ern r @ pra nin Onuio and Que- ie unless i is proved that the ee ansration, are greater in expressed its | and ‘the relief that the ‘costs of operation in th “no greater, ier western interests, formal action wa: if as} witl Board ol of an Eiianass special committee a the railways have their duties a: 01 charged, transport. mits that the : loss to farmers.and bus nj This the deterioration of iness men. poor. has been take by the le after the receipt} = © report from tl + charge that failed to ult has resulted ii make improvements sufficient _ t with, cleaning, it is a: steadily increasing increased profits on the year’s op-| the Gepsttaacs dut; 2 to sure which Winnipeg | volume of traffic in the w ag ie _ | that every room of the Palace is e been eae pre. m. many in Sas- ses to have its} cleaned out thorough toh win: a pany Poin tard Pe ageinultutd demonstration trains | manner ansible a slip-shod work - {condition of affair: ntlook | tour cca Quebec and New| will pass the inspector's eagle eye. jaskatchewan re. that ~ the | Brunsw: EI uurse, the inspector does not situation is unbearal ta as the ele-} . Kem noth’ Kingston, an Ottawa simply order this and that to be -{vators are overflowing and ivil engineer, was found dead on ne. After making up his mind farmers’ waggons are lined up in|tt@il in Saskatchewan. Foul play| what repairs, paperings, painting, the streets and dozens of farmers |} Suspects etc., have to be done he makes out with grain to market and bills to|, Jules Ploudre was sentenced to|a full list, and forwards it to the -| meet are in despair. Several points | be hanged at Riviere up, | Private Secretary of King, contiguous to Saskatoon rerort Suge, Ese March 8th for the mur: | who places it before his Majesty, jriets, and has meant a severe! similar conditions. der of Louis Dion. “approves” of the recom- The Cat nadian Northern extension | mendations of the inspector, and to be built into the Peace River thereafter the actual work can be er, Elizabeth Mayhew, inflicting |country is now ae a + not before the Royal MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN . BULL.AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in’ The Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- : mervial | World, of BA has yh ee, discover- : harnbrook es eae announced station a ¢ouncil at Fontllan- fraith, Monmouthshire, which cost thousand pounds to build have been dentroy ed by fire. Henry Ree an who with four r dl, ee ards was sentenced to tude for outrages in lasgow ha 1883, has died in Glas- Bh Teles thousand acres Mrederic © Johnstone's Westerhall estate, Dumfrieshire, have been sold for $31 mansion ‘parliamentary report just oA sued shows that at the en' of las 750 boys at schools and boys, and girls in industrial ichools in the Kingdom ‘ in testers have been fitted to c Council tramcars " =two inside the car and two on top. | . ae money has iat passed off on the conductors, who have had no means of testing ite A Sheffield firm has bought the gee liner Furnes: ae for breaking Boas at oe a oon steamer Sib: ha: chased by ror $35,000. me pavcresting trials have just sia out an a submarine, ickers, in the off the port of Barrow. ounted in The been eaten a Br istol off Irish es. A quick-firing gun is mo ‘the submarine hatchwa; et cha opens, an view, ‘and several, Grinds sinks out of he gun} after firing! sight ¥ of the ue ee cavalry in the “sritish injur ies which cau dea: paarink elim! ed tl te: oe them at all warder: him INDI While the Indian ed the equal of will low the an) The pr it is papel only of pur: ake off through the speed o! it is early in t simple matter to But it is off a on the presence of tl lowing. It is a fact that can tire out a moose and the Indian wil! proach near enou gain however, foe and a piankor carries besides his an oz m sports k Now Rite man, no Biase in talon ae canoe. of forebea: “WRONG”? Committee of he Council eopehs English Baereen Park Tae an old eae, is believed to be the eit inal wooden pipe ee by the Indians a Sir Walter Raleigh |, were in hut-pur- Hogthorre Hills | yy fe ivestershire), daring e stop and freee at fowls in| a piadeos, ising three, ‘or the murder of Mary nak. ‘Speller at Dover in July er, 26, to