eaecrt _ ary Col Calioge,Poonto ‘Treatsall eae ._Advertisements without specific directions The Milverton Sun STANDARD MUST G0 FVERY THURSDAY MORNING John D, and Co, Given Six Months to Dissolve. - The Sun Printing Office Main Street, Milverton, Ont. TRUSTS TO WALK CARPET SUBSCRIPTION nates 1, $1; six s; three moutit’ 26 cents in advance, Subscribers in arrears will beliable to pay $1.50 per year, CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Other Huge Corporations Will Be Looked Into and President Taft Is Year 6 Mos. Sie MS Expected to Take Up the Entire 4: Situation—Missouri Court Deci- Fe sion Against Oil-Company Up- held by the Supreme Court: Washington, May 16.—The Su Aishtt cents per line for frst insertion cents per line for cach enbecquent li “Hon welll be charged for all transient. adver: ake will be inse: cordingly. ‘Changes for contract advertisements must bein the sieht by. spe Monday. tandard Oil C ted until forbid and charged ac-| yp) attention. MALCOLM MA Sublleher and Proprietor BusinessCards R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- and Member That the Standard a Ol 6a. Pen poly in Seabees at dissolved 7 perpgtesiens Ne must be re months, whose contracts are restrictive of com- Alias are not affec Other great corporations whose acts ‘may into question will be dealt with According to the merits of their particular cases. e court was unanimous thi es of the a, Justice inte.” Hours 9 a.m Harlen dissentin ig only as to a limita- shove the Bank of Hamilton, Milverton, tion of the application of the Sherman Medical. oe Trust Le resident Taft and Cabinet will con- F, PARKER, M.D. Epis dettabmeks ees imme ia \¢ entire trust. sit- DRS. P ARKE R& TYE || uation and the advisability of press- ee Pe federal incorporation ae ‘he decision in 0 as pot dowg yesterday, bul Pe a tes ‘ustice Wiis, his opinion, he preliminary. pro: -case in i OFFICE : uo. ON ST prve S70 STORE, MILVERTON. Hours—i0 to 12 o'clock a. t., and 2 to 4 i otelock py ma., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. Chief R, FORSTER, Eye, Ear, of the Government pee for the dis- Waterloo St., opposite | Solution of the Standard Oil, and the Knox Chureh, Stratford, Phone 267. Legal HY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors for the Bank y Milver of the Government. objection to the jurisdiction in a few onds, by holding that it was not well veri every Thur: M. CARTHEW, cian in one thing, and thet aM. a Was that the de of the con- “Wadi Hauer | troversy rested u ame wee BAUEY | ciruction ‘and application of the. frat MAKINS & HANLEY = |and second sections o} ati-Trust Barristers & Solicitors Act. Stratford, - - - Ontario ft Fuptioseald. were as wide apart as ‘tha e poles. The same, he said, was true as to the facts, Moron neds 2 this Bate: ae affairs, the chief Veterinary Sur; justice sei hiss single point te of ‘Ontadio Vetere of concord, eee the ap) Leohes af the two. sect Anti-Tra J, ne BARR, Milverton, Gradua cated animals. eae ded to. the The a of nie ee divides itself _ Societies. meaning MILVERTON LODGE, Od F.& A.M. GR.C., Milverton, meets every Monday evening on or | 0 before fall a moon every month oe their hall ix Rann lock. breth- ren always welcome. E, Siegner, W. M No, 478, the 8 plieation he ie & reme the a) Nese Locker. 08 Ba to De tases sae Baler ie . O. F., No, 99, Milverton, meets “every second Ria ast Tuesday of every a Stewing te GeUar Geasans month, at & o'losk, in, th ag ovigen ss rime! isiting brethren always welcome. N. McGuire, C.R,, N, Zimmerman, Rec-Sec. F,, ‘Silver Star pow 2 ahiel : justice said that ee : Dr the meaning of these be guided by the Siete that where in a statuti de Begg, W. Bareuan, FB Notary Public. ve Ia the context compels to the con- vit E vi ‘tes othe Wels. tine Young eu a Heroine. rag Bank of Hamilton: duc! ap woman, Dor: A. L, HARTMIER, Neury Public, | McGillivray, 124 Yorkville avenue, istrict Manager The Standard Life As-| was broug! the attention of I sutanee Co., also agent for first-class | spector Charlton yesterday morning a rantee and Accident Insurance| by