or TBARS) MANUFACTURERS~BEAT CLERKS! sonia veut off the gestgsts chatices le ae Fesult ae Tha Clerks Me “etete “Eddie aoe a like pinal we Hee thas this life sree of him lau im if he will live down this fnoldent: lock and daughter |{i°°% £ trom Sg at present | "Nr and: M plete of nto, epent a fewl days last week at THE FINALE.. UMPIRE DIERLAM. age LE Ptetter w was epederey oftial ae BILL REIS coun HAVE Use i woteroeit ry finals ‘tistowel B ° ood} Friday heuer Walkerton being the am. ithe sitth od the e Clank were “unable une te mers 66 646, — Mayberry 587, Geo. ere are igor things to be «aid. e shall CARTER WINDING UP FOR teen snderstaind on the c men. Sen the Spievers handed ° t much ina union of fortunes with the United States. Bl wwe cenoun el 2 ES & 25 Bl wrerrwumnd the: ity. dominion and power. even i te Z ‘Mawufacturers innings to spare, “i the TGntted ies Hatha an has the Cannan e traf- The best ime x0. to. enter Listowel ‘Business College is on Sept. 6th. ene ing day. A good si LINWOOD. ‘ Mr.. Joe Basett arrived in (Lin-| Mrs Wa. Martia and acco! i wood on Monda a (frig! Pp titheene dilate ‘hey men father Hine ct ol away, The farmer at the | da: hurler, won | time is ail- | a was but later got an inklin | Marys 9 young men ad come home that Fe ot at Aaa foe peace came oe well under the influence | pe. ice and = estigation led to | ‘Mr. John Fe: Sera Tee oe ca ng | p. man with very respectable f: con | jg bee Bo 1S. ae. was taken before the Mag- Elmira ‘but a settlement | 1 9, fstrete finally sitested oul! of court; the de- | sitand | tendan' recing ‘to pay the Shs [oreh retoemt ‘Soe damages'-amd all: che | our carer ir. and Mrs. ‘Thos Ha we He hope ‘tind rs » Jessdn taught the * ated event a fetmtiees bet thei: we, Mr. J.-A. taken to hea art. can Mr, and Mrs, 0. nnie. of Tor- is w. Bes Bandy returned oni Sat- urday last. ma his trip through her Mr, Frank Siebert. of Berlin. spent ith frienda in Linwood. sunday A number from here attended the| "Gran in woollworkers exoursion to Goderich on | <tr Saturday. The ‘band! wil give their first’ open | ning air concert on aoe, evening. hay Mr. ond Mrs. F. H. Schummer spent | pag fo the scr Sunday at St. Clements. yield jullivan, well ae |r. ployed at the Walper House. Be Mrs. i on Friday night last | turned thowe killed at “Berlin ty a Preston-Berlin | etter spending car. teem drinking and upon ihim severing one of his | onto. arc vilting friends in around Monkto: ea td the, hospital after arriving, ther t end Mrs ‘Johh Fleischhaver [Smt held here om Jul spent Sunday at Mr. ©. Wilker’s. |e ee, vied, ae . of Waterloo, os ilies. ‘Mr. Thomas “Hac! ekett, we regret iy nae See cals dist agaim confined to bed with | annoyance of destrians his old malady—appendicitis, Mr. Lawrenea Eckert! met with 2 mishap ane day last week that will \ogdnvemience ne ‘some extent this ‘bus Some wrong with the fe Tope of ae 3|Mr. and M. and he en one of ‘the! beams | guinda: agit 1G he 6a fedjust ast of the ts in the bar ee it rea ae nn ‘balance fell to the floor Re tales See lias Flachs we are glad to| vicinity thig year and feice Bic. a kpaees sy nates is ante to.be about-egain, » O'Donnell. of Peel, an 50 as were visitors at Mr. Frank sae of Sort asthene and viloat MoCardie’s on Sunday. iat Mr. mer com: week to lay the cement walbat from destrst . Robe the village last week on his way home |"inns fail wnoce te tot 0 Wellesley, village, after spending ep looks ae is being out and th es Erastus Jackson, bere, Glen- | i) Jost a valuable horse through tne ao on astro ke Jast week. . Harton, of Millbank-wad 4} pact & mde ok y ees ane friends. ura Goetz. of Torento. - is | spending a month