a H.M.SCHAEFER ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Che “Ht Shines Hor All.” Nae) WILLIAM K. LOTH IssuER oF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, !- ONTARIO Vol. XVIII—No. 44 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, May 11, 1911 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher E Tiree tees eee test eet a Senking Figs Se. lb, Engeland & + = % [Metropolitan Head Office : CAPITAL PAID UP . . RESERVE FUND UNDIVIDED PROFITS ISSUED. Payable wire desired. The PARES remitting “mo cc Phebe , WALKE! G. Lb, ZEIGLE! oS wh oh of TORONTO DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS H. A. JONES, Pro. Mer, and CHEAPEST ER, Manager R, Manager 1 Partied desitingy “arain ng’ Powder 2 Ib. tins for 25e, | PASTOR FOR oR FIVE YEARS MILLBANK, /$ £/8. dashes, ‘The ash. ss baat * da t Hol-| | Rev. A. D. Gish ‘ho M, Doherty of - Gaderie ave your wood ashes, The ashman uesday iq tae st ‘@ call at Hol- ev. A, isholer, -w: closes his Ty ohe rt: 4|¢ LOCAL NEWS $ | will. call lefreund’s phot pastorate of the Evangelical church | District Manager of ithe Federl tits Bank z 2) _ Mixed Cakes 3 spacial. 3 lbs for 25¢] We want 2008, a veges. Will pay|here the coming Sunday will leave Tamee he villago Wh ee. Engeland 180. per doz oth for his new charge af Milverton next | Wednesday in the interests of the Gy & MS ae bi = ° bs Sa to let Apply} Ce ae Posts tha Cement for sale at Toe ‘ 6. a end dupes é os os id 4 Rene a ms to am eric! the Milverton laning Mill Co, ‘is estimable wife have y their kind-| Bank. Toronto. spen’ ursday wit al Sates aces ‘Bratton seven 7. Bohne eee te Bent 50s. per] | Our ‘range of Lee Curtains com-|ly manter endeared themeetnn ty reel Eee se leaving for Cal- eh | sunday with friends in the’ vill day. Schneuker Bros, vorises 60 different designs at all |membi e congregation and they | gary. pete eal on Seeks, All 50c, Dress Goods 43c. over 60] prices, Engeland & Son confidentip oa that their stay af} Mr. Norman. cheesemaker. $1,000,000.00 panera will bo eaken Ee pieces to choose from. Engeland &| The purebred Clydesdale Stallion | Milverton eg eaually vleasant.| cured Mr. Clements, of Harley. and 1,250,000.00 + fic: Bold “clyde will a for service this| Zurich ha a ‘ivit serene Mr. McDonald, of orth. THe beRe Aa Grenzsiach, of Dose “Wa ‘ul’ onan “tosege e aa season at his own stable. For par: |of 203 menbees oh song assist him, in the factory this yeas ecards Beh oe the “elege asb-| less than regular trade price. Mohr’s|ticulars see bills. and is ipped with telephone} | Mr. A. Woolley hed the misfortu eh | week rene wing Sie ieee Groce ould the ‘p: vho nai our wall| electric lights and other conveniences | ta the fou: r fingers on his right “Ms, Louie Baceter wre Hawkeavie, Vacuum Cleaner for rent, 50c, per| paper Pape No Tand 8 kind-| Nearly a thousand dollars worth of| hand while working in Hats's save +. int week day. Apply at Rothaermel's Hardware|ly return ta ‘W. K, Loth at once. We improvements have Woe ade uring | mill. oth | friends in Milverton and ¥ . Spene them in our business hia term, old fences. board walks] Revs J. Little. of North Morning- +1, + + + bbb obo eo hob oh AE MSSS CARTS IES MILVERTON COUNCIL. none to outsi Milverton, May ist. 1911 vertom council met this p.m, in| Barr that the arene: Int i allons of water min- he | ute af the price of $200.00 be accenc- ed. he todo any required. excavating and ta have the whole outfit in thor. vorking order on or hefori y 1911. and to maintain machines in working condition o tal for 30 days from date of installation The following accounts were pre-| and at the expirati ‘ime sented and orders issued for if the engine or bums ot Milverton Light & ¥ $1.0 he assessor ROA og his roll and|s