H.M.SCHAEFE ISSUER OF STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MARRIAGE LICENSES R WILLIAM K. LOTH MARRIAGE LICENSES MILVERTON, ISSUER OF STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ONTARIO Sun. strong a knowledge of thd world ie as it is to-day. J.G.HAMILTON DL & W, SCRANTON Standard Anthricite COAL First-class, BEECH and MAPLE WOOD Suitable for Coal Stoves ST.MARYS LINE Stewart Whitney 392, BURNS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MILVERTON Sunda: rvices Sunday School and Bible Class gee ue am. Morning Worship a . a peda) Worshiv Good musio at f baele Sabbath ey che es pice the leadership of Mr. Walker. rybody Welcome If you da jh need us we need you, REV. T. J. ROBINSON. HERALD EXCURSION JULY 29-31. Pastor. Dp As The Stratford Herald did not x n | ele anal interestt attaches to this year's ‘be held on Saturday to ig 29-31. tures as form Detnoi pe Bee placards Pel Sons! We yum ti it. Tickets good for three and fol . Heat a special for. you at Hedpwel Busines’ College. Pall ters Roesch Sept. 5th. i Itilweek meeting Thursday at 7.30) 7! p.m. m: reaee the leadershi ‘Grose! gra , 7 Fins oulture at Coll a teacher having Capital Paid Up. Total Assets... sot can afford ta lay aside e Bank of Hamilton, The average man of woman matter Priel tite pee wage open a Saving: : Account rom your id Office mily |three daughters ‘ea Ser New Hambu cifio lat home, Se cemetery at 4p. e Bvongelleat ane ~ has been Snaeead to Sir special music for the evening m, he ‘Milverton public He has head eS ears taught entra w Du pro- | 3! school board | 5f hottles 250; vanilla amt ; Good Bar Lamp “Gledes White pay Gatanp. quart | y| Clover ; Honey 100, pound. cash visiting th that the objections leted he Royal Mili which strict sanitarians urge against ce and cor ¢ the grip. — Durham an, my daughter. see | bring forth my swatter.’tha. flies he: me! pies ae forth eggs. fey It is a suneated by a New Zealand The British en he The PRAY depositors of the Far see ‘bim money-to putt out at were Kvetay-fie pene ago and SEA COAST RESORTS MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Ge ” $ ‘It Shines For All ae Vol. XIX—No. 3 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co. Thursday, July 27, 1911 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher EEEEEEEEEEEESE LICE EE ELE EE DS |S ref To Let—Fitraished rooms with board] Pa rasol’ found, Enquire at Sun LInwoop. MONKTON. ide ply, B ice. ace : ° : ¢ LOCAL NEWS : eacanue te . aeons | canting Re eae” ate ee See ee me e aie © + et ropolitan Bank z $| Mes J. W. Barr and dani ghter Nora| A load of local horse admirens toa! iss Jennie Baker. of Toronto, he Geo, Wells. of Walkerton. is vis- ‘ z + are _ Spending a few holidays at’ Han-|in the Li ces last week. at Bee hang ere. iting friends in Mon! e ‘ Miss Winnie Barker is at ' : + * Geo. -GuentheP aaa eabiicen tone viait weith feionda oe Brentford, it ‘hens ft Mi Manreceene So ey ate ‘Gordon ing ia of Torn, Head Office : TORONTO + rusted ith Mrs. Geo Herr. Strat-| Mrs, John Boon, of We ellen is Robert Fish wo re@ret to hear ‘Monkton. ob ob ee) pa week mead Milverton! plonickea as Uri oy guest of Mr. at present on the: ee list, Rey, Ra ae Sete of Stratford. . M, . i Miss u © CAPITAL PAID UP $1,000,000.00 * oir the banks of the river near Lisbon}, Mra Faust. of Zurich. is at | spent ‘Thursday last Fag ag de Sr eawiastiet Samat a eb RESERVE FUND 1,250,000.00 + on rare eet last aes present