a Bam yn woman, ad of- Com: mveyancing done 8 reason | fered Miss McGillivray’ a reward for Hilo eaten, Oller Goole hice, Milverton | har sommes and hi sed. z The was Mrs, Thomas Du- Hotels. rant, wie na .pril 30, was crossing EXCHANGE HOTEL, Br rain; Ont. | Queen ees Re her baby ceeriage, John , Pro) tietor. Best liquors | W. a. street F was upon her be- “and ¢i more the bar. ee ac-| fore she reali it. Miss MeGilli- ai - Chas. Ritter, Proprieto: vray bravely rushed from the sidewalk and picked the infant from the car- riage, just ¢ the carriage was commodation and large stablin; GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, verton. First-class accommodation for | crushed by the car. hepa travellers and piers: Three ——_—__—_ “dar, mple od stabling, Rosselli Committed For Trial. 0 Beet brads orate s of liquors and cigs 8. % Cece, anot Italian, in a QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. Rios <i Y Agnes street, Good Friday night, was ‘The best Rk eran: for commerei i ised t6F Arid ts re / _ travellers and others, ‘Two rooms, Only the ~ quors and Cigars at # ~ atables. George F. Panli, Proprietor. shy aos Toca HOUSE, Stratford, Ont.— ap] and capably con- dueted ene asia Everything of the best. Splendid stabling in connection, Rates $1 per day. EICKMEIER & SON Poaetne It ie “Tl ‘het the grand jury of 1 at once Saas the sifting, Tok tie tangled evidence. The chars herpes against the men, may be al- THE AMERICANS HOUSE, Berlin, Bookseller Will Appeal "pays. special attentio ory Wade, Splendid extsple wines liquors : served a “ giotca preaies $1.00 vet doy. SVE WiTEFIop Kingetond to appeal agains Ils, deck Division Court in the case where BilideD tor hs tale o! ooatent aks 0. 5 —Milve 3 for the erton, Mornington, Elma, to 72 inclasive in the 1st conces- sion aa east of lot 26 in con clus Ellice, north of the git North Eastho the 10th concen. cy chad wi. knoe ok the sale as required by the Court days—A) at Sts ys—Api | Stan jimmermann, clerk. Up at Quaranti trea May 16.—The Bie nard lin- Li ‘el—Court days, Jan. 11,| er are eich the May 10th, ‘Say “Bis, Bere unard Line rt, : s , clerk. “Jacob Seaburger, bali rosea oe aul Side eral Sessions and “be held up this ith jury, at the 1 being ‘the other ne 131 : a a sisi ins sp C3 ‘fare a bus) [pox ee arenas atu: Trust Law in the | CAPTURED MANIAG. Constable and Son Arrest ee Her- mit Near Brockvil Brockville, May pea Con- stable Hourigan of Brockville had an iting encounter wi named W. A. Van user, diving cally the life-of a her: island in Ganan nol mergency. The man has the reputation of beii such » that residents of the locality within s radius gf Ave: miles re alarmed -at his BevORE even dusen had’ an imagine: against one of their number, William foy iy man’s arrest. The constable was driven off Be Vandusen and his di visit to the island. ° he pounced upon com: pletely Maan hg edtpaise he fought like. a hie animal for ten minutes ie fore . Pe ne melee the cr ie eee fingers, but not ser- Jous! ‘When arraigned in the Police Court here Yes terday , Vandusen presented a wild and w. r his sanity. capture of phage to residents of the pees where he made his haunts, are bre: ing oe BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES, Michael O’Brien died suddenly at Peterboro Frank Norton was found dead in his shanty at Mitchell's Bay, Bernard F. Carney, a boy of thir- kingto1 B. Smith, lately of Hingston, a8 ae by moonshiners in Doug! Sone Alabama, an ie pe Lidj Jeassu, the 15-ye: grandson of Emperor. Menelik, vt = in poor health, was proclaimed Em. peror of Abyssinia on Sunday, 7 re reais violent Cues in 4] ‘rovince of reported. ferson, the bell ae oe steali diamo: eo) Grand me haven Bt. ‘homas, yesterday sel Hagatate eee to tice 3 Kingsto: fomemes Res at years in dle toy ie more all who pass so as rao to pro in progress for @ acpatation ene all. the Pro- ¢ denominations in Canada. to Maplin ment soon after Bir Wilfrid Laurier’s return tat appropriate action to estab- lish dl Rev. Father gs In Charge. onto, bane 16.