Milverton Sun, 8 Jun 1911, p. 3

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BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. | = whey a? opened MON: INKTON Mrs. Pridham £5, children. 6f onto. are at present visiting ats Sea Terry's, Mr. Fred. GAGAGYGUGAGASGAGAGYGYCGACAS Sb dodedeebo + + “i et ELMA COUNCIL. + hes WATGH US GROW {trtstetetery + Liverpool Exchan a thd Bs _ Wheat Highowtive “Stock— LINWOOD. f eet peaendun The municipal council of ae town-| Missed gis and La pig Goetz i of Elma mef in the Agricultural |ved home from Toronta last week ‘el all Atwood. on Monday. May 29th jattielnd the wedding of their sister} PETES ESTEE ebteeee On. Manitoba =o per cwt. are different from | the ordinary ‘kinds in many ways FIRST—They are made and Mee io sete aeeeer ae factory, — no sweatshop work, no middleman’s profit _ SECOND—They are made from the very best materials that ean be prom. cured for each price. THIRD—We guar: solute satisf aig that Men aud Boy’ by is ready for you in all the New Spri eA and Simier Sty. MEN ’S: SUITS BOY’S SUITS Straw Hats, Underwear, Soft Shirts, Coat- less Braces, Belts and everything for hot weather comfort. Thornton & Douglas : Clothing Manufacturers Stores: Stratford, Guelph, Berlin tee every garment made and sold by us to give ab- tion 2 ‘every respect or we will refund your money. $5.00 to $25.0 00. $2.50 to $12.00 LIMITE! Factory: Hamilton _NOTE— -On presentation ma iad return half of his Hoe we will pay the full fare from Milverton to S| 2 Laden $20. 00 worth of tratford and retui any person goods from our Stratford store. PS bay cash 1 price paid for five font ay any kind. Apply to 8. ek fee a n PEA WELLESLEY. ae Wellesley Tp. Tp. Sabbath School | Weddi Hl ingit vention was held the Town} Mfiss Men reece mae s pent the last Aas vic friend in (Stratton KINGWOOD. are glad Sadie Hammond whe iti connned with ak ithe: “That 100, acres «koa as B. half of [pst Jin the se Ly though Naas ta ripen the | Ble ta 10, Mornington, — the place i me a ie commodints brick house with kitchen and esate) e ‘bank barn “straw shed. shed, cement stables. sil mtteifbers an and free from ac a es “good fall whe: pend ii yp, 8 acres Bish, ays with his brothed Edgar in BE ing orchard, balance Ba pective AVON be abla “possession aE hand and a Tales tions 21-2 mile: sheers Bs ate NOTICE Teach CREDITORS. In the. matter ot the ihe Estate of Wil- iam Hy Yost laté of the Township of Wellesley, in the County of Wat- ased, Pursuant to we aee eae | be os. | Somnedy homes : ee Waterloo, at her ty | Teyinblatioh’s Mir. sake Gob of De: _ BENJAMIN OBR Ee Executor. ‘Dated ae et ostaae this 6th day of ~ June. I t COMMERCIAL. all W) ad ber ane rs Shorts per Lar ia fine Set cenin swe home en on easy terms, ee ols eos Yin i further bs eek apply to JNO, CoMESE LE urday _ Mos. id: week with Mr and Mrs. ©. Jevent Sunday with Br. ene Oy ‘spent a few days r ly 3 day ‘with bis his oe Mrs, H, Ke 10) ~ 11} plements: of Wm. 17|Lot 17, Con. matics is ze weauroe ina nicely a E will (ere be again, ite Conrad aaaale, of Poole. present framing the til y one a tow, this week with her dau; ter Me » Schneider and werd able aasa Noa’ toanke tk Blain, are the fuosis of Rev, Str. and (recat ‘and as days. . of . Mra|) 3 ‘and Mrs T ately spent Sunday Witt “triends per_was dispensed im the Mennonite ‘burch here on Sunday. Neco ane er, of Berlin. ‘Mr.. Henry Sehaub: of an er aan and Mrs. ©. F. Ottmann were iness