the t of Ae Perectr sy Or. Lackner. M.P.P. | d through| Miss ete Golightly returned et qe UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 104'698.38 sj 5 Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner, village in his car‘on Sunday week after a week with he 4 7p [Sen Tilting with relatives in Nor- ford oan. itis pulpit of Burns} Bag ‘of grain tound. Owner may | , Messrs, Ray, and ie Hosea. of] triends a ‘Bit sin. a le vis ve e proving proper d mira. spen’ junday in Linwood. Huggi and di shter Mi os DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS MiRte,© Plotter. of Asbara opeat|y He Sucba Sieh ater anne MP foeaie sre, 7 Rimmermen| 20% Mog Berit cons fee 7" Hagens ott on Mouday to visit with h cporeasy Inet ith Mr aed Bre raat hours jo the village on Tuesday) Of the eleven pupils tha a| with friends in Waterloo last week. | friends at Listow + ISSUED. Payable wherever desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST z Libera daughters, of | 2bef® Will Be uo service in the Evan ate ie Sat cs ee oe gunday at Bf Rea ert Bie mii i ina way of remitting money. Howterine, aenk raenighs gelical church ne: y evening | im eal wim Heit Deeb Le Sea Sng Me ioe accu Enon woe tagatas Wile wee ee ses ome Jowing to the ab - st the pastor. | Mr, A. B. Eoantt, of Waterloo. is spent Sunday with friends at Elmira, Eifenn hee intend “Being hh) Millbank Branch: HUALJONES, Pros Mar, |. MriB, A. Torrance left on Tucaday | m9} sport trom hae ies BY ae ears his at Heime der| ‘Mr. Harry Ginwerich. of St. J present at the induction of Rev. Mr. ip tinwoed Branch: 6. 5, ZEIGLER, Manager |) for Regina ‘after spending a month at Bobacs ove Ete eee aticaony Ausiaht¢ Se palin or event Sunday ot Mr. L.A. Heimler's | MeCrae Met next t Monday. Ss me i iiverton. ‘ Hase1 7 " 4 S atte " Two autos | a Sunday with his wif Mon: iy PEEP EEEEAE ERE E EEE EE EE EEE | er ee of Bartoovills, is] Bizs Geo. Ralston and daughters] dorse “racing pe ay ove gh Sg mo intends’ Tearing xo serena sal ists t ) locieta cod nae tae Margaret and Reta, of Huatovile through here om Ti en route] for 2 a trio, through the Mr. G. Weber and family. left on : ee ee ech greet otek ga skoke. are visiting Mira, W. for the Listowel 1 Saturday last for a two weeks’ trip - ADVICE TO BASEBALL FANS ENTRANCE RESULTS ed the Walkertan—Tavistock footb: q Major Shannon. of Londan inspec! M. Amold and) Misi O'Neit [fo friends in Port Huron. Eeorcand. ein meen gp hibe seep years; bape re x from here will take or of ories..was id the village on of Elmira en Sunday at Mrs. Jno.| Butler, Pay Canadian “Collier's wing are the names of the pele eR Dlaee a. 9 | tage of ‘ae Stratford Herald’a as -| Nueadey “imspeoting ‘the equipment | Hayes’ ‘erry = Mrs, A. Chal- 2 fan is unreasonable, the um-| pupils who successfully passed the |°Mr tverett G, Goghlin wh ;_Joussion on Saturday mext and visit|here. He found everything in excel-| Mr. ad Alte Gan Haber ce Teck| demic wine eee On pire is fallible. and the player is iras-] High. School rance examinations |ty graduated fr sees cet tat Detroit. lent shape. onto, spent a few days in Linwood | phant as the guests oe Rey. J. D. ant sible, But why should these thi held at Milvertou. Honor marks are| Pharmacy at saebints hi e = Mrs. A. Gischler and children} (Bobby Leach went over Niag: last week. Mrs, Fergusson. a hostile triangle? The other day an 7,.; pass marks over 390, eps onto hag purchased | jeft on Saturday for Berlin