Milverton Sun, 28 Dec 1911, p. 2

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BLACKMAIL BY SNAPSHOT CRIMINALS WHO CORNERED VICTIMS “IN CAMERA.” The Mormons Must Pay $500,000 or Have Their Extravagances Exposed. Twenty shoimaaa pounds is a big vr it hundred poum apiece, says London Answers. The photographs in question re- present different he inter: dor of pe wonderful Mormon Tem- it City. This temple, wal vis AG a a ye ae like a gigantic beehive, rty sine to baila, and Site over a millioi are rigidly excluded from its sumptuous interior, and the temple is always protected by unde: | $7,575,000 toward the construction AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE. | Military Plans the Common- wealth and of New Zealand. The Australian peers snem led with of the Australian fleet unit. Altogether 153,637 youths between the ages of 14 and 18 have been ri gistered as” pane for the ates service. sear have been examined cote assed as me- Halls fit. At she, ae of ‘Septem- ber 87,389 lads were actually under military training. omer Bai guards. — How t ice of the nega- 8 not get his mone: he vars ae ie will publish ee @ vp! phs, an eras the long-hidden ‘xtravagane mon sect. A DANGEROUS WEAPON. The Spabetiancony picture taken y a modern ‘a is a very dang- erous meapon in the hands of the blackm: ee ae ago_a man hears ia a member of the Hungarian OC! r of Deputiod with a nogative which he offered to sell him for four hundred crowns. Not unnat- rally. M demurred, \ but en was shown him, he w & proo! could not pay up quickly enough. The photograph showed the presid- r of one voting Risicict keeping a number of voters in close confinement, in order to prevent their counting for the rival eandi- ‘The deputy, $s we have said, paid up, and smashed the plate. But the blackmailer had Mia about half a dozen different exposures, ever he wan! mone; would return and ae to sell one of these. The b red, deputy at Tadetoubligisnder sort eolenige or eatitediine Wlackaniien: Ait den 5 own in society, and the picture represented her on her knees be- fore another lady, who is wife of a The inference was clear rst lady was supplicating| Pe the ather to get her lor take of putting too bigh a price up- | ™ on his wares. Tho lad, s who was impecunious, Hot Bey, and the snapshotter, in iB aa, the picture public property. [he unfortunate victim commit- ted suicide. CATCHING THE CONTRACTOR. A contractor bidding for street work under the notoriously eorrupt could MUniSlaehey of Pitisburay pot the following letter cast eae coming. We Rese cnotiye DORE it.” Ho was given to understand that he would have Wo pos tae thousan ‘ice of renewal o! s the wn part— And with this fon nged a meeting at the Fort Pitt Hotel. e leader of the corrupt coun- cillors turned up at the agreed ren- dezyous, and the contractor was in the act ee handing over the notes, when ther by it tractor me a capital photograph. of the councillor actually receiving his eis aaiaihat the contractor had no further cement in getting all ‘k_h 2 SE ES Tommy—Pop, what is sound ad- vice! Tommy’ 8 Pop—Sound advice, my generally nine part aqudsandesqenieticnci: Eczema wae Burning and ltching | -: “Used Box of Cuticura Ointment and It Completely Disappeared, anni fave suffered from eezema for two years ee beg mm one arm bet) snare ared Spot a about a five-cent size, and it teal Bee widened, all the time Mtching. and bur he first days I didn’t care, but But senna tut i gained in size, tried Ointim Baas eae but you d pidhout pars ‘pt the, Suvlomea Remedies, I et . lite and seeing that it improved, By 8 box of the Cutleura. Ointment. ing used one box, my fais Sap pestos, ame Gutleura ‘Olntutent should be kept. in every home.” | (Signo N, Osi iguy, aletlevile, Qu Que. Jan. 14, 1911, A Generation of Success ‘For more than a generation Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have afforded the ‘speediest and most economical treatment for ching. 