—By the unani- Bishop Dowling of Ham- paisa mn appo' denied. by all oo ast. night. Father Kidd is, sole ad- Local Catholics are inclined to think that Bishop Fallon of London will be the new archbishop. Labor Leaders Fi ashington, May 16.—Holding that © imposition of jail sentences on Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and resident, vice-presi- wi arranted by the contemp$ and that the ¢ urt should only have impos- the Supreme Court of the nited States Fotlarday aber leaders, and directed that. the cases against them be dismissed. Instantly Killed. 5 beer top of a coke pile, when he his foot and was eseipitazed on the rece 8 ate fete che jun jury beens a_verdie' acquitting the company of all blame, validity fp doet out Canada of ly. con! ‘iages. a REVIVING SCANDAL Opposition Rake Up Affairs of 1905 and 1906 ATTACK ON HON. MR. FISHER W. D. Staples Says Minister Named Enumerators Who Were’ Guilty of Election Frauds, But Mr. Fisher Says That Organizer Had Noth- ing to Do With Paneinoats —Resolution Voted Ottawa, May 16—A ashi: the intent of which was to renew the cam- paign of scandal-mongering which has lain in abey m; euiean ors at oe Albert in 1905 and Lon- don in into _com- W. D. in criticism ri Sydney Fisher, in connection with the pointment of censi aed f a vai tae hed, mi of su; get reac] Stapl Pp} - of and negative in a very im Mr. Staples the: tors and signed: “Yours in the good oi 7 Mr. Staple followed up the readit of the letters by a description of t ine incidents arising hMte F Fishey not hesitate that A nue Bare wl many fe recom! an ae oppointment eee “Ido not,” he not to make them lie” ir. Btaples asked if, in ea of the lettera he had-produced, the M! still considered Mr. Perry to be a fit pro] TSO eg ey: Mr: Fisher gald he did not to pt any evidence against any except such as had been estab- in a court of law. This was the first he Ba eard of these letters and di pea en to accept them as evidence against Mr. Per In reply | (es Raweciisa e the Minister enid that ee who was abet om census work in’ 1906, mn distnii as it was established in oourt that he hed boen in el 5 that ie sees L. Borden interrupted to sa: they were guilty of eight or eet of ee against the election, an 8, had ‘committed forgery and per- Pale spigheet aneaaest odwn Se is to 51, a Cirvecameat ma- jority of 33, George Teylor (ieee) sake it it was true Sir Wilfrid Tourier ani Hie W 8. ied, this resol that it is expedient amet Customs Tariff Act of 100? to ere as follows: yy the convention United Kingdom and Jay pesatt com- mercial relation and Japan signed at Te on Jan. 81, 1906; 5 , that such advantages shall only be extended to Japan when and so the - ing such period the reciprocal tari! Sarintaeet astral by, Canada at ae aie cian navi provisions of the said article and the said convent sora ley (Wentworth) made a plea iota tasochteeperndediatt ation ‘and better facilities for the handling of fru ‘Mr. Fisher said that there eaten idee lementaries for the construction ore tree cold storage plant for fruit in the Niagara ard said this w: red attempt of the Min- ister of Serge to pull Mr. Seeley out of the 01 ite over the ney agreement. COMMONS ON DIVORCE. Unusual Debate Occurs Regarding arsay Evidence. 5 Fe Org = for the relief ym hesitated on the ground that the pia was entirely of a hearsay char- mis petitioner is a daughter of ae ‘eae resnaieet of Toronto, an: Sir Alan Ayleswor he was ie papenel that the mee bills com- husband sugges! the defendant might ha his as with women in order 6 é wile to she for divorce. pane ee oe mn took an id E. M. abate ot Pictou ged that very careful in setting aside * sie of the nate le Alan Aylesworth on the groun: to grant ‘divorce “on. such tienes ld be ample to married couples. He alae ogreitea that ivoise was getting (bs Such 8 tavor ite fashion. Mr. Borden _gitved thot, the evi. dence was such as was always seooapie on the bill passed on yeas STUDENTS PUT WRONG. Witnesses In the Workman Case Say Harm Was Done. Montreal, May 16—That a, of were to evolution, and ake if it was ng pele the ministe: pl. roader inter- retation on the Cael wae did he of yy or a hundred years witnesses, while admitting that there ju he very essence of Protestantism that every man should as ed, and the answer given was bow in conscient the doctrines as Pautlines | in Pte stand- ards of his faith. The chiet Doints on which the wit- nesses decl. . Workman’s teach- ings to be at agate with the doc- trinal standards of his cas were esti rt qu of corpo reetion of Christ, the virgin birth, nature of the atonement and the his- toriosl ‘actuality of the fourth gospel. Marriages Are Valid. Toronto, May | 16.