Milverton Sun, 7 Dec 1911, p. 3

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Fresh and fragrant from the gardens of the finest tea- producing country in the world, your grocer for like it @ package to-day —— you'll O4eee Young Folks ah e PETER. ™ It was in the basement of a big “fuse near the park that ae is mother belonged to the janitor, wad he was one ol al-bin. re the sweetest z en de- S rs 2 ? for a few minutes. ‘‘Are we—are 43 we going to have one, sepa family in the packing-box The was. ths fifth family of yo terriers ” si they had seen that morning, Helen was fesine te foe afrai he was not going to a dog- ie, after all. The other. ha all il Li too big ears, or le; t did not stand well apart, anatheis haat were ugly. “It’s going to be very hard to decide which to take,” said Hel- : en’s mother, without answering her es question. ee As‘the spoke, one of the crowding bunch untangled pe from hii brothers, and ran to Helen, a i sharp barks, as if he ayin, “Oh, please, please, please take me se 1. think he is the canning- est !”? “disien, asked the vant Sf miss, now it’s hard to soit *They’ re all the cuoningest know them: wax one here,’’ he nipped the ear tt was burrowing 4 “Ys as an- other up by its ears, and net cne of them made a soun “IT suppose that’s how ae tell their Babess ts -aid He! tell a aed 1B, 4 But it was hard toc ho ase. in Helen’s arms—| Saha she : mn . Her i was | Mhicined to choose the one that had a big black spot across ack i the shape of a saddle, backs he was marked like . dog ne had warn she was a little iS Peter had a fig black spioteh eye and one on his tail as chim. nafely in thei that ue saeres they had che wr “We'll "n heag ie pone ”? said Hel- n’s mother. is the one I . kitten,’* nase father slip- into the pocket of his aveauek smiled wn at her, ‘I’ve got a ee T’ve got you a dog, at cket, rming, ex: instantly a delighted dash a Helen is | has raised $75,006 | and the others more or les: ze - ‘GANADA SECURITIES UIAO TIV KOWA SONINGdAVD THE GLOBE INA NUTSHELL) Canada, the Empire and the Wor" in General Before Your Eyes. CANADA. The use of Risaterkce in Canada continues fei about to be coined at the Ottawa sea? juor has been banished from the Speaker's table by Dr. and Mra. Bproul The eek Connaught will re ceive an honorary LL.D. degree Queen’s University in gre spring. ‘s will vote on persons clergy to court are liable to excom- ion ousie University, Halifax 0 of an addition a $350,000 wanted for the endowment fun - Pauline Johnson, the Indian poet- ess, is in poor health at abou and Brantford a pence hav nt her a purse of $: men wr busied in the fall of a sh ville. Felix Lefebvre was ss injured. Thomas Moore and three of his children were burned to death their house on Lieutenant-Govern- ranch in British Golabia The omen Government has refused the request of the United States to interfere in the Provincial penalties for theft of logs esa in harbors or in Coastal waters, the Tanat present covering only thefts of logs in fresh w ernment Tacitencs to the is likely to £8 3 Zo Ed h now existin, roads would be left Maine municipal jurisdiction. GREAT BRITAIN. London suffragettes invaded the City Temple and ee Mr. Asquith from speakin; UNITED STATES, “Little Harry” Marshall, of New York, committed suicide there be- cause at nineteen he was no big- ger than he was at twelve, and he feared to ask a girl he loved to marry him Ex-State Senator Lewis Emery, jr., of McKean County, Penn., in a public address Le Bradford, of- fered to give 500 men each the free r own use and for s: © more violations of the Federal mae food and drug law in Illinois last year than in any other sta aS union says a report ° ea e secretary 0 agricu tare. “Twenty-eight Illinois Pra dele Feds and dealers were found guilty. THE NEWS INA PARAGRAPH = issue of ives dollars is} d Onbes still ieecab Ip goresot land if they would | ™ cultivate it and raise vegetables for f ‘quate docks Government Municipal and Corporation Bonds _, | Correspondence Invited. copa Limited MeNAMARAS PLEAD GUILTY Sensational Ending to Case That Has Aroused World’s Interest. A see eet Los. pee es Cal. J meiea: rehilt 6 on Friday eeiatunce in connection with the death of Chas, J. Haggerty, a victim of the Los Angeles Times explosion