» Malta Was En Fete to on Arrival drive through troop-lined streets to Government House was followed by a reception, at which most of the Maltese Baisials and noblemen Tre are Tatlane, they hate the'r mente nd much prefer }under eBritiak rule. Greet “ete to Greet Their jets were presented to the 1g and ~~ Although: ey. ene lose as related to self-government "The: as the they have rece’ 19 they leit © England. pe the i eatich Medi- was ;resens in virtually fal Rieu, a squad- mn h warships, ater the de La- -| peyrere, joined in marking the ° cuiating Heian gene) ee ween selrent + Britain and Fra The City of Valetta is thronged ith British and have come especially to participate in the festivities. oe Returns Showing Loss of Time a and Settlement Re Reached atch from hls says: ees in Cai trade are during the past year, 8 ared with the loss of ap- proxiaintely 718,745 © the in 1910. ‘There were approximately 28,218 employees involved, ees and the preceding twelve mont Sete in the figures for last year Vancouver during June and Ju ninety-eight —_ strikes larognot the Dominion, which oc- , forty-two took gard to threate! also suteresl into twenty-one other dispute: he employers won in thirty- three oft the strikes, and employees in twenty-three, while in nineteen ‘omise was reac ttlement was employees 380. ~~ PORESTRY ASSOCIATION. Annual Convention Will be Held at Ottawa Feb, 7th and 8th. The thirteenth Annual Meeting ead Convention of the i estry Association, R.A discussion of papers, the ineser of repo: n_ of officer: rts, i and |* other busine gl be held in the ai i Railway Committee Room, Parlia- ment ‘Buildings, ‘Ottawa, on Wed- hursday, Feb. practical convention yet held, fe ae end the gentlemen ube will 8 roy make esses Sa airece their attention Sea jects now pressing for immediate solution in Canada. — IN HONOR OF HIS NAME DAY. King Alfonso Donates $5,000 to Poor and Remits Sentences. A despatch from» Madrid says: King Alfonso has celebrated his name say by donating $5,000 for the poor and by remitting ake death pentane 7th. and | © all friends of TO DISENDOW CHURCH. Home Secretary Will Introduce Bill at Coming Session. A despatch from London says :— ssing an enthusiastic Baer + and disendowment of the sure into a law. ee. HUNDRED FOOT SERPENT. the St. Lawrence, Another man claims to have seen the ‘‘sea serpent.’’ This time the witness is a reliable official of the Department, Mr. Fafard, Mr. Fafard informed his superiors that he saw a “‘sea ser- pent’? twice this winter. The mon- ster was a hundred feet long. THE SOCIALISTS ARE STRONG: Capture One of the “Kaiser Seats” at Close|¢: . of the German Elections A despatch from Berlin says: Thursday’s second ballots brought the Socialist strength in the new San to well over one hun- The Socialist, matt, Rest the coveted ‘‘Kai- ser division’? of Potsdam, where the priveipal residences of ‘the Em- peror, the Crown Prince, and -other members of the Imperial ‘amily are situated. he member for Potsdam, entre all the crack regiments of army are garrisoned, only fea finished serving an eighteen-months’ sen- tence in a fortress for anti-militar- ist propaganda. Liebknecht, defeated the Conservative Burgomaster of Potsdam, is a bril- liant barrister, and son of one of the founders of the Socialist party. o a member of the Prus- Diet. This is the first time in the history of the Empire that. one of the ‘Kaiser seats’’ has fallen in- to the hands of a Socialist, and the joy of the mead gathered in front, of the office te ee the | Sear ae ounds no when the result mae Peanowuted on | Sheep— Thursday night. | OF INTEREST TO EVERY INVESTOR complete review o: CANADIAN OAR & FDY, CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. DETROIT UNITED BY. Our Statistical Tee has compiled a very _ Standard Canadian Securities Copy mailed free on request. . §. STEEL & an OBILVIE FLOUR WILLS TORONTO RAILWAY sic | tents, French visitors, who |“ strike was’ settled by a comprom-|;\” Church i in. Wales. All the Eppes ors led, | « rry Ste mea- a Lighthouse-Keeper Says He Saw It B A despatch from Quebec says:| PRIGES OF FARM PRODUCTS TRADE CENTRES OF “AMERICA. ‘Prices “of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Other Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Flour—Winter wheat, 90 per cent. pa- to a strong bakers’, $4.30, on Manitoba ene (No. 1 Northern, $1.- 111-2, Bay ports; No. 2 Northern at 61. 081-2; No. 3 at $1.041-2, Bay ports. Ongario wheat—No. 2 white, red and mixed, 92 to 9%e, outside. Peas—Good shipping peas $1.10 to $1.15, outside. Oats—Car lots of No.