GEMS FOR THE DURBAR GATHERING IN INDIA WILL BE A RIOT OF JEWELS. Most of the Historical Precious Stones in the World Will Be Assembled pire—Koh-i-nur Will Be First In Rank, But It Will Not Be Largest By Any Means. ‘Those who study their papers cate- fully will perhaps have pene an inconspicuous Sree to the’ Brit ish Regalia, says an English wie to already taking thought for the neces- es transpors of the crown jewels London to Delhi. Slight as the allusion was, it set ing—it tage eet thinking many otliers, tori ga great Durbar of 1911 is tes tined to jown to history no other reason, it will atest Sie Be & 4 ge B ot 3 ly all the great jewels of the world ossess, ‘The Kolvinur has already a lone regs such a. ape of, 180 ome years ao for the endrmous rico of, $2; The Grey of Baroda has three famous stones in his possession, #] Star of the South; the Akbar Shab, and the Euge: rst weigh of the first. water. er He ‘igh have Era uae for it ‘ane fae The second (sometimes called the mit and loose, “with ‘imitation pearls, same discarded robe of state, splendid diamonds than’ these “aah ane eae 03 Durbar the blaze of dis once more adorning the same durbar, with its old companion, the tomb in Westminster -. Bare ane and ea ee nine-hundred-years-old record But. when all is et it Ct fou the Dy tions, iva ‘processions, ot gnolailiver: : ae or ee, sound o: KINGS AT THE FONT. The Poplar mente of the Sovereigns f En threo individuals since the Conqueror zed the sovereignty of England at 8 This rem eorge pine thirty-one stare G i Biephen ae John, it these were the onl; cept the two Tamsses, who over, it is thi ts they should bear pate name a the ron saint of Hee lan entree rd ‘present King is t list in point of numbers, he tty the fifth to bear i three names, then, Sea Queen Victoria, VIL, “tie” with the Henrys. PALACES UNCOMFORTABLE. Kings ay meets Shivered With Cold Before is ae of Louis xa. i France there wi i t but not eee comfort. able A panilae byt folding screens and Borapie tras ier furniture in the halls and par- en eb better protected from draughts, had a | to. fire in it, and more comfortable seats than the Sine rooms. he the house, on leaving the b ber, aaigh fin ae known ety tate naps eer ee be al ect was being ne that he must go Ds bed without si The peddler tatot ‘his “Pardon my asking ma’am, coghonehes as es, I am, an: opts Drepurtion that I don't — ardon. mi is is new "nd, It drives them aie Hires ene “acre ‘Thoughtfu ‘What's it Forth?” “Twenty-five cents he Package." "I'll take a packag wena her not too hi Her variably. Sieer tort repay it. How a, a Peanut Butter. Take g throt re the “hi He ‘ihe ug) Tete PS opper tae 6 finest knife. 8: ee and work in eae little Sood ‘putt oughly. A will mi If Sis; ts wi fang: ‘the butter, th will not eas as 01 he e. It is, moreover, probably the ite mame am only because it represents a warrior Be Warned hy Headache It Tells of Serious Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys. DR. CHASE’S ccs KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS You can stop a headact -fertul dru ugs. | Bue ie tenet baste wise to A headache almost always warns you vil. | of derangéments of the digestive sys- 2 ee ® Pad ni which will soon lead to more danger |e ous gregh than hea Invigorate the aces a ‘the ere FARMS 70H Sate J, W. DAWSON. NIN Me TY COL- BORNE Street, Toronto. HUNDRED A ORE {OR ES—COUNTY oF ent —brick hot cheap at thirty-five hun: te a eno; house, Neen iar HALTON bd wenty miles fro1 ¥ we mee DATE HUNDRED acrES—| ti nty Peel; seven thousand. HAVE ALL SIZED FARMS—BOTH ney 5, improvedand unimproved-—in Alberta, Saskatehewan, Manitoba. “If going West we |it-will poy you ni and the FR, ates GRAIN AND DAIRY