Z STATESMEN'S EO, AMA2Z,HG WN.ISTAKES OF CELE- BRATEO POLITICIANS. Lord Randolph Churchill When Fin- ance Minister Was Hopelessly lg- noran. of Figure. — Biblical Epi-| ,. sedes Are < Common Pitfall For Speakers—Rupees and Annas Stick- ing Point For Cros: Classes in canes subjects fae Cabinet Ministers! This was on Be i 3 = Kg Fy B “6 ere aonble up many a grave ter. One of the Aas four Tn cap and gown stood over him Never in the history G Parliaments as a Finance Minist secretary, onee placed before Eig! formidable array of si s, material fepcohia: badges Me seated the pha- ae ts meal But if Randolp: Se Churchill was weak in decimals and vulgar fractions, he as at Jeast stronger in ‘iptural knowledge than some of bis. fellow- lerislators. In a debate a fev years ago Mr. George Wyndham referfed to David and the fifty fighting men h ave, ““N: id—Daniel,” o8 et, Sir Edward Grey. “I a! much obliged to my tight honorable riend, Pemey ee nodha) Le ee course, I meant Daniel,” £8 1.2 pended | with laughter mee shots ef “Obadiah «little tae the same evening Sir wis are Aa su the a pene, conics custs nae wil Certainly a few lessons on the Bible ould have been useful to a epi ve, who spoke of. thay beautiful’ Beal ‘begin- pies, pre Jettest thou thy servant dep. ”; and Mr... W. the House that 0 not all the Bench of Bishops, not even Leviticus himself, could prevent some men from mar: rying their de- Geasee wite’s sister. e, what was, all the reply he could scenes —er—an Indian feels alae than a rupee. at itis in geography thatthe statesman is most commonly at fault. Mr. Disraeli o ont startled and amus- ouse—it was on the eve it is, sure eratgit My a sir, Ma always bring me good n Ip Ea ‘and tell the King that ee Betton is an islan¢ * Some years Sir Edward Grey we: sorély puzzled to say how fa declined ie, net er; he was frankly It_was Sat Pelmerston, but bis Un- ce addressed a States of America Trish Birth Rat cons tet “OP Bulan land mi and ther 8 Horse told another brimstony d on ‘the, big hil ‘overlooking. the Setla- gees Tk Germ Disease Which Js Baffling the Doctors and Alarming the People Generally. It may be said that doctors are see ee on two points regarding thi ch dreaded disease. iti jisease, and, ases can only lod: blood: revention, is aivnys the better way and that is why we are always talking de: | and.strong by using Dr. Chase’s Nerve Rich, Tet ed. blood is a deadly. foe t disease germs whether they are germs of infantile paralysis, of colds, of con- sumption cr any other dise Don’t let the blood get thin and wat- ee Don’t let the nerves get exhaust the-tormation of a ceviain emcant vo are certain to benefit by thiz tre Ha ment. You need not wait. until you have ysis before testing his great medicine. E2 warne headaches, ‘sleeplessness, irritability, failing memory and power of concen- while still you have somethin; ld on. Goce energy and vigor into the fea by using Dr. Chase’s Nerve cents a box, 6 boxes for $2.50; Ai all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & PARALYSIS - FARMS FOR SALE. at thirty-five hun: NINETY Ac: it will pay you to see me UIT, S Consult m 527, Toront H, W._DAWson, nee CcOL- * BORNE Street, Toronto. NDRED ACRE Va oak “ze OF Kent—brick eas ‘two barn: sh: S—=COUNTY HALTON —twenty ae trom Toronto; house, barn, orchard; eight thousand. UP TO DATE HUNDRED eam County Peel; seven thousand, HAVE ALL SIZED ate Ae STOCK, GRAIN AND DAIRY farms to suit you in Old mouth folds FI. ©. pawsoy, sp ly_ swallow + BORNE serect, Phone Main Oot | d Nights and “holidays, ‘Iwo Hundred and eventy-two Wright avenue Phone Park McKay Block, 2nd Avenue; Siskatoon, BASE. —bo YOU you are coming West, call on Katoon, Sask. Reference, Royal with current list o: GASKATOON AND ITS OPPORTU. ‘TIHS—for a few valuable pointers on Sat estate situation in Saskatoon, together Birds, Beware! There is a very remarkab!s plant which grows in the colony’ of Natal. Its popular name is the corpse plant. It grows to