Milverton Sun, 18 Apr 1912, p. 3

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ape The cardinal sent Home Ri quit ted was suppos - Control of Customs a Excise not Conceded A from. onde 808 urs x , Premier The on Th ee for the iets nom iment of an Irish Parliament, ae ravnesas of a Catats and a House f Commons with power to make iene for peace, order and good gov- mn ent in Irela: bill avouiden” that the mat- ‘eh to be excluded from the control the New Irish Parliament cial Committee ot ‘the Privy Coun- “tthe Irish Benete i ls ta consirt of forty mem and ers, Hous 1] Representatives of 164, of atiake Ul - ster is to have 59 and the Universi- ties two. The Senate is to ie members. instance, the Imperial Executive is to control the nominations with a view to assuring the representation of the sina: The neUAA HONS: are to be for the iephere Retina by. oietion mn the eae will be lise by he Leal he | Executiv In se of constabulary, the iS Bose t-oflice savings banks and public loans, in addition to those excluded Rule bill six years, wer is given by the bill to the Tat Parliament demand the e pensions and Act to. its Ne hisal on giv- ing a year’s notice to the Imperial | the osu t. The Irish Parliament is debarred Bee atenue the Home Rule bill Couned a made for the protec- tion of re! leis 8 equalit; re- land, and stipulating ast the thish Parliament | cannot jaws, direotly of indinecsly? to establish x to endow any religion, or to pro: hibit the free exercise thereof, or gious cerémony a condition of vali- dity of any marriage. The Lo: Bieutenant of Ireland is to have the power © or sus- ais any bill on the Mitton of the Imperial Executive. he inter- Pp to be settled by appeal to the Judi- Sia red ae “3 the Privy | sum ment the ‘two Ficaaee: are to eee it joint session. The Lord Ped a4 is to head of the Executive. There will be no religous ett aad he will hold office are Suthority of ‘the Executive is extensive with that of the existing constituencies, but no con- stituency is to have less than 27,000 population. The collection of all taxes is to remain in the, mperial service, and they will be paid oe the Imperial Exchequer, which i Trish au reland the first year, and this will diminish by ee 000 serey until it is reduced to $1,000, The postal services. ee ret to Ireland. ‘ish Parliament is to have power 16. reduce or atte ‘inue the Imperial taxes, exceptit © in- come tax and the stamp cau eatAta duties. It will also have power to alter the excise pie but cereet in the case of bee duties anything which will give @ greater increase per nt, “the Trish Bersales at ee minster is to mbers, 0 for every 100, 000 By he net Young Folks TWO. PLAYHOUSES. This is a story about a little girl who lived in a small house 6 seashore, with her father and rothers and because she had no one to play with, cae: used to ‘‘make believe.’ house was not like the Ararat of other girls. was on the side of a ledge at the top of the field behind her father’s ‘made believe’? that a lighthouse, and e | names of sails. into “A crevice in the ledge, was the lig Id say to ai that. formation of the rocks, almost like a natural armchair; with a very e bay, and uA ret just aboee i it that the Batch here Dinah, the assist: house-] -keeper, generally eta near | an ‘What is being lonesome?’ she asked, Flora best she ee do was to say that being lonesome was wanting some one to play with. But Mabel shook her head. ‘I always have Dinah,” she said, “and I can make believe that little girls come on v: ; and Tan play that I am a sea- capa y ship is in a big storm. I b some ate to be £, Pp. ried to explain, but the dk |THE NEWS WA PARAGRAP _| warrextyes From ALL OVER Canada, tho Empire and the World in General Before Your Eyes. : CANADA, “The grants to the veterans of 66 will ts distributed as appli ae a sing mine plant at eae was Nesireve ty “The caneilsy. Morice Walway | made a