- es EORGEA.SI ATE y ONTARIO and $210,000 i Ss EH Real Eeanbmy angi is no economy buying cheap shoes, Good footwear, the right tower for you, is sways and a at tbe office of the Ua ‘Treas- urer, Toronto. or, ai offices of | w. Tr Wrong shoes you are $| the Bank of aioatrakie ah Mantroek: anada. and i . oa never satisfied with the fit, the the holder's ‘option, looks, the wear. made payable if ider com nenced work INVICTUS Footwear is not quest will be registered in the office | with his drill machine this week at cheap nor made for a cheap class { the Provincial Treasurer and en-| Mr. Slitter’s. of buyers. It costs more, and Aorsed as payable only to the order 0” | fr, . Matthe ews. vi! m certain pe! ir orations. (le , sells for more, INVICTUS Shoes are quality shoes and thus meet the require- ments of all critical shoe buyers. Wm.Zimmermann ‘and after the Sist of May. 1912. the issue price will be and interest accrued from the 1st Ma: oy 1912. ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED DO. IT NOW STOCK ISSUED UNDER THE A! ORITY OF THE SAID ACT gest “a FREE FROM ALL. ee PROV- is ddone during the Mi] INCLA eae: 3. BU! nem frat the way ANU IMPOSITION WHAT! JOE Secure Your Agency Now Purchasers of ‘Stock or Bonds will ‘We want a good reliable man for this be required end certified cheque district, beca saree Woes Sears tle agree order of the “Provincial Treasurer of ment, and you rep: firm of 85 | Ontario. wise the demand for fruit | with the application. payable to the nt, and resent a years experience with over, six. hun- (a , acres of land under cultivation. c Pelham Nursery Co. -Toronto B ‘This loan is\raised upon thd credit ff the Gonsolidated& Revenue, Fund of hate ario, sige is chargeable thereupon ah naa as Apia oltes Treasury Depa arliament eae ings. Toate. tori 1th, 1912 Central ewspapers inserting this adver- feet without authority trom th e Provincial Loans of $2,000,000 ie M 4 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO- . NTARI fe | visited with Mr. and Mrs, Donald on 8 ing ma: Business College 3 | Department will not be paid £ Stratford, Ont. We have a staff of nine experienced e on church union in the instructors and_Our courses ate. the ur 3 - reek, tes rect er rmed ¢| Christian Gua Wa that ‘they have positions payin 01 congregations 37.176 $65, $70 and $1.25 per month. We 3| Years and ov have three departments—Commercial Shorthar and and Telegraphy, Write for voted agains: our free catalogue now. for an 1D. A. McLACHLAN, - Principal against. The favor is 48491 nd against 6.516. Dairy Farmers Attention HAWKEBVILLE Intended for last week. and Mrs, Wm, {fyack spent Saturday in the Glei and Mrs . 34 Waterloo, lay. Laura’ Den: Sunday with few B. and Miss Reba Strome and Li ir, Geori Perc a Weiaenday lots Miss Ruby Goetz, of L’nwood, is spending a few day: with: her sister Mrs. W. W. Martinson d_ Mrs. Johnson Mr. Thos. Wilkinson's on Mis: ottie returned, home lem. atter apen nding a few week. at Winterbou: Miss Bitty Ballard! is home for a week's holidays at present. Tom A('amd spent igs many. ailments in its train and is the vrimtry cause Constipation brin . Sold by itaealers WARTB)IRG. The backward isch tu. ae carp n- She Gubtee lose a Taupe brood - are fey foal last Tuesday. Mr. ‘and’ Mrs. Lonis Harloft, Rostock, Sundayed wit # ith friends here. Misses Amelia id Deira Denstedt of the Classic see Sun¢ayed at their parental home h Master ended ‘He: r7, of Strat- ford. visited at h rirer hi in the Traders bank. ee Master Timothy Prrimmer, of Win nip & whe has been spt in few weeks in the barg is ea : 4 e Jacob Ptrimmer, of lenry Diedrich ere a flyin, trip to Berlin last wee gee In cases ot cabnaatne relief from pain makes sleep and pee ve This may be obtai sovlying Start the season right by shipping vour cream to the Walkerton Creamery. We are in a position to handle an unlimited quantity of Fresh Cream for but- termaking purposes and beg to solicit your shipments. ‘We pay by Express Money Order, Post Office Money Order or Bank Money Order and pi are ae anere te weeks. Express charges paid on all shipm: Byery can of cream Netiytet ad ‘eae ae arrival at Creamery. ‘Write for cans and further particulars t WALKERTON EGG & DAIRY CO., Limited Ww, . ALKERTON, ONT. 2 Te all dealers ete SUFFERED EVERYTHING For Years,RestoredTo Health by Lydia E.Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound. Canadian women are continually writ- ing us such letters as the two following, which are heartfelt expressions of grati- tude for restored health: Glanford Station, Ont.—‘I tes ta- oe Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- id never ine HENRY CLARK, Gianford "Station, Ont. Chesterville, Ont. — ‘‘I heard your medicines hig ly praised, ayear ay I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble. “My left side pained me all the ‘and just before my. periods which wae se. To sit down cai \d suffer- and I w 80 nervous some- times that I could not to see any oneor hear any one speak, Little spans would float bafcte my eyes and I wi always constipa’ “ie cannot say too much for Ea ws = cham’s Vegetable Compound ani Liver Pills, for there are no medicines Cee have en id I mmend them to all women. Youmay publish this testimonial.””— Mrs. STE- PHEN J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario, ADDRESS AND P PRESENTATION very pleasant eu uk place at ihe home of Mr. Ms. Vipond, of Donegal. on Friday agehia last when number 0} mbers and ad- plied in suitable terms after w ae very pleasant evening was spent. To Mr, and Mrs. Vipond and Maggie Vipond— Dear Friends—We. th: apmber adherents and friends of the " church hi ig noted with ieee ap: your labors, end a ne well or we can give no cognit- sales your services Tene aienne we much to say that for all that is best. ws the life of ou : ures and com: under Gee , ec = ae MACTON. nwavering loyalty, Your saint. y piri Me," and. “Mrs, Thos. Hackett, of ; Linwood. visited at the home of the see latter's Parent Mr. Wa, DI rebuki Mr. Melvin Walle to selfishness. indifference or sin. f stein. visited with his parent Ste and Mrs, ha Fors ek and R wh en FOR SALE! New and Profitable to Farmers and Poultry Men Imported Disinfecting : Evaporating Nest Eggs Guaranteed to banish lice and vermin. This powferful disinfecting, evaporating nest egg is a wonderful discovery. are lasting, give comfort to fowl and more production of eggs; also a prevention to set- tinghens, 10c each or $1.00 per dozen, Sole Agent for Canada and U.S.A. FREDERICK W. PROBST LINWOOD, ONT. Business Announcement Having purchased the hardware business of Mr. Wm. Flach’s, I am now offering the Shelf Hard- ware, Cutlery and Drainage Tools at a discount of 15 per cent. off cost. This will also in- clude Spades, Shovels. Hoes, Forks, Etc. I have on hand a full stock of Heavy and Building Hard- ware, Paints, Oils, Stoves, Tinware, Etc. Orders for Eavetroughing oe oe will be ela! _ attended to. A carload of Wirei is expected shortly which will be sold for $2.15 per hun~ dred off the car Spot Cash. ty J. G. SEIP, Linwood (Successor to Wm. Flachs) + |sale by all dealers. st see Bertha Tabbert one The farmers stare ations last wee <i ean Alvinghe ee day Ja. a ih ng Se Yr i but the weather ha T. J Smith and lay Quarterly services will be helt in the Methodist entra Gie and quickly ssields to the free cation of Chamberlain’s Liniment. For ‘ Messrs. Stuart. Howard and Will e are all pores sie your life. in- fluence and work!and we realize that e stand under i a moral indebt= edne hat grace God have been to h mer- its can never find rae rew in this life. but we asf you to pt oes easy chairs aah ae that the y Signed on behalt of the Methodist Church. — Donegal a enallan, or It is never, too late, to m b Sunday. Crowle. will ve | sometimes it is too expensive. charge of the ervibce Guile Be Smith will officiate at Linwood = RP Le. Lame Shoulder ia nearly 5 = due t m of the muscle SELECT Seed Corn Best variety on hand. yberry