Milverton Sun, 11 Apr 1912, p. 4

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TheMilverton Sun} FVERY EHURSDAY onan Tae Sun Printing Be Main Street, » Ont te SUBSCRIPTION RATES enone zeny 2, ate 5u cog kentes in advance, Bubsoriners Ja arrears will bellable to pay $1.50 per CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES iM bs igh’ four cents per line for each 8 Hes wit besten rged for all ee ertisements without specific directior be inserted tntil forbid and charged MALCOLM MacBETH, ‘Pubiisher and Proprietor Dansintt of Royal College of Dental ons itario, Nad graduate of Toronto Uni- ieee n and talus work seiee falty. autre us to above the Bank of HHamiltons Milverton, eels aa Ni SRE ad Medical. ¥. PARKER, M.D, P. L. TYR, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE: PUBLIC DRUG STORE, AILYERTON Hours—10 to 42 o'clock a, m., gnd 2 to 4 ae ‘m,, and 7 to 8 o’ciock’ p. n DR. J. R, FORSTER, ha i Ear, Nose on Theat only. House Surgeon New York Opthalmic and Aural Insti- Tass stant; Ear, Nose and Hospital, London. 0 St. apposite ng. e158 Waterloo Knox Ghisch, Stratford. Phot erat areca mets Rane Lega! H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, - Notary Pul Solicitor + tor Bank of Ham sae MILVERTON, ATWOOD peace udagias y to JC, MAKINS MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, - - - Ontario F Ro BLEWETT, K. C. Lane Tyg Boon Office: Gordon block, opposite post office ‘RATFORD, ONT. Veterinary. RR, Veterinary ary College, Toro: SPaomesticated animals. Calls by tele- phone or otherwise promptly attended to. Societies. MILVERTON 1 LODGE, No. s: A.M., hy ‘niverion, meets every Riss evening on 0 before full moon every month in thei ball ix Schneuker’s Block. Visiting breth reasiways e. G, Guenther, W. J. eee Rr, very seoon aan inst ueslay Ut every uth, at 8 o'clock, in their hall over Pigiinernel & Son's hardware store. Visiting brethren always welcome. G. Sm .R., N, Zimmerman, Ree-See. “Silver Star brethren e ‘8 wel- Gas y ®, Loth, Barty Be ey Notary Public. a Nee D, WEIR, Nea Public, Aue: the Gounty of Perth and Hotels. ee EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. John Gropp, Seperate Best liquors and cigars at t) First~ cla ace commodation and lieve stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL) Mil erton, First-class accommodation for somimedeia travellers and others. ‘Three arge somp! ms. Good stabling. Bre rude brands of liquors and cigars, Chas. Ritter, Proprieto A icophasibhti enact Maem seihsee ES QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. ext accommodation for commercial travellers and others, . Two large sample trate. Only the choicest of V ines) Lx quore ind Cigars at the bar, Good warm tables. George F. Pauli, Propr' ciate THE ONTARIO HOUSE, Stratford, Ont.—A well appointed aud capably con dineted farmer's hotel, Everything of. ihe best. Splendid ‘tabling iti conn Rates $1 per x day. WICKMEIER & SON Proprietors, did THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, pays special attention to Commercial g Z S we 5 5 2 Ea SS 3 5 ss 5 i 3 g : i=] . Witt, Prop "Division Court Wo, & Milverton, Mornington, Elma, | to 72 inclusive in the 1st conces- ast of lo 2 us lice, north of the 13th ion and North Easthope, north of meession. Court days—Apri , October 24th Ce th at 2.0% Cow 5 Sat Sutine without ib Fee =-Oob, fs a 3 1 ht cents. Per Hine for first Insertion and /Mrs, equent Inver funt visiting. her parents Mr. an ©. Roi 3. RMAN, Dentist, Lic- |dav with, he ‘ember | Walker. W. J. HANLEY * Settlers’ Exolrsion BRUNNES. ean reg an Mary poets, ¢ holidays = ae of New. mgr ie present visiting at the cubsyee nd M, fanser—Misa Jean necessity for rapid transaction of bu Giexander. of Baden. spe ‘ood Fri- y with friends in this cents; three a ng at the home of Mrs. W. Ander- iss Myrtle and Master pent Monday in Peff- ers ee guest ot his aunt.