The Milverton Sun ED FYVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Mily SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1 mnths, SO cents; three gicnne? py advance, ‘Subscribers: in arrears will ‘be Mistiets pay $1.50 peryear tx CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES ch. ight cents per line for first FP iakatoe: four cents per line for each subse pecieat pees tion wil be charged for all transient ‘adver ‘Kaw ortisemente without specific directions white Tiserted watitforbid and charged ac- atten' MALCOLM MacBi “Publisher and ‘Proprietor BusinessCards : t erton, Ont | 0” nail Ste by: thousands from these bad air diseases, ‘We would not think of washing our hands and our face im filthy water, B ° BAD AIR DISEASES mand Diary Such diseases as 01 way with Dentistry. LEDERMAN, Pinte ne 1 8) Membe! of Royal College of Dental Surgeons if 0, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- Were aty Crown ant Paes sors Sy} “i ity. Hours 9 a, abers the Bank ot Blamilton, Milverton, Medical. P. PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYB, M.D. DRS, PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIO DRUG STORE, MILYERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a; m.,and 2 to 4 selock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock’ p, . J. ae FORSTER, Eye, Ear, Eng, Office : 53 Waterloo St., opposite Knox Chureh, Stratford. Phone 267. Legal PEE OE hac ed H. B, MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, - Notary Pul Solicitor pe ras of Hamilton. LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, Offices: Bice Milverton Money to Loan J, C, MAKINS MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, - - - F. R. BLEWETT, K. C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, ETC, Office: Gordon block, Seat a office STRATFORD, Veterinary. J. W. BARR, Veterinary Sur, Milverton, ‘Gratiate of Ontario Veverin. ary College, Toronto. Treatsall diseases of domesticated animals. Calls by tele- phone or otherwise promptly attonsied to. Societies. MILVERTON LODGE, No. 478 R.C., Milverton, ballix Ranney’s Block. "Visiting breth- ren alysyawolcone, G, Guenther, W. Ww. , Secy. 0. = No, 99, Milverton, meets evety second and last ‘Tuesday of every outh, at 8 o'clock, in, their hall over Rothaermel & So e. Visiting brethren ways welcome. G. Smith, O.R., N. Zimmerman, Ree-See. 1,0, 0. F., “Silver Star Lode,” verton, every Friday might ‘ot 7,30 p. ia, in thet nail @ over Publie Drax Store, Visiting brethren alw Store We mith, N, G., W. F. Secy., G. "A. Barth, i Seey. Notary Public. oO. > No. tgages drawn and Affides made. Village Clerk Office i o ee Voir block wer the Bank of Hamilt Hotels. Stes UNOS on le EXCHANGh HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. | s liquors First-class, ac-|of the Roman Em John Gropp, Proprietor. Best and a ars at the commodation and large stabling CENTER HOTEL, Mil erton. class accommodation for sommercial Seavellors and others. Three | 4, ‘arge somple rooms. Good stabling. Beat brands brands of liquors and cigers. Chas. Ritter, Proprietor, ATWOOD t W. J. HANvey | ally all; ~_|an Ontario] fiance to his or pees air of close room: . set a good ex- no} gospel of fresh air as well ticing its precepts. A piece of flannel dampened nae lief which it dealers. affords. Sold by all James J. Hill. told the following amusing incident. hyped on one of his roa pecalee numerous rt man in size and very there stood in de- brakeman who a car. “Move that crossing so people can pass. Move it’ Sedentary habits. exercise, insufficient mastication all dealers. AN UNWISE SPECTACLE ‘oronto ay Weekly A good deal ere: ace is being given to accounts of the shooting of tigers and ees y. the King in In- ia, The wisdom e to imperil the ic Empire. y Ms y aeeauty. for. it. and no géod ob- ject to bo attained by it. wero taken to insure the safety of the have been i ode it was equally un- Se 5 ay BS 3° LAE & 23 ould have when a trifle? Sold by all dealer: UELN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. Q ‘The best accommodation for commercial azge sample cerellers and others. ‘Two lai ducted farm best. spent San very in connection. 