3 7 ranging some pails of Dutter, same y 3 AGAGAGACGAGAGAS ing some one enter, sbe- looked up. oy “ ” > Jules took a “ Linwoon. ‘Watch Us Grow , . > = i hich belonged tty sian tae 602 ss A + his easel. made “ ‘LLESLEY Mr. George White of Elma. spent is : 5 I ‘he Air 1S u re F nthusiast pias name happened to be that sa Sata abl sg a : d 4 irgin—in a manger, then went football team’ accompan- ‘May 131 ath. ats Mi , @ — on with ile picture He Td be ae i ee 25 supporters on Friday ee aor ‘the Bik a. Uap pete : 2 Ss sg ica Played Him | | ed's model for the babe as much a8 oF aveninig. inet Grove to. Welles] ‘ atch | Milverton. 9, po m of mon ; b i . ; : Le ie : Q f Trade 2H Bikatear eg a son has toc Sseaieee eee of tie meso of 01 Weather Sn | a eaeserabi ae ca at 1 iti ‘inst the playing of 4 vert OR: U YOURSCLOTHES. We faye the oo ae Miltott Goetz called for a few E WILL BE CLOSED NEXT WEDNESDAY (MAY 24th) € oO ~ gig ie posing porpoise ee Siete iy Sei carried The Sun office, Milvert S est exclusive Men’s Store in Ontario, full of bright hone af, is home ere en STOR a : By MARY C. STANHOPE fraction to’ hunt, fee ee ee a en Mins aw wes New Spring Clothes, Hats and Furnishings for = | He, bad een ‘Prandferred from the : ® oe ciara me meh amnege Veet oo Mcaenrnat want (pase 1 Men and#Boys, teak to: Milverton, : Wash Tub Dresses 5B 1eS 3 — Day after day Jukes painted, trate | Bt wack ater a tanec nied over the ther ee 2, oe, sae Mr. Wm. Flachs has the masons: A ) are a aes of Clothing, so that in buying work on the, Toxicon Wall of cg eas esha Shane rb 3 Q @ ~mey uid Mme. Gaulladet, | doing go she was baastng, 20 to speak, MEN AND etary yhe cog tag pcan eine reine r8 the additiou 48) weather © may expect the 2 O a hie beat : boys m1 8 SF baby Se. Mem the’ miaker sod. seye the Abeit and Brandan ‘have the on: Ree ier ee Goa aS : - But sensible people ought not to be fooled, Anything 9 |-that Jules Perrand ts to marry Clo SSE at faye peso 4 WOMEN’S © Backs prevouted any deoring, The RE er. H. B, KERR. MMillb tract. ing a very large asso! ¥ tilde Demours.’ ‘ dl 10 owner, wholesaler profit. "Mr TN. Modbla nd. of Toronto, Maclin. Cotton Voiles and Ging- s to be the maxim of some unscrup- @ Mme. ‘Tournter, | mother of Christ. ane | second “more y é Ss 11 goods, seem: “what!” exclaimed tn love with ber qou! atta. much It Satticl certainly be to your advantage to Wea oe a spent a few days in the village last hams. Prices are moderate. > to sell g e a; “Thet ideal artist! Is he going to rate gtating’ the Cassiecmenels: ote | cont ed. 5 % - week —__— ulous merchants. . . 9. 7 (5: adden hem: Hleiaaa it whee visit the first time you have the opportunity. es aan and Mt 2s G. « Sn" cand Do wA Casale Ss PD atsoas sas pest ber besuttruL” | c2m ema ts: which takes the color 0 }/close in and tried shots at the y everything that Men and Boys wear (except s hoes) a iH aac nie in Wellesley village, , i ; | Q ‘ ; A | tow-can be?" of any object on which it ts placed. | | (Sir icbseaictaneerieirsaa erg rae ee our stocks are as large and our prices as low as you wii : ioe vse re a of Regina. is in nQuratles have ‘= very lange is A nything you see in our d. S| Dont you know. that Cupta te 2 | Ferra arwegpren ars coo te i 3 tcan: oeds cok ae ae rhe wizard? He can make a homely | nis 2 eadquar' 3 fina in any city in goes Mr, YR Ber D. & A. No. 636 at $1.50? Q . @ | ttle Peivneds atten! was diferent trom he qekoe? —_ ad pee Sent are “f ; itor hei eee HERERO. of Ss We guarantee as advertised SG loves ber, end vice rere. Ho can en: | OO teen So s article at a sessousbie price Can S Rays Suits... $ 2.50 to $10.00 Listowel Spent Sunday with Mow 2. Danae Hats ® 4 pores Dee, with every vir- | he was tied Gown to the seuss ae ied Peete shipment, -For-prin - : ‘object to idealize add : Men’s Suits.....................