a very considerable size, d_ its principal feature isa roat, something like the wer of an arum lily, but much larger and deeper, and opening into color, and eovered with a thick, glu- tinous secretion. Its principal characteristic is its loathsome odor, strongly resembling gled in the secretion, the bell-shaped ed, feathers and all, an geste: juices secreted in the throat of the plant. One on Mr. Balfour. Mr. Sydney Bux’ as discussing the new cong | cs a ie Baek mons, when he worked in a little Jegt on Mr is “T believe,” he said, looking across po: Mr. e trade ‘pamphlet, while a fre hawker pr ecanaeetts side’ cold it a: Jet. Rav gavthialacs of ont Noapeniyeeyadl cates, write Box 292, Saskatoon, Sask. 116¢ FRUIT LANDS FOR SALE. land, loca’ Southern Briti isi to pd hares ciliate ‘and. soll ts selling at ay ag in too eee arms sce B.C., poi FOR SATE— 00,000, ACRES OF FRUIT pamphle caused uch laughter, in his mu whish Me "Bettour joined. Out Jewels. z ee rooms at the Bank of England are already yielding up gems and pre s at the mreduits tones to deck the ladies Bee Lived Seventy-Flve’ Years. Mrs. Highapp be jd fade decreed} In an paeeainy letter in The Daily that they «shor rated, never| Express, Thos. pia superinten- to see other a; os dent of Kensal Rise cemetery, London, Mrs. Blase—Are x tells a remarkable story c‘ a bez which irs. Highup| ee "They are living | live, for seventy-five nex! each er ears. Se 8a) door York apartment honse no’ While two of my men were diggin a pike and when six and one-hal 7 MURINE EYE Hie | For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and GRANULATED EYELIDS Druggiste Sell Murine E; Marine = Be Salve, in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, ge §i00 .00 y Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50, $1.00 | & ES AND ADVICH FREE BY MAIL. —BY MAIL ONLY. i and si in ie would be ble for a bee to get down this depth fs I oO D Il Ni it possible, sherelons: ate this insect was covered up in 00 box. 6 fo The most highly ta. eee for Once King’s Hom Ee eee eens former a misepce ot i VIli., Plaistow Hall ha: COMMON SENSE. || quired by the Church R PILES ed as a home: Quickly seteres end panurels cures piles any andvall stag The present atau box. 6 for $6.00. graphy all over the DR. SNAPPER'S 1,111,356 mi i “11 Vim and Nerve Food ze : Pa 2 A specific Tonic. More powerful and Spero Fae 9By medicine hitherto ex- $5.00 per package. 6 for $25.00. LYLE MEDICINE CO 718 QUEEN WEST, TORONTO, C.P.A.—20. ttt, act the entire pica - at, Paes per, acre BAGERTS WANTED. o! nee in a_high voice, ‘Paul, I say ar te BUTTONS ee rea umblin; 0 camp, en- | promptly deavoring to discover the mAceeaea Bee Parc DRESS PLAITING CO., a Phone North 3343. 600 Yonge Street, Toronto. STUDY OF none convinces us that no Festival of Empire. Over 12,000 performers are already Ber: aatet is 15, wv io ines es] fothersand girls. App 3h Canadian Industria Albert street, Otta’ MEN WANTED—TO TAKE oe ea oe are time; no Camphor Ice asciilic Ey bea fine car! Gat feel it, eat Be the first antes railway in miles have Sa goustracted at a capi. structi ee mn of Wires tae! Siwaga will be “tt was | Pee ae hore the 000. He dals that have been con- ith, “ther ood peerage, baro-|of the court. Oxtatios United '}/ Garments Cleaned || Like New ‘No matter where you live, send us your jast season 's suit, costume or i b Your laces, feat Bis. and 8 i dye tient’ or clean’ ther, e888 oe sate ad tho rte pay express ONE SEND FOR ee LIST. McEACHREN,. LEANER 20 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO. A Plucky Encounter, ing interview which he had with Gen. 0 | Foster, who was military een to f the knowledge of their tate, for the said, ‘You've got thro “trade | agreement” was \d has told of an amus- lists were not. to be published: for the xt two or thre veeks n. Fos- er looked at me three. min- sil friend, that’ll ci ei out.” I got A So 2 late Mr. Joseph Tait, registrar ion” have reason to keep in mind en he was a member of the On- tailed aaiee The Porcupine a ‘A monthly pablication pring ver mining companies now bperating in the new Pointe Gold Fields. COPY SENT ON REQUEST. SCOTT, DAWSON & PATERSON, STOCK BROKERS, 24 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. for Chapped Skin | and Lips, Cold Sores, Windburn. 