Milverton Sun, 10 Aug 1911, p. 4

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ne SLAVE RY IN NIGERI A THEY WERE AGREED, A FAMOUS VINE, IB FARMS FOR SALE. ~ TROLLEY POST. ~ ees ' But Harmony of Belief Did Not Lead aes Record of Ss a y eczema ASS DAWSON-HE KNOWS. > bck. oFeaie nt nt Guess Z How Darcel Delivery ee ees on In ,SYSTEM SAID TO BE IN VOGUE} The Earl and Countess of Cassillis famous vil ee Con YOU WANT TO SELL A PARM J INA BRITISH COLONY, | 278, among those who ‘have Animale ik = Field some 240 bunches or ree @ars met aoe ctecling areal Sarees Sale ne sales cS oe red = cred ae eae “ averagi Sine reach Pe xor. Wane TO BUY A FARM parse ad what has been done tered by the Fiona Commit-| gradually ‘turning color, — Fe eae cid . ates House Rule Ordinance In Afrk ab v ing col HAVESOME OF TH THE BEST rr, | the convenience and econom: I. ate Is Subject of Discussion | Dushge ceremony at DUNS ‘Tre Tree | show, made by 7, te Bre a snd = Three Doctors and Scores of |Lvixt gain ani dae ee Oe er an re England and Reform ts Under| ney will be corm in the first | quantity sod goats & are Treatments Failed. sai0 00 Ua ight pron ge bonnie) Tailways are used, Way-—Native Blacks Are Held In| "eek of November and terminate In|the standard Gt recat yee “Bite : DAWSON, NINETY Cot |terminal pe secre ae the last daye of the following January. |ated in the slace hente ee the ns H. Soave Sect Wet terminal stations “ot toa! and | “Lord is Gidest son of jof the Pond Garden, the vine was|The Dreadful Itching Was Stop Seals are hte ee eS folk the Marquis of Ai le served for| planted in 1768 from a cutting of s —— WANTED. any just aa lett theo ey 1n the vidlent and prolonged discus- | sheen, months in the South td famous. vine - which at Valen-| Ped and the Sores Healed by SCHOOL OF BEAUTY | the postoffee, es pee ion concerning the sdnilnistration ot Royal Scots Fusiliers. ‘The first Earl The vi pec a nance DR. HA i] oe tates for month of hap: | pec eages weight from even to Atty. G the Belgian Congo, it has more than|of Cassillis was one of James the palace gardens, were in ose Toadies wishing to learn this a within halt retin of the st any point Orna tal Wi F nee been alleged, oth in. England| Fog Privy Councillor. He was| di days under the care’ of one Laneclet| prove anise a. | ated intgresting, profess je equipment of the service men ire Fence and Belcium, thet Great Britain coun-| jn 1 A eniat niet eertomartte, bi Rhee Srl oe miso. which. Dee Bachan int. | Pondence course arranged for out of town seb bat $17,033, and fifty-two bo: tenances slavery in her possessions in| ried a daughter of King Wi BV ci tecncerit Use oF thal Mead Ta. ment has over of oeturing diching |__| od extoen men prea the working Southern Nigeria, eater. spat is Bes and his father to grounds submitted to his ekill,|°c7ema, By ing “nftuence 3 WA teat oe tee RESENTATIVES, | company quickly and tently’ ort “2 fhe Native House marquisate eighty years ago. tnd’ hig, succeter today ts ite. Teese the fiching. and it boale tho| safle &75,F19. parcels appegaen which was introduced tuto the colony |, 1s, present margule suoceeded to| Jock ane eee tend ate, ee 38s; | sore ag it by a |ese omen) saecy to dalla or dar |S 218 8 RUNNING in 190 The oy ste shied ihe aa ay the title at the age of twenty-three, |o3 scars A hu wndred Reg rs Mrs. Wm. Miller, St. Catharines, | 3'L. Nichols Os, szpareaes anno ee Bradford ‘nance regulates aaried of the 12th }soys, as many as 2200 bunches ‘were |ORt. Writes—“My’ daughter Mary, thus been able to discontic He {pantera Eek of course, | Tord Blantyre. commonly Gathered’ in one yoen, eea{ When six months ald. contracted TEACHERS WANTED. ployment of errand boys, for by fu Mr, Harcourt, in reply to a ques. Cassillis has recounted a story | this seri was eczema, and for three years dis | OU CALIFIBD TeACHER FOR RURAL | tramway Is service a parcel can “tion Sput-to a of of an old coupl country road |[owad te, continue for a ee time. | ease baffled all treatment. Her case | school, Ont. , experience, | be delivered to their customers within mone in February Jast, declared that| "20, Were