$ 5.00. to $25.00 ffs Bou wat the frowns 8 abd rin Leave your order fora Panama S or f money will be refunded. :: ry Pdbiatntea ts soe s Hla this te wae. nis. otdes See wake a : ita o. i emovi appear : Rei Pe bs shape a Men’s Spring Overcoat. ...$10.00 to $20.00 Ste ou eis oy renin of solid en- pea septosion 1 > : | & ural | Popular Prices Scar Bight Wing. Sater ard “STRATFORD, onr. , : . his model Wanless: Left Wing, ¥ fs joyment buy va ticket for the band Umbrellas & Parasols paoitusien pacity a men,” the | trre, taking i : , i : ? the man- mire, 3 T. & D. Spring Style Book. concert on Briday evening. 5 Ee QB @ the more tm- | the barn and placing fer in th Write for a SP qin eee . Miss Ella Ament. of Berlin, spent Underskirts Wall Paper Time ‘We Handle Irving's eotesrated LS 1g aren fe sea | ger. At last the picture, except the —aT— AE, Tie DISTRICT : : ; I, ‘ eet ater dome Bere ee show the celebrated Kay- Now is your time to order. We | spring opener Umbrellas at 79¢. 2» t @taee we babe, was finished, Jules was, desu Caen 7 hornton & Doug as eae at her home, hoo Upleekee Bite Bae iste ‘sell bor. foe price as a nee ow is the time to buy Child- Ss Wall Pa er ! Wall Paper e Ss “Ah, that is different’ The spell has | shed Tae este in the Vir ‘ OE’S ee defeated. Histone a eee ae Se oases Pa: ia wale pre cone? ski ‘you may tau We spec- | ceilings. S¢.up to $2 per rol fea a Scien Reapeliae: a8 Q 4 6 pen ees tried Clotilde De- Eas face, He knew that this was ° ‘af: ‘iy The zetia game will take Clothing Manufacturers: — AY len arty Me Shieh ialize a line at $4. they last 49¢ each. eee 5 a Sctae, Erne ity borpaints | eee th Dede Marta had bed rl en Pia in Listowel on on ficier, erent ; a. J teatro pent Thursday in Guelph. —_—_—_——— Another lot of Men’s In Ladies’ Parasols we hay 3 it. Hoe was careful to | not her own Another difficulty. < he Shoe: fast F id a ae Gthenietohes: rae Stratford 4 he Ladies’ Aid of the per tets Eadies' Skirts Shirts worth 75 & $1 ai (‘69c nice range. All the latest handles. Q® @ beat portrait canyes gust | cre fe ae pete be might | : : ed sat aay ae Parkton ‘riday e Guelph and Berlin : roa ieee meee ans serge ee Beggs! We have in stock the newest € Your Choice Per Roll 4 as she was. Aes eeasap pt absatin Eee aac hes a + = z lawn on the evening of Ju: 4 Z Sita: d Voile: he have oue feature ‘ Ted: $bParte <on/eamne: = e ‘ in Ladies’ Panamas and Voiles. oles cal e URE FOR| team Note: resentation of th she rete aa eo parer my pesoapue Teeter Blathee Stead peated t ‘Women's piled a ; eters , Satura iy we will W M K e O 5 3 EtOH sen tho RR a ron a ti vee 1 we ABUNDANCE c= Past: : t * full ‘om Milve: ive a ladies ; ‘4 ‘bsent from tl 2, yi chasing ott lah ofgoods or. more trom ou straifordstore-—f, eee pain oa hc ee sk 5 4 . Last week we advertised your choice of all our ; tar been absorbed into bis belng that Speaking on the question of, pas. foi Burns, May ard, ae : Mrs. D.’ Me- Sea cae Te ee MILVERTON | Ks : is will eth k. she could not be dislodged. aa a writer in m- ‘ 4 i ntinue this wee! her to marry | tur _ “T like to aye ee Bananas Saturda PHONE Now19 s | & wall Paper at gc per roll. This will co turned to ber and asked efooar Aurioul Minit eaves ikke ; > MONKTON a ELMA COUNCIL. Berlet: iictares & Mrs. 4, Crawford | Oranges & ‘ |S ssh ae all tke eee we havé been in business have : him, tose | bave san abundance meats aid ‘TENDERS 5 FOR DRAIN. : - WELLESLEY COUNCIL. — ci maT . [ee eh anus, Muse Masia VNC Oa [ ever i oy Marla was not onty Ldapimort ih. is nally beats | this wittetie 6 t I ; i RP Fae May ist]: Moa, hiker ‘whd for the past t ‘The spunicfpal council of Eee Ma ca ol rsideng of the township tn i ; we sold as much Wall Paper as we sold on Friday oy 3 cane nd bons see but | qix Cees at vill all for aa “Tins w eit oot ar cd ited — e Gout met at Crosshill on Ma condi ull grocery and ship of Elma met pursuant to ad- Boppre ee { any to buy your paper now e bad been cay i — : "t like the rings because Gate cl Sitar Inthe ae aay : tebfcctonery store in he ste op Boone ap aaturey viesaats Dazed evey Sagat thor rndence hs RNINGTON COUNCIL. 2 Sseiday: Ewe ies : til fall, a @ . Y hada wits peels took her ie dterce: iy ie Cees latch ane “utranemoul sat ove nh nin in c o y Sf 0 . . os ¥. ain-I 7 idel, i N a . untL . ea ¥ o ring th ‘ ea eed aise in oe ieee oe ee the last. mesting were |saniu-law Mr. Pips Seas ie RINE TON | § if you should not need it un Ss Oey (bed 0 te certain extent cto haan _ineer tor the Townatis of Fee rsh ia read. Sea ee tee oe remains were interred in then St Bpevial Meeting GA e /Q @ self to painting such pictures as he | the mos®. please orchard and there rieve drai ei eve rk. i- e . att ‘ins Bien ‘whereupon fhe report “was ed-| All stores in oniktom peut Pe plored ere oc et os Neel meena ee See SD vere wae nese Newtek oa Avril Bad. \ £ Sale Closes Saturday Night gS CoaiG sell Soe & Sneha ren: be URES doh Severe CORR A essrs. Be; | Moved by (Mr. Coates. seconde y eo ; as “ { & seek an opening in Messrs. A. Bauer and J. I. Struth- 7s|Weeks ago. received 9 stroke from| "5 mm. Revisiow on e S \ @ when the boy was about a year | ne ning to a : ana Lintlek. é& caustermation into Mr. Struthers. the ‘collector's | wee tiever quite recovered con- feve drain waa opened and the il rt M ll | day wifes bed |the fon rebance there On motion of Reidel and Richard-| ers tiie br tite Maitland at Ethel meets vaccented Barring pres The folowing, family aur. Siete Boia ee Des. liverton 1 inery | 4 4 Hai arpa crctne 1h ko a ose as till thidefeceven it) he: bea fe week. They never let up un ito r.. Robt. §. Ballantyne vives him; Albert: ayuga ¢ Ware! Nicklin -were heard and dismisse: { dott {n ber Inp kicking up his (small. he \w! Picsd tae 10. a|they hooked out forty two of them all eel mn Coulter each in the sum |St. Clements: Benjamin, st. Clements |nne Court then. slesed. |S - Ss who lay beeen oth Nis If plac ate Food rosea fish. ‘s Fete Louis. Waterloo; Leovand Emil. Lin- The engineer's report om Drain- No. P ar or. t Oil | h heels and feeling PRE EIES aeeg ‘ 1 | of $3000, i t * Y fingers, Thts happened round, and fier eibier was of Briar ike operated opinfer 5 Mr swith oe ‘the clere th antioe| Ma Brat or Beye ake i ae ee | 2 Linoleums and icloths 3 Le nee wakes te toe Men nowE or foes to Uae Powe ser taht 4 a sh iring shop two days e t wat adopt- | figures tn his far less tre - hte, ode has retumed to Monk |{zed ta Sieste permana amcnsed ie nea “He may eventually move | °q" and the ae instructed ta pre: | Q @ (eae a ay - Gone ties tee ee small son, after « two montie vist with her| the etre OIG Wi Tens open eee Pare a By-law. The Court of Revi : ; ls Id stock. The best ard @ “I have it,” he said exuttingly. | ass : danger ‘Mra Bhillive, ot Marlette primero eo aie EGER ERT: Muleseae Kevect awe: fee ae Borscht ion on the said drain isi to be he eg is STYLES of early spring always 1 Every pattern new—no old s Maiawe what Guts we Gear Ge ones 7 ie in. P. . aa Conny Gonetable Heller comolgine| Morey i Hinds the Rasye mek PRTocaweueta es eee Thin tad eae a € an especial pierion cos | g newest in the market, acute ee gee vans Nicht that the streets of Monkton on Sun-|Mr, Struthers, Mr. and Mires Ottia ‘Schnurr spent cal Mase ta lors more adorable ; ‘rom the soft | duces’ Lette tor rom te ie ‘A tl of | Clerk issue orders for the payment ay were color: t do mean?? but feel ane for Da creo hs een kg gine ap alee) OM he he eee gl Mesias. Meeting mauve hues in the new silks and chiffons to | Q 5 Wihire yd; @ Sis Be eet en cones Sine ae il chae ite sue oteetamtuarae ts Seneca Ber ees work, end oye Sohne sient Wednesday, ast in| ‘The council held the seociar montb- the bright rose pink. It is a year, too, when | € Linoleum 55c a sq Ss nee picture ang |Joha, D: Htockefelier, tor, ten ie invi i he lice court |r ‘grader 00; eo, Ly ead. ti n Mon ay . { -: * r7 N fil e me ithe invitations to the poli gxorees, teleohone, postage and afat-| Berlin. "TT su ieeValtn tO aie Gah ne cee all present, flowers bedeck the spring hats, and that al- 6B Oilcloth at 30c a’square yd. - ie eee ee eT ae other i 4 . 9.52; Geo. ‘6 i 2 1 alteration is t : Rev, J.D. Fer CS pettis er nana onan at Monkton and /of Glenallan,, eottaay at Mr. The minties of at een jar mee ways makes a gayer season than the years 12 @ “in the pose of the figures, I, bay things in thie, nyorid much mor Preabyteny at Stratford. Listowel on Tp, business 2.00; Samuel UP lia te ae hale of Glenallan.| April 22nd were tead and signed. when only ribbon, net and velvet are used. | ae SNe otras: Tak tol ot ta, Cask _mmotbeeta ame Tore while By 9 ciety ck son Ase einty Mars Cie De a OC Re cmet Son eee ")Comumunications were read from C. In afternoon and street hats, there is no | : Come and examine them— £ Ss sion, copy your boy's features feller ‘has ‘been able. to aconmulate yy i to hear that early | 4, Burnett drain 24.00: A. ugal. | SD 2 Crs garding return | ork is finished.” ably l et : rat vil roel te ftewed a | farm bridge lot 16. oan, 15, afurray [Bis father Bir. Joho Dechert, ade ty the Bureetnt Industries and one style which seems to have claimed all ie : 8 wor te Oished” peit eter rot pee oe ee ee hich has rendered | draii 00; Geo. Lemmex. work wi es i 8 it " e Secretary of joand 0! i Ss child to move ter pie en ein ae Uaat Gina ou “erader ‘com 2000;" 0.) BE. Bngolan of ofertan, sent Helliray Gounmiecinuces tepaidiag th of the attention of arbiters of fashion Josue 2 @ Bnd citing ‘trom. whichy fthee’ay | i7ist oo Mere sie tence counts. however. she tae egian i: Robertson. ae, ae ae Eee ak Mrs. N. construction of -municipal drains ~ of various. styles, sei with quills ane ay |S Ss accident or genius, he caught expres | i, give evar aor ne ak Ae Ks pith Tater Cs See ih, ne Who, bave built suel ng’ta revive and hopes peg DO Oe Voridge. lot 2. cam, 6: i} iM Bundy and across the right of way o = b nd ornaments of straw are a part o } ° . stons on both faces that satisfied bim | horde of wealth, an 119 | Providence at Buffalo, Bailenore ay. es. since : Mann. repairing bridge 7. 