where| alls on Tuesday in his cigar eee Mr. J. G. Seip and Miss Seip intend iss Florence Schuler returned to Sor edang orate Bie noel GRAB Ned: hey. will spend. theteevasstion with) Garrel: and” survived leavin dhortly for a trip through the) her home in New Hamburg on Setur- too good on ball andi strike decisions HONORS Nate iar Mecano eecs from | Mrs. Gischler’s paren! than a number of “painful cuts | Northw. day after spending a month with her fined a too pungently critical player- pepsi ese ep haie n Pmanaetind s aS and bruises, Me. Gee" Tankien ch Haekeaville |ataiar aka c-smyebh janager and ordered him off Dora Becker 506. spend a few months visiting her] “At the Grand Lodge mecting of| Mr. Thos. Davis retumed to North| WS a Business Visitor at Linwood on |” Mir, C. ©. Chamberla had purchos (icld. When a’ fa the fron row youngest sacs AF, & A.M. held at St, Cathari ugusta on tier pentane ed the Milverton photographie studio ata ae ot ie hin we te nUtens, Conra mit and Tools lane eck MG ‘ot Strat-|a month with bis daughters Airs, ff). ML d children, — of| from Mr. A. R. Hollefrennd. of Strat- player-manager made a as.at im Sotuneidie, haath ford elect ‘District-Deputy Boulatan Joseris bela Sebringville. eat aay at’ Mr | ford. amd will keep itl sind two days with a chair, He broke the cha’ Teese eee a Grand Master for this district. of Morning | John 0 Tse Satins Waa afterward bled moyen ‘dollars ad Viols stevent 499, Miss Ruth Gischier, of Mr. Joseph Kerteher owing to By a vote of 53 to BT fhe | United ‘oisin, of Glenallan.is at|” ‘The f rts basebell team must or it by the preside cil Tanner 518, having spent Sait fmability to secure ice decided + 01 Cc: fear present eine her daughter Mrs | have got cold feet om Thursday |: Saas obey was cousin Miss B cease oper a eerie [ techeroolty MI eon eacor ded lent : ppre. A eln ty BAS t Nas Hie conduct all Sicoa: and bad no real PASS. lest: aa Batordayaite fe business for a fewjweeks, He will] act. however. will mot:come into fo: “Miss A. Doherty. of Hespeler, spent| for a i Maken eae word a ga te of bark aut eae eas as i fees sadn gia toca wpe cared eee rogein as soon as the cool, until the Canadian Parliament j few days at her home on the 9tb| was sent not to co! rybody to remember thal artha E. Bair weather is a - the 3 ine last wee sf mplre, generally speaking. kuows rydane pene arte sated or The high winds of Monday Mt ad Boe. We RBb and ahd Mina Vi M. Berlet, of Ber-| and’ Mex mpontns etd gid aseer of ne e didn't “he wouldn't — be {ha High Court of de ane *a Tuesday did bees damage to het left Thursday to 5) ays at Mr. V. R-/ underwent am operation at Stratford wetting paid for it. Moreover. ratt- fhe High Court of Justica for On-Jérait. Vast quantities of apples were |holidays with friends i a Ihospit: Saturday last, but sac the visiting t i not good Hidavits per for taking at: /plown down, orm it 14 Slaimed| Simone. “Mr, Sharp will return lal pumbed shortly afterwards, The ree nshii brilliant play de- iad ort D, Ginle Itt on will be of advantage to op} to remov. household ettects -| mains were interred in Elma Centre rves applause whoever makes it. Wedooaey ~ wehich was so heavy that the Piped | Dunnville. e where they will reside cemetery on Monday afternoon. - bas beets deal along time. end Rulncerncdetr, Forts ehes would soon have been unable to} | The cata pane Senile Fong, ot S. § : § ear the weig! their ects: ling a week ‘he fashion now to