PORE! Ns Na PIN FO Mpa aks CORE Te EE ORE) Re ee Oe Ne, ee a Ee pO ee ee ee ae ee i ees Se bees Rete eis Ch eee AD, The Milverton Sun VERY tenet MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, Milverton, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ‘One year, $1; six months, 50 ; mene reG8 tedtes in advance, Tprimchbar tice will be lable to pay $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Space Year 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Mos te $40 $25 ae 33 a cor hay iv anges for contract advertisements must bein the office by noon Monday. NEWTON. Rev. W. nd Mrs. Moffat. of Mill- ank, erate Parnes at, the home of Mrs. J. 8. Lockie. Misses. Edith Dunbar and Estella King were Sunday visitors with Mrs, os Davidson. Burns. W. Mitchell. sr.. is at present Riddell is Lv present visit- ford. i ing tends in Strat Mr. A, Hutchi: now assisting in store at stock-taki 14 onler “of Stratford. is spending:.a few days under. the par- ental roof. of our young people ison. of Win ngham. is T. Hutchison’s contem- md LLBANK. . McCormick and ae of Lin- inte new rr. Mr, Boshart has mov- into his new: residence. Miss Mary Mulcahy spent few ve with friends in Wellesley ant visiting with friends in Stratford. | Elmira. Coghlin, twood. called ts, Helen Stewart pent a few on friends in town on Saturday last.| days with her sister Mrs, hr Hi Peebles. of Saskateh-|ilockman. Burns, ewan. was renewing gequaintances in| “Miss, Oli spent, the week A'inst weeks We ato glad’ tonte| end with friends br Stra Herb, again and looking, well: Miss Tachel Muleahy erned et our sports drove over to/Toronto on Monday after, peeing <i Milverton for 9 skate one’ evening poets with her mother Mrs. P. Mul- last wee Miss L. Me Geo. Love spent Tuesday in owe! bara J. Moffatt. .of Listowel, wasa business visitor in the village on ‘Messrs. Hamilton: and Sco eputte spent an evening .at Enos last’ week. oe pplementary meetings of lor hs rd ill receive prompt of ov le co om the adutilor telephone orders willssselvenromPs| ate taking in the assemblies in Mil-| North Perth Farmers’ Instituto will MALCOLM MacBETH, verton and Atwood on Friday of this) be held in Ritter’s hall. on Friday. Pubilshier and Propttetor | week, Feb, 9th_afternoon and evenin from here attended the| Mr. fee Gen tosh celenene Pi silver anniversary 0 ed thelr ativer wedding on’ Friday ev- BusinessCards |: to Conhiia fa, Mitibenie ‘on Frlday Gnd, at their Medical. ¥. PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 ofcleck a m., and 2 to 4 lock p. m., an ind 7 to 8 o'clock’ p. im. DR. R. FORSTER, Eye, Ear, ieone aa “mhvoat ay. nee Burgeon | Fen Btevensou:” of d Aural Insti- BRS Bot ore tante ‘F N ie and| A ier: of our boys are ee making Throat Hospital, Golden Square and n@ tink and intend td have Moorefield’s Eye Hospital. London. |So™me acct in tt ar fi Eng, Office : 53 Waterloo St., opposite Knox Chureh, Stratford, Phone 207. WELLESLEY. Legal e regret very ry much to report the) 0 H. B. MORPHY, K.C. is Edith ‘Dunbar spent Bayirdsy ith her friend E. Tanne: ae load of young people from Moe selberg drove into the village last Wednesday evening and serenaded the newly married couple Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Bach. Miss’ Olive Sree of steel was @ one day last week ol Maggie Kirkland spent Sat- cece Sever: ir young people were pleasantly entertained at the home . Allan Gray. Britton, on Tues- a ean ry ne has received h of ne sister. Mrs. ter of Mr. was’ called and Mrs. ae Lichty who ay, Jan, urdav afternoon with Miss Martha At tl Mrs, a Hutchison spent Monday in denied oF Wie rrctreiraticolt danab-(iH the Rice-Knight reliable lighti tem into Mr. Geo. Coghlin’s Reruiease Will the members of the Women’s take notice that the h Institute kindly of Good Che rdia s extended iB al ile whether mem Rarrister, ~ Notary Public, - Couveyancer |The remains were interred in” the| bers or not. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. Mennonite cemetery on Wednesday. EGE DES LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD ‘We have fo chronicle the)NOT CARING FOR COWS COSTS Offices: Listowel, Milverton Ueathyof Mr. Joseph Wagler. er. who $20,000,000 Money to Loan as been ailing for the past four soe months until. on Sunday deat put] That more than $20.000.000 is lost J.C, MaKins W. J, Haney | a2 Bone me sufferings. a, was| every, year farm nd or e age. The funeral/dairymen not properly looking after MAKINS & HANLEY _ | took place ursday last, The and testing their cows. was the start- Bactistere & Bolicitors bereft families have the heartfelt sym| ling statement made at the big dairy- s d Oni vathy of the community. men’s convention at Ingersol. by tratford, - - - ntario ce again visi our midst on) Dean. He showed that it not only aturday.Jast and called away a res-| pays, b § well. to test cows re- F LEWETT, K. C. | vected resident in the person of Mrs.| gularly. and weed out those that ar BARRISTER, SOLICITOR ©. Streicher who has been ailing with as RY, ETC. dropsy and heart trouble for some time. The funeral took place on Wednesday. mi ei See ONT: poet cites Mr. Rudy Streicher is very ill at Mes nd Clarence Schaub Veterinary. > incchrothen= 0-1 c ‘ JW Veterinary Sargeon, | can in Celie tor a few day usually been considered that the uae -Geudiate of Ontatig io Veterin-| Mt. m._ Kelterb of Grimbsy |amount of casein was a constant quan ‘ollege, Toronto. Treateall diseases is here on a sh ity Recent ‘experiments ‘howeve Sh abmentionted animals. Calls by. Mir. ;Show that it is not y means. and phone or otherwise promptly attended t ie Societies. SANE SH ad adres eS eens No. 478, ALF. & A. R.C., Milverton, Pall ix Ranney’ WS wecee is G, Guenther, W. M. W, J; Goeger, Seoy. F., No, every Se oidiant last wie ty at 8 o’clock, in grmel & Son’s hardware store. Vining bretiten, “always welcome. G. Smith, C.R,, N. Zimmerman, Ree-See. M Smi +. G. Ns Snot R. See; es Rae WEIR, Notary Public, Ane of Perth and Mortgages drawn ant Vitinge lerk. Office in the Woir block yr the Bank of Hamilton. Hotels. EXCHANGh HOTEL, Brunner, Ont John Gropp, Proprietor. wehmeigare ab the bar. First-olass.ac- commodation and large stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, verton, First-class accommodation for apeiyersial travellers and others. 100) stal eee Best brands brands of liquors and cigar has. Ritter, Proprietor, QUEEN'S HUTEL, Milverton, Ont scommodation for commercial = Splendid -stabling in connection. Rates $1 perdi y. EICKMEIER & SON Proprietor: ma Best liquors Three | j in his cousins on the ‘ussia. ‘arm near Our corner store is very busy these days. Big Raat tas are offered at. as 15 day A call will save ou many dollars. je crekins there a woman 0 dead that she orn resist reading a agazine article on “How Beautiful te GLENALLAN, . Emerson Rennie has peeacaes Sore. ‘after spending some: ti Listowel. Miss Bella Stuart. of Vancouver. id acquaintances in t is he Tis: is atf isiting friends in Milverton. Quite a number from, Rak took in carnival aa all nioyable tim Uo ‘ook Lies Sunday unde! Miss Myrtle Johnston. of Galt. vis- last Wed- ae church nesday evenin} Miss Beth robertson. is at pr visiting friends = ‘oronto. a are glad to hear that Mr, aut is Sa after a ¢ Glenallan pub eee! Please ae not Forget. eve % MORNINGTON - COUNCIL. Eby Chas. Coote. seconded by —Carried. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, ion to Com al est wines and liqnors Rates $1.60 per day. Wa. Wirt, Prop Dir ion Court No, 5—Milverton, Mornington, Elma, lots 5: a to 72 inelusive in the let conces- concession 12th at 2 o'clock. without jury—April4th, Oct, 3rd, 2 p.7a, Ellice, north of the 13th |B lourt Sittings | | was soneine township engineer for the yeai < 45.00 Millbank bridge. etl ion eS eo ‘arson and Miller the ee ad jou! Following is a list of dates’ andj ‘arm- respective vicinities should make ita The mage! ost progressive lines and: many a valuable poiriter may be learned from Central Business College e have a staff of nine experienced Inafuetors and_ our courses are, the ti 5 best. Our graduates succeed. This week three recent graduates informed us that they have positions aa Zia, $70 oe 25) onth. | We hem ‘Mfilibanie, ae Feb. 9t b. qesday, Feb, 14th: “Monkton day. Reb. 15th Atwood. Friday. Peb, You are probably av aware re that onia always results from a co! ane bu t DA. CACHES - Principal vou never heard of a cold resulting in D ‘or a trifle? Sold by all dealers Geo. Strebel gene Sunday ae s) lo with soul | ? ait Raeman spent Sunday 2 present de. | es es h . Al mi ser-| | de h aa The couneil met at at Newton ey see | that equals ¢! 