evidently having ae “Only quantity wee considered in | "28 the worst that hed ever |tel idniee come Sep |two hours after its receipt by. the Emer the status of slavery is not ized | Words. Thinking he. might pacify Queen Victoria's day, but larzer fruit | CO my notice, and she appar. | tem Issac Fearon, | parcel department, which {8 quicker peernat ae pelted /them, e tourist asked why they had | 2° Ee u wr | gntlysufered what nd pen eonld mee sin Saree Bee S| than the postofiies parcels ‘post. “Tn: | Wepaythe freighton tha extrheory FREICHT ive Hote: Rule “ayatant-dove. im 2 the sense to ¢ . ere Do dis-| and so { earlier part of the oar | 1esct had three different eae ACHER WANTED FOR 8.8 NO. ee Bee amy Deas sage Sairaned, sharanteed fence to any DpED AID volve important enc ntson the | Aen: AF Of.” said the old man. | ys, Jack was busy clipping off hun. |2tand her, all’ to no 12, Elizabethtown; salary 8150. A) to commence wh part of Canada: Uberty of .2e subject, which are views| 129 £80, 8, We're Daith ¢ the S0meldreds of ting clusters of tncipient be Rea aria fale cng od Sapp gunlides Gear and experiengs ofloe servis ends, as the lattes Ges OO On Menrene wor nre ot n id the tions were 5 no resi * ls to pound: i Canadian fence wire bu: Sry aha tava hee ae oy Visitor q little gurpeised. Was two yeaa aoc 2 bunches, which Finally I decided to try Dr. Chase’s While the former collects qnd delivers | pes ieg0 ppt omer tas iar ty ner ate woany who have the fl | the aoswer, “Te got a crown tn oa | 2°, Yeare ogy, 12 Ointment, and io my surprise she ian ee thems up to aity-is pounds; HW oly oe cee thon atl deer g Anti-Slavery and Aborigines’ Prote (ond she hunks she Bo! gatin |freen thom 40 Tbs, aed lect reoe con Mediately began to improve, and Ww a ml pth So aber sn sarge Cal Oe ae wolee: | get ib, an’ T think the same” |*reen them 40 Ibe. and Tast, yo o we completely cured ef that long-siand | NEWSPAPER FOR SALE-IN GOO Some Seu car inks ceo 8 eat pr ot nd ‘Ub conditins abladed to the subject | AROS Tarn concerns Murphy, an| fee Geert having a on | That was four years ago; | gaa, ‘OT i, centre of das agro smiall Tommy was given «| EXTRA RECAL De. te Ont Top Ors hb neaar thle enemy an. Ho was seen in the street |b. nol eee st 9 when we lived at Cornwall, Ont., and | aia in advance; good averdaing and | Piece of Bsh tor inner Whee ind AGT ates ily Nev a signe A patie ae breaking 8 glags bottle, and when he | 1) matter of size, Lut have algo @ symptom luster ut Fob trade; proprietor must leave in a fish is this?” 2s Re aGcaaven, undsle Sethe ise had ae 60, he took out. his pire, restored the fruit its fat ae the cure must pe ee marry ©, after other interests; don’t | “Shad,” replied ‘5 th ‘ fave, Pivssing 1or/ filed. with glase and tried to light |teitored,to the ie ccunieal a gtatefal heart I give, this Writ unless you have $2,000cash; talance | “Well,” said Tommy, “a chad must é n of the society eesig Nir cacious cae eh Terlety. “bot duriog "the are the = freak value of Dr. a ene euirems Bor a1, Cent- be pretty gure of anything it feols in |e : ‘ . # ‘ou a separ from jis organising score: | ne was doing: sd he voplicd, SPocien Period of gver-prodiaction: th | Tn scores ‘of wave Dr. Chase's Oint- a Me Harris, “calling @ clave by areai. | id.-me that if Of poe burg. | Were. eu cho bear soon MISCELLANEOUS. Goldfish Gifts. Sale Wesbondelelwion Upc Ne Swaeiat ee igi cad see th’ spots on th’ sun. | 2178-4 We phe et iy piceatb le thee ‘VETERAN GRANTS WANTED—ON- fish are exchanged a: presents ph ponent ee ence - i aotian? & myst RE che 4 i aither heven’t goth the + sort see eae i age notice let TARIO, unlocated or looated—in any | among the better class of Chines eeataeli ges special feature, both upright apd line faye sr hy Piece teen pet eee | 0", glass or else he’s pullin’ me leg perp > township or district, Northern Ontaris, mat in any length desired, fete eulees Se eet ly: 1 ae Ine Hibhes aah price paid. Mulholland & ASTONISHING By econ neve on the other hand, loss of pe: s@ GOLD LOW PRICES Soyre‘ef artcl'eze mate Se Uberty, the denial of freedom of con. Emptying