successful test ie its first gas-electric #2 on Fri One hundred dollars a aGiake foot was paid for a block of land on St. aaa street, Montreal. e Government has renewed the dance mail contract with the Al- lan Line for another year. The sad iantaty of the Porto be! Rico Railway Company have been changed from Montreal to: Toronto. Government i is Je. pape ae other mee and a Rota stock for the Miaterelonial land decid sent twenty cadets to compete at the Nations! eee at Toronto. rks, claims ny iis company could build the Georgian Bay Canal in five ears, The Duke of Connaught is said to be interested in a scheme for the eee of the Canadian Bay Sawtelle was thrown over his horse’s head at the Calgary forse Show and received shocking injuries. big track-laying machines began work on the Regina and Coe gary sections of the Grand Tru: acific, Four freight cars went through a bridge at Cody’s Station, N.B. car POnbninee ages 40 passengers on the Saget of the train remaine on the tra, The at of Middlesex has made a propesition to the London City Conncil for the erection of joint municipal bulidings to half a Sse: AC. ete train ran in- e slide near Kamloops on ay Fireman Hos were killed, but no one he was inju red. silver dollars for “the present. GREAT BRITAIN. Lloyd’s returns for the past year were published, showing a record onnage for British shipbuilding. The - arquis of Staffor ried t Peter's Church, London, on Fri- day. UNITED 8T STATES, and mud pics, and Mabel came to s her cousin had told her is did.2 Flora often the Hehthouse, and learned now the differ tween Adair acc! a sohinewers aad the But each. ve, gin] was satisfied with her lay- house.-Youth's Companion. — SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Tunics are seen on many tailored street suits. Shaped Beetles of lace are pre- a for a retu ‘iped and Ae silks will be fashionable this season. Strands of flowers hang from the ee in Has iabots, draped or has iis double or Sgt effect. Satin and serge are combined in some of the new, novel suits. Silk takes a prominent place as hat trimming to form bows. Patent leather belts are snappy for linen, gingham, The el ; | Sowns will require white assistant vp es -keeper light Mabel was not there. salt- Hee sar the ete the netics iter from storms. box was oe little short for Dinah’s her ae Ss to he t her Pah tr inah did not mind. ia e aE Flora! : The you By ae tne” aiked Flora, ay meacie siddted tin sania -and for the the first to rie ledge, and saw Dinah in lante? fo: site first pecee, you ask a ee a come to tea,” 8) Plaitings of tulle, lace, or net are 6 In millinery, small flowers and tightly pressed designs are used. Trains complete the new evening adh and the decolletage is cut te many of Bee peter. chiffon ‘Toses are’ Bsa he bow at the _ There i is a decided revival of the jacket bodice popular during the t pecbad empire. There is a steady demand for fine qualities of serges and whipcords for the spring Re: The American locomotive engineers by a large majority. have voted for the calling of a strike. iss Clara Barton, the American Red Oross Society: died in her 91st year, on Friday. GENERAL. A monument to the late synece yeaa was dedicated in Italy day. . TO ILLUSTRATE FARMING. Canvortiog Commission Has Se- d Six Farms. A Fae from Ottawa says: ol ing lessons in up-to-date farming. fT mission is in possession of data indicating that Canadian farms are not as fruitful as they might be, and it is intended to engagi asa qT has Sale reports showing that Canada’s ers are now _paing utiliz ey with -On- tario Sondra in the lead. Fur- ther statistical dita elena We BRITAIN’S FOURTH ARM. Provision is Made for 84 aes for the Army. A atch from London says: Details were eee on sy atdes night in ‘regard to Great ain’s. avia- tion scheme. The are ae for an trained flyers for the army ‘forty at the beginning for the navy ve more than sixty of these