Milverton Sun, 8 Jun 1911, p. 4

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QUEER EASTER ISLAND DOT IN PACIFIC HOLDS PUZZLE AGES. enforced Hundreds of Gigantic Monuments, the Origin of Which 1s the World’s Greatest Mystery, Are to Be Found -on a Few Acres of Volcanic Rock “In the Polynesian Group—Must Have Been Great Workmen. | Did a race of giants seat any ee ou each tel before pee fs wilte | fragmentary _ histo: a stone in strange rosie and symbols? Painters have the famous sat in the no less famou: the ‘scientific ehh, fraveling ant set down in ett him in the ear Just flow science is ing, “What of the giana? recen’ of 8 tion Ree the colossal s? ey on tos Island. which ee centuries have been ld_mysterie: Quite apart ster the statues Rie hele oxen fa tegen of meee Decaties uth seas no bi @ island of f Manhattan? ae the island: yolcal The is! noes Se Peo) lower folk folks’ than attend a mati re of at the land lie of Belinea, near. O83. ew day—the begin- as civilize hie ation knows it—dawn- nal told, on this one small island 555 carved statu ae heeds and other aramnpies a prehistoric 5 Sapte Tace o! Se Bey to 800 length. ee look like gigantic dining ¢ council tables around whose Ras sides eae! have set prehistoric Ea eat chairs either to eae a eae a veces i fe Bo take re he Sait ere are iod when the | r= | hi a system of pore re | The ta dependent tribes, y | bring about MOROCCAN REVOLT. Conditions Are Chaotic and Massacres of Christians May Follow. _ poses is again in a state of revolt massacres of ‘istians may oc- cur ears any ee Mulai Hafid’s ce in the results =e Tine root ae the varee trouble and they are ated. massacre breeders. ahe itary ies culties in Potos ‘itary operations aay Hine made brads Diemeey which p the nettle |? s lays to ong! w Tes as the head of a state. there i and ee not been for enerations, a state of Morocco-except iD ras imagination He, diplomatists. Halt country alf the popu- lation have neve sat “the Sultan’s. ae native langage distingulches be- col hey pie ease, the ets Bot the oe the Sultan is theoretically SetigeIDe; administration is oe more than. curity for per: chance of ee ee by aaeoe re juer the ere 15 would and if his fall some chet as, receiver of. the ation, a! pags aaa has little idea ot ot ve France dalag anything there hat en eos] op tre her a title to & protector- ate, ats the ponent is that if sd ith the energy o! inh she is maoable she aight, = any moment receive an ultim: Germany. Acco! ae = action to what will Rey fe ei Ty yalek ni raeans athe! she = ope Be foie Bono thor: feo, “to. exert Revie withi: deseribed, to support a Sultan and to induce es to govern not too tmonstrously. PREMIER M’GOWEN. His Diary Shows What Colonial Pre- miers Have Been Doing. Or yurnal, pi lio engagements for. Mo: me saa ednesday of this week, es f ie ‘oe Opening Naval ie i aioe Tourna- Meat of Ministers, Common- ne Minister's etree peer eos core rd Granard’s dint Alma Moodie’s concert.” ‘Miss Alma eae a a child er trom TRADERS BANK BLDG., TORONTO. ¥ Members Toronto Stock Exchange, 25 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. ited i-| abor ee a4 br Ba oan vy. ss ee cisvetin te nis Srp By, he ack oF Ai e SUDDEN FAME AT AT SEVEN Walter Greaves 1s the Latest Artistic Fini see the curious experience of Walter 6 London critics are praising "| Walter Greaves. One day « lady, sce: i d pictures, none of which ited. When asked his reason he rac. paintings es before, you care tice of storing his W A sked, and the ho ae iaolt apranedeby the feede old er indebted to this strangs .d | Worse at this Eczema Worse in the Spring The Blood Is Watery--Difficult to Get the Healing Pro- cess Started. But Whatever the Cause You Can nee the Itching and Heal ie Sores With Salt rheum ee eczema are usually - OR. CHASE'S OINTMENT = 1 Fo: ‘od, | miles fro’ 6 | well at fa enced; 1,000) on terms. ce | Sidbarns alte 2 my} Woe wre pe: West berta, jof giving alms tha’ I’ve a great mind to turn beggar’. of thro) = i, and joy ee: Are a good investment. whom I gazed “I once had a i who was micer,” said an Hoglish ol Sgor this man’e benefit I Pala one Sunday a strong on necessity of chari fog, Me ‘talser, at . > a often, imy ._Ne: PR met him on the sf ‘Well, John,’ I said, ‘what did you think of yes- terday’s sermon?’ ‘It mo’ me dee , sir’ he answered. ‘It brought home a me 60 &I ly the necessi iy Tnonestly, at, Vancouver Lots a g Sure to eaten treble in value inside of 18 m We have some very aac Pleat lots within the city limits. Full particulars on application. I. E. WALKER & CO., Park . FARMS FOR BALE. W. DAWSON, NINETY COL- * BORNE Street, ‘Toronto. HUNDRED 4 ORE S—COUNTY OF k house, two barns; cheap ot thie sive hundred. po ey: oun ier baea. N mnty miles from Toronto; house, born, orchard; eight thousand. UP 10 DATE HUNDRED ACRES— County Peel; seven thousand. ] HAVE ALL SIZED FARMS—BOTH saimprovedand m Saskatchewan. Slants, | it will pay you to see F8012, STOCK, GRAIN AND DAIRY farms to suit you i Consult me. Wy, RAWSON, SON, NINETY Ook street. Nights and holidays, ‘two Hand Seventy-two Wright avenue Phone 527, Toronto. R SALE—IN SUNNY CENTRA Alberta—100 acres splendid land; a8 res under cro} a buildings and ‘andles it, balance H, J.’ Hollier, Palntnoe actly broken: Write HELP WANTED, RE SENTATEV ES, MISCELLANEOUS. VETERAN GRANTS W. ANMED ORs TARTIO, unlocated or located—I township or fllatrios, Northern Ontarie Bee past pees ¢ paid. Mulholland & 0. AGENTS WANTED. ‘HER AGENCY Va Borated seline A Valuable Remedy for Catarrh. 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes. Camphor Ice, Mentholated. Carbolated.Camphorated, White Oxide of Zine Capsicum. etc Each for special purposes. Write for FreeVaselineBook to peowTREA, Curseancucl 14 ColCond1000 Chabot D0 YOU KNOW that there is an enormous de- mand for the dian edie 131 Victoria Street, Toronto. 10c FOR A NEW HAT A package of Hat Bleach for seasons straw haf, Will make It ook is new. Packas 2%e. Sent postpaid receipt of HOOPER. ‘CO. LIMITED. Canada’s Oldest Drug Store, 83 KING WEST, TORONTO. —BY MAIL ONLY— IODINOL . GS fe highiy ecient application for fre, eduction Kiks ‘Breuings oes, Bee ‘COMMON SENSE FOR PILE Quickly relleves, and Dorisvely puree piles and all stay $1.00 rea 6 for ‘$6.00. DR. SN Vim and Mere Food ittons, Sunburst abe replaited. = ie price list. Mail orders paoae, 'y. fi Tel. North 3843. 600 YONGE ST,, TORONTO utmost admiration for his whom ‘he ascribes whatever skill he pastel s 8. The.-c1 say is. too that hei: aster, asta all-his.own, and qualities histler not possess. e case . ensational and it) will be well to it the more. deliberate j ueneae amived ae: alter “the. daye’ wonder has-worn off SOME QUEER CARGOES. of Having an Elephont oard—6,000 Cats for So6 : si ae recently from , bound for Seamer ar nine aay He les qapecend iovea necessary feline is conspicuous by her absenes. Therefore, the 5,000 to e distributed about. the coun! iorease and multiply until the aah G Hethann ihevailecesaceatan ie aboard the Thomas Brooks, the vessel that few the Cuban flag aiter Cubs became an independent tepub- It consisted’ of a Bille pecintary meciber: of witialc aan at SI pIGIC enti iar destination (wads not a very bi jr friendly interest in the legs of ateae sailor men. Seales: the ee ee waddled a bar ae th neisbean: and got real trouble up the sche- they did Be sean the arrival of steph ust con- set ot ote tesidence. The bi 7 de ultimately “Ham- fiton” sold the vase for $176,000. . A goat will age of a qua: ive a cae on an aver. of mi INVESTMENTS IN Grand Trunk Pacific B.R. TOWNSITES At Melville, Watrous, Biggar, Wainwright and Tofield. d_and’ certain money-makers. Are, Write for fustrated folders and price list. x ‘WILLIAMS & WHEELER|™ 9 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO. We strongly recommend the Imme- diate purchase of Great Northern For an early profitable rise in price and as one of the very best among the GOLD MINING STOCKS. ‘Write us for our letter aes this com- pany and for particulars.on all o Porcupine and Cobalt "siache: = BARKER & BARKER, 1 (Members Dominion Stock Exchange), 21 MANNING ARCADE, TORONTO HH & OO. WEMBERS STANDARD STOCK EXCHANGE Sonat g ouaine and Un- Stocks. Corres} solicited. Tel. Main 7417 38 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO. NOL ee RUST Tibet is all mount Thera is scarcely a pl valleys, lain Lac of ish, Me Pitas aieade ent ceeeod only with well great- difficulty, The valleys are Toominted. but the cities small. 08 ban Ss Sa atohewa an Teac} Bgonoy, Bionfait: Sask. MEN wishing passage to England or Scotland and return apply D. DUGGAN, (Licensed Agency.) 88 Bay St., Toronto, Empire Realty Agency, iT Have for salo improved ee F perty Invest- tailed informati: see companies in the new Porcupine Gold Fields. COPY SENT ON REQUEST. SCOTT, DAWSON & PATERSON, STOCK BROKERS, 24 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. mn on now. The Porcupine Quill A monthly publication giving de- Ov cr thirty operating on ‘om Wi can eq) urs. You will always regret est Bell's great book “FIGHTING THe TRAHIC tN ste: 80 ik ity you don’t apply for particulars to 5 Ui aes PE ged a Cn ete eee A fpesifo Tonto, | More powerful, and Jot of inting, when APs pemyeliete! ete tis Zt tere ceeak OF Bier Weenebanir oo ‘at SR enya ler came an — “ iiss foe torn eberpek ae $5.00 per package. 6 for $25.00. to the point where ho wished to WwW vase BN WANPED-TO TARE || feat d any address putea pon eestetl | Ty vi MEDICINE CO. is 5 lee, ae sary; our ‘ines es] eclally pas by padina Avenue, Toronto bd arcuate rea {ras saroed that | rag covered with cores, and three othersand gisls. “Apply Dent, Ay Bat eee. 718 QUEEN WEST, TORONTO, Pe Giinl Goes e|igh Canadian Indust cee ~ 3 Tepe ‘ahered, feral vould rs ttave [doctor said she could never be. cured. | S1ert Sect: Ovtor AGENTS WANTED : exhibite his own. lifetime,. per- | Write 3s. Massey ee a rs NENT - To sell appliances for lighting Dire 23 Oi for ow Engh aps, hed fot the Jnl visitor brought atu Guaee’s Ointment, Ge. a, Po | custom-made clothes in Canada; highest |Stores, Public Buildings, Par Pes eek ee aitancaaest him to public notice. Biees Ob um commission. Rex Tailoring Co., Limited, | Town S' Ts fe The curious part cording to| Co.» Limited, Toronto. ‘oronto, Ont. bl 7 aaa treets, etc. Territory righ Peretah aha cison yr iat aan iberal Greaves” paintings done years Spetore The Toronto Dress Plaiting Co. TEACHERS WANTED. Apply Sales Department, he met Waistler, vip strikingly similar ig OI ates ge Colberie St, Toroato, | WHed you aproach It Diss sppears:— to thet ar most temo ous Nocturne, | Makes Accordeon and. Knife Plaiting, tt gute, aero he Nag deri Pearson 5 "TR What extent” 2 asking, | Hem Stitching, Tucking, Braiding and ‘ ing. granted take good care of any people ate teeth Peta pier tongues RY GURITE EYE REM ye Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes os LATED EYELID: Ireegie Soll Marfap Ere! me Liquid bats $0, $1.00 Meine Eye Salve, in avd EYE BOOKS AND ADVICE Fant 8 i cag ROCK SALT FOR FREEZING ICE CREAM. SEND FOR PRICE. TORONTO SALT WORKS G. J. CLIFF, Manager, Toronto, Ont. n= TORONTO. CANADA. C.P.A.—24, 191. mail and oy print ot ea negative. Any size, fneluding oy aatile Pring. ca Mig HIGH-GRADE PORCUPINE STOCKS Correspondence in’ 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO. CYCLONE WIRE FENCE eee Se ie Pit ae 5 et Mgt ante ‘atte hae took wand Ge ieee proportions, suited for nothing i Court B Mo” : Healer, as one now ‘contemp ae appa ing Be y ee tealemeal Society ees Hat a ae este Bome of the slabs of the structures| Cordwainers’ Company. dinner. Thain dec bee ghee pa ‘hed: ; are marked with geometric res ings—sither as a ‘domesti aunges Send for tusrated atalonue describing our = with Tepresentations ot nals Liberal Golpisl On Agree nee an erilale intended for educations! aS ee na se ee tic . 