a Bottte, age, AGENTS WANTED. HEDAL ‘ave fut the cot of manufacture pr eS break-up on wansier ‘of To ed ae 8 bottle, copecuslly a large |Manresa Hi S F ER NOY he hinge earran other and |oR®, quickly, it should be held invert: | Breadalbane, are -all AS opentton® cone see ‘tmuch superior fence than you ean bay Giftereh} ommeniit. conditions |ed over the receptacle into which the |epace having ‘made it ware equat ora” You will ain ihe Eee LATE cy. Be! and other. repugnant tg {contents are to be ti Then, | limit the growth of the old plant at ieit you sen 20; vhs portaaians to ete Seana rpine ft constitute slavery, then there is while the neck is held in a steady | Hampton Gouth It he Eenevest Travellers Do only ATbagb s395 «8 a8 : aioe carey ei the botiom of “the bottle |a stem the gh which is nearly sts Se % Netloe—Thew ni Ou Oni a Fa given a rotary mot is |double that of any other known: In WRITE US TODAY FOR OUR of fanitoba and Saskatchewan, add 3 coats a spall whinfpool thet will | 1800 the stern ‘hag olreedy a cir. f i Vhoice lie Tas ee fox: Fer Ab tad ha Cao a4 ae ee tha 0 the space vacated by the ih in whilst the principal money. inal foot This inpete ov OU Outao pes dae seme ranch was 114 feet in length, and ply British Canaan intastia ional frei tes which we pe: . es im Piss Co lang Brg ae oo, ee app poly sh eee (aeeretewsar 783 10 foot Drive Gate $8.00 pares Che 2 chief's ability there is now girth of 60 inches on POULTRY Ww ANTED MaKe Wee alae gang pete patna and i bp fy bqure out 2 the sented eal ies <o ony pal eae oan ee inches a te shove, The. parent pat, tenga Sa ee saaees | 6. WILSON & SON, " ORONO EAR: ae AOS he prepaid ‘f a space of 147 equare yards of quotations it : pur ‘ate a ei ornatt fore ft perished. Sebobs cost mT St- Doininique Streot, ere ped mo yr meney aset. ae years ago ‘ ee se Es not connected with a: made appearance fampton s urt, and, Theving bes aateen| ALVER’S NEVER-PAILING ORDER BLANK N J. inder a joint, formed a new root, but Hn VE TOMIO Regal Fence & Gate Co. sill attached to the | stem. The takes rich, pure blgpd and re I Breen 1 omiges i vine shows no sign of decay, but rn a when its. inevitable ei s he Sree iy spe eee jones Hee ee is = fancy, er Etec er or draft) for which you > iy Groamental Wie Fe iis me ae Bs de! of ave bess Soe sear i the ig keace pean the ex; i on Srcbablg or pyle ote Gee Gon and ety ene Src pe, mein of § ney. brn SECURITY CO,tID. | ae bullding the vine ‘ts en mirely ear H H. Ni. hti ale Members Dominion Stook Exchange, i | by glass, 8 ‘nubile & viewing it from ne g. Ing. 1035 KENT BUILDING, TORONTO, CAN, ‘Shipping Address . . : mi, Be Tune round the side, Member Standard Stock a } mbt or ote oe ke fives, The |p aoe Miblag Pears, substitu’ for ie smoke flues. 1e = SOI .OF SWASTIKA, chge as nade during the ioter HIGH-GRADE Li d ae ares mths, e vine was sufficien tar Pt Sh PORCUPINE sTocks |MIQUOT al oe peta —— react exposure; eee Ae _ rine Canadian Mining LYON & PLUMMER a ustomed Sedtiras Messts. Cote & Sori are|sccording to Mr Jack, the gusts ct| Simeraamptor ane wutariraas ||... cmmpondence TOROREG: Members Toreato Stock Exchange Bow to receive subscrip.| 72d which came into the old house| gmx PETERE ON PORCURINE which : J 0 acco a i S Spar ; ready to recei bscrip- P| were enough to kill any man or plant, Becca! ommetaee, (|e Heal — Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Hons for stock of the above| during the building Mperations were|fl SECURITY CO,, LTD. §|Empire Realt Agency, “A McTAGGART, MLD., C.M., |] Toronta, Montreal Mow York and Lon at RICHMOND S71 REET EAST . aug 7. he main branch |] | Members Dominion Stock Exchange, And 1 wesr, 7a don, England, Stock Enchanges, © from. any |ff 1035 KENT BUILDING, TORONTO, CAN. [I | 1,00 tor nie tmorrne oy Pee tase Sof alent uf ee fond sosides aja! oR Ven be tee Pocenaee EEE ae iid Ane References as to Dr. , McTaggart's Dealers In, Government and sd Munictpal Do- < py ee = » fessional standin; ae rsonal erfean including report by J. W. Van-|#20t,/0 the head gatdener ot Windecr | ees for sale or we biectiysecied soc] cain or Gre. : *, man; M