visitors to Linwood on Sat- Be er A, Dingwall and aie son Hasty. sper ae few a he: feutivea and f1 , ne ™ Fleisobhauer. of Sorkoto, ts om ae) here with hia mother. (res HESSON. — _-._ BRITTON. av Brittan beet ring begins this ia + ander le management c. at dnusbters. of Blora; Miss Lille Raward Cor , TY who shed “been butcher Kemmedy. of Toronto: Bir. Herbert i [fom a mamber ol ote : sy girl ay al home of ere; Miss Vin ‘wittenoles Mg and Mis. 2 Gilduer ae Mr. and Mré, Will sinh, ind einige Gil Ying Stover will be married ren. of day afternoon. one John ried left last week for a Tip across Regret a where he oR re a EN ‘Knoblaueli has gold his ber Bey the eae visitors at ee troit. with bis fathe: Mr, Harry Miller mene Sunday witb Macton frien E. Martin and Mrs, J. Beaty nie $ and Mrs Blane Hawke and son eall her ibs Shes, Alex, Mayber: Mrs. ae oy 7“ ‘having his kitchen ane Mr. pees Corry, census tak cone his rounds. Get your ewes friends’ is busy in ee eary F “ eben ta again takeing ie fry Brecborn 18 : Hear so a SCHOOL REPORT. Following is the report of S.S. Bh pee for the month of May; - Ath—Tda. Mos r ZBlilton Davideon, Metvin Moa! eisgar' ine ‘sp, ae ‘sea Ain ‘Mogk. Lavina Lobe ge 07 aes Bahn, Annis Babn Jr. pe Bahn, Lizzie David- son. John Alle: at Mr. Hen Tom Bek Bi Bahn. Frieda Diehi. Mr. and Mrs, David Ross, of Lon-| yo), ft te ¢Riehl, Ofinnie | hae sanled™ on ieee here last reais Gs BY Melina EES Tes thes: mermany ke aD pete CARTHAGE. eaten: through here Mrs, Robt, ee of Stratford w. ae _ WEIR’S. SALI SALE REGISTER. We aro pleased td report that Miss F uiahark tease mewhat improved after a severe: illness, eds the tan a number from ii rata <2 Mr, A Ris for An-/is renewing old acquaintance Tuesday. June Pee and im- Siceineuen Warm iy 2081 jo for a hots 7 mine 18. in the} vicinity, ington.| Mrs John Erler, ged was See largo bills. em Ge The best mi 78 dipped 0 out Ee walermibaation W. Inesday. at Foe #80 ab eee ceenaaten always obtain at Geo, Roe’ ex home in sae WI. spent © featees i cousil nx the Seana, of the Lord’s Sup- Mary ur, 4 anes Pisin in the burg last Sun- readiokers ynd councillors. Wm. . Alex. irman of saic evision on t xon led Dy ess “een at Gat the past “a fendi 2 m eer gravel ol g/ a Louis oy Ong road sr, 5 an ah ius Horn, a road 18, tee and 1 3.50° ater Ferg |rep. culvert. lot 14. con. 1.51 [MeCutcheor ent | caine: sons | “gtruthers, seconded | the co! ania ae the Mon- July 3rd. rst yy 10 eislok a.m. for general townshiv busin are Ps Geo, Lochhead. Clerk. Hamilton and rekess Cogiiin sttented "thal ates, School | jsonvention at Wellesley on Thu. rsday | Milne, of Toronto, spent in ae village. a pienic om Mr. Grieve’s iawn ¢ on Thursday afternoon: Mr, an G. “Love spent the week-end with friends in ‘Bratford, A flower service was held i Hi thodist chur junior Epw. sunday wor' th League. h 3 Hamilton Se ape the LOO. apie at Grace church Bae "Sebati s o Tilbury, Miss Edma Coulter race Mise Faulk- ay at Mr. ia H Byerett * cogni left on Mon- where 2 has cee tion green clerlf in the Cen store, e Tee and Friday a pee Doherty. the Federal bite ‘co was im the eilege on Tues- Kent ear otter diving se: mM the a.m. se rybody welcome. WARTBURG. Eve: Ble ot fine rains bere iat reek whieh’ will help to freshen up rops and improve the’ mead- ows al pastures ree ce: raters started out on une rauties 4 neve last Thurs- Mayberry on Wednes- | day rown heath jas] Mr. Samuel and Misse, Emma and