death at the mi ayhew, a — young n ‘emer, ifr firing to scare starlings, was takin an undicharaed cartridge when t off and shot bus 1 moth- enue oes, mis: morn till dewy eve th ts a, before i a cot hap) Gane they coe rise ae this time you are foes ae of thawekli ling Sate to the ‘cegtitant | Plague, ‘oat and choke it? | should it catch you =| aaaaey at the beginning id show som why not gr wor! t down and gro excuse for a little slacknes: He Has the White ‘his Sp the man as a rifle shot, he ue the hae t in the wo fleet-footed aaa is down to fee through a long line ve a “T’s nota bit Ne it to-day. Be fpondent business man, and ¢] S eeb. Be meen rk ey sed lockjaw and At Parkhurst Prison pee a © roof of a low the © Was penal aeteed and safely lowered to the ground. Sat Pen ee Be, AS MOOSE HUNTER. Man Beaten in ort. is not consider- expert white trail has’ fallen. Then, in light ae ase order, he imal Caen the ‘ocess frequently takes from three to four days, and to the hardiest When first started a moose will the woods with At length the animal, confident of immediately ins hearing the Ee sound or upon ose who ate fol- a vigorous man in the long run, 1 at length ap- get a sho Hecdagsbusdemsiimscl® with us| jvears, le little in the way of camp equipage, land ¢ nty eupply of are all tha’ rifle. This 1 me- hod co? cRMling icpao is regarded | mont of being far the most matter how cae r quite equal an DAY. good my From ings go wrong. we will wake lat hes . start a ee peeping presenti- ngs, and sure and fast. sullen and mo- t he we Pie Sa ad it ip by e De an out ifs easy smRVE PUBLIC HEALTH cial Gavernnien iW ill Divide Ontario = Into Districts. and put in complete charge of. a sanitation and public health m respective. aster These men will be paid g aries, and the municipalities will be salled upon to contribute. They | 2 under the chief health | 58 in their sal- the jointed some 7! |THE NEWS WA | PARAGRAPH | HAPPENINGS PR FROM ALL OvER THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World cin General Before Your fe : A publici bowed has been form- ed for N ortetie es &: J. Graham fell Hse a maine phate at crate five hund: red feet, was killed, The isandian Bank of Comm has taken over the Eastern Town- ships Bank, Plans are under way to place the Ontario Goverament farms under one he: te} The abs sorption of Quebec ,0° | Steamship Company ny te ay & O. >» | Company is being ‘discuss ba iagara fruit-grower: the iailway and lighting plants Yielded | © of Athabasca Landin, It is reported at Brockville that Mr. B. H. Gutelius of the 0 P. R. is to be vapputttel ne ment railways at a ae of $20,- 0. J. hilman and _ Joseph Acheson were committed for trial Hawilion on the charge of rob- bing the ean ian Express Com- pany of $8, The Hee ot ‘the C.N.R. at Mont- td are said to include a tunnel under the mountain and a garden city b between Outremont and Back GREAT. BRITAIN. Twenty thousand workers are affected by the strike in Dundee. seh died ii oie 95th yt 6 United S tates Senate ratified eines Taft’s notice of the abro- gation of the treaty of 1832 with or | Russia. GENERA The Chinese Premier insists on a of John Bigelow, either, Sa diplo-| 7 INSPECTION _OF PALACES HOW ROYAL nanelons ARE ’ KEPT IN eee: The Inspector's Duty is to See That They Are Cleaned at End of the Season, A. litt‘e-heard-of personage is King George’s parla kes of Royal Palos s, yet is a most import- t official, alth ough he is nots act- a the Royal staff, says Lon- lon The it seperti" s cay. lies in see- ing that, say, is put into pe: alty ha: ke tell atte the sea: officlat has. to. BO ree serene ee department in the Palac e must see that papering ahd. pa ainting are carried out, if requi red, He must inspect all vindows and blinds to see sreceel ‘is secure: ery valuable articles All things of value must be pacl in boxes; boxes must be officially sealed locked by the inspector, who tains the After that't i done, the boxes are removed to one of the strong-rooms in Buckingham Palace until such time as the particular rooms ready. for them again. Al carpets are carefully cleaned. Birstiof ‘all, they undergo the vaca: lift- ash- and S most are ata asi le for h and these rooms must be finished we v] 0! ° S