fly. pretty flowered foulards are yeu especially appropriate for the ae of youthful maidens The newest hat tle show Ww pro- ae fuse ornaments -of leaves, fldwers, nee bay feathe: -Bordered fabrics are seen in self ane contracting colors of all kinds Trials, in the new shlouse fanes is the ae om errs w See or ties Spat ars du ae the ndustry. { aS VILLAGES SWEPT AWAY. Thousands Hav ve ¢ Been Killed by Eruption in Honduras. A despatch from Mobile, bama, of persons says: T' ing| have per killed und: whole: Indian villages” hea away 2M ay tion of Chiri ‘Del Toro, be the story BD Cantata: Olsvik,: of Uni r Fort Mor- ie eat See ene on es i BARTHQUAKE KH AN on GREECE. Damage ana ined: at Cnphalonia| a Tthaca, fr A’ des) here ae bee: quake: le r Walker and | come not to coin any | ¢ Britain, with a view of encouraging | CHINA'S APPEAL TO CANADA. ‘Saye Starving ‘Millions With Our Superabundance, it has been well said that China| century is China’s, as it is Canada’s it America. China is now the scene transformation, the most mar- important that ee be well othe present famine in China is the most distressing in many years ae comes at a time when the coun- with the anxieties of the revolution and the new govern. |e t’ is short of en We sid an “the situation of China in the midst of this deluge of troubles and contrast it with our own land, so favored by heaven witl prosperity in every province, we may well ask whether the world has opportunity to help oi If we reflect that a Sale night’s untimely frost would blight our own harvest, we will not deny our prosperity. We could not close our ears to this ery for help without teaiie a simi- lar indifference if our own eaves were sunk in like miseries. had six succes: as in some provinces of China, fol. lowed in the last year by floods that swept away every vestige of food, where oud be the eee the asts of material wealth, the pride of empire and all the self- ‘eloufica, tion of human achievement that now our own that the ad ee o! dropp fatness upon — us, what disposed to each |, rs Fl FARM sea Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and ee Home and Abroad, STUPFS. ‘Toronto, Ay a ca Winter wheat pent, 3.05 ik, Manitoba. Whent-No. 1 Northern, 81.14, y Dorie: No. 2 Northern Wil, and. No, 3 at $1.07, Bay ports. Feed wheat rail, 76c. Ontario Wheat—No. 2 white, red and mixed, % to 98c, outside. Peas—$1: 1.25 outside. Oats Car lots of No. 2 Ontario outside, ig 40 Be, ana 2 t ar 0. 2 Ontario a to ho. onthe: . 1. feed; 620, and ria Barley—i8\ BO tp 900. ous CornNo,$ American yellow’ 830, Tonto freight, and kiln-dried at 896. Bye-Mhe Buckwhoat—70 to To outside. Bran Menttobs, brap, $25, in bags, ‘Tor ronto freight, Shorts, $27.50 to $28. YUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples—83. $5.00 per barrel. Sous Oriel! love. of wand -picked §2.50 to $2.60 por, bushel. mey— Etracted, i tine, 11 tb 120 per Ib. “abe, 1 #20 40, $2.75, 4 Baled ha: it $16 to are) on mixed straw—§9 to $10, on track, To- Potatoes—Car lots of Ontarios, in bags, $170, and Delawares at $1.85, Out-of-atore, $1.85 to Poultry -Wholesal prices of choice dressed poultry ;Chiokens, 15 t0_Y7e per Ib.; fowl, 10 to 110; ducks, 13 to 150; tur- keys, 21" to 2c. Live poultry, about 20 lower than the above. BUTTER, eile CHEESE. Butter—Dairy, choice, to ie; large rolls, 3003" Creamery quoted at 3 to for role, a re glide, per Eggs—New-lai de parsibeon ia case Kk ‘Cheese—Large, 1634 to to, 17 to 171-4c, per and twins at 0G. PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, 121. So, pee 1b. in ‘ase Tots. lig 141. 