Sundayed with the in Mayberry Nebrasks nd Miss L h Mr. J See daugater Ed- ited a Lie days of last week in a adel Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schmeh) visited Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr my Shearer isised. her eles mid aM Miss ‘Jean Ses on Saturday Mangel | Seed Extra Quality As this seed is very scarce this season, we would recommend purchasing early. Just arrived a carload of superior and Orangeville Cenient al I. D. ATKIN ut NWOOI). . B. Lanz. of of Elmira, spent Sun- day ne ve home of his parents Mr, and Mrs. Lantz, r. and Mine H, Parsil. of Chicago. spent a few days at the home of Mr. ©. Parsil. Mr. S. Wallace spent Sunday at his home in Ponsonby. Mr, and Mrs, ©. Parsil visited with Deagtan friends on Bunda: of: Elmira. spent Sun- aay “under | oho parental r Vv; erlets eat ria days in v Berlin es our young amen have ately been ‘promoted in the banking ‘busi- ness, Mr, M, Goetz whd ha een ledger keeper in’ Milverton has been transferred to the Millbank branch and is to fill the position of telle Mr. A. Heinbuch has been transferred from Port to Toronto, Con- gratulations. . Meyer’ was a business visit- or ‘6 Elmira on Monday. Mr. H. Fitzgerald atdended o ball in Wingham on’ Monday even Mr. N. Streicker. of Tila: apet Elgin Jos, Hayes : spent Sunday ip Milverton Mr. and Mrs. N. Rod attended the funeral of the former’s brother-in-law Mr. 8. Miller at Milverton on Tuesday Mr. Bex dessa ee Fri- day Mr: cok who has Rye Hie ae few days at the homei of . H. Sel ag Ament. J. rage cd . Fried Runstedler and Ament were pleasure’ seekers ‘ais, tow Sun WELLESLEY. ©. Heldmani and son. of Baden, i irereecence the Co. of Berlin, called or the different business men im that particular line on Monda Mr. Peter Wagner of the Royal has purehased an auto from a St. Cathar- ines firm which arrived on Saturday. We understand ave Pek more to ar- rive in the near futu ‘ir. Carl pores aa. several, eee friends visited here on Sun Mr. Bhei ans Jendt ane eualsts ing to but. got caught on i and hung b: e arm until he was re- leased. Medical aid was summoned wak of Gadshill moved week and is working for Rat: ret. to revort the death o iel Kennel who departed this life last "Mond ay. Deceased had been in dec! for some ye The remains which were followed i Mr. Biyour. Mrs A Gerth and the Misses L. Zember. El- mina Schopp and Ida Berdux spent Sunday in St. Pe S = I pent Sunday at e her and of New. Hom- burg. spent sunday here with relati es and frie GLENALLAN. wedone bells “are are ringin| r saw and, chopping mil is run- ning full time, . J. Rogerson of Arthur. pre spent ing has commenced. Miss Edna Armstrong has reS+r ed to Toronto: after pers a week with her parents here. Miss Elsie Raemen has returned home after spendin. a few days wi ériends in the, Glen, Joseph Witt intends to move ide. Fran 4 nt visting ‘eonied oh Bs al on business on Saturda Mr. and drs. P. one spent Sun- ughter Mrs, Dar Yutzi. Toppi ene engnee, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. D. tae wee aaueterned te x home here after mpending. severa} oe with friends in Hano medicine mast be given to young cohen it sl ing it pleasant to t It has no shes for colds: croup an@ whoop- ing cough. For sale by all dealers. “ORRTHAGE. Seeding operations are in fullswing in oe vicinity. “Mr. Moffat “of Millbank. wil and e' of Beret Sia Pe aibank ‘church the sa day. Mr. John Kerr, of Pemnbaals spent Mr. Kerr’ Sunday ai Carthage cheese Teetney: will ae the season’s operations on Mj 1s! onthly meeting of the = thage Auxiliary will b> held 02 Thar:- dav afternoon of this week at home o _ J. Ke May erry Mr. loore made ipment of live stock from Tralee Reisen iy last SS! You need to know what a young man’s outgo is as well as what his in- Spring Suits We invite you to call and inspect our New Spring Stock. All of the latest. gcods are shown here. and Armstrong’ spen' mindy ith rien her Ou are kept busy and Sihat trade 18 brisk this spring Gladys of