and brother, John J. MeNa- ailie Stas aynea ithe the Lisgellya Tron: Werks, McNamara probably will get life imprisonment. was extradited from Indianapolis. Within fifteen minutes after the court opened on Friday afternoon one of the greatest criminal trials d ended so isoners were taken “The McNamaras have pleaded uilty because they are guilty,” was District Attorney John D. Heer, 8 crisp eoeent it of it Lg since a week ago day . WILL i nies GRENFELL, Wealthy American | Girl to Become Nurse in Labrador. A despatch from Boston, Mass., eda To give up a lifo of Iiseuy me @ nurs 0 Sites “T. Grenfell’s ho esitals in Labrador is the plan of Miss Ame- daughter a a late J. Malcolm Forbes, vell-known yachtsman and pacitelice of Boston. ee At present Miss Forbes is training | for her chosen profession in the Waltham Home Grenfell, and she yolunteered hee services, es ONTARIO HOLDS PINE SUPPLY Represented 65 Per Cent. of Can- ada’s Total Lumber Cut. A despatch from Ottawa says: i eatesnins Ontario’s 1910 lu mber ut, the eee Bulletin says that ‘oduces a little over one-third of the ianty of the lum- ber cut annual nada, but its worth $30,011, 00 forests of Onta’ to hold the ace macy present. ite pine 85 per cent. of and nearly half of the fanseok ee io have enable. up to the of one came from this province. Ontario k| provided 90 per cent. of the red pi TE ACHER § SENTE TEN CED. Miss Nora MeCrea Convicted of Assault on Girl. A despatch from Brockville says Crea, a young schoo! esiding in re oie, sean fount guilty. by-Judae. MeDoa- ald on Friday afternoon of assault- ing nine-year-old ieCou- rie, a pupil at Soper’s School, near Frankville, on October 19 an se blows falling on the -_ Thro physicians also te the injuries received the Mc- Geubiie child. She was laid up for several weeks: RG Ma TSS BRITISH NAVAL LOAN. eo cp Pee Rivalry It. A despa' Sau a London, says The Cea of a big naval ina in the near future is revived The Pall Mall Gazette, which anti- cipates that 150,000,000 and poe: country it is necessary for Great Britain to show that she is deter- mined to preserve the “‘two-in-one’’ standard. The provision of ade- for the Dreadnought battleships also necessitates heavy expenditure. ee, CONCESSION TO HINDUS. May be Permitted to Bring Foi ies'to Canada. A despatch from Otta i stood that, day morning, it is possible that an arrangement may ae arrived at under which the Hindu people now in British Columbia ‘il be allowed, under strict regulation: their wives and families to Canada. FOOLED WITH DYNAMITE. Montreal ‘Youth May Die \as a Result. © lespatch from Montreal says : 8, to bring nm cusTONS REY Increase of S190 r Last aoe from nas ttawa says: Continued and rapid growth of business prosperity throughout the Dominion is. reflec eo Cus- toms revenue -for the month just clos ‘otal receipts were $7, 332,085, an increase of ae tet Novem- toms revenue has been $06,396,708, an increase o 9,800 compared with the corres- 1 ponding period of last year aes POSTAL RATES REDUCED. United States and Great Britain Come to an Arrangement, A despatch from London pore ostmaster-General Herber: Samuel punches that asa cate of negotiations with the United States postal authorities ithe rates the Uni du Up to three pounds, 30 cents; up to seven pounds, $1.02, The eee’ rates are 36, 60, 84 cents and $1.08 re- spectively, or aS FEAR SMALLPOX EPIDEMIC. Held Entire Province of Quehec is Threatened. A despatch from Montreal says: “The entire Province of Quebec, ep eae aa the city of Montreal, is threatened with an epi- ee of smallpox this winter,’’ de- Dr. Pelleti tier Provincial Medical Health Officer, on Wednes- day omens Uils “condition oh affairs has resulted from the sheer neglect of the necessary precautions in a great many municipalities. Not a day goes by without cases be- ing reported.’ COURAGE OF THE CH No Better Fighters in Europe, Says ESE. ritish Officer. despatch from Pekin, says: cat Willoughby,.a British: officer, who has just arrived here from Han- cow, is most usiastic as to the merits of the soldiers on both sides. He ,praises their heroic courage, energy and contempt of death, but ee the statements as to the superior discipline of the Imperial soldlie ers. He says the best troops in Europe are no better fighters Whi tea nes: SE as RABIES STILL PREVALENT. Spee by Health Officer © Positive Signs. A See from Toronto says: ent examinations fe disclosed ynita: 1 Chiet Health Officer of the. province, stated Wednesday that a dog which had bitten a woman in Rosedale, and had been destroyed, had been ex- eee positive ee of rabies be- oe fa ies at to the } fore A. W. Reilly, V.8:, eae Yeues, had given a positive analysi ———— N. B. SECTION COMPLETED. First Trop Over the the New Transcon- tinental Railway. A despatch from Moncton, N he first to Moncton was completed ‘ed- noon, hree loco- atte belon; amen to the contract- rs of the road passed throu; re Graham Sentenced to Three ue enite! eaten: he BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. | m to ey ae 2, per ton, ear. lots, as “15. Cheese | est. western, 141-4 to 14340; do.| the Butter—Choicest in Che ee of the pe Onc Hund red Dollars in Gold given away @ above amount. will Pri: and the Ben twelve wil 82. 50 in gold. have one answer with each er, wiring mame and, address, {0 "3 ‘unlimited, try early and oft Answers will be numbered PIGHTERN ae as follows NO EMPLOYEES OR IMMEDIATE in consecutive ordor as will be awarded by a committee of disinterested persons, and the list MELEGAMA TEA and COFFEE be ‘divided into Gold The first po 5.00 ¥ srors are recei 1 each son Dee., jomber that for tho last correct answer recelved wo will give @ prize of $10.00 In GOLD, ind for the correct answer received noxt to the last a prize of $5.00 In coup. CONDITIONS GOVERNING CONTEST ONE POUND PA full, en). RELATIVES WILL BE they are received, an PACKED AND BLENDED BY in name will receive the first prize, and others sending in correct answers will regeive the ‘ other prizes in the order in which their an- recoive Letters 1911, You 5 or TWO MAUS BOUND -PACKAGRS, OF TEA or COFFEE you buy. All you have to do is to stench label Of bis Tepe te m rf fee Labels with picture of children on ‘and send to “MELAGAMA,” Dept. “B,” 45 Front St. E., ALLOWED TO ENTER CONTEST 4 at the expiration of the contest, the prizes it of prize winners will be given in this paper. THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM OF MINTO BROS. For completing _ nown name person prominent in anada whose name consists of 9 letters, _ the first of which is “C’ and the last “T” as— C; rson sending tho correct ved- Oontest closes Dec. 30th, received at the office after | will not be counte “MELAGAMA” from the Coffee fees wond the with your nee Ont. (An: TORONTO PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS LEPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF ANERICA, riees of Cattle, Grain, “Cheese and Other Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS, Toronto, Deo. 5,—Flour—Winter wheat, per cent, patents, $3.50 10 $3.65, sea board, Manitoba flour firm, as follows:— ¥irst patents, $5.60; second patents, $5; as strong bakers’, §4.80, on track, To- "Manitobe wheat—No. 1 Northern, $1.07, No, 2 Northern, §1.04, and No, 5 $1.001-2, Bay ports. Ontario wheat—No. 2 white, red and ig) Oats—Car lote of No. 2 Ontario 43 to 431-2, and of No. 3 on track, 4203 Toronto, 460; No. 3 Western Canada oats, ¢, Bay ports. Barley—No. 3 extra, barley, 70 to 7c. Corn—New corn, 691-2 to 70c, Bay ports. Rye—Car lots in fair offer, with No. 2 quoted at 9c, outside. uckwheat--60 to 620, outside, 8c, outside; feed Bran—Manitoba bran, $23 to $23.50, in bags, Toronto freights. Shorts, $25, jae COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples—Winter stock, $3 to $4 per bar- 8 Beans—Small lots of hand-picked $2.25 to $2.30 per bush. Honey—Extracted, in tins, 11 to 12 per Ib. Combs, $2.50 bts: Baled straw—$7.50 to $8, on track, To- ronto. Potatoes—Car lots, $120 to $1 in bags, quoted at $1.30, and out of store, $1.40 to g Poultry—Whotaae prices of dressed yultry :—Chickens, 11 to 13¢ per Ib.; fowl, s to 10c; ducks, 10 to 13c; geese, 12, turkeys, 16 to 18. Live poultry, about 2c. lower than the above, BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Butter—Dairy, choice, to 2c; store lots, 2 to 23c; and inferior, tubs, 17 to 18. Creamery quoted at 29 fo 30c for rolls, and 2% to 2%e for solids, per Ib. peed eee neplaid quoted at 40c, ae fresh al 0 28 per dozen, in case in wrappers, 25 Chene-tare, 1554c per 151-2c, and twingg} at 0G PRODUCTS, Bacon, long clear, 12 to 121-20 per 1b., in case lots. Pork, short cut, $22. 