+: The Rooster does the Crowing but its the Hen that lays the egg au 3 _ Now the question is, “Did you ever notice any Clothing advertise- . ments that sounded like the crowing of the rooster perched upon a barn top, full of fabulous statements, windy assertions with the I crow stand- ~ ing out all over the surface?” — : __. - Long and loud may be the crowing of the proud and pompous rooster. It goes in one ear and out the -_ other, but its the cackling of the mother hen that causes the thrifty housewife to slip on her bonnet and gather up her apron to look for her précious hen fru t, All our advertisements must ring true. Let the other fellow do the “crowing, we want to talk to you in our advertisements just as we would to you over the counter, simply a “wireless” call telling you of the value we offer from week to week. 44 You have made this business grow. You have forced us to add one-third more space to our store during the last year Sale of Ladies’ White _ Waists oy coaaan wan aaa can ad VA aa ‘af x, 2 ae ss : , : ~Men’s Hot Weather Wants -Men’s Fine Balbriggan. yas i 5 The balance of Ladies’ White Waists must Underwear be cleared out this week, It, will be a shame if you miss the liberal reductions we are giving in these lines. $2 Waists for 1.25, $2.25 Waists for 1.50, Etc. All sizes in the lot, but.not all sizes of any one pattern, Natural eink knitted cuffs and ankles, best fine double thread balbriggan. Wat- 5 _ son's and Zimmerknit, Per garment.... ¢ Men's Odd Trousers » In light grey and fancy tweeds, with cuffs - and belt straps. yJust ‘the thing for summer _ wear — always ol and dressy. Very $3 _— special per pair...., $2.25 to € 3 A Few Men’s 2-Piece fe ee SUIS ~— In light grey, pants with cuff and belt ~ straps, coats half lined and loose-fitting $10 Just what you want fo warm weather. Men’s Negligee Shirts we pee ot so SR. With cols attached “There ie coming” =@ “cooler or more comfortable. Colors blue, white, grey and tan, The celebrated ‘Star” ] 50 brand which gives satisfaction...$1 to fe : Lisle and Silk Sox _ Inevery imaginable color and shade 50 at per pair, Pe 25cand «FU Men’s Clothing VV Ww Ww Vater Vata Vr VIN “ Ladies’ Ready-to-wear Dresses at Big Reductions A Few Sizzlers From the Staple Dept. 3 Pieces Linen Suiting -When we opened up our Ready-made Dress- es we had exactly one hundred and fifteen, to-day we have exactly forty-seven, Sixty-eight dresses sold. Pretty fair selling for the first season. Now these forty-seven dresses must be cleared out re- gardless of cost. If you want to share in the value giving you will have to come early. ; Natural shade, old rose and pale. blue, guaranteed pure linen and colors abso- 99 lutely fast. Regular soc, per yard e 4 Pieces Cotton Dress Voile Satin striped, colors blue, brown and cream especially suited for summer dresses, 33 Regular soc yard for e 5 Pieces Creponette Dress Voile Colors 19 Looks exactly like a pure wool. white, cream, grey, blue and black. Re- gular 35c per yard for, 15 Pieces Colored Dress Muslins Just the thing for a cool dress for these hot afternoons. This is a red-hot bargain. Muslins in the lot worth up to 20c per yd Clearing Thursday morning per yd 20 Pieces of Bleached Cotton Clearing Sale of Straw Hats a Every straw hat in the store must be sold. 75c tu 50c, 50c hats for 35c, 1.50 hats for $1, $2 and 2.25 hats 1.25. Greatest slaughter of hats you ever heard of. 2 Farmers ! “Bring us Your Butter in — “Prints .To bring it in firm, first see that you haye all the buttermilk thoroughly worked out, then let-it stand over night in the cel- lar and have plenty of wet towels around it in the basket. If possible bring it in in the morning. For the benefit of our cus- tomers our store is open on Wednesday ‘| and Saturday evenings. Fruit Jars ~ Fruit Jars Fruit Jars - Although fruit has been scarce there isan extra large crop of fruit jars. We have all sizes Se «=. Store .... AFE and SENSIBLE, SANE and WELL BALANCED, these are the charact- S$ eristics by which this clothing store seeks to be known. No extravagant statements “ styles or claims. Honest fabrics, conscientious tailoring, newest, but not “loudest” styles, Bites : and a great, broad guarantee that you shall be completely satisfied. Not a single sandbag > _ of mental reservation to make the ballon rapidly ascend when it is released to avoid con- 5 : tact with some dissatisfaction actual or financial. at 6 Pieces Bolton Suiting In linen colors, suitable for ladies’ suits and boy’s suits. 28 inches wide, fast col- 1 1 or, Regular 15¢ yard for. ° 5 Dozen Ladies’ Wash Belts In neat embroidery patterns, all sizes in the lot. Regular price 25c each. Spec- 1 19 ial for one week Dutch Collars, Jabots and _ Embroidery Collars 4 a 4 < e MAS NaS We Pay the Following Prices This Week for Produce: Butter 18c Lb. Prints Eggs 17c Per Dozen All reduced. Regular 25¢ Collars and Jabots for = ° 19 Ve Ve ENGELAND @ SONS, Milverton, Ont. ee bho