at her home her to Detroit will fe held on Saturday. anes dtl, mal Millbank beaiose Aug, ’s Institutes were |}, ES Bi aed nd | guests of pe “Tocal branch at an At| ‘The Police Trusteet have let Home on aes afternoon iN | powtract to Schnurr’s. Hi: BARLY CELIO CHRISTIANITY daughter Florence Teft for the wher a is week Lecturing at the Manchester Uni- ersity fecently on “Early Celtic vi ‘esars, Hy, || Christiamity”. Professor Wage Meyer | Schmidt were spoke of tha monastio ins pone z Tavistock _last_Sun t Armagh principally because the | present work of saimt did not go ‘beyond | Della B: the tage. The ‘ancient oe ter: “The»reason3 why many ae Siyder's ey teks ‘evening. noi the old Irish manuscripts had Mi survived were that were not written | to Paris after sending her vacation after|under the parent the conquest by ikings in 795 A.D. they wera of little u ‘ihent. and al Baye roe tl ecu F angular charaste ‘dita to Glen TO THE WEST ‘0 Sr. Gordon Gropp 74. Ed- ie 5 Sailings daily except Friday and mund Denyer 74, Arthur Hartung 65. br i ts Sunday at 5.00 p,m., from Owen Sou: 61. Toronto 1.00 p.m. | omy ee Sr. Ti Glaytan t Koch 67. Jimmie INCLUDED ON BOA? | To Jr. re apes 74, Wilfrid und, Branecting train leaves err any Agent for 1911 illustrat: ed literature and to arrange reser- re vations, etc. jing: Ab. ae Quint sonrmries stasdasd sleeps ers The Moderate Price “Store How do You Like This Hot Weather ? % ¥ ee 2 ~ You will want some nice light Summer Goods now. eI a one Special Price on White Muslins “binder te at at ea ee Ss. visiting his br: Mr. rig ga = ta he ferns sontions but who had fallen sins ner D. Fi neo are ets ¢ thei: son. okey BE: Mar. | All 18 and. 20c Muslins at.. ‘Donald. ford. is arin at St at se H. pier ae 5 2 CHES EHEHEHEHES ANG curesususasurasareourerarear esas usueusurusuruurecaouens ia 0g are a st Fa sae we ~s re Pa=7 2 ) getter, are “rating thelr ister | Ginghams at Ge ow Wate Mark JeA. ers* returned last Bir. Ww. ‘Slopes left last We have just placed in stock all the latest patterns of Ma- ’ dras and Scrim Curtaining. The newest thing shown for curtains, door panels, etc., at Lowest Possible Price. Tate Elsie Goulted is visiting w: ‘eh | Summer Black Hose Fast black, sizes 8, 8%, gand 9%, at 2 pair 25 cents “lige oinaes with friends in is tie “aad ben fever aoe "ay niohts ect the movibest «Prices from 10 up to 50c Ladies’ Collars All kinds of Ladies’ Hot. Weather Collars have arrived in Dutch and Sail- All 14 and 15c¢ Prints at....8 yards for $1.00 Hot Weather Cereals Shredded Wheat, Post Toasties, ee Quaker Rice lak See our New Belts in plain and fancy elastic, leather and wash belts. It will do you good to see them whether le int! Zeently "hs ‘be em cou ia eee pe. ean New | ed wha’ >) AGA GAGA GY GY GY GACY GY GY GY G%AGYGAGACGAGCGYAG GAGS Special Line of Baie: Cakes From roc up to 25 cents Ib, Have You Tried Coronation Tea? with | of 2 handsome signet ring fro Egs-0 Baking Powder WE WANT YOUR TRADE! WM. kK. LOTH No food will be so light, sweet and digestible, entirely free from tartaric acid, alum, etc., as when made with Egg-O Baking Powder. Yea: B a. pa cuit trlende in mah come OF ee ne | tx The reason for this is that the materials used are selected with the great- est care and submitted to rigid analysis; then by the use of modern chemical @ “went | called chere Tae we s G. methods so accurately proportioned and perfectly mixed that complete neutral- ization results. Only half the amount required, as Ege-O Baking Powder has double the strength of any other baking powder. mee DE Highest Prices. Paid for Farm Produce H. Pl. SCHAEFER teh daemcredecn tharos di $ Ww. c. ing a