are not carpet- te apartments, hall-rooms, orm 0! The Imperial delegate at peace poutdrenvs the great-rowers are lending moral supfort towards an ear- | termination of the war of revolu- tion in China. -—__—"k HAS STRONG GRIP YET, Governor of Halifax Prison at 82 Refuses to Retire. A gerhatct from Halifax, says: Tho governor of the ci N.8., city -ltakes a very long time—in fact, it , are polishe +t cleaning-ti each of these rooms must be repolished, and this is skilled labor othe wake goes on from day to aay nial every apartment has bees overha inspector aleage "or duty he must persdiials ly attend to the cleaning, so he takes up Radionde an eibeseeiaes whilst the work is going on At this period no higher servants are about the place, only servants <f 0 the; e the workers ander the direc- whose word or, is law unto prison a Halifax He has held the te refuses st to City tonne il is aeons his removal. with ies investigation into are ill-treat- a prisoner, but Peaaved-ae soniuatie eestine oe [hie ¢ be made in the governorship aor the: ‘institution on account of his ae > is considered unjikety that “this sate i adopted, | probability is that th Loctogenarian governor will hold on for some time ye 7 =; SHOT BANK MESSENGER, Sensational it ee Murder in Dayli A despatch from Paris, France, says: The latest sensational mur- der here occurred on Thursday morning in broad daylight in the heart of one of the crowded thor- cughtares of the bank mes- ied a satchel con- g cao invited the messenger to turn the saichel to them, and when he refused and offered resistance dead. satchel and jumped into awai antomobite les. The ae andr. were witnes raced: Ree aiisenisnde triglltenod-citicann: eras. SRE eh MINERS MAY STRIKE. British Fedoration t to Take. Vote on Stonpage ae Work. to take a vote on the question of national stoppage of the wor the n ed on the question of $e 3ci a tw FE 5 he members of i voto os work trike will be ordered for the end of February eg SIX LIVES eS FOR 03 ONE. Men Will be Executed in Sy _ for Murdering Wom: x despatch arent White ate Ne ‘9 tne company o! “ihe Sisath house at Sin; |ye pector sani his appearance, and | he remains on the p: 1 the | palace is like a ieee pin. The work | gerfect as possible ere the King and Naturally, the inspector is only on duty for a certain period each ar; he is never on duty when the Gourt n ut no soon- r s the ae removed to Bal- [ioral or 0 ce than the in- has to be very specially done, view of the rank of those cupy rooms, ete., and that is ae why the inspector is there—to see tha icevery “pontniene ne Sanasend Queen take up residence. ha, COLLISION ON C. P. R. Crashed West of Pembroke. A despatch from North Ba; A serious ay Ne, oectred 0 on Thursday night at 7 on thi Canadian seeps _Bailway ee Freight ‘Trai BS ene rane ‘hich ‘elt North Bay about Th atid cats maveth ian Seer aa collisi pose-at the foot of the gr: in the early evening darkness and yy some evident mistake in back- flagging, the second train thunder- ed down grade and crashed into the standing train, wrecking the caboose and demolishing ten cars and the locomotive. Engineer wit liam Packer, of wat badly injured, Kay, of Chalk River, is reported to be so serioiisly injured that he may FROM WRECK. SPECIE SAVE Roeket Apparatus Used in Landing Treasure From the Delhi, A despatch from Tangier, Moroc- y t Algoma, =o 2345 Carlton, All the specie and bullio: | fhre® deaths, and. two ater eases Eigin, 706 Essex, 8,802; he cargo of the Pe-| of the disease has not yet been d 33; Halton, 2,67 insular and Oriental steamer Del- finite ly. determined, “but spinal a 13; AMockoks, 262 a k ape | meningit ie The 45,83: rio, Spartel last week when the Prin- ncial Lae suspected. ae Cais 1.004, Peel, 625; Peiashorough, Ae: Duke of Fife, a1 nd 2 to guard the ship while the bulli oa and specie wos still on board hav sien withdray 5 — Into Standing | ® ade, and | §. Prices of C ard. ers’, 84.40, o1 mixed, at 431-20 Bay ports. pie freight, Bea 0 to es per Sapa to 121-20; turkey: to 290; store $1.00. econds, $4.90; {lie, $29 to $34. 301-2 to 311-20. Eges—Fi Sie; do., $3.50 to $3.75; 1 F.o.b., $7 to $7. aes ser to live a man must worl if he rks Toronto, Dec. 26.