Milverton Sun, 7 Mar 1912, p. 7

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< A Trial Treatment of Cuticura Soap and Ointment Free to Skin Sufferers. Tf you, or someone dear to ‘Y‘you, are suffering the itch- ing, burning, sleep-destroy- ing torments of eczema or other cruel skin eruption, with its embarrassing, un- sightly disfigurement; if, you have tried anner of treatment, no matter how harsh, to no avail, and have all but given up hope oj cure, write to-day for a lib- eral sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. — Thousands of skin-tortured sufferers, from infancy to age, have found that the first warm bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle application of Cuticura Ointment bring instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and prove the first steps in a speedy and successful treatment. _ Ad- dress ‘‘Cuticura,” Dept. 10M, Boston, U.S. A. THE JAPANESE DENTIST. Pulls Teeth ae the Thumb and Porefin unger. _ Japanese native dentistry—which writer says that the dental chair is unknown. The patient is seated on the ground, the dentist bends over him, and forces this left hand be- tween the patient’s jaws in such a way that the mouth cannot possibly be closed. The: doomed tooth hand, and with one deft wrench removes |] lentists able to remove six or seven teeth a minute. However, their skill is tei to be wondered at when the rse of preparatory training that thet are Sulied to undergo is con- A number of holes are bored in a stout plank, which is firmly fixed tg h his fingers without dislodging the board. This process is repeated with pegs in a pine board, od ae one of 0: i n the candidate rae ie were led in extracting the pegs from he oak plank that he may consider iP qualifisd’teigenatwel ents “ hi fellow men, a A WOMAN DOCTOR. Was Sis to Discover shat Was ing the Misel A lady tells of a bad ¢: f cof: fee poisoning (Tea is sGually vfigrat aut ecause it contains caffeine— © same sene a a ae ead te it in Reeeiior: ody "hae fieataty ela] could not improve it, T had “newraligie headaches for ‘So great is the skill of these na- sos that many of them are I THR WEARY SMILE THAT COVERS PAIN Women are Themselves to Blame for Much of Ras ga under a smile they will ee * ia ais and suffering that any man could not bear patiently. If women would only remember that their frequent. failures of health arise from or impure b! i be smoother and they y oud longer retain their natural char: When the blood fails hee begin those. dragging backaches an headaches; unrefreshing sleep that causes dark lines under the eyes; dizziness; fits of depression ; palpi- Bit or rapid fluttering of the heart; hot rashes and ledizestion, Then: the cheeks grow pale, t eyes dull and the complexion blem- sitering will vanis! women know that Dr. haye Aignohd their lives by making the new, good blood of health, and so toning up all the vital organs into healthy, vigorous action. Here stance from among the m fourteen I have suffered terribly ‘with pains in my back, and severe laches. also much trou- i ad _to and sometimes did not feel like ad to give up my position, which was clerking in a store, where, of course, I constantly on my feet. I took a position in an of- fice, where I could be seated most of the time, but even then I sué- fered terribly most of the e medic been taking did MAUNcle EL teal) decided tard Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. ‘is ie my doctor advised me not to g kk to my old position, I decided to do so, and have not ele any ill effect. never have ache now, sel- avheadache, lees all trace: Williams’ this letter will help someone who suffers = I used to.” all medicine dealers or by ail Renin ts boxer ee es for $2.50 rae The Dr. Wil- Hee Memicine’ Wot Brockville; Ont. SK RGE aER ee WOMEN IN CHINA. Eat at the ie pale as Their Ther eae