fracture-of the |q redo visite will be er: See teatly Feaicig wie ‘has been ee ree sermon in Knox bees ‘Baul is nai b ington. De. where the victn parried AGA GYGY% GY GYGYGYGYGYGYGA GAGA GAGA CGYGAS WINNIPEG ae ‘EDNONTON JULY Lith and 25th, Aug. 8th g nee Sept: t oF at eo ae clean mor- 39 Much human ingenuity has been de- o di Miss Ethel Hadi, ay. aoe Salem. is at his life aed white for the upbuild ing | Persomis desiring to exhibit in any of the departmenta Should lose Berk. sof Cleveland as are eae 1 w. Rurgeiins Agent Divi ou = . Snyder. Eistowel mealies College, “Pall” term Mr. ist oles yea visited in the Call and Inspect our Line of Bedroom Furniture A little taba bor hds come. with Mr. and Coberatalations, ns. Harris hag returned to Toron- Ea ee after spendin; THE COOL WAY her brother Bir. Kitley. The following iq A the weport of the [GREAT LAKES | <5 ere ROUTE - See ideas do. Stn 4 Ee offer ‘te for what} i worth, Low ROUND-TRIP RATES That, parcel, of lan Tena known as Lot mie Laon rr. and Mrs. Willi = ish to and Mra. Wiliam Loney w | TOURIST SLEEPING CARS jt : Sr. Terie coe Calvin pee others. eb har | tare Will asd be giyén an oppor=* w Earty made The — i i Lake Br ‘Bri dae dying. by it 1-4 ie we the hydro-electric current may,] ACK FOR MOMESEEKERG: PAMPHLET Torrance & McMane Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, - MILVERTON eae ey in the biome season a when. ied least from Toronto daily 10 20 p.m, Several day's W. H, Sanderson, Local Agent a} ae Col arrhoea rey on bones on ned ESRD "tatality of of the finny pcan £9929%I2I%LIALASLO%SAIASAILIAIASAGASALYS TOWER COLLAPSES For years you have tried us-~-have told | victors caisse Toronto, ts commen Your friends about us---and our success omg e of your making. But without egotism we may say we deserved it. This vast business could not have been built u unless you tried us, could not have hel up, could not have won success unless Struck by Lightning, EIGHT FIREMEN IN PERIL 4 Valuable Curios Were Removed Re- cently or Damage Would Have Been Much Greater — Six Mont- real Fire-Fighters Are Overctme By Ammonia Fumes In a-Big Cold sem Plantih & Toronto, July 11.—Vietoria College yesterday’s storm, entaili 2 of $3,000. Eight firemen, among whom was Chief Thompson, narr iP e th when the charred tiles and timbers of the tower fell, and e em were knocked r just two feet from the 5] where the mens of ancient armor escaped dam age. A few o locument wer¢ damaged by water, but, unfortunate no first, but soon gav r at the Paraiset corne: oh es ooleey was struck at 5.4 leveland of the Kew Se volunteer fire brigade and thre; peal of _Sinoke curling upward trom the Rushing “to: the jweeet get ok: the building they o sticking fast in the soft gravel of the driveway. his nee ‘ight up to the seat of the trouble. "There they worked like narrow space, the tower roof, weal ened by the burning of the’ beams a y terra Cotta ball,.gave way and fell in a smother of sparks right ff} over the e: iremen. Their escape was little short of a miracle. A hole-ten by eight feet was remov to at place about two ih ne also a quantity of old Japanese and other armor, and many valuable books ad Fes a of the building all were unl The college bell, wi chica ru gGius it below the pee parine i ‘eal Firemen Overcome. Montreal July il. District ¢ Chie: ns an ive firemen were over. by ammonia fumes during a fire that beokecoue bu ane top floor of the five-storey id” storage plant ot @ 2 Ee) RE 8 4 § Es 5 5 = four stations, ree streams, an aerial truck and a lad-|.been der were used, Firemen Paul Dugall of No. tion sank to -the floor on the ty storey of ne building, and had = © oe carried o1 