20 and ra ee ae iv. By-law No. 427 for OWS ai | S 1 F d urda iis gifts have been spurned, In. many | Provide c fesens, 2, Lesa. lis Ok #4: fos hee Gomplete recovery. Heres ued yetag raster Heigier spent Bree wit ten fie lech desi res aids passed the trimming on some smart hats for morn- 2 pecia riday an at y @ RCL. an ams werk on the pn |tenhi nee attr ta lh ge Arras aera eared rg A eho i Parone | copizel fo, big nr "ctting | Mist Wert “Bitalll: tote on ioitgh, | and fendens for the coustruetion of | ing wear. The hat need not actually match 4 rs fae ae Ts Oe es accent ine ee ee Pe n ret 00; W. . o: id drain w: e a wh en iv i “ Ubtat ot Mar ti ee Wa ethene? dn Tuesday | ongmeer Murray. drain LOO; We See Eh inti ee ae feouncil ta be hel on. thie the gown this season — but in its trimming ls ds Grey Cottons, eal price roc yard, 5c 8 held her babe on her lap and when |e ee re A ees a | ReWiel-Lintick thet, the following |, Mx Wm: was accompanied by his | Harrison. assisting engineer Murray D Uhec inna Gee se the Wonens first Monday in June. there must be some suggestion of the si dans 500 yards Grey ic the little fellow wes smiling up ie reason ome time) New York Ey ‘ecounts paid; bies ~by- | brother Henry. of dod tie Bec drain qs Shae Hear Fares taktute will be held at the bane ‘By-law No 8 for Drain, pia ith which it is worn. | LD) at per yard only .. senses A Bree ae mother, eer 4 2 oe Sot aay a (since etl a Wellesley Colt | Coeaz?, Se Wilt 2 copies rabies * BO.. ai ‘eace | gineer on urray rig - McEach-| Maryborough was read an nag wi | “I HAVE I,’ af improved the sum 20 . llatii J é ee 50a: ing Brenner. repair- River distriet, Ho will spe some) Partridge. repairing culvert. lot 25. vill Gee a caecon “First fnay adopted. The Clerk was i | § gS t for the beautiful | friend, looking at tt, said to him: lege to be utilized for the creamy eeu 38 ing approach to bridge 1.35: Tho: fime wi Peat ined ad Rouleau.!'¢ 1.0. and L. 100° A. B. Gordon. rev. ten be a Injured.” All the mem-|structed to motify the Maryt oro me) é pe eal 6 seeceel Except mate e good | “It is perfect. Any touch you give |of a steam heating p nt ma Brook; - : Crookshanks team on-road drag 6.00+| Tae “yh pe a expects to be gone airing ‘pulverd er. 60 nd “Bl, com, 1 com te iivited to attend.| council to pay over that municip: | & Scrubbing Brushes, reg. 25: es for 95¢ (G | tress the picture would ft hereafter will mar tt and may spall | vclops, however. tha neni ey ward Brenner. rep, bridge, shovel- several mont Siege | | ae ee ae en ity’s contribution for the Haid drain | Pada anasto eeareeiow.® 2 x i Maeseobnisctts college a Eltsbung 18, Bow Fone ge < : snow ete, 13.85 J, Freidman, bal |Syeral months, ‘Bettger of the De ta es ‘300 Jos. Johns- ; Pee eee nc ed for the follow- Q y '@| Im Iules’ case the spell was not bro- | tt: tem letronely. object’.to the ¢ nati 6: ia it Book, ERE addressed ance work on eee toad 4.90: Mrs | oquess’ Home. Toronto, is spending ton. account for cemenit tile 33.18; J Hs Btgattont jm, Mon day Eee to W. Goulter 0 OULE Ss G | ken, for his wife died suddenly within | arta took the brush Gaping “euch =a igltt trae ee Pittsburg_at Boston, Gclinnotl st Phil- | SEALED TEND! 3 Jantzi, use of roadway to gravel pit her holidays at “her Darental home| got, teeount for, cemenk goonies | Ca Sere te ny Win, Waddell. $15.00 MRS. KATE SPR ' a few months after Ger union. Tees | nana. hands and plrtully torbede |SeRtine oct petitions its bave the er ae .00: H Kaufman print i cqnpiicn Bar Bully foi. com 18. gray “dria W080: — ge Le ey gen < | Q @ late. He kept her por pests OO an ae guetee as girls have oompun- Ainetican | rena ae Bending 4 Gilbe: aIndyre, a! ullar-| lot 15. com 