | hee they will eat, consuming the leaves only. Hog raisers are often advised to ent or grind the to cut and soak The hay should be fed whole and dry. for hogs—H. M. Cattell, Formerly of Kansas Agricultural College, Points on Swine sect atl best result Much depends pee the sire.» We look to him for improvement and should expect it, and even though an one hog that can lay on fat and Sones: food into money with the best econo- ™my will continue to be the choice of breed there equally applicable to i Ds kept farm cvnditions, pave the herd should ie beter graded ews which will sbear a fairly hea Be hd and Re ied same time protey, a lamb T fed corn and alfalfa hay 100 pounds of or-| ta cut out, and td that end Mr. Hale % Ramil con ‘|Jamentable thi ment for revising Ee with general approval and be ffect. The proposal pk weagoaatee e pek E. H. AYER, - and unending worries. A NEW IDEA Rev. raise Fisles ae Alberta. notion people drink Deane ee like ae taste joa it. bor that bake. Therefore ‘the sociability 1s the thing [2 would. divide the stalls, each accom- This would put stov to treating. ean) it is hard ee his Gear watch. The ae a ures. But wl not indiviagel troughs? APPEARANCE AT HOME Don’t say that i it age ae to him te re: bossible. Pcleeiane. her arounistan se ———_-—_— vexing), WANT MORE WHITERISH ‘hee rey of all thd fish w. erd yielded only a little over “1,000, 000 pounds, means if During the raed 20 years nea ermen out of our kk is | 000. whitefish | ai ie whitefish fry Pia ae ed its calmoa tront as it wou ry. call Pet stelle? Why a f doesn't matter sty of haps Nae glade aie: befor ride, in the appearance of his fa amily. peepee} crm TLDIN fo meow struction rune DENMARK TO AMEND SUFFARGE BILL ae peed in parliament a i ny the whitefish id esteemed 0 cents a pound this loss of over $400,000 ay the = Christian nu Denmark the government has THE Serena MAP woll as the material of which stricture is compose: Bost, and. fire ing in the country is show! . THE CRIME of Ts ee, ‘cenit: : ind women over fea ay years of By far the largest map in the world| the lower ul 3 . but oN ea Before the upper a han altro ge hantiies Wnoriet BE nearly i alé the mi surveys and of-| Denmar! ost approximately 1,000.-| yeara from. the mos! ATS. most navian nations on the woman ques-|; oni Vico Up to four years ie vie wo rds. Alliance met aripeke in outs Ehta ae Be any masvsioaly read ad- lamp vane The bill id acted upon it. Wi a the bill passes vanced in four backward to rogressive al i nea |e mem Baiayed would seem older as did not love the fanncier mach a the ily took London Trutl wer to the argu Sta ride im fog demonst: shee ean hey scsompliied in restoring Two years bo ined a 5: ot College: Sb ge mission. which oueht tohely we aste places. Any farme: di Toron! (eg h gives \a logical ment that closer tr annexation, En Tand and ‘i th eri iendly to only $015 oo. oe WIL, I i esa nt ton tes ta! * tai the’ platform in snd itm BB ada should Gee tics as to o thing that. will ‘benefit them, not they see that au their organizing ‘helping the see pitaliats of tae Montreai to secure further and Be ‘ger dividends at their expensst : ‘The Valuable Sheep. _ occupy the same position jong the various animals of the farm that clover, alfalfa, cowpeas, beans. other m | | years the Aires po of tim! 9 ie the la aiinia iat "BENEFIT PLANTING TREES - sie Between 1863 and 1878 t; trees were ed on half ea ley /mountain ‘have incre “the villages have. Reet i “The wail comes onto’s, ity shouters that ithe taunt ot Ole a ing ada- are being organized: in «| Winnioes. my Stee asked. “Where i “Des- e 5 ae) ie in Jeni big: | friend. clared that what he when he uttered the exclamation was movement of population from East to He edmitted. however: thet hip] p le to look! t the CER. . train, for nd it is indeed the Canad It went vodt fat er eearioaile ie hen questioned further de- had in his mind Manitoba ae ‘per cw! Toke ‘Manitoba. is a aerertHaats to: full control of*all the naturi ces. whic Bere PEL LOD sy e+e reese

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