where required b: y Cou: of iders neillors aon r Be oT. se ae eT as~ Kernations, toget! a mp 6x12 Ee capable yr the es “ot seraper auntie the past Fioaitts, for holding Court of Re-| Moved by Atkin, seconded by Pret vision was Ist Tune at Al] fer. that the conneil nay o'clock ‘a.m, obs the sum of $3.50 Mr. R. B. Morrison was instructed his. snow to procure’ 550. tile fro done | winter, Bro: Council then adjourned, M oD am D. Atkin ted By. examine the vremi- “Stora ing Worsh: Left it beyan + McCourt Ev. ing ‘ip to obtain the necessary signatures * for frontage e 1d musio at bot! foseph F. Kertcher asked council | es nasige the leadership of ta bring on an engineen to open Walker. Weir. Clerk BURNS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ERTON Sunday Gastaee | School and Bible Class 10.15 ship 11 h Sa bath servic- . & 5 Midweek meeting Thursday at 7.30 Dy ‘ let. LO’ neil m. seconded by councillor Atkin ti a Welcome Hosts Parker and Barr be deouted| tt you do mot need ua we need to inspect the drain and report. Moved by Councillor Parker and Beye F. ROBINSON. Pastor. rounded ey. Codnibiar “Atkins Ha | cca Sua rkid Wiehe lobe vill ve Plentey Disb l bec paid, che ‘etch “Of BIS) oon a5 aban nde uae das Geen ee for all clay excavated from Ranney’s| th, remainder of the present year y the council and to and P. @ Watering 5 ght n the corner William ote Mra 8. H. and Miss Martha Roulston are in ree, this week at the es ‘Convention of the W.F.M.S, you cba ing of having any beginning to he Rankin. M.P.. has been plete cellar, the 0 Ci esera streets. where require The clerk was instructed to com: Vmunieaté, with the GTR, officials with a view to obtaining ten ders for H b th a sidewalk from the G. ation LOW ANDOU the westerly along Mill street, Sam haley pientee coune! wit a deed of a portion of Lot No 1 2 Coal Question « 9 ded to Investigate eee ‘k Have you got it on your mind ? sree sprinklin; bod¥ as a committee of he fas Council then adjourned, before Ww. D. Weir. Clerk. Special Meeting The price is at the bottom now, buy e it goes higher, WHY DELAY ? Milverton, May 4 1011] The high cost of living can be panes by Milverton council met this pe ue ao of former meeting read and ise “"Moved! by Councillors Parker ard] Atkin that the motion made at last | anney’s cellar, your coal now and b Jd. G. Hamilton Sole agent for the 7 . D.L. & re Standard Bee mended to ary . Scranton Coa! tat ae "it, | also a supply of Wood and Lime on hand Capital Paid Up Reserve and Undi Total Assets... easy ta alter ae ete — a Tifenne ae smal! matt ee extravagance and ie ll never learn have the incentive of a Savings AL nt, SOE not procrastinate—call at the Bai ae zoe Hamilton—and open an ac- cou: lead arene ern k next week. Mr. Samuel Whaley last ree pur- ased from Mr. W. D, Wei 3 feet iss Flos @ Oe- cle “Nicholls of ts eee - formerty nt in Millbank to the meme Bon entry to fre- rteen acres. The price paid tl ak his er about S116, 900" mp: ihave decided to The village council : place a small pumping station on| A! Guell Lele deve dely en Fulton street, fitted ‘up with gasolinc| the winter fai has decided © purpose of | to add t pplying water for ‘the sprinkling of the streets ‘i viewed e lately, Tt is probable thatthe regnest Sill be ranted third of the Welch arrived in fown | ty toads will Saskatoon, where he engaged im the insurance 5 been, largely drawn sk for some time. He likes the larger towns est and is very optimistic over the | assist! them in thei ead building futuré of Saskatoon, whi id w- | enterprise: ing very rapidly. He ie -Onecuf (tle ureateat baneiolase turning about the 16th and will take Lord Lister, who recently his family with bim.