15, i. , is on Haid drain e! | it “Madonna that eve: hae Won. Lost. 9 Richardson—Reidel. that Alex. Hohe vai, iM Sunday ee “|B. Krugal. ‘breaking sno < WELLESLEY. int ad grader for coun | $ HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE € a wheres peiggienied eens ed pol aoe was bung thet year in the;| : ae 9 abot reseiving | Cubs ‘S f 1 be appoint- 2 5. x @ sensa- | Rockefelle: Bost F sytan BE et 8, om a ere TM ObIA! Browhinh ‘wariysaseoce Mga ae Me Oe tac nt Mr. Wine MeDoiial. of Waterloo 1s ragga fr mileage Wecweeast tO ne tte rghit steceat Cree Magee ere bat be Berea as fa |e Pree, “Sarried: on Wedsinw “from Wyandotte Meh. Mr. Scott. that the council do now ad- wae, busts visitor in this district | WO its spend have’ -contlawed” mo one tion. It was bough to Ties wots ave sc BS) “Richardson—Heidel that the by-law ait coe journ to meet again on Monday, the | oa ms Q @| knows, for Jutes was obliged to make oe ans Hast avanie ee Geet Ne eek a pvireriie fon the Ge tieve dain con- 29th day of May at 10 o'clock a.m. for The. Spenane football matohi in t S his It id his only way to do that | a church in the Untted Stat 7 \of hid fellow. citizens. W pa eal oo tpn at a cost of $970.90 be pro- NEWTON. eneral townshid era hart wie Hahah 8 3° i Schweitzer. 3.00 ae & Y Ss Gna oa cas sum ies rises hf reaches HB pein bette be iy ae Se re Le ee isiona d. ‘ied. Yclock p.m. as: a Xe verton t id and t market teely, tures. win bas e hai scores, “Louis 8, - eee ee za one "Sine : ores sit = . —_ itor ‘ae ire ie ee fa rs lock rt i it i “ e un” Ss M SC 8 Gees miches te Madomies wot | painted ee that brought a good ea poor’ iim spite of his millions. if oe Hse Seo Suldelads BE Cewe- infor: Grieve Drainage By-law be served up- of Mis Olive Grieve, Mill! SAAS interesting gam rom | again ot May 27th’ at one o’c A d (6) A e e nd Jules Ferrand . DOLTE t % had the best a Rev: n the [ ~ the tnfant Jesus, ai When ~ b- hia at Chi- posed Contin ve sh inated of Dene Duis income | ate — Mr. and Mrs. R. eee Me a ‘ - HAMPSTEAD. the very art. at cre eae re aod to hold | ve ise 1 } >- MIEVERTON, ONT. > tefmined to paint euch a picture, tak- Sue baie Shs ares eas 3 = aD cm> bat Tees sa fa ‘ork re & soiree eB ee of oak 3 i nee with verton, spent Sunday at to score, but it v baie the Court of Revision onthe wunigiz r q ; . ing his - i Iutes. ton’ at +| the hayes “Chapter 23 20 of the outaeio Smith's, D, F. Stewart. of North Batt-| believed that. ne: De rides, wa n i me ee No. 2 MarXborough. .- at -2 e a Y ouUsecan Q ei is Jatmed Boe veactital Bi. t Do You Like Yer ana. Disinage Act Carried Nori eae areraa area Hletond Bask ag, muccesful com: | return mateh 1s olay ae ; wi Ss - His friends would have been glad | bad not realized eee of that \Begas—Reidel that the clerk # aig ee ae Raat opine tr tie Faimonton Journal’ the ie be. apes ore ph ee mioticss of appeal | ™ SESES CH CSCS GIS CHES GH ESESEOS oy him not to make such an | met her, ieftoeccsh de an oes | a a1 t mmunicate | ters, cine x ding su bseript! contest T. ; ven- imaginary beauty whic 3, d hereby Ree 8 10 Court Of He-| on old acatiaintances here on Satur.