—‘Don’t _ worry about any church deolari was eo dead as Queen Anne. The co 1 mysterious institutions atbehecally supposed. They were simply employed to ae minister justice PoRS MERI awn Oe haniteds of years, with the iaware "Of a little man law. <1 ad, of them been embodied in written sta- » but many of tl hi it. the community depend- e intelligence and honesty SRR Duncan Fisher Dead. Brockville, May 16—Duncan Fis! ing citizen of Athens, tere & fe sooentl ited junior judge of the tee Tivo other sone cote Fisher, “fuperintendent ot the ox at Saskatoon. Mrs, tite of the MLP-P. tor Brockville, 1s an only daughter ‘ton Bystem. ‘ay eee 8 special meetin; ; Board of Health recom- that the i His lordship returned to To Spring Goods Have arrived and they are the correct thing comprising the latest patterns in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds Trouserings Etc. Come in and see them. The prices are Right. There's no use telling you about our good work as nearly everyone knows our goods are made up on the premises by the best of workmen, Milverton's Old Reliable Tailor E. KNECHTE Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly, In prices you will find us right.: Maite "Y Geo. J. Coxon ». THE NEW SPRING ... RUGS and CURTAINS The interest in our Carpet and Drapery stock is at its height during these first few weeks of spring. Give yourself the pleasure seeing the beautiful things, Wilton, Axminister, Brussels, Velvet and Tapes- try Rugs at prices from $5.25 to $60 accord- ing to size and quality. New effects in Lace Curtains, Curtain” Nets and Madras. R. WHITE & CO STRATFORD Furniture Dealers and Undertakers 80 Ontario Street Try “The Sun’ for Good Job Work BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years @7NO NAMES USED WITH. OUT WRITTEN CONSENT rpris ed at how the your New’ AFTER TREATMENT 6 rs ago comme heal up oe the New (oD TREATMENT for four months eee era a Be a eivalab ‘years cart, You can sound and rs Icer- ent al Berson to me privately, but you can use this testimonial 8, proses EV OUS: DEBILITY, VARICOSE ae VITAL WEAKNESS, BLO a pet wa ECRET Diseases, URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints of Men EADER | Are you a victim? Have hope? Are you it BEAD ER your eons been ,disenvadt ee you any Weak Mokmat On tee eos IMENT will cure thas done for others will. do for 3, Conealtation Pree-(lusteated) ou discasea oF Moke ot Free OF Charee. Froe. No matter, w who hes reasouable. Books Free NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. cera oe ae tnd cost of Home Ioeatmeck PRED Drs KENNEDY & KENNEDY Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. o OTIC Ei Sandan Shepton see | ian EB ee ment in , Ont. If you Atte SRE sets yo pe Detroit as we see and treat BO in our Windsor offi eri are for dence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont, VES CARPET SWEEPERS Cae AT MODERATE PRICES MAKE THE WORK EASIER FOR YOUR WIFE BY BUYING HER ONE OF THESES SWEEPERS: Torrance & McMane Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Get Your Route Bills Printed at Sun Office. Season 1911 Season}1911 a Zs The following horses will stand for service during the season at Springhill Stud Farm Milverton, Ont. , TERMS: To Insure a Colt $10 Prince Burgeon (Shire horse) by King Burgeon. Bay, white face, off fore fetlock white. Foaled May 1907. Cadzow Fashion (Imp.) {11431} (15166) Brown, face, nigh bi and off hind legs and nigh hind fetlock white, small m belly. Foaled:May 17th, 1908. pale one of Eddlewood [13419] (16732) ‘osebay