er |Cererft, with maps and full|them ill be forvanded. trom there MONTHS FREE) ‘vote metoar Sir W.R. Meredith, Chief Justice. | y2t ound gripe alae : pe end particulars, should be made|dou bospltala THE INVESTMENT < We, Hosisee- Preset of On| os direct to go2 Lumsden Build- Stories of Gilbert. re eal e Rev. N, Burwash, D.D., President | Train of the King’s Horses. productive oon drilling the bal- foems Vietorla College, | Oaptain Nicholas, who pre the viclous liv-|ing, Toronto, . et with extreme strictness Sir W. 8. || ote ometinat® epsntetests|| iD. Ryans, Discoverer of Evans’ 7 : of | Gilbert observed that cue of the wins LEME ream, tree 8, Now ‘ho sor wits nnoer| Right Rev. J. F. Sweeney, mae on a See ae Was crying bitterly and making stren- eee ee ee 44Qq. | Royal Horse Artillery. He been uous but ineffectual efforts rain fo ARD _| emalor cancer. Write| ARs Hon. creas Coffey, Senator, lin Charge of the royal mews any er emotion. FINANCED bess ” Londo: | years, and is probably the most skill- : “What's the matter, my dear?” be .|fal handler of men and horses who eft asked, smiling compasstonatel: STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGET AND SOLD PORCUPINE STOCKS Dr, MeTaggart’s vegetable reme- | ful | pent Padeiiia sound. the et tae: E y (« an ny 7 Pe ES Serre Sete SHDUSTRIAL FINANCIAL Go eed fet Serie tae schools at Woolwich. “Captain Nieho RR) 4 USTR' z hi the tinction of ha risen | il ca iN : says I'm no better than I ought to Name ong BOUGHT AND SOLD ae Oo treatments, No hypo- fr ‘thera ks 5 oocupies ayes We jot dermle inj jections ; no publicity ; no ittle house which forms part of Buck- “Well ae ij 5 no pul a syria as groomers Force Pine tg|hof tne rom Dulas, and «| eh land Ss oe ively. | Company, in cure. or cor. task of tr the King’s horses 80 On ano’ occasion when stage EDDIE PIGO T T! dence invited. that they can go anywhere and Jercel tor one ofthe asec in| COMIC SINGER SCOTT, DAWSON & PATERSON, | "To easure attention gitar eeersatns ue noses e dig oe ne etiviiy "Ain © creer pea Digs Gasp Pasties can | Spree pee oan DR. McTAGGART, feet. while crossing from one wing fo ihe | Pall Fairs % Care Central Press Agency, other. Jesse Bond, who was standing| _7 SHAW STREET, TORONTO. 70 Pearl Street, Toronto. |C.P.A—83. 1911. lose to oe stage OX +| Long Distance Telephone, College 3683. Gilbert, bos would tint be Mr. J aa We recommend the purchase at once of SELES cree cps [at aba ace tebe TEAD MINES brown fp nobler 3 | Bod, Sir Frederick niprin a nuOUS career = race| Af te Stns ie Mo, he Lew [as nt pe ee OF SWASTIKA, LTD. | woseons i cee ne ae or een 6 tiny beck Sond Te eeet bors think of leavi (Adjoins Swastika. ‘ee Fou take euilicient pride te mt the | Jt he apeetes st Oe t of stock to be issued. For particulars write Js GAFE, GANITARY, sod costs only | epPearancs of obnoxious weeds with % ‘NIN! ECURITY © ‘ 18 CENTS, guinea pig. ‘The 9093 CANADIAN MI GS 0., AT YOUR RETAILER'S. an excellent in despatches | 66 ‘con- f lawn mower as well. Turn 808 Lumsden Building, Toronto, Ont. CRYSTAL SEALING CO, [7 Pr ssc ao enna cd = ail the worst weeds. These CENTRAL PRESS AGENCY, LIMITED wat touch, REMOVES F LIES Canada’s Leading Electrotyping House PORCUPINE ey prone cet ice - poate: ndgw, ledge and rou wil . ELECTROTYPING STEREOTYPING Pall atopeates Paraished and pn ges Bac AT ALL DRUGGISTS || ENGRAVING DESIGNING ers reful = 3 ly Exeouted erase, IN TINS ONLY 160, 200, 250. READY-SET NEWSPAPER PLATES WARREN, GZOWSKI & CO., ‘pera Gi, RT teak Pais ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS = Stock France Germany in 1764, ten ener Tostoks Lens. seme eee [EM ata es GOOD WORK : PROMPT DELIVERY : MODERATE PRICES TRADERS BANK BLDG., TORONTO. 