5 buraing, sealy and ble ceding skin and scalp hi » of young and ol = aage bet. 1s often ‘sufficient. Bald ae rugzists liberal CN a Boag. and, , Olntme nt, tons, Potter Drug eon ron Da 8029 0 meee - Columbus Ave., Boston, U8. A, > i ates jones 0! the physique and salieary: "aptitude of these boys, cadets they ralia it was anticipat- for sé qualities. With the pebe type of are it is believed ther Bt be no trouble with these aka h year 3, 295, reaorof are to be drafted in! vi reserve. ing the necessary num! teers. The naval service is proving socrpnctedly popular in Australia. mn the time comes map the, aeeteation sar of the imperial fleet no dil expected in getting the nei um! blu jackets from the existing naval re- ne Ss that it would be ie Australian youth, the “larri- ins,’ te the severe dis- apie s of naval service, but officers of the British navy who have seven the Australian reserves to sea their shij raining say that there is not the eliehiont ground for these fears. They find the Au- stralians first class een for man-o’-war crew: also making ra- pid progress with her defence plans. During the iscussion of the esti- mates in Parliament the Minister of Defence reported that the Govern- ment pa decided to po enone for tl not yet pre- pared financially or in any other way for universal service. i the Government’s plans eottents plated physical training and dis: pline for all youths between the ages of 12 and 18 years. As the military authorities were of opinion that the 30, could be raised from the pet population low the age of 21 the Bee, wou nd made from below nee instead of 25, as originally aNet = The law authorizing the Gov- ernment to draft men up. to the higher age Seaahine cainaiied tor emergency use, however. = ah. — Shilolis G DYSPEPTIC PHILOSOPHY. It’s going to extremes to pull the ool over a ate 8 eyes and theo ie his leg, t It is better ‘te have a falling out with a girl in a hatnmeck than in an aeroplane. It’s all right to pay a man back ‘is his own coin, but it is better not ‘0 borrow in the f or st place. Sous If it wasn’t for the rain bets ‘ouldn’ t be any hay to roo while the sun shines. me people never kick at a thing ihlads thaycareTause “teena"i kick back. The trouble with most preachers is that they know more about the next world than they do about this. $ grow on us. A map can’t even fight a due! without having a “Few men can govern themselves. That is why so many of them get Spasticd. a man’s knowledge consists + leaty of the knowledge of lost op- portunities. Some men are so fair and Ligeti that they wouldn’t be beat a car pet when it was dow en must work had women tnust and tl vO) always their end of the 1b with more piea- sure than the ‘ost of us ae promises mend. to fellow is easy to get: along an who-is never shor rare aeisk eh ales Wek swine He always leoks so happy. uae TELEPHONING IN WATER. In a prominent technical ee telephoning, through water without wires. The speech transmitted throngh the water has been very distinct and the system kas shown good possibilities for use as a: means of verbal pecan aay betwee two ships, such a: battleship nad a submarine. The di- rectional, and a ot iB rans- mitted through the earth or water for a distance of several miles. T! rote is ex- ur watts p tremely sma fo teleohone cyer = dietanon:os tikg miles.”” ed| other city in the wo EVERY PLACE ON THE WIDE PRAIRIES TELLS OF CURES MADE BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. ing, tells how he got rid of his Rheumatism -— honestly earned popularity. Cold Springs, Peace River Land- ing, Alta., Dec. 26 (Special)—Just why Dodd’s Kidney Pills retain | their wonderful Se latte is eas- | across the prairies. town, village and Bopeadtine: beet at least one man or 0 is ready to tell of pains valtavedd mal health restored by the ne; hi published. When T came to this part of the Thos. Griffln, of Peace River Land-| end’ wil Thousands Now Use Ts. Low-Cost Cough Syrup A Family Supply for Se, Saving You $2— kest, Best Thing You Ever Unede or! Money Refunded: ae tages The prompt and Doaltive results given |ymorning. The object, ve medic! to: by this inexpen ‘be used in more es Genada than any other It gives aie wipe out tl “ pbee Rented cc Sou inside a at quickly ‘whoopini cough at A 60-oent Dattleiog ‘pinex, when mi with ‘hom sugar ayrup, m upply—of tiereor Pleasant and effective cough remedy that Money could buy, ata saving of $2. Hasi- ly prepared in ce seinen tall, dle tions in packag Children take Pinex Gough Syrup wit: lingly, because jt tastes good. It stimu- lates ‘the appetite, and is 6 tive—both excellent features, Spl for hoarseness, throat Hikes “bronchitis, remedy Mighty. tases Z ae Simply me it