—Listowel Stan-|celdbrated his 84th Mbirthda a ard. resull e antiseptic treatment in The football team welll leave for ey due to Lor er, ise Wellesley on Friday at 4m. The | snda and tena of thousands are: now line-up ‘will as follow: alive who would otherwise have per- i : sues Rein there, See earn school children w! Mall about Right Wing. Stoney Thompson and Bo Wanless; Left Wing. aap Smithy and Mac MeGui therg is not one ta who! name en of List if is oe There is need of the tting up new standards in the: eaching jistory. ee lesex county report fhelt BpLe. Plowing “they.|/ ‘ae tallewing ordibemw Were Sigoied have found the earth teeming with x June bugs which do great damage th Fi es nea TURE rene ee an Sherry trees, | cocninge a retdent k ong.; Vice The beetles lay their Brestdeiltas Miss Ada Long. Miss M. ground and after “hatchin Dobson, Mrs. W. H + Beores mown as the tary. Miss Pearl Coulter: Treasurer ou the roots of the grain for three| Mis Lan, : Organist: Miss Mae Ponts Detore, embreing “as ‘the June! Riley. The testinge ave Weeden bug. j.|4ttamded and each department has: done well. The Missionary depart- ment hee Miss’ A. Lond raised $50 for citizens depart- e very interesting. All oy departments ate to be taken e comin; iommittees will be appointed Text Tuesday ev- enin; ay d deathoccurred at the home tha of Mr. George A. Hyde. Piece wi fownshin (th line) on Friday of Jas’ 8 week when deai fh pee called away tl son 25 young man of 204 ian cemetery on Sunday Tnoon. Rev. T. J. Robinson officiating, He leaveq to mourn his losa er f mother t: iste. iT five brothers, viz: Nine i la at g e. na ‘Albert at St. Marys, isin ysis Walter. of Berlin. Jam jhakes~ the Evangelical mathe era: “ peare al oy at aeee The pall of Brant: bearers were his five brothers and Ther avery beneral Cecil Hyde, of St. Marys. among the citizens of the village that new Sens has taken a position Martin’s Caeeny Store.” 9 the park committee should endeavor] tion in the office. We us and | humorous.drama was put on in Cook's take Some steps towardy cleaning that it is Mr. Scott’s intention fo hall Friday ene under the aus- beautifying the w a e the postoffice ma: to the} pic e Football Club. 7. srounds adjoining the cemetery which] pest advantage to suit the public training is the affair was in charge sed a few Years ago for nee, and knowing him as our + of Listowe! and showed S, Vices of alcitizena do, they feel that the service Peet only six night's competent landscape gardener from will be Eitcsoune 1 satisfaotory.--Lis-] practice. The play deals her town should 2 wel Ce ‘ierees of a number of typical char- ie a plan e you was lamenting to his| acters usually found in @ cros¥ roads ez it ond could be left al ikton an. ¢ Newton En- campment attended Divine service at urns church. Milverton, on Sunday afternoon when v. T. J. Robin M. A.. preached a very able and appropriate sermon, e ir con- sisted entirely of members of . the consistin, . H. Groscl W. 4H. Spencer sa A.W. Mossre ery service a sister. the “other day beca bor cause che wasn't man; g a she Seplied: ‘Fasten and a blanket legs}/ing a prett; ateur perfor- (buckle a strap around your waist = mance. Mr, Ka: 1. Martin Mias tight you ’t draw a full breath| Barbara Grosch wie his daughter or eat a hearty meal; have your hair| Mr. fy out ts axuets Between acts Mr. Si sey. Jones" Zuben. afforded no iittle entertainment by sketching a work} few local characters, The play was ocking: a walk on @ win-j well patronized the hall be ter’s day and enjoy. yourself. Ob. x ed to the doors. was real yu’d like it all right.” ized the club metting about $33 May 28th—Milverton at June. 5th. June 2nd—Milverton ices at Ae Atsrood MUNRO—COBE. os SEES) An Beau nuptial event oceur whi red on ‘Miss one ate ee Mr; and. 7 Mire | the concert at Milverton on Friday Johu Cobean, of Saugeen, w: ar’ ae ried to Mr. J. Ross, Munro. of Ottawa Sieuner and daughter. of The ceremony took place at the res’ strato are af present visiting at dence of the bride's brother-in-law.