-2 Ontario quoted » pee: Canada oats, 49 to 491-20, nd No. 1 feed, 451-2 to 460, Bay port eet Tbs. cust at 92 to 95c, out- ide. Corn—No. 3 Lnecioa yellow, Tic, To- ronto freight. Rye—98c to $1, outside. Buckwht eat to 67c, outside. Bran—Manitoba bran, , in bags, To- ronto freight. ee 325.50. ~ COUNTRY PRODUCE. ‘Apples—Winter stock, $2.75 to $3.50 per to $2.40 per bushel. Honey—Extragted, in tins, 11 to 12 per Ib. Combs, $2.50 to $2.15. Baled hay—No. 1 at $16.50 to $17, on $1.50, and Delawares at $1.60 to $1.65. Out- of-store, $1.65 to $1.75. Poultry—Wholesale prices. of dressed a turkeys, 20 to 21c. Live poultry about 2e lower than the above. BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Butter—Dairy, choice, in wrappers, delivered t 29 to 3c per dozen, Chee aes 16c, and twins at 1612¢ per HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon—Long clear, 111-2 to 113-4c per Ms - case lots. Pork—Short cut, $22.50; rolls, 1034 to 110; ‘breakfast bacon, 16 to 1fe; backs, 19 to 2c. Lard—Tierces, 113-40; 120; -4e. tubs, pails, MONTREAL MARKETS. Flour—Manitoba Spring wheat do., seconds, $5.10; Winter patents, rca rollers, $4.30 1 stock, 28 to 290. Saas Per bag, car lots, $1.60. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, Jan. 30. $1.0214 to $1.023-4. . 3 yellow, 621-2c. Oats—No. 3 Rye—No. 2, 8 to @.- Bran Flour—First patents, eu second patents, $4.75 to $55 AS to $3.85; second clears, a to $5.40; oe Ts, aes ring wees a Northern, giana store, $1.15 yellow, white, §33-4c; No. 4 white, s34o. Barley —Malting, $1.25 to $1.35. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Jan. choice, $6.75 to $6.50; do., comm: $2.50 to $3; eee cattle, choice cows, 8 Milkers are now selling from $50 to $9 a FOR blesses IN FRANCE. Frenchman Arvested at Regina for Killing a Woman. ae eS Regina, — oe says: Emile Oscar Pou; been seeree neat here on a States mitted near aa ate , Guisienne - Legrand, his es Si uel Alex was fined a thou- sand ce Sault an Maric De e aes seed lots of hand-picked, $2.35 , | letter ,|and opened a : Bes haye bern “ont to try its mot The: $1 antl ae The 1|filty killed and ‘th 0 “| entered, the two men unlocked tl "| way. THE NEWS (NA PARAGRAPH REPORTS FROM THE LEADING | HAPPENINGS FROM-ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. : | canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your There now paoeer: cases of aaale at Montre: York County ae proposed to tax autos for road PTO Sugar prices have been again re- duced by ten conte eee oe On- tario and at Winn A Grimsby faeiee Sa the price- ae food problem ¢ould be sea by the Lis eitet and retailer getting closer togethe: Owen Bound. pete} proprietors have decided to increase rates ow- ing to the strict Brtoreneut of the -| local option law. féreigners were injured, one eel by celine into an old nadian Northern trify the Port Stanley Railway. The illiam Davies Company have decided to close their Harris- cemetery near Brantford, the city haying no place to keep him pro- perly. Peter Peterson of Cobalt was tiary for writing to Manager Goodall Imperial Bank. of the GRE. AT BRIT! AIN., Troops will be despatched to Bel- ‘ast to preserve the peace between Unionists and Nationalists. e tension in Belfast has been somewhat relieved by_a change of sehve for the Churchill home rule meeting. Mr. Winston Churchill, ere the Ulster f meeting, insists on ane rt to ape in the city of Bel- ae GENERAL. Resumption of _ hostilities in eat Turks taken by Italians on board French vessels. AEROPLANE SAVES ITALIANS. Determined Attack by Turks— Heavy Italian Losses. a8 despateh from Gabes, Tunis, of the engagement ily siete approached the shore heavy re on the At the same time ars at Ainzara ih see the Italians The Tale would hilated if ance an ae Sees coming ane by the tae 3, eae became so they were unable to movement. eir vVeretnc: tele lost yunded. DARING 5 BANK ROBBERY. Branch - mae a Bank of Vancou- is Hela Un. A ee from Vancouver yal Bank of a a of Main street Seventeenth Be oe was literally cleaned out of all i cash by two robbers at 1 9 nologk on Friday morning, and Ledger- keeper Harri was Bice ed wu: conscious for Sent e hold-up The amount of loot ie aired by the robbers is unknown, because A. A Biceees; _Maasse of the branch, nake a statemey nt. It is, that between I *| pack door and made their exit that Excellent descriptions of the robbers, one of whom was tall And d sm| the other short, were obtained. BEACOD LIGHT IN DESERT. Khartoum Cathedral was Formally Consecrated. A despateh trom Khartoum, Sou- Khartoum Cathedral, in ‘a| soaked vlesert of the Soudan, was consecrate Friday by the .