—1 af per cent. patents, $3.45 to Manitoba flours: ee50 second patents, $5, and strong bak: on Sepa Toronto. Manitoba Wheat—No. Po lots, peisvass at 135, 90 Ibs. Middlings, $27 to $28. Mou 25. PRICES OF FARM PRODUGTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF ERICA. y+ nn, ee i ‘attle,” eae “ Cheesd| and Other Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS, —Flour—Winter shaven pone Wheat “no am white, red and | ¢) to 890, outsi “Beat-ood wate peas, wes lots of No. 2 Ontario, outside, |, to 440, and of No. 3 at 42 to 421-20; on track, Toronto, 46 to 2 Western Canada ves Ato, and feed, 450, Gore =No, & arueriden yellow, 681-20, To- ye—93 to M0, outside, for No. 2, walneal 16” 620, outside. Bran—Manitoba bran, $23.50, in bags, Toronto freights: COUNTRY PRODUCE. se iee Wines stock, $3 to $4.50 per bar all Tots of hand-picked, $2.- bushel. Honey—Extracted, in tin Combs, 0 SRT, Tots, 1 100; ee ad to rape Geese, 12 try, about 20 swe an ra above. BUTTER AND EGGS, Butter—Dairy, choice, in wrapper: to = for rolls, and 29 to 300 for sollas Manitoba Bete patents, do. 10; do. Winter patents, choice, $4.75 to straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.40; do., $1: Rolled —Per bag, car lots, $1.25 to $1.271-2. UNITED STATES MARKETS, ee . EPIDEMIC IN LUMBER CAMP. ieved Chatham says there is an epidemic of spinal meningitis feared in that ay in ibe omen icra s wth ATTACK D BY ¢ cow. Farmer's Daushiee us Eee jor Fatally Inju ‘A despatch from einai | ee by a Shorts, $25.00, Out of store, $1.45 to Calves—$3 : {News was Frank W, $3.50, Pirst pith FS the Northern is | gold-seekers, $1.10, out 46 1-20; No, party and 6 na oldcsecteaes 1 Will Attempt ae ee tory Untrodden 1 By ee A despatch from Ottawa, « says: F from which ~ ment aes sent on the route o! over me into Re nc unexplored | O) ¥ Te f total fe almost ear Ox skimoa ipissin; overlan bene letter was brought to the nearest postoflice by a party of -| Indian fur erasers, and was All were well, my + 3 and are fully repared for t) aes they wi per: ie ea i rman ave been y the ane brothers, French-| One asian rappers: abres ears 0. vy, will go a member of tho by white Bee diae arty. LO Am a : ‘a {th A 30, a nrereaee poe ttc BE we in ondon, deal of acharactar, prices of dressed to 121-20 per Ib Live pout. | Ho and lots, 23 to 250; and ee de to tell a joke at Creamery quoted t | exp: One of his stories ote that appointment to the bench w: who was cae ord” pastondabaeliing Kane was a good ‘He was noted neighbors and did not the man’s name and address so ae § MEN | that it day of uy ' oronation that, rming dress ir and lice at the gy of it all, wi and a half minutes her Majesty called across to aa a ge: ‘Arthur, remembe: that anger must have oa lity penta befo: hie hai “<I would rather eat a 5 Sapir and icy said I, with a shake of the his own| heart throbbed. I ast nd. his was due eae Strictly new-la‘d, 450, delivered | to SD rnindesienet ten here, and fresh at 27 to 2 per dozen, in| distinguished jurist with bhi ae siete ate bak wth anaes and aah Ace Willi on close terms of your yardon, Lord Gia tae %12, and twins ot|friendship in the latter’s poner George, ‘he wkd? . 15340 per. Ib. ode ig once aa ate * Sir days later ‘Lord’? pea ch illiam knew of the law he was a HOG PRODUCTS. food jades of aia 5 is re. | COOB® “Tooele ime. ee con—Long clear, 1112 to 11340 per|Mmark came to the ears of the Lord NGLE TAX IN ALBERTA. Tb. in case lots. Pork, short out, $22.60; | Chancellor, who understood it Maclean ad a ata do,, mess, $19.80 to $20, Hams—Medium | Mean that Sir William would make Premier Iniroduees Bill to Provido to light, 16 to 161420; heavy, 14 to s440;|® 00d judge, not, of horseflesh, ipul’ Conatitnihia. rolls, 1054 to 119; breakfast bacon, 16 to| Put of the law. at misunder-. Hae pe standing, according to the story at-| A atch from, Edmonton, Tare-1Sbroes: 13 540;-Adbs; 480; “patia, }EDUited he la ustice, | says: Premiie r Sifton has introduc- cia brought, bim e high regard in the ed a bill i 1 the Alberta: Legislature Lord Chancellor’s estimat *n and | which Radeiatas that within seven re ie. spboinbaianh “tet the years the single tax principle shall BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. neh, obse rved