with sugar syrup or strained honey, in @ 16-oz, bottle, and is ready {¢ Erie tae “often been imitated, pur as | never Successfully, for nothing Bibs aH em to my eld confined to his bed from hewn: UeNow I know that Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills are the best medicine for Rheumatism and the. Kidneys. recommend them to everv person: I hose complaining of not feeling ie Dodd's: Kidney Pills made — popularity by curing sick Kid They k polarity cay Nkanpicg Gur Gunite elok: Kiauoys ___ LONDON FIRST. lon, the largest city in the world, has a population: as the last census shows, of 7,252,963, as ‘ against 6,581,402 in 1901. The po- pulation of New York is 4,766,883, faster than any rid. ‘The third city in point of size is Paris, whose population is about 3,000,000. Ber- lin comes somewhere about atte and is. growing in the scale. The pete 0} ee is well over 2,0 and Tokio. strange sae equal as regards ec pnlon The returns for hese cities show a little nae 2,500,000. Petersburg, Vienna, Moscow, Phi- ladelphia, Peking and Canton have all a population below the 2,000,000 mark. ee ees THE UNION BANK A RECORD YEAR. Head Office int he Moved to Winnipeg. The its os annual meeting at the Office in Quebec on Monday, Sener sr 18th, 1911. The meet: ing mati memorable one for sev- eral r . In ne _ a place, fe eeuorta presented b; and General Here were the beat the bank’s history and revealed the fact that progressive steps had been n during the At the Sans it was also several etided:¥ ‘scmovatie Head UAse from Queber to Winnipeg. This was deemed a wise move, owing to the fact Bey out of its total of 242 Eastern ap reviidce: on the part of the Seas shareholders to move the id ‘© Winnipeg is-a recognition of ane growing importance of the We jecision and The nét profits for the year, af- ter deducting expenses of manage and making provision for all ad and doubtful debts,“ amounted to ae as compared with 51, x the previous year. The earnings oe 1911 were at the rate of 14 per cent. on the bank’s av- erage paid-up capital for the year. The premium on new stock issued amounted to alance at cre jovember 3 ith the net of $1,199,000 available for distri- bution. Of this large sum dividends absorbed $361,000, of $200,000 was transferred to the rest miums account pension fund eaying a balance carried forward of $71.957, A further examination xeppe shows that ihe g rapid _progre’ departzient: ierauibune cb notes circulation increased during the of Be paid up capital increased by the rest account by nearly total assets of the ba ow stand at $58,434,000 as compared with 346,555,000 for the previous year. The increase in the bank’s capital, deposits and assets puts it in a position business during During the year the Union Bank absorbed the United Empire Bank of Toronto, which had twelve branches in Ontario ee tablished Toh n. England, ene ne vot the four Canadian banks branches in Great Britain. wether the | bank has been showing marked progress and enters upon the ney ar equipped to do evoial be otter’ Wk nion Bank of Canada held | fea WHERE DO BIRDS DIE? A Curious Question for the Natural History Student, e countless thousands birds in this country, therefore the ae ty mus ist . Yet, have cad bird? The majority BE nn have not, and even hose of ust who dwell in ee coun- try but rarely see a bird lyii a tim ave seen. y are astonishingly- few—de: 8, that is to say, that Bilis cata Aled: and have not ben shot down. Never- Bees it is eae that thousands of saat \< o they die aques- tion nthate even es “naturalist cannot answer satisfac Of course, me birds are killed off by ani Cats kill many birds, and birds kill each other, as witness that t an Sata rook is killed a by} his fellow The most likely explanation is this, that an ip =i rd crawls away to cove! e cort and there See Without Paoalie hun- reds of birds so perish each montl sometimes a bir ets into a comer that he cannot eteape from, then he dies tl birds mall ed as well as erawl off fo some isolated epob.and die unseen, and where they die there do their bodies wither to de cay. We know that an unwell dog gets out of sight if he possibly cam, nd an ailing cat does the same ing. They seek to hide, and i the eye of man to rest on their mem- bers ‘when pttte time of death com>s. e While They Cure.