of Stracathro eg (11706) Careful [13421] (3220; SIRE—Hiawatha {3430} (10067 Fauntleroy (Imp,) (8245) (10370) Spring: Baaley [7062] (2429) hat Care I (912) Lord Clyde (art) Cambushinnie Crest (16148) Light brown, white bell on face, white on hind legs. ‘oaled June 15th, 1908, SIRE—! pa Ruby 11268 DAM—Meg + Ey ee 16850 p Aion 6178 Jean I 5145 Ronsd Jean at caabestiasle 10801 Menace ‘23 Lilias 2654 Lichbor: ne Blossom 2652 Clydesdale ck 1415 Cambushinnie Squire (16149) Foaled June 20th, 1908, SIRE— sara Favorite ore oh albio 6178 Hacks Brown, bell on face, little white on hind legs, DAM—Albana 15146 Mary MacKerlie May of Pittengardten 4119 Jess of Pittengardner 386 ped Haddo 486 These horses were all large prize winners in Scotland. JOHN SEMPLE, Proprietor Ficm and Garden PEACH YELLOWS. Ses Beet Known About Course and ent of This Orchard Trouble. tude ti is known about the course of tree affection known as‘ the yellows. Unlike other diseases ern high po’ i able to oo the trouble, no effective treatment has as yet nm discoverer It is claimed by those who have done some experimenting with the disease that a fair percentage of the trees will PEACH TREE TWIGS, 1 and 2 were cut from a nor- pon twigs Nos. and 2—Brom Plt New Jersey Agri cultural Experiment Station.) grow out of it if properly treated. The tree must be pruned back quite roots should then be Calas saps the vitality of orchards of a whole community. Again it will in: fect orchards of a community with a single or perhaps several exceptions, and they do not easily a the prey of the Se, ie tree fey te affected the chee ate Sue safe it. ma; leans of saving ie Test of fhe pellevaetreh Cultt- vator. alg ies be TALK. Pisuromive. tasnthg requires su ind then go to it. The straight line Is always the short- est distance between two poin' Fix Up the Grindstone. “When a grindstone gets out of true,” the Prairie Farmer, “a hali inch rod of soft tron held to the stone like a turning chisel ene the stone is turned will true it u icely. this is not at hand, a meds with the handle against the ground and like a ey tool will soon put the stone in mes glazed Ae phos acid. will cut the aie dowr grit” Advice About Onions. summer sun retards them; ie it i advisable to permit rapid growth. The waste on man Mou bay etl Carsroed ott ten causes the sale of the big one, Avoiding Spread of Cockleburs, One of the best ways to combat weed pests is to prevent thelr spread If the horses get a number of in oe tails or tery! pick them oe at o: If the if the collect onthe hayes of the cultivator pull them off before they are carried to other parts of the field. Early Planting For Small Fruits. Planting the ot the frost is out, until May-1 in climates. the peer a MARKET REPORTS, Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Lower—Live Stock— Latest Quotations. | CHICAGO, May 15.—Heavy rains and mammoth world shipments weakened wheat to-day from the start. At close prices were 1-2c to 1c net lower. Latest rading showed corn 1-8¢ to 1-40 down, cats 1-40 and Ite pro- ducts vary fi line to a nic dvance. ‘The final tone was frm, Dur- ing the session July ranged from 88%c to 88°1-2c to 89 a, closing 7-80 to te ; pos cnet seo 30 Say Fee lower on wheat, anc lower on om afooad So wheat. Berlin, unchanged. ae Pest, 3 ime higher. Paris, %c higher 0 Winnipeg Options. Close. Open. High. Low. Close. 9 Ky HN 8% 88K 89 BK BH i) | Ey Butter, stor: ay 7 On Butter, separator, day ib oat OB Butter, creamery, 1b, “polis, 0 023 Butter, solldsa. 