—Mrs. Weil fed Ed . of Newton. —| Cook id children |¢at the fence: on the north side of Sch La Peller eri “tri nis Strat- BusinessCards = Soe oO ceri in Strat-| he i iGo ktan. peers New Telephone iii Directory ‘The Bell Telepoone Company of Canada je souttte print fh new issue of its Siiciat |e Telephone Directory for the District of Wes- fern Ontario including MILVERTON ies who contemplate becomt ng Si seriters: of those who wish changes in thete present entry should place thelr, orders, with e Toc once to insure inse: Connecting Companies | Should also report additions and change thelr list of subscribers, either to, the Eocal el Manager, or direct to the Special Agent's Department, Montreal: ‘The ile, = Conveyancer The Bell Ener Company cone gle Oe ieee PAAR Canadian Pacific Guelph and Goderich Going east Going west m. pn Grand Trunk oeggonns Southbound Stations 6 48 am, 12 4. Defers, BAe 1.06 4.39 Has the Largest Mileage in MANITOBA ALBERTA net- ‘35, ‘000 Free Homestea Seeeeereee 3 Central {Business College Stratford, Ont. We have a staff of nine experienced instructors and our courses are, the ‘Our Ecsta succeed. This eek us that have "$65, $70 and $1.25 per jhave three department ts_Commercial Shorthand t and TECTED ET: Write for free catalogue no ds Northern lines t 1 Norther Age’ —Rey | vi . Peters. of ‘Toronto, is spending |ing five ses on! rhe fntlmneed 40 be dealt with G "Hartman spent the holidays |for rc with friends in Gowanstown-— Mr. on resoue We and Railway Time Tables |°°;?° baie jnstructed. to Stans a roat West Monkton He 37 7.38 tos oF Rog SASKATCHEWAN va mation be productive b better work “and the results 38, Agent | would be more satis Educational ee 4 of this committee. pre- . and i ror fll Partial’ Atal ee erteket| woke 12 of mu fororto, Outs | HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS satis sistthoan, Leake ‘rains leay nee at oY 1 es = “et + 6 vio ee tickets: iar ri ree : weet elas at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES ions: setarn tire ere, oe TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Wain ve i Leo _ a4 Ee oy Early application must be mad ASK FOR HOMES EREEEES Niwedtir containing ra information. nearest C.P.R. Agent or Apply. to Ml . "ass. Agt., Toronto. ‘ONLY DIRECT LINE NO-CHANGE OF CARS r Education. Messrs. Scott and Hack- AND TRUNK S¥stem Homeseekers’ and mt Settler’s Excursions To WESTERN CANADA via Chicago } 15.45 in April 16th, 23rd, 30th and every second Tuesday thereafter until Sept. tith inclusive. Special train will leave, Toronto at 10-30 | ize fa bore dates, for Edmonton and Beit Manitoba aud, askatehewan, vin Vituge and St. Paul, carrying through coaches and Pullman “Tourist Sleeper No Change o Cars Full particulars from any Grand T: Agent, or C. R. ‘Mecuteneon, Sikora Gor: commeht Ax ‘Agent, Palmer House Block, Toron: ‘0, Ont’ ‘The Most Re Route to flontreal, Buffalo Wh q iy atte Detrait© thicago | * te ple. Grand Trunk, the os Double, Track eee tickets on sale via all lines. For tickets and all information apply to KS Dr te monthly tone Bf agent |t tie PERTH couNTY COUNCIL ane. April session of the sity at Stratford last en emphasized the council had re- A ty yore —Mrs. Robt. Peters is” visiting }the Ontario Municipal: Association re~ er SO) No action was tak. Statements Follow. e Salvation Army ‘asked a grant id Mrs. towards the erestiow, of their new. f $10 was given hrough his solicitor action was taken. The council was urged to en- daughter Mrs. Charles | 70" ¢ne erection of a wire fence on Referred to the road tt) had been ‘amended in 1911 to read as Every iron, steel, concrete. bridge constructed by or un- $1 “the townships ie