CANADA'S LAST DUEL LOVE AND TRAGEDY ON THE GRAND RIVER. ah John Norton’s Squaw Wife Felt n Love With One of Her Own Race ue the Vallant rhe Fought My Rival and Killed Him—Had to to Avoid pei Against ae ling In This Country. At the close of the War of 1812, there se the Grand River, On- id Scotel ere settled o1 tario, a shrewd ania ge naee maa, by the n J Norton, The | reat eMciawk, Chief Brant, was is_ time, “alive at » and exere! un- a BL, at all object to bestow on lusky maiden, eae wen the Ae tok en in mote maw, ive Cay tain Nelles made John Notion and Katie Docherty man and wi ssa 3 Shortly after his. m ee Nor set to work to build a mansion on his . ‘wly- hig! executive ability. and energy, ; 6. shrews le hs wife’s aS pe oe source of a handsome fi he spent with Kespiliy: He his Tadian regal style, and for many ccnvalad life was ae happy sired, Accompanied by his wife, Norton Te ing these when they gale as ae pie the Queen also hed two portraits Tes N Norton peiies ne she to Col o Norton, coping tat other ys Three or four years after the. visit to Britain, the cloud that was to dark- eir married lif down Th: Indian, to do him riaHleet ee no en turned an: 3 gered but neither fell; aad with rage, they flew at each other, with their dischar; eect After several in- effectual attempts to knock one an- |) otuer down, they grappled and_fell locked in a <-dly embrace, weight and years. For 80! time it 4 that. Norton would - overcome, tchman, like many another of his countrymen, did not en he was 1 ».aten, an bj a clever trick in wrestling, gets e thy an under and begai tt his brains out with the butt of hi isi was that round indian for mercy, pleading he had been shot in the thigh and was bleeding to death. The colonel, i a modern Dugald Dalgetty, desired byst Kamal y's. thigh, Teport: on its conditioi dore gi up his advan’ . When assi ite ‘severe nature, he spree and rose to his fee! lan ans i ti. an died of emortage ta anys “is. Han wallet hed ee forton's scal Having a rhehaes me. dread o! alles haatod fo spats 5 ron gal ether is i ty, and, converting hat he Goud tnt | cash, atten only by a Jad. neither one of afterwards, it was * generally sup; that they made their way to nor’west, there commence ane Katie Norton nh, the -fate of A alse wives—a wre’ ife miserable death. Many in Haldimand stil ber id squaw, whé Bs aad nee) : the doors of ithe white people for many years ‘ fore her death. Ww was handsome Katie herty, who aa been ane by royalty. a t eo Ocean Liner’s Captain. eer Re gous emia over an Sie ocmbillty foruerceerat an th is re3) i dor tees extend only insi qver the tine when she is crossing a thes sea. Practically the Arar Od f ceases when ieee “Be pilot nd o} either side, Pa isis assumes ehargo af ean as soon then t the ship = bis ts saab ‘ab her Soa or as soon, ex: cod as she i: within hattiny on juipment of the line and who takes “charge of the docking of all vessels. ave suid belo pestle - = things you hove said ay them. WENN IM LSA SM SY LSM SUE AE SY Se a Ne eae ees : “Between Two Loves” By BERTHA M. CLAY Author of “Which Loved Him Best,” “The Wedding Ring,” “On Her Wedding Morn,” Etc., Etc. CIARA RAR AR A AAA TAT ARIA II I Papo Lonsialecana: a has improved miler: since she be- Duchess Rosecarn. ~~ When the Odds OPERATION - AreAgainstYou =e 2/You Can Depend on DR. CHASE'S | 2 SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE Perquisites Which Prominent People WY ad ion. Wt has always been the custom for HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS Ie Te SE EE SESE and c Tina: with his atta a fleet of anion: woring to WasCuredbyLydiaE.Pink- pel beans ho = see ae ing so tp boat ain aes Sebt; ae Sholee, Piste pasts at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES ing to mg chain, fob or leather wristlet, $0 ) $4 OUND=1 AT par ‘why did you never write te any keeping dry cat ton se ee oe n s fe that the terrified animal turned and te rete eri property of whoever could a SOUnny reser ieangaaeiead have found lates