issuer or MILVERTON, H.M.SCHAEFER MARRIAGE LICENSES s CONFIDENTIAL ONTARIO “3 Shines For All.” Vol. XIX—No. 18 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, November 9, 1911 “Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Srl EEEEEEEEELEEE AIEEE EEE EEE LOCAL NEWS par tel PAID oe RESERVE FUN PkpeD oa eat erton Branch: bank Branch: Meusca Branch: oe Head Office : DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS ISSUED. Payable wherever desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST way of ae money PEEEEEEEEEEIEEE EEE EEE EEE TORONTO $1,000,000.00 1,250,000.00 104,698.38 » G, WALKER, Man Su ALLEMANG, Pro. Mer ZEIGLER, Maneger MILVERTON COUNCIL. Milverton. Nov. 6th 1911. Milverton Council met this of former meetingread and sanctioned | Li inj by council. ication read from W. mn behalf of the Cuaadian Whaley. half yd. gravel $150, alas mn was presented by eighty coocove Fire Insurance I have the best and cheapest line ire Insurance ever offered tae ee Hie in Milverton, e Fees charged. MAE Mal a ais ea tee Cor District manager of sk ses Life|Assurance Com Conveyancing done at the lowest Wills drawn and probated, L. HARTMIER Notary Public Ofice: Cook's Block, MILVERTON oe presentation with t! committee was rafted in ac sorenned and piaian ed the two initial readin The fopanell ge adjourned. |. D’ Weir. Clerk. ‘The Men’s Missionary Convention of special meetings arranged for them. entine Gerth hauling gravel and clay 33.50 im as poration of herefore. recommend that the|9 . v. J H. Grenzenbach. of Das! Ss ee on Rev! on Monda: eae Soe spent Su Mr. John Yundt ecial meeting of the members |" of Court AGiiver' rton. C.OF wil be hold a Thu: Mr. young people from inday at the home of mgt Sine of the household erie of Adam Schoenholz by public pestis n. Lost—An 18-size niekel watch with a Waltham movement. Seairin by leaving at tendorff's. The Managing Board of Burn: chureh have purchased a new Doher- se in the apalgeciins of Foresters on "the work will be for of the Metropolitan bank here on Satur- s moved to Petrolea. has 1 w who hi ce member for the last three years will retire The first stens towards the incor- jin as a city were tak- celebration next summer in honor o! the event Young man that beautiful he whom. ‘ou worship as a pi nadult- praied ‘ewencien dew eiaiaie even a tion is 54 or one-fourth of the eligible SHORE e of par eRe an@ a little See table salt. petition of the ratepayers of ig? 32. og ingto! ntaii is hsb 2 local option by- electors on January Ist. ENGELAND & SONS PAY || FOR PRODUCE Fowl must be starved be dry plucked. Chicks, dry plucked Dried Apples... : Scalded Ate 2c eth; fee Eggs, must be strictly fresh. Butter, every print must weigh 16 ozs. 3oc doz. ....24¢ Ib. 24 hours before killing nd must All poultry must be choice. t2c Ib. 8c Ib ..1oc 1b, ..12c Ib, With full crops not accepted the Nore Easthope In the final between ‘Stratford rand i ere Downie team af- ter 25 minutes straight pullin, A warrant has been issued for the r weighmaster Michigan Sugar ym pany who is charged by Isaac Uoffel and John Thackery. apt wit se- tee auantities of beet: false alleged that i in etek ted the great excitement is caused! orge Gropp -had a large at-| oe He his foot-| t 20 will the course of time to come. o AD Gischiny oeloek — = Le ; H erates will be tnitiated inte - the], attendance of ira. has been trans-| 4, e A tug-of-war in the rink at Strat- led at On Thursday evening of, last week snow fell in this vici nity to a depth F. Dahms, of Miiverton. spent Sunday with Mr. and Coxon. of Elma. on Friday Utcaten ae aa a Con. Schwindt and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stever spent Sunday last with Mr. and MrsHenry Deckert f Linw: ‘oun near Millbank a erty and paying expense of advertis- 0 cing treatment at the Sic Children's Hospita aking of a plate 8 chopper at Hazelwood Bros.” — gri mill. Clifford. while the machine was going at an enormous spec ed, resulted n being seriously hurt by the wi me fia from rains of tha past thre eek: There are many complaints that the ns are inac: id other western more population than the Twin cities ait. for 23.more than ia necessary was presen- ted to the Milverton council of Mon- fey evening sf for local option. rafte and and second readii given a firs' by the council. It will be submitted t ile ees ne tor was called but to take no steps to remove it at It is “reported that farm laborers reading and will be Submitted ey the} n jougl the snake measured over two fect in lengt! oe ehateek has broken out in Til- month it has been decided by the On- tario Education. cotasirand ay that s will be very hottest part of July. ae i of the s because excess- lenge many to the extent that they nding their ee are Sensigan putting all — im shelter where je. ene sae ig ry repairs a ery implement that is to te. idle is will find pe: , the months that tthe thao is co that every a committees of Ngee Ladies! a checked |T e