Ellice and North cted. to repair od the penne along the merit and the northern gray- oad cng bridge ewe; re- ‘ook Walker 2 of Wallace. “Reeve Hamilton the delegate re good\ roads made a ve: efbal the matter of road | an vice to ths. inability of Mr. Tor- he aba be present. _the good = n. T mated cos’ ast per m building would range Ww me condition.» w hee n st i eb t $2. eS. ted ies a. Scott. chairman. reco- to the endeavor of | o House of Refu he House of Refuge Teormaineee: presente ea 201 the Bolntltig motion of ms oid Bheocts. “CARTHAGE. ter with “thelr, caren BE . al Mrs. Bella Gamble of o g 5 .e must be giv tal iss croup and - sale by all Nealon may veho ee as I did Sones eae? Jenetabie . COLLICUTT, fialiparton, Lot 7, P. Fs ‘te Miss R i Read What This Woman Says: | Miss Ella, of Toronto. spent the holi- New: Moorefield Ohio, —““I take great |4a¥8, with their parents Mr. and Mrs. leasure I commenced to take it. I hope {Callaghan is spending his Easterl va- onto and Markdale P: cation ‘with To friends. Mr, Frank McOardie, of 5 tal roof.—Misses Carrie and Louise | utter. of Berlin and Mr. Hartmier, oe Milverton. spent Sunday at Mrs, pisienes . ane raed John Spabr . ?, daughter oderich. spent Eas- E.Pinkham’s Veg: jer with the former's parents Mr. and ydia etable Compound Did For |Mr* A: Svabr, Mr, and Mrs, B. Ber- H } let and son: of Tavistock. and Miss —Mr, Mike Goetz is, spending a coup- Haliburton, P.E.1.:—‘'I hada doctor |16 of days at SSebrelagville with his mn, ) exami d he said had falli ct friends.—Mr. and Mrs. illiams inane pnd Heri rejfe nd son Kenneth spent Easter’ with | iN i rs. Phi un iday int to busin discharge is all gone, and I ay eg ter | Messrs. Roy and y Hosea..of El- ied Mose nine ‘ime. I think any | mir: ‘pent the holiday with Lin- woman is foolish to suffer as I did for| wood friends.—Mr. Gohl. of El- eof afew \imira, spent Eastef with his parents «You can use my letter as a testime —Messrs, Geo. Porter Emersoi en er’ omen | Burnett and Barney Lantz have gone to Elmira wher: ve secured und. ’” — Mrs. thanking you for what your) M; Goe e le! pot had bearing down '|¢own.—Mr. and Mrs, Jno Duench and pains, sree Cus Miss Emma, snent the holidays with in Waterloo friends.—Mre. Huber is vis- Clements. ote Art Saunders long enough togeta ley — Frank Ament son eal. As long asI Melvin ‘a spending the eid on my beck I boliday with Toronto friends—Mx. W emnld. feel better, CAmochan and Misa Jean spent Has- Toe ehes Eo woud tar Bt, Oncenene Me and A Tae mee Wagatha. of ph L, jose bearing enry and children. of Sebringville. ‘Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound was holidays at the home of Mr. W. J. the only medicine that helped me and I Beggs.—Quite a number from here oe ve been growing stronger ever since took in the Elmira fair on Monday.— it will aa Sunt: Basler. of the Normal at is spending. her holidays un- Lavery spent the holidays at her home | ke with Elmira Ba —Miss Jessie dus. oe Waterloo. spent Eas in Mi I exthn. Wray. of ay + | borough. Miss "Bell. of Garthage visiting fier im this vic’ en ng. tho holiday4 at the home of Mr. Mr. svent Friday in towg, with bis broth- This LINWOO). Mrs, Ash anf two daughters. of |Je¥ joon were visiting at the home of ‘os. ¢ over the holiday Mr. Milton Seifer€ and Mi ia eppler Sp e ‘holidays with Monkton friends.—Miss Et r nd Miss Reba Strome spent a few M- at Monkton with the latter's MeMahon 329. L. Brenner 82 sister Grace-Mr, John Schnurr spent. 8° BUG. Ay Barer Si ee Aen st week at Moorefield with 198. J. Logel 83. 0. Rau x, E. Eisen- friends.