| Bishop of London and a distingu- ished body of Anglican clergy. ‘The cathedral is a memorial to General eles Gordon, who was murdered by the Mahdi’s. followers 27 years ago on Friday on the spot +” where te edifice now stands. RAILWAY EXTEN SION. Over 350, 00,00 0 to he Expended in Western Panga: ve Srmallions of “dollars in Western | Canada, in extension and bet ents, had not been! @ “| paid the will provided t ey | pital in every county in Nova Sc ided thai tter- | t The _ MEDICAL PRESS — The report on the nutritive value of Bovril read before the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association, is attracting wide attention in the medical profession. The “British Medical Jour- nal’ of September 16 devot- ed some six pages to giving a detailed account of the re- cent experiments, in which it was shown that in_the case of human beings the body-building power of Bov- ril was “even more marked” than had been previously shown in the experiments with animals. A further ar- ticle has just appeared in the “Medical Times,” and “The results were simply startling.” —ascat rimes. that journal points out that the resul ments “were simply start- ling.” “It was found that inall cases the administration of the ex- tract (Bovril) caused an im- mediate increase of weight.” One important point brought out by these experiments is the fact that this increase in - weight is in tissue and mus- cle, and that, Bovril must therefore arded as a true nutri- be reg: ts of these experi- not fat, showing ent, and an essential part of the diet of every man, wo- man and child. EXPERIMEN £ oe ing previous in- Feedi terval in kilos, in Mean n Weight dur- ee Sore dur- a ON HUMAN BEINGS 10 grams of Bovril were used in each case Tro examples, the figures being taken from the table published in the “ British Medical Journal.” Mean ing per- i 1g Pi in 84,032 61.661 Subject 8. Subject C. 84,248 61.790 Increase Grams es Nitrogen of Ex- tract in Grams. The body-building power of Bovril proved to be from 10 to 20 times the amcunt taken. STRANGE PROVISION IN WILL ALBERT. a's Income to Stand t for One Hundred | Premier Siften fs es gckenth from Halifax, N ‘osman, a merchant. of | Moin Riven Digby, eve S., di some nts ago and despatch Budget speech os fois c-Anee cer fig eee eee legacies were sei pital should be invested ‘and Aeeaie come allowed to accumulate for| 20} 0 years. At the end “of that time | jo. | ee the accumulated funds, principal | 0" (** and interest, are to be divided, one: : half going to charities in wna | iBee Be eta eo ballasts piss ne of the Government. |of the telephone r since the Go ae pey 0. tia. The will t the Archbishop of point three Gate e Pacer nena Magis ae Chisholm, of Halifax, Judge Wal. E lace and T. W. Murphy. Cosm child BE ‘OV fears. plus—Telephones Pay 5 from remier Sifton delivered his the Ss. mounces a Sur- Edmonton House on He quoted to increase the nee indemnity f members from $1,000 to $1,500, and provision was ace for a salary of $1,500 patie wipe. the lead- er of the Opposition. 4 + DEBT OF NEW YORK CITY. ;| Exceeds Public Debt of the U: gimineedaor system. Every vernment took ng the cost of|t cperat:on, ete., ie emier States by $20,000,000. the 485 i. which $44,200,000 represents bond issues for rapi sd transit work and the new water supply system. was a widower and had no Constipation is the root cf many forms of sickness ond of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. Morse Indian Root Pills, thoroughly tested by ~ over fifty years of use, Provincial Treasure: annual timates for 934, making a surp! sefennd < a But as there had for constipation and all ieee troubles. by. pes to Mr. r, delivered his, spees months, The “ordi Budget Speech of Hon. Shows a Features QUNBAC HAS GOOD SURPLUS Mr. Mackenzie ch, which | proved an interesting review of the| for the finial state of the Province for| which are to be built with the co: the past year, wih encouraging es- operation of the mane ipalities of — coming _ twelve* inary Feceipts 022,744, lus of $905,910. g Sheed the SOTA penenity the Gov ounce a s\ : plus of $600,000, with provision pe ie, | education, for the constru the abol } improvements lthe Province. For the past year it was shown that ee ane Sead te amount 7, an | and the expenditures hi have been proved @ __jordinary expenditures to $6, age the — yccoee He, former, ty 81, 128,210, am ‘latter, ordinary been an addition- and Ae oh ve