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes SUITS OVERCOATS TO ORDER’ is Send for Samples and Measure Forms. i 138 BAY STREET, TORONTO. <> STEEL BARN TANKS \d Troughs are made of catalogue L and special prices. STEEL TANK CO‘, TWEED, ONT. porter of the Liber: flict in his ‘cM. member opposi ete However, this did not prove to be Painting Crystal Palace Twenty-five tons of the Crystal Palace, London, a patent. process. Wanted the Ride. r0) “Not at first. She said = id she had n 1901 a Re returned at 41,- |another fg ora for that alloy beef at | but when iD lower. a taxicab she jumped at tario Legislature ihe was a valued Sap used to hold his oe in many a de- concluding with an unpleasant fling at Mr. Tait’s connection with a bak ne Mr. Tait prose with the light of con- es. iS ares “he said. “It is true that in my time I have handled a good deal of pele tay I think I knew how to le the ‘honorable the oft answer which turneth away nt be: ing used in repainting the outside vot one million panes of glass, fats oA 5 feet in length, are being cleaned by Only Hope. n old negro was charged with chie- g medals ken stealing, and when tl:> asual ques- a eol- | tio pounded, “Guilty or not | merchant in ilty be said: “I don’t know, boss. {jest throw inyself on the ignorance Union S Ala Three Becks. aeons In the centre ae het Shopping and 1 Business 250 Rooms 100 with Private Baths EUROPEAN and AMERICAN PLAN Carte Resturant ‘At Reasonable Prices. Sam. H. THOMPSON, Prop. TORONTO Logical. name he searched moeb money as this Aman, Subsequently igen asa aken to a brain Sepecialia tor eee ment for aphasia. goes asked a his pockets, duced a ee re roll 4 bills b but Aeutae to. n “Did she promise to go to the dance “Bi fe pralation of| with you?” on! NDS DS or esos ae ean a | Handsome Clock FREE This Beautiful Bronze Clock will be given absolutely FREE to ANYBODY who ‘sells only $4.00 worth of our lovely post cards at 8 for ic. Our post cards sell on sight, as they are the lat- est designs in Canadian View ues and Birth- and many are eerie embossed on id. SPECIAL OFFER syill give zon Hand- come Fountain Pen absolute: Toronto Peedi or Dept..703, Toronto, Canada. Terente Type Foundry Co., Ltd. TORONTO - MONTREAL - WINNIPEG The Largest Printers’ Supply House, in Canada. We Carry Always in Stock Cylinder Presses, work com) Ly h and Railroad School, itreets, Toronto. Gerrard SHAW, President ide ‘operations in Canada a to-day rovide ces for youns We faen Tele legraphy aid aha Station deet rest time. ‘Par. Write Central Tele ticulars free. sores Job Presses, Paper Cutters, Type and Material, Can Fill Orders for Complete Equipment from Stock. We are the Largest Ready Print Pub- | lishers in the West. We Publish Ready Prints i from our Winnipeg, Calgary and Regina Houses. The Motorist at Hor.2. there?” id Binks daly. «Ss, Ps Us rot we ata Pe Ncaid Haw- “T’ve oft-a wondere: many childre He Changed His Name. from that time “St. Ub! “You have a fine lot .f children, “Oh, no,” teturne d Binks hesitating- in 2 “eit Peak than in the earlier o St. Maur, the Liberal ane lost the dneal excuse, sacra emselves CALGARY - - - - - REGINA Order From Nearest Branch CENTRAL PRESS AGENCY, LIMITED Canada’s Leading Electrotyping House ELECTROTYPING STEREOTYPING ENGRAVING DESIGNING READY-SET NEWSPAPER PLATES ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS GOOD WORK : PROMPT DELIVERY : MODERATE PRICES TORONTO - - - - - - WINNIPEG ROOT CROPS «FARM STOCK ” We make a distinct specialty of ROOT SEEDS, and are careful to see that our stocks keep p: e advancements being made from year to one wha tap te beat staid ineire on = Mammo le, jant Yellow ae Steele, Pe “Giant Yellow crepe” Mangol, and 8 je, Briggs’ “Giant White Sugar” Mangel. No other Root duce an amount of desirable cattle food winter feedin; ain sist on t havi —they’re the best—refus substitut ind others said Peal by leading Merchants everywhere in Céssis Steele, Briggs Seed Co. , me HAMILTON TORONTO WINNIPEG 1 Was Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound Waurika, Okla —‘‘Ihad female trou- as allrun do te something wrong; they con e said s. De wt there is much —Made of oes leather Ee Good- od wearin; SRESTLAN eeeel with the latest style, than any similar-priced shoe W. a he waves seeméd to re-echo iS phe ee: despeiringly on ine f e weal, CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLECE Stratford, Ont. aa egraphy, Ambitious Foun ‘men and one eelogue ost loving, ir husband. a 4 4 g SEMEL IESE AY AML SIL YL SYS A SY SILT a IE IL SSE eS “Between Two Loves” soceeee By BERTHA M. CLAY Author of “Which Loved Him Best,” “The Wedding . Ring,” “On Her ee Morn,” Etc., Ete. me be your hair-dresser,” said; at he fastened it {n the glossy him. , blossoms are for bridees, not said. ill ainere be a ats a pe Daicy 1 heard um. whisper, t bride in mute Wr what ire ‘ Beas: ant ite r cr arin, never placed se in Mase kissed hes ae must ‘That “ame ite she iui up os Mes. Rone tay 1s. hen west on sudden nate ett on face, she bstieoed Bs it bshand ip eerie I—perhaps you 7 She spoke Biuilas omy Daisy pondes- . It ca 5 col tone. 8 of love for her, me i truth because ” irresi did her husband k ving en witl De @ Ms Suite of love, oe Some wer ere hot; ae a set ave @ soul in \e great, “aly "ction that oe husband shows She kept up that custom; Dafey lik v2 am wen nd the next ere e, to ng 1 poe be = was! re owas fa tor ‘the "The sound of the taaailiar word man should i for his eee ee: Se lane ves would weit ier ay. He shou be ee ae death, oe in life; he the Jove that was "be an titers “T have a thought ‘as calm, and th 1 am weary, I am weary, waiting for’ isy was standing out smong the fanciful a In learning Ake Al Ale Me He Abe Ak Ah Ae ae ae < e e e e e e 4 € e % Italian she has d Been struck with the liquid melody of the words. She looked im one day as she was studying nicer" “she said; “that means dear.” “I think it means something a trifle dearer than dear,” said. Sir Clinton; “darling would be a better cise aei sh timic “I should Uke to call you Darts ” she said, gently. “May “Yes, Daisy; I shall be delighted to hear such a pretty word from your lips Call me Caro, if you lik vent wes ore than she had raised her n she ever None Fg eee tender a ean Caro?” she said. id, “I eae that I love you, but do you love “Why, what a sue Daisy, Sane oe after marriage; pray, what ave you tener Whom else ae I Tpiloves save el eueet ett ello in what I ae that Pag acid x thought that ballad nak me; did the friend ee ove die 7 By idently simple Bese had no idea of By same since that fae She took his hai ng ietveen her own, Ae that, when you were bright and happy. tet I not happy now, Dais; yt Cee touched by her Gentte! loving man “Somecimes, I fancy not quite,” she “Then I tell you what, Daisy,” he said, looking down at the pure young fa 2 more loving wife. e knew it; yet all night, as the Waas through the trees, and the way broke ‘on the shore, they one co ea waiting for the though much of this Tittle ae uisy sede; to her it had no After fee she purposely mentioned the e talked of flowers in May. 4 Engl: ee a May; and she saw that h i e word as though it him. “He has had some great trouble in mes I am only outside his life, after all,” De ae love ere. Daisy yet dreaded ifferent Ig other pee aneseee given all she had. oes ence; but on faces of other men she renmen Mik net read indifferenc ow whi vague sorr usbands’s fa wives anxious a Deisy found that, > sun z ery so beautiful in its surround- ings, and in itself, that beple brought their ep oe far and near to be in- terre ti sky jnerelos