ald rake pr Gondanms to suit you in Old Ontario, W. DAWSON, SON, NINETY cOL- * BORNE street. e Main 6990. Nights and holidays, Two CEacadeed, and Seventy-two Wright avenue Phone Park PEE ALO OM, SASK,—DO YO ache, backache or aching limbs, you can be almost sure of relief and cure when you cleanse and regulat Malt diate Uy iis aie alvorn CHaests Kidney Liver Pilla They are wonderfully prompt, as well as definite and thorough in ac- ted your case, so is the casa toroid’ ‘condition ah the liver and kidneys. don’t feel like risking % merits, One pili a dose; 25 cents a | box; all deat See Edmanson, “Bates ‘onto. & Co., 4804° AGRI EDGEL DISERIGT apatite MatvileHorina Srey "Good house and 350 (pacer caltivation. This district has never had hail’ and seldom ; terms REAL ESTA enon AND ITS OPPORTUNI- and particulars of our co-operative syndi- cates, write Box 292, Saskatoon, Sask. 11 WANTEDSOUTH AFRICAN ae ; 3" land warrants—apot_cagh ia write or wire immodiatsly, Boddore, 608 Mcintyre Block, Winnipeg. AGENTS WANTED. t|BULTONS COVERED with your own material in Plain, Oval, Bone, Rim and combination styles. Call, , in spite of the fact| write or phone for prices. Mail’ orders at Magna Charta, the foundation of ied. English, liberties, was @ produc is reig ie sei neaees that the great promptly TORONTO DRESS PLAITING CO., ee North 3843. 600 Yonge Street, Toronto. ras: Dubois et Fils, i +t | DYERS, CLEANERS AND MANUFACTURERS OSTRICH F STUDY OF OTHER $e end - ways kiss oe ae ne first ad Satie street, Ot- al oars, ly for particulars t {t if you don’t apply for particulars to liars’ Dept, 25 rr ae eer nothers-end girls. AD} mothers an ish Canadian Inc a trl Albert street, Otta’ MEN nee sin spare time; no experi: ines erpsolally vee “Dy iy Dep iopaat, , DESERTED BY THE BRITISH. Official ase Family Kl miei eae rs issing is moi English-speaking pe se That is, the fficial Of co endures, "bat only igh potentiates can sp Nets Politicians. re a pare democratic thei cabinet eh that which to-day con- the destinies ty the Australian ealth Cineear ? W. M. Froghes, nore ut once a swagman, ster, later a bookseller, is Australia’s oat torne) le ent iver al beet respec’ ectively President of 1) enate MoGregor is a auaees ‘8 anor ley, an Insorance agents Delenee in ister Pearce, a carpenta stoms Mi: ister dor fet hatter 8 ister fo Batchelor, an. eng stmaster-Gen h is miner, while, prior to en Parlia- in the gold-mines of Gympie, Queens- 0 Tite "Hnglish inter for kissing is and. Of the men who have thus risen from the ranks of labor to the highest positions in a great Dominion, fivi are Australian, two are ny one American, and Wales and Cornwall supplied the Attorney-General and Pintnaster-General respectively. Home DYEING Ts the way to Save Moncey), 3 ‘Try it? as Washing with UST | quik OF ITT won, Sik of Mlnod rye cents, for your Ds esends Eee aoe ate ‘Phe Johason-Ruchardso ited, Mont LSS SY SY SY SY SY SY EY EE SY. Salata ti tial “Between Two Loves” By BERTHA M. CLAY Author of “Which Loved Him Best,” “The Wedding Ring,” “On Her Wedding Morn,” Etc., Etc. RAS ARIR IR ISIS ISIS TSB IES TEAS IB ICIS IIE AE IS ICIS AA strange it seems! [ hever thought that|to bend down and kiss the lovely, and genie ha Genel aneay ‘Ministers paren ane Findley are by trad I Te SR De ee M % C4 e e Z| I knew how to e e c e e e he Ake he Aha Ate he te he Bh A ie Relieved by Lydia ni coms E Ree -* ‘ De WY SM SY SY SS SY le Se i ss oe ud ad isy.”