— The able compounds of which Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are composed, mainly dandelion and | foands rake, clear the stomach and ntestines ‘of deleterious matter and Testore the deranged healthful action. Hence the remedy for tr availab! will Se bieke the truth of thi sertion and sre to con’ the ailing than Sogeiand that can bé written of these pills. COMING. First Graduate—I_hear you've got a job on the road. Second Ditto—Yes, but it hasn’t reached me yet: He one need endure the agony corns with Holloway’s Corn case at hand to remove them. that Man may be made of dust—but he always wants a little m Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o. SAME OLD pipes Munny (the village ban What do you suppose the Soucek ows in ancient Rome did to pass the tim ee (the willage philosopher) —Oh, I don’ suppose they used to ae ei tand sale about what a punk town Rome was. < Pills: of eitenied Value. Laootee lee’s Vegetable Pills are of careful study of the Fe caetoee of certain roots and herbs, and tWe ac- tion of such as sedatives and laxa- work. T pills h been recog- nized many years as the best cleansers of the system that ¢: be Their excellence was re- ined from the first and they grow more popular daily. Never send a friend on a fool’s errand. Go yourself. Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. HINTS FOR THE BRIDEGROOM. Don’t imagine you oe enter n't say a word. rybody will know it Don’t let go her hand; you might lose her. Don’t hand the conductor one + speak of my wife too of* Wait till you Ta used to it. Don’t think you ate the only hus- Hand that ever wa Don’t work Gai solicitude for cc overtime on’t be disturbed when people 9 smile. we’? when ‘I’? is et to pnt two names WASH THEM WELL, 120,000,000 Gerua®: in Teeth Even After Paste. body knows in a general ich gather gums, tongue and palate during the ours of sleep. low many germs do you suppose accumulate during the night’s ‘slee} In answer to this anaitign E, 0. Bousfield, writing i Lancet, ‘ives some neon tne and rather steer oe figures, which are worth ting. He states that he has pee the mouth on bale HT in, the morning to contain about three thou- sand million bacteria an able of ti After’ using tooth p only one hundred and ren mail: lions were left. Pius 7. THE TERMS. “T bought a armchair on the instalment p! “Basy: eee i” “Rather | a dollar down and a dollar whenever the collector can cate! Be You are not treating yourself or your family fairly if you don’t keep amlins Wizard Oil in the house. It’s the eet euietisaie for a family doe d a mighty good friend in case of emergency. ONE CONSOLATION. “Elmer, my boy,’’ said the fond maaan aon’ t you think you have rier enough of that chicken sal- Well, mamma,” repked Elmer, as he helped himself to another dishful, “‘if I get sick you’ll know what’s the matter with me, any- se The greater the irritation in the mo: throat the distressing the cough beco' Coughing is the effort of 3 Anti- Consumniae es. By flamed parts, Syrup will eal the in he which exude mucous, them to a healthy state, the cough disappearing under curative effects of the medicine. It is plea- sant to the taste, 25 cents, is within the reach of all, TRAMP, TRAMP, TRAMP. “T hear that you shave left Slog- ger and Co’s office.’ Poy I’m in business for myself mettWhat are you doing? “Looking for another job.” y Murine Eye Remed: ¥ Chicago “You told him to diet himself,’ the sai young doctor’s wife. “Yes,” replied the doctor. “I told him to cat only the yery plaines will help him? “Tt will help him to pay my bill.” I was ‘cured of MINARD'S LINIMENT. y “enred MINARD'S TANT Gout by Rheumatic N of Markham, One 8. Lakefield, Que, Oot BILLING. 9, 1907. raggs—It is pero absurd to ou a minute to spare? Braggs- minute. I’ve got a note due at bank and they’re bothering me to death about it Rub it in for Lame Back rubbing with Dr. Thom Oi ‘i it will penet nd bring speedy relief. it ane bs vopyiteed: As the ears sig 'si in the pain comes out and Sse a aainls ‘grounds for saying that its is magical, as it is. Light hearis are often closely as- sociated with light heals. Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. TOLD THE TRUTH. Gudgeon says push was the thing tae enabled him to become a millic Be Hes 8 gon about that. He has pushed a lot of people to he. wall.’