in led wit color; the air fill ith perfume from the vines and nd bloom; the birds were singing in the trees, , and the waves seemed to kiss the golden shores, ‘The gruves in the ceme- tery of St. Marie Pierre were beanti- ful, many of them covers) with fee estoons: ine leaves, genes ae lilies, en oe Daisy ently. to God. “It does not seem like dying,” said cher “to lie here among these flowers, e chad lows: the vine leaves lying so igh. the sun shining so fred the inging 0. sweetly—it is not like Then ce te “showed one a beanti- ful grave; it was covered with festoons Piiviie Aecerme: tanle asia Teaven grew over it, rich red roses grew near it, » err stead “Btwn replied, hoceediy: “Tam capricijus, Daisy; ea Jet my whims trouble you. I have lopleaas quite the it was a cruel “ihe to UaoR she said, “but a kind one to me—it sent you to me. I should ke | Aiea you ore men, ee ating a Sir clinton ae Bad that day. Tt pane is the TS aeSe. grave said Daisy, carreras it has the sad They came Koh marriage to as grr cemetery, and I never saw anything like them. It was like looking at a picture ‘or or read- ing a poem to watch them. “Why?” interrupted Daisy, pny, Resa tie he loved her so,” th “hi pee litle Bie in fox ie make exclusively to Deters ae ing the subject would urs. som friends followed him, and remonst ere; what matter how ing thinner, paler, more worn and el dis die for Ae) this Pa Pata ked pression on her fac Iie Fitiont eel 30 he “Di eat that “Ye every word of it. ‘And do you ee it—do you oe some people. would make it, wistful expression in her “Caro, d, ever die for love of me?’ pretty cemetery gives Daisy; a always does about lov tes! ‘he replied briefly. beautiful grave, near the “I will not even die: nd you shall not ‘sta: place any Se He took hi arie Pierre. CHAPTER XXUL. DAISY'S TEST. have passed sine tint Sis Spares the land of the olive and the ek ee childhood, and had gai loveliness of we beautiful face, quatre She judged him by her motive, seeing ena she ek and unkno’ in the apart. story,” said ihe Set ip jit ind wife sleep Geode ie aries nk: ‘then after she was buried, othe wae abba: came here every day, no mat- ith him. 1 “You will kill yourself,’ they said. pee leisure not good for him. a oy. heart is dead,’ he replied; ‘it is’ bed tole? I would rather lie dead ny wife's grave than liviug else- wey by day we watched ‘him grow- hag- gurd; day by day he stayed longer near grave, and seemed more unwilling mory; but he meant ni tended -to be a kind, faithful husband to. Daisy, to live with’ her in peace and il, up at him wie @ won- “ Tove,” se eal. “116 loved wife so degrly cee ae could not ee ee d Sir Clinton; “I uae d lieve that a man lied from nore?” He ite far ee He over the hills and t ee love had driven sadly out on the a. curse, it is happiness or Then she looked at him vit A sweet, ro,” she said, gently, Sconla you He looked down at ‘her; great tears were shining in her eyes; her lips trem- “My dear Daisy,” he Sit trying we is it ee better to live tor le evades ay I aactica? thought when She was sent for a few minutes, then she said ca will you make me one pro- Bo eee could he more beautiful?” “But ey ing, we iow nothing of rie is zoing ian “phd died fem loves | one wl we OM ee forget?” Dai: this nielancholy ‘ay at once, but they neither of per fosnet the cemetery ot ss knew now that Mee. of her did not di ly; rae pees uted Jong before she came this little hoe would come to to that he had ov her cot with her mother, and hi her from sh ity, Daisy ne dreai pit ev" med. the was not jealous as yet, for she did which occupled all het ghts. ‘The next scene in the tragedy was that Sir Clinton Adafr began to weary of the a as ce ‘his life. eat now it had seemed im the blow which d struck him ee ‘was so great the there could be no und. He had believed that there remained nothing for him but to remain a few years in exile, then Sets he teas atsongensnd fhe rangi looked dreamily to the shining skies, ere