it. Pauls. Nownie. Dickson’ witht filed in @ beri Densted a the Classic W. |City cinasea ut he# parental home e aura, Colauhoun. of Sebring- ville. nent Rete davarof last week wit rus aeons em eld to report that Mr. W wha has been confined in tic Hateciord senital for the couple of weekd with pleurisy Fecovering He expects to get home this week. Mrs. Sarah Hill had a wood bee last Wednesday drawing home her summer's w NEWTON. lob aativectonna pee che aesta‘ot Mice Flossie Donley Tuesday. iss Rachael Muteaby spent Tues- i afternoon with Miss Martha Mr. & Ce Yost ae with Stratford fricadasé _ Siegner nt of at rd. are dale ReonnlaiiSee ces in this ‘vicini oa Ruthie, SpE Bivattord. epént and eke Ross, of cae formerly of this town, oalled iends on Saturday. . Fleming “ind Mt ma Fleming Fermbank, were the guests of Mrs re pene leg evel euing ma Henry attended T's Barton, of Donegal, spent | a ae bis with sc aad in town »When ordering youn wens in- rita umcement - cards if Jatest fonts. We out an Oe Eva Danbrookt spent ‘Bundey larticle that will delight ¥ you. Every- [thing confidential. a -sant(:—Ree john Hamilton; deputy-reeve, Wan Beott. ir a Roll and bad jet Toront n the |, ch last sabbath for he |now arrives 35 ted by Rev. Ti Thos. Dol son of |e" stores close at 6 p.m, |¢ Dobson, Rural Dean of trom 4 te questions |'y B . Tom and daughters % bic and Pearl. of Ha ayeent Sunday- past | hi is oe Te Mrs. F. Wilson and Miss M. Coxon \4 cae s. H, Gerbaug: irs sent eee af Mr. v th. of Wat} pecles 's | the pope Neu: s (stade ant ad doleries visfare returning. Messrs. A. Koebel and Jas. McK: ent Bs | Tafel lsetaasy a Braday with his broth-| Maw isdn. of Listowel. and Mrs. | of Stratfond, spent Saturday | soe Tay. | n and Mr, Cathcart | Hamiltow Cont @ first. err of the Ceres eom-} Nixon was 6! for Cris-| Wim. -Walker. for | The Canadian. fase pacts Synod opens | to tl low ‘si has been oe the past aead en fet en festa OC Gissenes Jeb res on, BE] Via, ln Gina | ing Mthel Baker id at present vis- | © ting f friends at Toronto. iss White, of Detroit. spent a few lange | last: weele’ vis iting her brother Pope Sam Roe of Toronto. and es Roe. of Mount Forest. spent Sunday ot their homa at ‘Mfairview.” Burnett. of Ere spent saturday and Sunday theres Miss EditH Meyer spen$ Sunday at ‘Bt. Clements ‘Mr. Jaco’ Gohl, of Detroit. spent [cous ai ie oeee Were Henry vStesis J. Friedman. A, Gibbons and minutes later than retofore. On Saturday last Messrs, Henry ‘oster and Jack + |'Mo} Pherson left for Berlin to join the mee aterloo regiment of Grey's rse left Monday for training “The Moderate Price Store” Are You Looking for Cool Spots in the Store News ? June will be a busy month from now until Dominion Day. day will be full of interest and the man who ne Summer Shirts, Fancy Sox or a Straw Hat will find his needs here. than usually-worth while, his daughter or his so Each Much of it priced in a way to make it more The same applies to the needs of his wife, Coronation Tea 20 Ibs, of verv choice Black ies’ ioe is week we put on || ‘Tea, put up in fancy tins in hal- sale 62 dozen Ladies’ Lisle Hose || ves and pounds, at 25 and 50c infancy and black ranging in || per tin, price from 26 to 50c per pair. ee Liptons, Red Rose and Salada Teas in stock hate Summer Hose make a specialty of Lad- Princess Hose, — This is a stocking alwaysin demand A nice black rib, fast in color. Siz- es from 5 to 10, at 25¢ per pair. 25 dozen