tae BUSINESS COLLECE ¢ 5 ratford, Ont. - Ones aie die tune they are ene . VIA A LS D.A. McLACHLAN, - Principal % Dao nel\, BusinessCards Dentistry. KR. R LEDERMAN, Dentist, Tic. entiate of Dental Surgery and Membe: Yersity. | Crown abd Bridge work aSpec- ialty, Hours 9a, m. to5 p. abovi:the Hank ofFlantlton, Milverton, RAIN IS GENERAL ,, Most of Greece Gets Relief in a _ Brisk Shower. oceup! TEMPERATU‘E WAS HIGH Xt: "5 wl Gruelling Weather and Excessive Humidity Precedes Sharp Fall of Rain Which Puts Heart Into the Citizens and Gladdens Farmer —Ontario Is In the Track"6f a Migration of Hot Currents. Toronto, July 11.—True to the pre- ee another comforting assurance Medical. F. PARKER, M.D. P.L, TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o’clock a, m.,and 2 to 4 o'clock p, m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. 1. , R. FORSTER,-Eye, Ear, ng. Office : 63 Wate: oo. St., opposite Knox Church, Stratford, - Plione 26 Legal MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, arr: A rember of the firm will ge be in Milverton every Thur - 1H. B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, J, CO, MAKINS W. J. HANEY MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, - - + Ontario FO R.-BLEWETT,: K: BARRISTER, SOLICITOR “NOTARY, ETC, Office : Gordon block, opposite He office STRATFORD, ONT. Veterinary. J. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon iteeten Gradiate of Ontario ike ony will is cooler. Not he rae humidity, we will have re- ie terday was a hot day all over 1e ae of Ontario, and the thundersto1 jorms were ge eneral, particu- larly in the lower lake region. he all, however, was oe quite Sn merontie acne the ieee ates officials have not been able to ities peter, 96 degrees being reached at London and 92 at Ottawa. Ontario is unfortunately situated just at present as regards air cur- provin een put through: such gruelling display of torrid. tempera: dre over the South Atlantic has bee; . district and to- ads this ee place the hot winds ary College, Toronto. Trea tal aiouts RaneednEARIS Gods cot hs se tiated animals. y tele-| ture to collect there, n- phones oF ute rwieshtonily starved to-| ately it will take some ae : Byars ime before we again get rid of scorching rays have - i Sh eee ee No. 478, Cy Milverton, s Block, Visiting: beth ‘ren always wel come M. €. 0, Bo. 99, vie erree meee every second and last Tuesday ot, every Visiting brethren always wel McGuire, C.R,, N. Zimmerman, , F., «Silver Star grey Visiting brethren alwa, come. KR. Miller, N, G,, W. K, Loth, ¥. oat WwW. sarenans R. Seey. Notary Public. Mort; Village Clerk. Ofice in over the Bank of Hami ARTMIER, fiidavi the Weir block n, Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont, John Gropp, Prouriaitt, Best liquors and cigars ai Ae ee Pe Sommodation and large atabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil large somple rooms. Good stabling. Best brands brands of one and cigars, Chas. Ritter, Proprieto: GIVES STATE BANQUET. Their ees ‘went to the races at | Leopardsto Replying "geherally to the numerous dresses the King said:— “I tender you all my thanks ee toe, affectionate welcome you have country an influence he ex- Sy mgbee ge “Tt is my desire, I assure you, te that lies within my power to the oe and general well-being | h pe 1 of the thet God's blessing saay a the state banquet ave & etate Bangnét at | Dat Cate last night, the royal | rom ains Distinguish to secure its advancement and QUEBEC IS EN FETE |Ancient Cantar an Gives Imposing Ovation to P-emier. “THOUSANDS ON TERRACE | Sir Wilfrid and His Colleagues, Que- bec Administrators and Civic Off- cials From Central Group of an Exceptional Scene of Beauty— Commendation for Attitude In the Mother . Country. , July U—The official wel- to Sir Wilfrid Laurier mi took place here last evening, ani and strings of _ vari-colored a with the masses of people, I apne, a peeiniiy -Droup bis A708" members of hig-Maliet< members ished ‘guests ‘inoladed the Tord of the local Cabinet, aldermen and Kfayor. of Dublin, Afterwards: 2B ae pec ol aa _algress St. Patrick, Kitchener were invested as extra knights