8} It is int ti with ZA Me ntal fence lor Sa eens ces or ihe Gove exe? we fort nately, hag fobasi i a elephany was put in bond in a parke end gardens. are noarly all of ‘he an in. 3 Rake ee eee es WIRE FENCE 60, Ltd yal of ‘heroic mould sug, |tman 1, slcndld health. Tye $8 the | rum while the depute woe related THE CYCLONE WOVEN Sf, Lt things the workers sought to. depict | was. | botlermaker by trade, before be- from specie ing 4370 DUNDAS STREET, TORONTO. doth i shape that with | Coming prominent in polities. He eral to the Colonial which they were familiar. The statu- addressed 08 many as 70,000 people in| that official to batch Appropriate Text. ary ures for life size | one night at a si of meetings in|thence to the Atto: WEED. e Bish wo th f to-day, [and around is ree Bxosleney's Biry, Council STEEL TANK Co co. STWEED, © op of Dusham is yery fond 4s it not probable that a monument ‘allan. polit circles “as ee ‘While all Hemiatre of daca animals, and he tells a story Easter Island shaped to strong, level-headed man. Tn Lo! telephone, te, ep eae iaused hin ty, of @ little lesson’ on kindness to ani- ihe basa Wort at a height of VY eek hg sticks to his big soft felt hat, oven | Self pen yh tapes ‘An Olitspeken Authoress. Pi oe mer gen re, Beal 0 those, who | en: wearing. a: Frock costs" fapd moppia oe inert mis frackaess ie the keynote |a°CN hid: “why ia it wrong to cul The Bewaloris of aster Island, are fortable: Why shoulan't I weer ite | OUR pldee cha s dantcer eae Rae rencte ees Udeae Dot doues anil oho seat Be Aa a, parent race worried officials then besought the|stone ity govele, and each one has|{c, Berio” The bishop was rather has isan the face of the Saving Time. master to-do what he liked wi preached a lesson. She has been ac- led, because he had joned brows ‘ were eedighbtaired: “What show shall we take in to- pee so long as he took it out of their | cused ing a o! at those = particular te so far. “What text, rowitaced and wity, Uke thelr de “rh tt she up gy mind be iia. hana: ueen pivileged ito, meet het |my dear?” She _thongat hard Jor 8 Pagar ees at 2 ing house, cot, Wes! son, ats 5] £ at Extraordinary Art Deal. Bournemouth, agree that there is no| God hi: ae ouer Tet no man Eran etie eiugs “Kou nik | “Sast make up your oo plxo at more charming and delightful hostess. he ive fea ae fivisg anyway | the same time, will your” fon in has erga eran would Be ‘aifieal to, point to put asa e prolific author, an “Rita” re- lesler, Mr. 0. Werthelmer, who has| (7tiy made the interesting confession Gonsoling Syianstint ; just died, the Soilaring story d.| frat she wrote “Calva: Jack—Why with a yn juare, n- don, one day he espied through the| Considers is her best aud? PORCUPINE irs Sian invest ea ati, St, | uaa fn shoe me ate Tee tie 7gars at least Rte never dictates, | Yeck—You. should Meal flatiened in: Full Information Furnished and explained that he, wae looking for Joel five hours EG ara ET ae Nek te Na Orders Carefully Executed. na ie owner hes fod for a while, | 100,000 "9 two months #f 1| prettier WARREN, GZOWSKI & 00 1S ES tmenerino Gear aa Sach mn, “ee e twenty-two years’ un- 3 sg ee ae expired or $00,000 and the Tibet. “Improvident? W Wal I should say! Ho spends the most tool. way.” day he for spent | half a “eal ae es an umbrella he had lost. PRIOR 50c. AND INTERNATIONAL COLIC REMEDY lee ON A SPOT CASH GUARANTEE jo Refund Your Rone: if t Ever Falis. COLIC a KILL YOUR HORSE or Cow within one If International Colic Remedy ever fails we will refund your mi such a strong guarantee. joney. ing