Milverton Sun, 27 Jul 1911, p. 3

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Maithful Five Dozen See Two Big would produce line would’ be a Svewi thowever. ‘have. hue ama’ in the threa t tering pend thhe Tae fal gal the a diamond” were’ excusable. Garter and _ Weir and Pauli and Hillock w rls geri ‘ith ss) # viting ‘Mr. Chas. ea Ape ai at panlas atf the Entrance ex- 's of wild theave. wen a mailed ‘parts af - third were ee Peck ui is vith Great colat, Lew, Gani iaayain correet! imita coke a fan. ae ae ; A Es tort ee see ae a Toesday aana tie Royals into uae Trading uf ity ee of the fifth Bling “Score e by irnii ely. : fe" will eos aH nt careft 1b; wi given a pe rusal by BE A GOOD LosER ‘My friend you have to take a chance ~ Bach night as yoot-stroll} round ‘Unto old Exhibition : igo tetiper east OnE “game ot aller WHE YO doses e bmpiring aS ee ed “twill hats a Pets kkneed |} who quits ee cries ee ae ee pre luck drops in on you id threatens you with blues. rd grit ane pee and seat asmile lon’t holler © FOOTBALL NOTES | Side as ay Friday last a fee train was ara from Tavistoc! of owns strug: ee unio ster a ot r from Milver: rat and Mr. Simon beg tao gs |mesday with Mr. ig mater: 8 eh a, ‘congratulate our teacher Mr. | his success in ‘| his tech period, . Miss Hu : Un _ fing. "Witnessing for Goria e kerton : e Uber aa SIL BARE Mrs. Bal of ‘Btrattora, spent oa ae eat week! with her daugh- ter Mrs. F. W. Thomas. THINGS gies CANNOT Po) abilities rae range over mikes of rae rs. ters. and concern et: Berlin. ion and spending a ms days at Ur, Cloy’s. Miss Emily Helm. the Berlin, is vis- Mr. R. B. Ha: fen Mrs. Geo ponnae ore iter. tt in and Mists Bella and Thur ae ee eat art _E. G. Coghlin, _ AG Miss Minn Sherman, wen ound = ett her frien See Dr. Pratti oi |i Brera ‘Helm and daughter ee are , Milne, Hamilton. | 4 “ing marae, ats a letter toany-| tside of bis family cirele. ail] diher ‘correspondence has to Geom = t ee Nor ne eens -secept 5 apr aa to dine or stop with ject. What he does pay Another strictly observed point ae ou-ascending' the Rev, Kendell, of Dromore. will con-|os oy ne the services at Kuox church next elf, of ate. t J _Cuttia, of Seaforth. _tsftea ge Steaan the ie rT: ‘Of Mi ‘umpf and Me- Bride Waterloo, spent Saturday i the village. his jfotonel Cook. Stratford. and daugh- Bear, of Buffalo. N. Y. spent Sinday at xe ‘Geo Love’s, tH Kerr, of London, is -holi- eee th’ friends here. Miss ‘line Cathcart. of Linwood friends here. ‘the Pape: has Ten es cation, at erton is and pete the Smith on passing ‘am entrance Fett fails in ghena Young of Sree pe at the Reot (oe ie franchise ae not extend to. eine mgnarchs. Ki of the few men “withont the reiilage: of re- cording a vol eee es Se FROM STRATFORD! BEACON FILES Cee. GREAT FAIR : < exe Joly 128 12th. 1872 this ‘Tbe Western, to % ‘held in London week Scone “eet ae mons le Sin” Evew| 18th. Prom- Biggest Yet iy found his mast a nha eeore and bleeding. Ll deft arm above elbow was nearly pet and aah eae found ‘Sat is as necessary. Mr. Tay- | to that. the | iMeplays fail denattments Sl be &. 7 ate at ae | Pag amd ‘better than ever Ist. 48. ae aes “otal path erat |loch. A. Forsyth. re Caulfield. Do you tntend taking a Course, | Win G, Matthews, Listowe' NO BAD BOY Medicine Hat News College There ay be untrained. 