and. Torpentine 3 id h iy petra aie pieces by omens Mee an ie ae ae Joo a0 Inege iy the sight of men that |! sew ron non Howrsrrxcns’ 6 camencer Peet ‘decided that kid would sm i accordi nearly cra si aoa aes as formerly, Why the Duphos neg 3 No Nest. DB st $ A ‘tis Seatgas seg it had ate 4 235 er nc Les lace 0! I~ 100) CASES SUEY ERWARE- avon the dase of Queen Elizabeth ronal os en ith the genuine aa Chase's Syrup |p d it Fejenber Bow" hy hues: Not Famillar With the Quotation. hat he 3) id Si “They were, as married wipe. is per ayes nts a bottles fertly ce 60 ae ; will pele shee with a an eae or SILVER PLATED TEA See firs time, ed it tes pity such was pot, q BUTTONS: ee i nt f zone County Gounell rama a it was contradictel the next day.” “Then it was not true?” sai ae ip thage es, wONEy pepe Me A 8 e ‘i * fa Ae AES ils ot ab be ant sie lee ee ot Sona with such ailments TORONTO DRESS FLAITING CO. day to secure tie &Co., Balls, | 108 Victoria Seroet see do “How is the duchess?” he asked; and is friend wondered at the strange tone jee, “She is what she autre omee FUONDRED Kont—briok house, vo barns; aioe e vue. ect garden and a little garden P TO ine HUNDRED ACRES— nt} B ES HURIRE EYE cael | cere THE CLEANER 20 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO. Eeyely Pictures FREE rat is paper who sends. us'10e. to pay postage, tiv to a8 ha by the monarch on Me maine best son velvet at the 1 onal expense as onthe Beet Marshal ‘has a right to the ‘0 rinks at the eae hp rine the bl aries ‘Wright avenue Phone Park fe He w |e PATRIOTIC eran pee tions, but he siendtaet refused them. is_house, im the choice of aeiting : & satel being shot in’ his the Chescbrough Mf. Ca1680 Chabot Ave, Montreal. mot ed, mma, are ehlokens! Hage hind legs gsr” Scandal is when ee don’t know as —Made of honest leather by Good- year welt process, has more gen- ata will meet the Duke era ee said, rices and terms, ith tas Saat) if Lord Howard de Walden Has a Hae ae style, than any similar. priced shoe W. Zimmermann SKATOON AND ate OPPORTUNT was May, ihe tnd’ better -tave remained in Send for Samples and Measure Forms. 138 BAY STREET, TORONTO. mano Cth, list of thvosmments ral e take orders a MADE-TO-MEA- Largest line ef samples in Canada | has and best value. Good commissions. Fall samples will be ready on the si ‘Write to us for uses hopeta secu es oe eae “T' do not "think I. shall remain," We fe sre laa at. aay ‘per acre ee eas} seems, but the ones of seeing ee made him trem- BE ble | CROWN TAILORING CO., LTD., TORO) Lees OF apenpee AGENCY % sepa | ie pete for his folly, ROCK SALT |= FOR ghee Lee ae ing to vee Guat: and taay att sion. ;| TORONTO SALT WORKS cas Ont. Towa — tae 38 ped 08 ie ood | CYCLONE WIRE FENCE l= our Faia co us with regard to our FREE TRIAL OFFER | ro a #) The Porcupine ae night,” said Sir Great: “Sn my ide, e is the best-dressed woman it Send for illustrated Bape baertna Ses our stood in the full glare of the light, her i So they went, en COP’ a a fond ete no lad ee _|S00TT, ewan 4 * TPATERSON, each, M i — CENTRAL PRESS AGENCY, LIMITED Canada’s Leading Electrotyping House #4 5 nae fence and gates ouable for her t for THE E CYCLONE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO, bd fie 2 CO Oe aa aa ee aaa The Green me of the Bankrupt. CENTRAL willl COLLEGE ¢ Strat Ont. Grae! Heaven, ene wae 1 not ek May! 904, steady ve Fe aoa SB fiteor Wilt Soares, READY-SET NEWSPAPER PLATES ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS PROMPT DELIVERY ! MODERATE PRICES STAMMERERS Neg! He Ree of ‘Pouler inbligenoe, a} PS erg yy HFURBCIEB IEEE ICA AE 3 6 gece | of “Whom nae ‘you aren the duke had that he was e alse, but I may slowly; that the life-blood lips d would not move. ma slated, pe back of @ chatr, and Tae 7 hea he ‘simp metal oh sae) ye ee ly May ton. ‘rae! Ae could it be true? Your lett you, Ad very much, but. she would have nothing 7 “Why?” he abot in a hoarse voice, ied Sir Gregory, eo kind enough to pee world Is new to me,” pare Just then