companions. BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. The United States is once more i the a grip Ot of Re. heat wave. Senate is voting dow: a fe Sante to the reciprocity .N. Smith was nominated for thi canine by the Liberals of West Al T Ghatlog Forbes of Toronto made effort to commit suicide in the jail at North Bay, Ne son, a Chatham Boy Scout, gallantly rescued. Alex. Me- Farlane, a much larger boy, from George Jackson, an Indian, was committed for trial at Kingston on a charge of luring a young white girl to his wigwam. were killed and two prob- ably fatally tnjared when a feavalion teel girder col- SapaetvatMieycettaies Pa, yestantay: Js authoritatively, although not i Broderick Palen wil canccead coed rain ona as High Commissioner for Can- ada in London. Toronto will have an aviation! ee ae | das V. Hall 29 Park’ avenue, 2 bok orohe Wetene iene ee an unconscious con: Ba iste Weill tally Ha north hae veats ilo but recovered when assistance ing. Many formers expect their har- |@™™ stato all in the barn th: : month, which means that the grain aS eure ee Ae Si in' oss than tee months, whieh | Leet, Attorney-General of Nova. Seo. 3 tia and ee Liberal M.-P. for Lun. R is far too short a time to produce rain. Sixty-One Deaths From Heat. being returned a: leat, ‘0 date ‘sixty-one ncoumnibed to: the terrible’ w eather 2 the hot spell, sixteen of childre The Rersone returned yesterday as succumbing to the heat were: Alicea Heaney, aged 28, 1 uunnyside avenue; . 6. Howell, 1 month, 19 Garden Tacs 72, 169 venue. Heat Prostrations In Montreal. Montreal, July 11-—Three cases a heat prostration, all men, were aks abe cukiony UepaMtae OF ibe General Hospital Twelve Die In Chicago. Chicago, July 11.—Heat~deaths and prostrations continued yesterday, al- maximum temperature Chee HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. mnmodation, for cominercial feavellats ad other large sam| rooms, | the. pie te: v glk “Es quors and Cigars at the ables. George F. Panli, Proprietor. THE ONTARIO HOUSE, Stratford, Pest. Splendid stabling. in, connection. Rates 81 per day. EICKMEIER & SON Proprietor: THE AMERICA: pays J attention to Commercial trade, Splendid sample rooms, Beat ; pnp and liquors served at the Rates $1.50 per day. Wa..Wrrt, Prop “ Bivision Court 5—Milverton, Moruington, Elma, | © lots 3 to 72 inclusive in ember 2 V. Zimmermann, clerk. FW, Cinenther bail No, 6—Listowel—Court days, Jan. 11, March Suh, May och, “aly Jin, Sept. 43th, Nov. 8th, Jan.’ 10th, County Court Sittings without jury—April 4th, Oct, 3rd, 2 p. e was only 89 degrees iden deaths, many prostrations, were rept Fe wea! tered a maximuin temperature Ba F at ah mm, in. Washington. Wasitngtine aay Aes ee pet score of pel bed to the heat here yesterday: t bat there were no fatalities. In the do streets the th rs 106 rees. Eighteen Victims In M. Y. New York, July 11. * the death list at o'clock had ‘ad eighteen vi ed er ‘let by sbGmerés fe tight: was ‘anoom il LA me of the most B eabia “at the settee Ammunition Cargo mein, July 11.—A new: spate Madrid says: The German oon- sul general he here finds that the reeleure steamer Gemma by the bee seuthontea at oF crenbigny on ing Labrestmests Port ioe soya ing war mate or Portuguese ists, ae justified, and order: the aon fiscatior jo of 154 to) ns of pst OE x wo town registered | » hi and will take up his residence in see practicing as a corporation lawyer. Rainbow's Commander Resigns Jaly — 1.—Commander Brewed st ne Canadian “ortiee! Rainbow has resigned. This rumor, which hi =: current in Ottawa for some days past, is officially cor- pobersiad by the Minister of Marita’ Triple Murder at Christening. are ceived in a fight during a christe fog. Sirdar hight in the mining wet tlement_ here. BASEBALL YESTERDAY. Eastern League Standing. ibs. Won. Lost. Abt = " 4, see 4 Newari 4, Providence games: Montreal at Toronto, | Bateaio ee hester, Proves at New.) ark, Baltimore at Je ity. National League "standing Clubs. Lost. Pct | Chicago “61 New York ! ieee OX Bt tous Sinemmnatt rookly 1 om icago 3, 2: Boston 6 Clncinnatt ts Brookiyn 0; Philadelphia 4, St. Loy omeiaw Gece; eneabied ‘at. Now | ria rosie Se Eb ef Puad phiay Coan vn, ‘Washington: st. Louis ... OSonday. 