5 Rates $1 per day. EICKMEIBR & SON] but was severely stork ie GU a Se THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, |) vine i tay Commereiad | aaeelont tn he for 1 attention Rates $1.50 per day. WM. Division Court Milverton, Mornington, Elma, No. lots $3 to 72 eineive i in the Ist onene December 28th, W. Zimmermann . bailiff, towel—Court days, Jan. 11, ob Seaburger, bailiff. Hi ¢ 13th, Dee. | 990,00 from the annual 12th at 2 o'clock. County Court Sittings grant to agriculture will be expended without jury—April 4th, Oct, 3rd, 2 p.m.) ig amounts varying from $100 to 83 00 to tl Itural societies in On- ligtist Slet,, October ooh 1 Sessions and MARY ANN’S BOIL oil on my aff, r'uugh, “Well burst. But a ‘ak boil o: os nd boil, Ve ae William Wa aa happy again, er reer RB fer aaah by all dealer: 10-000 1 FOR WET FAIRS : Central $ Business Gollege e have a staff of aying $65, $7 We have three depar ommercial jorthand and stelegraphy. \ Write for our free catal 3 0. A. MoLACHLAN, - Principal g = 3 : Sak Ont. 4 wal 3 $ 3 #75,000 appropriation be used in this ¥ was adopte GOOD OLD SUMMER TIMB fas Ciaure! summer, Whi tention, brings back to my yiew! Tam aweary country h t this season ae Ps ar is better Sentilatio In the summertime we vy windows open and so escape pneu- monia and other bad air infectioi indows are shu ea kind letters, as ating our own ee And let us e BEST REMEDY :: ForWomen-Lydia E. Pink- mei crea Compound |°"y belleville, Ont. S dam exceedingly, was 80 weak |i ut from a ean Teena Eaetditovoutat certainly profited yy them. I give you permission to. yublish this pares you 1 wish,””— 8. BERT. Belleville, Ontario, Canada. as prac- (ete Be cian teen MAKING THE SUPERINTENDENT CRAWE itis free and always ‘Laat the railroad king, there is no other remedy known ine that. ee as chai. in addition to a cae ree of at A grant of $10 ee ie Prisoners’ Aid Association. That in regard to communication from Mr. Preston os grant the General Hospital $500 ie granted for maintenance and $500 on building ac- count. That a grant of $150 be given the Children's Aid Societ; The first debenture on the ae efuge hi The anges debentures’ are for rail purposes. new registry office. $10.- 190.15, $130.490,15.. Report adopted. The report of the Road and Bridge i ir, Hacking a, Feoommende © communication of T. L. Ken- dy re Federal Aid for good roads be left to the legislation committee to gineer be auth tend the io Good Roads 4 fo Tuesday haieae of the second Tues- day. ach reeve furnish to the r the instruction of the engineer. Pbes report of the apeialat cn com- Mr. J. from eres we and her! For 30 uring women from th ‘the worst forms of ones. ion, ulceration, placements, fibroid tumors, irre; ties, periodic aie, bacl neryous prostration. ‘ully carry women as Lydia E, made cant rae. Hamilton chairman, oe oases 2 ds ee motion e County Pro aes So recommended ; that the chairman purchase case for maps and books fov the registry office as ret as possil No action ye taken in regard a phe PERTH COUNTY CUUNCIL “One of our division superintendents iblic, - Conveyancer | had decided to investigate person- citable. he went down to the crossing sight sat complacently on the top of rain on.” spluttered the little ‘super’. ‘Get it off theJi si “The brakeman surveyed the tem- House of Refu lack of outdoor yu will soon be well again. For sale by 1 danger if such means that the animals might as well and ace ans Gales wer. It n better to eh prom- jaeHoe to" olviliginge @ agencies, to rail- r. 1911. ceipts oe ae 462.23. ae 009, ie G n ha ee for administra’ Mary Ann and William wee rural to his sweet-|an I loy: laff on no De anger a wo- medy and all 9 is SatRe ithi ti few months $10.- Within. the next, fev “Covarnmbnt| 2 Educational—W, Scott. J. Moffatt. R. ‘Armstrong. J. ing. J. B. _ Mute, R. Miller. W. Gowans et ee oe Hamilton. Krug Jas. es J. Moffatt. =a 1, G. Ehgoetz, & 78 2 and area rene os R. Miller W. Gowans. W. Bhgoetz and J, Cook. Report adopted on motion of Messrs Hacking and Hamilton. The House of Refuge committee re- dnt that $10.000 out of the annual tte h the back- ae ne to my Bear ig the packc[eread and Walsh Bros. for was accepted, The report was adopt of paying. toe Ree ed, usted | The After the pteanle me the vote be- srleny i Smi rae James Dickson. inspector of the e. presented his an- nual xenort na the year ending Dec- ember Bist, 1911, Portions ‘of the re e h mates were admitted were; vite 1 Elma 1, Fullarton, 2. ae ington 1. Easthope 1, Listowel. 