5th. al he} cold. ° Geo, Miller. that thé minutes of the) ple. previous meeting be adopted as read {ofa bee ted eating 01 jensirling the glob: +| VALUABLE STAMP COLLECTION. am) FARMERS’ INSTITUTE menos tne awoke to the |i Commbton 10th. Gowans|s .| which is worki) its own cure. In 1e ambi North Why take the mee be held it fe largely increased by proper care and attention. Seoretary Frank Herns gave a most interesting address on the proper cool- Milk gather a at night should! be ou at about 6 GERMANY AND ENGLAND ue is true of ence and Statés of all ain: of and jealousy. does not make thing The bulk of ah re spout) mans ar | take a fates of war. or Ww mineering over oth- as MAN’S VICTORY OVER coLD York eee Mai The speeenc temperat col jis the belt of the globe where man evious meeting were read by is doing hi and mi hous where To these of the raca strong Ran e ould kill Ee in a vast = lads living in Sydney for many has hoarded a collection of postal stamps left by ee his hobby of collecting ~} board,” said a Bal s he turned ed into his ass.” ne andy. as he turned and for the time d that hd was alone. Ae Ane ean How to — a cold is a question i the | Ch: other ji DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION :: Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham’sVegetableCompound ore fo Ont.—“I had been a great rt for One oy ea fat! hae it i Ge: id me it was ulcers of the mreoover. compromising your health ies’ sl ote tt mp was 4 tra feretm meats are not inspected 2 Ladies’ Navy Coats, reg. $9.50, for... s+...» 6.50 x erman pansy police. ies’ knows what T suf: Pres ogee atte 2 Ladies’ Black Coats, reg. $15, for.....106. «+. 995 Ppa eyes Berhad wen and dry the ink with a ayE in periods, | German blotter 2 Allwool Blankets, reg. $5.50, for.........:064+ 3:75 teagan You ‘should’ be clothed only with a Reeinn adivhe German goods and should wear only 4 Boy’s Tweed Overcouats, reg. $7, for ......... 350 bearing-d ‘ 2 fe 8. German flour. German fruits 1 ee ee ee ee ae 3 Men’s Overcoats, reg. $9.75, for. ....10. sesoee 7:95 bed, and the doctor told me I woul Ge GERMANY’S eit COMMAND- _A table very widely circulated in Germany at: an vee time and ol re "eS ests of: ais compatriots or of he Fatherland’s wealth by men. thus wronging German growe: man stren; 9. ‘maited coffee. drink coffee from the of ten <6 commandments is reads as fol- ” Ry we The Arcade pene ex lose sight of the inter- the therlan not “forget that when you a foreian, product. no matter if is ars a ‘8 worth. you diminish just so 13 Big Specials for This Week 2 Ladies’ Long Black Coats, reg. $8, for ......$4.50 i money should profit pute Tman merchants and German wor i? FIFI, Doi not profane German soil. win: 40 Hot slikepherGercen 1 Klondike Beaver Coat, reg. $25, for..........21,00 rman colonies. 1 Ladies’ Fur Collared Coat, reg. $25, for......19.50 1 Men’s Beaver Coat, reg. $15, for ...se0. veseee 9250 (0. Do not let foreign boasters di- A Var itor: EheBA wags BEARER ERE 200 packages Ammonia Powder, reg. 10c for, 08 convinced, whatever. may i that the best products, which a 4 boxes Sweet Cakes—Honey, Jumble, Van- alone worthy of a German eilneunte 3 rman products. illa Bar and Cocoanut Crisp, per Ib........,. .10 im Baie: vincrow vente mess tenis oe 1 box Ginger Snaps, reg, 10¢, 3 Ibs, for.......... .25 twitting others with being “turn- a Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- | coats”—that is changing their polit- 3 packages Post Toasties for..........s..sccreeve, +25; | pou, made from roots and herbs, |ical faith, That's silly, Where would prove be most successful ney orl ae now mee etl been for edy for curing the worst forms of | the despised turneoats? As well blam J 0 female ills, including displacement in for discarding a dirty shirt and Try our vap Tea at 30c