26 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. ede Persian Guif, mine the fale young sedent = “wat you et is con. guess I'l it,” rep! eae eee Een pone 70-76 PEARL ST, Ps TORONTO J say the mistake of think- ing all talcum powders | arealike. There is a dif-| ference — an important! difference, Nyal’s Toilet Talcum is purified and ground, and | til it is perfectly fine and smooth, without a par- ticle of grit or foreign} substance. nursery—best for baby & best foryou. It keeps the skin clear & smooth protects as well as heals and relieves chapping, chafing, soreness, abras- ions, irritations, prickly} |) heat, etc. — Delightful after bathing or shaving |¢ Daintily perfumed, Price 25c. — Attractive eval can, The Public Drug Store MILVERTON, ONT, Honest Goods FOR pk Men —Made of honest leather by Good- year welt process, has more gen- uine comfort aud good wearing material, combined:with the latest style, than any similar-priced shoe le. W. Zimmermann Agent, Milverton C.P.R. Time Table GOELPH AND ney Linwood Jot panes Tot oe Wet souk tee 7 a. INWOOD AND’ stows = tk 35 a.m. 7,40 p.m. G. T.R. Time Table GoING souTH “ols a 9.20 ae "133 ae is 1215 7.01 MR. RICHARD LESLIE Late Solo Bass, Liverpool Cathedral, England ie ChoruseS and Quartettes trained, Ma’ Nolee di pexlhlisEsbteeser ot voice ae ing, sight-reading, ete. Male nuded aly Studi +182 Cobourg St., Stratford —Don’t make} ground and purified un-| It is the best antiseptic: powder for toilet and be | SAAR LILY i oo; Tu A | 1 66 9 : | iz Between Two Loves fone ard ee # seeeee bale xm aed PS ir-haired, sweet-faced | 3 By BERTHA M. CLAY 8 | ie % Author of “Which Loved pe ye F |. “I deserve them, eae said her Soman disarmed by her meekness; “I leserve them all, but a Snot not tell ee Daisy. I knew was & | coward, a traitor, miveeitly the name of gentleman, but I could not do it, aS aisy; my miserable tongue used to jars of my mouth, m; | miserable heart failed me time after | thne. jot tell her, she was so happy in her innocent joy. so please] to see me, so delighted—ah, Daisy, I and utiful face. I loved her so dearly, Daisy—I loved her s0.”" ‘That ~ Rard to beur, but she had promised Patient, to be courage ous. She “ida “er pet gently on his. “Poor, Caro!” she sai “I am very sorry; it ame all very ad? Her patience scemed insensibly to heer bea encoumage him, “T nev do w: i. said; “I ‘had no euch pb ee T never intended & ‘conceal marriage; such apn idea e when pret ious came fia = Nagle You belieye me, Daisy Fes, I believe you, Caro; do not dis- yourself by telling me anything ce it. I am satisfied meant no ene But there seemed to him a rellef in speaking. “I ought to have tuk late, I am ied, not; has been a source of undying regret tome. After the first day had passed, I could not; I was always deferring evil that first one, rps: at been on indifferent nee: did talk to her of marriage, but I haunt er was never minute away from her that I could spend with her by any possibility. There is no excuse for me; I am a coward, a traitor, I deserve the worst be said of me. The eee patience tell body, in heart, and in mind, but, tbat love mastered me. Heaven help a is the seat of, such torments! Calm, sweet Daisy, you know nothing of this terrible fire; is strange, all n to ow Ee terrible; think what it was when it burned my honor and science away. was more Powertal than death; it chained om it beund me fast, hand and foot.’ “Caro,” said honest Datsy, “do you think, dear, it is quite right for you to tell me—your wife—ot your loye for another woman?” Sir Clinton Daas up in the greatest wonder, It was such a straightforward, sensible, honest question that he wi red continued, I “Yon know,’ “pat Tam ial sorry indeed for it feel all your pain and your sorrow as reenty as you feel it rarer but I am phi asad Cari Pardon me, Daisy; I will say no mi must say more, I like you a y now very ere is one is Bs it 1 do. not understand. W1 heart belonged. to Lady “did you marry me ht she. wa ce that once Mans rreled, so that I “Sf you knew you marry art of your story would have well bai you not married me. Why did ee do it? looked into ee sweet, sud face. hat there w: eg es and chiv- siry in him rose up to shield her: would never own that he had overheard thought that I was stronger know that my love was so entirely master of me. y name a s a. It was jot from any wish to deceive you; i was because yon once, when I was in, | nek ame, and I told you Sir Clinton. You did not understan cut om onde peat tek ee Ring,” “On Her Wedding