3 New ‘York 5, Snioage a t St. Louis, Boston iiraton at the bri ro | Ss perseverance. ad led that Sir Wilfrid’s Se at Burtalo 2: rc ae lane the the tracks, aad uiebis Core illiant manner in which he had represented Canada at e coronation festivities and the im- _porent part which took in the Conference. The. the wag nference in regal reaties of commierce, due to Sir wil. dress stat- ference to institute a thor ugh investigation into economic con- ditions throughout the Empire had deen heartily applaud ading’ of the civic hi a Six Wiltrid rose to reply be was greet Tperial Conf ore om es said that it was the fourth time present Gaoadaeee similar confer , and he might be dog, and he pret elections they would devour “eact er. it] He had taken the same attitude ix 191 as he had in 1907, in 1902 and in IMT the sevindication of countrymen’s rights as British sub jects and Canadians, the policy tha! each country shall govern itself ac cording ta the public opinion of the GOING TO HULL. | Montreal Orangemen Will Walk There To- Mon seal, poy iL. ater of the | Prince oyal Orange e shes Orange men of Montreal will broseed to Hull to-morrow to take art danives ry. of e battle of the in interview, A. G. Ellis, secre- e tation of their brethren to join in the celebration. “There is no feazon why we shoula | | not parade at Hull, or in any other | | every faith,” Mr. Ellis proceeded, ““and I do not see any reason like to emphasize that it is not the association that has picked out the town o} will go there sim visi “We expect a big turnout,” con- r, Ellis, “and you may MISSED IN CENSUS. Rosemount Citizens Say Not an Enu- merator Came Near. Montreal, July 11—Complaints as sus has been condu are comil il y “the score, not from in- dividuals who re tumerator called at my house, although I repre houses; so you would think Rtate eiumencie walle caine been so careless as place. It ii Whole parishes. jotted > down dren, completing their work by the | use of imagination. Three Drowned In Wreck. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., July 11.— s! urnham, and sunk in re was @ heavy eWitchell anrsied: 5. orew of 27 men ad six women passengers and z "iitile boy. e wife and daughter of Steward Clemens were also aboard as helpers in the kitchen. All were saved with nation. second mate, w ome was in He hed returned to Oanada, the | troit. Al. Taian: steward, of Ro. Premier said, to complete his inter | Ghosier, Inds and. Geowee Austin Bee coe, Tinted ia pi watchmen, who shipped, from Clev ft : tate BP wR | land, while several of the crew and pecker e haa ae is the onl, ow She untries @ world, and wherever Canadian: otherwise injured about the me await ge a travel a warm ed Daring Assault. Fined $30,000, He Faints. hi Marion, Obio, July wuss Mis | - over a assailant escaped Away From Home. Kingston, July 11—The policy hav | aski the I Outbreak of Smallpox. Toronto, July 11.—+ mild epidemt ot aati has broken out at Rock ta Tuesday M. and, Phtiadelp ota at, Bese New "Fost t Chic: | alee Bu: cainaatars Ceaguis Standing. Ww Tuesday games : St Thomas at_Lon- dom, Berlin: st Gueiph, Hamiltoa at Brant- Two Ottawa, July 11—News came to Ot- two drownings at jo! ed a party in railway gpastrnction ee in January. No particular: the tragedy: are given. Tied packet oolish took out a laced if on the table beside him. Semenich did the Same. “After a di cussion how to s of powder also exploded. | R. C. Church Ties Prese. mt., July 1.—Rev. G. V +t tree. oman Catholics hed ndon papers, and had pabicatan of state- do the church Te: 1—W, ed child with a shotgun yesterday, as it slept its carriage on the ‘poreh and iuiher Gian be taken alive bythe po lice he emptied the other barrel of hates interes Strike at Saragossa, Spain day. Practically the extire labor caaihaninity, coased Wonk. Men’s Clothing! | GOOD AND _ CHEAP HOGPEN. ‘| The special satisfaction in buying clothes here is in knowing in advance that you're go- ing to get good fabrics, authentic styles, per- fect tailoring and a dollar’s worth of value for every dollar you‘pay. It’s principally a