4 misunder- stood (children. "out never a “bad” u child as the worl using; cat ‘and mang’ other spec: jal onder ee ae are certain delight the thousands ‘Morovabont seach day and evening id bands - Byer be on me o! Each | to grow toa uesiocter and Y mak e ever lor to. the, ‘western Bain feck that shel For = dinribgeg ip ebildren are Sorte ant ten Himes: Shir] vaya ive Chamberiaia'a Colic. Cl the various Saree is a ieee Diarrhoea Remedy and are dis | oats by all dealers 3 [tival Jase sunday s| iting at her home xcept eget Spd en at and pe ‘The collections amounted to Joe ee, hs ay on part of lot 10. con. | visited friends here on i} Mrs. P. d a | Ayton. were visiting friends here on I obit with friends on or Be “Votes for Money there will | dose ont] rotes T e jar. ee ghee. resulting tne ae ‘tl Let us get oar eis defines “bad”. It | fa isas though ‘one meglected to pull the Foe 7 WELLESLEY. WELLESLEY COUNCIL. Jeolution ‘ot | me ot ie a Tata Joba @ | | ter_K. Berlin. spent pene ay 4 e reemoo | bers wih Mi cha ae ie ie iy Heals apie the Board of Health | the stead of John Greeitee, penaatl |A by-law wis Raspuiciicaiiet tke | nlosing_u: concession roadway | in| between 7th and 8th Eastern Section and for opening a| ‘he Lutheran church Missou: nod held the annual Slgeinnasy Fee in @ Servie- were ix. of | Fisherville amd. pseu H. Battenber; re will be expended i. Sree I i has accepted a pos =| ei tion aa ‘Hotel portir wiEKe- “Rrentz- | UeVision for the Sorroving of 88,00 weiser, Linwood. | A mumber of our pe men spent | 5, Sunday or Philipsbu! Con’ making | y is food acon with ‘the sidewalks and | 9, wal be finished in a HN. lesley and. Wealw Ou: motion of Heidel and Richani- ‘treasu: 2 |authorized to borrow $3500 to curr2nt expenses, t 512 | san ae eg! nage athmeyen ae Baden. lebe spent a few days of last week in Neustadt atl the bedside of her parents. Mrs. Hy. Zettle visited junday. Winkler. pf wren. salto 73. .93 Mr, and Mrs. C, R. Lies fae Right in the he appearance of-the - For aul tae deal ~~ AESSON.. ‘Blue Island. is spending « a fee days with her mother | nomy cosis Mr. ona ” Canlie. oe Linwood. spent “«- ith Mr.,and Mrs. Walter . Henry Schneider. of Sun with) Mr, and/o’clock in the forenoon Knoblauch. Brenner WARTBURG. Most of the fall fall whead has “WM. K. LOTH y witl ag me en and Mrs, oe alex spent Sun- @afely housed and the barley cut. day “at the home re ley.| Farmers are busy ploughing for wheat Great 25c Sale FOR SATURDAY ONLY We want you to see what we can sell you for 25 cents. We will enumerate a few lines j just to give you an idea what we intend doing 5 Children’s Mist Bese 5 Ladies’ Vests 3 pair Ladies 3 pair Children’s Hose . Were, 356 3 yards Linen Towelling . 2 yards Plain Cotton Voile. 7 Ladies’ Lawn Handkerchiefs. .... poe 6 dozen Men's Ties, reg. 3 to 50.. ba0G 6 dozen Men’s Fancy Sox . 3 dozen King Collar Butters 2 pair Cuff Buttons 7 yards Val Lace 4 yards Wide Embroidery, ,. 1 pair Ladies’ Lisle Hose. 3 yards Curtainette .,, 6 Butter Towels. Silk Hat Bands... 5 Corn Starch... 2 Orange Marmalade 7 lbs, Beans 2 Thistle Baking 3 Silver Gloss Starch.. 2 Ibs. Jam Jamsys....... Drop in and see what 25c will buy See the Crockery we will sell at 25 PHONE No. 19 MILVERSON, ONT. Mrs Lottridge. fore ‘sso and Mrs, ee Mr. and Mrs. He ds Harlot wae: mete bappy ou epee ind inst., by the arrival of a ig happened with a ve HY aceititat Teak: Belardes, while assisting d wheat. In 2 te ee ee received a knock the ith the end’ of a fork and Ries : “Tit will ineonyenienes ‘hima for! some raterloo. wer ti Mr and Mrs, Jake” “Mitt co, Heke rasived ¢ re; Ed. Helni spent Sun- wie Gon TAA ahd family paid a) “yr, and of Che flying visit to Mr. August Schicbel | ciasie City Sundaged with frienis on Saturday evening in re. oe is painani 0 that bees pools rd. of Toronto. be ter, M: of Bt ratford. was oO pales 2 ce with iso Guiting friends in Fruit Hill. these aie d Mrs. Krugal. of Monkton. Sundayed at the latter’s parental! e home. scrs, August and Reynard my Ae was of aetiord, visited with|'Mr. and Mrs. ae e Doell over Sunday. genes Mi Brickman. 