5 Bacon, AG 1o°lte; backs, 1912 to Be —Tierces, 131-4c; tubs, 151-2c; pails, AGRE our duty be but to save the | 13 ie. starving millions of China with the superabundance of Canada. are proverbially @ eaigulls ine! people, and there could be no finer |) expression of mins good- will or @ better antidote to racial Animosiis than for one nation to © the aid of another in such a tine 2 trial. Yanada in reciprocal goodwill, ae even in trade, man fold. The $27. MONTREAL MARKETS, aL oe; do., No. 3, 49¢ Darley-Men. feed’ 664 Sarees $105 to. § Buckwheat, It would come back | ents, ‘ch Bra inal “8. Mouillie—8; Hay—No. 2, ton, car. lots, 618. Cheese—Finest. " westerns, 1514 1-20; do., easterns, 1412 to 1 —Choicest ‘creamery, Y }onds, 331-2 to take in an earnest seni faye uae , the fochatien: ‘of the ‘‘Ca- sledtit National Fund, China Fam- | ine Relief,” to act as a channel through which information may be circulated and eontributions ~for- Jor warded as coming from Canada di-|® tae im Society and other bodies in the United States, who have already forwarded $170,000 to the Central ommittee in Shanghai, China. It is hoped that Canada will be equal- Mm} ly generous. Already $14,000 has bi churches, individuals and civie cor- |?! porations. re sident of the Bank of Toronto, is treasurer of tthe fund and contribu- tions may t direct to him or 8 eee ve ieee of the Bank of | Med Tor. ee SERVICE TO FRANCE. Line to be Established Between Quebec and Havre. A despatch from Quebee says News was received in town on Wednesday evening to. the effect that a direct. service betwee BaNue, Bee and Havre would oS in: t first intended. The first eilite from Quebec will take place un May lith, the Niagara, 15,740 tons, be- ing the pioneer vessel. steerage passengers eargo-will be carried. and general RT TRUCK FARM. Lord Soiners and Lord Hyde to Operate at Pickering. A despatch from New York says: Lord Somers and Lord Hyde, both young men, came over in the Olym: pic to start their two hundred-acre | truck farm at Pickering, near To- Lady aude came with her Hon witee aon N me ae spatch from — Rome plan, wi was ee pesdie oe q Joseph Henderson, Vice-Pre- | says: hecatsblice with the prattrdeeed | the juadron an|of 20 senior Cadets t6 co) PotatoesPer bag, Spring wheat—Win- od, $1.01; No. 3 red, "8 12 t on Frick. dhrouge nities Gare white, 61c; No. 3 white, 601-40; No. 4 mhite 591-4c, Barley—Malting, $1.25 to IVE STOCK MARKE’ Montreal, ne 16--Choice aks ers sold a $7 to $7.25, fo $675, and he jown to. $5.50 0, + Weighed off cars, ‘of calves ruled’ steady, with sales $2 to $8 each, as to size of lambs’ were made at $7 sgt, the few sheep of per ‘Toronto, April 16— Tnatyidnat catile sold as high as $7.20 and Where quality ‘as really choice, ral Toad: good Butcher cattle sold $7.10. from’ $5.0. to from $4 to $5. sold $6.25, $3. Sheep ce Jinmbs scarce and higher, First-cla mes Pie at 87, and choice yearling Tambs anged from $7 to $9. Spring lambs from. $5 Hoge were ‘Armor again at 8860 to. $875, fod'and watered Salven of all kinds were strong from $3 to $3.50. lage ce HUDSON BAY RAILWAY. Government Calls f for Tenders for Miles. ot ~ Second Section of 100 despatch from Ottawa says: Tenders for the second section of the AS Bay Railway will be called for by the Government al- most immediately. This will be one hundred miles long, the ses having already been award-. ed for the first section of one mite Cabin’ and | dr. to be selected, owing to the Auta route. The engineer’s re- port is being aw: aited. a NO SLUMP IN CANADA. Mr. Hays Warns Investors to Ex- amine all Propositions. A despatch from London ‘says: Before sailing on Wednesday ibe pened: Eresdent Hays of ti ik Railway, denying Hg statenetts “that Canada had oyer- borrowed, warned the investing public to be more careful in cxam- jning Canadian propositions and to houses. reason to ex- pect the aimee Si some predict- {ed so long as Beoble kept’ aces to the country. CADETS FOR CANADA. New Zealand to € Compete at AG os Exhibition. — has decided to take the palviee ot reliable financial | A despatch ions Chicago Dr. W. Beattie Nesbitt, wanted in Toronto on a charge of participat- ing in a conspiracy to wreck the out: | thre lower Thursday Detective