fammation, fibroid tumors; irrege, |outting on a clean one. — Walkerton tities, periodic pains, backache, bear. = own feeling, flatulency, aoe Bae Se nceL ous aes A aon : trifle to try it, and the res: tat i i U Buen yocenattae om ae tas Railway Time Tables SILVERWARE NEW WALL oe Ganadian Pacific CONTEST PAPER A DOUBLE Loss ze Goi the township of Z I th able. Sandy Mathieson Gunn were their names Sad their last frig tonethes eras. to Beretta Where | aa oe < thew put in a big day and started}, G0 7s s0us es Ree Seat sot W home wit. a gel s allowance a 9.14 1.00 8 12.15 7.01 83 03 649 K oO a be-| 3:3 La] a L Q Guelph and Goderich % poing east Closes Saturday, Feb. We have our new Wall 16 . 0 roth. Please let us have Paper samples. If you your cards by that time. have time — see them. Going north ’ mM, p.m. ras a Eggs 35¢.........Butter 30c,........Dried Apples 8¢ “We Want Your Trade” 0 e and lower- 4 ate. Sandy of course. would not deign to look behind, and the ailed to notice that a severe fale coupled probably with a slight unsteadiness on Donaid’s part, caused the 0 piteH out into’ the snow. Neither onald demean jhimselt to alone, e lost your tail- ARS arri “Say. Sandy which many are interested just: now. always be depended upon. For} sale by all dealers. 1 met (is) isch east aclll iste ad ald se | PRIPIAIAIIAIAIA RIAA AHIARIAAAIRIIR ARRAS HI sedeltliattete tetebdithcttchatindeateenalaartds: -, The Last Call ! In order to clear out the balance of my stock, I will offer the same at a discount of 20% Until February 15th, if not sold out sooner. To WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Daily Transcontinental Service via the All Canadian Route. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. CAI AND PACIFIC COAST POINTS ions and information on W, H. Sanderson, Local Agent For resei oo HANDED DOW “FROM CRUSADE O04 ‘The army has many eserire bel des the “flash”. When an off us sword on returns i s brings the © tae BY he ‘ft te a des i ustom is a reminder from) time aien the hile, repre ted | and the owner of ee sword his | the waist. their swords. for were once cavalry t person. the battalion _Serge: pot major i ab A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Liniment and bound on the affected parts is superior to any A Good _ Selection Consisting of Blues, Blacks and the Fancy Worsteds Nearly all this fall’s lastest patterns. Regular $19) 00 Sults for. = 4 20.00 Winter Resorts Petes: Cay srr a Beane ere ie on “ 22.00 “w sorts including “ 23.00 “ « CALIFORNIA, MEXICO “ 2400 “« « FLORIDA, Etc. Overcoats at $8.75, $10.75, $13.50, $16.75 ‘The Attractive Route to ‘Western Canada fj | is via Chicago The above prices are for CASH only J. M. Fleischhauer : Steamship Tickets on Sale by all plas hen troubled with Jame back or painsin the side or ches pagina ‘ pivd it a trial and you are certain t is mae Merchant Tailor MILVERTON : more pleased with the prompt re-| #W. F. BURGMAN, ~ Agent % liet which it affords, Sold by all A : ‘ ald trunk. Recent exhibition na for the value of imps in her Puiiean ot: She se- assistance of experts who estimate the yalue of the collection 8 $100,000. THE FARM. “AND_ THE SCHOOL. eae ~ investigate by Roy- oT Ue of rur population is the e Of tal ne ewan fine Anat other con- picuous causes the western’ fever. . Thurs-| and counter attractions o! be down deep as ‘iscovered aNDLe school ae a mis-shapen oe tary meeting of the mers’ Institute will ae ie Foresters’ hall Car thage. on Saturday afternoons 10th. A trul y great reaped a great harv your home at small Price Inducements to Purchase Now OUR BIG STOCK REDUCTION SALE IS STILL ON thrifty buyers who have taken advantage of it during the past two weeks have We cannot say how long these bargains will last. so you had better come at once that you may not miss the very bargains in the exact piece of furniture you have long wanted, but not felt able to buy. Here is a chance for you to furnish sale is this of Furniture, Carpets, Etc., bargains galore; and est, saved many a dollar on the special values offered. cost. Your inspection will convince you. Terms: CASH. tratford, Ont. Directors and Embalmers