{ 80 Hse bd grisea 1600 en eo’ altinobile in res igh te Elo Pine: of : ee Ge | endowed is Glide. “And soo i Goo : ae rom the Province | ae ‘ its Vet : He red 1,52 vot Fe —— of maple leaves. whe “nob oocur to. then I "s 3 e s typ Departmém ‘Grieve ‘Grain, whieh Court is to be a he aienell retried 8 og | 64- MmGasley again oceusied the | take veseion next ety oF ot = TH BEAVER SHOULH SNS Oe one areas Ings by telling him chat the Stadonna afterara, Head painted bes, ideak | pie : ‘emch-Opmadian se She Beruyh cee eid “at Tavood. the ‘third cay of Rue ween Oe ag i Hotter hive ay aetie “arene iiedon ara f BLAGH roped: poghe Gots ensughye tana kD, Neem a, tzing her as the mother of Christ, not Fittin is wife and as a mar t ee eet e a couple of wee % It is expected that will accept the | Agatha. fix the: paca ‘ crown ought to be enough, Clotiide was ‘ of physical beauty w Gx) me rning he ror = ae treasurer] Mrs, C. Donley received the news usmnimous call which has been ex-| Royal Hotel and solic | = Bie an si of bis chums got round the matter by | es a woman Sega oa axe ign ot o muntealty oe he is} of the aiden death Peters mate tended to him. eee 2 a ee FS es RR | athe Bearer should bare a \The| A GREAT MAN'S TRIBUTE telling him that the Virgin Mury was When Jules’ ae pee: ere : AS Sa oa oe instr afer “Sunda e | , Mr. Jas. Stewart has been appoint. tte: “business calls whilc Dora ines | United States has its eagles Why one of the poor; that her husband was | to his former home ‘Gestroy: Whad be es ees decane cache? his Bas Ae oe hospital on rf ed census enumerator for this dis-|loo. m: con. 6. who bas charge of the la i a er fo it would RACES Thee ter, while Jules’ wife was a | was valuable and to v fee al but he di i friends of the deceased | f° Sree eee ciate Le ee erie _fandinal Pitta 21s wplcalil ciel earpetien, considered. worthless. Many of his married. her! sister. He Da) cxtend their sympathy to the bereay- We are in reociyt of a, coy of the a Uice Smet aap WM. WADDELL. Clerk | cay La er RU NY ice ta humanity by Pees ae pictures that bed white g| thi ee band eo-quickly. and. of| Oats i 2 | spent a eine RS Aron | ; e Pea : Pct id of Knox church. | U¥th Peale ee frticle on the | friar Pa | the beaver skin wi: Merted beta SE ae a be was studying to be a painter he Good Quality And eS nie ney in wud ker bie sums of $7! $55. respecti' will hold a i Mes a work being’ done in that place by a ZA ad Dre Ts By: ‘oe an et KINGWOOD. Call in and see our | the pages eee the {view its reenlitrat element in his Service? to 4 Pan ee eee a friend I fee Standard Bank et Bt Clements | Som, a i ay. May 19th Aa: 1 | Mrs er A. A. gt mee Bie | Gerth Pe one at Sundgy sith friends ‘in Mes anidh Mit Gicall sehnslder eid car atone a ee Fight to he stamy: [own constituen Good One dey Jean Bi we sn ti : rried, il] gisei te . a bk id than ple the mes of ioe thi: uineil| mission 10c, All are comity invi to hear of her mark-| Waterloo. es Gohndbles spent Sunday \ ‘om ow: j Noticing oct Reidel th that’ + Bavleton) ive 'the| “meagan, Freeman, Se te eh nist in tak Wee faving very Ae wh Men By. PUR Ge slr Oe of Mr. aod Mra. C. “Berg at : | Fnlch [itor trom "being «genera! |he sulagium fbat ie did ‘uron iF yonlle variant ch ae i a ot ae i Drain. at} has disposed of a consi ig 7 in her ability an be-|£ock. spent feature - ft to see. bea BET Gre the |Brd| pes of buggies this spring. sreak tor tev’ terthar outa ne [eee Oe a eno dlls Wack. est. of Amulres. spent Suits. seamce ta Britiall Colamble they haye| ost 10) Biacing the’ Brita govern want to rely, eeter-iolaw She She die.” Tulne 1. at 3 o'clock ‘in <s ra. Lytle were former teachers| Rev. Suiday. athis . | no maple amc? rovinces. | ment besi 3 i bout ths Puce eae é ane ioe Sear ried, nope i bibl = ae sche the school here. gied the “ouloit ss Rey bas ase fan eb We are ad 7 to HeBE set a Shirts nee ther fomibis: ica weenie ~ that Tew of tl ee aly ee eiecer