Ladies’ Black Hose, a very nice stocking for the mon- ey. Sizes 8 to 93, Seturday only Goa pair ok AToale to 5 dozen Ladies’ Black Hose, usually sold for 18 and 20 cents. Sizes 9 and 93, at 2 pair for 25c. Coffee ! Coffee! How do you like our Coffees ? blend at ee Wes grind all Che free of ° rivig ieee Men's Work Shirts Perrin’s ak pails, 28c per pail. z. Men's American Work shits, setae ely perfect ating ‘sizes 1 de ani iba tog gular 75 to now on sale at We want your trade, Try us for Pineapples WM. K. LOTH PHONE No. 19 MILVERTON, ONT. ursday ple: jeasantly with friends Ze. is at present See he census in ia og “ad of Mr. ceeds os cares Eng. is at ponent siting i d of the 91 ‘Kate Karley. The marriage willtako mines ey seudien er returmed last v r-in-law e attended the Convention at Wellesleyt on Fri- ge ch. been engag- ed for tho Methodist and Anglican garden parties at Millbank to be held this mo. Women’s Institute will hold ie Cr: wishing t Wray’ re at 2 o' | bee Stationery INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS . CARDS, ETC. The Milverton Sun by Sio0i ‘O00 es eee rated by the cowneil rant of $5,000 apiece by the doin al institutions practically of mo ¥é value to them. HAWKESVILLE. Dr. Weidenhammer, of Waterloo. | and Mr. Derbecker, of Berlin. ent Sunday at Mr, Huefner’s. Miss Friedman, of Guelph. i visiting her cousin Misé Martin. | iss M. yer iy staying wi ith her | ister Mrs. a sclanteereit Eart t Grey's orse| ae a drill at Niagar: sie Ikinson lett re the West ere Mr. Pyaitee Uffleman, - ree spent Sunday at Mr, Elsle Mise Florence Norma of Elmira spent a few days wit her aunt Mrs. Sn eden. peor cerie young people en- -E, of Elmira on Mon- Waters’ wite and family ar- ed on Saturday night from Eng- Ghe Milverton Millinery Parlor on So STYLES of early spring always e an especial fascination. Never were colors more adorable; from the soft mauve hues in the new silks and ean to one style which seems to have claimed all of the attention of arbiters of fashion. Toques of various styles, trimmed with quills and bows and ornaments of straw are a part of the trimming on-some smart hats for morn- ing wear. The hat need not actually match the gown this season — but in its trimming there must be some ene of the fos with which it is worn. —:: is | MRS. KATE SPROULE | ? BARE FACTS Are the only things we deal in, no ex- aggerations, no word-trickery to get your dollars, nothing but good whole- some truth. When we advertise a thing you may stake your faith on it as “bare facts’, nothing more, nothing less.:.: ac dust Arrived We have received an- other shipment of Silks in the newest shades and patterns. At prices as low per yard as....... Another shipment of D. & A. Corsets have ar- rived in all the newest designs. Made to meet the dictates of the present day fashion. These models are designed for the average figure, medium, high bust and very long over the hips and back with four to six hose supporters. Prices rangin frome) 3 ses ane see 55c up Hosiery Specials 2 pr. 25¢ 10c 15c 50¢ Ladies’ Cotton apes fast col- ors, special... RP enpA eS, Men's Cotton Socks, all colors, at per Men’s Black Cotton Socks, very spec- ial per pair at........... Men’s yang Lisle sae: special oe pair at z eAcurusuonpu sain rasuotsurn cuscrerars iisiec hein eae HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE H. M. SCHAEFER MILVERTON, “i- ONTARIO ————e—— EDMUNDS—GOETZ BACAGA GAG orks of tha highest