bottle. It is the only Colic Remedy ever sold on Put up in a regular drench- angie ie FILLY F, JoviTs, Qus, March 3rd, 1911. INTERNATIONAL STOCK Foor Co. ., Limited. medy on wi beautiful filly—she Ses ey bara PER BOTTLE. seemed to be a hopeless case ed International or and .sa’ “Gigned) CHARLES ST, sein" FOR GALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE 81.00 INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO., Limited, TORONTO, CAN. Handsome Watch FREE BOYS we will give you this noua some Engtaved Nickel Watch, ne movement, fully guranteed, for sell- ing only $4.00 worth of our lovely Postcards at 8 for $ You can easily sell all these cards in a few hours as they are the latest design in Beautiful Colored Cana- dian views, Floral and Birthday. Many are richly embossed on gold. 2) We pay postage on both Prem! TORONTO PREMIUM CO. Dept. 104 Toronto, Canada. CENTRAL PRESS AGENOY, LIMITED Canada’s Leading Electrotyping House GOOD WORK : ELECTROTYPING ENGRAVING READY-SET NEWSPAPER PLATES ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS PROMPT DELIVERY : STEREOTYPING DESIGNING MODERATE PRICES» L 70-76 PEARLST. = = = = = « TORONTO s core io f 4 aiieted ‘with any Blood or Skin Disease 19 our New Me! ent as & guaranteed eure for these ¢ use for any perso hove dislgnt red face from eruptions and blotches. No matter whether hereditary or acquired, our specifi Tomedies and treatment neutralize all pol- Sous in the blood and expel them from the gystem, | Our vast experience in the treat ment of thousands of the most, serious and Tmplieated eases ensbica us to portect a cure without experimenting. Wedo busines on the plat—Pay Only for the Bens +s Derive, It you have any blood di sult us Free of Charge and Jet u i ive you how quickly our remedies will remov ail evidences of disease, Under the! of the New ee ulcers, FS NRE OE RT TE TTT ‘CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA Y3 HO! FOR THE LAKE BREEZES e 66 EXCURSION ODERICH A Special Train will leave the following stations at the hour indicated, for plo the following fares will apply Adult Child Adult Child Time Listowel $1.25 65 ng 1308 a.m. bia 1,05 55 8.35 a.m. Tralee 1.25 «65 Monkton .90 .45 8.50 atta} 1.25 65 rae McNaught 80 .40 9.02 1.20 -60 8.10 Walton -60 i) 9.15. Mitlbenk 1.05 55 8.22 Blyth 50 25, 9.28 Arriving at Goderich 9.50 a, Returning special train will leave Goderich at }0.p, m., same date, making same stops as on going trip. be of splendid educational value. Bring your lunch baskets and enjoy the day by the lake. Young and old are welcome. Walton), Football Match, Foot Races for boys and girls of all ages, for which suitable prizes will be awarded. Hon. R. A. Pyne, Minister of Education, address the assem! BOATING AND FISHING MAY BE. INDULGED IN lp The Goderich Band TAKE A DAY OFF AND BRING OUT THE BOYS AND GIRLS THOS. HUTCHISON, ema: n of Committee GEO. a SMIT! 'H, etary of Committee YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, A AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT S¥e desire to call the attention of ll those “eyes, become eturn, and the ‘opened up to ‘YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER ‘YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send for Booklet on Diseases of Men ““THE GOLDEN MONITOR” FREE If unable to call, write for a Bee List for Home Treatm: Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY 4 Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. r. | Tic Ly letters from Canada must be addressed EES Bie se personally call at our Medical Institute a yas as we see and cee SCHOOL CHILDREN’S ke P The day’s outing will afford children not only pleasure, but will : has promised to be present to| ‘1 mblase Ye has been engaged to discourse | t@, music during the afternoon. :: DESY MLS SW SY Se Se a ee ie See Ee ES SSE SEE Clinton— ek Beeranies bh 2 