same by ap-|o i | plying. at The Sun office proving prop- Wa. | ried by ! tg Fish at Kelterborn’s this eel ss ima ae will meet on Satur- 1 fe once. Apply y last was one hes as a result are greatly T. White. -Minister of Fi- The “Btratfora council on monet Bie signatur 0 be ‘submitted te ae ratepayers’ at rpisiodl electi lew Year's. a Tetbarcceaoived Pec the Hout ord expected from tl A te uamp ia 18 malles trom tho Morey orge engineer run jon and Windsor. n Pct epee ‘77 names or! e: respeoted resident a ee was an this fall wot may you long live making our ee al ane ws both fiaatol mn Expositor 4 Der partment ey Labo: re- a. word from the Saskatchewan overnment that a c: Saree canvas of the fuel i eligi ae rovince shows at short- age of two Hunared thousand tons of coal. Coal is being ru: from the States. but ths Western, miners start! Tr it is eae certain that F ihiexe will ra even ° ek ‘7 intellect is good and he can crac! joke and enjoy oe as well as ever.— 8, Johnston fatality migl the thr poihitie erty ‘This incident i is tae now Sentinel. Last weeks Mi zeae that sever- al sheep 0 Joseph Hundt of be as oeatin. had been wor- Since last issue sever- 1 more ae belon: Reine i to Mr. Hund trapped canine very large skunk.—Mildmay " Gazette Last Saturday R. Warwick and some it to his es JA gl Hi corn pe ke any ase with. —Brusse! It parent = Visilow sigh for the good Ms. Bihiot with, the early s suffer the effects ‘of bis aoe oe some tem is not rear aired ts th any pines: more poor p! farm. “insistently than on the mney. ee ies year. and- eal much printer., He Imer Exp! ress. mi. twice vas On, fe wets out both Nae Ay! q very atl of it having been across such | tobace ed and eighty eight cents for quarter of | ette: artwri a dations Bi and eloque} Robinson. ae boy Gonsueted anni versary services at G: Old Bill Miner. the “notorious ae pris Gas ‘otter a fight in, whic! panion. Te police. by fro “T do not believe there is any other ‘whooping cous ing favorably. and hopes to be around again and attending to his duties shor' Bate Be Is’ now 3888 an Inoreqse of i) This is almost ‘enti ° with Assessor Eby's ich were 3881 Tn 1901. ne qopulgtion elpees fon was BRAM, he growth during the decade has been 1,634. or a little over 72, per cent. eorge is following in fathers footsteps Bucks Agricultural Show. esty. ~~ presented a prize of 390 Na the best plowm: The necessary percentage of names e local option fo 1 Ottawa ic very now at the conduct of the her eig! perpetuate the species. The, esa of four Conservatives the four vacant seats in the by Cross party, w Sil ree eis rely in "the case “of a divisio = situation hie: y attempted to mi event of such Koala a Lo the owner Beussels. Ee will tee some 50 01 ion and Mrs 7, Moderns. ad Btret-| Ktgans on hosts 6 2 | be isen Raleigh. sega bit 4 edi ‘The tevisediion Sun ‘and Canadi: Jou: nel re y be secured at this otfied for $1.7 aan ‘Coxon of Elma. returned evening after sev- eral months ¥ visit A the West. McMahon. of Cal; per Smith. st alten., ane Liberals of ~ .| Smith is having ented for hs number of years mm Moore was killed ty the in despatch says:— Apnte of ris role ws the tions Tou 710 je Conser' sd Indovendent and Socialist was in Manitoba the iaeerniives he a Bao we and nae the Liberals by ec and in Alberta the Liberals by a Mey ‘about the hardaess of nee ee put into the back — grown by, oe ppenings which oc- ore at Philadelphia ie other day. ‘ollowing a quarrel. a negro Henry Lewis. fad shot | re ir times in head nich ran Lhe than feet. pen ee the ae the bullets flattened d dropped t ‘loor. cake * the hospital but man was {acy to go to | is home. His assailant ped An-— other colored man, Wm. Puffen, while Dyroceiie a mule, was kicked on the head Getting to his feet oie discovered the mule lying iy ay ound. Examination showe leg was broken. Puffefiwas taken to the Germantown hospital. where six stitches were put in his — ier Dae vovene? a last. Time's cetfacing ne At cer has mad reat inroads at band of va Ete tl ma 1] Queen's ‘Bush vin A sees forties and only duel oy Two have died ee the rest refuse to | The re re arrived in by her late uusband ade two ‘Court mai | of whom si oS tol Samu a ee on Stone lay "ier. - Ashby. of ae cond followingt auc rn sete McCourt. Thos. uf were eqaint a the | ami aa a Arphepe the family of Mr. Jno McCourt men at wi the rinks ud expests to have. them f spirits was — gainst 815 gall of beer was 5.434 gallons as. aj 5.276 pata Lee of wine Rs gpal- Tons again: lions. while cua -0| pes from poun x capita to 3011 ‘unas Tha total quantity of tobacco smok- wi against 7,961,279 popnds in 1910, and 17- ert 0 Sergey | nig The i Ss cigobed: total ot a5, 080, wits ate ‘, sat 138 in . ant SATB 30 bere severe with 227,585,692. as c "| sates in 1010, and 192.1 hee ie rable portio: large the increase. bee the: ess Guantcies con! be estat fol jut these ‘be yw that a4 india sans aae aise taken GH ao D.L. & W. SCRANTON "Standard Anthricite