Mom,” Etc., Etc.7j RASSRERS ERSTE EERE EES e iatteiy, “they yes, a = 4“ eee ou ones to love your Him Best,” “The Wedding ig ie ee IARI 2B I | cause your father loved some one else, and not me? You wonld not so humi- - Fale 2, Pe Hate me before my own child,” drop my titletha I would be Mr. Clit- would not,” said Sir Clinton, on—bat I would es: Sos Eoesad) oe S Dalog.shead tie seat : and live a new life in ‘one | oe Gave! almost taken possessior as ee = me ot the t- | Lady May's house,” she said, still sake ais See { back th ss Bay of tay fight; I asked you to ere ees a aadgate sernn that me; 10us ee live “Caro,” “9 ‘ d 70,” she said, gently, "I have not simnad, end In time grow: Bapgy: Seas my presence here; will you wondered face brightened at the | not own that It is better I came?" . “Bur better,” ' jen you did care for me just a | ap tanh tera Tae wom little, Caro?” oi in uw Pave | Bea; 1 felt quite sure that there was vg 60, OF wonld not have said tery in your life, and that I ought pda te to a you | know it;-T knew that you would nev. He would not have saddened her again | ee el “ oe Thy teas { ole wide world. * Moat: ioertaisly I. Mked Fou, Datays | motter endl Game tere, Then we went abroad, de on a sew how I f Daisy, I did, tudeed—I i ing, it one short int acts About . Motherhood : The’ experiense of Mot of eens = a trying one to most wo. abit an epoch in their me ot one wé to care forher- course near- We foeenreas heal ty moth motee at of vs ‘There i: a happy and dren, and indeed ‘birth un ve conditions need be no hazard to health lainable thing is lence of shattered eat ee or ened The unex} that, with all the evider atic al ro) phe from an eR will persist in going aay tot inet al = Seon e In many homes once oe there childre: f the fact BE zie, way, that she was superior to hes Gon going, Daisy?” he Sage “Yes,” she replied. “I have away fous ences She did not tell him how Jong. Dalsy was growing worldly wise; for h one should know that mean to speak to her, but when the fever had left me, to retum and live Iny life out with i She repressed every feeling of ai and Jealousy; her vise was ‘vuite calm as she spoke, “Poor Caro! it wae not wise to leave thought it e best.” rermined asia in her vTife He never hough, ee sac “how long cooling |ft- was since she a France—parhips he did uot think of fuel €o:the flame. You know the rest, I | ‘I shall go tet Seve” she com fe no exaye for M. She is the most red, * en you want me you jured, after al.” I know. wine tat me. Good-by, ied 0 not know,” sad eal i rot? chy bon nee 2 oat She went back to him, always re | pea membering Lady onan advice—she Meek “aarp: tier tae Een and bending down, kissed small your love, | Bi fosehen to marry ad only tone haf vous beast wae dend, your love wag lead, and that in seeking me us your satel Deeg air at companion, would have been bett “Yes, I own it, Dele he ‘replied The young fe went courage that surprised herself: "You have great faults, Caro, When apart es the north and south poles, wondered why he suffered this fe an before—why he had ee : aon ae ae on him—why thoughts of ept springing ano alae. ts side with poke for a ee ‘consternation re was at Lifdale Home the housekeeper, Mi Jord: ever kept in her I married you, I thought you were a great real ead su as we read Totvassraap tie sar disting books; faults in you at ais but now that I come | the house; he could ie a re think over your character, I see glam | footsteps, or the ing defects, and you should try. to cure | dress—all was. silent fig lonely. This ‘hera” and aes was Fae ee tat aE oe him, Sir Clinton was so entirely taken by | this the tched eens ei by surprise that he could notspeak; he was poate and his in ind, le tween two loves he had, as it wer i ie | oh Lady May he would n e Lar hice eee knew how firmly tig ety | seemed to have left him jana gone to | keep word—never again! pile | her. It his sorréw hud been less, he | Daisy, tis. wife, had suddenly assumed | literally bewildered; this ony ae seemed to have chan; would have smiled; as it te ae looked quietly at her. She nodded her Man ts but mortal—the barely