—Miss McCullough spent Good Minger x, 7. Hisenmenser * A y with Fergus friends. —Miss bard x. Be Tenher ‘ank Palinghac Teacher. mith. a ‘ralee. | centers ai STICKNEY OGRAM ‘At five o'clock on Tuesday, April i 4 eS ra arr a very pretty thoough quiet wed- os. Hayes was visiting ging was solemnized at the home of her sister at the Loretta Con’ ri s ry. ¥ Btrattord, Gvex the “holidays. Mion Sy cnco. when ‘Miss Mariam Our was a yisitor at fs of Linwood. sister of Mrs. Henry. be- he home of ‘Mr. Con: Heinbuch over came the bride of Hera Stickney. of Ge tee ees Riots he seremony took sre Pr eae) eh ek caphigg La Rilo poleanized ss by the Rev. Mr. Hockey, pastor of the tch, was given away by her broth- Mr. Henry.while little Mi ar’ Ae Farrell.—Miss ~ ceremony =a served: Miss A We idenhammer acted bei dressed in pea silk. “the pride received a num- pres mong which was a rer eae sent xs Peautifal furclined eoat with — mink itagerald spent the holida 3 al ill remain ys afte! ich! they will t ir new home on a farm near Elora of n Williams of dine the @ holidays L Ay vedded life. “KINGWOOD, gpent jiriday at the) nfics Helen PEER is. spending ohnston lithe. Raster vacation’ at her eek with | Kippen—Mr. Irvin Kaufman Ae vi it one “Toh, “Roeble loft ing this week, ie ith her parents ‘Wear Ea ‘Geo, Ha ee of Tgoending the holidays at a eiee season @ in fall ewing friday with “but ¢ “Bot un to: the average s. P. Ame: t and ever. of New Germany. pain wakes. sleep and rest boss ma’ Flachs spent Fri- Chamberlain's Linimen' For, sale by in eaute on business.—Mr. F, all dealers. The Arcade Qa WE WANT YOUR TRADE GB , WATCH THIS BUSINESS GROW It is wonderful how our!business is growing. Our sales ae bai 1912 nearly doubled the sales for March . We have to thank the people of Milverton and vicinity for this increase in trade, We will try to do our utmost to hold the “People’s Confidence” and b just and upright dealing we hope to still further the interests of our customers. Have You Seen the Pailette Silks P We are selling 36 inch width at $1.00 per yard and can give you any shade you require, Boys, What About That Easter Hat or Shirt P We have the genuine King Hat in all the new shades, Price $2.50. Hagen Shirts—all the new shades. Saturday, April 6th, we will have a special display of our new King Hats and Hagen Se We want you to see them—no trouble to s tape goods, sen for Saturday Clark’s Pork and Beans, 2 for.. 1 tin Tomatoes. Bring us Your Trade—We Pay Highest Prices for Farm Produce WwW. K. LOTH MILVERTON - - - ONTARIO Try Ghe Sun for Good Printing a Business Announcement Having purchased the hardware business of Mr. Wm. Flach’s, | am now offering the Shelf Hard- ware, Cutlery and Drainage Tools at a discount of 15 per cent. off cost. This will also in- clude Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Etc I have on hand a full stock of Heavy and Building Hard-, ware, Paints, Oils, Stoves, Tinware, Etc. Orders for Eavetroughing ane: cote wall be. —— attended to. zs 3 3 Fs A carload of Wire is expected shortly which wili be sold for $2.15 per hun- dred off the car Spot Cash. =: Me G. SEIP, Linwood (Successor to ‘Wm. Flachs) We again take pleasure in announcing to the Ladies of Linwood and vicinity that the styles for Spring Millinery Are now ready. OPENING DATES: Friday and Saturday MARCH 29th and 30th You are cordially invited to visit our showroom, where we are sure the coase! will meet with your approval. $ Friday and Saturday Specials ~ Special bargain for men,—To hurry you here, we will offer men’s up-to-date Shirts (just arrived) regular 85¢, for ........+ 50c Hats.—We are showing the newest at lowest prices. Just arrived, Ladies’ Thread Silk Hose, regular 35 to 500, for fee te APE yee 25c 200 yards Faniey Gingham at Goleta ae yates GROCERY SPECIALS —Corn Starch 5c, Cooking’ Figs 5c, Saturday ONLY—s lbs. Green Ceylon Tea. for........000++ FOr Ww.O. BUNDY _ LINWOOD, ONT. ee aaa

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