all, it enough, bright enough before you wn Sicnowing you has made all be ee of my life, May,” he SATURDAY, JUNE 10227" ck to your eyes, the smile to your lips. 1 iglara that in three weeks foie you your old self oar ” But he said te > hitneelt, with a “Never—neyer more!” “I shall be quite patient,” she cou: 4 ae -S favorite flo drooping, I shall do j ompletely bi A Programme of Sports for the day has been ar- |Poinm ranged consisting of Baseball Match (Millbank vs. "et" lot dare to touch with leased to see Si morning, Clinton, as you were hast saat fs es said, at len; eth pore Teed: f possible,” he elke este tue Tose you, May, the pleasure of seeing you grows greater =-the pain of parting from you more bit- “Ah! that ie more like yourself,” she said—“more like th eae who si ere.’ “I hardly know myself,” he replied. pane laid her fair, soft cheek on his nd. *ccae are so pleased,” she id; “yon ‘hardly know yourself be- cee you are delighted to be with me 4, ve, I am so fervent and earnest she said to herself taken in ed. her, never his own, never faid bis hand on her ensie i " she said; “he is ily remembers my was to be the wi no" and she began to talk him, as st ber itomed to talk, the light, loving, sparkling nothings men like to hear 7m ‘omen they love bi Sbe amused hit ite of himself he forgot his Gables’ Sune Aik acer Hstening to h had a keen senso ME fi langht fs “This er,” thought Lady May herself, as she listened. charmed htm out of his coldness, out of his. reserve; his nits - set to rise with hers. He laughed, talked, jested in his old style; only ever and anon she, who ed him. so : over him. an expression of care and painful thought. What could be the reason? Yet, so far, she was well plea: ed e @ had made, our positions were “Tr is as though ersed,” she suid, “wend I hud to woo and win instead of hi z ier wits re oan? BG aa ner, her exquisite beauty, her exquisite grace, which ar Eatericry for IRS. KENNEDY & rh eies sat fee as followes Di \ Write for our private address. KENNEDY, Windeor, Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness j with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices you will find us right : hit. "Y Geo. J. Coxon CANADIAN BACTFIC HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIO! eae he, Alberta paca “a Hf ro 10 JON Rt JULY 11, 28 8, Second das ie os Ot te principal Low somes a te RATES Hat kel a inane “ise TOURIST SLEEPING CARS sears eae ra Early application must be 2 ASK FOR PomeEseeKe nS” PAMPHLET ‘containing rates ‘oroto. ONLY DIRECT LINE HO CHANGE OF CARS LYNSEY SY SY LAY SY LSM SES NES a Pa SY Ne a Sa 8 Between Two Loves” By BERTHA M. CLAY Author of “Which Loved Him Best,” “The Wedding Ring,” “On Her Wedding Morn,” Etc., Etc. CAR RRR RA AAA AISI RAIA IAAI AAA reigned. their mastery over him, X 3 e e e ece < e e 3 2 E e Ab the He Ae Ate Ae Ae Ae Ale He Be and he was talking to her as if time had oot em. The difference she noticed eee that ble never attempted to her; no matt. yw close the caresss sweet white hand lay near him, his own ed past, doar.” ture, the news of the day, different frien neither himself nor her. roused by hearin; She the bell for luneb; she looked up at kimi playfully. is “Clinton, our happy wooing all bell 1 would have settled the Lady May went to her pretty addition to her eae and ood followed any kind?” are the vague sense of disappoint- ly May. mena news should i: have?” she ask- ig plenty of thme for that,” said Lat “ay with a careless Jaugh; Hes e laugh had something of pain in now you will not think any. aur tions of mine impertinent, aid Miss Lockwood, “because -your herent is mine, and your joys are ‘Has Sir Clinton ee) nothing of = ly May. yet ert fess to have recourse to her Beale = it was her own fault, that ad brought about the apes ee im; but it was in vain Jat reflection had not half so much comfort jn it as