laugh at cricket at Gebieaecirel Reale ‘eis m announcement bas just - fies Walle oa men ay. erlet. KINGWOOD. #32 slow old game. But one ee tad as made that will not please the many at 2.30 p.m a disposed of the aM pete eet i red an exquiste mutua , orme! Loai i ‘ line to» Mr, Alex. Ham ent Monday politeness in players and speotators. fomuerites tape ht carafe ees Tey io oe Petree a eine SecHiane Sano a conte Pe ae i coor iat BERT Ee es nington, of Toronto, ‘The wedding i photo. b left last| | Miss Sadie Hammond is ag THE HOME PAPER will take place about the middle of Falls to fiat 9 her bed. witht fe eee pes patina mg Exchange Sirs, 'Hugh Davidson ‘and children Stee apd Mrs, Nou Lele, and fee mR, My si ogee Mr, and Mrs. Ghristian Kennel spent local paper shot ound in oe ae Aatingtoi Mar ie the most of the ae ends i [Winnifred” Munro of Wroxe fi é ee : at present che ‘ects Of Mr. end|SPoke of the great productive of Rev, E. Hoffman. D i ai of Liston spent Mrs, Jobn Mus the prairie proyinees,. ‘Tee oare “of | gaged pion f Mr, Geo, | spending a few iays this wees the | Sat and al vith their hoe ates Of ie ew | Ce behind: the vlohgh and’ the| Guenthersrbleck. ‘The wullding when | Lutheran of|ter. Mrs. Jacob Sehneide: 4 siennae et ae Donegal will be maid with the milk pail. The cities completed will have over 100 feet Rey. 0. Stool . and Mrs, Ratz. of Tavistook eohduoted on Touslay. “August Ist do well to s money necess: pth end ‘will afford Mr, Guenther| Dr. D. ‘McEachren will anrive home/gpent Swnday with Mr. and Chaar ot for itions. which’ tend to| @lenty of room ia carryin: his t the cv se, Swi ileus Henry Kelly. ce House of Commons on nurr spent Sunday at Moorefield. Mr. nurr spent Sun day in Berlin. ion led last Mr. August Dam- enpeed ta speak on a eee has an ‘paint. We regret to report that ed Sens dle is at present on list but te friends hopa that Pith night after secant Dammeier’s pak isfortune se after being. ui unharn to the yard fs fell dead. sill ‘has a movelty get ©. W. Par: the form of e pink Wl ‘bloom. I rowing money paying farmers in this CROSSHILL. - fitiss eng Bebsnlite, of Wellesley. ei eeead is spending with’ her ee * tncledy the tts nae ete ein toe ee Hay. wa Hicks, Wilfrid a nary a shi nglis, 1S as well as to i Se towel reek a Re Walter Kratz, Helen ad. Ear it should receive the see i support |a fly at this minute is chewing my] is likely t the weather will com-| Mr, rs. Gardner and Allan] (yy 5 ae ae Seq’ g cea of citizens Sete td K | pose! It's easy this nt in mor-|tinue cool for the remainder of the| ghamtz, of Baden, spent Sunday at} yop, wi amr serene ao erite has seeeoes, oe "towards | als whem feeling no stings: from the | wee we look fora « very] Mr, J. H. Campbell's. MoBrever Hawel eLellan. eo the ee stitution no it palo: ‘but when] decided rise in tempetrat(ui *t Mrs. fae Gilmour and family and) Ronald Addie Salt ea ease Others who deaire a confribnte mia get bizay. Pll sure; knock them| rains ew days we: ‘Petch spent a few days peritectic aed with Rev, E. Bockel dizzy Matilda Gwenrosalin needed and’ the weather will be} triends a Hayseile, Steve Oi ce Rees man. Waterloo of great Ege on Tae the: 3 crop. vand Mi ane Hergott spent Sun- Home Slat Tajhan, ee ewe One by one the old residents are ‘some farmers fail to make|” A eo Piper opie ii AEE ET passing aw: Tuesday evening| good catises little surprise. when | ago ane forth thevolaims of that tow: He “Rennie, and little | by it