all ablished Toronto, Deo. 26. = Oase Ceasniee West-| Another story about Sir. Wil- ern No. 2, liam was that after protesting vain- No. 1 feed, 461- a man who was smoking in a 460; No. 8 do, non-smoking railway carriage, he Barley—Man. f ught to _ impress tl 1 off ender by. for municipalities now in existenco firsts, $5. have the man arreste ‘the and that will be crea: » strong bakers’,| next station. But the man leftthe/ future in this Provin : to $5;|compartment quickly when the} tains 377 sections, and it is the alm in bags,|train stopped and took a seat in| of the Governme: include in oats—Barrels, ¢5;/@00ther compartment. Justice | these every consideration that en- $2712. Bran, g%.|Grantham sent the guard to get|ters into the administration of o municipality. he could be. Dian When the| % guard returned ho said :— VERS. oT yrouldn’ t have re arrested, peepee an RIVERS sir. I asked his name and he gave Tors PRG -chearsertite Pale aie he Innocent Bystander ae by Tor. mds, 29 t0 | Tusticn Grantham, site" Bitike-brom Fern BET E NS, © Sanger, the old cireus| A Ha oat from Winnipeg, says: man, ones associated with Barnum, | Alfred ‘Thomas, ‘oronto. strike- in the GT. Man., Minneapolis, Dec. 26—Wheat— apes bee, cigar box containing the a silver) and and tecpnly injured Jain $1.027-8; May, $1.06 July, $1.07 3-4; orge Sanger, from] Gibbons, strikers, in a melee in a 1 hard, $10578; No, 1 Northern, 8105 to | Y R., Windsor Castle, July 17th, hotel. “Some of the strikers got $1.05 3-8; No. 2 Northern, $1.03 to $1.033-8; | 1g9¢ @rgument, on ry as was No. 3 wheat, $1.01 to $1.01 3-8. Corn—No. iy: Geor rge as he was called, prota on vas back of the ad with 3 yellow, 57 t Oats 3 white, 45 came to} aclub. Fulled his revel a to 451-2. Rye—No. 2, 871-2 to 881-2. Bran| receive this mark of een Vic-| fired until ae was empt; ~$23 to $25.50. Flour—First patents, $5| toria’s appreciatio! “‘T was seven | had been working at Svea are to $5.30; second patents, $4.60 to $4.90; first half minutes in her Maj-| about two en fy having gone clears, $3.50 to $3.85; second clears, $2.40| e! beloved presence,” he used | there from Toronto to help break $2.60, Sir Arthur Bigge presented the strike. oli Magistrate Buffalo, Dec. 26.—Spring ee him to the Queen one day in July,| Bates took an ante-mortem te- Northern, carloads, o $: 1899, in the grounds of Windsor | ment from Elsford, who was porter No. 2 red, $1.00; Castle while she was in her car-| in the hotel and an innocent by- white, 990. Corn—No. riag Here is the story as told | stander. No. 4 yellow, 641-26, all on ask “croueh by Mr. Sanger to a friend a few 3 sh ssl billed. Oats—N. A Fee If riches didn’t have wings thero white, 61120; No. 4 white, 601126. i So,’ said eer ae in her} vould bs ae i high flye = ieciiapietid ve AL deep, kind tones—‘So you are Mr.| Tie hak wigipbaad OU - anger! Dear me, you seem ver! young, she went on quisaicaly ax Tyte-Phist, had more than his share LIVE STOCK MARKETS. I stood, hat’ in hand, the pol poe ae ae good things of this world,’ Montreal, Dec. 26,—Butchers’ sissy ae i good things? ister, ho of her shining aie ay choice, $6.25 to $6.35; do., medium, 84 ‘Yes, your Majesty,’ says I hain t got a blamed thing but o 50; do., common, $5.50 to $3.75; canners, | ‘hut is may surprise yOu to know| barrel of money and .an appetite $1.50 to $3.25; butchers’ for r another barzel_of it." barrel of it. 50; sik and medi- $30 to 840. cks and wall Hogs- 312, POPULATIO to An ane ysis the census figures land, 652; N OF COUNTIES 21 In Ontario Show Increases And 27 Have Disease Beli to be Spinal Smaller Population . Heningitis, aes despatch Cpa denies A despatch from Ottawa, says; 3,961; Norfolk, 20875 BE gho 21 counties have in-| 708 Sets ate Bites Edward, ei ber one their Population to the fol-/ 694; Renfrew, 863; Stormont, 2,° re “umber | lowing exten 63; Victoria, 2,003; Wellington, 659 ; Russell, Thun Rai: Ree ea 5 rts of ‘the Hed decreases, as ee fgg tet Hos a, rom een 1 100; I Leed: ington, 2,9¢ Teer’ 3 a - Wel land, 51,857. There are 27 Eipeiat which show ows 4,005 ; Haldi- et GROWTH OF PROVINCES, The following shows the i daige t3 Be increase of various pro: y Sound, ame as revealed in the census ‘ork, of ‘Tor!