02 © 088 Paes, vein Corea 0 ois B ue zen Montreal san ard Produce. MONTRBAL, Business Manitoba spring aca ‘over the ahs continues dull, good 4040; ite, 89 to 39%4c; No. 4 local white, iq Flourttanitoba spring wheat patents, firsts, seconds, #4.80; win fer ‘wheat patents, blo; strona bakers, Hon; straight rollers #4 to $410; in bags, $8) to $100. Rolled oats, per barrel, $4.05; 5 ‘American No, . “Millfeed—Bran, On- ate “Bi Manit aes fe ane On- ‘ario, re itoba, $23; Egge—Fresh, 18%6¢ to 19e. Cheese—Western, 11%e. putter—Choleest, 2c; seconds, Be to CATTL E MAR MARKETS. Union enes Mies ue ce May live oo. the aca Stock Paros ere 144 loi paneiee eee 23 shogs, I es ae calves xporters, oa png & Co. Pook ® geder for, 6. eer for Lon ths. Sethe at 2B, a ae picked lots a at “Mlikers and sinaoe: A limited gles ies milkers and eee ers were sold at prices ranging to $55 eacl Veal Caives. sihtigge for veal calves ranged at from 3 to 87 per owt. Sheep and Lambs, There were some American lambs sold at $8.00 to $7.25 per ewt. ae oo Dealers reported $6.05 for Belécts, ted and watered, and EI. for hoes £0, at country ‘points. Be trea} Live Stock. week ago, t was further depression’ in tie’ comattion |the market, as the fact A weaker feeling Drovailed in the mar- set for bogs this ‘morning mt The trade in small meats wa sut the tone of the market was standy eae’ ing each, and calves, at 0 $5 each, as to ‘size and ies Esa Buffalo vay Mark PF. y 15.—Cat Re maackel ective ond ‘hanes vents, prime’ steers, Pas AS 9% et ne he mee teipts, arket, sal ito ‘hoice, $4.00 to Lambe—Ree: heavy, $6. ihe $38.00; is $4.50 ’ New. York irae? Stock. | fae at les 0; ‘extra, 9610 to $00; bal,” 0; cows, $2 "Geinceecsit, 188 head; is aeons PA atl ae ils, $4.60 o's 150; D and Lande él to See highelt ip as atte $5.50 to $8.65; #4 to ER to $5.30; cll Bie se Urs | lambs, $6 to. $6.50; Se ee ese C3 loge—Receipts, rey heed; market firm,’ at $6.25 to re "The eet CHICAGO, ttle—Recetpts, % sea pei, f hewn Pi Reeves $4.90 to « Tighe, aS 1 sough, $5. choice heavy, io H; puss, $00 to #8; ull o¢ sale, SUNDAY SCHOOL, Lesson VIll.—Second Quarter, For May 21, 1911. STOPPED THE THE LEAK. ing and Ingenious W. wegian Skipper. ‘he most oe method e Fait leak was, ti fertil ‘ain Cape Town, uch terrific THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. be larg bay oe Binoay that Seat, ahs war obted ts Hier to oe SX SERS Text of the Lesson, Iss. v; 1-12—Mem- In, the Dufleting thatthe ory Verse, 11—Golden Text, Isa. v,| +, take in water at the rate of six mmentary Prepared by Rev. | inches an hour. at Ou . M. the pumpe night without peices tortie oon oe gale abated, the Our lesson title, “Song of the Vine- | hark drove before it into seas. yard,” must be considered in the light found that tbe leak of the first verse, “A song of my de- loved touching his vineyard” In Ezek, a we learn that the only use of | (72 failing in that, it 1s John en, sae aa which has no trodden underfoot of men (Matt, v, he that be 3 other end af the 13). i Verse 7 of our lesson tells us that the | house of Israel is the Lord’s vin His pleasant plant, but instead of | producing the desired fruit ‘they were| Ii yielding only wild grapes, described in Ne th sixfold woe of the shaver and in os. x, 1, as an empty vii bene a — unto himself. a heeniae raat pee Lard enjo; property, call He by their names ae i He ught them out o1 out As saubee before them and plant ed in a good land, but because of man strong (Pa. Ixxx, & According to our lesson, He had done | that an e for them that done | ft Egypt, cast | ered him. te | good who was eomew] ork « Lord nor consider the op- | lieve it. To.prove that there was real- eration of hands, mks away | | ly something in the stories as alated the law of the Lord of hosts and de- | by the Indians, Bolivar shot sever spised the word of the Holy One of | rs while in Dp ce 0: 2 Sh eee rocks wer Wee aa “found weight of His pitiful cry over them is always | the same, whether through the proj PD. | the ft the alligator. pie immense old fel- low had swallowed a stone weighing yndon ets or through His Son. “I am Fanily Lord thy God, who brought thee ee ee gt de sepa Pe oes of the land of Egypt. Open thy mouth | ad and I will fill it, but My people | Pare otie eRe: ould not harken to My voice, and | Heat tesa would none of Me” (Ps. ixxxi, | ,. = Bet acemaiive. and ee 10, 11), “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, * * * Sree east by their “tunes” often would I have gathered thy | when Se ae caeitie hha children together, even asa hen gath- ‘tone of its own, and th her chickens under her wings, | engineer with could and would not” (Matt xxiii, 