1, Mit- h 7, Stratfor: 9.63. leaving a balan January 1912. ee to 29: 7317 yments since January 1 to- leaving a balance of The oxnts dué the county to date are: For county _ rates. House of Refuge account. $361.9: e report of the com nted as fol ‘inance—L, F. chair- an; Jas. Hill. John Hamilton. Miller. Uk. cking. T. hes aa ott, of t Refuges, E. Soult chair- Ihgoetz. L. F. Turne: Rew. oe Armstrong. Jas. Hills i Moffatt a owans, Saath a commended that some mint ‘epairs e made. Th> tenders’ of nr, Pauli for be Da £0 ‘were . Hamilton and ort are given be- mber of weeks’ board of a ane if) ; also upto The balance and from < Ww as Ry 265.06 and sine ace ere ree balance is added $2,075. fk nae oe “Moffatt. Armstrong. phetmads A, Hack- chair- Muir. ents t. Geo, re Broceries Hen e of Spunky buildings by seh ‘hha it Sanihce strips be purchased i t jail. bé left in hands of chairman to report at nextacnsion. lopted on motion of Messrs. Ham- . Moffatt and e y their. respective ow of hands was taken which resulted! in the-carrying of the mot- ion by a yote of:7 to 6, The council then adjourned. NO WILD OATS FOUND Arrangements are being made by f ees and. Horticultural Soe- ties. for agricultural i Runetbee: GUAneHes OF pedigree ban- ner Fa roma farm in Carleton whose grain‘ has been d. faite watched by. the Canadian Sedd- Up-to-Date We have all the latest styles in Folders and Mounts. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Enlarging, Copying? Pricture Framing. CHAMBERLAIN’S STUDIO Open every Tuesday and Friday #e tle et prices was ar modation afforde d by the var- ipa aroun here, It is felt that the illegal ee liquor by the hotels as never been so “dry” a: yiction is growing sos a she state of affairs has come to els, Thereupon “the inspector him- cease ent} I act during “Eb ast three weeks oF a mai tex of coi it locally that the town 5 Going sas gute jail surgeons re some repairs] $55 3% Ei uainsspats Railway Time Tables Canadian Pacific Guelph and Goderich G Grand Trunk BolaE RoE ma. a.m. p-m. Sd 100 238 Peffers. 7. 4s 12.15°7.01 45 2. 5 5 joing weat -. p.D. ¥ we % w % ¥ % % ¥ ¥ % % ¥ % ¥ % % % % ” % *% % 4 ¥ % % ¥ % ¥ ¥ % | 3 |e t- | % ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ »% % ¥ ¥ 4 ¥ ae ¥ ale od ¥ % an ¥ ¥ » To WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Daily Transcontinental Service via the All Canadian Ronte. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. To CHICAGO ‘Three trains daily, Excellent service, Making connections at Detrott for FLORIDA and at Chicago for ALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC COAST POINTS ad information WH Saaderantol otal Agent SEEM NALS SNL YE USI SL SL Ye a aL ee I YE SY a | “The Arcade” Stocktaking . Sale.. During our stocktaking, we will have a list of goods which we wish to dis- pose of. You will find great bargains. 6 Youth’s Suits, regular $8 and $10, this 5 95 week only,..... 6 Youth’s Tweed Overcoats, = $7; this week. ‘4 75 5 Men’s Overcoats, regular price $9.75 this 7 95 WEEK, essences veer 4 Boy’s Overcoats, tweed with velvet col- lar. reg. $7.00, this week. 3 75 Ladies Coats, regular $14 and $15, this 3 ee ae ee 3 Ladies’ Black Coats, reg. $8 and $10.00 4 50 this week. Look for Odds and Ends after stocktaking, also Remnants of all kinds. | Pancake Syrup $1.00 Per Gallon = All customers holding cards fer Sil- Notice ! ! verware, will please hand them in and state what silverware Ron require, as we intend closing the silverware contest on Feb. roth. WE GIVE STABLE CHECKS—Ask for them WwW. K. LOTH 1000 Ibs. Choice Butter Wanted at Highest Prices YAK AREIAIE EAA AI I dtalitay eooeee Guelphi Winter WILL RAISH RATES The Owen Sound hotels will an- This is ene due t 0 >the would, te: meet: the requirement of the pay. the inspect- Winter Resorts Round Trtp aa Tickets now on ips Resorts including ing CALIFORNIA, MEXICO FLORIDA, Etc. The Attractive Route to Western Canada is via Chicago Steamship Tickets on Sale by all Lines The Last Call ! In order to clear out the balance of my stock, I will offer the same at a discount of 20% Until February 15th, if not sold out sooner. A Good Selection Consisting of Blues, Blacks and the Fancy Worsteds Nearly all this fall’s lastest patterns, Regular $19.00 Suits for. «90 «6 Overcoats at $8.75, $10.75, $13.50, $16.75 The above prices are for CASH only J. M. Fleischhauer Eis Sona top tale Full particulars from Merchant Tailor MILVERTON re willing to take the in itiative. say nothing of the fact that W. F. BURGMAN, - Agent ere two avowed temneranee Pua. ae ESE aE ss House Furnishing Economies at our Great ‘Stock Reduction Sale Every housekeeper ought to take immediate advantage ‘of these big bargains. The quantity and variety of our stock is wonderful as are also our price reduc- tions. If you have houses to furnish or furniture or carpets to buy no matter for what purpose, we know you'll be keenly alive to the big- bargains we are offering. Gome and see for yourself and save from 15 to 20 per cent. Terms: Cash Every purchase that you make here represents an economy» report of the finance Portas tee presented e LF, W. Turner. Greenwood & Vivian, Limited, Stratiord, Ont. Furniture and Carpet Dealers 88, 90, 92 Ontario St. Funeral Directors and Embalmers _ ek bi eeneeoeatoentegvassensserevetsentee y REGGE