0} ianives | eee ME STs is vith ing friends around her ies the dir. and Mrs, Henry Harloff. sugttoed ee Sunday with’ friends B: in ithe bu Pursuant’ to ponent aah of ae rmers” ‘Mutual and Marion Schmeh! | e Stittitord. Mis end ‘Mre. Louis. Schmidt end | family and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Berk-| ner. of Milverton, spent Sunday at a the hom ~ Opper. ee Miverton.| $55, ae oe aled oe fightaine owe fa ets ee M. iting her panane W. T. Shearer.) pan =| We report that — 5 meet at thé usual time Pousi Bellar a still confined CANADA TO BE AN AUXILIARY] ened a At the pees tendered ‘by British Empire League t in London. ae news on “sunday Brora Shait her sis | cceitidence eof She tine Seas domi ‘1 nn ene for organized outlying oe i spent the week-end with friends in| Ondo consonant fe F. Fawn. of Cleveland. iavie- | oan lips of the Lord Mayor : ‘bigh the Snthority Source from which KINGDOM and the strengthening of the ‘British Empire. ready i am to bulwark Vacation Trips Rake Base ae Through Tourist Pullman leeper INRIEEG ial EDMONTON. Leaves Tornto 11 p.m AUGUST 8th fia Chicago, St, Pail avd Minn very 1 iow rates Literattre, tickets and full inforn : nk Agent or adress ae ion Station, Toron W. Buteinia, Agent, Milverton with wha: ¥. no matter how may be. how. dis- speedy. cure is certain, For the Seere! ina re ee tall Failass Beit —— BR ae vo ie offering wis| LOEB RH HT Geer thouse sna ict ee Se, See advt. on another pai ‘HAPPIEST GTRT_TN LINCOLN Excursions A Lincoln Neb... girl writes. “I had ‘or some it] = = $10.00 sens Sibeds - ed the toh 1: tie. selLase The / Side behag able ie geen through the ooo of the other. — ‘Monday evening the finals — iy will ¢ Miss Maud the | whuky and aitiiee “Margaret and the| Reta. of Huntsvil the the “ is shot, sidetracl days I was abl at ‘To WINNIPEG iad certain points in Western Canada via Chicago, Duluth = ae Pratices. $18.00 a ah eg pet fae ihe co eats ‘a te A LB ppt lege is o1 ug. 3 nel inclusive viaStratiord an ae <a ig! so 840 Lead halt | all Bare Ontario south thereof. \e 1g. 12 | ciading. oe ri com Toronto and west in Ontario. . From Toronto and stations Aug. 16th fo", bee" iso east of ille. were the guests | Oriia and Scotia Jet. tm Oneatto. ad Cathbertson on Fri- aa | Aug-23rd Eaten Bm: nee seadiness =F 'y & west in Ontario, Fre alls -atio: | ihe eae S Stunt chureh. vvhick ce 2548 cant of Orla and Scotia ie wel take place about the Ist of Aug pee to North Bay Ea Fi on Aeeat or address A.B. Duff, District Passeng- ‘of | &F Agent, Toronto, On: Farm Laborers == II particulars from aay Grand Trunk | Worth Leag J, Ry Hammond. See’y. require cages treatment int ae and a’ mberlain’s aceas tre ely. iP will reniied the o uaaee quickly restore the parts to @ Healthy condition. For sale by all dealers. _ SARTHAG ue Nellie _ Sbearin ae returned | to ber home in St. Marys after a week's visit in this’ vicinity cm Le, fhe left on Tuesday tor Fall wheat t has all hees-harvested| [Bourse day. We're sl this jher Berry ee ie _ the order of the y in vicini trustess oe Miss “Chitton. of the cor ~ PRUIT TREES ‘The school‘ have en- gaged Dunlos ss), Oar Norsuries are open to im hots m_ ber: Soin | the Herald exourion Fa Saturd hite 8 Mor ‘Sarah Ta epee ae Milverton sited $a: Oaribeee lsat’ w ce a _ TROWBRIDGE icati rowns’ Nursuries. Wellan A Momster Garden Party wile be ‘Ont beld on. July dist at the hom eg tee a L. Collis whrid; w Never leave ma journey” wit pote A; le of Chamberlain's Colic. and Dias rhoed Remedy. be need: tel Trees and agent, erybody welcome. Don’t forget the — or steamships. For sale by deal moe te aly Bist. z ers. Sea Rockers E have, without doubt, one of the largest as- sortments of Rockers ever shown in, Milverton. From the finest upholstered goods down to the cheap wooden rocker. We ask you to call in and see them whether you want to buy or not, You will find them ver ry ce - priced. 