it had once. ‘They went down to lunch, and then she thought that surely she had br mistaken. He was all kindness, all de oti They lingered long, to her companion, with a bright we ride this afternoon?” she moment it flashed across him tee if the announcement of his mar- Hage tad tobe aide, would. Dandly Go. for timnis he dee riding With her: TEWHAN ERED excite comment aul rk, therefore it would be better left alone. ee a Be he replied; ‘it worm. ind No you seat” ven with such ty May could not May, he is_really more de a strange Wat is it?” asked: ae May. “I thought he did Seem to care about riding ot Stor ag i 4s it 90, do you think?” “He seemed to hesitate, but it = bi ly very warm, and he does over ere could be possible reas for his declining.” “Tsu not,” said Miss 13 yet she did ate satisfied. More than herself, dur- ing that day, ee fre es Adalr was quite uplike ‘him: CHAPTER XXX. ~9 2 A CHANGED MAN. aia Str Clinton entered Cliffe before -night—he had not drea of keeping it after the day ane It Ww. happy day. m tite long pain, yet it was not a sara every moment he pai ith her added to pain; every chal fair face, her grace of movement, her ‘We H. SANDERSON, — Local me grace of words, actions and th i his love for thought to himself every moment what aa “Woe will be friends em bury the | 32 But he did nothing of the kind. ead r Bee do | plac ‘Cured by Lydia E. Pink fone made did while you ine great his life. ai he bad Little balconies excuses for when he went more si leoked at the teature of her love to trust Perhaps he listless, idle dreaming of her, and was ed to tell h himself—indeed, imple Should it be so dificult with despair more bitter than dea his heart. Oh, pale, po a that had no compassion f pitiless stars, that had in thein d went away. to tell you now, if world cai have kept your pure, and aay DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION Lydia E. Pink= ham’sVegetableCompound Canifton, Ont.—‘* S bad beehn anes haggard sufferer for five years. One docto) told me it was uigors. 0 of and another told me it was a fibroi 8 dc the uterus never remember No one when he used to plead for one clasp knows what I suf- oie white ange” "What had’ cha nged IT would him 60 be wot The. fae suddenly oceurred at certain periods, eat, he adopted this ine of cone never was a wish to, please, oe a an . he hed aie been and ing-down him, he bad eae the same fa ee ‘ins were terrible. = Maire tesa to See her, ry ill in “Yam ch too,” ouxht, “T- e doctor ured to be #0 a 80 Sohne he me I would inks I am a goddess to be worshipped, have t a woman to be loved.” operation, and So, although she had ae bite bpeeatione ies: ae Hela pedro het old standing | TT er about ie and abo atricel ime t appointed, She would hove been hep- fie yee ee oe Vegetable ler had he taken her mpound. Through personal expe- d her, siying: rience I have for it the medi- ces e in 0) anifton, Ontario. tham’s Vegetable Com- from roots eed he e most ‘the remedy for cui the rf ‘t ft female ill de eyes apie is dproid tanpee’ tor that mad marriage ieakoct to love him so well at was all is un his tween him we have cap a a eee your es and ‘Suddenly it seemed to her that he mt part of to speak of this had passed it in 2 Es Be never once been untrue ‘when dinner was. over thet led from jane apes be hy oy to tell? He face, bly fair in the im a face, and he turned away moonlight, r him; pale, am listen.” ‘She was aie silent for half a min- nte, then she “My dearest Clinton, TI will not Hsten to one word; absolutely to listen. I am re of one thing; you may have wasted, ene or even ill- spent the time du: a have but you YEG in you you, Instead of talking th in | about this ee which I ‘pronounce be dead and buried for eee aei ne We will talk of the ie future he remained “It has a charin for you, although Bone this moment you ere too proud to the