rder will ae All information given to “ae Ue NAS A. ¢ {don on application M, nt. “Li DEAR MILK SURELY Torontd se lis at nine sees a ee or bottled “milk, The after Sept. Ist at 83 a Mavely street. THE WESTERN _FAIR. LONDON, The: fabsagencit: of the Westers\ trio, London. - ‘The penalty 22 refusind to answer ave enter- ee a y the census taker is ith a New York f $10 to e100, firm to fill up the entire Midway with isately tell’ bint ‘their’ age as-itwenty dollars. seowououonowourwournrwrnsusnsesesesQseserareresasasasesasee We esLoneUeerecns e 2 a Ze e , > 2 ‘9 | Spent guniay at 3 at nts, f 1d be sold for forty cents,—Belleville On- 5 A sworn ta'seoreéy undet a pehalty of | Mr, eral Neilson ; fee Right Wing, Orr, Wanless. ANOTHER TIE bats, ATWOOD and Pilverten clashed in ing ai Atwood were. ‘tied at “the call of time, able Goal Centre. EY Giantess Right Wing. Orr. Wanless. * seen mia intermediates go to Ethel ind the juniors play the et ;— oints 5 GLENALLAN. Wedding bells are ringi few ery ( Beunia visited Garnett Cookman spent Sat- ee and daughter are at een visiting the former’s moth- M. a ith. aefer, near Dorking. Mr, and Mra. Goodd and daughter. of Waterloo. were the and Mrs. A. B. Synder over Sunday, Miss Shepherd. of G guest of Miss Bessie Johnston Sunday. Mr, Herbert Jackson. of Listow renewed acquaintances here on Sat. urd: Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Tyack, of Tham- esville. visited over Sunday with the 0. i "sth annual convention of the Don’t forget Armstrong, of Toronto. ‘sat t Soe visiting under the par- RAS GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES Mr. Can meron, of Luck: catherine Jecturer in connection wi Reeva ladies ree. ir will th taken by Grosch. ‘Bre rybody welcome ; specially nae ion fr TRALEE. reoent rain (Quite a number intend taking in the excursion td Goderich on Satur- ay. Mrs. Adam eee has iideele dS home after spe! a couple weeks with her aeugbter Mrs. ¢ MeLaughlin. : Mr, A. Burnetf spent Sunday in Mesens Mr. om ee id erecting a ver- andah ta t Mr. J. fr. J. MoLauslie's GRAVELRIDGE. garden party will be held in Mr. on Thursday and Mrs. Will. Shannon. of ie pent the week-end -a’ an and Miss H. West _ apling. of T: avis ‘tock. on et ‘A. Murr, of Seaforth. Master Willard spent a she days iis week at Stonecliffe Far st Mrs, P. ‘Bartuar are visit- ing friends in Waterloo. Mr. Langford 1 ‘atbended th he | the Conference services held in Strat- ford this wi # brow anya ‘thin’ Seek wie 2] Mr. Monday last paid a Visit to! pb | parents at Komoka,. ze with Guelph, was the on |ol mother. Mrs. J. Cookman on the a b | ge iment Annuities | j ard |}. The crops are “Tooting exeellent af- fer the Terry. of Toronto, spent Saturday and Sunday at his home re, Mrs. tingford., are visiting ‘erry’s. Miss Maggie Huggins, of Aenles spent the King’s birthday her i alter me in . of Blenbefm. spent a her stst Mrs, Mr. John Keilor on Tuesday last gta an operatios for appen- B Jno. McNaug! On June 23rd a rae say be pee ene teas chu re ae Tay’s grove. Mr. Bemmuel fale the salesman for tha ‘Monkt: sold the tek half of ecu ke at 10-5-8, is aeeenas a D iittle better than er Toronto, accompan- |i a ri ake C.P.R. een nt on is aged His mother has been ill for some time but is improv- ing. Mr. Thos. Dobbs and daughter Miss ert 8) the eae of the lat Mir Mr. | Hartwell Speiran, of Grey Ly four sons and four danghters survive him. One of the oldest: men in our yvilia ard