the Duke of Rosecarn saw “eat Udi ae ae ve to And, before nak eee ae answer, Iv, ome thought engrossed him— not merried | lasi eau and Sir Clinton Adair sat at ia suuptousy appointed A bri, 0 an announce- is. arrival, “Sir Cito Aduie fepiens from the | the would | ay he es ‘ok i a hepeetecding ot Fite: teens living He shuddered as he thought men mad. would ei a matter « of pub- ten; | Bat one tg struck “hh, he must ae waste a Stunt tales Lady gt a perhaps a} dis- the Ww ees it linton conan disliked the "he said: “te oe the morning at his club; there he should er—she 3 YB aR ia is Tat May Trev- lyn? Ta dhe arsed Te alone, with no eye to see him, fo hear aes Fd there he stammered over the wi oe a was cape: he gave up ea—of no men or woman living could ie ask the question, to no man woman could Ay speak of his lost, deat Jove in cool, aneconcerned tones. He must trust to chance; surely there at the club, where they discussed ey one and everything, they would talk Lady May. in his greetings, al- ways hoping wen io RetaER EGE EE be had said some one would speak of Lady Mi agree her name; no one even lined la nay a ee ea All the gossip of the day was sto ely ‘and issed—the Duchess Rose: us meee soul to hear there was not 1 side of ‘ain a eee turned to them ried: “Tell me something of Lady May.” oN literally “eonenienet with haien aes Where had he been? d he been doing? Where had i. tides him- welt? His hand was grasped in friendship a pressed him dine, another begs for the evening. sl hort, Sir Clinton Adair was ‘half 0 bewildered fd the warm wel Dore ex- tended to him. “And this is the world I flew from,” he thought to himsele “these are the friends I left in disgust, simply be- ce a woman’s folly had driven me "ie peices with Colonel Dei foarte ied BLA ‘The gallant colonel talked of all e belles and beauties, but never men- tio jones gat must be,” thought. Sir Clinton, ‘that she has married rie ee: abroad. cannot account for it f ly other: out after Innch, and eee an invitation to dine at Lord M “Just a quiet bachelor party,” satd bis lordship. “I Ike a bachelor’s dinner myself, You and you are not compelled to waste the best part of your time in attending on ladies. ta bachelor's dinner there was some hope; as a rile, ladies were pret freely discussed on sich occasions. Bare: ly. they” wou!d, “among others, menti ay. ane dinner was a gay + piquant, day were pele aes of, for f the Berit divorce cases AVASS broken engagements lasaly. Sines ented pon; in fact, the discussion was emin- c ently pleasant, and Sanrct gentleman re- e | tired om thing was to be discovered of Lady May. He lighted his cigar and went. Cliffe House was all in darkness. How his He stood for some time opposite the se, he walked up and down he perement se he flung his cigur away with a "Gi Hegven!™ he said, “what « me mad ae I will go home and He valked noe the broad, beautiful road; carriages containing beautifully dressed and jeweled women flashed past. i a 5 green ae in the sky—sweet, pure eyes that ook: down on him with their holy Hight, and seemed s se the mad fever thrill | whole world lay “nti them wen if~he were to meet her face ae | fave it would not be pets his while to stop and address her; ee es cig to an now. bie args his great throl Ppaeaiinee “hellght Pi ate ne mt ania tHe Dee Par at am seer Re ‘tat I ee to Bngland,” he said, “if it be only for the sake of knowing that; not, sed os that it matters in the least to me, not the least, | but I am pleased to know it; ie a lost, e has not won.” So he would go home and writ Dais; é : Z $ a 2 some the sve pogee Bgland, but no Lady May. “I should like to see het just for his nutes, ‘That would pique her most; women = nevér like to know that they have lost Boner: a0 Here like to’ know that victim has escaped them. And he fail ie nice with a light, bitter, oe eee eball oe ow completely. T have escaped from last to write to was a beaut ; it was called Lit- dale House, as’ it on in= habited by the earl of that name, As foon as