| Mr, C. Yost's, Mr. neete of Dunblane. in Miss M, the parties. Rak Elgin, ‘tdéndani 01 it was little. Titan ean Paisley. neice of the b: er irl, Phe wedding merch was play-| Rutherford on Sun ed by Miss Jean Mu f Port Ele ,| Bin, sister of the eroom. | Immediately BIRTHS. after the wedding dinner had been parteken of the bridal party drove| Meeg—In, Morningren, eet fede ta Paisley. where the afternoon train ae oe was taken en tot points fro ‘ic journalist, He pee being managing editor of The Ottawa Free Press, bee At <a Heidetbors, 2 Gh May 2nd. to Mr, and Mrs<Ley: PLAY BALL! Bor ae On Friday evening of thit week the | Martin= poe epg ke opening gi intermediate foot-| 3° daug ball_in this district will be pla: se DEATH: at Wellesley. Milverton opposing ; local ti lar boys have indutged Pleet—At’ Glenallan. on Brd. a little or no practice and are Robert rest, son of Mr. and Mrs. poor condition and it. would| Wm. Fleet. axed 9 years. 4 months not be at all surprising to see them| and a eaten on Frid wever, the maj- | Ferg—! ‘onto. on Thursday. Ap- ority of the team are ok players. ie ril ath. Bary Eliza Brand palbred hav ae the fine poin ee nee ry Ferg. aged 43 years. down pretty well and this may raf 27 days. set the gare that thes, are lacking i hiya cat ‘Wellesley. (5th line) on Fri- conditios day. 5th, Lloyd George Hisde + " of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hyde, aged 35, tickets for $I cash at Geo,| 20 years, and 12 ee aie Bohan—At Logan, on Saturday. May iis Me addres at eee on Reei-| 6th. Catharine Bohan. aged 47 years. procity Hon, A. G. MacKay a 3 ety can bi way * Rs don. Eng. i ftreal. ‘h price paid ~ E ey ine, The Davies Go, has, made | tive fowl any eats Apply: oe ‘& aa high as 120 per cae ‘ac. | Gleekman, Metal a he ane er which toa at a Milverton, Ont ga 7.200 profit per annu: the Davies on ‘Stare ise ver pkg, _Bogstand the Reciprocity deal.” able, in yearly lary, Patna $150. success in shin mew field of ‘| Zurich Her: it DISTRICT SCHEDULES turday le a eceiste ties of Huron oe a the W. Li isse? Myrtle and Eva Alexander, June 16th—Ethel at M: of Britton, ba Friday with Miss June ae ee at Listowel _ Martha Kirk deere IE. otk .C. Donley, W. May 22nd—Atwe a ae pabrttacke ry f itchell, attended core immediate Tati vot iiss itract- Moteod tile of have given) way. tnd neai ‘round-| ton. conducted thef services af Ki ithe Toronto morning saves ince], size may leave theit order at The sun ontreal where she bas arriving] meq at both oliurch omen cha rel lasts SAGHA EI EDEL preached Sah train now arrive at Milyore° pellee or J. Brydone. from Scotland a lot of seven Clydes-|are the re: two very impressive ser f 9.30 - e Cabinet Hotei of Stratford has|dale mares, He expects to have them| A L: adiea™ wad with a membership of Mr ae ingston Doherty. of Alton, Ts (eDonald. “of Stratford, is Sh closed by ithe license commis-| arrive at Milverton to-day. (Thuns. 34, is also on his organizations.| wad renewing eoaneltoners in at p wnat spending a couple sioners for non-compliance with the | da: This society is doing enti work, Millage reels Weeks with Mrs. 8. H. Pueh ana |Te@ulations, Messrs, Fischer, of Ellice. have com- The _conaregat organized | Mrs, Lc Smith, of Tralee spent, the Mrs Malcolm MacBeth, . illiam Jennings Bryan, of} pleted the comtract of moving the] ¥,P.A. socictics, ee soln Bood work | week-end with Mr, and M. W D. Avil offer for sale on | the Sreatest n in America will lec-|old tannery over to the corner in all their departm Perhaps one | Smith, 4, Saturday. May 13th. at 2.30 o'sloci, | {Ute under tha auspices of the Strat.