5 Torrance @. McMane » Furniture Dealers and Undertakers 3 MILVERTON, ONTARIO SNR aa ak aS & _{ Tenge of 6.87 to 35 A Large Shipment of New Goods | They Asquith in: has Arrived for Early Fall Trade THE SPEAKER New Dress Goods New Skirts New Waists New Wrapperettes New Flannelettes New Curtaining | \ cae a Hugh Cecil, cision on the rule bills. All the very Newest—Come and See Egg-O at this store. the best Baking Powder made, Only to be had a XX Try abox. ara H. M. SCHAEFER, MILVERTON Bring us Your Produce MARKET REPORTS, Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High. er, Chicago Lower—Live Stock —Latest Quotations. LIVERPOOL, July 2%4—The fee as steady po Ponto ‘The firme in America on Satu was offset tye aacee vor ‘3 shipments Ye the Unit- ed King Foll market t all, market was narrow, but Berrpu awaiting the effect of the Tecle Procity "Winnies Options. Close. Open. High. Low. Close, 60 x eros! ered oe Narket, a Wer pes ae is ne pork, md Glasgow ani Palth at 2s fo The local trade in spring wheat is fairly g eat Exe $15; strong bakers’ $4.60; ftraigne Fol rollers # fo $410; in bags, barr $21; tndlings rts, Manitoba, $23; seed, abattoir, $10.25 t per cwt. Beef—Plate, hy ait pie, too ome $1.0 barrels, 200-Jbs., $14. ache ees Westerns, Te to 12%K0; east- Butter—Choleest, 2%c to Be. S CATTLE MARKETS, in Stock Yards, we ethene’ bought for fee each, at 3s 5 also ME BL. Wi London steers { stecrs, 1275 Ibs. each; at $6.51, oF a fangs of from $5.75 to Be Campbell bought for Morris & Co. 181 Ssceepenl: moere,T0,Ibe. eats at $5.81, or a range of from $5.75 Butchers, asics 91 ate lots, $5.90 t epee e latter price. Loads of cot $5.00 to $5.85; medium, $6.40 to $5.0; mons $5.00; cows, 620 to $8; bulls, $4.28" te ie rs and with one choice Mil ‘A climtted. Spt me, oi Aa peda to $65 each, 3] eal calv Wes, Prices were very Sanat 9.8878 owt, and’ more would bave sod Pt : lambs. ings, $5; rams, $3 to $250; lam Sold ot from $650 to $860, and D. A. Donald soid a select lot at $60, rettabte | Li thru gor hogs f.0.p, $0 ithe: farmers UFFALO, July M,—Cattle—Re- celpts, 28% heads mari Bo bi Eee fg ee Galvco™Heoelpts, 1800 head; mark tive, weal ve vie to cholos, § to pi to $615; yearlinem mba, a Ej s—Receipts,4098 head; veals steady; rassers and buttermlie so to, fe high er; common to choice yeals, 36.50 to $9.00; grassers and Duttermilis, western cal 20,813 head; engender pl memorable indignant The “Trait Prime Minister ies of “You're 00d. solid brick house, situated | Secon eee Aeilvartont< Gcntehal Ei ate cy ink and 4 rooms downstairs HOUSE AND LOT LOT FOR SALE. | eady; ‘acai slow and 2c to 80d Orheas $2.25 to H; lambs, $4.75 to few se, Balea at 37. 947 head; market low- ‘i! State and Pennsylvania hogs, $8.8) to cago Live Stock. CHICAGO, si July %4.