Wallace ‘ived ee Toronto, and ag same aa the suspect was arr Detective Joseph Cahill thew Barda took ‘the prisoner Schuttler’s office, eho he was ae aw: v5 Mat- 5 | Former President of Wrec of Wrecked Fethaan Bank Captured at shee aouteoatal chy W whe allace, S elarea! the ‘om Toronto, — a brief examination, the suspect was ken ‘ive a Hall to some — outlying police ae where it is said he locked up, Nesbitt 4 hes ee to have been living in Chicago for Pete time vanes the beme of rie SILENT JOHN BURNS, n Burns is going down to Lan- aighire® where he will. shake off “the cold chain of silence that has hung o’er him long.’’ English gos- sips, who will insist on putting two and two together so as to make five, assert that his silence arises from the fact that there is no love lost between him and Mr. Lloyd George, who was not sufficiently careful to ascertain John’s views about old age pensions, budgets, Rt. Hon. John Burns, “J.B,” himself, and insurance schemes. as he sometimes 24 | therefore held his peace on all those ii $5.-| legislative efforts. 0. ‘or a strange ohn, As the firs o attain to Cabinet rd, who dearly loved his little joke, was $0 cynical people said—to point out with bated ht 20 breath to visitors to Windsor Castle | of the chair on which John Burns once sat, and the bedroom in which John urns once slept; and there were that when Sir Henry Campbell- Bannerman offered him a seat in the Cabinet, bl re evil-tongued people who told aoa PAINFUL FEET, f Pain in the feet in walking is gen- erally due to the weakness or the actual breaking down of the arch of the foot—or rather of the arches, beannniet wit th pain. In rare instances the arch is not broken down, but is rather exag- ger rated, and the heel is somewhat of the leg and causes pain cause of painful fect is a gouty or rheumatic condition of the fibrous structures, This brief account of the causes of pain in feet shows that it is impossible to say offhand what will bring relief. Almost always, how- toe out, Han, sh straight forward, in somewhat, That relaxes the tension on the ligaments that support the arch and allows them to recover their ton When the effort to force the foot Sine: rei so as to throw the weight of the body on the outer side of the a and relieve the arch from pressure. If that does not bring re- lief, it may be eet ary to use an arch-support. at, paves: should be done ale on the advice of the surgeon, for in certain cases the support aggravates the condi- deigh lt prevents the strengthening © ligaments that support the Bectc If caused by rheumatism or even ing and night in a erlnaen of F Ey Epsom salts, in the ratio to good Duteier gentle fetched | m remains that he is one of the most remarkable men of .our ti He has about him all the charm of a id ae of political seh a have not n slow to repose it MUST LABEL OILS. Provisions Fixing Standards of Edible Vegetable Oils. A despatch from Ottawa ie Under the provisions of the A. “seed oil must be declared on the label. The be stated on the label that the contents of the | get ackage are a mixtur —. COAL DROPS eee) A TON. nin One Day rath from London The oo of coal dropped $2.50 a fall ever known in one —_— rt RAILWAY BUILDIN® who will be needed rise railway con- struction in’ Canada as soon a: spring opens? Sens id impro alt sho ton on Friday. This is the pisces iS The Winnipeg Telegram makes th's estimate of the number of men is the ¥ + | The Tel legtam SANs. es the three Pores Syncs 000,000 in on toa. pintof wate —Youth’s EVEN aOR, PURE Al AIR. “The bagi rig! pure air must al- in ie yon aeenoe sleeping and living-rooms, i sh the rapid fall of the temperature outside the house there is a constant danger of draught. I know of a great many cases where ve) Biggest ae Evens Known in Lon. says: | 000} A Bo: sued on i ee s that emigrants left vi ir 19il. OF to tees

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