on micas ried aged 81 ivide carter. an ill- ness Je Series ms ntive months from Jas. Scott spent a few days|st ine oeeok lub hee nether anaes ie sts of Mr, | Henry. ing ‘disposition The remains were interred on We: nesday afternoon in the Elma Cent=e| rs. George, Albert. James and and, were respectively tin pine each ahd $4.70, 84. and Bhs ao ts. George was fi oats for common assault. fe last Melville S01 playind with a Jas Hamilton. road. was seen to fall eng to “ch ™m Hy ata Edward sheath ae at eh Spthene of Mr, ichade. Yeandle. of Stratiford. Orangemen’s pienio at Brodhagen on \day. Pee aes arte Broughton left on Sat- WI day with Mr. and Mrs, ton. Mr. Albert phe spectt eae fold r to Mr. |. Bet: wood are au arr ments for attending ayaae service. en cars e been ship-| irom here durina 0 past week we New. York.£ State. oGanicton Blaca shows cae Soy a ena Jaw. ere: a3 egy a word to say tat e dis. jon of his Ae bropenig ip Subscribe for The Sun. inning and daughter, of Car- fc at Mr, ae heeled pester a et a retires with her pare! 8) Mr, Mra. Jc i Milton and wes 2 (—Ber' eph steckly. This ane Millie Gera- kinson, Pearl ri n-| Mayberry pa Mr. ange iat ners papermakers are ne up @ | Boga business with New Zealand. Prince Edward County farmer ee fined $25 i to answer the questions mes Leach, T ‘oronto, was sentenc- see et Ni ara Falls to one were in the Central on charges inj the |the frst tune in factories at Galt yes: of Canadian cities. He found Brantiord clean. While boadi: donated ion of BRUNNER. Mr. Hai Drumbo. spent a few ae last weell with friends in | th ‘is vicinity. Mr. John Fleming, a Poole. Leth i Sunday bs ats Mr Anderso1 ‘isses M. and B Steir seit ieehay. at the home of Mr, sera with Mrs. jean Alexander iat arned sand Mra Dy Sinith and. daugh- : CHI speculative. agtag | e rear in thew tere in agali sas ra and Produ. izing sales on SSgecenes i fiesta oSoooS Fa & oor z 2 Sle acto ter marr ts bag of 20 barley—Car Is, $315. Feed enday atten svending tories conte Milvertan spent Sunday afternoon | wit te pea 0. spent Hier mn Buzzart. Nancy Erb. Wellesley, spent the wecksaa with Mr, and Mrs. ©. E. E: ee SCHOOL F REPORT. pave ee ey eee of 8.8. No} i aoe * Mag: Bark inant ioe haelder, ~ Jr. I—Gordon Holmes. Willie Par- Posliff. TI—Noab ee Delilah ate Simon Btedkly Archie “White | xurtie oat Kuepfer, Eva Posliif Simon » I-] Nicholas 8 ene Mary Steck ilies . Gordom Bu- George Posliff maz’ Debus, Nelson “hrerace Bae for .month 29 Grant, Teacher. vis Baamie Zehr. Hert rs. John Fleming and little daugh ae ‘aie visiting friends in Listowel. Mrs. Levi Jacot vu visited in Syatetlen eee un and Mrs. Voll attended the faneral of the a iets cousin. in tek Vina |. rs. C, Et and Miss Katie spent Moniay a een in Millbank. mumber from arourifl here at- itdnded the funeral ce the late Miss Ban mini Mins, Ham Quiny Giaited at the home of Mr. C. Quipp. Ellice. ou Sunday Paber! of Wellesley: Wad n Ban: day "visitor at the home of Mr.and Mrs. joersi ~ ease s COME WIth. 1 THE CROWD Had eg eed dateresting program Mh na be the: : hi Good ae gay Bal bbath servic~ co arias the jeadership. of Mr. Or. G Rev. Pierce will officiat and son. of | Watson ri ae present. vialt-| 290. ‘ton. ‘Dunn reported veal catves as | selling ot 4 to $00, or an average of | $6.25 per e HLTA, BH fa Of the ‘stock tended to CANADIAN : PAC u Fic ee fall b a i : By : be The Hon, MP. bah ae,

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