_ said the ‘shalow a a weheuiy tore. “I have not saltered my| “God bless ing abroad—syall you be| most involun willing fa leave your mother and come} “God ‘has ‘a but tbat is wis I should have liked,” would totlow 3 you to the tees! bounds 1 ree re ally love me so very mucli, a 3. am’s t oor pte aie Se Sa ae dons d , Lam so neat hen I got = wished the birds eine next chine de ameae Wine aes Erne happy by telling her. of the little iE wan Say Se ‘that ‘overs. party he sa scitiey on her. Yo am very clever r, vand you are ‘tr “store ee “Wh: that fa Dress Well |- ery Ceca I shor ld like to pene tol He could re- | wh: d ladies not at all | “Only gels I shall be abl eness. believe you ee es one of es TEACHERS WANTED. WANIED—A TEACHER FOR BOX ‘Alder school; salary $475. Address George agail Strachan, Sen., Box Alder. ie te ewtully Meat mi excited WILLOW i ead A milete aan Cie HONE M. TEL ALN tah a 97 KING panics WEST . - TORONTO oe Biverd A City of Wealth, Fh Eine lds and rds. wil THE MODERN A ATHENS. Up-to-Date Shops. he Athens of to-day, rai ash Carpenter, is the. brightest, gayest | and busiest elty of the near east. With those of the best cities of Buiire, “and its stores are full of fine town grows as fast Blackberry bushes’en top of the Blue ridge ut 60 years ago it had something like 10,000 people, who | melt in 900. misereble houses, _ To- day it has almost 200,000, and among ms Mona se wdeliye hate in toxury as high a’ anywhere else in the wo! ass over the ground where Dio. Rib ee table ‘women. and Hayes, at their establishments. The ve or understand how to do Saloniki, an from ie Armenians everywhere good Lord deliver us!” ith We as te FIRST AND SEG! teachers, holding Drutesional | rtificates, to take positions in pet and “Alberta; ighest salaries Paid Address the Moose Ja Ris eae pee Box 445, Moose Jaw, Suskatohew PHOTOGRAPHE! ‘that 8 all ou ”’-said the Heute dee ee lop. A. 19, 1911 .. enone to fatale on trashy oe “Gives ‘you, false ‘dons’ of lite?” “Dat’ De hero of de dime novel eae ee jail, and oe BL néver BEPH Molabin to. _breal eak ey ih Bs 8 os at a compliment?” she asked, TI J - of vite,” she | father Me nin nalts “No; you ki AMATEUR PaOTO GRAPHER — developing 1 roll, 10c.; printing, ach, Amateur supplies. Mepoest The Photographer, Fort William, Ont., scam A MONEY MAKER sors ag ican Bera ) TWO-SPEED SPRING FRA ponoecrcres rans-Atlantie Record, the Economy Record 8, U. holds th sake Beiebnven Machine im this country. “Waite ORCYELE & EQUIPMENT CO., 192 Kir St: West, Toronto, } .GGS For HATCHING. Lebman, Lashley, Pa. pet BOUR TURKEYS— 8, 83 fottle: Ancona and Pearl Guinea. eggs, $1.50 D Geo, vi nad been kind with a d ken aback by her ane yet shay ee on a repeti- 5 a OM oss Go HILL POULTRY YARDS. Combe Rhode Island Reds ; pen epaed by first and special prize cock cE es ef a show, 1910; properly mated; per 15, $82) per 0; satistaction unrasiond HA, Schmidt, Hspeler, Toronto Type Foundry Co., Ltd. _MONTREAL - WINNIPEG e Gre com to Athens to die and the rich bring stores, and the cost i) eee is about quality by hi aaa — ae and disappointment; 30c. pla For further pareculers Eien "dgar M. Zavitz,, Coldstream, wr | Middlesex Co., Ont. MISCELLAN Eee: genes ment with hie lantern hanting ‘ough the streets Griieby aiieues ieevecean tn is seven-horse chariot, We can take the steam tram and go down to the AILROAD The Largest Printers! Supply Honse in Canada. _We Carry Always in Stock Cylinder Presses, Job Presses, Paper | Cutters, "Type and. Material. Can Fill Orders for Complete Equipment from L-#"Siock. We are the Largest Ready Print Pub- lishers in the West. We Publish Ready Prints from our Winnipeg, Calgary and Regina Houses. is sermon to the Be e main part of the city. is com: pactly built and the business build- four and a SOREGINAN Order From Nearest Branch ah She took | ‘There w he corner. of te apeost Hn chex hand, tally have sucritced a his fortune, a very hard, ne om from 3 ves ny ve iss nen it is call an; material, combined with the latest style, than any similar-priced shoe’ m: W. Zimmermann ) { sh “Ginton plugsd some eg tere aes xiven Send for Samples and Measure Forms. 