| Main and Folten streets. It has|of the most Leese departments} Mr. D. Muleahy and Seep oss the housa and Lot on William st., the | ford Knox chureh beet jacked up the required height /is the Sunday School. at eon and Miss' Olive Johnston, property of J. a Monday ext. ready for the foundation wall which] ly increased in. a towel. spent Sunday with! tne ae Mr, ay|7, fhe a attendance a ‘the school for} will be put under shortly, terest. The’ member: mer's mother MMts. May | hia term is 150 pupils, there being ‘he Supreme Court of Liebe as 278, while the school at the 14th num- of Ki ee oatisae: “Poron- 23 in the prineijale m. $5 injdent Order of Foresters decided bers 69 members. Th ta will occupy'the pulpit of Kno: Miss Bright's. 44 in Misa Beckett's] have high courts. meet every threc 8.8. is largely due tol church next Sabl and 48 in ‘Miss Little's, Years instead of annually and save|tion. The pastor organized a youn rs, McGillivray. of Listowel, is i Over 2,000,000 miniature trout have| from eeventyto eighty thousand dol. men’s bible class a year wit visiting her daughter Mrs, ‘Dr. 2 by calli at Sun| beet taken from th ‘iar a pret lars, which will be applied to mor-| charter members; t e.-cla! Pratt office roving See ren paying | @hery thus far this season de-}tuary fund, the Supreme Coun-| ers 77 and is one of the largest bible Shisie ae corn seed 81. 1.25 per for this notice. posited in the lake af Golf Grittith's Is-| cil officers Eira -elected, clamsed Conference. A youria | bushel Hamilton's store. Next Sunday. vening's service at| land. White Cloud Island aud Mea-| The Ontario Government has pur-| aie bible class was alse oreaitized | Millh: at the Evangelical churel will be con-| ford ghased a new site in Toronto for a/by him and has a membership of 3 Mrs Jos. Burke & Son. of The Government does not intend to{residenca for the Lieutenant-Gover-|Great enthusiaam is manifested in| George, are visiting ee parents Mn issue a special series of stamps in| nor. Site is the Hallam estate.|both classes, and Mrs, Alex, me honor of the eee as it known as Chorley Park. located ©) During the five years there were| Remember. I excursion. to done td mark the Douglas avenue ! Roxborough |56 conve: while} Goderich om June’ 10th, n The funeral ot “George Hyde. son of he | Mr. and Mrs.G. Hyde 5th line. took the incrdves nian ta onGeeh shih ¢ cemetery Ban: 00. The : vices ted by Revi, J. Robinson of pastor and f re well remem- | canduc! beret witherurline gifts dariug. the | Milvertan, erm, and taken altogether ¢ & enthusiastic meeting — of gregation has certainly flourished and| the lovers of lawn tennis was held ot @ new, pastor will find the various organizationa eTous condi- . We congratulate the Milverton | der the e that Rev, Gise last a meeting of thi cesstu ron} api: met at the offioe of the| tality of Mrs "thomas flaylea silt bo See lon | commenced ‘ai The Mee Taatbiie will pas, thels oe meetil Tu sday, e 2.31 Ladies! Aid of the series sitian will be ane t Home” to the home ofiMrs. D, B. Gri ieee +|Thursday afternoon. May 18th. “from z NEWTON. D. ere who spent the winter in Chesley’ is spending a few days at her eee here, en and W., ‘Mite the Oddfellows’ sermon in Burns churel Milverton on Sunday afters ae Atwood at Milverton ockie’s vacuum plesnss, is in ies demand ‘these day: wi ‘our Young people took in vais a 4 M, Kirkland visited all comrany of | friends in Stratford‘an 8 y. Hae bar Maur enisans: attended of} the Hema of.Mr. G. Hyde. of Wel- Bui ee Mari of Mill« bene: visited the betes ioe Mrs, ev. W. officiated. ‘ined m is a rising youn " atgithows™In Elma. on Tuesday. May = nd. ti ,and Mrs, D. H. Matt- ews ae