eral impression among huatca that Chinese fam- ilies of the better classes do not eat is given T always had doubts about this condition of affairs, and was often told by Chinese friends of the middle classes that it was not true, but still was not sat- is |, says one who knows. ne young Chinese friend who taught the boys of an official’s family as- sured me that he often ate with the on the other. “12 we ’ she says, ‘and have suf-| Was a general cus n, Seed samo agone When T first | better classes. My doubts were dis- began to have them I weighed 140| Pélled a short time, since when my Been but they Bro nene me down | Wife and I we: ing upon a > 's “< plained in ‘the tol Ee aN to many doctors and they gave me only temporary relief. So Be tatanes on, till one ay, a ae man tor advised to “dri ERT ESS “She ERS I Road ike. ‘ poisoned. to d ik Postum, 15 a aly i the first used Postum about two weeks—long enough, I expect, i est the coffee poison out of my system “Now that a ee months what a neuralgic heada ike any more, and it was nothing but Postum that. a oatee me. oes an not know whic! brain and nerves are senna than ”” Name given by Canadian Pasian Co., a Reid: > and it is Ce Road to Weel,” a dt let appears from ‘ieee te time. Ge true, and full of human fitlrses: eS NEN RS Mount Pleasant Post Office, Lon- don, England, usually deals with fourteen and a half million letters a week, and half a million parcels. Minare’s Liniment tor sale everywhere. have | « 8 se: um I never young man an way we tgneteatr can learn about the home ue of the Chin ee is to inquire. u know, 0! bl sue re £055 siete all eat Reset the members of aoa: is a general impression among for. Both the young man and his wife} assured me that such was the cus- tom in their home. “Then the women do not serve e-men int and themselves cat what i is jet?” 1 ing pated ee ”’ said Mr. Sun, the grand- f the Grand Cotincillor, with le in his eye, “‘but we men have, a aon which is general among thai in oie ne Friend oa the women pre food for us, that the best ttle tid. et the Chinese et feo very iste to me, ese so different teat us after al : Shilolis G HEALS TH! STOPS COUGHS Price. 23 CENTS ¥ = “The Most Beautiful Location in New York City.” HOTEL SAVOY Fifth Ave., 58th to ee ee Overlooking Central Pa: aoe a delightful residence, ich all the principal! Ca ease ey le $2, with bathroom $3and it ainroom $eant upward: ore, bedronin and bathroom lard room, ete, nd for Booklet JOHN F.RIES, Manager _ “Oh, mother, there are two dear “Are e, dear?”’ ‘Yes. ad “this year’ * iitenk are black, ing chair cars from Chicago. Tickets via variable routes with liberal stop-overs. Eull information on, application H. Bonnett, Gen. Agt., ‘onge St, Barna n{—they always do ue kittens ih a box in the kit-} — ‘nk trimmed with white, mother. ge ES LOW COLONIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC ‘ST, ago and Norte’ Wester » on te daily March Ist to April 15 ‘rom all points in to. Los Angeles, Ban | © Brancloos: Portland) “sestile: Victoria, Vancouver an ‘any other — point nts. rt MR. ROOSEVELT former President of the United States. CHAMPION HARD-LUCK STORY ¢ $250,000 Taken Out of a Claim Abandoned as Worthless, Murray Potts of Vancouver, B.C., an old Klondiker, says that the champion hard- luck story happened to a friend of his who staked claims ik Huber creck ducing iiss WI! dike rush. The son of a powder manufacturer of Hamilton, Ont., he started north with $10,000. At Skagway he fell in with the Soapy Smith gang, was‘ relieved of most of his money and proceeded to Daw- son. He crosscut every twelve feet and sunk holes to bedrock for a mile on Sulphur Creek. This took a year, and he never got a color He was taken down with scurvy, and spent three months a hospi- n he beatned - foe Hams s B cs 6e 2 ee cS Es a ee g re & = & . on Sulphur