minutes, and was removed to the ital Foreman Boureher, Peter. Plain, ee 4 art Toutourier and Ladoucier were also 329-4tpd' moet attractive Midway: ieee will| We H. SANDERSON, Local Agent. | overcome. All finally recovered. con Lu slo of J of Blan met in the Agricul Sats N i ater any stray grains of gold ae d ‘by tha reeve and clerk. ‘A ‘com ‘tion w: fo a motice rom ty Clerk , ty rate Wy hai Elma for 1911 was $4969.00 and— to ae + je gageeat sheeted [expenditure cm wood roade 82258,60. | end ie lower, Berlin 1% lower. i from Francis Coates and Jno. Breen dboied wo nim or w ebing nat The Eo ‘thelr Bolleiton Geo. Bray. of nly Fe | son ne ie oer, that he | vtoyed by Mr. had Dad ad cance obain& goed Jo at his trade, oem aes ot mith. secon: r. Scott. that ie freamirer eines crise ‘to pay the sum of $141.00 to the treasurer of the tiene of Grey | Oct as payment in full of amount due the Mann because turned up with a light coat and Mls! on Grey a assessment on a iby Mr, Str “You may think this. navy pitione sald ped @ little to us. Every anes cites cloth- wi he. fone here at night and the gold hed off whenever we any on Lincoln Neb... girl writes. “ ny the great formality blended with a bi ness: Aphly Box 151, Milverton ELMA_COUNCIL- nicipal council of the on Monday. fra. 1911 ‘W. ‘oot BY | arried. ip business. C: kept the fire. front’ spreading dovna| "7 amas dng iret Haitea, Baie This was not for long, however, as the old hose, which has Hot been used in years, scon gave out under the CATALOGUE! “ Union Stock Yards. ‘ FREE On| TO, ‘i s (OLLEGE Request} |live stock at the Union, Stock Yards~ St:Thomas, ee eee ts 2010 neat the fire was so wet that the falling it alight. - | Milverton. On The highest cash pi H dee eta . euch aiee ae Geyer cee at, $5.60 i Ai % tive fowl of any kind. Apply rutehes Gleekman. pe and Junk Dealer ie Sue at fo n, 88 to 2, $5.25; cows, $8 t ire. | my cue to gratify Sah As And be bold. HOUSE apts LOT FOR SALE. uck on the arm by a piece of falling tile, which inflicted a slight ind on Inessing. his right arm at the elbow. |, The mador was pat eS arrest, but command. Lilies very ia hee realizing that fie rooms downstairs cae ed Prices Boe lambs were ee at $7.50 upstairs. Base and soft mae Fur- | to $8.25 per owes, sheep were steady e. The lot has a fi Oe ape For further particulars apply PRES wa sodas A H. SHARP. Milverton, tf chehised: ae eTitc Tor neleots: tea. ane pereiece and $7. tt to drovers for hogs f.0.b. scone nit try points. Once Inside, Chief Thompson led Cate “LIVINGSTON, ea tvesee om rt a Agito et Ih re Ki st er WANTED _ $51007%0 “ae an average of oe woringors sold. a The eee See ee oalvee’ wee A. good. solid) Soin ah situated ‘Lee ba fetes VERKET REPORTS. and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Lower—Live Stock— : Latest Quotations. oy CH) y 10.—With ptepty, of and Councillors, Wm. "So Alex.| rain soaking the ground and with cool. we 3 ‘Minutes of last! meeting: and Court | grair. underwent a dectine. ‘Revision werq read, approved ai Wheat clos Saturd: Ese Slower, ‘The outcome for oe A va ing between 10c loss and oe verpool_ mat ket closed to-day ta MR, Lotus a cowhest. corm Antwerp lower on. wheat, Bude, est 20 Winnipes Options. Close. Open. High. Lowa Close, * Mie 97 wt ty See oe Ese, Meee, a, i & at Toronto Grain Mr 8 BBs sg” > ecccce Torento Dalry Mi SSEREEREE J 2 wesse owceococe Montreal Grain and Z ; mber of accounts, _ EAL, Jul he foreign Moved by Mr Coates. YY | mand ing "Wheat fell away to moc t Mr, Scott, that the Council do now | ing to-day, but there was an active de. ais Be Ae ee ees ee ‘ood. e mi gultural Hall, Atwood. on Satur. shels, but as the prices