136 BAY STREET, TORONTO. CENTRAL PRESS AGENCY, LIMITED Canada’s Leading Electrotyping House hour is from 5 to 7 every evening, at which time the ps are thronged TORONTO: CANADA: Cattle and Lightning. Wire fences greatly increase the number of cattle slain by lightning. | Drugstas mos make waterproof siete ef te ain tha oninee —— MURINE Fe ey urine Dow tSar’~SootbesyeFla Remedy, Liguld, 28, 50¢, $1.00 STEREOTYPING DESIGNING READY-SET NEWSPAPER PLATES ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS PROMPT DELIVERY : MODERATE PRICES - ae WINNIPEG J Effect of a Tropical Climate. “The laziest fellers I ever see, not Te, saic Tittle Biss that one’ of the greasers kep’, and what should I see but a . fe] ‘| f theirselves, whicl id in a inute. Then I got on to their game ‘ou see, al wery three or four oa Br vo think of that? (Had a Bet on the he us. ff “Sympathize with ‘im? Gosh, mis- akin all woe money ie got is up on ROOT CROPS We make a sae uct epecialty of ROOT SEEDS, and are careful FARM STOCK siesta oriaxe Ro) ‘al Giant” Sugar riggs and eat ae saiane white auger Mangal ) an amount of lesa cattle food for CAR ia by (uke ke acc wh everywhere zie aaa "ita Briggs Seed CO. unre CANADIEZ PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS Manitoba, vette? Alberta 2.00 pas. oo JUNE 13, 27 mnie Mise gate Sig ge Oe as et LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES dara eee TOURIST SLEEPING CARS | Sub iy ead nei jocal agent. 1 Early application must be made ASK FOR HOMESERNERS” PAMPHLET, The cream of society is not always the richest part of it. rest, a The Lapps average less than five Bwiie Pouaaeale “Mrs. “Bre oa yy see (advo ae had va “ = She genie Peles Me fields. ‘The s rane tines how it Biber na pe ne He “Ever ERG r Me wlll AE take el “that reat “she took the delizited, happy, wit { Lisswocd. chit sseomeee10,50 a.m. 6.35 ee er entered Dork: r de- peor jures nge in saa puvethae od coaka ate’ do atbial Was ae it?” iid naked her whole with blushes, standing so eave atone. ‘him, trying to hide her de OO? | CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLECE ¢ Stratford, Ont. anes eels in ie hia ve Bes we D.A.McLAGHLAN, - Principal § really ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHARGE OF CARS “How coula I be anything else?” she ce so grateful to you, any Clifton. I new life, my happiness, my ree eee He wes, ack is ending omen’, faces, and h y the seieetaliers pression of Dal ru re she alm pected him ca er. pes had drawn near to oti and her little hand ad stolen into his. “I will try always to look so nice,” she said, aye “so that whenever fall upon me they may be KS | He would have given anything if he could so far have mastered himself as ‘ ween Daisy and himself there lay he said, al- no f the suet to Sie ‘Clinton; HAC Daisy looked pack | pure sev Ler altopie srevapenca Recon sath Tok fur Nrocias Mere ilar it, He on be be maling to waive all oid his hand on her shonlder, and é Te. words of ‘pmite that mode the bea apa ie cheeks glow in pla kiss re eon ey given her ad and It as not a lar did not wish arouse her gree as to his ways ache pa ete am taking your pines awa ai ve I you,” he sa make et by. you the f living in conn sina in peace, “How dearly he must love y en he does all be for me, ust, to keep a ile servant, pa Hind every now ¥ have a |. “You are | tea!"