y- joug! Jobn Swan. a-pioneer of thid district | their metho ays of doing|as a place that tended to healt thtul- Wing, of Berlin (were | > Basse! was added ist. Ho had been Sey inte. ‘Take a drive through| ness and longevity and mamed sever- visitors at MrT . Renmnie’s. SRUNNER {il for some time and fa peated “ ere ue fo rho eee can| al residents had eee af iss Lav! na Phair is visiting! her i os ee stricken with apoplexy. pie out ti ellow who is playing | over eighty years of ai fle Wi-| seal ate ee das. but| the losing game wi geithin out] rin ieee anaes population wees rs, ©. Walker apd + fon Preston tired ‘practically all bis alta Sa. Aaa [oF ine Gs ‘A hay four. a plow. han Milvert e, believe, th BIRTHS. jm it vicin’ attained the | oubtivator. = some 01 ce a health ‘resort we have it beaten Ce — ag IS ger s d old age of 28 ae ears and up shine: m be seen lying outside | frazzle. In village we have at} yj t Berlin. on uly § Sti fo aden. is ‘ < tiie other Gay’ the writes was oneseht: even sHEi eeDReNe ih = ABE “hte aaa Ss 3 ie <}sgreet holidaying at her home ki from 81 to 93 and two women that Watson Eee are crowding 90. In addition to that Pin ae Britton. on Daas ey fe Gaatec: te tite Rem oe Be we have 22 men thas range in weight |~ ith. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. 3 erat es me of from 200 pounds to 270. Talk! about fee ve | health resorts—we have them all faded PERE A mere congratintions to Miss. 03 Kate Ande: erson and a mes s Alex: MARRIAGES. ashes is Cages lain Dine At St. Shr Grand Trunk runk ‘Railway System esday. July 18th. by Rev. F Mi offers Srcellent service to the seaside| Svcy Miss Katie Busch, graduate| yertony ea ver wegheand it th ee Tea at the de lawrenee aud At <u. andtvaadghter pt Mr, bee st Guth lantic ocean, also the coast of Ma Busch. to Mr, J. Cham- oar J Clark. ote, Mn Same Olax f two sons and! was run was in keeping. The garden ‘Massachuett gh Pull-| berlain, of Cleveland. Ohio. ae ad Shee TRUER Olan - agent vives They aye | Was tall Sf weeds, the orchard an-|man sleepers leave Toronto fon Port-|coulter—MeNaughton—At the resi-|Bunday with See a Miicton as Jon on the| 9: an for. and tl d and Bi 00 a.m. ‘dance of ‘tl “3 parents, 683\” My ond Mne, August Doord attend- Geo. Bandsabo. | fields producing only balf a crop. It| train leaving Toronto 10.30 p.m. daily| “th street. Edmot Ita,. ong The TM EENAR the lath Joie Dee alt and Martha w: icture to look upon. and)ragmects at Montreal with train: sie ednesday. July 26th. Rev. Joseph} 4+ Auburn on ue last? ‘The funeral takes plore to|eould mot but reflect that the owne Jand and Old Or ©, Full] Coulter. B.A. to filiamina | “tyre vt Meth ccey tes am. to-day.—Ayr | hhad, missed “bis calling and neglect-| pactigslars from any Grand Trunk} Bessie. only daughter of Mr. ‘and! ptratford tet spent tra J. MeNaughten. ling'a few AA with Mow Brunk, on. TS G, War - a . Schnurr and Miss Mellie Sch- wi enh aan olan Mr. Henry Kelly Wa arg glad. ta is able to ba ee Sule af tra ea mishap during a som Bee Siete who hs week bee friends in Royal going 0} Chron! fele—Telegraph é=+ a aa Mr, and Mrs. ‘Andrew Eydt aie the golden weding anniver- of Mr. Eydt's vincld at Hanover on. baie * Mrs, Wm. R. Yost and family spent art of bee! eae with friends at St. ina the cron bas improved greatly. LISTOWEL ENTRANCE RESULTS — Out of 94 pupils who tried peels en- ‘tramee exai ea at Listowel 53 wei Z passing their-exams, ef the! Listowel High 1.