bid were , Aity ust 5th, 1911, at 10 o'clock ra.m, | oni mp yusels, : ie A tapas ar: | Out, Of, ne with values here no business sa if . bushel, in sympathy with the strength in 7 a neoerera: markets aime ume of Sines continues to be done in flour for HAPPIESD GTRULIN LINCOUN 1 | iocat ancount, aad Stake cee ate ‘The tone of the market oe See! || gots and millfeed is firm under dema: coe eet ciel leh oniraee e “constipation and stomach trouble oat gts ex stores extra Ne. ee : I began. taking Chamberlain's Stom-| {% cor, lots cx store: Th ach and Liver Tablets and-in three | No, 2 focal’ wh NE Mau at| was able be wy a ste lee better. right wlang. E am the proud wheat pt, Ms ng vag medicine” For sale by all deal: pacers ae oe eet ree | * + bags, $1% to $2 Rolied oa Per berrel, $4.55; bag of 9 Ibs. $2.15. Corn rane pues aig ed a Se, Millfe SS qian Wanted—Hor, general farm | Bran, Oniatie |S io. $2 ; 4 to $21; middlings, Ont is & pea eo ge—Fresh, 166 mv = Cheese—Westerns, 11%0 ‘to 11%404 easte ems, lo to 110” Butter—Choicest, ideal CATTLE MAR MARKETS. re and “Springer, re io lorarinenn i alibese a mate Wo ee $62. 8.25 per gate or an overage ep and Lami intreal Live Stock. CesT MON! REAL July 10-At the Montreal Stock yaaa West End. Market geipts of ve Book for “the. wel cena nt ee 8 ‘attle, acon sheep ae ibs. 1i60' howe and 600 ‘The su} ply o8 the market this morn 4 a ale onsleted of $00 cattle, 15 and court walt” ‘This veto dates back to 1! bho ue Empress DoS eke then was tripped up partner 1 in a waltz and fell at the feet law. The Hm % a ti 21-2 mi EeaAG EAS yarn es NO, CAMPBELL lambs, 700 hogs and 800 Prentice “ very warm weal ich L f er Ib, in prices since this day eae the undertone to we local market this "morning was. s' With ‘those realized last Wed- ane er FARM FOR SALE. Serre show, alrsnavaqee: of 30 per ADU of “Ob, nothing much. She bought a and asi I thought of it, and I told her; that’s ties ae Hour, per ew aiL"—Philadeiphia Times anitoba . Flour, Jewel per cwt. Enterprise. GO aks would you do if I peat “Ta sign a in vaudeville immedi- tely,” many ee eer oe wale aye. pa market for edn wi Sey 100 acre s known as E. half of choice beeves. In a few exceptional cases b stated that paid r i ‘bi bank barn for a week ago, 5 ed. cement stables, ‘silo, | Poorer Guity. windmill and drilled well. water in| jr a etey. . Place well under drained and } cleaned out of stock the well fenced, very clean and free from | notwithstanding the heat. and acres it good fall wheat ately active trade 3 Beene eoringd eran | neres, Push | fainy good at fo fo Fo, al aring orcl . bal at 4c kane w and pasture, Will be sold Brought from with crop and immediats possession | 4%4c to 5c per Ib. ine to quality. given one: terms. Postoffice close stronger tb me at present for hams ae ) An yee Se #3 weighed selected per cwt., COMMERCIAL. olf, the cars, 8 ae ee 20/| $8 18 18 ‘shade lower; prime steers, $9.60 to Ho butaher grades, $5.25 to $8.10 Calv Berar ee Minter ont cniotoe $6 2 Sheep and Lambs—Recelj 6 eee can 8, mes 1B Bi blew ml ised eh Bey = Z $6.40 to $6.82; ‘rough heavy, $6.20 to $6.40; light, $6.35 to $6.82; pigs, $¢.1 Cattle—Recelpts, 26,00; market, steady to lc lower; beeves, $4.85 to $8.90; cows, ind heifers, $2.9 to $%.8); stockers and feeders, $3.25 to $5.2; Text ‘6; ves, $5.15 to $7.75. i eep—] 1c lower; native, $2.40, to un westera, $8 to $4.80; to $1; western, 4.5 “ogra. waite aah 90 250, | ae rom $i to Saba © aie sad we, 5 East aes sce ee 4 As elpts, 11,000 head; market, ; sheep, hoice Ncmabe, #1 to isto $6.90; yearlings, $2 to 84. Receipts, 11,050; market fairly ace heavy, $7.10 to_ thicaen Live Stock. 24,000; market yas