—the height of her simple ambi- tha t tion, beyond which she had never ed. Ss Ee my ‘ner used to call me all ot tet ie and he svonld be walked fifty miles, so he said, hand; but all people differ. yaar ite girl.’ e Mrs. Eme| ‘here was little trouble over the| ey never sing i is heart misgave him, ai | times wh ati ua | a aught it sould i easier to die than ry omah, save Lady + 1 must not May, hhis Cale he would have ” be ‘ " said Sir ee fioueteey AINE eserainest MARTE. rae tl of ai he ad not. tase Deas i hls faite ty or atistrtete, he d erself dead friend, er | studious a is every Jook and. wérd, | | that ve been is than hu-| man not to ee been. tou it, So | he trod down. beat bac fieree hands, was ingratel for the good that he had wealth, at he would have wife, with whom: | he might is dy Then he would raise his face with a iis Heeoa ini cry to the smiling heaven; ch t f he his fe e tha’ woman had aed and ctv yin? He fell asleep one day ‘in the hay shining ie ae the fra’ jad Ale aeitins floating hia him, the song of the birds, the soft cooing of the wood pigeons, the whisper of hima to sleep, and he was tony fa ea eee je, sorrow fand : sik nite Ines, had been a fancy, ee iiay naa never really Lady May stood hy im with a loving smile on her beautiful h white arms round fs neck, saying, “80 wel” am lost love haunted ‘him, her voice Hii-are leidedt; seenitiad his ae aloud. In dreams the fair face of ct t oh in 8 hoe sion. He loved one woman with of marr} : 1 for Daisy that she did not know tauch. about lo ‘lovers, or uld have found out | what was thinking she might be | Wanting; as it was, he was kind to her, : a ent. ‘The wedding-day came—it ferboatee wary DAMaat > dag? tn June, when.the sky was go deeply, dark- the window, iearueatt as the blooming be “anpiae me Ay him as the day yA Daisy was too shy to belo that 2 and’s as “wri Clit LP EE mii ed. it, one fing, Sanita wae thatione Was now his od Cin ree fo hy rail 'ta_ Doves and to the nigh The ‘ease sa “all tne a aa ane eu oe will try to e thanked him} but it was to Daisy’ n to eo hae if nae learn | she a her heart, sobbing out her} th, and se are | gratitude. ju, Daisy, her emotion—even then he did not Lard ime loetewa aac nce expe m1 a com- | swer, ‘why ould pit fy all this?” 2 “I have never seen any one-—any one Daisy. “Wa: nie c ee: his pene where sunny w ni ee i het tay ts, Mie ale a vine of Mr. Clifton shows his ore in actions 3 Gok 5 n his cars, with he ig | before his eyes, with all this know-|S¢uthem ledge of the intensity of ‘happiness his ak it “oul ite had brought her, there were times | 7, ful ‘ est ly m te thous a her as -he_ Ne a om, ati roa ght ely nes en face iain e€ at ae ae the lovely nes of her face Ue She: jovial alshastee be m then by oie word. She was so quiet | jen f he could only for read eg oft Eade the a love e co ten was trying best to gates Git He dreamed that all this quar- | t Cy his 01 face, telling him the Ms bells were | pres # constant paid panies he never laugh- to pleas graye, ae Sonne ‘amass as it were, b; 7 he cad ap a past bey sisal eae to an at- para ses amie vaag kindly Linda | sad Englishman ite hey ith ae he planes pone otiesd penr it was ended, ie better, there would at least be ob: him how dearly she loved Jearning es with bart and it was pretty to hear how she cal! im— tens of sf life, my soul, my heart, jets was pretty to see her kiss his. gro" graceful, this simple field satay: nee hands had grown ani ad lost all trace ean el Italian: Daisy could sing gay. Wrench chensons and Italian airs—she had ac- veloped into @ most ‘charming, accom- ous. and made no happy, she have answered, Sh normal state of things was that the wife should do all the petting, coaxing, pane and the husband be the ignified recipient of her love. Ao ae pretty Daisy was ignorant, appy, knowMg nothing highes or Thee ter; but e time en when she was to awake to the