? “Old register, There is nothing like a “Tea Pot” test at your own table to pzove its “SAL A | TEA * ‘Always and Easily the Best” sterling .CK, GREEN, or MIXED. worth ! lV Sealed Airtight Packages ad INVESTMENTS FOR THE NEW YEAR men have to offer e bond investments yielding 6 per cent. net, carrying our unqualified recom. d lation WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS several first-class 179 $s 308 McKinnon Bid CANADA SECURITIES SORPORAT OOS James Stroot, MONTR TORONTO. iy Coral tonvon, Eno by rea ie Rayo is.a low-priced lamp, but it is constructed on the soundest sclontthe principles, ‘and there is It is easy on the eye because its light is so soft and white and widely diffused. And a Rayo Lamp never flickers. ited without removing shade ot chimney; easy to clean and rewick. CRvlcird beaches Reece wre ere: fos cevlts and The Lamp That their young eyes eve Sas troubles, alike for young and old, not a Saves The Eyes Children naturally never ple of Itis up to you to ee sete donot ruin ese lon; fare ina pagans: o Lamp is an insurance ter lamp made at any price. Auk your dealer to show you his line of Rayo lamps; or write for descriptive circular to any agency of The Queen City Oil Company, Limited CLEANING LADIES" WALKING oR OUTING SUITS sr French process. ‘Try it. British Anerons Dyeing Co, Gan be done perfectly Montreal, Toronto, Ottaw: “a and Quebecs Action, The Sou! of a Pianoisthe Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL” Piano Action “FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. Hi “RAWSON: 9 COLBORNE st. ‘Toronto. OE yp ZENDRED, ACRES — COD Buildings; near Brampton, ACRE FRUIT FARM IT! WENTY-RIVE Brick House and Good Buildings; St. Catharin A NUMBER OF GOOD STOCK, aR A “and Dairy Farms in Halton, York, Ontario and Prince Edward’ Coun: FRUIT FARMS IN SPYBRAL coop 5 the Niagara Fruit B ietished: Sole Props. DR. DOW'S STURGEON OIL LINIMENT External application for man Everyone the wonderful qualities in STURGEON sprains, lameness, Dr ee iulechss Witt For Rheumatism, ia, Swellings, ete, > it, eansee ne equalled ce and you Price 25 cents, ASK YOUR DEALER. HE SELLSIT. The Brayley Drug Co., Ltd., St- John, N. B. nows of the for will be If a man thinks he knows feeling sorry guided: individual who we can’t help mis, to convince As a vermifuge there is nothing ‘0 potent as Mother Siarer: and it ¢: en the most delicate child without fear of injury to the constitution. Tacni Meat to If a man is too slow to catch cold it can at least overtake him, Minard’s Liniment Cur. aa SERVED HIM RIGHT, “You must have called me late hen I ed And I had an important appoint- ment for 10 0’clock, “Why, I called ohn in and asked you what time it was. e this mor oS nan ice for princip es sil “Was vis clock right 1’ it last night when eer Sere az walled aoe 3 the, core nin all, for the under- him that he ANITOBA, SAS OHEWAN, AL ooria pak abel olumbia Lands, mall or large blocks. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A consult I. W. Dawson, Ninety Golborne st, Toronto, AGENTS WANTED. GENTS WA! D. A LINE oe every home, Write us us pro our choios fagonts, supplic 0 outlay’ nec C. 1. Co., 228 Albert St HELP WANTED, 3 ALESMEN $50 PER WEEK ‘one hand Egy: Money’ roft jam erms 2e. de Company, Colling- tory. Collette Mtg. wood, Ont, MEN 'TO LEARN BARBER rt ieee constant re employ- ivrite for ¢ ue, 21 Que MISCELLANEOUS. FAY ne ARM | SCALES. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 bsplauade, Toronto. C! ANCE, TUMUKS, LUMPS, ee. teroul aud externak, eur bu by our Lome tiutipent. Wr tetore too, tate, Delman, Collage wood, On STON SCALE GUARANTBED. Wilson Vorks, 9 Keplanade, Lorouto, r ppl 9 to ‘pravelicrs: Depts Wb Alber by mast ea fasen ls eet by age. Write anything old in firstciass ftores to Dr. Gellman, Collingwood. Ont. n_be giv Diphtheria. 12 the atice. ire at 7.30 =| Dit PANNERY—CUSTOM — ROBE d Fur tanning. Cattle and Horse Hides best Conte when properly. ta to mo and Fie these geessiat rinit Ye wil be well satisfied. B. F, Bell, Delhi, On ee ee EuURS eiiellectors aad appara wilt And Ht to ever ates ho ger i ry lst ie Jaa i tr - Fendy about une isthe 8 ure of fair an ship your e-tioeth 86 Front St. East, To eC} T turned atch, a: aes his ED, £8 Wellington, &f i ee |

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