Hespeler. is visiting in the present Clarence MeLaughlin and si Mone, Sterame ent of the Lord's ‘9 Sup- er will be conse xt Sunday ore! dist “churell by tin wool. Ser- ‘clock. DORKING. ry. of Elmira. is sve Be Lav Mr. ing a few days at his parental hom: her eis, Helm and his men from Hes- the timber for 8 driving e ast Batarday mam. ‘o we: eae, has re- ‘ bared the . aaineblt was in Linwood ‘Mi. Jas. Cookman and family. . of eS ieee ae ed to our midst Be eee 0 ecepted a pete ney *Gchae fer for the y. of “Macton. t “es ilearies CMa Rober! c a b? MeWhin: called on ney on a oe J. E. Byron made a flying trip to} Linwood on Saturday. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Weaver. of Elmira. spent Sunday with thet daughter . Ed. Holzsebu' Messrs, P. D, Cockwell and Pem Lavery were Glenallam visitors on Sunday. Any be rson in need of garden... tur- pip or Trangel seeds or. dutch sett on- ed will do well to call on H. Alling- wees: * Manser. of Salar od. wasin town on business on Betarday: ——-— PEFFERS. —_ rs. Alf. Holmes. of . and. Jj Stratford. eee eens here at,their bi dale al ie. Mr. I. vor rst. of Winnipeg. paid ‘ainters oe finishing Mr. T. Stevens! new Bees ers are busy seeding. A num- ee “will finish fe wee Mr. rst~ eat fe load of cattle to Toront c on Satu Ti e is one thing ae farmere here are opposed to it is rural mail delivery if it “a ia occasion the bee of our ‘past off t promressiv re fe, Business men a are those- who talk te the spas fore eae newspapers. ote most come is in order to getaline on him candid wi Spring Time! Warmer weather is predicted. Now is the time to pre- pare. This store is stocked up with new summer goods in every department. Call in this week and see them. AHAT FOR EVERY FACE VOILES We carry in stock all the leading shades, both in wool and cotton. Prices range from 15¢ to 50c yd. WASH GOODS Our Muslins, Piques and Ging- hams are beautiful. Large assort- ment to choose from. HOSIERY As usual, we will be aaNiatio for all kinds of Ladies’ and ren’s Hosiery, See the lisle hose we sell at 25¢ Pair NEW TIES We have, without doubt, the new- est and nattiest ties in town, See the new tie in plain colors we sell Cost no more money— are self-conforming, just where the hat touches the head. This feature makes them fit the head At 35¢ Each naturally. All the new styles are here. s: 3: 3: SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY 3 1b. tim Pork and Beans. 1 package Corn Starch. 1 Ib. pkg. Seeded Raisins 6 bars Comfort Soap. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SATU! 1 1b. tin Gilmour’s Talcum Powder Free with all pur- chases of $2.00 or over in dry goods, This offer is for cash only. 3300) i AHAT FOR EVERY FACE WM. K. LOTH MILVERTON - - - ONTARIO How about that New We handle the Ne Setting? Vititms as good eon and easy terms. Any part furnis! at short notice. A full stock of needles always kept in stock. HENRY C. ZOEGER N Yan, 11-4, :WTON, ONT. Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices:you will find us right Repairing Promptly Attended to Geo. J. Coxon Wreek-End Specials! Grey Cotton 45 yards regular 8 cents for’. A few pieces of Print a o Is and S t Men’s sizes, good value at $1.00, for... Men’s Socks, a ‘i Men’s Fanc: Ae nea Ties * Men's Shirts, regular 50: “ Durable line of Braces. us| Underwear 3 Ladies’, Children’ sand Intant’sVests & Good value in hose . Various Saag at. 1), 15, 25c each , Band 25c pair Special Prices Men’s Raincoats We are showing a few samples, very special a -. $6.50 In listin, Ane above lines of dry goods, we beg to indul, frank talk witl atrons. As a business ente: dil alee vou cation does not warrant Hes Ea carry a el HE of sept pods 36 but, connectio i aeeiers We ies at vine prices—in some instunces DEINE the enpinttons tsa production. this eat understanding between us and our patrons, we belie’ are worthy of your confidence and patronage of such lines iheEore equivalent to your requirements. J. W. Honderich, 0.T.R. Station Store "ith