his engai t dy Ma; had become a certainty, he purchased Lifdale House and fitted it 08 tnagnifioantiy; he ad lavished a emo Reprse ft} even then it did not seem im Seti a epee cee cect bi magnificent house With a feeling of desolation not to be expressed in words.” Of course there was every comfort, every Coleg eae Clinton cared for ee it. There was an iced claret ed i a ses ore We Ee peony ey ar e was saying tinea hat It me ar only heard ae , he should have been pe: H 0 his own study, the room that pivuail ieteated, evo txer ihere was nothing Aue ae eah “I shall not want anything, Adolph: vill you; I have some letters to write.” t last he was seated at the Nas Ee betore him a fair, white sheet of er, pens and ink, He must ‘al. Bu ar he nad “ecateeal eetelad of missing fon aoe pees pad it ve ee bi ae py been 2 id don at an had det “on the the fickle Bee of ‘the fickle world? He dipped his pen in the ine, sighing attered vi |tostanuselt| tevin coat) tle pipet hte gto himself that had to write to Daisy. Surely the spirit of iia ba on him; he had written so far as “My dear Daisy,” when he ail have Sought of no gle oe except Lai 1 had beter ze ihe to ren ae But it was useless see to Sir Clinton Adair ee abruptly out of his study; he 8 write on the teat he would go to the drawing a nod, ae went, hating himself for his weak- ness and folly, yet unable to conquer them, i, CHAPTER XXVI. rad A PROUD WOMAN HUMBLED. ‘The lamps were not all lighted in jes Marie room. would charmed artist; gaudy oie, no ‘et ara no ie artistic mass om ae ea fee aes room Fae altieat all Wuieeoetwes Tailk, ie lace, intermixed with a pale amber. ere were few eee one Tich gladiolus, hellotrope and ver bea was a grateful paradise of per- me. e lamps was pees and eee the ines wae with a soft, pearly it through which the ae gleam- lely. ‘two o e windows were opened, and one saw the ta ie dee not know, Ltd his valet, ere dol} ered the room. “Sir Ciinton,” he said, Shere is a lady who wishes to see you.” “A lady!” he eis sane Docs by te ao, Ue sia wishes me to say she hei oe a istance, and ber bustiees oe impere “There must, ae a Toles? o sald, composedly, know EY 1 uid come me a distance; Tt know no business that is imperati she give no name, ie Adolphe “No, Se eS she would not give na eas ate Tew her?” he asked again, you n her before?" a ee tell, Sir Clinton. She wears thick veil, and speaks in a strange, muffled voice. I cannot tell whether mt have seen her or not.” Sir Clinton looked, as he felt, pared! “There is no peace in London,”. be zat, eee ere kind. suppose I mu: “I think so, Sir ‘lint. was the de- liberate answer: seenis like one who will not go ‘until iI she has seen you.” id ‘ Adolphe stood esas waiting, Bae eyeing his master w! keen curio- “know her tn,” sald Sir Clinton, sb- Faptly: “Another time soy I em not. ip am fn no humor for follies,’ aot bowed—he would have bowed Jat, the, setae had Sir Clinton refused Wa wid ok seus ee tele servants, who have eyes, yet do » ¥ ver hear—sel son, yet never apply them to the affairs of asters. He was ni very long, veom, closing the Sir Clinton rose, and bowed somewhat stiffly, ee Doctor the Cause ee you sce re atfited with boils. pim- e cf ia not enjoy tt Peeve me, Clinton, soon whole 1 eel in 3 benefical effect aM ths ex- iy. ‘The Public Drug Store MR. RICHARD LESLIE Late Solo Bass, Liverpool Cathedral, England ale Choruses and Quartettes trained, Voice ar Brolesyor: of volee: eh ‘s Onl the eat ‘nti ps fea love, thinking ‘Studio: 3 182 Cohourg:St,, Stratford clasped in nk vhs and ie he pene wer—he ii “If you had no been quite so angry, ow Students snay enter a time. Spring Apri rp EDWIN G. "MATTHEWS, Principal” “Yes, really; wate Clinton, I made up a . forgive me, and to loye me a ‘ttle ie She x ook bar be scemed $0 first that I felt ein, ee Sollee and ier fears, that ie you aes Sok be ey but ou ge eee sweet m white { forehead, v checks, the golden Seen extare s em as a dying moth: “I never read the contradiction,” he sail & +.