evening, and he had not told her. He said “good-night’” to her, holding her hands in his, looking with etn Pols ban clasjed ressure told her ‘Good-night,” she repeated, panaine. with wonder into his face. Wou! Th be ger ‘tful look on his ad re worse faults being Lady Mey: “it is not th of the men I know would be ae for a little of at Higher reservi sigh, ae detemied: Rieah nal eect es admire ue great arenes was i ease. Whee she fated that ‘nigt in ier a re Teer it could not een ler if. it. was for m, England—if it was to ‘An she half repented of the loving impulse that had led her to seck him, said to herself, a her he was heavy. She found him again; love had lost—this was not the ‘passionate, less, j see teuched her one calm, self-d i “And, ab, oat she sighed to herself— | che liked the old lover best, “Time pases set it all right,’ pr OE: her heart was heavy and sore within.h d Sir Clinton feel es, hap- contemptuous colea pienat an Gaene ietuare (olor, UMk dio? Hes. ven's name was he to do so now? rep) a einai aie sight of her w would him, too. “Never in so wretched as I,” ie sla to HE, aa emir sor aw iL ieee: Deche bee Tt The next day he did not go near her? tutst be done. People wonld soon bezta ne was mieerable, Having 2 UK ebout’ them-—to, associate honorable gentleman all his life, he ee It would not be: “Ge to HET sald hob Leas thie, Bence oF ale a eee for! ment; he was not one who could ever i happy in evil doing; he was not, as They had gone into one of the pretty | f° rule ard ae a pale i ty friends—Str John and Lady. Lewis— wer ing with them; would he follow them in the course of a day or two? tsoript ib rite your answer; bring ft, ¢¥e De continued.) i femilton, May 23.—Clai: | be had given the police a tp aS | te a raid on an alleged inese gam. | bling joint Bondaginight; two of er | Lee’s fellow-countrymen last night: | assaulted him when he ente! a | Chinese store 151 North James MR. RICHARD LESLIE Late Solo B: England Honest Goods —-FORS= Honest Men —Made of honest leather by Good-| year welt process, has more gen- uine comfort and good wearing material, combined;with the latest style, than any similar-priced shoe made. W. Zimmermann Agent, Milverton —Don't make the mistake of think irg all talcum powders arealike. There is a dif- ference — an important difference. Nyal’s Toilet Talcum is purified and ground, and- ground and purified ua- til it is perfectly fine and — smooth, without a par- ticle of grit or foreign substance. It is the best antiseptic powder for toilet and nursery—best for baby & best for you. It keeps — the skin clear & smooth protects as well as heals and relieves chapping, chafing, soreness, abras- ions, irritations, prey heat, etc. — Delightful after bathing or shaving » Daintily perfumed. Price 25¢c-— Attractive oval can. The Public Drug Store MILVERTON, ONT, ~ C.P.R. Time Table ‘GUELPH AND EU SE Going E: est Monkton ---- 8.00 a.m. 3.16 p.m ovens Bld m. m2. Milverton —--- ——1 p.m West Monkton SLT sgt tee pm LINWOOD AND LISTOWEL Listowel Tralee Dorking -- Linwood Jot 8.35. a.m, 3.45 3 Going. North. "= edn Tot meee a.m. 6.35 p. = ane St et Sink Tralee ee ne Listowel — — isnt 85 eam $08 Dn. G.T.R. Time Table _ GOING BOUTH: se aunt \ GOING NORTH a.m, “Pa Brunner - i33 1158 6.42 Milverton 7.38. 12.05 649 Newton 748 12.10 6.56 Peffers 748 1215 7.08 ale Choruses and Quartettes, trained. Voice Specialist. Professor: of volce-pro- duction, singing, sight-reading, ete.EMale Students Oni Studio: 182 Cobourg’: St., Stratford Der READER we are preparing ‘young people for busines LusTt OWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE and pl F graduates in positions. atin’ may: Enter any time. Spring term ‘opens April ard, For particu lars addres EOWIN a. MATTHEW! Principal WANTED \.T THE Newton|Woollen Mis D: W. CAMPBELL, cas

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