y - For this week only,. AOA oh ee Pens ers &e Jet black. aoe re Te to $10 Pav oe Special this week Table Linens? GUARANTEES In order to make a busy week's - selling in the Dress Goods Dept. we are giving some values that are REAL bargains. ... : : Any piece of 5oc Dress Goods for 43c per yard (Shepherd Checks excepted), The range includes venetians, poplins, serges, panamas, worsteds and fancy suitings, colors are greys, blues, browns and tans, black, green, reds, westeria, in fact, all the ssa colors. 43 ° goo yards Peau de Soi Silk, black only. There isn’t one store in a hundred that sells this silk for less than 50c yard, but we ~ 39 make it a teagee Pesci Nes Pats etd shat ea te New Voiles for summer wear are here _in abundance. We havethem at 75c, $1 and $1.25, but we specialize the $1.50 quality, full 54 inches wide, very fine even thread, beautiful There's lots more time to en- joy the children if you. don’t have to make their clothes. So many mothers have given up y the weary stitch, stitch ; finding we Tie they make valuable savings of _—// time, strength, and, yes, ac- tually money, by buying the sturdy littl folks frocks here _ ready-made. — ¥ i Ladies’ Wash Dresses os On Friday last we put into stock exactly 100 dresses. The _ assortment includes this sea- © | son’s most fashionable styles —> and colors. Mulls, Repps and fancy cotton Foulards. Some of the white dresses at $14 and Sie re very elaborate, while we have the more abe Po from ie tiaes pevnes veqnasiel 3 up Lively News Oe - Department 15 ees yards — Roller Toweling, “guaranteed pure linen, full 18 inches wide, nice even weave, in self colors: and stripes...... Have you ever inspected our Spock of 5 pieces half bleached Table nen, nice even thread, fine weave, full ey) 72 inches wide, regular 50c yalue € 39 Madras Muslins—The very newest curtain- ing. Comes in plain, cream and colors, Widths range from 36 to 54 inches. All prices from 25cup to 75c per yard. one week per: yard... _-. 40 pieces Bleached Cotten, Says phe wide fice fine weave. Extra value mgt cat 6c per yard, this week.. “6 yds 25¢c ie new Cornation Table Clomeiay the Royal Coat of Arms in the centre, also the pic- — wie of King George and Queen Mary stamp- ‘ int rs, ee Nie linen a 00 é pee full bleached Linen, 1 nice even ‘ qhewe, very fine weave, 68 inches wldé. This is a guaranteed soc value. Ese, for [TWO KINDS OF sale was a sale. be bought for anywhere else. It is not so very long ago, that when you passed your mon- ey across a counter in the average store, the deal was closed. A We have always done our merchandising on a different plan, a plan in which the customer's satisfaction was the principal thing. _ For example, every pair of hosiery we sell—no matter how high or how low the price-—is guaranteed to wear to your full sat- isfaction or they will be replaced with new. : _ For example, again, we guarantee the price of everything _we sell to be as low or lower than the same article or pattern can Such guarantees as these make buying at Engleland’s store very safe indeed. They illustrate as well as the written words can do, the attitude which this store has towards its patrons. Have you seen our new Madras Curtains ? Cream Madras Curtains, 3 yds long, fancy tape border in plain cream and cream with col “ ored ete and patterns, Prices $3.50, $4,00 and $5. Our $5 line is an extra fine quality silk Madras Umbrellas and Parasols Ladies’ Umbrellas and Parasols, Naver before have the people of this vicinity had such an assortment to choose from. All the newest _ ~ gtyles and prices within the reach of all from_ Aon io dozen more of those famous 89c Self Opener Umbrellas a received: Sold all over Cravenette Rain Coats Never was a handier garment made than a “Cravenette” Rain Coat. Made of light, dur- able materials in shades of fawn and grey. Handsomely tailored, correct in fit and rain- proof. Good as a light overcoat on a bright day and equally good if you'are caught in a sudden shower. Prices $7.50, $8.50 and $10 We also handle the celebrated ‘‘Porenella” Stormproof Coat, ulster style and guaranteed to keep out wet. $7,00 and $10. The Best Collars Collars seem like a small thing to talk about, but there’s nothing quite so exasperating asa poorly fitting collar, and, if you've had that kind here’s relief. We sell the famous M. & D. brand 6 ply linen collars. They are the best fitting and best made goods on the market and thoy wear longer because at the points ss aE From Ten to Twenty Dollars isn’t too much for most men to pay for a Good Suit of Clothes, but its a lot of money to pay for a poor one We make a specialty of Clothes in this range of prices; there’s no-other Clothing Store in the county that can show such a line at from $10 $20 Or, if you don’t care to pay more than $7 or $8, we can take care of you just as well. All the clothes we sell at these prices apt as big value as the better grades. We select the best linings, best material and we're just as careful to see that they're made right. Some manu- facturers think we are too particular, We know that if we look after your interests, you'll look after ours—that’s why. You can get blue serges, greys, greens and browns, handsomely tailored and perfect fitting. Coats all made with guaranteed fronts, linings all guaranteed, all wool quality which means fast color and good looks as long as Youwear themes sch. ctsesssdes sn cte $ 15 the wear comes strongest, they are re-infor Collars 20c each or............ 3 for 50c Straw Hats Are here from the 25c sailor to the $15 Pana- ma. We.have the very newest stuff for the dressy young man to the more conventional shapes for the older man, Prices 25c to $15.00. Oilcloth at 20c. 3 pieces 8-4 Oilcloth, best English quality. Especially adapted for bedrooms, nice light patterns, Special for this week 20c Per Sq. Yd. ‘New Ties, New Sox, New Undewear New Belts, New Shirts, New Hats The ee newest and swellest stuff for the men that you ever saw Boy’s Clothes Are a strong feature here, We will not only save you money on the first cost, but will give you such quality as only we can give, You'll find all the season’s best styles and patterns ; you'll find only the best wear resisting lin- ings ; you'll see style and fit that you never did see on any boy’s clothes elsewhere, and the best part they cost no more than the average kind, Suits for beys of 3 to 15 years from $2.50 to $12.00 Underwear for Men ‘ Men’s Underwenr of the kind most want- ed now; light weight wool, fine Egyptian cotton lisle thread and French balbriggan. All here in the best styles and colorings. Shirts are made with finished neck, knitted cuff and are cut full size. Drawers made with knitted ankle, French 1 b double seats, Priced: OO, 7OC, $1