mat- ter of try-on here, a front, side and back view in the mirror usually settles the ques- tion. The pattern and quality of material, the style and tailoring of our clothes will please the most refined and cultured tastes. Wedding Stationery | Place It So as to oe sale the reas | arm ano | Plenty of t Sun—They Need | | | A good and economical cot Sgt raising 1s UES in the accompanying cut. it is made of skids ¢ by 6 and 9 long. ‘Lhe joists are 22 by 6 and laid flat The doors are Garden INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS .. CARDS, ETC, | ——— | T cighteen inches wide, and paper and | E. KNECHTE Milverton's Old Reliable Tailor Your New Harness Leave your next order fora Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly, In prices you will find us right, vi cate fe Promptly Geo. d. Coxon " Try “The Sun’ for Good Job Work 4 THE NEW SPRINC ... RUGS and CURTAINS ; The interest in our Carpet and ‘Drapery stock is at its height during these first few weeks of spring. Give yourself the pleasure seeing the beautiful, things. Wilton, Axminister, Brussels, Velvet and Tapes- try Rugs at prices from $5.25 to $60 accord- ing to size and quality. New effects in Lace Curtains, Curtain Nets and Madras. R. WHITE & CO. STRATFORD Furniture Dealers andjUndortakers 80 Ontario Street Season 1911 ae Bay, white face, off fore fetiock white. Pace 11.—In the effort tc} handful, and| blown through the roof | Blossom 2652 The following horses will stand for service during the season at Springhill Stud Farm Milverton, Ont. TERMS: To Insure a Colt $10 Prince Burgeon (Shire horse) by King Burgeon. Foaled May 1907. Cadzow Fashion imp.) {11431} (15166 Brown, face, nigh fore and off hind legs and i hind fetlock white,” smal! 1908. spot on belly. Foaled}May 17th, DAM-—Eliza of Eddlewood £13418) (18732) ‘osebay 0 i Seratbrg|13420] 11706) Careful (134211 3220 SIRE—Hiawatha [3430] (10 auntlero: p)18245) (10370) iS pring | Daley {1062} (2429) hat Car Lord Clyde (477) Cambushinnie Crest (16148) Light brown, white bell on face, white on hind legs. Foaled June 15th, 1908. SIRE Sate Ruby 11268 DAM—Meg of Cambushinnie 16850 A ie 6178 Jean II, 15 Rosedale Jean of Cambushinnie 10801 McMaster 3628 Lilias 2654 Lichborne 8 Cambushinnie Squire (16149) Brown, on face,flittle white on hind legs. SIRE—Royal Favorite 10630 DAM—Albana 15146 of Albion 6 lary MacKerlie 11589 Hacer lie 6 Mary of Pittengardner 4119 Jess of Pittengardner 386 Lor Haddo 486 These horses were all large prize winners in Scotland. JOHN SEMPLE, Proprietor Don’t be so Hot Buy Yourselfja: NewsStraw Hatga@ We are giving very special prices on all our stock of straw and felt hats. Newest shapes. coe in price from 50 cents to $2.75. . Special 25 per cent. discount] onfall Ladies’ Lawn{Waists;forgnext week ge” Don't overlook our Ice Cream Parlor. Come in and be refreshed by a nice dish of City Dairy Ice Cream. Served each Saturday evening. W. O. BUNDY, Linwood BUILD SILO IN THE BARN. | #0 siding are nse! for ie ecown ar | Then You Combination That | Aangement. spices he bane | Defies All Weather Happenings. gx Here is positively the latest and clev- “ Abhont the best floor is the ground, ote: | With woven wire stre prevent the hogs from toot pet erceuar, es where Its contents trically welded conrerib wire is very | are not only protected against all satisfactory. ‘This makes a floor | weather ciate bet Grhielt is easy on the hoge, almoet free | be fed are protected from rats and, if properly bedd | ‘THe power plant in the up to date warm and dry. It is, however, more | barn is eastly and cheaply applied for difficult to keep free from dust than | cutting aes handling the e1 some other floors. Many concrete the whole arrangement seems to be 8 floors are used, but they are cold, ita Gne edie of the old Latin phrase ble to be wet and are hard on the “multum in parvo.’ | hogs’ feet. Often almost an entire p! The word silo comes from the and many sows are lost by tak- | and means ditch or pit; and this bs | Ing cold on concret Concrete od of keeping green fot seems to! floors however, very satisfactory | have been first used by the #rench| when covered with ik overlays or ene of Amerien have surpassed | from the con Bi only the French people, but all ee nailing cleats on the w pester a | “Board floors are expensive, short rst ts may be kept out by packing sand or cinders to the top of the joists be fore laying the floor, but these mate ive to be used for this purpose. It is still hard for many farmers ye get rid of the no- is good enough ie a & WEATHER PROOF SILO. ee | | nave made great improvements in the at ern are the best against cold, but the hog has almost “The original making of enstilage was | nothing imitation of the weather. roe colt oe left in the cold is pro- a good fur coat, the hen’s of protection One of the Orst requisites for suc ogs ig a shelter where he wanted to keep and eat at a later) young pigs can be Kept warm ani date. But, i the silo in the ground | well supplied with sunshine and fresh serves a great deal better than none at all, it falls hort 6 being as satisfac. | tory as those bullt above ground. Of conrse ‘the: practical use of the | lata the Reaping ef toragy in. Jay | culent condition, and the most general adaptation is for the use of di this use of it the consumption of | | enstlage has increased very rapidly in | 18 not dog that digs in the ground to cover It may be that a chemical analysis | a not prove that forage of any sort ontains nutriment than the same would have cut and cured in the has been the ex- | perience of all who have used BEST STYLE OF PIGPEN. ‘od to preserve corn for cattle. | ain, A little pig takes cold very easy | The ge of | and recovers slowly if at all ms to be kept in a wa vent taking cold he must be wept, satisfactory condition a enstlage than dry, warm, away from nd pt greater sae | videa with fresb air. per acre can eae coe little pig-loves sunshine and needs | land, so that any farmer who keeps | jt almost as much as he needs food, Cheers For the Glass Hen. The “frost ing, says the Rural New Yorker, bat | Piss Set janine ten thie glass hen ie dere, and oie ot fi oe Tina apa ta Teams avec Segal Water glass or sileate of soda is the best tamlly preservative for eggs, an {t will pay any tarm reed the glass hen. Eggs laid i Apes May and | June are best for preserving. Boil nine gallons of water, After tt Boe ea ott has cooled pour in one gallon of water | DOnSe glass and stir it thoroughly. Put in a | 8°! & lo in mind. Not one can be neg! the whitewashed | | ture about thirty dozen eggs. Get th wall much of is reflected to the | as close to laying as possible and fave | - a dauioor Clydesdale Jock 1415 Foaled June 20th, 1908. VARICOSE VEINS CURED is NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. REY C. ee HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the most eens it arid ib yery life blood of the vietim and unless entire serfous complications. “Beware of METHOD cures all blo YOUNG OR MIDDIN A‘ ‘Mercury. Itmay si 0 broken down your system, You fect Rasy Piemertea Stee ots “Meaty: physically au j youare ma used to otis danger signals vitally youare not the man y pe a os youheed the! Are: cua ici? gore ec ieiae i atenc mg Y Has READER sserenerictint, Have sonyest bones Ave ron ae Our New Mexnoo ill cure you, What it_ has done for pds aes veil do f for you. Consultation bie wc leeatae of Charge. (itastraved) Frew No matter wi has tented your write f re »yhood, Manhood, Father! SED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Begs aoe Beas -Everzthing, Confidential. Question List and Cost Ly Treatment FREE FOR HOME Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. ROTIC All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Hf you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detecle as we see aud tr no, Patients in our Windsor offices which are for, Correspon Laboratory for Canadion business only. Address all letters as . KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. erlous diseases. ‘They sap the iy eralicated from the Spoon Wil pause suppress the symptoms—our NEW mdence ma as follows: | them clean. Put the jar in the cellar | oor room, cover it over and tet | Dal {t alone until you want the eggs. For | be m family use the glass hen is a wonder— in {ts way a good partner for aifalfa, vetch and the rest of the farm helpers. rk ee which eine be used will | uch improved by whitewashing. Poultry Pic Pickings. Ke cecil up eae day. If you skip one day ever-the res! will CHEER cae idly FLOWER be a guess, a Hawn Gordon ike ant rected poultry farm. By using tra as profit: able as the Stains | nests you can keep a record of the | garden, but will add cheer, com- eggs. fort and contentment to the ‘The profit in poultry raising for bd < market Hes in hatebing early, pushing 5 t! the chickens “Sabai as rapidly flower garden are not to be com- pocable make apy tn | the season. pared with money. _— Tt will not do to allow ducks to share The Child Meant Well. | The governor of Maine was at the | not that they require more attention, school and was telling the pupils what | but rather | the people of the different states were eres! and feeding. | called. Many people are realizing the profit “Now,” he said, “the people from In- | lia raising heavy geese, a8 they are are called Hoosters, the people | worth ae @ pound than the lighter from North Carolina Tarheels, the | b d every year ‘people from Michigan we know as | demand for the Toulouse, | Michiganders, Now vin little boy or | A hen ale be fed some grain that girl can tell me wh e people of | she doesn’t have to scrateb for. Ab led?” though eter ly is necessary to keep needs time to “I know,” ae a Bie: girl. “Mani- good health, she ree dust herself in the middle of | acs."—Popular Mi | These Hens Roost High. saan | Possibly the Shik remarkable okt | manganate of try establishment in this part of the | water for submerging the [country 1s located in Boston on the | drinking purposes jroot of one of the leading hotels. .An | the above mixture |employee has been keeping setts | pints of water. fully a flock of about twenty-five ent for roup: “One ounce per [seep up a supply. | fresh enough to satisfy the most heir feed [acting guest. eo | with tt | does everythi ‘ yr exercise in | it proof” ben may be com | tng open air. Dryness, sunsbine, | oo igs. | cured, the battle ts balf won. In put- {he Ungodly, (Rev. tx Of | ting up buildings the six requirements | | tire mentioned es be kept eat God? Her name was Hephzibah, and a different manner of |), sh to three pints of head. For dilute one pint of in three or four Onions chopped fine and mtred with le eggs youn; |-n the hotel and certainly ought to be | l¢ chicks tumble over one another to get are mixed | Sled on Golgotha (Acts ty, 12). | SUNDAY SCHOOL, Lesson II!.—Third Quarter, For July 16, 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, 11 Chron xxxili, 1-13—Memory Verses, 12, 13—Golden Text, Isa. i, 16, 17—Commentary Pre- pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. That Hezekiah, who was such a good King, should have had such a bad fa- ther as Ahaz and such a bad son as Manasseh is one of the—to us—seem- ingly strange things. In the case of David's sons and Eli's sons the trouble me A he. must have been born three years ie his father’s recovery from his ness of which he would bave died a ne the Lord added fifteen years to his life Hila wonts were very humble after ther of such a son? Let those tell who know, but let us in all things be whol- ly ee to God. rses 9 and 10 of ow ieee ete iniquity in Stuns i: “So Manasseh made Judah and the in- wait is pare a ime came when God allowed peony chains and carried to 11). It was a grand thing for po ag be thus afflicted, for in came truly penitent and ee on prayed earnestly to God, and the Lord heard him and saved him and brought pose un- | him again to-Jerusalem into e silo is very necessary on hiS | jess it admits direct sunshine on to the (dom, a ) Lord fs not | willing that any should perish, and He ing to prevent people from going down to the pit Job xxxili, | prayers had to do with his turning to | she seems a Tv an. If she was on earth when he was ried re against me,” but in her case, as in ‘bis, Rom. vill, 28, was true. | After he turned to the ac and was restored to his kingdom he seems to have done what he could ae. undo the” manding Judab to serve the Lord God of Israel (verses 