Potts’s friend had aes to go to rock in one mica sist be- ing mistaken for the real article. The Scandinavian went through the mica to actual bedrock, took out aa 000 the first year and a similar after that. 29 on Sulphur, one of the richest in the Klondike. SOOTHING MIX MINT DANGEROUS i Counce Mixtures fold under the nam soothing” are usually dansetate to the life of the little ones whom they are supposed to help. They contain opiates and narcotics and and sleep wae ssnreaah their use is false plainer, the little one a anret ae insen- ibility. The only absolutely guar- anteed remedy for little ones—the only remedy backed by the guaran e of a government analyst to con- Sateen ae unter n rmful drugs is Bal They cannot epeerly do harm ‘ood. ‘Thousands piitaties tava loeted tie vals. simple fevers are all by them and they pro- mote that refreshing sleep so help- ful to little ones. The Tablets are nol THIS IS INDEED A SEVERE TEST MATISM ALL HIS LIFE. .|But Dodd’s Kidney Pills Have Benefited. Him so Much He Re- |™ commends ‘them to Other3--Why February 26 again the game cd always cure. Probably the hardest test Dodd’s Kidney Pills have ever been Biren is in the case of Mr. C of this place. It is best ae £5 8: iG been troubled arith Rbetiuaviascall mny:lite,?? Me, tesen states, “but I am sare ae tell you that much benefit da Dodd’s Kidney Pills that t I can recommend them to others.” Here is a case of Bs longest pos sible standing. in the blood is the canis and Dodd's Kidney Pills take the urie acid ou y making the Wiaueyt do thelr ae work. RIGHT. Drill Sergeant (after worrying Brown for two. hours)—"Right about face.” own—‘Thank goodness, I’m right about something at last!” FREE TO BOYS Splendid magic lantern (with 12 slides); ie (nearly one foot high) with Keep the pessimistic eva Frow growing any worse. Serviceable.—Most pills rties wit) Always can 1 anywhere. without fear of los- ing their potency. lity that few _ Pills possess. it not will main- tain oe arehace pid potency for a long ti In the State of California the female vote outnumbers the male by over 80,000. Only One “BROMO QUININ. That is LAXATIVE Ee QUINT, Look for the signature of EW GROVE. Used the World over to capes a cola Wei Rose WHY HE B ESCAPED. —Why didn’t you arrest ie Spatglar who was found under bed? your Gladys — He said that if I wouldn’t have him arrested he’d got. never tell how dusty he nts D: Williams Maiene oe Brockville, Ont, riean deserts are from thirty to oe feet deep in sand. Ships can be weighed in a few minutes by means of an instrument | nown as a per-hydrometer, Soft corns are difficult to eradi- cate, but Holloway’s Corn Cure will draw them out painlessly. Minard’s Liniment, Co., [jimited. See eaeks dore Dora: ot ania, wee, completely cuted Of heomatinn after five years eof sultering qiudicious use of RD'S Dore facts canbe veriiied by ae ing fo him, to tothe Parish Priest or of his neighbors. A. COTE, Merchant! St. Isidore, Que., 12 May, ’98. “Before I propose, Miss Rue must know if you have anythin: " the-bank?” “Yes, ater ave a sweetheart there; he’s the oe We are to be married next month,”’ When Uy Murine Eye Remedy NoSmarting—Feols Fine—Acts Quickly. ra yes and Eyes‘ ete is eed ee tarts < Spee and oy Seaeetes Ae atetoc pat ott, Marine Care Bete ai RS Bae Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Peckem—‘‘So you want to marry my daughter, a Bei ue pone “Yes, sir.’ — ‘Hem ou aware ae ats stenaly nes am,/ her, young ge jand—er—be ai happy as you can. It is Wise to Prevent Disord in these pills that no other pre- b paration could be so effective as they. | Freshman—“Who is the simellcss the system, no, child can be healthy. Mother Graves’ Worm Extermina- tor is the medicine extant to destroy worms. THAT WAS THE QUESTION. “What did the capitalist say when you told oe you had such w promising. scheme ?” “He said it eal all right about its promising, but did it pay?” C. MATTESEN HAS HAD RuEU-|PC? They Always Cure Rheumatism. fa |- | town “lover the 0 © | of how go. %e. | able healer. man mentioned in history So- homore—‘‘I give it aks Fresh- }j man—‘‘Why, the Roman soldier who slept on his watch.” Unless worms be expelled from A POETIC SMITHY. Harmonious Blacksmith Hammers Out moe eee |, and young authors ie ie widespread recognition have be- fun to see, a BeabesD in belonging io the middle class. The ranks of the proletarian au- g|thors have now another recruit in S| Alfred Williams, a young black- smith of Swindon, an industrial in the south-west of England. Thanks to the interest of Lord Fitz- poct, and though slight, his work was promising enough to justify his friends in advising him to continue his Titer aboreowilane result that he is about to publi iltshire, < z. gee = & £7 ° a of to spel @ new note in con- temporary yi But he is et poneiled by the in- terest the English public is begin- ning his literary work. Daily he walks from his village b home ten-hours’ work at the Swin- a sony adistance of dont aia there and back, yet. in spite of his scanty leisure he has man: to saturate himself with the epirit of the. great masterpieces of English praise in literary circles. CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. ee sea proof of what. Cope- land’s © Gonamnrtlin will do for those: afflicted with the white plague: r. Copel land Dear Sir,—1, have been troubled with my Doctors and all good. y or recommend it to any one suffering from Consumption, knowing what it, has Yours truly, D, McEACHERN, MIGHEST AWARD-ST. LOUYS, 1904. The Most Delicious OF ALL TEAS IS = “SALAD i | CEYLON TEA—BECAUSE OF ITS UNVARYING GOOD QUALITY... Sold only in Lead Packets. By all Grocers, 5 7 CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO. LIMITED. MONTREAL DYEING! rthe very best, send your work to tl M NERA: eh tebtias or ho emda! ae DYEING | CLEANING! FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. H, W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Strect, The Heart of Action, a Insist on the Piano Action “OTTO HIGEL” you a Manager Roger of beautiful Easter and other post-cards, g. to sell at ten cents a set (six cards in am receiving letters dai each set). When sold, send us th mney she above from. persons aud we will send you whichever prize|been given up by doctors, and tried you choose. For selling 40 sets we will al] other medicines without give you a “Simplex” Typewriter. © | hi ef oe prepay all charges. Address HOMER-|/ US Cure tor a she ee WARREN CO., Dept. 122, Toronto. bisedine. lungs, lingering coughs oe and bronchitis can be taken on the FROM BAD TO VERSE. most delicate stomach, on which it Little drops of nonsense, weet tonic. Price $1 per bot-| Little grains of ve: Mee gar ate | ention nearest express office when ordering. Sold only by Wm. R. Copeland. 611 Pape Ave., Toronto, Canada. A PROPHEC “What’s that you are asked Mr. Growcher. reciting abioe the cow that uber a ae his amet nephew. “Well, sto. no use of Soman eae us high beef and dairy products ee made Medicine.—You need no physician for ordinary ills when you tee at hand a bottle of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. For coughs, throat, bronchial trou- invaluable, for scalds, burns, bruises, sprains it is unsur- passed, while for cuts, sores, ulcers and the like it is an un question- It needs no testimoni- al other than the use, and that will satisfy anyone as to its effective- ness. (fleeing from infuriated bull" Faes him, Percy! You sai you would face ae ae ld Perey—‘But the wretched ae is far from dead!’ CURED IN 6 TO 18 DAYS. Bind, The: jor in 6 to 16 days Bleeding or Protruding P “A good-natured man was com- Jaining bitterly ‘itors PPO y wed te imi) Sut and [’ll tell you how to get rid of them,” said an Irishman, | "Pray, w?? “Lind money to the poor ones ‘and borrow money of the rich nayther, sort will ever Recipe wan aah the Seceanil aie in ae these affections, and i man- sumption, and as a ne; leads to consumption, one ¢annot be too careful to fight it in its early stages. Bickle’s Syrup is the wea- pon, use it. There are fish in the sea as good as ever were lied about. Minard’s Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. RASSS AY DODD'S | : HER FIRST CAKE. She mieasured out ‘the butter with a very solem The Pal aid teice also: and she took the greatest: ¢: To count the eggs correctly, and to addia. little bit Of which, baking-powder, you But she n-ver quite forgave } herself for leaving out the flo LIKE FATHER. “Wot you doin’ chile?” é ‘Nothin’, mammy mie jbut you is gittin’ like yoh ED. 4 ISSUB i8--12 father. Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive Syrup | &# ting kind from the fatal ravages of con-| p, glected cold | gs; ‘eg Send for our Catalogue of SEED High-Grade CULTURAL DIRECTIONS for the Asking 'Y & FERGUSON 5 With over 150 Illustrations and Valuable PU 38 Jacques Cartier Square, MONTREAL yy Co.” Toronto. UNDRED ACRES — COUNTY OF “Ota “Queen Fi ition, teas ie acauap:.. Ask for particulars, EYERAT, GOOD FARMS IN PRINCE Edward County, chea) Fe ACRES NEAR BRAMP- TWO HUNDRED ACRE N IDEAL with Bae houses good. ont Farm, buildings; near Burliny GOOD FARM, WITH pte Spe ‘Apple Orchard, near Por A® ex seg) HUNDRED- saree Farm, ne: Teeswater, at a gain. Ree ACRES NEAR sath tacts Worth er ky building good and. price very low. aids A GOOD LIST OF IMPROVED in Emer) peenc pate: Mberta. If Property. son enous, sousaly H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Minard's Liniment Cures Dendrum, “Nothing serious the matter father’s is cea bets tee ae : “year en Bor aaren a cure in my sherk has en eczema.” see is the tava of the great Zam- diseases, cold sores, vo., upon receipt O1 price. HAD ULCERS 8ECZEMA4 YEARS ZAM-BUK HAS WORKED ACURE Mr. J. E. Arsenault, a Justice of Pe: station master a’ ‘on, on the Prince Edward United States is $125,000,000,000. with here, ain in the of ere ale would cure me, Zam- and no retarn, “ot the cures. daily ee 4 frost bite, ulcers, viood poliooing, vari- cose sores, piles, s ap sor wo! inflated patches and bru! ‘druggists peed Bey sell All at Boe, box, or post free from Zam-Buk A. LYON HL. PLUMMER | “Toronto. LYON & PLUMMER (Membors ‘Toronto Stock Exchange) MALE HELP WANTED. , Bonds and Mining Stocks bought and T. ONGE-YOUNG MEN TO LEARN bold ‘oa comussion, Dealers in Government ‘Barber Trade; demand. for barbers and Manley Secnot very day; cannot supply demands; let 21 Melinda Bkrsce. 8 teach you~ trade. Write for particu- Tols. M. 7978-! Cable: “Lyonplum” | lars, Molor Barber College, 241 Queen East, The estimated wealth of the MISCELLANEOUS. ison nd FARM SOALES. . 9 Esplanade, 1 ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, yernal and external, cured with ain by troatinent. Write ue wa, Coulng home we Dre TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wileon'e 516 Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronta =| PURIFICU GANGER. “AND. TUMOR WRITE FOR PROOF time are, io 88 lane nt 98, ibacie if aa loaned. oe Ine Fifth Avenue and 23d ‘street, ew York A fil {oul i f rr enow REMEDY, jose Worla-tamous bbb for cepllepey. and Fits. reatment. imon c¥ ES LiMiTED TRENCH'S REMEDIES. Lim 107 St. James" Chambors, Toronto. DR. DOW'S ea STURGEON OIL LINIMENT oe apobeeta for man Eve: ows. of the modesto “qualia in the oil of the IN. for sprains, tence r. Dow’s form ‘has it in its best’ form. For. Rheumatism, sntished, Price 25 ASK YOUR DEALER. HE SELLSIT. The Brayley Drug Co., Lta., le Props. St John, N.B. .-

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