all the love was on her De Some repairs were required ‘at vill oy Sir Clinton, who ha the smell of paint and. var- lty_or’ tivo, to the intense ee faaen of Siz Clinton, und the, seeret delight of Daisy, an English gentleman came with is young wife, Mr. and Mrs. De Gre; When ‘Sir Clinton heard it his first im- Bile was ae fly, but he found Mr. v ts) ci rs neither of them had the least desire to make the other's acquaintanee, they oe occasionally. Daisy studied them —t w ubentive to her, after the fast ‘saion ee a well! ae gentleman; but when Mr. De Gre: ing for his wife, it was as tenet id it for love of her, and not he- it was etiquette. Then she heard c i th a. cerown to ke Sir Clinton pos inconvenience arise. from The De Gre ce quite of liked to’ spend er time with them oe was ‘a right, he steven’ objected! e young wives walked out tometliek? and very frequent (ly Daley, would go to Mrs, De Grey's Toonis. Then. she w the difference between a loved nate i unloved wife. Mr. De Grey never seemed happy away from his wife; he left her with regret, anii Sout ence with avidity. ‘They soon. ne accustom Daisy, and ma no stranger of her. th: day, and the wife who was Joved look- ed ct Fate and answered: “Yes—does urs?” “Oh, no!” ened Dai aisy,, bvadeshaty trom the question—she hardly knew why: “it is quite a new ‘word to me.” “I think ita very pretty word,” said little. Mrs, De Grey, aud T like my use if.’ _ Another. time, ae both ladies were ire} her husbant 7 at inva eautifel spray of orange ease (Te be continued, jorse Notes. een ea the uneurried horse rides a ORB led oleae the. bases er tine Oa en a, Horse manure is much better to be ¢ mixed with other manure and worked swine. over by Provide a clean, dry bed and never Loree ati diy Meade onl “ten Abie Wat} ie away. from the mare he should heye a box stall! that is well lighted and. ee tent—that was the’ great veatty oe te ae coe with her lot; loving him me enthusiustic Wee yet never sin out what was ting, always content if passive under the erent of her love, return. any one acess asked her was she d “Moot perfectly aos CRAY ale ne : : Doctor the Cause Not the Effect f£ you are gee with boils, pim~ ples. serofuls, rheum, eczeina 1 ing other indication gf impure blood, don’t waste ne and mot! exter- i ean avoid all aod ope by taking reed all's of Nye Blood parties is followed. Sby the most pleasing results boils heal up and disappear; the . {skin becomes soft and smooth again ‘tead ol inst and sealy, or pimpled. biti oe ‘guid, ‘Tha liver is stimulated |th ya an hl ee tear ant ent dis ocinte Wek oe feels the beneficial effect of this ex ae Pure blood meams healt! _|stremgth.- Nyal’s Blood Purifier d makes pure blood. The Public Drug Store MILVERTON,LONT. MR. RICHARD LESLIE riage, Renae she probably thought the Late Solo Bass, Liverpool Cathedral, England id Quartettes trained. “Professor. of voice: pro ng, sight-reading, ete. M TRAINS RO ee MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN ‘The only through line LOW COLONIST RATES _ Hos sstlor earl | Balltrs ond families with restock a without fvestock, ‘should use Special’ Trains Regular Traine Willleaye Toronto 10.10 P.M. | Jand Tourist Sleepers| Colonist Cars on all ated No charge for Through Trains Tats to ‘Winnipeg and West Ask eny C.P.R. Agent for copy of ‘Settlers’ Guide” W. H. SANDERSON. Local Agent. r UU COTE CREE [DEAR READER we are preparing young people for business at us TOWEL BUSINESS iieea a EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal Are You Ruptured? Hf can cure the worst case of without operation or orfoss of ue time, from infan- Act at Once and remove thesdaily dan- — er of strangulation. oe coupon and send to pine