sa, ie DEBATE ON POPULATION ii ndw seized ¢ ¥ y ii tne ‘ Synod sessions | Sadie Hammond is a tid. The beaver has | i i te oni be 3 tuni srry inspect the poll” Mr, Abert Helm. cals has beeen i POOLE. — ae ae is'attending Syno disposed with rheumatic fever and Ties pe hos whit #t him ta, be unt {qd Teconolling legitiniste quality and service you get, in ved Hat caes ates, prefer | Hens. dition of the Tdwnship Hall, and Gt] St. Joseph's ieee ean et me es RG ———~+ | wish her a speedy recov ee agent | f satiohal emblem. He ie.a dam. | authority rite: Leb degr et AA ry fact, everything that goes to | aes: ‘life” isa sufficient ided that it was absolutely meées-} past twa weeks w: “Pri-{ Mrs. mene is visiting her soa wie TON. Mr: and rs. Andrew 4 \ which | any other T : a satisfied customer. te es tae Sp ab once, have] an operation. returned Welt a cae ents Meant Stee JW. Chalmers. Pale Sunday with’ friends at Tavistock. Collars ~~ | bullder tale footy th tbeendering fone g.fat mare, honorable, cibute acer exciting pibleet of debi for : the ca aiboee aie mene tees foe Yoxvested: oe sot eats with trite Friday May 6th, Rev. A. L. iUsres: pitsphia.-Wellasieyelaravabess Hosier jebaanaeey Faved tepthas (One a ee om Our reputation for “square ” | fow nights avo, debating eae rep. ing ney wi Pee platform. built. ies W, Kitely spent Sunday at|Saturday ar Quip ani incumbent, of Trinity church. ¢ : osiery | millabaires He te Pacinneat tiie Cen Dart of the wort Dee toe ean fe = ‘gone a pn ‘BO ahien heater wi tence af-| yer home’ in’ Gionallon, Sitio iaiunie eee of Brunner. vis- : +.B back: playing the chareeteristia ‘Can.| tana urface ‘and’ far outdoes the) © 2 ; tomers, and we would like {gether # “4 Pee apie char, Puente Biaiiey col Che eet en sister Mrs Etc., for spring and | piesa ten He sarries, his trowell glories of, sib "aderance whee : Seek ee tebe a one and © | rn vet 8 a . + d ful estead. | broad e. é 2 f Mr. Minere Miller’ and Sate Leb- ere et chin aie Miter Babbon ; CM Absa f ne summer wear. 14 in his oe = is seca ais aad laser tes tae Ehat then: praise it, Will you? i i, Resolved’ t =| an Bee Eee Uelaied vith tpendates “Wellesley last |Titht at cstnncnt iy MA Presbytery he would no dou! t accent are SR ahr tag whe | Brest tes t bomen. 8 ‘Such ‘htt . oe ost wil aes who vis: * lew < iu te imonies 4 ‘ “ . if xe ch's on Sunday were: Mr. | week. na Jobs ‘ipter ar axe lore Anereanes ee cae nals Bitte excort 3 | let alone. He devotes Sant ete ee undo misconception and Jukes’ tm A = 8 g eischhauer. sine Hat ns, Henry Sehheider. of El-| Baden this week were Mrs, Kip- i cattle of ‘this vicinity moved from t — tec | $e eee aE ate ye cacined traditionaly ill-will, , ; ° : den, Se Bematider: ee is having an operation performed] The peerless isd {0 take the| tenders hands’ into It si ms W 0. BUNDY ss eee Ae for quick wld. indus’ Slee CAnGae a aided Gi : ir iS bie’ and are not satis! and as a resul arin . e re the beaver |’ rad Dannecker and pet Bale irae Cita Maca ae Kean o at Soe WED pes hays Jf weigied {dealers : LINWOOD, ONT. } way: ee a he oot for him-is the of the top of the oan you wil his counoli do| “5,08 Stratford oan family Siiuday with her parents, one . ‘Yall, ilo builder. of | Feverse of ‘the coin, at the ton of always obtain at Geo, Boe'a aenin on Man-} coent, Sunday, at Mr. Tony Mosser's Onin Shs le is this week erecting fine ~ : ; Re Henry Isley spent | papers will 5g rR at nt post of-| c Here si se “| oament ile for Mf; Danear Dewar. é Jot ir. “Chale Linwood, ee : eee Sic