14-16), Wut there was no lasting result in the kingdom from his reformation, an walked in the wicked ways of his fa- sad it, but oe 2 nothing too bard onderful f Lord. “The Falvation fe the thief 98 | cross, Saul of Tarsus and the at at Philippi are notable Bible illustration: of the grace of God. Or refel the number sea, and he says that if God will save him be. of his life. But even t rect record, which is doubted, is ‘Wusk ther bis prayer nor his promises that who had been aipeatie will praise Him sone ao a oa col should consider, but the great mer- All mercy to Pelee onty be because of the great sufferings of Him of alan we read in last week’s lesson was set apart before the founda- ne. of the world: the Lamb alata Frome Loca! very: centet: of the. city, | | the hen’s food occasionally will pto- | the foundation of the world (I Pet. i, the birds thrive and lay well and a | mote health. Onions are a great poul- flock of chickens is being raised to | try tonic, and they are relished by DENSITY OF WATER. is interesting to ¢ is, it cannot sees any Seatac It is to 40 it will be- it is heated yy it wi come larger consequently lighter per unit volume. If it is led 3B Rado Fay will be lar : nen i r unit volume, This can be seen even better if we ‘tom. is process will go on with ite water shy till the whole rbtaaote of nth larger than water it was immediately Bo if one sees a piece of ive sticki the et 5 0 about fourteen times as a ‘igi be asked ater does why the pond not freeze Ane the way set after it started at the in many ways in the com: world —N, Y. Tribune Handwriting on tron. Tt was an accident that led to the They Were a Queer Pair. several jugs were filled wi were ibecietal an heaasbie ake It 1s Greatest at a Tempe:-ature of 39 $ Drop in at Weir's Restaurant and Get Cooled We make our own Ice Cream from Pure Cream ONLY. le Gold Drinks, Phosphates Fruits, Pipes, Cigars and Tobaccos J. E. WEIR R.Y. FISH &CO. LINWOOD cee Dealer in~ ss. Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Ete. Grain, Flour and Feed — and Furniture Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand the freezing poi it top layer of ice. One reason is that this top layer is a r an water's losi eat it A other and a more peculii also found here. The wal when it f ives out heat. Thus the water immediately be- becomes er than it as_ before. common pro- eka hta rete whee er Geeta ty the: they give out heat. The fact is-utiliz- mercial of the method of transfer- invertedly ‘white paper. This paper was Penne into the mold re the molten iron. wi a clear impression found to hay led their wealth was even more strange than could have been their od. Our Collection of fine Jewelry will Surely please ands. delight you. We haveSmany beautiful RINGS SCARF PINS BROOCHES and many sho oveltie® that are inex- pensive and tl CHARMING : GIFTS You should not miss the camer to see our present exquisite display. P. H. BASTENDORFF — Eyes Rotel FEE, Milverton, Ont. Paupers In Finland. - Dacenrding’ to the account of ing that of the “lowest tender. ime Limit. No Bho other day, in the woman lost you find the gates ajar.” Drawing With Closed Eyes. ere ‘The girl eennett tine Bélore tho that should love me like that! A Castle a the Air. stracture w! the architect for a hovel on earth. ye ee ae Young People fo: itisinesear LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Our gradu ——Comm mela aad Shorthand: Bail term opens September Sth, EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal eeives an all ties Tor Bia: upkesp. the amount be courthouse @ the intricacies oH the the emperor was so strongly impress- ed we Pie mind that ae draw ae ly well.—Nolte’s “Fifty Yeare.” fuera aa benefit. int. Outlook. eee pretty ain. ding ‘said to Brown with the hamtiey true et “ft seems incredibl , impossible, thats just what my mother Brown. “How says,” cried x well you two. will i on if you al cites agree usually consoles Saauher 2-Piece Suits Buy now and get the whole season’s - Don’t wait till the summer is half gone. We have splendid value in 2-piece suits. Also a good selection in Fancy Vesting Try us and get the best. seo J.M. FLEISCHHAUER