—Hogs—Recel | 45,000. Market, lower. vafixed, and butch Age he $6. aVY, $6.25 to $6.70; 3 light, %.5 to 23,000. Market, steady. $5.10 to $7.10; cows and” helfers, To. $5.0; Stocker aud feeders, $2 to xans, 4.50 0 ‘Sheep and Lambe Receipts, 26,000 ‘Bar. ket, steady. to. lower. Native’ $2.00, to ; western, $215 Be $2.75 | to $1.20; western, $1.50 to §7.20. ee of printing of amy a call, in kind at give us 10 $6.10: Calves, $5.50 le FARM FOR SALE, That 100 ane a knows as E. Lot 10.. - For further particlare apply to NO, coe How! Down Commons. — Members of Opposition, Led by as Hoot and Jee Prime Minister Tries to ee a Declaration of Government's De- —Issues Statement to Press. uly 25.—The last aot of the fe red ndon, Bactenneiars revolution was ushel with "aoa since the Glad: nM a or ti age online 10 be exermiclned Reena vile Opposing , members ts and so at the oak ate t inertia er, wo hour: neg the in to. epee graver disorde! scene “of nt excitement, or eres. 3 ae: the *tol| ; which the Miniserttiste hurled back { ah beaten,” Inquest a fruit growei f the suro Ste Te erent te taken a holi iaay al RIOTOUS - YACHTS WRECKED. : ‘ hee Competitors Tn Pale Race Are a ims Machined ate Mid Premier Ot th gee tt Chien cago on Sarda in the ‘GhleagoMackinne | are anchored in three have put in for shelter at Is HELPLESS | Ee meee alo ind 6 o’clock yesterday morning, eH j lowing a sale a for eee "Veto Question is helpless. Grave fears are the eats Sea have been ace her since Su fisraed morn- ce the Mavor yesterday morni ing and mae ait at see tye James 2 Or The a pinlataide at Chasiepois Stake in for sha night. The sloop pt i i hese n Fisherman’s Cay spa py stone home an-hour 2 ae Hatha here at ke Senter fies shel iter it South paiaa! Th in ace a e Amorita and tl to arrive inte nig) All of the boats’ seni evidence of a terrific batt storm. (COAL SITUATION BAD. West Is In a Se ro on For Fuel | ti Macleod, Alia, ae Delegates ‘to settle the coal ike ‘whieh has wide @ ree 8 lento are , pres it and presidents of rade of eae ou bia atest = dest busi: over al. ix ee re in Mace : 8, de- sitting in onder isorders. ispersed amid a CAR WENT ASTRAY Long Looked For Food a SHRED t for the safety | Po sed Valmore aurived” a 5.04.53| committees in ea ee mee ihe fart | OR? 08 mite “the | $2 the G. ended Picante will pes how much care is taken.” Parallel a against se not avail to Prevent coo - c After “Montreal July ce claim for $40,- 000,000. will be pe island, Was | juelo, nnectio! 7 ih? actions Wo will ne ae night issued to the i OIE Car Bumped Station. Montreal, July 2.—John Lambert, of Guelph, Ont., and” Katie Black: |- ee is their ie case of | $0,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA AN A a Aa Additional for Return on $10 “ex ie S18 Foliowiog Conditions: GOING Te Jet. and 3 ‘appointed by on ai ose Jaw ani ‘South including all stations on C.P.R. ipton North of Grand Trunk Main ats, Bolton Jet. and west ; also Grand Trank points, she ee and East, Oritlia and Scotta Jet. © nto to North Bay inclusive and West. pata and Rast fo ““QHEWAY SEOOND-GLASS THAEIS WI BE SOLD TO -WORDTO GUT DATES — of the Grand Trunk Main Toronto to including Gueiph sub-division from Guelph Line, Toronto to Sarnia, and Eastern Ontario. Ontario and Quebec, atso East of Du 913 ae pee vern- : tunity wers algnatory: to the Al i aepors in cireulation pets: yey Deo iras | “and y cores : the past ed, and it rete ed tal ey n- ce mest at wie home of Miss Oo: y taken into various a of Be! aid. tth each tik hme ak se Bort Cater eee oun. ~ Pol ne, 25. e jatles P. Bmnith, G eee al 28 “Kingston oe is a for a Haden ‘com- to investigate i sabe in view of | pielemenle says there are here- under oath, ae eae stories ines "for oe at that place” Rea a reat ies . ae, gees New oes cap Le) iti, Philadelptla at St. Louis Co maaten League St: aes ‘commas!

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