the face of Lady May; Aa Es ine ‘harmony; he had dream ist go away; he fi work to do; st run in the: strife id back to peeing to Eastwold, the h but he would go fo) mndon; the would h id resume some of his long- neglected duties.. He said_to himsel that he would be very careful—that he would never yoluntarily look upon {he face of Lady May, “Duchess of Rose- carn by this time,” -he thought. of temptation. may not love Dele, but I will be true to He resolved upon going, ae all that remained was for him to tell Daley. ae had oe eh el name, his title, m wher, partly fortunt fro} beenuse he fiked to to oath she loved ae Di iy auten noone word to remind him of the past. ie splctinda “yimselee Daley a ise. wonderment, Dass surprise, will be a of Lord Bune ‘gh pai rapier nd tell fee ae is Lady She would well ee e position and title. He had called i a field daisy, but she was not a field-flower now; there was no truer lady in all the ‘Dais; ss “Daisy,” aid Sir Clinton, as they walked ona evening by the sea-shore— | “Daisy, are you not growing tired of | this Hite?” “Tired?” she replied; “no, What life nott- hes Daisy. “Why, Caro, you cae never consent bse Tt Se tare ne eee er, and the morbid dislike f had to my kind is dying away. I want to go into Wes i world again, Daisy; there is noth- ig to do here, nothing to give an in- fe in life.” of He did uot sce the mute reproach of his. the sweet sad eyes raised to No interest in life, when she was with him—nothi: has feeling of despair au over her, She was less tl — no! is to ‘hine—why had oy narried hi he m “L thought,’ - he said, ae going back to England and rems some time; I shall see diet what there to do, After all, these efforts at oc- apron sine athe ae enact enough. Books and languages are enough to fi ms life and pe ae a ef e me,” said Daisy, faintly; ae hee aa ae t even hear her, She turned from him with a sigh of ii despair. nm “Stay, Deis he ge “I want to discuss my plans with What do} own wish t ae say to Teaing a Tagland next eck? mything you like,” is the tl gentle ee “Your pleasure is Paivaye Asin he did not seem to hear the Sie took courage. She raised her face to his, . “Tell me, Cato,” she said, “how it | g is that we are so different? You ou you haye no interest in life here Sat yod All may: ite vo exclusively i have room for nothin; Wi r nothing else. What ce?” and want of it. laughed cai sufliciently interested in the ques- tion to think of it—not loving her enough to understand what prompted it, “I do not know, Daisy; ae eee ld phase of his existence. She would not intrude herself on ‘him; ed go to England without her, At the idea overwhelmed her; then ae 2. het bid sige adieu. Shona to herself it would be a fair test of his love. If he refused to allow western wind brea! thing over. the flow: ers that evening when Daisy tried ber si te “Cavo," ie Said, “I have something to say to you. “I am listening, Daisy,” -he replied. ag ant went th xo Ea to Wngiana with you just yet; I would rather stay here for ne, ler heart was beating so quickly and so londly, it seemed to ther that he must hear it; her pulse throbbed—it seemed that her very soul was listening for the vised, and Toe a eethetagg eter, ee ald aE nea around to jesting ‘ou do not want to go to Bnglan lay” de ort a love with ‘his is, that you should in every respect lease yourself,” please 4 “IT wish I had no oa to please,” said Hee 4 And: Car You are quite Ur Tam-sure, I am equally hse ea whether you remain there or go with _ Something like an excess of despa’ over her; she said to herself that HE bd Be bother At. edie could bee #hig tint ie wehols oF 1 0b see, will not: miss me, Garo? she Nhe. wistful look of the tender eyes, he Seal masa’ hehe ap eit tS wonder at retum to Tingle here for the summer, Br Ae oes I a ‘come for yot at the end of autumn,” “Very well said Daley, faintly. “He thing you could send her.” “My poor mother!” said. Daisy. “She did He me.” ‘Of ‘course she 41d,” be: replied nok sadeesanttng ase eet ol speech. HE onl tng $06 tn chute ee Heme thing—a handsome velvet dress.” '® “Put would not be iatabis for her,” interrupted Daisy; “it would be too “We will risk it,” eaid Sir ees: “and 1 shall gees Fernvale m, self to take “Shall you?! asked Daisy, her pale ug alee ep au Taboll tall some ether “you fates greatly in love with the fair land France, tat you could not leave it, re for And that ‘was all he understood about CHAPTER XXIV. SIR CLINTON SURPX” E a word said Daisy. She helped hen sia in all his Packing, she ai Tenged books. an AE eet nce cake tote ad SEC ton, ‘shall be Back, inthe atitnin; I can take them gre aid soc niga Pecrovoach int sma that that wish was prompted by his in- fference her. w that from e he decided “on returning to England, his spirits grew higher and igh wt him singin; , some sweet little snatch of song—a thing he had never done since they ha‘l been married; he generally walke! about like a nee overburdened with hor ed to meet, he seemed better and bright: er than he had been for years. “He is relieved to get away from me,” thought Daisy; “the very thought of it has cheered him, Why did he mary me?” He made continual careless references to the ‘tine when he should be gone well a unconscious that as a even in his young wife's ten ‘Then. the day came whea his — preparations were all completed, and it sas time pe sat, cheerful and smiling when oe are se Ne Daisy, that y @o not repent?” he said, . “It'Is nok too d|late, it oe sss etal ge will wait unt "T do not repent”. she replied, “You will et being by yourself.” ey he He did not contradict it, oon ns ness of d in her heart; he as noth- | would shave given the eee ing of it. He went’ on talking to hes, | have him say it was ee a rate resolve formed itself | He hd her tightly in sig? page and in her mi He did ae love her, Litt her | “Good-bs 8 Dae, he said; “take care so monotonous for him he ae not | of yourself, enjoy yourself, have every- endure it; she was but a burden to you asi and if you feel dull, Vhy he had marri nly |be sure that and tell me so; knew did en I shali come for you at once.” ith ive. She was a burden joment . “Shall I aie gon, Daisy?” he re- || Doctor the Cause Not the pase If you are afflicted sine boils. ‘ioe 9 ee scrofuls, rheum, eczema other indication of impure blood, don’ t waste time money in eee nal remedies for the treatment these symptoms, x You can avoid all.these things by p< a Eoin pice Purifier, pobclese Ee ae : ‘ means health ay Blood Purifier "The Public Drug Store MILVERTON, ONT. MR. Ua SE LESLIE England Male Choruses and Quartettes trained, Voice Specialist. Protessor. of voice-pro- quetion, singing, sight-reading, ete, Male Students Studio: 182 Cobourg St.; Stratford Tt was strange to fs land again, to fear the ctearee tne a cine te feel at hom tions himself, he would hear all there was to tell. He was most warmly welcomed, Sir Clifton Adair had always been a grew favorite in society, and when he was seen 01 club, every one reeted him with delight. Wi had he 2 it had he been doing? He. was overwhelmed with questions. tt had.indueed him to IND “Eng: land’ so suddenly? “What him: Sir Gregory Hatwell, Pee in, and was senieds at seeing ‘hi nO: Ps oa that ru aga been doing away from home so long? We have heard all kinds of rumors ut ys “None of. them true,” said Sir Clin- 8 come home, anes: is no mystery eons “absence, you ove De scoumbeueas i olds to see the familiar white — a: 2 she without having to ask any ques- — DEAR READER we are preparing ‘Oung Teople for business at baer BUSINESS COLLEGE term. opens 8rd, For par lars address— EDWIN G, MATTHEWS, Principal Raped ; without Suey loss oh fine, from infai Act at Once and remove’ therdaily dan- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and oes to Dept. L. J. S. ‘SMITH 88 Caledonia St. Stratford, - Ont. seen that Daisy, eral Set had lec like one dead to but he never turned t oak “a they and so ‘went /