proof aguinst flattery, and, in fair head gravely. strongest man | is "It is quite true,” she said, “you a clea ms | spite of his blind infatuation for Lady y | May, he was just a little flattered think that Doin om 60. dearly | ee Be is pleasant to be loved. cee a ib Ba oe told hhim of her love for him and of the | jarncter, that was quite | ead suddenly de | | veloped into a woman for whom he fe} you, Caro. | profound respect, a woman able. = Sole | Lady May sent | and criticise. and he read Then king that she had | quite sufficiently mingled tenderness a could grow no | on him—she was the “Tt is a noble etter" she said—“noble | | bes Sn Suddenly | he had no ae Lady May's iy | | sence had Gee os ith a sh: ot | home. eae | fortunately Iam living and unfoetanate- To all, there w: Mos ly I am.your wife. id free you by aasing down my life, you know that { | so long hanging over hie ses | | fea ‘allen es last; the truth that he had | not dared to tell had been told a him, | j } 2 There might be and de | | | | Lady Ma: tha and ‘had’ biden bint good-by fore: re were no more anxtons thoughts | 0; no the pst 's knock eed to er Pails Gusting what mij cece _At had ned now. | Rear your eyes, and,” ” added Daisy, with | again! | “When would Sir Clinton | Settle, like other men? It was dreary | work, nev. ~ | They had | thi | gone i he had married wor- | sg’ woniace: risa this Roald rad Canving 4 set Bi Recto: einad take ee | worship y—coolly as the sun | — [tibet the Gee oe the 7 euhaomar tant CHAPTER LIL, ;. ; | this Dnisy, this falrbaired, beantital Seba the same instant had | Pesdea eigribiiad @ eivoagerceaal {ha had never aa much a that child |e 7” satd the servants. Marry and always going and coming, and to know his own reves hoped for something better ‘is time.” an Cliffe House there von eines mo ent on what pitt who admitted tay a, ‘Adair, the cage there: only knew thut she vay first, and that some attecwat Sir Clinton ae had qa ted the Bae But of th d tal tsifuice, hetaiioa: tis Lay May often preferred pine halt a day alone. No one was er, when she re fused to take dinner, aus asked for some to be sent She rv ed servants, and at the idea that her ladyship was | suffering dache, they kept great | Silence, hushed voices, hushed footsteps, intl. Mi uw the evening. She looked surprised ag the darkened, se hon: Vhere er—the hand fiat held the letter | bald; the ebild who would. one day he | sy aly . hook 20 that it fell to the grou he master of Bastwold, and beat hit |e. and was wld evlyn? he ve Daisy raised me, and jonor of his house. He es tas par Bg tig Heelies Still more surprised, inued: “Sir Clinton Adair was ng cout the day been?” wry at once,” and, full oe this ee Lockwood went to Lady CHAPTER | LIv. “MY HEART IS BROKEN.” It was twilight when Miss Lockwood at Lady bite ea ‘At first there ead no wood said: x “May, will pou see me for a few min- utes come in, dear. I did not know in. The @ sense of paudiiag rales jee ieee | struck Miss Lockwood forcibly. “You are all in darkness, my dear,” dhe sald; why sae Baye lamps ted ?” “I do not require them,” was the | i. n Miss Lock- _ iss Lockwood turned round Ras pease! to my thinking, a morbid state of é Never a word replied Lady M: Clinton was to spend some day with you. The sane fel in that silent room strange, jous ring, Lady May u feeb “Flas he uot been here?” she asked again, “Yes,” was the briet reply. “He did not remain, then?” satd Miss kw “He stai sca. iene,” replied Lady May; and spe the silence wag so deep that the’ ticking of the jeweled watch 8 the “May,” said Miss I pause, “ haye you guarreled with Sir inton ?” Clit “No; I have not. I never quarrel with any one; why should I quarrel ith him 7” 32 “There is something wrong,” thought Miss Lockwood, “und that something is worke She could me he docks of her young friend ‘ed charge sitting there in the fark gre a word, took a of the little wax matches fi the box, and, striking it quickly, she Japs: bese os time to hide face Ways Fol in Be lenpriet tte ‘chasily ante was pl Miss ae sinréed back, ‘with a cry. “Great Heaven!” she exclaimed, “I ou frighitened’ me, What | you are, the has happened to you ing,” she stowly. "To me, noth! repli “Then what has happened to any one else? May, May, surely you have not ry Clinton again?” “No; I have not,” replied the poor girl, “I have not angered him, quarreled wi rr ow what I came upstairs tor?” cat replied oe May, im the same tone; “I do ot ‘gio. oe to put an.end all this, and settle your wedding-duy. Eyery one is askii is to be; every one ex) st that have waited so long, and wonders what you have waited nurse no one but yourself; still, prevent people from making Then the words died suddenly on her aes as she saw the ite face and dim, eyes” So May my pale tell me what it is. haye THs tail figure; a cry of ni ae Uittemness came from her ij great consternation. Ne ee os worse « teas that—it is the worst whi add ‘happened, Can you not ae - ‘he care about some one else, May?” she asked, in wonder. it is worse even than that—and it is all my fault. Three people are made iserable for life; and it is all my Miss I pray you to tell me what has. pened. How you tremble, May, an your heart is so fust— nds are cold as death! What has he done to you, my child, my re? “Do you ‘i the girl, faintly, “when we rend in the pi that he had he | | me, and fi Went to see him.” “T amber about it, What then?” ake Miss Lockw. im- petiently. “Eyen then, it then—Heaven help miel—he was married!” “Married !" aed Miss Lockwood, “and Married! and let you him—kept such a seer that from you! I cannot, be \lieve it, May.” “It is true; ae was Piet, then. He read in some I was about ene any osecarn, and quite | thing, he irl who hed married the—the been ind to him during his long ill- “I cannot believe it, ae No man Monstrous! tw wish that he Were here; a Seale have plain id startle him. Gtaten inton what you like; I say that he is villain 0: hove done this iv “| not like to tell you? ‘The al bruptiy, for the girl, all jor “ana eee, had started back, with a bi “Te you oe soy. that again, ever say one wi are in If the marri why did he not tell me, ply if he did keen your sense of right and wrong be? What can you suy. in hie ‘othing,” replied Lady May; “but ither excuse nor apol and re- iss eu ina orror; “you com not talk, about “No, I camot; you are qnite right. After this day his name shall never pass from. a, lips at all, to eantot speak arted this “Quite right, too,” your m| h have no patience with eall a spa lcall a T would not and give it a fair name. It is a crime, parted vite him toccver? h ne well, May. Tt was a fatal day on fer s gave way; she fl i aes eae : ‘en help me! Heaven help me! — wat “bal I do? He is gone; every a will soon that is’ married. Wet an 1 do?” a larling, try me Suns peri to be calm.” to calm soureelt,” “you will be abe se er head; she fell, with her face: on the floor, erying: What Esai! 1 dof Hewren help a5 what shall I do? My eee) is broken. die! arms trying to calm a saa, hysterk cries—they never “What shall I do? Heaven hetp Sis what Heel 1 do?” Not until the morning dawn did those piteous ria cease; then the tired eyes closed, the tired voice was silent; she’ could weep any ‘Kee “Keep my secret,” she whispered to Miss Lockwood; “keep my secret; no one must know that he had hidden’ nis: marriage from me. Help me to paint my to dress my- hair; help me to. laugh and to talk, to dance, to sing, for, falling’ shall not die for his sake, my darling. He never was good enough | a You; you shall live to bless some one! se,”” Sy tii CHAPTER LY. 11! ; “you LADY apall im ‘ A month sit turned to France. “All was well there; | the little one had not lost jh Mrs, had “gone through’* great deal with Bedina, proved more than arily sti ad erself by_ thank ible Christians” again, glaG to see Dali aie the was eet who left Seville was not as one ee ‘retuned Bn Daisy, was a quiet, sel: though gentle wom e ordeal of ee it she “hind aoe that years can ne’ ive. A curious dud of resignation came eae eee 56, knew th or to fear—her bhaband tid 1 ie love her, and did baat had littl of unknown evil; 29 Siete ae St wen ate Oeee Be (To be cantinued,)

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