10. mess, $19.60 to $20. Hams—Medium to light, 16 to 1612¢; heavy, 14 to 141-2; ie; backs, peters 1134c; tubs, 121-4 12e; pails, , $2.50, Bran, $2; sis, ss middlings, | ry Hay—No ee easterns, 14 to 14 | ereamery, 30 to 11 10] sum. rolls, 1054 to He; breakfast bacon, 16 to] yw] 2c. STATISTICS Annual 4 despatch from Ottawa says: T annual report of the Postoffice De- | partment shows that the net re- eke totalled $9,146,952, and the expenditure 954,299. During! he year there was an increase of | 437 in the number of post offices, of | letters is estimated at 52,357,000, of | 10 per cent. The revenue increased OF POSTORFICE A Surplus of $102.7: 192.730 Shown in the Report. e by $1,188,404, and she expenditure by $738, 885. ‘ostage sued totalled ofsyr040 , as against 584,264,774 while the value increas- ed from 89, 942,435 to $11,011,042. At the end of the fiscal year 13,324 offices were in operation. n the postoffire tavings banks the 284 in postal note offices, and 189 in |agarognte balance to abe bredie ot money order offices. | depositors at the end of the year The increase in the number of | was #4, mele he! a decrease of $255,778 oN deur iirabieed 147,478, ‘decrelaal “Of 1 Northern, 99120 to $1.0014; to arrive, 991-20 to $1. Corn—No. 3 yellow, 68 t 60c. Oats—No. 2 white, 45 to 4 861-2 to Glo, Bran—$2.50 to $23, Flour— 4.60 to $4.90; first clears, do., seconds, $2.40 to Buffalo, Dec. 5.—Spring wheat—No. 1 Northern, car loads store, $1.09; Winter, No. 2 red, 90; No, 3 red, 6fc; No. 2 white, 99. Corn—No. 3 yellow, 691-20; No, 4 yellow, 68¢, all on track, through billed. Oate—No. 2 white, 511-20 white, 61140; No. 4 white, 501-40, LIVE STOCK MARKETS, 4 Montreal, Deo. 5.—Cattle—Butchers’ cat- He, choles, $5.75 10 $6; do, medium, $4 to $5.25; do., common, §3.25 to $5.50; canners, $2.25 to $275; butchers’ cattle, eae cows, $5 to $5.25; do. medi 1.15; do, bulls, $3.60 to $4; choice, each, $75; do. d dium, “each, $50 to $60; Springers, $20 to $40. Sheep—Ewes, $3.75 to $4; bucks and culls, $3.25 to $3.50; lambs, $5.50 to $5.75. Hogs—F. 0. b., $6 to $6.50, Calves—$3 to $10, Toronto, Deo. 5.—Medium saree were strong, all the way from $5 $5. = 10 was the highest figure et but The Hog Market was unchanged, a, MURDER AL SYD Negro Shot howe During Progress of Drunken Row. (4 despatch: from Sydney, Nv 8. says: The second murder within a occurred in the manufac- turing district. During a drunken row among the colored residents of the coke ovens, on Wednesday, Geo. Halford, colored, was se name now! police ne arrested five in connec- BANK TELLER TEELD UP. Armed Robber Secures $1,000 at Point of Reyolyer, A despatch from Vancouver says: t of a man armed with a revolver, Tell D, A. Me- e he stranger, poshing the rol ee bills bat his pocket, hurried way. The man is ipaeeibag asa torelner, 28 oe 30 years of ago He wore no mai : AmaRTOAN: BILLS. Government Will Impose Discount of One-half Per Cent. ce: i ern Cue the Postoflice pesert: only a few picked steers fetched that fat cows and bulls wero a|ment hag issued an order to strong feature at $5 to $5.40, common and | masters caeyetia them to ates medium ranging down to $2.7. Canners| a discount of one- r cent. on were steady at $2 to $275. Milkers wero | all guch money presented at theii still sarong at $50 Lambs were 4 | offices, action is gee! to the ro oe ise tee bat sneer | fusal of the ‘Bank of Montreal'to ac: cept large deposits of ‘American bills from the Se wk FATAL AccxDENT A AT OTTAWA Two Little Boys We Were Trampled by . Horse’s Hoots. des) m Ottawa says: Two little boys ease sliding down a hilly street on Thursday after- Fe ae when they slid under tho feet jorse, crossin| he st Neier the little horse could be stopp: sult was William ue Finn, Woes ye ae ramp! death, and rotted be ies tion with the affai: Henry, aged 6, is not likely to re- cover. = des) ‘ from London, says: Bae remarkable scene in SCENE IN. BRITISH HOUSE The Uninists, Leod Retire in a Body. by Mr. Bonar Law ‘The excitement was ‘reat “ak: the members faced aniousdnent, © bere on the Speaker pul ing bee leade’ ae ae h Speaker be 242)

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