37), | unhesitatingly-pick out an engine to uch unbelieving people who turn which he was accustomed. As a lo- away word are s: id | comotive roars along tails the the to be “drunken, but not with wine; i Senco se oe shoe if omes the slightest: dis. changes he know they stagger, et not with SRS od drink” (Isa. It ts mest fiteres ee to note ee in} aa chapter following our lesson chap- | ‘4 makes e have a vision of the rate filled | Carhiest Hin-the ioe of the Lord. Compare | Green Oni The biggest assor Cigarett in shi ORANGES ~ Marmalade Oranges — z Good size, 20c doz. Pineapples For canning. A big shipment to ar- rive the beginning of the week. Kindly leave us your order Bananas * 20 and 25¢ doz, Lettuce, Tomatoes and Always on hand Pipes, Tobacco, a and Try our Ice. Gream- ~ Agents for “palais Steam splint! J. E. WEIR ‘tment of 228 of Collar Pins, If you haye- Eye trou! ind see our line of Sp tested free of charge. MILVERTON ~ E HAVE just eve ‘a new lot We also have anew stock of Eato! Crane and Pike Pure Linen Writing aper--done up in fancy boxes, Camera Sapution © Cash” P. BASTEN “The Eye Spe 7 NT, ets, En- bles, come ectacles, a DORFF ‘ARIO. opportunity. yy have po eae for tute, bun the ‘change! fn verses 11, so aedl oy with chapter va 3. the tone of his great machine wil Better meee contrast the drunkenness hey once noted, with the contest a Hab. i, 14, 15, and Eph | The Kaiser’s- Arch. 18, and ol posse ee et tere Unter der Lin lin’s beauti- “out filled people were fo be fall | fal boulevard, is, divided ee the new wine (Acts ii, ee ora is ". 0 remedy ae self righteous, vet Brasderraer ae he pleasing, unbelieving people, but such | 67° ee eee the aight of Secu ume aos 1g for thet (ee ee a sins as will break their hard hearts | ment” (John xvi, 7, 8). If we s-a@thing of the beauty of the Lord ff #s not for us to condemn other That fruit may not be any oy thing that wil gain the edmiration ot rie but just a meek and quiet per patient and long suffering, it may be, under great provoc: even cruelty. Think of the Lord's pa- 3 @ reary. aA 3 i eal a & : o g Remember that the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long ean | gentleness, good ral self control (Gal. v, 22, 23), i “all! that is opposed ts from By the word of God and the ana of God we must first be saved and by the same word and spirit abide and fe possible amount of food, it?” suggests e more to every | t He | recelve Him as your personal Saviour. i necessa! } If you do not yield to such love and | ‘so abide that He may bear | | der azo Two soldiers are constant ieee Doogie of the House— just one thing that the vine is for, aod Dads aren’ i | ess, | 4 springs the adversary. ‘hot, cold, mineral or gaseous, | Kargha oasis to Sh atta she kicks freely may give relief cbeolais, criinty of death pee perablity re “Tg pret as Rete nt jennie, you wouldn’t Wednesday 1! I couldn’t po: deer thing | siti think of showing myself in itt “That's whet I thought, so I’—— “What?* “Bought only one ticket to the con- cert.” Puzzling. it t be of you that cea another thing we can’t Fou are despising His word and dis- derstand. | They tell ue that one ean regarding His tt work on your < ke half and thus continuing under the iL a Ree ke at ie eas wrath of God (John ili, 36). oe everything nearer. eal Apply to ONLY DIRECT LINE HO CANADIAN HOMESEEKERS’ tan gpa ~ Mberta 2.00 p.m. on a wate te aay ary ie eat Second dass ii Cogan cs Low rely et ld pa RATES Wir return $33.( return TOURIST SLEEP! PARSRS, atlas seta Early appl aly Mi ae ASK FOR Komesen ties Bice ER Agatgtah. Le Tinnen CairFic CHANGE OF CARS W. H. SANDERSON, Local Agent. eae y unabridged many years, covers. Justrations. it is an enc Because : ‘Press as the thority. —— Success, “You about this new -WEBSTERS Ne - W INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? it isa NEW CREA- Because iy’, covering every a bod the world’s thought. and culture. The only dictionary in 7 ore tia ave bokwoek,Fewo’ 2700 Pages. 6000 II- Because it is acid ee Se in the — saga) Schools and es oe he who knows Wins owe Let us tell ff work,